The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 20, 1892, Image 4

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Tho O. D. C Give a Farewell
to Dora Fricke. --
The World's Fair Commissioners
Held an Interesting Meeting
Yeterday Oiher Notes
About the City.
The O. D. C. pave another one of
their pleasant parties last night at
Kockwood hall. The party being1 in
honor of Miss Dora Fricke, who
leaves to-night for a visit in Ger
many. On account of the weather
there was not as large a crowd pres
ent as usual, although everything
passed olf in a pleasant manner.
Following are those in attendanc:
Mr. and Mrs Sam Patterson, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Coursey, Maggie
Oliver, Janet Livingston, Bertha
Wise, Dora Fricke, Nannie Moore.
Klla Wricht, Mand Vivian, Mamie
Gibson, Delia Tartsch, Mary Stiles,
Amelia Vallery, Georgia Oliver,
Kattie Wharton, Dollie Walker, Net
tie Ballance, Mae Dutton, Klla
Clark, Clara Green, Lucile Simpson;
Miss Putnam, Will Stadelman,
Will Clements, Chas. Murphy, Chas.
Sherman, Frank Johnson, Logan
Brown, John Schulholf, Robt. Cro
zier, Chas. Vallery, Kd Schulhoff,
Arch Coleman, Al Perriue, Chas
Richey, John Langston, Kmil Wurl,
Harry Green, Tot Hartigan, of Hast
ings, and Dert Wheller, of Omaha.
World's Fair Commissioners.
The worlds fair commissioners
held a meeting in Omaha yesterday.
during which plans were accepted
for the Nebraska building at
A resolution was1 presented and at plaintiff? cost.
. Nehtwka News Notes.
i Mr. Kli Pitman is in Omaha today
with a load of fat cattle.
McBride and Parmer have shipped
125 car loads of hogs from this point
since last December...
Mrs. Iv A..-Kirkpatrick has, re.
turned from St. Joe where she has
ben visiting her son.
. A heavy raiii ,and hail storm to
the north and west last evening is
reported here, causing a rise in the
Weeping Water today.
The new stone crusher at , the
quarri s started up Saturday and
has been rattling away day and
night ever ince. It is said to work
like a charm.
Rev, Williams the Methodist min
ister has resigned his charge here
and is moving. to Lincoln having
accepted a position as clerk in one
of the large manufacturing estab
lishments of the capitol city.
The business of laying iown side
walks and planting of trees around
over our city goes grandly ami glo
riously on. Thanks are particular
ly due Messrs McBride and Sturm
for. the former and Hon. Lawson
Sheldon for the second.
The band boys .have received
their new instruments and are tak
ing regular lessons semi-weekly.
Moreover every fellow essajs to
toot his horn at all opportune as
well is inopportune hours in the
day and the night. Practice makes
The special train from Platts Weeping Weter on Satur
day was emphaticcally the righ
thing at the right time.. Delegates
and others visiting the convention
report a good time and eloquent
speaking Hurrah for Harrison
Guthrie the Scene of the Only
Marked Disturbance.
What Was Lately a Wilderness
Now a Place of Much Bustle
and Activity Descrip
tion of the
County Court. ;
William Caygill vs. John Beck et
al. Dismissed on motion of plaintiff
adopted '.requiring the .successful
architect to furnish au acceptable
bond that the building would not
cost over $15,CC3, the nniottut which
me commissioners uau appropri
ated for building purposes.
The plans, as submitted by
Henry Voss, provide for a two-story
building, built in the old colonial
style, with porticos front and rear,
the front porticto to be supported by
iour Corinthian columns, sur-
mounted by a gable bearing in
ornamental scroll the name
The first story provides for an ex
hi bit ion hall 60x93 feet, postoffice,
check room, commissioners' oflice.
commissioner general's private
office and "reception and toilet
rooms.. , .
The second story provides for. an
exhibition space of the samedimen
ions as on the lower floor, together
with smoking and reading rooms
for gentlemen and sitting and
toilet rooms for ladies.
