3& Had HeWouId jDURHAUj Circulation Large. Rates Reasonable Hi:'. vj : Returns . i- j Is q Weekly ligl qid speciql POnTSBBOUTH HERALD eiisiqg rqediqiri o qll seel t ifGqcl fn"ilies liioqgl oqt tlG coqqty- 'ZE3ates On .;p;plicati 011. A. B. KMOTTS BUSINESS 31 AIV AG EIS. 801 Cor Fifth PLATTSMOUTH Everything to Furnish Your House. L PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODEKX , . HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Haying purchased the J. V. Weckbach store room south Main street where I am now located can sell goods cheap er than the cheapest haying just put in the largest stock of new goods erer brought to . the city. Gasoline stoves and frnmiture f all kinds sold on the installment plan . I. PEARL3IAJN. 71 UJP V UA LTVj LMJ r ygfl i elaiw'i LoXiK TCM CI 1 1 X- j t '-,JX isioii it DURHAg PUREST. MOST RELIABLE. ) Ij old Krntj (ole tr;e n?crry old soul, liVed 117 tnis great qgeof oUrs, Recalled jor BULL DURHAM I ; 10 sroKe 17 171s pipe, And been njerrier Under its powers. Thousands of Smokers The Millionaire in his palace, - The Laborer in his cottage. The Swell on the street, The Sailor on his ship, Comfort-lovers everywhere, Prefer Bull Durham, Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co.r UUKnAH, N. u. Remunerative, ' 1 ' . ' 1 l , . . ; : I. ; . . ) I I . - 1 l9tblicqtiorl f -Qcz qs qq qd- and Vine St. - NEBRASKA 1? r. . .1 i 1 i .. . J I I "SI' I La Crippe. No healthy pernon need feHr any X "d3flgCT0XT$"tyrirtifirnev ' from uiw attack of la jjrippe if properly treated It i much the tain; an m Bverj. cold aittl fejuirt; precise! The name treadueof. Kmain iui-t ly at homo and take Chamhei lain'r Gondii Reineily as tlirfl-tel for a s vere cold :i I a prompt and com lete". recov ry is nun? to follow This remedy also counteracts an tendency ol la grippe to result in pneumonia. Anionic the man tlums:' 1 4 Is wlo have--iTseif it during the er.ideniics of the past two yciiri- : we have yet to learn of a single case that has mt recovered! or tha has resulted in pneumonia. 2fan-l ,T) cent hottlea for sale hy Fricke ft dt. La -rlppo Succdssl jly Troated. "I have just recovered from a sec ond attack of the rip this year," Hays Mr. Jas. (). Jones, puhlisher of the leader, Mexica Texas. "In the latter case I used Chamberlain's Couli remedy, and I thin with consideralde success, only ueinf in bed a little over two days, against ten days for the lirst attuck. The second attack, 1 am ratsiied. would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to o to bed in about six hours after beiiijf struck with it, while in the first case I was able to atiend to business about two days before ettin down. 5'J cent bot tles for sale h F. G. Fricke & Co. The population of Plattsmoutti Is about 10,000, add we would say at least neodialf are troubled with some effection on the throat and lunjs, as those complaints are, ac cording to staaistics, more numer ous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the opportunity to call on their drug gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Hal sam for the throat and lu iljs. Trial size free. LargeHottle 50c- and $1. Sold by all drufirgrist. Every Month BuiiT women suffer from Exec Msive or I n't know Scant Menstruation: they don' who to confide in to get proper adrico. Doa't confide in anybody but try Bradfield's Female Regulator Specific for PAINFDL, PROFUSE, SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGUUUt MENSTRUATION. Book to "WQMAri w. mailed free, ji BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, Ca. Hold by all DrascbU. f " aMMKDHBjnMBnavaaaaji SniBKenness hi tho Llunor Habit, Positively Cum BY A9cJKlI8Rla M. NAIRESBOLlEN SPECIF!!. St can be given in a cud cl co9ee or tea, or in nr ticlcs of ood, without he-knowledge of the ;r ion taking it; it is absolutely harmless awl u Ui eifct a permanent and ppeedy cure, N liet)ir the patient id a moderate drinkernran ali'nlioao w reck, it NEVER FAILS. Wo GUARANTEE j a rompiete cure in ev ji v instance. 