The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 30, 1892, Image 2

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    I am a Trav'llnj man ! I'll tell you of my plan.
In spite of all temptation
I pursue my old vocation,
I'm still a TravMIng man I A jolly Falrbank man !
For he himself has saiJ it.
And it's greatly to his credit.
That he is a Trav'ling man ! That he is a Tairbank man !
Sold by Traveling men and Grocers Everywhere. Manufactured only by
N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Chicago, III.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its ase is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
tlo other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustanc
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
A full and Complete line of
Drugs, Medicinss, Paints, and Oils.
PrcsiTiptions Carefully Compounded :i H Uonr.
The Leaning
C-'ttitly kecM on band tverytliiii
ron ned to furnish vour hotine.
Library t
Own a Dictionary.
'Care should b tr'-r-i
THE INT--. ...1'j.VAL.
X Ten years spent iu revising, 100 edi- X
J tors employed, over $300,000 expended.
Sold by all Booksellers.
Q. ScC. HERRIAM & CO.. Publishers,
Spring-eld. Mass., U. S. A.
MWDo not buy reprints of obsolete J
T editions. , ,
X M-Send for free pamphlet containing X
T specimen pages and f uU particulars.
' a l--
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chapped Sands, Wounds, Burns, Etc
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
17I1ITE nussian SOAP.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
' T&ay as.a karala affarta ta fraa tkaawaraaa.
. M aaatac saw aaar fur
tacf girm nn in anratr aaa nk nu u (any
(ran. wwu uiffBiiwiauvu
. . . ftl. . Tni.l..
taa pailatophy of Slaaaa
Afllictlns at tfca
Orsaaa at If aa. a by
by aMtkaca axclaatvaly aar
m, tka want fa ra t
k riiia ao4.
naral ma Strvaaa Da
lllty. Waakaaaa af a4y
ni VU4 SCaeta af Iimi
ar Xmcaaaaa, Staata ar
Bkraakaa Orraaf eaa W Vmr. Baaalta la a y.
CKSANS PAKTS af B0ST mmAm ylaU taail Utaraata4.
Mm WMif. IMai M Imim, Tcrntarm aa4 rn CMtlrin,
Ycx n rl ihna. Fw kk,r.ll npiiwn mod orroh. a44ma
nana fails to ra tnataat raliaf ta tba
aaaaa. mmd aSa aawaa what than
THalfiHisi ratSK at aVaamhaa akw I
11 I "W.
republican: STATE CONVEN
TION. The republican electors of the
state of Nebraska are requested to
send delegates from their several
counties to meet in convention in
the city of Kearney Wednesday
April 27,1892, at 11 o'clock a.m., for
the purpose of electing four dele
gates lit large to the republican na
tional convention to be held in
Minneapolis June 7, 1892.
The several counties are entitled
to representation as follows, being
based upon the vote cast for Hon
Oeorge II. Hastings for attorney
general in 1890, giving one delegate
at large to each county and one for
ench 150 rotes and the major frac
tion thereof:
Counties Uel.
Adams 11
Auteliie Ji
Hatmer 3
Jolinsoti ...
Kearney. ..
Keye I'aha
Keith ... .
''! Kimball...
Rox Huttr 6
Brown 4
Lincoln 6
Buffalo 1
Merrick ....
.Nemaha ...
Nuckolls ...
Burt 8
Cans U
Cedar 4
Cherry..-.- 5
C av i
Colfax 4
Cuming 'i
Custer . 1-
akota -- 4
Ked Willow
F)fiiel ft
Dixon '
DodKC 11
Saline , 14
Dundy 3
Sarpy 4
Franklin . 5
Furnas '. 5
Saunders 8
Scotts Bluff 2
Seward '. . . . 10
Sheridan .: 8
Sherman 3
Sioux 2
Stanton 3
Thayer . 5
GaKe W,
Hfirrinld i
Greely ?
Hall 3
IT n in i H ita n
Thomas f
Webster J
York 12
Total 4
lljirlnn . ...... 4
Hitrlirofk 4
Holt H
II o ward 4
Hooker : .. . 2
It is ncomended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention, and
that the delegates present be auth
orized to cast full votes of the dele
gation. It recommended that the republi
cans of every county in ,thi8 state
be requested to select' their county
central committee at the first coun
ty convention held in their respec
tive counties. Said committee to
serve until the county convention
of 1893 be held.
Dk. S. I). Mercer,
Walt.M. Seelev.
