The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 07, 1892, Image 3

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Has been popular with smokers everywhere for over twenty-five years.
It is Just as Good Now as Ever.
Its Flavor, Fragrance and Purity have contributed largely to the
growing popularity which pipe smoking enjoys. Pipe smoking is
growing in favor because finer, sweeter and better tobacco can be had
in this form and at much less cost than in cigars.
Circulation Large,
Rates Reasonable,
Returns Remunerative
Is c Weekly
ligll cqd special qltie qs qel
fGiisiijg lijediiini jo qll lo
seel to 1Gqcl fq rallies tlllt0i:lSll"
oiit tle coiiqty-
Kates On
SOI Cor Fifth
Everything to Furnish Tour House.
Having uurchaetl the J. V. Weckbach store room on south
Main street where I am now located can sell goods cheap
er than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock
of new goods ever brought to the city. 'Gasoline stoves
and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan.
Bull Durham
l9qblicqtiorl f
pliceu'tL om
and Vine St.
- - - - i ii t if, turi.l. I
. 'jgen .i " m
La Grippe.
No healthy person need fear any
dangerous consequences from an
attack of la grippe if properly
treated. It is much the same as a
Mevere cold and requires precisely
the name treatment. Remain quiet
1)' at home and take I'hamhcrlain's
Cough Remedy as dirvtel for a hc
vere coll and a prompt and com
plete rccovi ry is mire to follow.
This re.uedy also cotinler.icts any
tendency ol la grippe to result in
pneumonia. Anion;' the many
thousands who have used it during
the epidemics of the past two years
we have yet to learn of a single
case that has not recovered or that
I has resulted in pneumonia. 'Jfi and
.) cent Domes ior saie iy J'. y
Fricke A Co.
La "-rlppe SuccessluMy Treated
"I have just recovered from a sec
ond attack of the grip this year,"
says Mr. Jas. (.). Jones, publisher of
the leader, Mexica Texas. 'In the
latter case I used Chamberlain's
Cough remedy, and I thiiiK with
considerable success, n ly being in
bed a little over two days, against
ten days for the first attnek. The
second attack, I am ratslied. would
have been equally as bad as the
first but for the use of this remedy,
as I had to go to bed in about six
hours sifter being struck with it,
while in the first case I was able to
atiend to business about two days
before getting down. fit cent bot
tles for sale b F. G. Fricke & Co.
The population of Plattsmouth
Is about 10,X)u, add we would say
at least neo-half are troubled with
some effection on the throat and
lungs, as those complaints are, ac
cording to staaistics, more numer
ous than others. We would advise
all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their drug
gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal
sam for the throat and lungs. Trial
size free. LargeBottle 50c- and $1.
Sold by all druergi9t.
Every Month
many women Buffer from RzceaaiTe or
Scant Menstruation; they don't know
who to confide in to get proper advice.
Don't confide in anybody but try
Female Regulator
a Sptciflc for PAINFDL, PROFUSE.
Book to " WOMAN " mailed free.
Sold by all Kraft-gists.
i.. th 3 Liuuor Habit, Positively Curei
r,v iuonssjcnuia dr. haihes' qolden specify
v enn bo given in a cup of colee or tea, or in nr
1c!r3 ol ood, without the knowledge of the net
,::i tukiDg it; it Is absolutely harmless and '.viii
eli'ect a permanent and speedy cure, tvhethi
me patient is a moderate tlriiikeroran aU-nlmMr
a complete cure in every Inst luce. 4s page uuok
FRF. Address in confide n?f,
Vc5lj SPECflC CO., 185 Rao St.. Cincinnati. 0
j r SJTC 1 yn want to iiiakt
k " cents ami receive u sam
it OUSl-
ness, which will jjive ym larjji
rjje profits
11 1 1 1 1 I j 1 1 IV IV ,-11 IV . 'IV lllll V llljIMJ
ment guaranteed. Address
larsh & Co., V.&WiV
aim chuck (iaics. oicaur
Chamberlain's Eye and Skis
A certain enre for Chronic Sore Eyes
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Oh
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Kipples
und Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of case3 have been cured by
it after all other treatment bad failed,
it is put up in 23 and 0 cent boxes.
Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only.
br Pwk's larMblc Tibalzr br Cmh-
Umm. WbJmn anr4. Csmfortabl.
&nafalwhmallnanlhfil. SoUkTr. niim, , COCC
893 anUmr. av M
wrtM fat Nat OC fmCaf III. I.
CTmdm aar "Uwitiflc' ttl ktSr.
