The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 19, 1892, Image 2

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    TheQldeM Kule
I j Mamma Use
Santa Clus
"for Clothes 9?j
7W; Too-
A5 Mamma
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
A Full and Complete line of
Drugs, Medicines, Faints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours.
The Leading
Constantly keeps on hand cvi-rjtlun
vou ned to furnish ynur house.
Plattsmouih - Meh
Family ;
School ;
Library ;
Own a Dictionary.
i Care should be taken to
Ten years spent in revising. 100 edi-
tors employed, or er $300,000 expended.
Sold by U Booksellers.
Q. & C. MERRIAM St CO.. Publishers, .
Springfield, Mass., P. S. A.
9-D0 not buy reprints of obsolete
editions. , .
M-Send for free pamphlet containing
specimen pages ana f nil particulars.
Y dictionary J
nflAAIIDCnMi' for Pamphletand Reference.
rnULUntU$ewrdA.Hltine4 Bro.Siciv.r
cd tmrriran a r'ire:ga 1'sicbU mod Aiurun iu PmtelitCMr
jAnociaie at Wufeiug'.vn, P.C.J Springfield, Missouri.
1 r
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Cbapped Hands, Wounds Barns, Etc
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
white nussinn soap.
Specially Adapted for Use in. Hard Water.
Y0TJ17O i:El?-OI.I ZXE2I
Tasy SMks karate aSartt a fraa tferauarvaa.
at aaa aaowtac aaw se taecaaaraur
tarr five mptm aeepatr ua Ku Int. s mti
our r:nv cocx
' b ' f.i.l.rtl
. - . .-1
ska aailaaaafcw af Dlasas
u .ma Aflittlaaa at tka
Ortaaa af If as, aaa haw by
Vy statkaaa aaclastvaly ear
last ar raUiac If aaaaaa.
n. aaa warn taaia
killty, Waakaaas af Saar
j MI.J ir. unr r in
! ii,m mm
Bkrsakaa Orsaas rain tt Cnrea. B.nrite In 4ir
BewtaEalarseaaaStmctkaaWEAK.VSDETEI.orsp CESAM raaTS af BOBT kU plaia ta ail latareataa.
M. wilfT fl w StalM, Territerb aa4 feraca CoaatrWe.
Too rn write (beat. Fe Beefc.r.11 epI.aart.B 1 proof., iMrM
Merer fails to aire instant relief in the worst
easaa, and nVrta ram wkcra exhera fait.
Trial reeks rKEE ef Draarts ae ay Sell.
ASar.w DR. R. 8CHXFFMANN, St. raal. Stem.
i Tin: rcull ic;i :i 1 l cMors of the
elate of N-lr;isk;i Jin re(jiii:t(.;l to
I t-fiul l-k'atf.-i Iron their t-evenii
i roimlii'rt ti iiifi't in coiivn t ion if.
j the city of 1- 11 in-,- 'eil,ic.-itl;iy
1 A ri I 27,1S.;''.' ;i : 11 oVlurk u. u., foi
J iiic piirjjoM-tu !-k-'i inLC ftmr Kh-
L;tW'!-t at l.i; t: ;o 1 ;i- 1 r ; ull icau 11 a
; Uonal f . . v fii in hi !o Ik- held in
M i n ni'a i ii : J o 1 7. i?'Y2.
I Til' Ai'i1' 1 1 ..'l ii.T.
Tlu sevc. ,i I cotiiitit-r. a if entitled j
;o represei: 1 ;i t i 11 . as lollows, lein; i
l)a.el upon ihe Milf cunt for Hun.
George II. Hastings for attrney
iiciieral in I'X, ui'-iar one delegate !
at Isirtrc to eaeli rouiitv and one tor
each laO votes ami the major frac
tion theretif:
Count ies
Antelope . .
Il ioiir .. .
Mux Uutte.
Hrovvii ...
Hutler. .
Cedar ...
Cuming ....
I hI ut;
... 11
Count ies
:i KVvr I'aha .
'4 Keith
'Ji Kin i hall
f!j Lancaster . .
