The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 16, 1892, Image 3

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    JIT I
mm i -vr a- v ta. v
Circulation Large
Rates Reasonable,
Returns Remunerative
Is q Weekly Ptiblicqtioil f
cfrd special qlte qs qq qd-
' 1 III v. i
out tle county.
Kates Onn. -A.licatL on.
. 1 - ' '
BOl Cor Fifth and Vine bt.
riOU SE' T U ?, N 1 SH i vlG- '" Still FOR I U in.
Having utirohii-etl the J. V.'.W'cckbaqh store room on south
' Mailt street 'where lam now loeuUn? can sell goods cheap
er than the cheapest having ju-t put in the largest stock
of new good: ever . brodi;ht t the city. Gasoline stoves
and furniture of aU'IcimU sold on the installment plan.
, : 1 . . I ,. . : ' .
Ij old Kimj (ole te njerry old soul,
Had lived in tljis areat: qgeof olirs.
faVe called jor BULL DURHAM
10 snoKe 17 i?is pipe,
And been nerrierlinder it$ pqyere.
Thousands of Smokers
The Millionaire in his palace,
The Laborer in his cottage,
The Swell on the street,
The Sailor on his ship,
Comfort-lovers everywhere,
Prefer Bull Durham,
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co.r
3U AGi;i .
La Crippe.
No healthy perBon need fear any
dangerous consequences from an
attack of la grippe if properly
treated. It i much the name as a
severe cold and requires precisely
the same treatment. Remain iiiet
ly at home and take Chamberlain'."
Cough Remedy as directed for a se
vere cold and a prompt and coin
plete recovt ry is sure to follow
This remedy also counteracts any
tendency ot la grippe to result in
pneumonia. Among the many
thousands wtio have used it during
the epidemics of the past two years
we have yet to learn of a single j
case that has not recovered or that 1
1 has resulted 111 pneumonia, set anil
x t . hi t 1.. 1... 1 n
"() cent bottles
for sale by F. G
Fricke & Co
La -rlppe Succosslu'ty Treated
"I have just recovered from a sec
ond attack of the grip this year,'
says nr. jas. w. jours, piiuiinuci uj
the leader, Mexica 1 exas. -In the
H - t-... f ..- 1,1:1. . . f t
latter case I used Chamberlain's
Cough remedy, and I thiiiK with
considerable success, only being in
bed a little over two days, against
ten days for the first attuck. The
second attack, I am ratslied. would
have been equally as bad as the
first hut for the use of this remedy,
as I had to go to bed in about six
hours after being struck with it.
while in the first case I was able to
atiend to business about two days
before getting down. 59 cent bot
tles fcr sale b F. G. Fricke & Co.
The population of Platumouth
Is about 10,000, add we would say
at least neo-half are troubled with
some effection on the throat and
lungs, as those complaints are, ac-
coruing to staaistics, more numer
ous than others. We would advise
all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their drug
gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal
sam for the throat and lungs. Trial
size free. LargeHottle 50c- and $1.
Sold by all druggist.
Every Month
ntny womea suffer from Bxceaaive or
Scant Menatrmation; they don't know
who to confide ia to get proper advice.
Don't confide in anybody but try
Female Regulator
Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed free.
Bele hj aU DrmliU.
... tho Llu.aor Habit, Positively Curet
tt can be given In a cud of coffee or tta, or in nr
tide ot ood. without the knowledge of the per
con taking it; It Is absolutely harnilesd ami w;i..
effect a permanent anil rpeedy cure, wheflie.
thepatientisa moderate driukeroran al'-iin-:i.
a complete cure In evsry instance. 43 page b-i
FREE. Addrensln confifleuce,
VunTlj SPECIFIC CO.. 185 Raw St. Cincinnati. 0
Do you want to make
money? Send us ten
cents and receive a sani-
JUk pie. with full particulars of the lusi-
V ness, which win Kive you mrge proms
and quick sales. . Steadj- employ
ment guaranteed. Address
IUCI11 UUiamitUi m aJ
Marsh & Co.,
9 - i-ortiana si.,
dostnn, Mass.
