I ' -. J . . .. bsihouth 1 i , i - Herald.. PLATTSMOUTH. NKHUASKA. SATURDAY. APRIL 10, 1892. NUMIJLR 181. .Daily- i I i I Aran 6 Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking' powder If igheet of nil in leavening strength Latest U. S. Government food re port. . KW MEATMARKET. rreh Beef. Pork. Veal. Mutton. Tutter and eggs kept constantly on hand. Came of all kinds kept in Season SATISFACTION - OAR ANTE ED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. Gth St and Lincoln Are PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. MEAT MARKET SIXTH STREET F. R. ELLENBAUM, Prap. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh Eggs and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. M SIXTH STREET I. it- fWNT Always has on hand a full stock of FLOUR AND FEED, Corn. Bran. Shorts Oats and Baled Hay for sale as low as the and delivered to any part lowest of the city. CORNER SIXTH AXD VINE Plattsmouth, Nebrac ULIUS PEPPER BERG. J MANUFACTURE OF AN D UIH0LESALE2JWI1 RETAIL DEALER lNTHK CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKEK S ARTICLES always in stock Plattsmouth, Nebrassa If. H. CUSH1NG, Frei4ent, J. W. Johnson, Yite-PruiimtL -OOOT EOoo- Citizens - rLATTSMOUTH HEBBABEA Capital Paid in $30,000 r Jt Gatbasa. J W Jobnaoa. B S Graasel. Besrr Kikeabary. at W Morgan. J A Caar. W Wetteokaat. W BCaabiac A general banXing business trans acted. Interest allowed o de positee. pIKST NATIONAL : BANK OF rLATTSMOOTH. MEBBASJEA rala aa eaaital Strata SO0,S0S,M . lt.aea.at rata vary facUltta far th Banting Business aaa SrtsraaC ailawaa.aa. a aMtlaUM Ittaftatfrmva. availaala to aay pan af tae traltaa Btataa aaa all taa aitMlaal U aujMTiaya mai raaimxy amr aUKBaai akarkat ' artoa aM tar Caaaty War raata, BtaiU aaa Caaatr aaaaa. ' OIBBCrrbBa iaaa rttaxarala ' ' J?Jk,rrt Baaa Waaca, FAWWH waarga m. wwwmj POwDER . i ll'TIC STS , ih. r Published every Tlmrwhiv. and lailv T. 'very cvetiiiiK except Sunday. post pfiice as second class mail matter fur transmission through the U. S. mails. TERMS $ WKEKI.V, One year in advance" -One year not in advance -Six moiitlis in advance Three months ii udvance TKK.MS OK DAILY. One year in advance -One copy one month -Per week by carrier - - $1 no - 2 M) 75 ) -5c oo ; do i ' 5 EVEN Cleveland hiuise tions the wisdom of nominating the Claimant for president. The democratic Chicago Herald has burned the bridges behind it and declares Cleveland cannot be elected if nominated. Iowa has just received $,'584,274 on account of the direct tax refunding act, and her voters will not forget that the republicans passed that excellent measure. There will be a shortage on brim stone now until Rear-Admiral Sher man gets over the O'Bryan accident, which occurred at the lateharmoni ous gathering- of the happy family at Omaha. The market will be drained. Silver Billy Bryan is first for Boies, so he says. It appears that "Nebraska's Pride" hasn't read about that Greystone club's disap pointment in Boies. That silver resolution of Billy's is likel3' to be vetoed by Boies. IK our own Billy Bryan is as suc cessful with boosting Boies at Chi cago as he was Springer in the speakership contest, it may result in his being made private secretary to the Iowa dodger. Billy will un doubtedly be looking for a political job immediately after the Noveni- icction. '.' 'R young democracy that Col. i:. :;u hr-s bloviated about at home and in hi. stump speech in congress, at last lias aroused the old war horses of the democratic party, whose frames are covered with the scars of battle long prior to the young democracy's accouchment, and when those old horses put on their war paint, the young man (democracy) was not in it. "Mk. C'LEVKLASi) was not in harmony with the democratic party when he cau tioned against free silver." Bryan. The shuck dropped off, showing the statesman (?) of the big First to be in favor of Dare Hill, southern methods, fiat money and the agent of Bill Springer, Dave Hill and the Tammany tiger. It didn't work, and if