Id I.oL'an
Hi Mail ison
11 Mcl'liearson
t1 Merrick
"!.eTiialia . ...
Itl'awnce .
7 l-erkitis 3
12 I'ierce
t I'helps
SKi-il Willow
t KichanlSoti Jl
11 kuck .
lunti v.
Si Saline 11
r llanore.
Furnas ..
!!Saunders 8
Scotts Uluff 2
Seward 1
Sheridan 6
lliiSherman 3
r.arrield .
flosner . . .
'.."Sioux 2
iStanton 3
(irant -
Thayer W
Tlimnas 2
Oreely -
Thurston 4
Valley 4
Hamilton -
Tarlan .... f
I n VrM ... !
Washington 7
Wavne 5
ilitchcock .
Webster 7
Wheeler 2
York 12
olt "
Howard 4
Hooker 2
JeSfersona.. 9
It is recotnended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention, and
that the delegates present be auth
orized to cast full votes of the dele
gation. It recommended that the republi
cans of every countv in this state
be requested to select their county
central committee at the first coun
ty convention held in their respec
tive counties. Said committee to
serve until the county convention
of 1803 be held.
Dr. S. D. Mercer,
Walt. M. Seeley.
The republican electors of the
First congressional district of the
state of Nebraska are requested to
send delegates from the several
counties comprising said district to
meet in convention in the city of
Falls City, Wednesday, April 20,
1891, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of electing two delegates
id two alternate delegates to the
republican national convention to
be held at Minneapolis June 7, 1892.
The several counties are entitled
to representation as follows, be-
g based upon the vote cast for
Hon. W. J. Connell for congress in
1890. One delegate for each 100
votes and major fraction thereof
and one delegate at large from each
Pawnee ... .
... 19
... 10
. .. 45
... 12
... 13
... 13
... 16
Total 128
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention, and
that the delegates present from
each county cast the full vote of the
W. H. Woo WARD,
Frank McCartney,
Pronounced Hopeless, Vet Saved.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hurd of Groton, S. D.f we quote:
'Was taiten witn a Dad cola, which
settled on my lungs, cough set in
and finally terminated in consump-
lon. .hour doctors gave me up say-
ng 1 could live but a short tune. I
gave myself up to my Saviour, de
termined if I could "not stay, with
my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. Jly hus
band was advised to get Dr. King s
New Discovery for consumption
coughs and colds. I gave it a trial
took in all eight bottles; it has cured
me and thank God I am now a well
and hearty woman." Trial bottles
free at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug
store, regular size, 50c. and $1.00.
A Great Surpriee
Is in store for all who use Kemp'f
Balsan for the throat and lungs the
great guaranteed remedy. Would
you believe that it is sold on its
merits and that any druggits is au
thorized by the progrietor of this
wonderful remedy to give you a
sample bottle free? It never fails
to cure acute and chronic coughs.
All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam.
Large Bottles 50c and f 1.
Cough Following the Crip
Many person, who have recovered
from la grippe are now troubled
with a persistent cough. Cham
berlain's cough remedy will
promptly loosen this cough and
relieve the lungs, effecting a per
manent cure in a verv short time.
25 and 50 cent bottle for sale bv F.
G. Fricke & Co. '
Lord Lrne and Some Atnericitu Olrla.
Th. I'-Alow lzii pleasant an'l unusual
exjx'ri kh-- hiijjpeiied to a party of well
knowa Aaieric;a irls v;ho were travel
ing in Kuroj.e o:io summer. Its truih
of course can bo vouched for. The story
i.i t: H by one of the youiij; ladies: "On
our way to fMiiilmrh we 6topiel over
u train at Htirliu to bee the castle, au.l
there an a.lvri.liis-e befell us of which 1
will tell you. When wo gt out f the
train ami were Ikin about for the
ways ami means of reaching the castle
we were accosted by a tall, fine looking,
middle aged man, who a.sked if we wt-ro
not from the "other sido of the water.'
We said 'yes,' and that wo wanted to
get to the castle. He isaid that he was
going there and would be glad to fchow
us the way and also to show us his old
family house, which was close by. We
got into a carriage, and our new friend
mounted tho box beside the driver and
on we went.
