The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 14, 1892, Image 3

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' at
y74 i.k ,
Circulation Large.
Rates Reasonable
Is q Weekly
quel special
AiJU 1 i ,'1 t.-
Rates On - -
801 Cor Fifth
Everything to Furnish Tour House.
: AT;
Having purchased the J. V. "Weckbach store room m south
.Main street where I am now located " can sell goods cheap
'r than the cheapest having just put 1 the largest stock
f new goods erer brought to the city. Gasoline stoves
md fmrMitiire f all kinds sold o the installment pla .
Ijold Kintj (ole tenerryold sou!,
Had lived w tfts great ageofolirs.
Recalled jor BULL DURHAM
moKe 17 bis pipe,
And been merrier under its powers.
Thousands of Smokers
The Millionaire in his palace,
The Laborer in his cottage.
The Swell on the street,
The Sailor on his ship.
Comfort-lovers everywhere.
Prefer Bull Durham,
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co.,
Ptbliccitioil f
?qlije qs qd-
llca,tl 011.
and Vine St.
J 0 LTV Uvj ltu r
La Grippe.
No healthy person-need fear any
dangerous consequences from an
attack of la tfrippe if properly
treated. It i much the same aw a
severe cold and requires precisely
the same treatment. Remain quiet
ly at home and take Chamberlain's
Couh Remedy as directed for a se
vere cold and a prompt ami com
plete recovery sure to follow.
This remedy also counteracts hiij'
tendenf- of la grippe to result in
pneumonia. Anions the many
thousands who have used it during
the epidemics of the past two years
we have yet to learn of a single
case that has not recovered or that
has resulted in pneumonia. U." and
f0 cent bottles, for sale by F. G.
Kricke Sc Co.
La -rlppo Successfully Treated.
"I have just recovered irom a sec- j
ond attack of the jrrip this year I
says Mr. jas. O. Jones, publisher of ;
"I have just recovered from a sec
the leader, Mexica Texas. ''In the
latter case I used Chamberlain's
Cough remedy, and I thinic with
considerable success, only being in
bed a little over two days, against
ten days for the first attnek. The
second attack, I am ratsfied. would
have been equally as bad as the
first but for the use of this remedy,
as I had to go to bed in about six
hours after being struck with it,
while in the first case I was able to
atiend to business about two days
before getting down. 59 cent bot
tles for sale bj F. G. Fricke & Co.
The population of Plattsmouth
Is about 10,000, add we would say
at least neo-half are troubled with
some effection on the throat and
lungs, as those complaints are, ac
cording to staaistics, more numer
ous than others. We would advise
all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their drug
gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal
sam for the throat and lungs. Trial
size free. LargeBottle 50c- and $1.
Sold by all druggist.
Every Month
a womea mutter irom KzceaaiT or
Scant MeastrwaUon; they doo't know
who to confide la to ft proper advice.
Doa't confide in anybody bat try
Fcmalo Regulator
Spactfl e for PAINFUL, PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed free.
814 ay mil DranU.
fir tho Llitaor Habit, Positively Cum
it can bo given in a cup of codee or tea, or in ar
Sides of ood, without the knowledge of the per
sun taking it; it is absolutely harmless ami will
f Ject a permanent and ppeedy cure, -whether
the patient Is a moderate drinkror an alcoholic
a complete cure in evsry Instance. 43 page uooic
FREE, Address in confidence.
VMDEM SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Rc St, CrnctflnatLO
'on want to make
' money? rternt us ten
VVl- II i'1 i V V v. a . - c -
pie. wiili full particulars of the busi
ness, which will jjive you larj;e profits
and quick sales. steady employ
ment guaranteed. Address
Boston, Mass.
Cbaniberlain's Eye and Skin
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, OL
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Files. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
it after all other treatment had failed,
It is put up in 25 and CO cent boxes.
Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only.
Pack's Innaihlc TafeaUr Bar Caaa.
Wbimra heard. Caarfortabla.
ftim-sfalwhareallrcnwdlMfaU. Sold by P. Hlax.oiilr , TDCC
853 Bnadxay, flaw Vara. Writ tot hook ot prouta lllkC
Cleuattta and beautifies tha hair.
Pnjctutas a luxuriant growth.
Merer Tails to Beatore Gray
Hair to its Youthful. Color.
