i i 1 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Of G. Lomrenhatren and Wife Celebrated Last Night. EXSENA10R I'OLK IN TROUBLE. J. P. Polk Loses $18,640 Through Too Much Confidence In an Ungrateful Son A Gold Craze Reaches Platts mouth Notes. Twenty-fifth Anniversary. Last evening was the twenty-fifth or silver weddincr anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. G. Lougenhagen, and -although it rained all day yester flay and turned to hiiow last eve ning, which made it very disagree able to be out, about one hundred guests responded to the invitations and assembled at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Longenhagen on North Sixth street, where everything had been made ready for their entertain raent. Flowers in bloom were placed around, in the different rooms, which gave them a very cheerful appearance and made one forget all about the storm outside. The evening was passed away by social Chat and card playing, while vocal and instrumental music was in dulged in by some one nearly all the evening. At 10:30 o'clock dinner was an nounced and the guests went up stairs, where the tables were loaded down with vegetables, meats, cakes . and fruits of all kinds, prepared in every conceivable style to please the palate or cravings of the inner man. They received a beautiful silver tea set of the very latest design, which consisted of a tea pot, sugar bowl, cream pitcher, spoon holder and butter dish and knife, which were donated by the following per sons: Messrs. -and Mesdames Wil liam Ballance, Wash Smith, D. B. Kbersole, F. II. Steimker, L. C. Stiles, Levi Goldingf, A.Adams, Hutch inson, A. II. Dray, I. PearlmanJ. P.' Young," J. C. Petersen, William Herold, P. J. Hansen, Henry Week bach, II. T. Davis,' C. Ayre, R; Mole, R. Green, E. S. Greusel, J. V. Egen berger, O. Herold, I. Adams, A. Adams; Messrs. Henry Herold, Dr. Dan Golding, P. J. Hansen, Jr., Dr. Shipman and Mesdames Blake and Shagle. A beautiful water set was given them by Mr. and Mrs. Reuther, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Messersmith, Mr. and Mrs. Lindman, Mr. and Mrs. Geiser, Mr. and Mrs. Howland, Mr. and Mrs. Schaldice, Mr. and Mrs. Slicker, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Knotts, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Unruh, B. A. McElwain, Mrs, McElwain, Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Len nard, Mr. and Mrs. F. Latham, Mr, and Mrs. Walter White, Mr.andMrs, T. L. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. A. F, Grove, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Curtise, Mrs. Rockwood, Mrs. Isliam, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Polk, Dr. and Mrs. A. Salisbury and Sig Polk. Mr. and Mrs. Grassomick, of Enter prise, Kansas, sent sugar spoon and case; Mr. and Mrs. O. C. riny a set of tea and table spoons; Mr. and Mrs. Escher, a pickle caster; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McVey, a pair of napkin rings; Mr. and Mrs. John Waterman and Mrs. Ida Wagner, a beautiful silver card receiver; Mr. and Mrs. W. M'Kerman,of McCook, Neb., a sil ver spoon; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herr mann, a set of knives; Mr. and Mrs JLehnofif,a celluloid si ipper case with the words, "Golden Slippers,"on it; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jones, a salid dish. A beautiful silver carbon lamp was given Mr. Logenhagen by his old comrades, Geo Niles, A. C. Fry, H. J. Streight, T. Leech, M. A. Dixon, J. W. Johnson and R. W. Hyers and their wives. There were two or three other presents but we failed to get the names of the donors. There were a large numbor of regrets re ceived from those who were unable to attend. Mr. ond Mrs. O. C. Fry, of Omaha, were there from; abroad. An Important Case The case of M. O'Donohoe vs. M. D. Polk, et al., tried in the district court yesterday furnishes a remark able instance of misplaced confi dence and wholesale robbery of a father by a trusted son.' - . - The case occupied a great portion of the day and consisted mainly in the evidence W Mr. John F. Polk relative to his dealings with his son, Milton D., "editor of the. Evening News, showing' that he had let Mil- ; .ton D. have 1S,o4U. it appears mat M. O'Donhoe brings the case to set -.' aside certain deeds executed by ; Milton D.Polk to his father, John F, and by John F. to one Leason, a ibrther-in-law in .Indiana. The Lection is in the nature of a creditor's ' ! . bill O'Donohoe having a judgment a trains t M.D. Polk for some $500, " . 1 ... ... 1 a 1 A .L. l..-'.