"We finally stopped before a quaint
old house, with coats of arms carved in
stone, and he led us into the courtyard,
which was very quaint and old. He
said the place was called Argyle Lodge
and then added: 'Perhaps I ought to
tell you who 1 am. I am Lord Lorne,
the last of the house of Argyle!' He
then took us all over the castle, the old
Gray Friars' church, and rushed alsjut
so that we saw twice as much as we
could possibly have seen by ourselves,
for he knew just what was worth seeing
and could shake off the guide when he
started on his long, rambling story.
Lord Lorne was perfectly lovely, and
we have all lost our hearts to him, and
have serious designs first upon the life
of the Princess Louise, his wife, and
then upon each other." Rochester Post
What Some Men Spend on Amusement.
Probably few persons who sit around
a pool table witnessing a clever game of
pool have any idea of the time and money
necessary to become a crack player of
either pool or billiards. New York
boasts many fine amateurs. The latter
are to be found everywhere for that
matter. 1 have seen men hanging about
a livery stable in a country village in
their shirt sleeves who can hole all the
balls on an opening at pool, and can run
fifties and hundreds at French carrom.
The great body of pool and billiard
players are in it for the amusement and
exercise, iney spend from an hour to
four hours daily walking around a tablo
and punching the ivories. Two hours a
day is thought necessary to keep up
practice. A dollar an hour is not an ex
travagant estimate of the average ex
pense in Aew York. The better the
player the more he plays, and $500 a
year in walking around a table isn't
much for that kind of man. Twenty to
forty years of this, however, represents
in good hard cash considerably more
than that kind of a man has on hand at
the end of bis career. New York Her
The Pearl Hunters Superstition.
The pearl hunters of Borneo and the
adjacent islands have a peculiar super
stition. When they open shells in search
of pearls, they take every ninth find,
whether it be large or small, and put it
into a bottle which is kept corked with
a dead man's finger. The pearls in the
vial, are kaown as "seed pearls" or
'breeding pearls, and the native Bor-
neose firmly believes that they will re
produce their kind. For every pearl
put into the vial two grains of rice are
thrown in for the pearls to "feed" upon.
Some whites in Borneo believe as
firmly in the superstition as the natives
do, and almost every hut along the coast
has its "dead finger bottle with from
nine to fifty seed pearls and twice that
number of rice grains carefully and
evenly stowed away among them. Pro
fessor Kimmerly says that nearly every
burial place along the coast has been
desecrated by "pearl breeders" in search
of corks for their bottles. St. Louis Re
public Airs. Sheldon's Cariosities.
Mrs. French Sheldon, the well known
African traveler, has received a very
pressing invitation from Mrs. Potter
Palmer, lady manager of the women's
department in the Chicago exhibition,
to exhibit her splendid collection of Af
rican curiosities at the coming exhibi
tion. Mrs. Sheldon won the confidence
of the natives and especially of the
women in a way no man could ever hope
to do, and in this way she succeeded in
gaining information of much interest
and novelty and securing objects which
had never been seen out of Africa be
fore. One woman followed her 250
miles up country before she could be in
duced to part with a leather apron which
only married women wear, but which
they never sell or give to strangers, as
they have an idea that should they do
so, the person to whom it is given will
have some mysterious power over them
forever. London's Woman's Herald,
A Hero of Today.
History and poetry celebrate no sub
limer act of devotion than that of Albert
G. Drecker, the watchman of the Pas
saic river drawbridge, on the New York
and Newark railroad. The train was
due, and he was closing the draw, when
his little child fell into the deep water.
It would have been easy enough to res
cue him if the father could have taken
the time, but already the thundering
train was at hand. It was a cruel agony.
His child could be saved only at the cost
of other lives committed to his care. The
brave man did his duty, but the child
was drowned. New York Press.
Kndorance of a Horse.
A horse ' attains his growth in five
years; ne will live twenty-nve years ana
average sixteen years. A horse will live
twenty-five days on water without solid
food, seventeen days without eating or
drinking', but only five days on solid
food without drinking. Humane
TTae Tepid Water for Inflamed Eyes.
