The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 12, 1892, Image 2

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    .... -I
JtwiC uufy trtmuai&) and"
Mi 'A
A Cure for the Ailments of Man i and Beast
A long-tested .pain relierer.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Fanner, the
. Stock t Raiser, and I by, ererr one requiring an effective
other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
F (, Kiilliiiiii G
I i
A Full and Cnmphte life o
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Csm'i'ully fomiMU!ilcd .it all !?:r.
The Leading
Cnpttantly keep on hand everythin
yon need to furnish your hout;.
Plattsmouth - Men
Family ;
School ;
E,V LWI Library ;
' .1 SiH-O-U-L-D "
i Own a Dictionary.
tCare should be txken to
.-. .-. .-. I'ZT
T Tn years spent in revising-. 100 edi-,
:w ten implored, over $300.000 expended. ,
Sold by 111 Boekseli'srs.
o O. MXBRIAM COi PuWishsrS, .
Spriagileld. Uui, U.S.A.
Do not boy reprints oC obsolete,
X editions.
T c-Sei
C-Send for free pamphlet con tainiag ,
specimen page an
a run particular. ,
I 111
l. i r . ... i .
Healthful; Agreealile; - CleansTrig.
Cures . .
Chapped Bands,. Wounds Burns, Eto.
Bemoves and Prevents Dandruff.
white Russian soap.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
YoyiTG nECToipiiiaT
mr imani wwriM niannii
aa UUt . Saw to MSI
Mat M-dM.ii
ta iumtykt iry
Orraaavf Ma; a4jrT
r Mtk4a nclMivtlr ar
tMt tr ItlUic MUakM.
aaa mt
aa4 Kiad, UkU n
araahMi Bum ke Cjf.
Mtrm telalufi avm i
a MMlf; Mm M lw, TilfM tM nrac
.AAM.V? & I
,nMrMMa ijravwirwfc, I
n 4 -S. wrm.
1 Vi.:ia-
- NlJ VVlillARITl
r f
TION. The republican , electors of the
state of Nebraska are requester! to
send delegate.- from their several
counties to met-t in convention in
the city of Kearney Wednesday
April 27,lN'.rJ, at 11 o'clock a.m., for
the purpose of electing four dele
gates at lare to the republican na
tioual convention to be held in
Minneapolis June 7, 1S'.)2.
The several counties are entitled
to representation us follows, uvcinj
based upon the vote cast frt" Ifou.
George II. Hastings for attorney
general in 18'JO, ivi.itf one delegate
at lare to each county and one for
each votes-and the major frac
tion thereof:
Comities ,
Adams- ... 11
Counties Del.
Johnson. 7
Kearney C
K'eve l'alia 3
Keith ... 2
Antelope til
LJamier -
Ulaine ...ii 2
Boyd.... .
Boone .. .
Box Butte.
Brown .
Hut) a to ..
Butler.. .
Burt .... ...
Cedar ...
Colfax . ..
Dakota. ...
Dawson ...
a. Kunball 2
Knox 5
IyOticaster 36
Lincoln. ... 6
bojian 2
Loup 2
Madison B
McPliearsoa 2
Merrick 5
Nance 4
-Nemaha 9
Nuckolls 0
Pawnee ... 9
Perkins 3
Pierce 3
Phelns 4
Platte . 4
Polk..: 5
Ked Willow f
Kichardsos 11
Kock 3
Saline It
Harpy 4
Saunders S
Scotts Hlff 2
Seward .. 10
Sheridan 6
Sherman 3
Sioux 2
Stanton ' 3
Dundy 3,
r ilMiore.
llnrlsiri ..
Thomas -
Thurston 4
Valley ..
Wayne 5
Webster 7
Wheeler -. 2
York 12
Hayes 3
Hitrhrot-W 41
Howard 4
Hooker '
JeflersonS... .9
Total 593
It ia recomended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention, and
that the delegates present be auth
orized to cast full votes of the dele
gation. ;
It recommended that the republi
cana'of every county in this state
be requested to select their county
central committee at the first coun
ty convention held in their respec
tive counties." Said committee to
serve until the county convention
of 1S93 be held.