In the matter of. the estate of Wil-
helmina Krampean. Hearing. final
'settlement, May .X0, 10 a., m. . , .-,
. In the matter of the last will, and
testament of Catherine J. Ruby, de
ceased. . Petition filed for probate
of same and for letters testamen
tary to CJeprge S. Ruby, executor.,..
Julius II. Langhorst vs.., Spice D.
Ells. Suit for f3C0-CQmmission.,on
sale of farm.- -Trial to jury and ver
dict for plaintiff for $300.
In the matter' of the last will and
The Cheyenne and Arapahoe res
ervations were opened, according to
President Harrison's proclamation,
for settlement yesterday. Follow
, ing is a partial account:
Promptly at high noon Governor
Seay, stationed in the watcli tower
of Kl. Reno, dropped the signal Hag
and the battery belched forth a peal
of thunder, glorious news to the
waiting throngs, and the wild race
began. How they did go through
the pouring rain, up hill and down
hill, through the little rivule s that
threatened to be torrents before
night. . No trouble of any sort, no
disturbances, occurred on the. line
of the opening. About G,CG3 people
made the race from west of Kl
Reno,asmany from Kingfisher, 7.CC.0
from the line of the Wichita reser
vation west of Minco, 3.000 from
from the Cherokee strip, on the
north, the Pan Handle of Texas on
the west, and the Kiowa Indian res
ervation on the south.
A special train over the Choctaw
road ..from Oklahoma dumped a
load at the .Rack Island crossing a
few moments after noon. The
crowd from El Reno, which had a
town organization completed,
reached the land at the sarnie time.
The site was black with men within
half aq hour after the opening....
It was, a .lucky thing for, many
boomers that the wait on the bor
der ended to-day. They had gone
to the front with scant supplies and
stood as .long as they could.
Around the border of county H yes
terday, .men went, gun in hand, .de
manding, that those who. had pro
visions should sell them. - Alight
rain falling when the start was
,,aa many from Hennessy and
as inaay as all ,of these in
squads all along the line
- i : - - - - -
testament of Alhe y. Roberts de-j made, deprived the scene ot a pic-
ceased... Petition, for. probate, of I tureseue character, Dut it aia not
same, .and, letters, testamentary ,to
J. M. Roberts, J. W. Johnson and, T.
M. Howard. - Hearing, May 9, 10a. m.
C. H. McCormick & Co. vs. W. H
Beck et al. Action . in reviver of
judgment in. the sum of I2743S.
In the matter, ot the estate, ot
Catherine-.. J.. , Ruby, , k . deceased.
Notice to creditors to file claims on
or before October 21, 10 a. m. ,
C H. McCormick & Co. va. W. B
Beck et al. Action, to revive judg-
The buildinir. in couformirv with ment nhe 8ura $291.25. ,
in me nailer ui uie esuicoi aiuc
Y. Roberta, . ( d eceased- o t ice v tp
creditors to file claims on or before
October 10 a. mJ, ..
In the matter of the last will and
testament of James". If el man de-1 ver and badly injured, but he re-
pointed by Governor Boyd took ceaiae HarinS on i .tpjid- mamed ia the ring and got the
other world's fair buildings, will be
finished on the outside in stoff or
artificial stone, this being- the
cheapest and at the same time the
snost effective finish
Yesterday the two new men ap
damper: enthusiasm. 4
A riot, occur ed .in front of the
Oklahoma City land office, at the
hour of opening to-day, and a num
ber of people were injured. '.At 12
o'clock Register Leach announced
tha t no, Junes' would be recognized,
and th,e. first.. person tp 'get in the
door would have the first filing and
others in succession as they arrived.
This precipitated a wild rush and in
a few, moments hundreds of men
and women were engaged in a dis
graceful scramble, fighting, pulling
and trampling on each other, and
for. a . time . it seemed .as . though
many would be killed. - One man
was struck on the head with a revol-
can write the most words on
new U . S. Postal Card .
TP fr TrQ
CyJ : yUj v u
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
1 A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3 Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be.readable with the naked eye,
And wriLten in sensible sentences.
JOE; The On: Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb k i
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892. .
