The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 10, 1892, Image 3

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Circulation Large,
Rates Reasonable,
Returns Remunerative
Is c Weekly ..Ptjbliceitioq of
?eitisi:qg nGdiiini jo qll lo
seel o l'Gqcl frr'iliGS lioqsl-
oi cot lyl-.
SOI Cor Fifth
Everything to Furnish Your House.
Haying purchased the J. "V.Weckbach store room 01 south
Main street irhere I am now located " can sell goods cheap
er than the.: cheapest haying just put ih the largest stock
of new goods erer brought to the city. Gasoline store
amd fHinilwre ' f all kinds sold the installment p)a.
r.i: "tfjit
o '
f o
Ijold kincj (ojetenjenry old soul,
naa uvea 17 ujisreacqgepj ours,
HeWould Recalled jor BULL DURHAM
I To srrpKe 117 Ijis pipe,
And been rqerrier Under its powers.
Thousands of Smokers
The Millionaire in his palace,
The Laborer in his cottage.
The Swell on the street.
The Sailor on his ship.
Comfort-lovers everywhere,
Prefer Bull Durham,
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co..
and Vine St.
La Cripp.
No healthy person need fear a ay
dangerous consequences from an
attack of la grippe' if . properly
treated. It in iniich the Bame as a
Hevere cold and requires precisely
the name treatment. Remain quiet
ly at home and take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy ns directed for a se
vere cold and a prompt and com
plete recovt ry in sure to follow.
This remedy also counteracts any
tendency of la grippe to result in
pneumonia. Among the many
thousands who have used it during
the epidemics of the past two years
we have yet to learn of a single
case that has not recovered or that
I has resulted in pneumonia. "i." and
iv J cent oottleH tor Bale by 1. O.
Fricke &. Co.
La -rlppe Successfully Treated.
"I have just recovered from a sec
ond attack of the grip this year,"
says Nr. Jas. O. Jones, publisher of
the leader, Mexica Texas. -'In the
latter case I used Chamberlain's
Cough remedy, and I thins: with
considerable success, only being in
bed a little over two days, against
ten days for the first attack. The
second attack, I am ratsfied. would
have beea equally as bad as the
lirst but for the use of this remedy,
112 T trt 4r I ww 1 i.-i uhnut ui v
hours after being struck with it,
wnue in tne tirst case l was aoie to
atiend to business about two days
before getting down. 5'J cent bot
tles for sale b F. G. Fricke & Co.
The population of Plattemouth
Is about 10,(J(X), add we would say
at least neo-half are troubled with
some efTectioa on the throat and
lungs, as those complaints are, ac
cording to staaistics, more numer
ous than others. We would advise
all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their drug
gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Hal
Ham for the throat and lungs. Trial
size free. LargcHottle .r0e- and $1.
Sold by all drutrgist.
Every Month
tny womea suffer from Excessive er
Scant Menstruation; they don't know
who to confide in to get proper advice.
Don't confide in anybody but try
Fcmalo Regulator
fptclflc for PAINFUL, PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed free.
14 r ail DranUt.
iho Lluiior Habit, Positively Curet
it can bo glvUn In a cud ot co3ee or tea. or In ar
iirlci ol ood, without the knowledge ot the p:r
nun taking It; It la absolutely harmless ami will
effect a permanent and speedy cure, whctlier
thepatieutiaa moderate drlnkeroran alcnhoiic
a complete cure in ev2iy instance, s page book
FREE. Address in confidence.
VlOcN SPECIFIC CO.. IBARiot St.. Cincinnati. 0
ffl ""MTC y,u want t( make
tl ll I i I w money? Send us ten
J1 cents and receive a sam-
fi-'t pie. witli full particulars of tlie lusi-I
ment .iciiarantee.l. Address
KJarsh & Co., os?Szn?iZL'
Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eye?
Tetter, Salt Kheum, Scald Head, Ol'
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Soro Hippies
and Files. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by J
it after all other treatment had failed. :
It Is put up in 25 and CO cent boxes.
E P PS ' S
Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only.
niDBuiits CURED
Inriaibl TabalAr kar Casb-
hiapen ItMnL Comfort abl.
Soxcsflwh.reallrnntinfail. SoU
afalwhareallrnntinfail. Sold by F. Hlaaox,oalr, CDCC
8S3 BrMdwaj, Hw Itrl. WriM (or teak of praota I
I llkb
ClomcK-a ami bcaatirm the hair.
Pruniotaa a ' loxuriaat prowtt).