Dr. S. D. Mercer,
Walt. M. Seeley.
The republican electors of the
First congressional district of the
state of Nebraska are requested to
send delegates from the several
counties comprising said district to
meet in convention in the city of
Falls City, Wednesday, April 20,
1801, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of electing two delegates
and two alternate delegates to the
republican national convention to
be held at Minneapolis June 7, 1892.
The several counties are entitled
to representation as follows, be
ing based upon the vote cast for
Hon. W. J. Counell for congress in
1890. One delegate for each 100
votes and major fraction thereof
and one delegate at large from each
Del'Counties Del.
19 Otoe 13
10 Pawnee 13
Lancaster - 4.rii
Nemaha 12
Richardson..-..-.. Hi
Total 128
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention, and
that the delegates present from
each county cast the full vote of the
W. H. Woo WARD,
Frank McCartney,
Pronounced: Hopeless, Yet Saved.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hurd of Groton, S. D., we quote:
"Was taken with a bad cold, which
settled on my lungs, cough set in
and finally terminated in consump
tion. Four doctors gave me up say
ing I could live but a short time. I
gave myself tip to ray Saviour, de
termined if I could not stay with
my friends on earth, I wpuld meet
my absent ones above. My hus
band was advised to get Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption
coughs and colds. I gave it a trial
took in all eight bottles it has cured
me and thank God I am now a well
and hearty woman." Trial bottles
free at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug
store, regular size. 50c. and $1.00.
A. Great Surpriee '
Is in store for all who use Kerup'f
Balsan for the throat and lungs the
great guaranteed remedy. Would
you believe that it . is sold on. its
merits and that any druggits is au
thorized by the progrietor' of this
wonderful 'remedy to give, you a
sample bottle free? It never fails
to cure acute and chronic coughs.
All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam.
Larg-e Bottles 50c and $1..
Cough Following the) Grip
"Many person, who have recovered
from la grippe are now troubled
with a persistent ;.coughVi Cham
berlain's ' ; cough . . remedy will
promptly loosen this , cough and
relieve the lungs, effecting a per
manent cure in. a very short time.
25 and SO cent bottle for sale" by F.
G. Fricke & Co. ' -
The I'bgonip Fog.
The city of Carson, Nev., extierienco.J
the other evening the thickest anJ coM
est potjouip fog "in tlie memory of tuy
oldest inhabitant." Th pogonip -fopr U
peculiar tolevatel altitudes in the Ne
vada Sierras, which is something fpr us
to le thaukful for. The pogonip ascend.
fru Iho valleys, arid its chiil embrace
is so'lmch feared by the Indians, who
at o predisposed to affections of the lungs,
that they change their camp if apprised
by the atmospheric conditions that the
. dreaded fog is approaching.
! Odgen, a chemist of the Nevada min
ing bureau, furnishes this pleasing de-
i Ecription of the pogonip: "In the White
Pine mountains, the Toyabi, the Myko
' and the Parranagat ranges it is quite
common to see the trees, houses and
everything out in the oien gradually be
come white without any apparent cause.
There is no perceptible fog, but the hot
air from the valleys gradually ascends
up the mountain side, and becoming
crystallized, the minute crystals attach
themselves to anything in sight. This
phenomenon affects human beings in
just the same manner, and when the fog
passes by, the frozen particles will ad
here to the hair and clothing, producing
a very grotesque effect." Providence
Two Kinds of Italians.
. .The monument which is to be erected
in New Orleans in memory of the late
Chief of Police Hennessey is nearing
completion at the works of the HalloweU
(Me.) ' Granite company. The' monu
ment has three bases, the lowest 7J feet
square.'' On the top base the name
'Hennessey" is chiseled in raised let
ters. The capital is two feet in height
with paneled sides. Surmounting the
capital is a plain granite column thirteen
feet in height. At the foot ' of the col
umn is the coat of arms of Louisiana.