The republican electors of the
First congressional district of . the
state of Nebraska are requested to
send deleg-ates from the several
counties comprising said district to
meet in convention in the city of
Falls Cit3', Wednesday, April 20,
1891. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.f for the
purpose of electing two. delegates
and two alternate delegates to the
republican national convention to
be held at Minneapolis June 7, 1892
Tho several counties are entitled
to representation as follows, le-
inir based noon the vote cast for
Hon. W.J. Connell for congress in
1X90. One delegate for each 100
votes and niaior traction tliereol
and one delegate at large from each
Count les.
Del.lCounties Del
.. 19iOte 13
. .. 10! Pawnee 13
. . 45J Richardson...... .. It)
Total -.
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention, and
that the delegates present from
each county cast the full vote of thq
Frank McCartney,
The republican electors of Cass
county are requested to meet, in
primary . conventions on April 9,
1892, for the purpose of electing del
egates to attend the republican
county convention to be held at
Weeping Water on April In, 1892.
at 1 o'clock p". in., sharp for the pur
pose of selecting nineteen delegates
to attend the district convention to
beheld at Falls City on April 28, 1892,
and fourteen delegates to attend
the state convention at Kearney to
be held on April 27. 1892. and tor the
transaction of such other business
as may come before the convention
The basis of representation is fixed
at 'one delegate for every fifteen
votes, or major fraction thereof, cast
for George H. Hastings for attorne3'
general at the general election held
in 1890, and one delegate-at-large
for each ward and precinct. Wards
and piecincts entitled to delegates.
and times and places for holding
primaries, as follows:
Tipton, 0 delegates. Wilkinson &.
Stopher's 1 amber oflice. 5 p. ni.
Greenwood. 3 delegates, town hall,
p. m.
Salt Creek. 7 delegates. Greenwood
town, 7 p. m.
Stove Creek, 9 delegates. G. A. R.
hall. Elmwood. 8 p. m. 1
Kim wood, 6 delegates, Murdoqk,
8 p. in.
South Bend, 4 delegates, school
house, 7:30 p. m.
Center, 6 delegates, Manley, 3 p. m
Louisville, 7 delegatus, Justice
Cline's oflice, 8 p. in.
Avoca, 0 delegates, Hatching
school house, 3 p. m.
Mt. IMcasaut, 5 delegates, Gil more
school house, 4 p. m.
Eight Mile Grove, 7 delegates,
Heil school house, 3 p. m.
Liberty, 7 delegates, Union, 7 p. m
Nehawka, 6 delegates, Nehawka,
7 p. ni.
Rock muffs. First district, C dele
gates, Murray, 7 p. m.
Rock 131 tiffs. Second district, 3 del
egates, Rock Bluffs, 7 p. in.
Plattsmouth precinct, 7 delegates,
Taylor school house, 4 p. in.
Plattsmouth city, First ward,
delegates, council chamber, 5 to
p. m. ; Second ward, 8 delegates,
school house, 5 to 7 p. m. ; Third
ward, 11 delegates, Richey's lumber
oflice, 5 to 7 p. m. ; Fourth ward, 9
delegates, county clerk's oflice, 5 to
7 p. m.; Fifth ward, 4 delegates,
school house, 5 to 7 p. m.
Weeping Water precinct, 5 dele
gates, Cascade school house, 7:30
p. m.
Weeping- Water city, First ward, 5
delegates, Churchill building, 8 p.
m. ; Second ward. 6 delegates, coun
cil chamber, 8 p. m. ; Third ward, 3
delegates, Tidball & Fullers's oflice,
8 p. m.
Total, 154 delegates.
Chairman pro tern.
A. 1.4. Timblin, Secretary.
The Homliest Man in Plaltsmouih
As well as the handsomest, and
others are invited to call on any
druggist and get free a trial bottle
of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is selling
entirely upon its merits ana is
guaranteed to relieve and cure all
chronic and acute coughs, asthma,
bronchitis and consumption. Large
bottles 50c and $1.;
Subscribe for The Herald, only
Is cents a week or 50 cents a month.
Klieumatism cured in a !ay.
"Mystic Cure for rheumatism and
neuralgia radically in 1 to 3 da3s.
Its action upon the system is rem
arkable and mysterions. It removes
at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first
dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold
by F. G. Fricke&Co.
The rapidity of its healing pro
cess is marvelous. Rail Road
Cough Cure is infallible for whoop
ing cough, croup, dry hacking
cough and all lung troubles. Use
no other. It cures la grippe. 2."c &
50c at O. II. Snyder and Brown
& Barett.
A Great Surpriee
Is in store for all who use Kemp'f
Balsan for the throat and lungs the
great guaranteed remedy. Would
you believe that it is sold on its
merits and that any druggits is au
thorized by the progrietor of this
wonderful remedy to give you a
sample bottle free? It never Tails
to cure acute and chronic coughs.