Never TailB to Beat ore Gray
Hair to it Tovtkful. ColorT
Cure, acalp d'rK.-', t hair fuakijc.
JUe.acd t' Wal DruiMi
"V, Mk l.uLx. lability. IoI iKrvtion, Paiu. Take la time. 0 eta.
HIN9ERCORNS. The on tun cuir for Coma.
tioy aj iuuii. IJc ai XfnijuiaU, er HliCX)X Jt CO., N. Y.
How Loct I . How qormlnod4!
rn 7Tn7rnc
4 WlAKXIMIt f MiTf iVfjatm.HKt,
tfatimoriWai- of-wt4.' 1 lU J. NOW.
ConaoJtmtlon In person or dj mmu. jaxpen tru-
PAfl ri!RE. AddrMa Ttf.
w. h;
Parker. or
The f'utbodr Mdici ImaUtim, No. 4 Bulfioch St..
Boston, Him.
The Pes body Medical Inathnte baa roasy imi
tator, bat no aqnal. IJcruUi.
Tbe BiatKe of Life, or 8rlf Prasarratioii. is
traaaaro nor vsJuable tban (raid. Kea4 It bow,
erarr WUK sad JfKRVOl' man, and leara to
s ITKOK Medical Ktwint. CC'eoTrifbtadJ
l s V
Althooch Introdurrd Only Sixteen Yenr.
Ago, the 8tato Could Not Now Vt-ry
ttfTell M Ithoat Them Some of the Mnu;
Uses th Cucoanut la Put To.
While the ctK'oannt tree a1orinJs in
South Florida it is not a not a native of
the section nor has the fruit been culti
vated here for any great length of titne.
About sixteen years ago a Bahama
vessel was wrecked off the coast, near
! Jupiter inlet. Soon after the waves l-
gan bringing the cargo ashore, among
which were found a large uuniler tf
I cocoanute. Residents were very few in
I this section at that time, but they
i gathered together and appropriated
whatever came to them.
These cocoanuts were considered great
prizes and were at once planted. The
soil was found to be favorable to the
growth and they thrived wonderfully.
Thus was introduced the culture of tha
nut upon the soil of the North American
continent. In Dade county, one of tV
southernmost counties of the state,
which has a sea front of 150 miles, there
are now groves of great beauty contain
ing from 100 to 0,000 trees.
Cocoanut culture is very simple. The
ripe nut is plucked from the tree and, in
the outer husk that surrounds it, is put
under gTound, lightly covered with soil.
The first shoot should make its appear
ance in one month after planting, but it
is often two before it comes. When it ii
about a foot high it is transplanted to its
permanent resting place. If the nut is
planted as a nursery stock the husk ic
left on, as the young plant is very ten
der, and it seems that a growth out of
the husk has a tendency to make strong
the reedlike joints. If it be first planted
where it is to remain the husk is usually
For the first year the plant requires
careful protection from the winds, but
it gradually grows hardy, and at the end
of six years begins bearing. The blooms
make their appearance a dozen or more
fingers, looking like grains of corn strung
on wire about a foot in length. These
grains are young nuts:
They ripen in a year's time, and there
after until its death the tree is never
without fruit in various stages of ripe
ness, from a tiny lobe the size of a pea
to ripe nuts, and there is not a day in
the' year when the ripe nuts cannot be
secured. It has been demonstrated in
other countries that the cocoanut tree
will bear fruit for twenty-five years. To
what age they live has not been ascer
tained. The trees make a most beautiful and
imiKjsing grove, being truly tropical in
their appearance. As they are planted
only about twenty feet apart, they cast
a thick, unvarying shade. They ar ever
green, as is most tropical foliage, and
their gracefulness, with the great height
they attain, makes them a desirable ad
dition to a home in the far south. The
diameter of the tree ranges from one
foot to four, and they attain a height of
123 feet, having as many as 40!) ir.ita on
them at one time.
The old fashioned method of grating
the nut has been superseded by a ma
chine for grinding, and the residents of
the southern country keej) on hand for
their use a fresh supply of homemade
desiccated cocoanut, from which various
toothsome dishes are prepared. The
product is becoming more generally
known by reason of its excellent fiber,
and the "cloth," a strong, fibrous bark,
that grows far above the ground and is
utilized in many waj-s. If the use of
cocoanut butter ever becomes common
the owner of a grove of these trees will
see his fortune ahead. The butter is
made from the oil of the nut, expressed
by machinery.