Col. Bryan paid his fare from Waehington to Nebraska to pocket the party for the boodle gang that elected Crisp speaker of the house, he is just out that much out of pocket. HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS. If you have, don't wait until th trouble becomes so aggravated that nothing can help you' when you may so easily learn what will be of immediate and permanent benefit, to you, or any of your friends hav ing plumonary trouble, through reading a splendid paper on "The Consumptives' Clime," published in Demoreat'a Family Magazine for May. This article is handsomely illustrated with numerous veiwe of health resorts and other beautiful places in Colorado, and will interest every robust person aa well as those seeking a congenial clime. An illustrated paper ou "The Grape Fruit" is also seasonable, furnishing valuable information re garding: this to many unfamiliar fruit, especially about its beneficial qualities aa au alterative in the spring. "In Persia's Palaces," with its many illustrations, gives -a com prehensive idea of woman's life in that western clime; "Next Summer's Garden" ia just in time to be of pra- tical use; there is a Decoration day story, "The Voodoo Charm," and a Decoration day poem, "Our Truce," beautifully illustrated, besides other good stories; "Chat' tells about the latest fads, from "Home Art" you can learn "How to Frame Pictures" yourself, and all the other debarments are running over with hchs( ii;ille niiitler: sirid, besides three full paije iicttires. there are nearly illustrations. Indeed, every tuei'd er of the family is sure to tint! somelliiiiiif of personal inter est in every iiuiiiIht of Deinorest's ICamily Magazine, and it is pub lished for only $2 a year, by V. Jen nings Demorest, 13 Fast 14th St., New York. ENOUGH TO RUN THE GOVERN MENT. Every day the democratic papers publish the same rumors about' a United States treasury on the verge of bankruptcy. It has no doubt been a disappointment to these party papers that the treas ury has held out as well as it has. nd it will continue to disappoint ese croakers. The republican party under the leadership of Mc; Kinley made vast reductions in the tariff, on sugar for instance, but they did not make the reductions until after careful study of the situ ation. The object was to reduce the revenues as nearly as possible to the needs of the government economically administered with out impairing the svstem of protec tion to American labor. There is no surplus accumulating and the republicans did not intend there should be. The3r wanted the money to be in circulation, not millions of it hoarded up. Under Cleveland the democrats tried to starve the government in order to accumulate a surplus, a pile of idle millions lying in the treasury and to be used as a campaign argu ment. The republican party in 1888 pledged the people that if it was re turned to" power it- would reduce that surplus, and put the money in circulation. The people accepted the party on that promise. The party has kept it and all the talk about a bankrupted treasury can not change the fact nor detract from the credit that is due the party. Des Moines Register. FREETRADERS FEAK FREE TRADE. The democrats flatter themselves that they are doing valiant work by the so-called separate, tariff bilis. But they are 011I3- showing their cowardice and inability to cope with a great national question. If they had kept the pledges made to the people two j-ears ago they would not now be puncturing holes in the good fabric of the. McKinley law, but they would be shaping a tariff bill of their own and give the people an idea of practical "tariff re form." Tom Watson "the alliance member of the house from Georgia, a few days ago exposed this cow ardice of the democaatic party Watson was a democrat before he was an alliance man, and 'under stood the party that he criticised. He said that the democratic party while it was for free trade did not h ive the courage to put its profes sions into practice. The party