4-i La,e buck I FKFE, Address in confi"lfcii!P. Vu0c.N SPECIFIC CO., I fiic St.. CincinnaikO want to make 'l ' ronts'aiKl r Setifl us ten ppnfs jinri rtn'eii'f si shiii- rl w-itli full ,f, rt iiu In r?i t if tli Imsi- f-fci j i ------ ..... , ........ .. ..... . id ness, wliicii wi.ll irive you laryepronts . anil quick sale-s. Stealy employ ment icuuruiiteed. Adilrcss arsh & Co- rornana at., ) cioston, Mass. CiiamDerlain's Eyo and FTdn Ointment. A certain euro for Chronic Soro Eyes letter. Salt Eheum, Scald Head, 01 Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Hippies &cd Piles. It is eoolinr aod. soothing. Hundreds of case3 Lave been cured by J fc after all other treatment had failed. ; it is put up in 25 and CO cent boxes. ''' BO LING WATER OR MILK. E P P S ' 8 " 'GRATELJL COMFORTING CO A .J i- - f.n Labeled J-2 lb Tins Only. g r ngNESSnADHoiuscURED gVt l m by Ptck'l InvMiilc TafcaUr Emr Caa riSMafrM laa. VUpm haarJ. Comfortable, fekxMtulwbrreallrniMdlxfail. Soldbyr.HlaMz,oilr,rDCC Q53 Bnaw7, aw lark. Writ for boak ( aroofarnCC PARKER'S HAIR. BALSAM Cleaiuoa and beautifies tr. aik. PnaHotef a Josunavt growth. Klver Fail to Bealore Gray iBair to its TootihfBti: Color.- -Cures srelp diieet' & hzir iltui. Y - rtr,andMH)a Draajrirj- s1. A".--, frcT! vVraW.i.i. j)-Dilitv, Iadigettiop, Piii,Tke iut.ipe.iucu.. i.op, aiiu. lit at iiugiUu. or UlSCOX CO., VY llAlrllMI(0)(0)IDB How Loet ii vHaw jZefrrXnecrt iifit la,v, 1aa mm tmm Ha rl iia Or i-PF9TOT1ATION. Avfji4tmi9 MATURK OKCI.INK. Ua U jDI)D(AfaW m WKAKJCESSM mtMAJi. Mbkm.) tat; i ikiBlaaw-tmcrtptioffw; ?, iiQmt i of the Frees Mtd .t1 teatim6tla3a " of the e t'onauitvirm m -nertoq or by wuni., xprrt treat, menu INVIOLABLE SECKKCt and CER TAIN Cl Rr:. Addrf. I -W.Mfc Prkr.c: The Pea body Medical IoaUtute, Ho. 4 BulfiDcb St.. Boston, alaee. . . ' The Peabody Vedical Thxtitme ; baa many.' imi tator, but no equal. The Science of Life, or Svlf PreeerratioB, is a 'treasure more Talualle thaa Kohl: Read U bow, rery WEAK sad NEKVOI S man. and leara te be STBOSS . Mtdioti Jtfinr. (Copyrighted . ChrcUr of tbet Qwhm Eaapror. The new emperor, on mounting thr 'throne, was -of eogrne pjtpetttMt Wu tain the policy of a minister whoi'i" In m gran dfather hail IioiKrei" with, xver , mark fha-t a loyal eubject or.-' "even a money loving one could ask. The rei;;ji f Frederiek 111, less than a hundred day. liad lieen too hhort and too full of ihya ical sufferiiiff to let the world know the strength aud breadth of the ruler whom Bismarck next apH.'ured to r'pre&eiit. In his successor the Germans have aa emperor who has" not onlyc abundant1 physical energy and endurance, but has with it a contempt for humbug, social ism and the crooked jxdice methods that always suggest a feeble or rotten execu tive, lie is a practical manager . and does not pretend to le a Bavior of so ciety, lie has no quack nostrum for poverty, crime, prostitution or tho dis content that Bets class against class. Ilia business is to 6ee that the govern ment machine runs smoothly, that com petent men are employed,, tliat the peo ple's taxes are spent for the public good, that the law is administered without favor and that reforms are inquired into. lie has the mind of a Yankee, he loves experiment, his methods are di rect. He is the sort of man that forge to the front in a new country. We' can imagine him learning his trade in some machine shop, then rapidly rising to a position where inventive talent, thor oughness, patience and, above all, hon esty tell say, at the head of some great manufacturing or shipbuilding enter prise.. On his succession to power, 18S8, lie did what most intelligent young men do when suddenly placed in charge of an estate. He inquired how the previous manager