All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam.
Large Bottles 30c and $1.
Catarrh in Colorado.
I used El3 s Cream Balm for dry
catarrh. It proved a cure B. F. M.
Weeks, Denver.
Flv's Cream Balm is especially
adapted as a renieby for catarrh
which is aggravated b3' alkaline
Dust and dry winds. W. A Hover
Druggist, Denver.
I can recommend lily's Cream
Balm to all suffers from dr3' catarrh
from personal experience. Michael
Herr, 1'harmacist, uenber.
Fair's Cream Balm has cured
many cases of catarrh. It is in con
stant demand Geo. W. H03-L Phar
macist, Cheyenne, y.
Startling Facts.
The American people are rapidly
becoming a rase of nervous wrecks
and the followtng suggests, the
best remedy: alphouso llumpfling,
of Butler, Penn, swears mat when
his son was spechless from st. Vitus
Dance Dr Miles great Restorative
Aerving cured him. Mrs. J. -L.
Miller of Valprai and. J.D. Taolnr,
of Logansport, Ind each gained 20
pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A
Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to 50 convulsions eaS3" and
much aeadach, dizzness, bockach
ana nervous prostiation D3r one
battle. Trial bottle and fine boek of
Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, &
Co., who recomends thisunequailed
remedy. r .. . . .
Some Foolish People
allow a cough to run until it gets
be3rond the reach of medicine They
say. "Oh, it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears them away.
Could they be induced to try the
successful Kemp's Balsam. -which
is sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, they Would see the excellent
effect afj,er taking the first dose.
Price rKM and $1. Trial size free. At
all druggists.
New Washington 'enn , People
Are not slow about taking hold of
a new thing, if the article has merit.
A few months ago David Byers, of
that place, bousrht his hrst stocs ot
Chamberlain's Cough remedy. He
has sold it all and ordered more.
He sa3"s: "It has given the best of
satisfaction. I have warrantad ev
ery bottle and have not had one
come back. cent. . cent, ana
$1.00 bottles for sale by F. G. Gricke
fc Co.. druggists.
Irene'for the complexion, most
useful toilet made, is highlj medi
cated and perfumed. Removes
pimples; makes the skin clear and
velvety. 50 cents at Brown A Bar
rets and O. H. Snyder-
A something hovers la tho sir.
And polHes o'er the uaked tree.
And rldea upon the winded clouds.
Yet hath no form Uie eye can see:
But to the deeper, inward nitcl't.
It la a irMeno sweet and true.
That til In the universe with Joy
And witkuatliu earth with liupuUe newl
A aomnthiPic in the foreht word.
It Hcarct ly may be named a voice.
Yet fettered captives hear its call.
And in their loiiirfnK heart rejoicei
A subtilo whixper in the breeze.
So soft, it Feenia a Hplrit'a breath.
Yet leafless boughs grow tremulous
With ec-btasy at what it auitht
A aomethiua; rUe with the morn.
And lingers with the aim's last ray.
Brings rapture to the silent niht.
And iuiiter to the shining day:
With yearning, half of blina and pain.
It swell my heart, and, wondering,
I ak.. What cau it be? A bird
Singa at my window, "It Is sprlngl"
Zitella Cocke in Youth's Companion.
The Way Heal Katate Goes Up In Creed.
Tho other day a Denver man tteiiett
from tho train, saw a lot he thought he
would like, and asked the owner, who
of course just "liantKmeu" to be stand
ing near, what ho would take for it.
"UTie thousand dollars, was the re
"Well, I'll see yon again shortly. 1
want to look about and get my bear
Alter inquiring tho prices of various
other lots he concluded to take tho first
oue. He had beuu gone but an hour,
and felt a satisfaction at being able to
do a little business s soon after his ar
rival, and remarked to a companion:
This is a hummer and no mistake."
To the owner ho said: Tve concluded
to take your lot. Have tho papers made
out and we'll go up to tho bank and got
the money.
"The price has gone up since 3'ou were
here. It is now $1,300," quietly re
marked the owner.
"Three hundred dollars an hour!" he
gasped, and was carried to the train.
Tho pace was too killing. Such activity
in realty and building has rarely been
seen, even in Colorado. The buildings
in Jimtown have arisen like mushrooms
over night. An absence of a couple of
days, and one would rub his e3'es to be
sure ho was awake, so great is the
change. Cor. Denver Sun.
Waterproof Shoes.