Cold water should not be used for
bathing the eyes when i.i.'.ivjuitiou is
present. Tepid water uiay be used
night and moming, keeping the eye care
fully closed tbe while. Hall's Journal
3f Health.
If I couM know; ah. tre! If I could know
Thftt for the buu u
Cf oiio lr!i f mimic-lit, la the louii aKo,
You r.ivo me place
Alxive all oil. it women in your heart.
It would not Im m hard from you to art.
If I could know you hold mo dourer yd
Thau any one,
A ud that you nevermore would quite for;rrt
The hrinht !u s Kone,
I would le more content, mid couniKO niu
In time, perhujis, to live down all the pain.
If 1 could know you feci rcjjret toduy
To be me turn
Away from you nnd no my weary way.
Then 1 would Kuril
Tollnd, crliaps.hoiiiu comfort In thethouil:(
So full of Buddeut convolution fraught.
If I could know that at Home future tide
We two nhould meet.
And linger for a moment bide by aide
In converge sweet,
I would not dread tbU jiurtinu as I do.
For hope would trim the lilitof love for yoi.
If I could know that when thin life la o'er.
In that bright land
Where all iw peace, our souls should meet
ouce more,
Aud understand
Each other better than in days gone by,
1 would be more than bati-died to die.
E. C Longmire in New Orleans Picayune.
It Stopped the Fainting.
A story of "fainting beauties" is told
in the memoirs of the Rev. Julian Younir.
j 6ubchaplain of Hampton Court palace.
Uno very hot oumlay a young lady, not
a resident ot the palace, but living in
the vicinity, fainted in the chapel dur
ing the service. Sir Horace Seymour
a widower, a Waterloo hero, of com
inanding presence itnd strikingly good
looks, raised the prostrate lady in his
arms, carried her to his apartments, de
posited her on a sofa, left her to the
charge of his housekeeper and returned
to his seat. Strange to say, on the f ol
lowing Sundays a young lady, each
time a different one, fainted; and on
each occasion the same gallant knight
performed the same kind office for the
snfferer and then returned to his post.
On the last of these three fainting
Sundays Lady Seymour, the aunt of Sir
Horace, said to the chaplain after serv
ice: "I say, Mr. Young, this fashion of
fainting will degenerate into an epi
demic if it is not put a stop to. With
your permission, 1 will affix before next
Sunday this notice in the cloister, at the
door of .entrance: 'Whereas, a tendency
to faint is becoming a prevalent infirm
ity among young ladies frequenting this
chapel, notice is hereby given that, for
the future, ladies so affected will not be
carried out by Sir Horace Seymour, but
by Branscombe, the dustman.
warning produced the desired effect.
and the plague of fainting beauties wd
The Married Belle's Influence.
A woman who has great influence
over young men is the young married
woman who has been a belle among
them and who still has them calling at
her home. She is the one who know
what they really are, and if she is a good
woman she can do a wonderful amount
of good to these young men who admin
her and prize her friendship, knowin
they cannot keep it unless worthy of it
Her happiness and her husband's prove
the best of object lessons. And wliul
sweet praise it is to her to hear that i:
of these young men has remarked
"Mrs. Youngwife is a superb wouiiu
she keeps us straight and does us ever s
i ji n. - - a.1 a a. i -.
mucn goou. it is me sweetest on ..
compliment a woman could desire; jum
as it is the keenest anguish to know thai
some one we love has done wrong for
our sake: or that we have led him to
wrongdoing. And from that, dear
women, let us all pray to be saved.
Philadelphia Music and Drama.
The Oregon Boot,
A decided novelty in footwear is tht
Oregon boot, so called, with one of
which a tram robber who arrived m hi
Louis was manacled The boot weigheo
18J pounds, and a detective spent hf
t-ViirVi u tr'Qiri rn).lwr ucho. arrivpH in V-'
teen minutes in opening the combination
by which it was secured to the prisoner'."
foot. Thus hobbled there would seem
to be a small chance for a malefactor to
effect his flight from custody unless he
should somehow learn the combination
Practically he might as well be an
chored to a fireproof safe. Philadelphia
Smuggling a Painting Oat of Italy.