Ghaxxiberlain's Eye and Skin
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes
Tetter, Salt Rhonm. Scald Head, 01
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Kipples
fcnd Piles. It is cooling and sooLLiilg.
Hundreds of cases have been cured b
ItaftoT. all t.w tmfttmnnt hnrt ful?a.
it is put up in 23 and CO c.
bo lic water r.'i:
t C
Labeled 1 - lb Tin Only.
V- "18
by I'eck's Inrliibl Tubnlar Ear Comb.
in. WbupTS heard. Comfortable.
!'' -?r-:uiivrarliffai. Sold by K. Illarax.only , CD FC
rite lor o-jj ot prouxa
'lUtiriW iui1 bv::t;ju-5 ir.; heir.
7.--.- -r o its Vv.ii...Vl Color. 1
. - .'i ; .1.! -. !-:! ';i..-l.!lt 1 ii
Tube ;
"J ' i ;OCii T i'h? onlT ito cure tor OYrrns.
i. . i . I.-u0g...L-'1 or UISCOIC 4c CO., J'. Y.
How Lost! How Regained! j
Or siil'i,-l""''!,w a i iw. a new arm omy
Croid Medal PKIZU ESSAY oaNEitVOUS and
UHTl'KK IK(XISli ord ajl 1JISKASES ;
' and XVKA&H KSS KS of .HAJf. 300 pages, cloth,
pill; 125' invakiabia cr-enpticna. Only fl.W r
ty.jnail, double feeafed. licscrpdvo Prospect- ;
us with endorsements mff"! FNn
of the Press and TO-unta-T Hr R" I twi
testimonial or tho curoi TiVfi.
Consultation in reron or bv mnil. Estcrt trert
I'AIN CI'KK. Adi-" 1". W. H. I'.-rker. or
Thu Pcabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Eullincu t;t
BostonfcMai. . "
The I'eabody Medical Joituto toa mnny imi
tatorn, bat no equal. IleraM. .- 1
The Science of Life, or Slf PrL-eervation, in a
treasure more valuable gold, lieud it now,
everv WKAKand NKKVOIS man, and learn to
be STBOKG . Jftdicnt A'eriric. CCopi riKhteii-.'
The Paraeea nd the Dead Prince.
In connection with the expansions of
Borrow evokeu throughout all parts of
our Indian empire by the Bail death of
the Duke of Clarence one of the most
remarkable perhaps was the meeting of
the Parsee residents of Dombay. The
Parsees assembled the other day in the
beautiful Wrulia Fire temple under the
presidency of Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy,
the well known Bombay millionaire and
philanthropist. After prayers and ref
erences to the duty of loyalty to rulers
as inculcated by the Zoroastrian theol
ogy and philosophy, the duntoor, or
Pardee high priest, observed that the fire
that was kept burning in the censer be-
I 'ore the assembly was the emblem of
the lignt ot heaven, ana before that nre
they must all earnestly solicit and pray
to the Almighty Ahura Muzda that be
might grant a peaceful repose to the
KTiirit of the rnval nrinpA in the ptcnia.
, auo(je of paradise,
J After invokin t
the archangels and an
gels to guard the prince's 6pirit from
harm, the prayer specially composed by
the dustoor for the occasion ended with
beseeching the continuance of the safety
and prosperity that the Zoroastrian com
munity enjoy under the rule of her
majesty the queen-empress. All this is
touching, characteristic as it is of that
loyal and generous spirit so consistently
displayed by our Parsee friends in In
dia's commercial metropolis. Colonies
and India.
Automatic PoKtaJ Call Box.