Caraa acalp ditaea it hair faiikig.
tUr.and tl.Wat Drutyiats
'at 1 TlrTa "I
.v' aT'wa .1 mW akaa at aaa , W . a . I
I r P&rker's Oincer Tonic, it cures the worst Coupb,
V. . -.V LuDnt, Debility, Iidigeation, Pain, Take in tiiucdUcU.
HINDERCORNS. The only aure wire for Coma.
iloua aJ vaiu. lie. at IJruifcixU, or Ulal
Will, or U16VOX CO., M. Y.
How Lost I How Rofjclnocrt
Or Batt.yMTATiOH1Mw mm otay
Gold Medal rUZS EMIT on 5IKTOCI and
VHYSICaUe DUUiiii mmmtwm or
intnitfaUK. Mmvmmm.
CfiU It
iB-rahuUri MKriptiMaV Only Sl.M
by nftii.
aVxabh SSSlSlt PlaKlMiy nCaMtV
ma witb cBotiBntt mrr i-smn
f tli Prw mni volaMary 11 IP t" I Snw
testimonials of th core. 1 HUW.
Consultation ia person or by maXL Kxpert trsst
TAIN CITRK. Address Dr. W. B. PsTker. or
The PesbodT Medical InstitaU, No. 4 Bblflneh St..
Boston, Mass.
The Pea body Medical Institute baa many imi
tator, bat no equal. iiera-i.
The Scieoce of Life, or Heif-Preserratioa, is a
traaanre wore valuable taan jreld. Reri H ww.
mrmrw W 11 as UCI Baaou asu leare ie
be STKOX . tfHici ;itm. CCewrifMsdJ
of fjFEj
A riuta Podding la Ranla.
Does any one remember Byron's f. -mous
plum pudding Btory? If bo. tl
Kikita plum pudding story may -tn-.
them as somewhat of a parallel. WIi-j.i
staging at St. Petersburg for Christ m.-i
some English friends of the your
singer, tliinking to please her and re
gardless of the effects on her voice. Bent
her a monster plum pudding as a sur
prise. Imagine her amazement and
trepidation when it was announced in
every morning paper that a large box.
supposed to contain an infernal ma
chine, directed to the young singer, had
been deposited at the nearest police sta
tion. A letter reached her from an
authority there are many authorities
about in St. Petersburg informing her
that the police were chary of oieniu
the box, fearing it might be dangerous
their v but did she knQW of aav
, . - ,
the box should be hers,
Tier impresario undertook to die in t?;o
attempt, and on arriving at the police
station for that express purpose was
somewhat relieved to find the huge pack
age reposing quietly enough in a tank cf
water. Now came the moment for the
untying of the Gordian knot, and there
reposed, wrapped in linen within an earth
enware bowl, the pudding dearest to the
heart of Englishmen on the 25th of De
cember as every year comes around.
The police still refused to be satisfied,
and insisted that the terrible thing
might shroud a mysterious bomb. After
a vast amount of probing and pronging,
the pudding was at length conveyed to
its destination, and both it and the joke
were heartily enjoyed by the Nikita
party. Gentlewoman.
A. British Officer's Invention.
Captain Wilson, R. N., of the torpedo
instruction ship Vernon, has invented
an appliance for cutting through the tor
pedo nets with which modern warships
protect themselves from torpedo attacks.
The experiments already made prove to
the fullest extent the tremendous power
of the new invention, which has fully
realized all its originator claimed for it.
The inventor of the torpedo net ridiculed
the idea of any instrument being able to
cut through his tough 6teel wire net
ting. But the trial just made has proved
the emptiness of his boast.'
The great momentum of the White
head torpedo, armed with Captain Wil
son's new torpedo cutters, enabled it to
cut its way through any torpedo net,
even when the latter was set an angle of
45 degs., without apparent retardation
of its flight. The cutter consists of
blades arranged scissor fashion, which
sever the wire meshes of the net, mak
ing an aperture sufficient for the en
trance of the torpedo. Electricity.
A Unique Theater.
A stock company in Vienna is about
to begin building a unique theater in
one of the recently annexed districts.
The cost is to be $230,000 or $300,000.
The roof is to be a great rolling iron cur
tain, after the style of iron curtains now
used before shop windows, and on hot
summer nights it is to be drawn aside so
that the audience may be refreshed.
With that arrangement the company
expects to be able to carry out ils plan
to give performance every evening in
the year, or 422 performances annually,
including matinees. The theater will
accommodate i'.WO persons, and the
highest price for a place outside of the
boxes is to be only forty cents, although
the heaviest classical plaj-s and the
works of the best modern dramatists
are to be produced on its stage. Archi
tecture and Building.