Procnotaa a luxuriant frowth. ,
Merer 7aila to Beaton Gray
HWr to itm Tootkful. Color.
Caiee eaalp diae thiir iniw.
(' Vrke-' Oinrer Tonio. It cure the wow Couxh,
. l.u.ij. IrOfhfv, fntilgeation, Fsiu, Take in time. JDcU.
HINDERCORNS. The onlr rurt. cure for Comm.
.-.iii aHpaiu. lie at rui(U, ar lliaCOI M. CO., S. Y.
. . .' ...
How Lost ! How Regained
Or SKU-PBESEKVATTON. A mm and only
and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 pagea, cloth.
tilt; 1 inTalnable preacriptioiia. . Only $1.00
y mall, doobla sealed. DeecripttTe Proepect-
c witn cnaoriemenia
S FREE! now!
of the Fresa and Tola;
teatimoniala of the
Consultation in person or by mail.
Expert treat- t
' ana .m.iv-
TAIN Cl'RK. Addreaa Dr. W. H. Parker, or
The Pea body Medical Institute, No. 4 Buiiinch 6t..
Boston, Ifaaa.
The Pern body Vedical Institute has many imi
tators, but no equal. llerul l.
Tha Beieoae of Life, or Self Preservation, Is a
f7 R2
s r
re aaora valuable tAaa geld. Head It new,
- -- - - - J u. 1.
Dlaruantled in a nioli-rn Navy Yard, She
la the lject of I'Tofound Yeneratlun
on tli I'urt t,r I'tttriotlo I'eople of To
il U), liu Are) i'ruud of Her.
Not many poile may know that the
old friat- Constitution, so renowmtl in
our annals, is htill inclndfd anions the
vessels of the navy. She is dismantled,
a.s mitfht 1? expecteil at her aye, and is
kept in that condition at Portsmouth,
N. II. She is a craft of 2,200 tons dis
placement, and now carries no battery
in place of the forty-four guns of the
days of her glory.
It was the Constitution that, after the
inausj Scions opening on land of our war
with limit Britain, eighty years ago,
led off a series of splendid victories on
the sea. The honor of the first capture
of a British war vessel undoubtedly be
longs to the Essex, Captain David Por
ter, whoso defeat of the Alert occurred
six days before the Constitution de
stroyed the (iuerriere.
But the Essex carried thirty-two im
pounders and the Alert only twenty Im
pounders, so that very soon after open
ing fire the crew of the little British
craft, which, having captured one of our
transports had made up to the Essex,
taking her to le a merchantman, weie
compiled to quit their guns and within
eight minutes to btrike their flag. This
conquest, though gratifying, was in
evitable, whereas that of the Constitu
tion was gained over a craft nearer her
own size and strength.
But while yielding the laurels of prior
ity to the gallant Essex on this score,
the Constitution, under Captain Isaac
Hull, can claim them again for success
in a trial of seamanship between herself
and a British squadron. Till then af
fairs were looking gloomy for us at sea
as well as on land. The British frigate
Belvidere, while convoying a fleet of
merchantmen, had escaped from a
whole squadron of our warships, where
as onr Nautilus had struck to an
English squadron, being the first war
ship captured on either side. Under
these untoward circumstances the Con
stitution, returning from Europe, fell in
with a British squadron led by the
Africa, a 64-gun ship.
During four days she was chased by
this squadron. Through cairn and
through breeze the flight and pursnit
went on. At one time she had boats out
towing her; at another her crew were
hauling upon a kedge anchor that had
been carried out and dropped a long dis
tance ahead. On the fourth day the
longed for wind came, and with every
sail set the Constitution drew away from
her pursuers, the scene when five frig
ates were standing on the same tack and
the Constitution was showing her heels
to her enemies being often recounted
eighty years ago. Some of the historians
describe this as the first of our triumphs
on the sea in that war.
But in our time, of course, the fame
of the Constitution is more familiarly
associated with her capture of the Ouer
riere. It was on Aug. l'J, 1812, that the
two vessels met, both eager for a fight.
The scene was off the coast of Massachu
setts. The British craft, commanded
by the gallant Dacres, was first to open
fire, but Hull maneuvered his vessel into
the right position before he replied. The
enemy's mizzenmast soon went by the
board, followed by her mainmast. When
she struck she was, in fact, so complete
ly used up that she could not be taken
into port and had to be blown up.