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
y the Popular Clothier, ,
their seats. .The com.missgm,prQT
creded to the election of a president
and a secretary. A J Sawyer and
Charles A. Coe were placed in nom
nation and on the second ballot
Coe was elected. A. II. Gale of Bas
set was elected secretary,
The by-laws governing the action
ot the commission were taken up
and given a thorough revision.
4 lie following committees were
then appointed:
AudilipgA, J. Sawyer,.. ',.ry
mit same to probate, and letters, test-1 eleventh filing. , He had. been third
amentaiy to Sinlda Helman - execu-1 in the line, but. sold his. place for
trix. ! Prayer of .. petitioa. granted I $253 this moraine:.
and bond fixed at f 1.0CX
In the matter of the estate of Har
riett Burns deceased." Petition filed
for' appointment of Alfred -W.
White administrator. Hearing May
9th at 10 a. m.
'i-.i i "
. i TthB State Industrial School.
Church Sitzman, of Plattsmouth,
Neb who has been visiting his
three eons at the Industrial school
, j v.. ." r c t. for a day or two returned home this
Pnnting-.and. advertising Seth . . ... n , . . .
. j . ? j. . .- - morning via the & M. Mr. Sftz-
Stewart . and
Building W eiss,
Commissioner Garneau brought
a few .communications before the
commission which he had received.
One asked that the' recommended
man, in .conversation, .with a Hub
reporter, spoke in yery complimen
tary terms of the good .management
of the school. He was glad to see
that 'his sons were being so well
cared for,, "and he could notice a
ppropriatibn fbr the horticultural "l?' ?"d from a ixplyer and blooid. spurted
Miss Carrie Sorenson, a clerk in the
United States land office here was
-mm a. m
in uie crusn anq oy the aid ot a
couple pf friends succeeded in get
ting a filing on the. .quarter section
of .land, adjoining. Arapahoe, the
county seat. of. G county,, on the
north. She says her experience in
the crush was - a ' terrible one, and
will be long remembered.. On every
side, men were . pullingj ..hauling
aweariig, striking, ad jiobody was
respected, .v She was.- pulled and
pushed and .crowded until almost
ready to faint, but escaped without
idjuiy. A.woman near her had her
clothes torn tm pieces. One man had
his .bead . cut .open with a blow
department be increased from f "i.CCj
to J6.C00. The commission con
curred in the request.
Commissioner Garneau also pre-
aemea a communication irom sev
eral Iadieo, asking' that.' a ladies'
board be created to look' after the
ftlerexl" of 'tlie women's exhibit.
The whole .matter was left in the
bauds of the commissioner general.
The 'discussion of plans for the
Nebraska building was then taken
up. Architects. Brogge of Grand
Inland, Brnbdok of Kearney, Woods
of Lincoln and Henry -Voss of Oma
lia were 'prvseftt and exhibited "the
designs' which tliey had' prepared.
J&ach architect was gjven fifteen
Btiuute to explain his plans. ,:. The
cot of the different ; designs-i aver..
2d f 15.000. 1 After ! the architects
finished, the coniiiiissiohers delayed
tfetr oecifion lor an evening e-
fx. Houseworth and W. Wells
tfft thb mornimr for Falls City, as
delegates to attend the district con
wf-ntiou. wlHt'li ineetsi there this
conduct, Uewaagrertly impressed I oyer eyery body Aear him, The win
with.the; religious ser yicea. that were. I dows of tlie land flic e were smashed
held yesterday jn ,.the institution.! in and other damage done.
jvvery.j-iuuiaus -seemeu. ... to , oei The area of the Cheyenne and
greatly interested in the services Arapahoe reservation, opened to
and mucti enthusiasm was inanl- day, is in uch larger than is general
ic8icainrougnpui,inecnure meet- iy supposed., ... JLt, would,, make two
ing. rivearney mud.. ,i . . .
For millinery and pattern hats or
anything in the line of ribbons.
llowers of the latest styles and de-
signs, can on izue l uciter Sisters in
the Sherwood block, ir, r tf.
uur,tnree ijome uisuraace com.
pauies located iu Nebraska wrote
last year 23 per cent of tlie total fire
insurance for the., state as against
75 jer cent written by over one hun
dred eastern companies daing bus
iness in Nebraska.,. This shows
that the. people hive confidence, in
home companies and are disposed
to keep their money at home, in
stead of sending it east and contin
ually draining the money from the
west, and making it scarce, and
hard to get. even ut a high rate of
Insure iu the home fire of Omaha
the leading utate company.