(an nl jind claiming uiui uic uauotiow 1 -certain real estate from son io fath ;'Lr and from father to brother-in- law, was made for the purpose of ; preventing the creditors of M I). , Polk from realizing on their claims ; against. the n:iiI M. I). Polk. The evidence-of 'John F. Polk was re markable in tint it went to show that he had trusted his hod with ; various sums of money since she year 1884. always to realize thai he had been victimized and dereive-l; . that money he had iutrui-led hi :i , with had been misapplied and I that he had paid note which .! , appeared again! him that he I'.nl never executed and that ev.-ry tm-t reposed in hix hoii hal been alu- I and betrayed, ho lhat finally Ite ! i - 1 1 taken a conveyance of the property ; in controversy which "was heavil ; incumbered, as the only report he had to recover anj of his lout funds , and it is this property the creditor now seek to uncover and appropri ate to their own use. As a' sensational and remarks! I, le suit the records ot our Cass coun y court fails to show its equal. The universal expression of spectator and lawyers was that ot sympathy for the old father and condemnation for the unworthy son. Gold Found In Livingston Heiff ts- . For the past week a number of miners have been around town Alley unvc wcijr uici, uviw... could be gotten out of them, buta rumor was put afloat the other day that they were prospecting for coal nni i ..i 1, . .. in Livingston Heights, but as Ricrns of diccinc for coal could not r rr r- be seen anywhere ana the miners kept so close-mouthed, it raised a suspicion in the minds of some of our visionary citizens, who got up early this mornipg and watched the supposed coal diggers. They were seen making their way up the rail road track till they came to Living ingston Heights, where they began to examine the numerous springs along the foot of the bluffs. The citizens came up and asked what they had found and were told "Gold." The miners said that there was gold in the hills "and that the water washed it out at the springs and that 500 miners from California would be here soon to dig into the hills, beginning at one of the springs, and that they expected to find gold in large quantities. This was given to a reporter ot ihe Herald as a fact, but it is a fake. So pay your money and take your choice. Base Ball Notes. Kennedy, Plattsmouth's third baseman, arrived in the city last night. '' '" Manager Patterson has made ar rangements for an exhibition game with the Ilayden Bros.' team next week. Most of the players are expected to report for duty to-morrow, ex cept Maupin and Johnson, who will be on hand Monday. Manager Gatewood of the Beat rice team gets his men up at 7 o'clock and they walk from five to eight miles and then take a half hour's practice with the Indian clubs. Lincoln will be represented in the league this summer. During yester day afternoon a meeting was held betwe.en Manager Houseworth of the Lincoln team and President Hickey of the state league which re sulted later in the afternoon by Mr, Hickey presenting Manager House- worth a slip of paper upon which were inscribed the names of the Lincoln Street Railway Co. And the Lincoln Park Co. for $100 each, and Mr. Hickey for $25. Mr. Hickey has consented to assist in soliciting subscriptions. Once more the base ball cranks are jubliant. Go to Josep Fetzer's for men's and boys' shoes; he keeps the best stock that can be had. PERSONAL. Deputy Sheriff John Tighe was in Omaha to-day. Attorney Clark, of Greenwood, is in the city to-day; ' " E. H. Wooley came in from Lin coln this morning. ... George E. Dovey. went up to Omaha this morning on No. 5. AL Etheredge is in the city from Greenwood attending court , to-day. Isaac F. Bates vs. A. D. Barden et al is being tried in district court to:day.,r , r O. M. Peterson, formerly of the Journal, arrived in the city this morning. Mrs. Sam Patterson and Miss Net tie Ballance went up to Omaha on the 2 o'clock train this afternoon. P. J. Hansen went up to Omaha this morning to try and smoothe matters over at the state conven tion. " Ex-Governor Furnas writes: Send me one dozen Rail Road Pain Cure with bill, it cures more aching ills than any other preparation I have need or known. . 25c and 50c at O. H. Snyder and Brown & Barrett. . - t;. i . Subscribe for THE ' FXATTSKOUtH Daily Herjlld at 15 cents a week. . OUR BOLD BILLY BRYAN Stirs Up thi State HIKE stl.Vt f-r at the f V And Tho Will Ca tl.e y on rl !nt The denim . met yefctertJ.i v . pose of K l -. : to the nati jmirned it liohiug si:. , , turbiug t ji- Martin h ; made hi inenced in -,i plank in '(.. stirred up n Boyd-Maru.t , being. , It was repi v war paint n stand or 1 : 1 i ti ( a adVOCSIti' ! - Cooj j,eal'-vl ,u ' Watkins .f(l ! whal a nr, )lt: ,, ,i f .. -. ".l iirn' : I i .1 rv of; h i t i would be in tin- u. ill); v. I : limitless t.nu- i n;.-i n i r. - er, and did tht ir l.--.t i nitr.ir. '.in attention to noun-thin;; '!'. i ..it the news th it Hry:,,-i i.:t1 f. L.v.j the silver for iv-j -t.iL.M tiv.u,.N the crowds lin-v. livlri i v;.' 