A very ingenious automatic machine
has been established near the letter box
at Charing Cross station for the collec
tion of letters to be forwarded by the
postoffice express service. It is in elec
trical connection with the postal tele
graph office opposite, the station. By
dropping a penny into the slot and pull
ing out the slide, a brown colored en
velope is delivered. This envelope con
tains another envelope and a card. The
communication is intended to be written
on the card, which is then inclosed in
the white envelope, and this, with the
fees for delivery, which have been fixed
at threepence per mile, is reinclosed in
the outer envelope and deposited in the
box behind the flap, which bears the
printed instructions. The act of with
drawing the slide, sends the call signal
to the telegraph office, and a messenger
is at once dispatched to collect the spe
cial letters. Electrical Review.
A Hindoo' Purification.
A Fyzabad Hindoo who had been out
casted for the offense of eating cooked
food in a railway train while there were
persons of other castes in the same car
riage with him has been restored to
caste. The erring individual, although
not a wealthy man, had sufficient means
to pay the cost of purification. He was
first weighed in pice, and was valued at
180 rupees, and after that in wheat.
After the weighing he was made to sit
on a square stone and his body was cov
ered with dirt, the face only excepted;
he was then taken up by two men and
thrown into the river, and after a good
bath he came out and was received by
the Brahmans, fully restored to caste
fellowship. The Brahmans informed the
purified individual that a great favor
had been conferred on him in weighing
him in copper instead of silver. Lon
don Letter.
Odd Discovery In a, Ixg.
A lumberman at Wytopitlock recent
ly split open a hollow maple log and
j found among rotten leaves twenty-six
mice, all dead. There were three species
in the collection the long tailed or kan
garoo mouse, the white bellied wood
mouse and the common short tailed field
mouse. The chopper thinks they crowd
ed up into the hollow in order to keep
' warm, and the hole through which they
enterea navmg cioseu up, mey siarveu
to death. Mice won't eat mice, evident-
ly, although civilized men have been
known to feed on one another undet
similar conditions. Lewiston J onrnaL
I7'v t Convict Made His Escape.
I Jew.s reaches here of the escape of a
C( nvict from a gang working a few
uuics south of here on the Santa Fe last
Vv ednesday. The convicts were strung
out along an embankment shoveling
dirt. One of them, when none of the
guards wre looking, lay down in a hol
low made by the spades. The gang near
him threw dirt over him until he was
completely covered. When camp was
reached and the roll called the escape
was discovered. He has not been eui
' tured. Brenham Cor. Galveston News.
tor SiAviu); Li res.
Tlie London Daily Graphic has offered
a prize of 100 to the person who sug-.
gests tho best means of coniiuuniciitini
between a wrecked ship and the shvc
Three expei'ts. one of whom is au ad
miral of the British navy, have been n;i
poiated .yidges of tho various recom
mendations that may be submit ivd.
TheGrajihic- hopes that many Ameri
cans will take part in this competition.
A Hint; on Our Snores.
King Touibrano. of Cutariiari, one ot
the Gilbert island's, has arrived in San
Francisco. The' king i3 of massive
build, being over six feet in height auJ
J weighing 2M pounds. He made the voy-
age out of cuiio.-ity and to see the
"white mau's country." . He is accom
panied by Chief Autiba and another
subject who calls himself "Jack the
Pilot." San Francisco Letter. 1
A SI r.ijjrrur's I'eotiliar Wl-im. j
A stranger entered the Xewtmvn
(Kan.) po--ti f'e; o?ie d iy' ln.t mvk and.
buying a 'qr.:::;T:ry of i.'gTage st.i::i.. '.
ns:;eu j:eiM.:-.-thsit
the t'iik t-
jiarted .saying
to rain; all
u';l 1ii.'g for 1
t;.;ii it w;:.i a ch. -i: a i
hid he, had to go :)h.;u tliv euuuir v .
flying the ueiii uf'tlioi'.j.'litle-is -e-inl.:.
A' -wealthy i: rndt wi dvilt r
S;.-:-ii?g.:eM. O.. sftrr'.-d ti.r -r-:
-ui.a.i!ui with, a care W n.e fr.-;:i i I -gy.
.wlu-el.- a:;d utfts 10 which he i;
svlf was hu; in.-: sijd .Hi. th.uga 1- . v;
lic-rcO. A l.trge do' i.ce:n; ,;:i;t .' i
a:-- a
Asleep for Over four Month.