Every winter sees a new idea in shoe-
making to avoid wet and cold feet. Tho
cork sole has outlived three or four in
ventions and seems very popular, but
the fashionable idea is now to have oil
skin lining between the uppers and the
ordinary lining. This effectually keeps
out the cold and wet, and by doing away
with all ventilation and retaining the
perspiration a considerable amount of
warmth is acquired. The plan is prob-
ablj" open to certain sanitary objections,
and residents in suburban districts far
removed from granitoid or even plank
walks, are willing to take a few chances
in order to get down town with dry feet.
In Canada they have a simpler and
much cheaper way of securing the same
result by using a very thick sock made
of wood puli an(i millboard, which re-
auires an immense amount lit water to
soak through. It is doubtful whether
anything but good rubbers will pass
muster from a medical standpoint, but
so long as some reople have a preiudi
against wearing them, every winter wi"
probably see some new invention to tf ke
their place. Interview With a SLae
Spirit Kapping in Cood Morse.
At a spiritual seance in a residence in
the northern part of Millersbnrg one
night, shortly after the circle was formed
under the gin re of t he gaslight, peculiar
rappings were heard on the table as if
some telegraph operator were sending a
message. Ihe telegnipn jerator at the
railroad of!k-e was sent for, and listen
ing to the rap?, declared they were made
by an experc operator who seemed to
know persons present.
Several messages were sent and re
ceived, the telegraphic shade declaring
he was not happy because he had not
lived right on earth. The spirit then
said ho wanted to talk to Miss A
whereupon that 3'oung ladj' in the circle
promptly fainted and broke the com-
bination, as nothing else was heard from
the dissatisfied spirit. It is said the
young lady in question had a dear
friend, who was an expert operator, who
died some years ago. Correspondent
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Good for the Souls.
There is a great revival going on in
our midst. Wednesday night the grocery-
man got np in meeting and said: "Breth
ren. I'm the man who furnished the
orphan as3-lum with meat at twelve
cents a pound when it wasn't worth six
When he . sat down another fellow
jumped up and said: "Brethren, I want
to make a clean breast of it. I'm the
man who stole the meat that he furnished
to the orphan, aylum. Pray for us!"
Atlanta Constitution.
A Maine Man's Mfafortune.
A wealthy Maine man who recently
got married made over all his property
to his wife as a mark of affection for
her. Soon afterward she was suddenly
taken ill, and, before she could make a
will, she died. It is now said that all
her propertj- will go fo her brother, and
her husband will get nothing. Ex-
Discovery of a Turquoise Mine.
A turquoise mine has been discovered
near the town of Ibrahim-Olga, about
fifteen miles from Samarcand. This i
said to be the third turquiise mine found
in Central Asia. New York Journal.
William Tulliver and Minnie Stack "
house were recentlv married on horse
back in the rain at night at Paoli, In 1.
The minister stood on the doorstep. Ti:e
couple said they were rainsoaked airi
had too far to tro to lose time.
One of the largest cainrlia plants eve-
known is now growing iii a nursery 1
Birmingham. England. It qnite fills .1
large greenhouse. Some 2,(KM. bud lur.
been trimmed from tb tree, and it stilf
has 6.000.
Catholic. 8t. rani's Church, ak. betwee.
Fifth and HUth. Fattier Carney, Castor
Services : Vss at and I : A. M. ttunday
Hchool at 2 :30, with benediction.
Ohhistian. Corner Locust and Eighth Bts.
Services morning and evening- Klder A.
(1 alio way pastor. Sunday 8cliool 10 a. m.
EriH'JOPAU-St. Luke's Church, corner Thir
and Vine. Kev. H B. Burgens. pastor. Ser
vices : II a. u. ai d 7 :30K u. Hunday School
at2:3or. m.
fjRHMAN MktiioiI8T. oorner .i4ri p n
tiranlte. Kev. Illrt. 1'aKtor. nerrzfes : 1 1 a.
and 7 :30 1-. at. Sunday School 10 :3u A. M.
I'KKaHYTHKiAW. ervlces in new fbijrch. cor
ner Sixth and Granite sta. Kev. J . T. Halrd,
pastor. Nunday-nci'ool at 9 ; 1'reachlnj
ut 11 a. in. Hid 8 p. m,
1 he . li. H. V. K of thl church m et eveiT
Sabbath evening at 7 :18 In the basement of
thechurrh. All are Invited to attend these)
Kikht MrTHOniHT. Sixth St.. betwen Mal
and Pearl. Kev. I.. K. Krltt. D. D. pator.
Service : 11 A. if .. 8 :00 p. M Sunday School
9 :30 a.m. ITayermeetlig Wednesday even
Ing. IPKMan rKKBHVTKKiAN. Corner Main and
Ninth. Kev. Wltte, pastor. Services usual
hours. Sunday School :30 A. if.