The Constitution was superior in ton
nage and complement, carried more
guns and threw a much heavier weight
of metal in her broadsides; still the ves
sels were near enough matched for the
victory to produce a tremendous impres
sion on both sides of the ocean. Alison
describes the "shock of this unwonted
naval disaster" in England, where the
belief that Britannia ruled the waves
was so profound that the American navy
had seemed to be a mere mouthful for
That same j ear the Constitution, un
der Bainbridge, gained another great
victory over the Java, off the coast of
Brazil. The Java, like her predecessor,
was a 38-gun ship, and in the battle she
lost foremast and mizzenmast, besides a
part of her bowsprit; while, to complete
the parallel, like the Guerriere, she was
so wrecked in the fight that she had to
be blown up. It was a great exhibition
of good seamanship and superior gun
nery on the part of the American vessel;
for, as Cooper says, 'the Java had been
literally picked to pieces by shot, spar
following spar until she had not one
left." Her loss in killed and wounded
was very heavy.
Finally, in 1813, under command of
Commodore Stewart, the famous old ship
made a double capture of the British
frigate Cyane and sloop Levant.
Old Ironsides, as she had come to be
called during the war, was launched at
Boston in 1797; and who knows but
when the hundredth anniversary of that
event comes around she may again be
put into commission, so as to receive cen
tennial honors? New York Sun.
A Novel Vs of Electric FaiiB.
The little electric motor and the swift
ly revolving fan are familiar objects,
and many a heated brow has been cooled
by their combination. But the electric
fan has recently found its way into a
strange place, none other than the tur
rets of the powerful iron monitor Mian
touomoh, where the company has placed
four of its perfected fan outfits. These
are not, as might be supposed, to cool
off the gunners, but to blow away the
smoke from the guns. This certainly is
a novel use for the electric fan. Elec
tricity. Tlie Family Cake.
"You can't eat your cake and have it,"
said the wife to her complaining hus
band. "And 1 can't eat j-ours and get rid of
it," he replied, branching off into an
other division of domestic infelicity.
Detroit v Press.
An Oillcrr li IIk MllitlK.
"Did it e r occur to you," said a West
Point graduate and a national guards
man the other day, "what it means to lu
a popular oliicer in the national guard?
Something quite different, 1 assure you,
from ln ing a popular ohker in the regu
lar army. Why? l'or this reason: In
the army, if an officer takes care of his
uu-ii, sees that they get their clothing
and pay promptly, looks out lor their in
terests in case they are so unfortunate
as to bo looked up in the guardhouse,
no matter how strict a disciplinarian ho
may le, or how he may make the men
stand around, he will bo jopular with
them. But here in the guard the rela
tionship between officer and men is en
tirely changed. The rank and file, who
are men that need nosuiervisioii of their
personal affairs, exjK'ct their officers to
be 'good fellows' socially.
"An officer need not bo a strict disci
plinarian to be very popular, but it is
only fair to say that the majority of na
tional guard officers, esjiecially in some
of our crack commands, have just as
thorough an understanding of military
requirements as regular army officers.
Everything else being equal, therefore,
the popularirj' of tho men may bo com
pared as that of a man among employees
or among his club equals. 1 mention
these facts to ishow how easily a regular
army officer could fail to succeed in tin;
guard, and, vice versa, how impossible it
would be for a guard officer, w'hose easy
going society ways are an essential part
of his success in his rank, to make a
name for himself in the army," Brook
lyn Eagle.
Pedigree of ItoKton'a "Four Hundred."
"Every chap in Boston has been run
ning for a pedigree lately," said a good
uatured sou of the Emerald Isle yester
day at the North End mission, "and
some o' them fellers up there on Bacon's
Hill, as have been putting their names
in the Foor Hundred lately, ought to be
ashamed of theirselves for trying to de
save people. Sure, one of thein that goes
a strutting about with his eyeglass came
from just the same stock as meself and
has nearly blinded his two eyes looking
for his name in the book of martyrs.
."His grandfather and mine came over
from the ould country in the ship Mari
anne about fifty years ago, wid tho same
intention of making a home.
"Begorra, there was no aristocrac' on
board the Marianne, for he washed tho
dishes and me grandfather did chores
around the vessel.
"And ye should see them now. Know
me? Faith, if there wasn't anybody else,
in the city to know, they wouldn't
know Tim Doherty.
"It's nothing but tho ancientness of
their families you hear of these days.
But we'll all be dead some time and
then the families of all of us will be
ancient enough to put in the Four
Hundred." Boston Herald.
Fraud Worth More Than the Original.