8lumberinjr af v.i' - u f.J.f vhi;o metal awtke ni,!i a r!:u n.xii.t :.fj.,m claiming thai ih were certain u verse. There 'w them, too, that !!i saw that they h: i i -t' v'-r f.ries 1 c i ftnro U.o uni- ! rf .o mu'.iy of :il a Ut inc idouH joo on tneir nandt- il question ever came up and so tiny started out to club the new caune of tur mou into suDiection. 1 lie more they clubbed the more pronounced was the desire of tue free silver crowd to force the i.-.Mie, and the contest which wageJ all the after noon was so meting bewildering to behold. So hot did the skirmish become that the opposing Douglas county delegations received comparatively little attention and suggestions that the row could be speedily termi nated were heard on all sides. It was realized that a contesting dele gation would not be a marker to a silver fight as a party disorganizer and so everybody braced himself for the shock that it seemed certain would be given by the introduction of the money question into the con vention. The Lancaster delegation spent several bad quarter hours in parlor 2 of the Paxton this afternoon. Sil ver was the great bone of conten tion, and many earnest speeches floated through the key hole for the edification of the knot of interested listners on the outside. The dele gation seemed bound to sit down on Mr. Bryan and sit down on him hard, but he held his ground val iantly. He was for free silver and didn't, care who knew it, and said that he would take the question in to the convention regardless of con sequences or expense. At 6 o'clock the watchers retired from the door, Mr. Sawyer still held the floor, talk ing hard money for the obstinate and utterly unreasonable majority. When the delegation finally emerged it was to announce that Sawyer was named for member of the committee on resolutions, re ceiving eleven votes agiinst seven for Bryan. Bryan was bound by the unit rule, but declared that it would not prevent him from talk ing for free coinage in the con vention. The prettiest and largest line of neckware ever brought to Platts mouth at Joe's. St. Luke's Church. Divine service on Good Friday at 10 a. m., passion service 1 to 3 p. xn. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. On Easter day Holy communion at 9 a. m. and at 11 a m. : Evening service at 7:30 p. m., Sunday . school at 2:30 p. m. A cordial invitation is - ex tended to all to attend. Seats free. - - - - . - -- Why will you cough when . Shi loh's cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1 For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc . -Rev. R. A. Brown of Monmouth f 111., will lecture in the M. EJ church this evening. Subject, "Ship, Ahoy! or the; Voyage of Life.''. Admission, adults 25 cents; children under twelve years of age, 15 cents. The proceeds will be devoted to the use of the church. Rev. Brown is a noted divine who has been heard in this city before. IT IS A FACT that Snyder has more Wallpaper than any .house in town. Latest and handsomest pat terns and sold at lowest prices. Call onihim and be convinced of the truth of this. ' - ' : v TO ANY GENTJLEMAN, - Who can write the most words on a new U. S. Postal Card ONE - Will Give 1 2 3 A Nice Spring Suit. A Nice Leather Satchel. Two Nice Shirts. Send all Postal Cards JOE, The One No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892. Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person. JOE, the Popular Clothier, Ooexa Ho-u.se Corner, Plattmoutli. CHANCE IN MANAGEMENT. The Bond-holders Have Taken Charge of, the Plattsmouth Water Works. The bond-holdors of the Platts- mout Water company have taken possession of the plant in this city. The old management had not been running things to suit the bond holders and they patiently waited until the law would allow them to taite possession, whicn they done yesterday. The plant will be run in the old name the only cnange is tne oia stockholeers drop out and the bond holders will now be the stock holders. In conversation with Mr. Cobb, that gentleman stated that the stand pipe would be painted and that the concrete around the bottom of the stand pipe would be repaired also. Mr. Cobb also stated that Superin tendent Coursey would be retained to look after the interests oi the company; he also compumentea Mr. Coursey on the management of the plant. Taxes had not been paid on the plant for the last three years, amounting in all to $2,500 which were paid yesterday. An office room was secured in the i Martin block and all patrons of the Water company are expected to go to the office to pay for water, if they do not the water will be tnrned off. Wanted Some good cotton rags at this office. J. P. Young completed arrange ments, whereby he has secured one of T. H. Winnett'a New York com panies of comedians in the latest of farce comedies," "His Nibs, the Baron," for Saturday, April 30. The company, consists of twenty people. Ten comedians, , erghtii beautiful; girls a'ndjEf double quartette.' Many new ieaiures ana .novei-Bpeciaiueu including the rJatesicraze "the .mir ror dance-. - uonv I or get , tne caie but paste it in your hat so you will not make, another engagement ' for Saturday,' April 30. . ?'