Cases of prolonged eleep are by no
means so numerous that we can iifTm-i!
to piws over the mention of an ;xh.m
of this condition at present excivi
the minds of (icrman physicians. 'I
patient ia a miner by trade, his 11 :
being Johaun Latus. lie is an inn..
of the hospital of MyslowiLt, in Kil'.
within whose walls, it is stated, he li.
been asleep for some 4li months.
seemed imiKissible to rouse Lai us. but
recent bulletin mentions that he has 11 1
last awoke. Naturally the case is re
ferred to the records of cataleisy for its
explanation, although it is pointed out
that 4 months is a very extended jk
riod even for cataleptic sleep.
In this cae the limbs were rigid,
which of course pointed to the exist
ence of a cataleptic condition, bnt the
body itself showed no sign of lieing in
any unusual state. It remained still
and placid: the chest rose and fell regu
larly, and the skin was of a natural
color, the face being described as pre
senting a healthy appearance. In the
recent reports it was stated that Latus
had become less rigid as regards his
body itself, while Blight movements
were noticed prior to his waking.
Curiously enough, while the hair of
the head has grown largely, the beard
has not exhibited any increase. Feed
ing was carried out bvsintroducing milk,
to the extent of two or three liters ier
day, into the stomach by means of a
tube. Illustrated London Mews.
One Way for a Star to It Tighten.
Director Keeler, of the Alleghany ob
servatory, was one of the first to receive
the news of the recent discovery of the
new star in Auriga, but on account of
the cloudy weather and Pittsburg smoke
shutting out all observation he has not
yet clearly seen the visitor among the
heavenly bodies. In speaking of it he
said: "The new star, 1 think, has been
caused by collision. That is, however,
only supposition. It is possible that it
was formerly covered with a crust that
in some disturbance was broken and flew
off into space, leaving the molten inte
rior visible to astronomers. Such occur
rences are common. The outside of tl"
body becomes chilled, and losing itd
brillianc cannot be seen.
"If then the crust is broken by any
disturbance the 6tar can be seen and is
heralded as a new body, when in reality
it may have been occupying the same
position for thousands of years." Pitts
burg Dispatch.
Money In Minerals.
There is money in minerals, if you get
hold of the right kind. The South Af
rican Diamond trust that recently forced
up the price of its commodity by con
solidating the various companies and by
occasionally suspending operations to
make a scarcity of the stones has cleared
a pretty penny. During its last fiscal
year it gathered up 2,195,112 carats of
gems, on which was realized nearly
$16,440,000. While the surplus stock of
stones has been disposed of, an immense
quantity of "blue stuff" the local mat
rix of the diamond remains to be
washed. Exchange.
A Substitute for the Dynamo.
The oft discussed problem of a substi
tute for dynamos in electric lighting by
providing a cheap, inodorous, inoffen
sive electric battery, capable of supply
ing sufficient light for domestic uses, is
again claimed to be solved by M. Pou
droux, of Paris. ' By his new battery he
claims the ability to employ a great sur
face of zinc in a cell of the desired mod
erate capacity, containing but a small
quantity of liquid, and with the advan
tages of the ingredients of the solutions,
as he states, being very cheap. St.
Louis Republic.
Ice on the Penobscot.
. Ice harvesting operations on the Pe
nobscot are over for the season, and it
estimated that about y00,000 torn
have been housed. The ice is thinner
than usual, ranging from ten to four
teen inches in thickness, but in excel
lence of quality this year's harvest was
never surpassed. It is likely that all
holdings will be disposed of at $1.5 tu
$1.75 per ton, and that will be paying
business. The crop will furnish car
goes for about tail of large bchoou
ers. Maine Letter.
A Reliable Man.
Merchant Your credentials are satis
factory. Have you a grandmother?
Youth No, sir.
"Any dear old aunts'; "
"No. sir."
"Or great-aunt?"
"No, sir."
"Or any other rel.-itives who will be
likel to die timing the baseball s ;.
toVi:" .