A Rubber Pavement.
When I was in Germany a few years
ago I was shown a street pavement that
had been laid which was made of rub
ber. It was almost noiseless, and some
went so far as to say that if it proved
successful otherwise it would do away
with vehicle springs. The only objec
tion made to the pavement was that it
was feared it would be affected by the
change of temperature. I saw a man
the other day who had recently arrived
from Germany, and he told me the pave
ment of which I have spoken has proved
to be a complete success. That it is not
changed by cold or hot weather, and
that it wears well even under the heaviest
teaming. Interview in Chicago Tribune.
A Blind Black el.
Mr. V. N. Edwards, of the United
States fish commission, has obtained
from Cnttyhunk pond a very singular
eel. The eyes are entirely concealed
under the skin and the color is uniform
ly dark, almost black. In form and
proportions it is like the common eel,
and may prove to be merely a dark col
ored blind example of this species.
Trout and other fish become dark in
color as a result of blindness, and this
may be another illustration of a phe
nomenon which is often observed by fish
cnlturists. The length of the specimen
is about thirteen inches. Forest and
Everybody Was Mad.
Nate Cook, of Brownsburg, Ind., pur
chased an old house, in which was
stored a photographer's outfit. People
curiously inclined broke into the house
and examined the pictures, but carried
nothing away. Cook was very much
incensed, and he caused the arrest of
eighteen or twenty of the very best peo
ple of Brownsburg, charging them with
trespass. The cases were afterward dis
missed, but not until all Brownsburg
was mad enough to wreak vengeance
on everybody concerned in the prosecu
tion. Philadelphia Ledger.
A Hungry Eagle.
One day last week Mr. P. C. Thorp
shot a sea gull in the harbor of South
port, N. C, but before the bird could be
secured a large bald eagle, hitherto un
noticed, swooped down and carried off
the gull, soon disappearing with it in
the direction of Fort Caswell.
Paris Libraries.
and the abundance of periodical litera
i ture, 1,377,438 books from the Parid
municipal libraries have been read dur-
. th Euronean HeralrL
o a
An Otllrer in the Militia.
"Did it ner occur toyoti," Huid a West
Point graduate and a national guards
man the other day, "what it meant to le
a jHipuliir officer in the national guard?
Something quite different, I assure you,
from lxdiii; a popular ofiiit-r in the regu
lar army. Why? Fortius reason: In
the army, if uu ofiict-r takes care of his
men, bees that they get their clothing
and pay promptly, looks out for their in
terests in case they are so unfortunate
as to be locked up in the guardhouse,
no matter how strict a disciplinarian he
may be, or how he may make the men
stand around, he will be popular with
them. But here in the guard the rela
tionship between officer and men is en
tirely changed. The rank and tile, who
are men that need no supervision of their
personal affairs, exject their officers to
be 'good fellows socially.
"An officer need not be a strict disci
plinarian to be very popular, but it is
only fair to say that the majority of na
tional guard officers, especially in some
of our crack commands, have just as
thorough an understanding of military
requirements as regular army officers.
Everything else being equal, therefore,
the popularity of the men may be com
pared as that of a man among employees
or among his club equals. 1 mention
these facts to show how easily a regular
army officer could fail to succeed in the
guard, and, vice versa, how impossible it
would be for a guard officer, whose easy
going society ways are an essential part
of his success in his rank, to make a
name for himself in the army." Brook
lyn Eagle.
Pedigree of Boston's "Four Hundred."
"Every chap in Boston has been run
ning for a pedigree lately," said a good
natured son of the Emerald Isle yester
day at the North End mission, "and
some o them fellers up there on Bacon's
Hill, as have been putting their namert
in the Foor Hundred lately, ought to be
ashamed of theirselves for trying to de
save people. Sure, one of them that goes
a strutting about with his eyeglass came
from just the same stock as meself and
has nearly blinded his two eyes looking
for his same in the book of martyrs.
"His grandfather and mine came over
from the ould country in the ship Mari
anne about fifty years ago, wid the same
intention of making a home.
"Begorra, there was no aristocracy on
board the Marianne, for he washed the
dishes and me grandfather did chores
around the vessel.
"And ye should see them now. Know
me? Faith, if there wasn't anybody else
in the city to know, they wouldn't
know Tim Doherty.
"It's nothing but the ancientness of
their families you hear of these days.