Even the raw grated nut is an excel
lent substitute for "shortening" in bread,
the grated nut in the same quantity
being substituted for lard. The cooking
process seems to destroy entirely the
vegetable taste and appearance, and bis
cuit made with it are pronounced as
good as real cream biscuit.
Shorn of its cocoanut growth, a tropi
cal country wotild certainly be less at
tractive in - appearance. The long,
feathery leaves that undulate so grace
fully m the breeze which sighs among
them, the "'everlasting green" of their
coloring, their tall stateliness and their
symmetry beautify the whole country
where they grow especially the south
Florida country, where they grow in
such prof usion. St. Louis Republic.
Paris Has Thousands of Trees.
Statistics show that the parks and
gardens in Paris number not less than
299,294 shrubs and 22,038 large trees.
The number of trees which line the
streets is considerably over 100,000.
The quarter of Paris which is most
abundant in trees is that of Passy, just
beyond the Trocadero, and just across
the Seine from what was the site of the
great exposition of 1889. New York
The Objection to Sterilized Milk.
All methods of sterilization that are
in use in this country have the disad
vantage of. giving to the milk the taste
which is peculiar to boiled milk, and
also of rendering it less easily absorbed
by the body. . In France and Germany
a method has been adopted . which ac
complishes the purpose without injuring
the taste of the milk. Professor H. W.
Conn in Popular Science Monthly.
Cause of Winter's Coldness.
The earth is nearer to the sun in win
ter than in ' summer, but the cause of
the cold "weather of the former season is
the oblique inclination of the suns rays.
Did the sun shine as directly on the
earth's surface in- January as in June
the winter would be the hotter season.
New York Journal.
- ' - - To HemoTe a Mole.
To rid one's self of a mole, try to re
move it by tying around it white silk
thread. It is claimed that the mole will
drop off in a few days. Good House
keeping. .
So Hajra m Hairdresser la m larnrl L)l
eourso ou the Kobjei-t.
"Aljont bald heads, now," naid n hriir
dresser who professed to know all almai
hirsute deficiency and it causeH, "they as much duo to heredity ust are
red heads, black heads, curly head
or heads that are not curly. And
why are men so commonly bald and j
women bald bo uncommonly? There
are doctors and men of science who
ttoint to that fact to strengthen their
well known high hat theory of bald
ness. They affect to believe, and in
sist on their belief, that the high hi lk
hat and the hard felt hat are rehpou-siMo
for most of tho baldheaded men, the un
yielding pressure of such headgear con
stricting the blood vessels which nour
ish the hair bulbs, and thus destroying
their vital properties, the result being
death of the roots and unavoidable
capillary scantiness. Women, say these
scientific speculators, do not injure tho
vitals of their hair by such means, an J
thus are rarely chronically bald.
"Maybe they are right, but I don't be
lieve it. Everylnxly knows that man,
as the head of the family, has to go to
the front and stay there in the capacity
of the breadwinner. The strain of life
comes the most severe on the man in
that resject. . He it is who suffers the
anxieties and battles against tho disap
pointments of business, shaking of life
in general. ' What makes men prema
turely old? Just these anxieties and
struggles. If prematurely old, why not
prematurely bald, which is a natural ac
companiment of untimely age? . Woman
has less brain stress. Her sympathies
with the man in his strugglo may bs
great, and usually aie, but they do not
make the demands on her organization
that tell so severely on the system of tho
"I account for much baldness among
men by this theory of nervous exhaus
tion, but then what will explain its prev
alence among men whose circumstances
do not require them either to indulge in
business anxieties or undergo business
disappointments? Thus wo see the easy
going man about town, not yet in Lis
prime as to years, with no haunting
thought of tomorrow, yet as bald as his
grandfather was at seventy. We 6ee the
pampered child of fortune, son of a mil
lionaire father, who toils not, neither
doth he spin, yet Elijah, whom the bad
boys mocked, at the same time the she
bears came out of the wilderness and
dined upon them, was not arrayed in
less hair than one of these. Some might
explain this by the sweeping charge of
dissipation, but it will not do. I liave
among my patrons youth of this kind
who are models of sobriety, propriety
and simple living, and yet they are as
bald as doorknobs.
"Heredity is the only explanation that
can bo made of this mysterious depar
ture of the hair in early life, although
Professor Eaton, an English scientific
person who has made investigation on
the subject a specialty for years, does not
believe it. and stoutly declares that the
cause of baldness is no nearer discovery
than it was a hundred j-ears ago.