in the house, he said, reminded him of the old way of setting the fish trap in the river to catch something whichever way the current flowed. The democratic party which elected a majority of the house on the free trade issue two years ago, he-said, had given the people who elected them nothing but husks to feed on. ihe arraignment is a just one. What has the democratic party done in four months of congress? Abso lutely nothing but abuse a law which they dare not repeal, for the repeal of which as a whole they have not dared to introduce a bill. Iowa State Register. Beware of the docters and under takers; "they want you." Spring time is here and with it a Contami nated Blood, Torpid Liver, Kidneg Comdlainta and Indigestion Take "Ralrena for the Blood" and stim ulate the organs to force the foul secretions from your system, f 1 at Brown & Barrett and O. H. Snyder Kail-Road Pain Cure never fails. .Rail-Road Pain Cure has no equal as a Pain Killer. Use for all bodily Eains and soreness. Guaranteed y Brown & Barrett and O. H. Sny der. The promptness and certainty of its cures have made Chamberlain'g cough remedy famous. It is intend ed especially for coughs; colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the most effectual remedy known for these diseases. SO cents bostles for sal by F. G. Fricke. Irena for the Complexion" re mores Pimples, Blackhiads, and all Facial Blemishes. Warranted !by Brown Sc Barrett aad O. H. Snyder. Itch on human and horses animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's sanitary lotion. This never fails. Sold F. G. Fricke A Co. druggist, Plattsmouth. "ITflUXaTO.V & MISSOUKI lllVEll H. It. V TIME TABLE, y OK DAILY I'ASSENGEK TRAINS ' GOING EAST X. 2 5 : 05 p M, No- 4 10 :30 a. n . No. 8 7 ;ii p. 111 No. It a : 45 a. Ill No. 12 ........ Id :U a. 11. NO. 20 8 :30 a. 111 I GOING WEST No 1 3 -.45 a. in. ni. 1. r :vf p. in So. i, f ('' a. m o. 7, :15 a. in. No. ! B :2ft p, in. No. II, .. -ft :0ft p. in. No. 19 11 :5 a. in. ! u.stmeU'M extra leaves for Omaha about two o'clock for ' mali a and will accommodate pas sengers. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIIAVA T TIME CARD. N. 3x4 Accomodation Leaves.. No.3 - arrives.. Trains daily except unday . . .10.-55 a. in. . 4 ;00 p. in. SECRET SOCIETIES INKillTS OK PYTHIAS Ciiiu tit let 1mk - No-47. Meets every Wednesday eve ning; at their hull over I5etitiet V TuttV. all vfisitLiiir kniwlits are cord tally invited to attend. M N Griflith, C C: Otis Dover K of fct-smd S. , O V TCw 4 Meet (second and fourth '"-tflav evetiiriei in the month at It OK Hall. M Vondrau, M W,K I Itrown, record eJ. A o V W No H Meet first and third Kri; lav eveninc of eacli month at lOOK hall. Frank Vcrtnylea M W; J K Warwick, recorder. nECJKEE OK HONOR Meets the first arid third Thrursda v eveninis of each month in I. O. O. K. hall, Fitzgerald block. Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor Mrs. Nannie Hurkel, sister secretary. CASS LODGE. No. 14K.I.O. O. F. meets ev ry T ueiday nifjtit at lieir hall in Fitzgerald io-k. All Odd Fellow are cordially invited attend when visiting lu t!ve city. Chris Fet eren. N G. ; S. K, Oxborn, Secretary. ROYAL A KUAN AM dee Council No 1021, 11 Meet at the K, of I hall In the Fannele & Craig block over Kernel t & 'intte, viiring brethren invited. Henry tiering, Kegent ; Thos Walling, Secretary. GA. K.McConflne Fot ?.o. 45 mepts every -Jvtiir.iHv rvnnniir ;it 7 - :io in their Hull in i'ockwood block AU visiting comrades are cordiallv invited to . eet with us. Kred Hates, Fott Adjniant ; G. K. iles, Fot Coinmadder. ORDKK (" THE WOKLD, Meet at 7 : 3 every Mcnnav evening at the Grand Army hall. A. K. Groom, preeident, Thos Walling, secretary. fASs CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every v Kpcnnil anil Fourth iUondnv viiingw in Sit7L'era.ld hall. Visiting neighbors welcome. P. c. Hansen, V. C. : 1. Werteubercer, W. A., S. C. Wilde. Clerk. CAI'TaIN H E PALMEK CAMP NO 50 S'ons of Veterann, division of Nebraska. L" 8. A. meet