1 . :
Swkf.dihh roNc.KKi ATIONAL. (Jraulte, be
tween Fifth and Sixth.
Coi-okkd Baptiht. Mt. Olive. Oak. between
'lentil and Eleventh. Kev. A. Hoewell, pas
tor. Kervlees 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. in. I'rayer
meeliuic Wednesday evening.
You:u Mfn'h Chkitiah Amhociatio-
Koott'" in VI m m an hloek. Main street. (Joa
pel meeiinjr. f-.r nu-i. only, every Snsday af
ternoon ut 4 oYW-X. KooniH open week day
from 8:30 a. in . ij 9 : 30 p. in.
Scent J'ai:k T.iiKK.N aclp.. Kev. J. M.
VkuJ, 1 atr, Servient : Sunday School,
'.'in. 111.: 1 revolting, 11a. m. and 8 p. an. ;
r:yer Hireling luesdiiy nti;lir ; choir prar-Meel-ridny
UH:ht All are welcome, ..
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Thk Best 8alvk in tho world for Cute
Bruist-H, Sores, Uleerj, Halt Klieum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain!,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It ir. fcruarantet-ii tc nive satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cento per box.
For Ke by F. C. Fricke
The First Site p.
Perhaps you are run down, can't
eat, cati't sleep, can't think, can't do
anything to A'otir satisfaction, and
you wonder what ails you. You
should heed the warning, you are
taking the first step into nervou)
prostrat ion. You need a nerve tonic
and in Ivlectric Bitters you will find
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous svstem to it normal. healthv
condition. Surprising results fa-4l
low the use of this great Nerve
Tonic and Alterative, Your appe
tite returns, good digestion is re
stored, and the liver and kidneys re
sume healthy action. Try a bottle.
Price 50c, at r. G. rricke cc to n
drugstore. 0
Do not confuse the famous Blush
of Roses with the many worthless
paints, powders, creams and
bleaches which are flooding the
market. Get the genuine ofyour
druggist, O. II. Snyder, 75 cents per
bottle, and I guarantee it will re
move your pimples, freckles, black
heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and
give 3 011 a lovely complexion. 1
Specimen Cases.
S. IT. Clifford, Xew Castle, Wis
was troubled witn neuralgia ana
rheumatism, his stomach was dis
ordered, his liver was affected to ai
alarming degree, appetite fell away
and he was ierriblv reduced in flesh
ind strength. Three bottles ol
Klectric Bitters cured him.
Kdward Shepherd, llamsburg.
III., had a running sore on his leg
of eight years standing. Used
three bottles of Klectric Bdters and
seven bottles uucuiens. Amies
Salve, and his leg is sound aiid well
John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five
large lever sores on 11 is leg, doctors
said he whs incurable. One bottle
Klectric Bitters and one box Buck
leu's Arnica Salve cured him entire
I3'. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
AMttle tvirls Experlencei- a LlgMt
Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed
1 with a daughter, four years.
April she taken down with Measles,
followed with, dreadiui cougu anu
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" handful of bones".
Then she tried Dr, King's .New
Discoverv and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was complete'
cured. They- say Dr. King.s .New
Discoverv is worth its weight 111
gold, 3-et you may get a trial; bottle
free at b. U. -r-ricney rugstore.
Cough Following the Grip
Many person, who have recovered
from la grippe are now troubled
with a persistent cough. Cham
berlain's cough remedy will
prompt' loosen this cough and
relieve the lungs, effecting a per
manent cure in a very short time.
25 and 50 cent bottle for sale by.F.
G. Fricke & Co.
. How's This!
We offer 100 dollars reward for
any case of caiarrn tnat can not ie
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
KJ. thenevftto. I'rops, Toledo.
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Chenev for the last 15 years,
and belive him pefectly honorable
in all buisness transactionsandhn-
ancially able to carry out an oblig
ations made by their firm.
u est & Truax, Wholesale lirusx-
rist. Toledo Ohio.. Waldintr Kinnan
& Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter
nally, action directl3' upon the blood
and mucous suriaces 01 me system.
Price. 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Drug-gist; 'Testimonials free.
Take Ralrcua for your blood, liv
er and kidneys. It cures Nervous
and general clelility. Rheumatism
suppressed or pa in tul periods, dys-
pepsia. inaigef xion. minou attacks
skin eruptions,, urinar3" coninlaints.
and the worn blood disorders
known. It is the lest tonic on earth
for the debilitated. Price $1 at O.
H. Snyder and Brown & Barrett.