"But whether 1 am right or wrong in
my theories I know I am right in this,
and that is when a man is once bald he
is always bald, unless his hair lias fallen
out from tho effects of fever. In that
case it will generally return in time of
its own accord. But a head that has
gradually lost its hair while the ownei
of it is in good physical condition has
lost it for good. If it wasn't so do you
suppose there would bo so many bald
headed doctors and barbers?" New
York Sun.
lion an Elephant Eats.
An elephant's digestive functions are
very rapid, and the animal therefore
requires daily a large amount of fodder
(J00 pounds at least. In its wild state
the elephant feeds heartily, but waste
fully. It is careful in selecting the few
forest trees which it likes for their bark
or foliage. But it will tear down
branches and leave half of them un
touched. It will strip off the bark from
other trees and throw away a large por
tion. As it is a nocturnal animal, it selects
its trees by the senses of touch and
smell. Its sense of smell is so delicate
that a wild elepliant can scent an enemy
at a distance of 1,000 yards, and the
nerves of its trunk are so sensitive
that the smallest substance can be dis
covered and picked up by its tiny pro
boscis. An elephant's palate is very delicate,
and the animal is whimsical in selecting
or rejecting morsels of food. Youth's
Diarrhea and Digestive Troubles. '
The connection between teething and
diarrhea has been considered until of
recent years as beyond question. But
even this is very doubtful. For our
selves, we should have no difficulty the
oretically in supposing that painful teeth
ing might upset the digestion, just as in
nervous older children and adults we see
excitement and mental anxiety produce
like results. But actually, the more the
cases are examined the less certain is
the relation of the bowel trouble to the
supposed cause. Here again develop
ments in the digestive organs may have
an influence, and the effect of heat, either
directly upon the nervous system of the
child or by injuring food, is shown by
the prevalence of these diseases in sum
mer. Dr. Henry D. Chapin in Baby
hood. "Weeping Trees.
The literature of " weeping trees' is
enormous, much of it being plainly
mythical, but there is a large basis of
fact upon which most of these . marvel
ous . stories rest. . Many . travelers have
described the famous "rain tree" of Pa
dradoca, Isle of Ferro. John Cockburn,
in 1735, describes a tree at Vera Pas, Cen
tral 'America, from which' pure water
continually dripped from every leaf and
branch. i5t. Louis Republic
Chinamen cannot become citizens of
the United States because the right of
naturalization is limited to free whit 9
persons and Africans or people of Afri
can descent.
Hulter,' Kjtjh, Chcche, i Id (iume.
Poultry, Meat, Apple, I'otatom
Green uiul l)riel 1'ruife, Vegetable
Cider, llc.iiiM, Wool, Hide, Tallow
Sheep IVMh, 'urn, Skin, Tobacco,
Grain, Hour; Hay, Hecwwat, I'catb
ern, Ginning-, liroouicorii, ami llopn.
M. K. H A I, I, A K I)
ru. C in, Mt-ii liHiit h d Milier,
217 Market Htret - Kt. l.oiil. Mo.
W a NT Kl A irt'iit, y lie ucxuhIiiIm1 with Paria
era Hlltl Sh!M-i.
re Kai 44 Houtlt 1 alrd Hirael.
Telephone 12.
Registered I'll yak inn and I'tiaraiaclat
special attention riven to Oflitr
Kock Ulukfh
j9 J. l-TAJSEJ
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattsiwouth
I!. A. WATHiM & m
Shingles, Lath, Sash.
Doors, Blinds
Can supply evert (IcihudJ of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of opera house.
For Atchinson, St. JoBeph, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, St. Louis,
and all points nc-th, east
south or west. Tick
ets sold and bag-
JTaJ?e checked
to any
States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
H, C. TowxsEXn,
G. P. A. St.Ixmis,M.
L C. Phillippi,
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
H. i. APGAK. Apt., PlattsruosUk.
Telephone, 77.
Knfflish Spavin Uniment remove
all hard soft or calloused umpn -and
blemishes from homes, Wood '
spavins, curb splints, , weeney,
ring bone, etiflee, sprains all woi
len throats, coujjh etc.. Save. 50
cent by use of one bottle. Warrant
ed the mt . wonderful, blemish
cure ever known. Soldi by F. G.
Fricke &. Co druggists Plattinoutli
Shiloh's catarrh reroedy--a pos
itive cure Catarrh. Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For Male by F.- G,
Fricke & Co
Lumber Yard