!l:I-2 . . - .- Messrs, Xee Applegate,' p. C. West, H. G. Strong and Andrew Sturm, oi Nehawfca, are in the city", attending district court, f While here they took a look through our new court house and all expressed themselves ' as greatly pleased with its construc tion, beauty and arrangement.'. 1 . THfi fiEST Mixed Paints made for aaley Snyder. . .. V in. Cass Com. nt-v e tyzi:oz .ill ni tov.-il: ! PRICii - CLOTHIER the Following P rizes Every word must be written with pen and ink. Every word must be readable with the naked eye, And. must be written in sensible sentences. to : ; ; . . Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb i - C. A. R. Appointments. Commander Dilworth of the Nebraska G. A. R. has made the fol lowing appointments: Asesistant Quartermaster Gen eral A. C. Moore, of Hastings. Inspector General M. E. Getter, of Ord. Judge Advocate General G, . II Caldwell, of Grand Island. Chief Mustering Officer T. F. Bowers, of Chadron. Mr. Moore will relieve Mr. Streight of the duties of assistant quarter master general on the 16th inst. Mr. Streight has filled the office with satisfaction during all his term. Go to the Tucker Sisters for Con firoiation wreaths. A replevin suit is being tried be fore Judge Archer to-day. M. W. Avery gave two chattel mortgages on some property, one to A. C. Loder and the other to S. C. Polk It is claimed by plaintiff that Avery, through his attorney, tendered Loder's agent the amount of the mortgage, but for some reason did not pay the money to the agent. S. C. Polk, who holds the second mortgage, has replevined the pro perty from Loder. The trial has been continued until to-morrow. List of Letters Remaining unclaimed in the post office at Plattsmouth: Beebe, John Dunafow, Jane Murray, Gertrude Lautenschleger Hen Mrs ry Marsey, Maggie Slater, J B . Persons calling for any of the above will please ask for "adver tised" letters. II. J. Stkeight, P. M. IT IS A FACT that Snyder has more Wallpaper than any other house in town. Handsomest and latest styles and lowest prices. An examination will convince you of this. He has the goods to back' it up. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR ELEGANT STOCK OF WALL PAPER. WE HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE FINEST LINE OF WAUL PAPER IN THE COUNTY, OUR PRICES DO THE SELLING FOR US. REMEMBER OUR STOCK OF PAINTS. OILS. AND VAR- WISHES. ETC. RESPECTFULLY, ' BROWN BARRETT. on Julv 4th: THE DISTILLERY WINS. The" Case of the Whiskey Trust vs. The Nebraska City Distlllerr Decided In Favor of the Distillery. John C. Watson wired the Nebras ka City people from St. Louis yester day that the case ot the Whisky Trust vs. the Nebraska City Distil lery, had been decided by Circuit Judge Caldwell in favor of the Ne braska City distillery. This is a very important decision in favor of a Nebraska City plant and Major Watson deserves great credit for the victory he has won on behalf of the people and against the Whiskey Trust. In this connection it is but proper to add that Mr. Watson is the author of the Nebraska law against trusts. IF YOU WANT to see the largest stock of Wallpaper in Plattsmouth, call at Snyder's store. Most and prettiest designs. No. 5 was composed of two sec tions this morning. The second section carried the theatrical corn--pany that will present "The Power of the Press" at the Boyd theatre the remainder of the week. . The Tucker Sisters have secured the services of an eastern trimmer and they invite their lady friends to call and see her. Ejuor Xtlqnor Care. To those seeking a rescue from liquors curse or other evil habits brought about by morphine, tobac-. co etc. The Ensor Institute at South Omaha offers one of the most 'relia ble and best places to go with the absolute certainty of a permanent cure. Write er visit .the institute. IT IS TRUE that Snyder has as many rolls of Border as some peo ple have bolts of Wallpaper. The haadsomest styles in Borders ever shown in Plattsmouth.. , w i , . . Step into Joe's, the one price clothier, and look at his nice line of boys clothing. , . . ,, Wanted: An energetic man to manage branch office.' ' Only a few dollars needed. salary to start :D per month and interest in business. , The Western Co., Kansas City, Mo, Get a move on your secretions by taking "Ralrena for your Blood." Cures the worst Skin and Blood Disorders. Guaranteed by O. II. Snyder and Brown A Barrett. . Joseph Fetzer keeps a full line of ladies and cbildrens shoes. The Tucker, Sisters have just re ceived a large invoice of Millinery and pattern nats. Call and see th em in the Sherwood block.