If a usually well informed correspond
ent is correct, this is how the famous
picture of Caesar Borgia, sold for 600,000
francs to the Rothschild family by
Prince Borghese, was sent out of Rome.
A coating of wax was laid over the fa
mous Caesar, and an artist painted the
portrait of Pope Leo XIII on the wax.
It was then dispatched to its Parisian
destination, the coating of wax carefully
peeled off, and the famous Caesar now
ornaments the Rothschild's great gal
lery of masterpieces. Pall Mall Ga
Babies Afraid of Black Clothes.
At sight of a strange person, object or
animal a baby will cry. Anything black
will produce more disturbance in the
mind of a baby than anything white.
A child refusing to go to a relative in
dark clothes would not hesitate if the
suit were changed to a light color, with
a white, red or blue necktie. Baby.
Accustomed to Irish Bogs.
One Irish snipe shooter, Mr. Foster, of
Dublin, was used to Irish bogs. He was
so cool that he had been known, when
bogged and going down, to kill a bird
with his right barrel, another with hie
left, and then throw his gun for a friend
to catch. "Forty-five Years of Sport."
The demand for willow wood for arti
ficial legs has grown immensely in re
cent years. The funny men on the stage
talk glibly of cork legs, but light willow
limbs are more popular.
. A New York woman photographs odd
people in odd situations. She picks n
subjects on the streets or anywhere and
pays them to sit for her. She sells tbe
photographs to artists.
Patsy Sears, of Howard county, Ind..
aged 10S years, has been a church mem
ber a hundred years.
Catholic.-St. I'anl'K ( hincli. hi. Iwtwe
I'iltli tinil Hxth. l'iitlier a in y, I'umi
rt i n i ; i"i.titi -j fii i". tuiie
M'hool at 2 ::!, i'h lii'iietlict lot,.
( Ultli'i l an. on er l..ieiit.l and 'vfS
Services liinriiliiK 'I'd ei I K I ' . '
tiiiluiwuy piiAtor. iindjiy Meiinol hi '
EMH'.'OI'Al.. St Luke's liuieh. con. II J i r
unit Vile-. Ucv li It. r.i.rnehs pshior.
vices : 1 1 A M d 7 -3U M. Siiuilay hi 1,.
at i ::K) I'. M.
OsttMAN M KTlioinsT. i '.mier Sixth M hi
Cianlt. Kev. lllit. far tor. Kervtces : 1 1 a.
and 7 :.') r. M. Hunoay fU'h oI hi :.mi a m.
'MKKHVTKKI AN. "CI Vlccx III I'CW clllllcll.
ner Sixth and Crmiite st. Kev. J . 'I . I hiiI
i.HMtor. Minduv-Mv .ol at 0 : i !Ull
Hi 11 ;i. in. H-ill m it III.
1 he V . It. H. K "f bi church in'
fn evr
Sabbath evenlnr at 7 :1ft In Ihe bHSrhiei t
the cliiicih. All l ie Invited to
att ii (( tin
Fikht MmioiHHT. Sixth ft., hetwen Mi
and fi arl. Kev. L. K. Krllt. I. l. tmst
Services : 1 1 a . M.. 8 :0(l P. M siinda- Scli
9 :ia M. 1'rayer ineetii If Uednesday eve
t Kit man 1'KCHHVTKKi an . 'eruer Main a'
Ninth. Kev ttte, paster. Services us'
hours. Sunday cliool 9 -.30 A. M.
tween Fifth aud Sixth.
CoLOliKD liAlTlHT. kit. OH ve. ' sk. hi'twi
'leuth Slid Kleventh Kev. A. Iioswel',
tor. Services 1 1 a.
in. and 7 :) p. in A
iiivtlnir WcdiH Hday eveuli
You.vo Mtn'h t urn iia' Ahnociai
Kooinstn Waterman hliM-k, Main street.
pel meeting.
R. f'ir men onlyever Snmtay
. 4 o'clock, h'ooius open week (1;
ternooii at
from 8:30 a. in., to 9 : 30 p. in.
South 1'aiik Tahrkn aci.k. Kev .1.