. and above that is a representation of the
dead chiefs badge. From ' the draped
top of the column are suspended a
. policeman's belt and a club, like those
worn by the dead chief.
A singular circumstance in connection
with this monument is that seven of the
nine , men employed in making it are
Italians. ' Speaking of that, Joseph
Archi, who has charge of the work, said,
"The Italians who are doing this work
, are of a different class altogether from
the New Orleans Italians who killed
Hennessey, and they are in perfect sym
pathy with the Americans who shot our
evil minded countrymen." Boston Tran
script. " "' ' " -
Sirs. H el wig's u.034 Loose Teeth.
Armed with a search warrant Treas
ury Agents Soehnglen and Harlan vis
ited the residence of Dr. Emmey Hel
wig, a female physician, and after ran
sacking the place they located a trig
package of false molars. ' The teeth
were all single, no sets being found.
They numbered just 5,034. The woman
was taken before Chief Treasury Agent
Scanlan, where she admitted having
brought the teeth from Germany. She
came to America Oct. 4, 1890.
There is a duty of 60 per cent, on
porcelain teeth, and as the lot was val
ued at $300 the duty would have been
considerable. After safely passing the
customs officers at New York Mrs. Hel
wig came to Chicago, where she opened
a dentist's office. This failing to pay
she hung out her shingle as a female
physician. Chicago Tribune.
Hens and Dark.
Fish stories are good, but they cannot
compare in interest with the hen stories
that were told at the Plowman Farmers'
meeting in John Hancock building.
James Rankin, of South Easton, the es
sayist, described a pair of healthy chick
ens hatched from a double yolked eggs
which were joined at the wings by a
fleshy integument. They had to be sep
arated, because one of them developed
a tendency to turn somersaults, which
proved a source of annoyance and dan
ger to his less acrobatically inclined
mate. He also told of a flock of ducks
that would never enter the water unless
accompanied by a young lady attendant,
and at a certain hour every day they
would come to the house and quack for
her to come out and go with them to
the water's edge. Boston Transcript. '
Vermont Deer Return to New York.
The attempt to stock the Green moun
tains with deer will doubtless prov a
complete failure. A number of years
ago some of the animals were brought
from New York and turned loose upon
the mountain slopes in the thinly inhnb
iteti sections of the stat6. That t ley
have brec and increased it is quite natu
ral to suppose, but the reason that they
are not now any more numerous than
they were five years ago can be attrib
uted to the fact that in the winter they
cross Lake Champlain on the ice into
the Adirondack wilderness, never to re
turn. Vermont Cor. Albany Journal.
The Preacher's Celluloid Cuffs Took Fire.
The Rev. Boles, the pastor who has
been holding revival services at Man
ning, la., has met with a' serious acci
dent. A furnace used in the church for
heating water for baptisms suddenly ex
ploded, and the Rev. Boles carried it
out. He had the misfortune to be wear
ing celluloid cuffs, which also took fire,
and in an instant his clothes were on
fire. Both of his arms were burned and
charred in a frightful manner, and the
attending physicians say his injuries are
fatal. Cor Indianapolis Journal.
A. very 'pleasant , sight was. witnessed
on the Brooklyn water front a few days
ago, and one that is of too rare occur
rence nowadays; it was "the docking of
four American steamships almost at the
same time.' ' ' "" ' . -
A colored man at High Point, N. C,
fell -from an ' electric light pole to the
pavement, a distance of twenty-five feet,
the other day and is reported to have es
caped without even ''a bruise. ' '
The output of petroleum in this coun
try last- year surpassed all previous rec
ords, and amoun ted to 50,1 50,000 Iwrrels.
I ' Russia is soon, to construct an electric
railway : " between St. ! Petersburg and
Archangel, a diatauce of 890 miles,
An Amateur Performer Who Instated
I'pon Following the Lines.