But we'll all be dead some time and
then the families of all of us will lw
ancient enough to put in the Four
Hundred." Boston Herald.
Fraud Wortli More Than the Original.
The art f ratuls that have taken shape
and substance, which remain to incum
ber the world as false coin ever circulat
ing from hand to hand, are of all times
and periods. The archaeology of fraud
even has become a science; some of the
overt and acknowledged frauds them
selves have attained the status of pre
cious and coveted works, more valuable
in the strange gyrations in the wheel of
time than the originals they simulated.
Michael Angelo's marble Cupid, for in
stance, which he made in secret, broke
and mutilated, buried in a vineyard, and
dug up again himself, all for the express
"taking in" a certain cardinal, collector
of antique marbles and contemner of
modern art, is a case in point. If this
particular Cupid could now be identified
it would probably be worth more than
the most beautiful genuine antique work
of its kind which Italian soil still en
shrouds. Nineteenth Century.
Meat and Water Diet Gives Strength.
Sir Francis Head tried the diet of the
Pampas Indians, which consists of the
flesh of mares, for these savages eat
neither bread, fruit nor vegetables. He
After I had been riding three or four
months, and had lived on beef and water,
I found myself in a condition which I can
only describe by saying that I felt that no
exertion could kill me, although I con
stantly arrived so completely exhausted
that I could not speak; yet a few hours
sleep upon my saddle on the ground al
ways so completely restored me that for
a week I could daily be upon my horse
before sunrise, could ride till two or
three hours after sunset, and have really
tired ten or twelve horses a day. This
will explain the immense distances which
people in South America are said to ride,
which I am confident could only be done
on beef and water.
To Cut Glass with Shears.
A sheet of glass a window pane for
example can be cut as easily as a sheet
of cardboard. The secret consists in
keeping the glass, the shears and ' the
hands under water during the operation.
The glass can be cut in straight or
curved lines without a break or a crack.
This is because the water deadens tho
vibrations of the shears and the glass.
If the least part of the shears comes out
of the water the vibration will be
sufficient to mar the success of the
experiment. L'lllustration.
A Candid Reply.
"Now be honest," said the second
party to a horse deal, as he slipped the
halter on his exchange. "Is the animal
worth carrying home?"
"No," replied the former owner frank
ly, "he ain't, but hes worth leading
home, if you're going in that direction."
Kate Field's Washington.
America's Seven Wonders.
The seven wonders of America are
classed as follows: Niagara falls, Yel
lowstone park, Mammoth cave, the Can
yons and Garden of the Gods, Colorado;
the giant trees, California; the natural
bridge, Virginia, and the Yoeemite val
ley. '
During the last three months of the
year 1891 over 3,000,000 pounds of silver
lead ore wera sent into this country from
the state) of Senora, Mexico.
Ilutter, Kjrj?8 Cheese, iltl Gsitne,
Poultry, Meat, Apple, Potatoes
Green ami Dried Fruite, Vegetables
Citler, Heaiin, Wool, Unlet, Tallow
Sheep IVltt, Furw, Skins, Tobacco,
Grain, Flour; Hay, Heenwax, Feath
er, Ginning, Uroomcom, ami llopt.
M. E. I! A I, I A R I)
fieu. Oil), Merchant ai d hlilppKr,
217 Market Street - St. l.ouU, Mo.
WA NTKIi AKi'iit, yiie ucxuiilute.l with Kitrw
era mill Shipper,,.
TI310TIIY , LA Kit.
rU aad Hee 44 Hoath Third Htrset.
Telephone It.
Registered Pbyslciau and I'baianaciat
Special attention given to Office
Rock Bluffs - Xm.
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmoutk
Lumber Yard
ii. A. WATEMAK & S
Shingles, Lath, Sash.
Doors, Blinds
Can supply everw demand of tbs citj.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of opera houses.
For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, St. Lowis,
and all points north, east
south or west. Tick
ets sold and bag--jfage
to any
States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
- G. P. A. St. Lois, Me.
J. C. Phillippi,
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
H. 9. Apgak. Afft., Plattsietk.
Telephone, 77.
English Spavin Liniment removea
all hard eoft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, tlood
sparine , curbs splints, eweeney,
ring boae, etiflee, sprains all Jswoi
len throats, coughs etc.. Save 50
cent by use f one bottle. Warrant
ed the meet woaderful. blemish
cure ever knawn. Sold by F. G,
Fricke & Co drf gists Plattsmouth
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co