Oklahomas or five
contanis 4fl0QJJOO -acres. ...After the
Indian allotments are - taken out,
there will remain SJOOQfiOO acres, or
enough to give 800 acres each to
22,000 settlers outside the townsites.
The best lands have, been taken In-
the Indians .and .many of the boom
ers will be -sorely -disappointed, in
the character of their lands when
they attempt to cultivate it.
The promptness aud certainty of
its cures have .made Chamberlain's
cough reniedj famous. It is intend
ed especially for , cough s;,i colds,
croup and whooping cough, and is
tlie most effectual remedy known
for these diseases. 50 cents bostles
for sal by F. G. Fricke.
Wanted: An enerjretic man to
.manage branch office. Only a few
dollars needed, salary to start
per month and interest in business (
The Western Co.. Kansas City. Mo.
Mrs. B.- N. iLoverin went up to
Omaha this morning. ... .
Mrs. Frank Carruth was an Oma
ha passenger this morning- . . ,
Railroad Cousrh Cure is the true
Antidote for Throat -and Lung
Troubles. Fully . warranted . at
Brown Sc. Barrett and O. H. Sny?
tier's, . . . , .; , .
Mrs. L. F. Britt and daughter were
Omaha passengers this morning.
Mrs. T. I. Unruh and children went
ud to Omaha this morning for a
visit with relatives.
Capt. H. B. Palmer passed through
the city this morning on No. 5 on
his way home from Cincinatti.
Lost An ' open-faced silver
watch, between Main street and my
home. The finder will please leave
at THE Herald office and receive
reward. E. Kline.
Mrs. W. A. Swearingen departed
this morning far Elmwood, where
she will visit for a couple of weeks.
61 C. Parmeie and J. M. Craig left
for tlie western part of the state this
morning to be gone' two or three
Miss Dora Fricke and Miss Ed a
Wiggenhorn will leave on the flyer
this evening for Germany, to be
gone about one year.
Rail-Road Pain Cure has no equal
as a Pain Killer. Use for all bodily
naina and . soreness. Guaranteed
by Brown Barrett ana 0. 11 sny
A sparring match will be given
at the opera- house between Jeffer-
soa aad Cal - Walton Wednesday
eyeninf-jApril.'2i.;i 5- :.
Rev: Falk; "formerly of , tjiis city
but now' of Stransburg, 'Neb.,'rs in
the citr. and will preach -at the
SWedish c!urpji.,vto-.nabrroTr; even
ing ;ai o'Qpck, to which every , one
is invited to attend v. . io
.' til I. H t. -.-
Tho Second Performance. -
The opera Neta'; was ; presented
at the opera house for... the.secoud
tinie last evening tp a . fariy filled
hoirse. ; .The different characters
were well -executed. The tableaux
were all well, executed and every
body .was well pleased with the per
formance. -The school. library - .will
now be able. to. lay in a good sup
ply of liooks-
The republican congressional
convention meets at Falls City. April
2. The M. P. makes - one fair and
third for round trip, limit of certifi
cates April 23. Leaves Plattsmouth :
at lOcSS a. mm. and goes directto. Falls
' According to the census of 1890.
Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her
population ot i,uy,576 people, as the
eignm largest city on tne giooe.
Most of us desire, at one time or I
another, to visit a city in-which o
many persons find homes, and,
when we do, we can find no better I
line than the "Burlington Route."
Threefasf ,afld, comfortable' trains
daily.1" For further information ad
dress the agent of the company at
this p.lace, or-write to J. Francis,
General ..Passenger. jsnd . . Ticket .
jAgent, Omaha, Nebraska.
Good Looks. .
Good looks are more than skin
deep, deqending upon a health
condition of all the vital ortrans.
If the Liver be inactive' you have
a Bilious-r Look, if -your stomach
be affected 'you have a Dvsoeoti
Look aud if hour Kidneys be effected 1
yov wi4i nave a Jr"mcheq. Loolc'iB
curs good health and you will have
good looks, Electric Bitters is the
great alterctive and Tonic act
airectly on those vital ortrana.
Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils and
gives a good cpmplexiQnv. .Sold al
F. G. Fricke Se Cofr Drugstor, Or
per oottie:
Eaaer Uqmor Care. .
To those seeking- a' rescue . from
liquors curse or other evil habits
brought about by morphine, tobac
co etc The Ensor Institute at South
Omaha offers one of the most relia
ble and best places to ero with the
absolute .certatntrof -permanent
Uf-A ' . . 1 ' ? . .
turc. i rue mr visit me insiiiuie.
Hot Springs, Ark-Carlsbad of
.America- - ,
On April 6th. 7tlt and? fith the" M
P. will sell round trip tickets to Hot
Springs, Ark., at one lowest first
class fare, good returning until
june lutn, on - account of. govern
ment sale of lots.' and, meeting
oi tne aputnern central xurnvena
Association. Call at office for par
ticular. - -
V TIME table! y
N. a 5: 05 P. M
No. 4 10 :30 a. It.
No. 7 ;4 p. m
No. 10. ....... S :4fi Mt m
No. ltL....U):Umlo
w JO a. m
Sol...- a :4s a. aw
No. j, :25 p.i
No. S..
No. j,.t:
No. 11. .
No. 19... .
SOD p,
....6:06 p. m.
Push aeU's etr lcT tor Omaha bal(w
'clock for omb. a4 vui.aooouinodate pvi-
No. 34 Accomodation Ikt.. an-iTe..
Trains dally except Kunday.
.M.Ua. m,
. 4 ;M p. at.
ir- -: "
vt . ATTORJf LJLS7 L .t
Corresdondence Solicited.
"'' Oflice in Uuion Blook
Plattsmouth, - - Nebkaska
Money to Loan.
The Livingston Loan & Building
association will hold their regular
monthly meeting Thursday eve
ning, April 21. t t - -
3 Hexky R. Gekixo, Sec'y-
A Sensible Man.
WonldnseJiemp'a balsam-for -the
throat and lungs, it is curincr more
cases co ugh 8 colds, asthma, bron
chitts, craup and all throat and
lung troubles, than any other rem
edy. The proprietor has author
ized any druggist to give you a sain
pie oottie tree t convince you
the merit of -this-, exeat remedv.
jLATge uotues-auc-and fi.
Subscribe for The Plattsmouth
B-aiLYHj&kald at 15 cents a week.
The wisdom of him who journey-
cm is anown uy ine line ne selects;
the judgment of the man who takes
the "Burlington Route" to the
cities of the east, the south, and the
west,- is -never nnpeachedr--' The in
ference is plain. Magnificent Pull
man sleepers elegant " reclininsr
chair cars and world-famous dining;
cars on an ,;tnrougn trams. . For
information1 address the 'agent of
the company at this place, or write
to J. Francis, General Passenger
and Ticket Agent. Omaha.
Wall Paper : -
Hoiise Paint.
Is what you. want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either ot these call in and see
us before buying.
I feel it my duty to say a few
words iii regard to Kly'a Cream
Balm, and I do so entirely without
solicitation. I have used it more
or less half a year, and have found
it to be .most admirable. : J, have
suffered from catarrh of the worst
kind ever since ;I-was a little bov
and 1 never hoped for cure, but
Cream Balm seems to do even-that
Many of ,.,ray. acquaintancea-have
used ' it witu excellnnt .' result
Oscar Ostum. 45 .Warren Aye. Chi.
cago in.
Soma FooIUK Peopl
allow a cousrh to run antil it
beyond the riacb of medicine Thev fj J
say. "Oh, it will wear away," but in rJT
moat i ..I J' lw
couia uiey. oe induced., to try the
successful -Kemp's Balaam, which
is sold on positive guarantee to
CXVS 1?mo?X e "'excellent
effect after taking the first dose.
Price 50c audSl.. Trial mi, tr a
Irena for the Comnin
movea Pmiples. Blackhiads. aud all
hacial Blemish ex. Warranted $!i
Brown Barrett aad . H. SnyrfeT !