had done his work; he exam ined personally into cases of alleged wrong; ho noted carefully the testimony of qualified observers; his eyes were opened to the need of reform in many directions; he suggested these reforms to his manager; the manager did not agree with the master; the manager re signed and now spends his time in em barrassing as far as he can the move ments of the manager who has super seded .him. The immediate cause of Bismarck's resignation . will be known when the emperor chooses to make the matter public. Today we can regard only the official acts of the minister, and from these infer what reason there was for his being retired. Poultney Bigelow in Forum. Modern Clond Compellers. ' A curious and interesting experiment was tried early one morning at the Jar dine d'Acclimitation. ; Some ingenious person; has hit upon a scheme for mak ing artificial clouds for the warming of fields and preventing damage to crops. A number of stoves had been placed ten yards apart around the spot selected, and when they were lighted a thick black smoke was produced. Unfortu nately for the success of the experiment, there was, too much wind, and the "clouds" were dispersed immediately, the smoke being blown toward the in closure occupied by tho seals, who did not seem at all to appreciate it. It is said that some experiments car ried on in the Gironde were far mor? successful,' and that the system will ho largely used there to protect tho vines. It is said that a vineyard could be made two or three degrees warmer. Several officers attended the experiments yester day to 6ee whet her tho process could 13 utilized for military purposes. Galig nani Messenger. II e Knew All About It. The British legation building in Wash ington is draped in mourning for th9 late Duke of Clarence, but everybody doesn't seem to know it. Last week when a visiting delegation was there, two dele gates, whether they were from Chicago or not it is not necessary to state, were showing each other the town. As they passed along Connecticut avenue one of them said: "That big brick over there with the portico-chere in front of it is the English legation." - "Is that so," said the other, taking it in carefully as tourists .do. "It's got mourning on it, I see." "Yes," explained the first one with an air of superior knowledge, "that's for Justice Bradley, who died recently." Detroit Free Press. '' Growing; a Tew Hoof. A singular condition has developed in the buffalo herd at the Philadelphia Z-x. Late in last year the' hoof and mouth disease affected the cattle of . Europe very seriously, and - there were slight visitations of it in this country. One of these was at the Philadelphia Zoo among tho buffalo. . Eight of the . herd were isolated. -. Since then the symptoms of this, disease, have disappeared from all- but one of those isolated.. This one, however,' has lost a hoof, and is now hard at work raising a new one, hobbling around on three legs. " This is the only case, on record in America of a buffalo rosing a hoof and growing a new one in captivity. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. ' Scared Tourists. The recent earthquake gave a good many eastern tourists at Los Angeles "a bad half hour.". One guest at a leading hotel rushed panic stricken into the bar room, clad in a night shirt, oyer which he had buttoned his vest, a pair of boots, and carrying an umbrella under his arm. He would have rushed out into the street but for the clerk. San Francisco CalL- - ' A Group of Wealthy Men. A group of men who meet almost daily at lunch in the cafe of the Chicago club includes Marshall Field, Potter Palmer and L. Z. Leiter, who began life as clerks in . dry goods, stores, and are now worth from $3,000,000 to 10,000,000 apiece. Chicago Letter. ., , Spring; in Wall. Walla. In the Walla Walla valley. Wash., spring is as far. advanced as in western