W-jod, I astiir. hei vlces : Sunday Helm
Via. in.: I reach lug, 11a in. and 8 p.
prayer meeting Tuesday inn in ; choir pr
t Ice Friday tnhi Al! are welcome.
Subscribe for The Herald, on
15 cents a week or 50 cents a mont
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tub Bkst Halvk in the world for Ct
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fet
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Handn, Chilblaii
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pot
tively cures Piles, or no pay require
It ia guaranteed to give satisfaction,
money refunded. Price 25 cents per bo
For sale bj F. G. Fricke
Lincoln, Blair, Beatrice and Kct
ney now nave cacti two Kinds
gold cure.
Th First step.
Perhaps you are run down
eat. can't sleen. can't think, ca
I anything to your Hatisfaction V5i
I you wonder what ails you. 'Yc
you wonder what ails you. Yc
should heed the warning, you a
taking the first step into nervoi
prostration. You need a nerve ton
and in Electric Bitters you will fu.
the exact remedy for restoring yoi
nervous system to it normal, healt
condition. Surprising results fc
low the use of this great Nen
Tonic and Alterative, Your app
titc returns, good digestion is i
stored, and the liver and kidnlrya t
sume healthy action. Tryaxfifsj I
nice uui;. at x . j. riit&c x.
drugstore. 0
Do not confuse the famous Blur I
of Roses with the many worthle.
paints, powders, creams ar
bleaches which are flooding ti
bottle, at
move your pimples. irecKieffaoHOic
heads, moth, tan and sunbu- with
give you a lovely complexionT-"! n
rori oiuney id to nave a new u-
tachment of troops, the twenty-fir' !
infatry beinar ordered to New Y.o'
forts, ;
ALittle Oris Experlencem a LlgW' '
Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott ar
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse i
Sand Beach Mich, and are bless-b
with a dau hter 'four yearB. La
A n ghe tken downth Measlcr
followed with dreadful Cough ar.U
turned into a fever. Doctors ;
home and at Detroit treated, but n
vain, she grew worse rapidly, un'n
she was a mere" handful of bonet
Then she tried Dr, King's Ne ,
Discovery and after the use of tvo
and a half bottles, was completer
cured. They say Dr. King,8 Ne
niarnvprv ia urnrtli lt wio-lit I
gold, yet you may get a trial. bott
free at t. G. JncKey drugstore.
The Homliest Man in Plattamouljjj,
As well as the handsomest, at,
others are invited to call on ataJ
druggist and get free a trial bottj i
of Kemp's Balsam for the Thro-
and Lungs, a remedy that is selliii
entire. y upon its merits and a
guaranteed to relieve and curei?.
chronic and acute coughs, asthin
bronchitis and consumption. L,ar
bottles 50c and $1"
How's This!
We offer 10U dollars reward f
any case of catarrh thatcan not
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. 1 .
F.J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toled 5
Ohio, lf
We the undersigned, haveknow
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 year,-
and belive him pefectly honoraf
in all butsnesa transactions and',
ancially able to carry out an ofoJi.'
ations made bytlietr hrm.
r i. c T ii'i i i rt '
gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kinnf-
& Tarvin, Wholesale druercist To!; v
uo oniu. . ,
Hall's Catarrh Core ia taken
nally, action directly upon the J
and mucous surfaces of the systc. '
rnce, ioc. per oottie. oia oy a
Druggist; Testimonials free.
One Fare for the Round Trip.
The B. Sc M. will sell round r
tickets for one fare to Hot SDrint''
Arkansas, on the following occ". .
sions: Meeting of the GovernmeJ a-
ation, April 12. Tickets will be so6?
April 7 and 8, inclusive; final mtu '
limit, May 10. Jr. '
District meeting SouthernV?
Central Turnverein, May 9 to x.
Tickets will be sold May 6 and 7, i 1
elusive; final return, June 10. D
Annual meetinggeneralaseenib. v
of the Southern PresbyteriiJ-V
church, May 19. Tickets will 1?
sold May 10 and 17, inclusive;
to return, June 15.
or further information irTkui,;
at ticket office.
c. r 4
Age A .V