t'verv Tuesdav night at 7 :80 o'clock in their ball in Fitlgerald b;oek. All sons and visiting comrades are coidially invited to meet with us J. J. Kurtz, Commander ; 15. A. Mc Elwain, 1st feargent. DAUGHTERS OK KEFEOCA- Fnid of Proin i e Lodge No. 40 meet the. second una fourth Thursday evenings i f e:.cl; mo-itlt in the I" O. O. h . hll. Mrs. T- E. Williams, i G. ; Mrs. John Cory, Secretary. YOUKG MEN'S CHKIsTION SOCIATION Waterman block Main Street. Kooms open from 8 :30 a m to 8 :30 i re. For men only Gospel meeting every Sunday altenioon at 4 o'eiock. IN DISTRICT COURT CASS COUNTY Nebraska. Before Hon. S. M. Chapman. Judge. Calvin II. Parmele T vs. William Smith and Smith, his wife, first I name unknown to plain- f tiff. James Reid and I Reid his wife, first name unknown to Plaintiff. J The defendants and each of them will take notice that on the 31st day of March, 1 SiW, an action was commenced in the dis trict court of Cass county, Nebraska in the above entitled cause, the object and pray er of which is to obtain a decree quieting the title to, and removing clouds from, the title of plaintiff in and to the following ritwd nremises: Lot 5 and west 3 feet in width of lot 4, in block 18 in the city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska and general relief. You are required to answer in said cause on or before Monday the 2nd day of May A. D. 1892, or decree will be rendered a prayed for in said petition. CALVIN II. PAKXBLB W. Li. Browne, Attorney. TTORNEV A.. N. ULLITAN. attorney at-Law. Will Riv prompt tteatla so all baimeaa wtnutM to mm. Kmom i Valoa block. Kaat 814. PlatUmoutta. Mb. SIT, 919, 91, AN S9J yAIN PLATTSMOWTH, NKB. ST F. R- GUTHUAllN. PROP- Rates $4.50 pek week and vp OLD AV POK0XLA1K fllOWNI Bridf wark aaa fa gli wark a 1 - -. - - SPECIALJTY. I. BTKinADS LOCAL aa wSU M-thr MtkatiWfiTM tt IkalBlM cxtrMtia t r . -. UACSaALL. - Fitifsrala Clat . Why will you .cough when Shi lob's cure will gire immediate re lief. Price 10 cts.. 50 cUj and $1 Far sale by F. G. Fricke Ca ... - BAZAAR MILLINERY.I To the Ladies of Phittsmoiith and vicinity 1 will aniioucc my EASTER OPENING APRIL 15-16. I will have on hand a full line of Spijiu and Summer novelties in kiee neopolitan and B'osz: bbijli;' A full line of new shades and styles in- -waR IBBOJN S3'. , aiso a nanasome Jine 01 onmon poini aeaene and colored laces, velvet flowers in thevjatest i i t n tr l i lil siyies oi moniures ana rnnce ci vvtuub pum--pons I will have a good assortment of straw goods, for Misses and Childrens wear We'll have Leading Styles in Lace Crepe du Chine and fine braids trimmed. Thanking 3 on for pa.st favors I will be call and examine my ELSIE UNBUH Whitney's ff - " ! WKV CALL AND SEE Spot Cash Hardware. MANY TKARS AGO THE POET WROTE: "Man wants but little here below. Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, and fits oar case exactly ALL THAT WE WANT IS Your Trade on HARDWARE. CUTLERY, STOVES, TOOLS. That is all;' ill; Nor do we want it or more and if you will grant us this "little our cup of happiness will be full to OTerflowing. In return you will hare little to want, tor in these goods we offer tae best and most complete line made in this country to-day and That erery time we fill out a quotation sheet we feel that we ought ta e accorded a place, in history among the philanthropists for we are giriag the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselres. will Toir not gite ra the "little" that we want. J. W. Hendee, & Co. JJR. A, SALISBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T :- OL AN POKCELAIN CKSWM. Br. Stsiawar sasctsstl Urtk saIbIm z traetlm t tsvtb. . Fiae GaU W ark a Specialty. MkwM4 nek , PIMtssiaatk. Xs. to have on MOORE. Carriages And the PRICES Are away down TINWARE, . WOODEN WARk long" just for a few rears, say twenty BABQ- A TTSTS M K XT .WATCHES. - CLOCK8, - SILYEKWAKK WEFAIKS PJtOMPTLY ATTKNpKJ T- SATISFACTION fil'AWANTSSI . f W. W N ' - H. M. GAULT. : (at mit Sayder. outai Mala Hirevtm plea.rd stock Mm