It is not often that professional actors
get mixed up in amateur theatricals,
but when they do, as a rule, their lives
are made miserable until the affair is
over. A few years ago a young wom
an, who was one of the reigning belles
of the Four Hundred in this city, wrote
a romantic play, plentifully sprinkled
with singing and dancing. She read the
play to her intimate friends, and they
one and all unanimously declared that
it should 1j produced at one of the the
aters where amateur irformances are
held, and that the author should play
the part of the heroine. After much
coaxing the lady consented. The play
was called "Kismet." The cast was se
lected from among the best amateurs,
the leading man being the head and
front of them. The scene of the play
was laid in Turkey, in the garden and
palace of the sultan. The plot was
hinged on the abduction of two beauti
ful girls and their final rescue.
A clever professional stage manager
was engaged at a big salary and re
hearsals began. Everything went along
as smoothly as could be expected until
the last rehearsal, which took place on
the morning of the day appointed for the
production, when a note was hastily de
livered to the stago manager 6ayiug that
the leading lady and author had lost her
voice completely, and that her physician
had ordered her not to leave the house.
She was very sorry, but advised that a
professional actress bo engaged to take
her plac. Here was "a pretty kettlo of
fish" how to get an actress at so short
a notice. The costumes must be fitted
and the part learned before 7 p. m. The
manager thought of a friend of his, Mrs,
Addie Plunkctt, Charles Plunkett's wife,
who had just closed her season with
I .vrence Barrett and who was then at
liberty. He sent for her and requested
her to return with the messenger. She
did so, and after a long talk with the
stage manager consented to rehearse the
part. She was nervous; of course. '
In the garden scene her sister's lover
has discovered her hiding place and
they are having a loving interview, the
heroine remaining on the lookout for
interruptions, which may occur in the
form of the sultan's servants, which
would mean death to the intruder. At
a certain cue the heroine rushes np to
her sister s fiance and tells him to "Fly!
fly for your life some one approaches!"
and the lover is pushed through a wick
et and escapes. . Mrs. Pluhkett rehearsed
the ecene carefully and told the leading
man that in case she should forget to
say all the lines she would' make him
understand when it was time for him to
make kis exit. Thus it was settled be
tween them. Evening came, and the
time for the curtain to be rung up ar
rived. Most of the performers had stage
fright, one fair amateur declaring that
she had entirely forgotten her lines and
was sure that she would faint from
sheer fright.
The x'erforraance began and Mrs.
Plunkett struggled bravely through her
part, dropping an occasional speech now
and then, but with professional tact she
covered up her mistakes so that the au
dience was none the wiser. When the
garden scene was readied the lover ap
peared in good time and she stood guard
until the proper cue was given. It came
all right, buv, alas for Mrs. Plunkett, she
had forgotten her lino.". When she heard
the sultan's guard approach she rushed
to the lover and said, "Away! begone!"
but she received no response from tliat
gentleman. She pushed him and tried
to get him to go through the wicket, as
agreed upon, but he refused to budge an
inch, and said to her in a stage whisper,
"Say 'Fly! fly!'" but Mrs. Plunkett was
beyond speech by this time, so 6he con
tinued to push him toward the wicket.
Her efforts were useless, however, foi
he . resisted and declared he would not
go until 6he said, " 'Fly! fly! for your
life, some one approaches,' so the audi
ence can hear you." Still she could not
speak,; but with one herculean effort
she gave him a tremendous push that
sent him flying through the wicket and
into some stage bushes which had been
artistically arranged at the back of the
stage. When the performance was over
Mrs. Plunkett heaved a 6igh of relief
and said, "This is the first and last ama
teur performance former New York
Tribune. ' ' . '
The Growth of Two Cities.