Oregon. Crocuses and hyacinth are hi bloom, lilacs are in bud and cherr- and peach trees will soon be in full blossom. The winter was a mild and short one in that favored locality. Washington's First I .ova Affair. George Fairfax was the companion of WutJueiJtVL h? surveying tour for Lord Fairfax. VV aiIiriiKtoirTlrst'JIICt: Mrs. Falrfar at tll Jvvir? ,uear, Mount Vernon, when' she win brought home as the bride of George Wijliam F;irfax. Mins Mary Cary accompanied her Mter Barah to liclvoir, and there met George Washington. She was then but four teen years of age. Washington was only sixteen. He had never visited tho low country near Williamsburg prior to this, and therefore could not have iukt Sarah Cary until her marriage. It is eaid that he fell in love at sight with Mary Cary, and went so far on his first visit to Williamsburg as to ask Colonel Cary for the hand of his daughter. The big rawboned lad found scant favor in the eyes of tho patrician planter. He was dismissed in terms so curt that we must bear in mind paternal pride and other extenuating circumstances if we would keep intact our idea of a fine old Virginia gentleman. "If that is your business here, sir, I wish you to leave the house! My daugh ter" the swelling emphasis rumbles down the corridor of years "has been accustomed to ride in her own coach." Tradition asserts that ' tho chagrined suitor took the choleric parent at his word, and that the next time he looked upon the face of his early love was when he passed through Williamsburg on his return from Yorktown after the surren der of Cornwallis. Marion Harland in Harper's Weekly,, . t , , . Wuiih fro It liefer Katlne; It. The following curious instance is re ported by M. Schnirer of the ease with which consumption germs may be dis seminated. While at work one day in the laboratory of Weichselbaum. he sent for some grapes to eat. The fruit had been kept for some time in a basket outside the lavatory aud was covered with dust, so that the water in which it was washed was black. On examining it he reflected that, inasmuch as the neighboring street was traversed by con-r sumptive patients going to the clinic, the dust probably was charged with tubercle bacilli. To settle this, M. Schnirer injected into three guinea pigs ten cubic centimeters of water in which the grapes had been washed. One ani mal died in two days from ieritonilis, the two others died on the forty-eighth and fifty-eighth days, respectively, pre senting marked tuberculous lesions, especially at the place of injection. The water in which the grapes had been washed was taken from the faucet, and the glass containing it had been sterilized; neither the boy who had bought the grapes, : nor the merchant who had sold them, was consumptive. The cause of the infection was, beyond doubt, the dust on tho grapes. This ex periment illustrates the danger arising from the dissemination of desiccated tuberculous sputa in the air. Halt's Journal of Health. A Sort of Digital Depression. Did you ever notice when a man smites his thumb with a hammer while putting down a carpet under wifely supervision and criticism how quickly he thrusts the bruised and throbbing member into his ready mouth? People think it is because the application is soothing. iut no; it is an involuntary movement, same as winking. The man cannot help it. Nature knows what the man would be apt to say under tho cir cumstances, and so she has provided him with a stopper and has ordained that whenever he hits his tliumb hard enough to hurt and it doesn't take very much to nearly kill a man when he is doing something he doesn't want to by a 6ort of interlocking system the thumb flies into his month and stops him up, so that he can't say anything. Some men whom you and I know should be pro vided with an extra thumb which they might carry about in their hand all the time it wasn't in active