The art frauds that have taken shape
and substance, which remain to incum
ber the world as false com ever circulat
ing from hand to hand, are of all times
and periods. The archaeology of fraud
even has become a science; some of the
overt and acknowledged frauds them
selves have attained the status of pre
cious and coveted works, more valuable
in the strange gyrations in the wheel of
time than the originals they simulated.
Michael Angelo's marble Cupid, for in
stance, which he made in secret, broke
and mutilated, buried in a vineyard, and
dug up again himself, all for the express
"taking in" a certain cardinal, collector
of antique marbles and contemner of
modern art, is a case in point. If this
particular Cupid could now be identified
it would probably be worth more than
the most beautiful genuine antique work
of its kind which Italian soil still en
shrouds. Nineteenth Century.
Meat and Water Diet Gives Strength
Sir Francis Head tried the diet of the
Pampas Indians, which consists of the
flesh of mares, for these savages eat
neither bread, fruit nor vegetables. He
After I had been riding three or four
months, and had lived on beef and water,
I found myself in a condition which I can
only describe by saying that I felt that no
exertion could kill me, although I con
stantly arrived so completely exhausted
that I could not speak; yet a few hours'
sleep upon my saddle on the ground al
ways so completely restored me that for
a week I could daily be upon my horse
before sunrise, could ride till two or
three hours after sunset, and have really
tired ten or twelve horses a day. This
will explain the immense distances which
people in South America are said to ride,
which I am confident could only be done
on beef and water:
To Cut Claits with Shears.
A, sheet of glass a window pane for
example can be cut as easily as a sheet
of cardboard. The secret consists in
keeping the glass, the shears and the
hands under water during the operation.
The glass can be cut in straight or
curved lines without a break or a crack.
This is because the water deadens the
vibrations of the shears and the glass.
If the least part of the shears comes out
of the water the vibration will be
sufficient to mar the success of the
experiment. L'lllustratiou.
, A Candid Iteply.
"Now be honest," said the second
party to a horse deal, as he slipjied the
halter on his exchange. "Is the animal
worth carrying home?"
"No," replied the former owner frank
ly, "he ain't, but he's worth leading
home, if you're going in that direction."
Kate Field's Washington.
America's Seven M'uudrro.
The seven wonders of America are
classed as follows: Niagara falls, Yel
lowstone park. Mammoth cave, the Can
yons and Garden of the Gods, Colorado;
the giant trees, California: the natural
bridge, Virginia, and the Yosemite val
ley. "
During the last three months of the
year 1891 over o,000,000 pounds of silver
lead ore were sent into this country from
the state of Senora, Mexico.
Huttcr, Clict'rf, ild Oaiiir,
Poultry, Meat, Apple, Potatoen
Oreen mii1 Dried 1'i uite, Vo;ctaMeH
Ciler, HeatiH, Wool, Hides, Tallow
Sheep Pelts, I'urw, Skins, Tobacco,
Orain, Hour; ll:iy, Keeswux, I'cath
ci h, Giiisinr, 1 1 io iiik-i i ii, ;iim1 lIopH.
m. i:. n a 1. 1. a w i)
;mi. ! in, dtTrhuiit h d Shipper,
217 Market Sln-t t - M. I.oult, Mtf.
WAN'I I'll A k-Ii t . ., lii'xiiiilutfd with Kami'
ei and Milpi'i-r.
mioi V ( LARK.
ards and 44 Sealh 1 ana Hlrwev.
Telephone lj.
Kegistered riiyxh-iitu and 1'liai roHcint
Special attention jriren to Oilier
Kock Bluffs - Nki.
J9 J. rlflSKJ
VKAl.Klt IN-
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, PlaltsmoutU
Lumber lard
I!. 'A. IOTAS' k M
Slnngles, Lath, Sash.
Doors, Blinds
Can supply evenv demand of the city.
Call nnd get terms. Fourth ntreet
in rear of opera house.
For Atchinson, Sf Joseph, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, St. Louis,
and all points nr-th, east
soath or west Tick
ets sold and bag
gage checkeel
to any
States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo.
J. C. Phillippi,
A. G. P. A. Oniahs..
II. D. APGAK. Apt., Plattsmouth.
Telephone, 77.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all bard soft or calloused lumpr
and blemishes from horses, blood
spavins , curbs splints, sweeney.
ring jone, stillee, sprains all swoi
len throat-;, coughs etc.. Save .t
cfti t' use nf one bottle. Warrant
ed the most wonderful blemish I
cure ever known. Sold by F. CI.
Fricke & Co druggists Plattsmouth
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi-;
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale hy F. CI.
Fricke & Co.