Just as the Atlantic cities were sur
prised when Chicago distanced all but
two of them in population, and chal
lenged all of them by her enterprise, .so
will they be astonished again and from
another quarter if they refuse to study
the forces that are operating to build up
new capitals in the west. In another
ten years there will be another claim of
a million population, and the counting
of heads will not make nonsense of it.
The new and wonderful assumption of
metropolitan importance will be that of
the twin . cities of the wheat region
Minneapolis and St. Paul. They may
not be joined under one name and gov
ernment opinions differ-about -that
but all agree that they will jointly pos
sess a million of population. The last
census credited Minneapolis with 164,
700 population and St. Paul with 133,000,
or, jointly, 297,000. At the time of the
preceding census (1880) the two cities in
cluded about 88,000 sonls. At that Tate
of increase they will boast in 1900 a
population of 976,000 and more. Julian
Ralph in Harper's. ; '
i ' : y : . .
-. -t--.-. -- Thoroughly Alive.
Young America is in thorough touch
with the times. An up town boy of
eleven, rejoicing in a little prinriinr
press, at once announced a forthcoming
newspaper of which he was to be editor
and -proprietor. "And Helen," he ad. ir
ed,:ref tjrring to a njneyear-old sister,
"may do the woman's page."r-New Ywrk
Times., : . , . -
' Drawing- in a Dark Kouni.
A luminoas crayon has been invented
which enables lecturers to draw on th.
blackboard when the room is darkt-ned
for use of the lantern. New York Journal.
Oatho'lic ft. VhuPs C'liurch. ak. betwees
fifth unci Mth. Father Cauiey, Pastor
s-rvlce : W-m at y nd l :30 a. M. Hunday
X'lwol nt 2 wl'l Xh'W diet tot..
liinn i N. ri't'i I.tMTimi and KlRlnh 8U.
-. rvie-H in in ir M' -v'i ii. tuu-r X.
r.ut i.Y.ny i;i.siur Sunday rW-liool Kia.M.
i ih-.'oi-AU St Luke'H t tuiich, romer Tnlrs
.oi.lViii. . Kev U H. l'-urne jafior. Her : Jl a. m al7-:t0f m . Sunday School
J :'M) i". m.
.11 a n M KTiH iiiHT iner Sixth St ane
i. emit- i:-v. lint. J 'aft or. mtvu'cs : 11 A.M.
and 7 :.'(( r. M. Simony .Soh ol 111 :30 A. M.
M-mvn-itiAN. ei vires In i w rhmch.cor-
it Mxih hm! ;i..i.:ie Mp. IN'V. J. T. Halrd,
i . i i 1 1 1 v Mimiic.-M- HI9;3(; Preaching
.1' II it III ll'lll X Ml,
i f U. . I ' -hiH i hurrh tme.ta eveny
-ahliath evetih el 15 in the liasement of
tin- 4-innMh. AH IS 1 riled t attend these
ifiliit.' ' -
ii-kt M fTiioniHT. sixth St., betwen Mats
in. I Pearl. I'ev I.. V. Brllt. I. IJ. oa-stor.
x-rvieen : li a m. 8 :hi p m Mundav Kehoel
:: A m . Pray r inert K Wednesday eves-
i iiman 1'ici'hHVTKKiAN . Corner Main an 4
N mil. l; v Hie, pHNK-r. Services oo'iat
In. in s. Sunday -chool 9 :'M A. M
wi-kiuxm oMiiifo atiomau Granite, bs-
twi-en Fifth and sixth.'
1M.11HKU HaitihT. Mt. Olive, i ak, betwees
icnth Kiiri. Klev.elUh )(ev. A . Honwell, pas
tor. .servii-eN 11 a. ni. mid 7 :'M p. m Prayer
" eelinir Wednesday evening.