use. It would be a great thing, wouldn't it? Robert J. Burdette in Ladies' Home Journal. An Anecdote of Washington. It was while plunging through the "leaden rain aud iron hail," at the battle of Monmouth that Washington's horse was shot under him. The chief coolly stepped from the prostrate charger, and having received from the hands of an attendant orderly a fresh horse, ready caparisoned, he turned to the sable body servant who followed him close through all dangers, and without the presence of whose ebon visage a picture of Wash ington and his family would not be complete, and tmietly said- "Here, Billy, take the saddle from that dead horse and look out for it." And then he dashed away to direct the planting of Oswald's battery. "Golly!" exclaimed old Billy, as he related the incident to one of the family on his return home, "who ebber did see such a man as Mas'r Washington? Who'd ebber V thought ob dat saddle but him? I tell ye, mas'r remembers eberyt'ing eb'ryt'ing down to de bery littlest." New York Ledger. A Lover. A lover is one driven hither and thither by doubt and longing; whose every action gives to himself dissatis faction; whose every sensibility, merged into that of anxious excitability, poised delicately as a magnetic needle, fluctu ates between hope and despair. ,Who experiences the involuntary departure of his ' own self worthiness to the in crease of that ' of his idol, thereby ren dering that object seemingly beyond his reach. Cor. Philadelphia Music and Drama. - -- A Remedy for a Had Habit. An efficient remedy for the nail biting habit is to dip the finger ti after every hand washing into a strong solution of quinine . and glycerin. ; , .Any druggist will prepare it of requisite strength; the bitter taate will stop children from fur ther btting, and will remind an adult aa well. New York Times. The shoemaking business in Califor nia is controlled almost entirely by Chinese. Fully 10,000 Chinese are em ployed in such labor. TO SHIIM'KJfS. IJulter, KtfKH Cheese, itl Game, 4'uullry, McuU. Applets. 4 t aloes Green Mini Dried Prune, cctaMc Cider ttchrip', Wool; :llilen, Tallow Sheep IVltn, P'tirn, Skiiin, Tobacco, Grain, p'lour; liny, HccHwnx, I'esitli- . crw, Ginning, Jtrooiiu orn, iiiid Hop. j M. IS. 1IA I. LA K I) ' Gen. (Vm. Merchant u d Milder, 217 Market Hlreet - St. Ixiuls, Ida. j WANT Ml Aent, yiitj ucxualtilml with Kan' vtw ami rtnipl'rM, Ti3lOIIlV r.l.ARK. fH-ALKK IX COAL WOOD -o TERMS CASIIo rds aud 404 South Tatrd Street. Telephone 12. l'LATTHNOWTH, NbRRAStC J,; E. REYNOLDS, KrglHtered l'liyalclau and Pharssaclat I Special attention fjiven to Oflice Practice. Rock U luffs - Nu. J9 J. l-TilSE KALKIt IN- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUE ENS WARE. Patronag-e of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsuaoutb THZ OLD RELIABLE. 1 1 $mm u m F LUMBER ! Shingles, Lath, ShpIi Doors, Blinds Own supply everw demand of tbe city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. t !' aidi n't fi -For Atchinson, St.. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points ncrth, east south or west. Tick ets sold and bag gage checked to any point in the Vnited States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO KATKS AND ROUTES Call at Depot or addresa H, C. TOWX9E.NI), G. P A. St. Louis, M. J. C. PHILLIHPI, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. ArUAK. Agt., Plattsruoutk. Telephone, 77. Knglish Spavin Liniment removes all hard soft or calloused lumptt and blemishes from horees, blood apavins , curb pliiits, nweeneyy len throats, coughs etc Save .50 cent by use of one bottle. Warrant ed the. mst . wonderful blemisli cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co druggists Plattsmouth" Shiloh'a catarrh remedy a pos itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and a a a LanKerraouiH. ror Haie ny r. . Fricke & Co Lumber Yard