'N-o, ir."
"You'll ilu." Good Nev.'d.
Out of Cb;'r':it!i;u.
Miss Bv rahi.-m Vv been having a
perfectly lovely tiuu tt us and pavtic
and mnsie and danciK.-j.Jiud pnvate the
atricals and "everythiug :'you can thiiik
of. Haven't had so miiv-h tun tor a year
' - 'Friend
(shocked) What? Durh3
Miss De
-Oh. it's all n jht.
the coimtrj. New
We were, in
' - A Smart OI1 L:it!y.'
' A' smart old lady of our vil!age. in her
seventy-fifth year, spun iive skciss ' of
yam one morning ar.d then er;t o-.'.r
eliding with her grandson .'in the ai'ter
noon. Farmington (Me.) Clsreiiiele
' Vassar's hre of ti e Fay.rv.-c:!
.hniiuest. -"i'.iK,o. is to be u.-J. in I'
ing the u-.-Y dormitory li'.ade '
ty the h:-.-:v:u-e in.tiie luunut rof
A petriiied hn:n;::i hedy was t iJ.t
from the Phillij.hhurg (N. J.) ctuii.-...
one uay r; et-niiy. lue budy wjti bi:
shxteeu j-e'irs ago, ' .
A deaf innte of Winfred. W. Va..
mimed'-Meadows, while wa living about
his honie sneezed violently twice and
fell deau
to suiri'Kks.
Huttcr, ICggs, Cheese, ild Gam.
Poultry, Meat, Apples, Potatoes
(Ireen and Dried Fruite, Vegetable
Cider, Deans. Wool, Hide. .Tallow
Sheep Ti lts, Furs, Skins, Tobacco,
(liain, Flour; Hay, Decswax, Feath
ers, Giiisiug. Droomcorti, and JIops.
M. K. D A L I. A K D
ISen. t' m. Mi-n lianl 11 l MilpT,
2l7.Mt.rket Street - M. Lo'ils,
V'AM H i-ei t. . e ;.eii;tlnl"l itii Farm
- alxl stltei.
31 i II Y
r1 niul onion 404 smith 'I h ltl Street.
Telephone 18.
ItrniMtereil I'liyult iau hiuI I'liarraacUt
Special attention friveu Office
Practice. '
Rock Bluki-h - Neb.
BP At. Kit I!t-
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth
Lumber Yard
Shingles, Lath, Saph.
Doors Blinds
T'ho supply ererw druiand "f the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth -tre t
n rear of n th Iuihw.
For Atohinson, h:. jo;-j Is. I.eaven
v.i.rth. i::in.-a- City. M. I.oisi.s,
and jjoints :i' 'lb. ea.-t
suiitti r wce'.. Tick
ets soid bai
iZH'riV .!:cc!: I
t o n n y
S t a t. rs nr -Can;.
da. For
AND roi:tks
Call at Depot' or address'
(. I. A. St. Lou in. Mo
H. C.
J. C. i'JIILUi'l'I.
A. O. J
A. Omaha.
II. D. Al'iiA ir. Agt.. I'lattnmcutli
Telelione. 77.
t ' Engi-Ii Spavin I.initnent reiu;ves
; j all hard soft or ."illotif-ed lump.--v
i and UemUhes froni horses.
1 ; spavin.- . enr';.- -j -lints, sweei .;,
j rili 101IC. si i:n e. pr.iin- an :-.
I.mT tin-outs. : ot-.i-hs '.c. Save
.1 ! ei-nt i' tis? of on-1 !. utile. Warrant
- ! the r.i-jr-t .r.di.i ful bU tuih
h ; : v." ;
1. Sold t.v 1. ;.
e A Co drucrir-t J'liiltHin'or.l)
S!iiiiii's ea'uarrh ..reined v a no-i
1 'live cure Cat;.
I Canker tnoutli.
Fricke A: Co
-rl 1 : Diphtheria and,
For -ale ly I. O. ,
imc 1 1 1 ai
m luivi