.' I ' 1
V illi.." AlKN'rt- t HK1-1 IA f - AekOClATION
koi'inslii uii in an IsliM'k. Main street. Jo
)el meeiliif?. f-r mi'i. only, erer Kusday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. ' Kovnif open week days
fiosii K:3(i a. ni.. 13 9 : 30 ii. ia.
i Vi - M
W-,(id, i astor. Serviem: Sunday School,
.A.m.: I reaching, 1 1 a in. and 8 i. m. i
fraei inentiiii; lunula)' nlulil ; choir pra
ieKridy night- At: are welcome.
Subscribe for Tmi llEKALI), only
15 cents a week or 50 cents a month.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Thk Best Salve iu the world for Cut
WruiscH, Sores, Ulcers, Halt llheuni. Fever
Sore?, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corn, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no -pay required.
It is guaranteed to t;ive satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 conte per box.
For sale by F. Q. Fricke
Lincoln, Blair, Beatrice and Rear-'
ney now have each two kinds of
gold cure.
The First step,
Perhaps you are run down, can't
eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't da
anything- to your satisfaction, and
you wonder what ails you. Yom.
should heed the warning, you are -taking
the first step into nervous
prostration. ' rou need a nerve tonic
and in Klectric Bitters you will find
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous system to it normal, healthy
condition. Surprising results' fol
low the use of this great Nerve
Tonic and Alterative, Your appe
tite returns, good digestion is re
stored, and the liver and kidneys re
sume healthy action. Try a bottle.
Price 50c, at F. G. Fricke & CVs
drugstore. G
Do not confuse the famous Blush
of Koses with the many worthless
paints, jiowders, creams and
bleaches which are Hooding the
market. Get the genuine of your
druggist. (). II. Snyder, 75 cents per
bottle, and I guarantee it will re
move your pimples, freckles, black
heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and
give you a lovely complexion. 1
Fort Sidney is to haven new de
tachment of troops, the twenty-first
infatry being ordered to New York
A t-lttle rirls Experiencem a LigMt
Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott arc
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
April she taken down with Measles,
followed with dreadful Cough and
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" handful of bones".
Then she tried Dr, King's New
Discovery and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King.s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you may get a trial; bottle
free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore." -
The Horn 1 ie st Man in PI altumoutti
As well as the handsomest, and
others are invited to call on any
druggist and get free a trial bottle
of Kemp's Bal sam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is selling
entireiy upon " Its ' merits and i
guaranteed to relieve ,and cure all
chronic and acute coughs, asthma,
bronchitis and consumption. Large
bottles .auc anu ni., - -
How' s This!
We offer 100 flollnru few-aeH V.f
any case of catarrh thatcan not bt
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
b. J. Chenej' & Co. Props, Toledo,
Ohio, "
e the undersurned. have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and belive him pefectly honorable
in all buisness transactionsand fin
ancial able to carry out an obliir
... : .. : i .1.-1 -
West A- T-riirtv Wfirtloauf : ' TI.-.,,-
" - - - ww mm m y m
gist, 'Toledo' Ohio., Walding Kinnan
& Tarvin. Wholesale druircrit Tole.
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter
nallv. action direct 1' n nnn ti,e hlnnil
and mucous surfaces of the system.
t-rice, oc per Dottle. Sold by all
Druggist;. Testimonials free. ,
One Fare for the Round Trip.
TllC M X- M u-ill uotl rn.w1
t irVpf u ffr nne far 4 r Ifnt Sr..:....
Arkansas, on the following occa
sions: fleeting or uie oovernroent
Reservation Improvement, aseeoci-
afinn Anril 1' Tir-Irtu :tl , .
April 7 and S. inclusive; linal return
limlfMay J0.;, ';- '-. ", i .
.THatT-i't ' ni(iliiiir Si.i.ii.1,-!1.' f-
Central JTurnverein.' May 9 to 10
Tickets will be sold May ti and 7 in
elusive; final return, June JO. '
-""" '"iinggeiieral assembly
Of. the Southern. U 1 ... J
church. May: w" TicVe" 'f
sold Mav 1 anrl it i i ".V
. - - .u.iub if limit.
to return. June 15. . '