The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 23, 1892, Image 3

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L L'!1"J
- IT
4 ' r-vsr
The Man in the Moon
would be happier if he could have supply of
Blackwell's Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco
For over twenty -five years the standard smoking tobacco of the world.
To-day More Popular than Ever.
; To have a trood smoke anytime and everytime it is only necessary to
gel Bull Durham. It is all good and
v . . . .
Kvory thing to runusii lour iiuuso.
: ukat modkkn
win" mirclnicd the A. V. Weckbach store room on ninth
:in street where T am now located can sell goods cheap
than the cheapest having just put 111 the largest stock
new .roods ever brought to
tl furniture of all kinds sold
Circulation Large
Rates Reasonable
Returns p3inunerative
Is q Weekly
igl quel, spcciql
to l'Gqcli families tlU'OHgll-
le coqqty.
501 Cor Fifth
4 f J
a tP a tifl to)
(Pis U 6 lrv Lrv tnj
BWTHm H Wm lUKtvTork PrVM Metal
' a
and Soothing
always good.
1 ir 1 r
the city. Gasoline stoves
on the installment plan.
l9iblicqtiOIl f
vqlqe qs ci qd-
and Vine St.
. a
. r ,. , La Grippe, j .
No! healthy person need fear any
dangerous consequences from an
attack of la grippe if properly
treated.. It is much the same as a
severe cold and requires precisely
the same treatment. Kemain quiet
ly at home and take Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy as directed for a se
vere cold and a prompt and com
plete recovery is sure to follow,
riiis remedy also counteracts any
tendency of la grippe to result in
pneumonia. Among the many
thousands wbo have used it during
the epidemics of the past two years
we have yet to learn of a single
case that has not recovered or that
has resulted in pneumonia. 2.1 and
fx) cent hottles for sale by J. G.
Pricke Sc Co.
La rlppe Successfully Treated.
"I have just recovered from a sec- .
ond attack of the grip this year,"'
sa3's Mr. Jas. C). Jones, publisher of
the leader, Mexica Texas. 'In the
latter case I used Chamberlain's
Cough remedy, and I thins with ;
considerable success, oidy being in .
bed a little over two days, against .
ten days for the first attnek. The
second attack, I am ratslied. would '
have been equally as bad as the!
first but for the use of this remedy,
as I had to go to bed in about six j
hours after being struck with it, j
1 . : 1 . . . 1 . . it . .... r . "1.1.. ... f
wiiiic ill me iiimi tiisc 1 wait ctuie 10 1
atiend to business about two days j
before getting down. !! cent bot- 1
ties fer sale 1m R G. Kricke & Co.
The population of Platismoulh
Is about 10,000, add we would say
at least ueo-half are troubled with
some elTeclion on the throat and
lungs, as those comlaius are, ac-
Cnlmg 10 staaist ics, more nuiiier-011.-
than others. We would advise
all our rentiers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their drug
gist and get a bottle of Kemp's I'al
sain for the throat and lungs. Trial
size free. J.argelioltlr ."kJc and SI.
Sold y all druirgist.
Every Month
many women suffer from Excessive or
Scant Menstruation; they don't know
who to confide in to get proper advice.
Don't confide in anybody but try
Bradfi eld's
Fcmaic Regulator
a Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE,
Book to " WOMAN " mailed free.
Sold by all Drngclntt.
tho Lluuor Habit. Positively Curei
sr AS'JKitsrEntJO dr. haihes' oolden spscmt,
it czn be given in a cup of coSee cr tea. or in ?ir
'.irisi of ood, without the knowledge of tli? ;'.!
ua taking it; it id abooiutelv harmless an-i win
liVct a permanent ami epe'eiiy cure, vhtJlit-r
thupatientiua moderate drinkcroran alcoholic
a complete cure in evsry instance, i'i page utuk
PRE. Address in coiuiiiiMice.
DEN-SPECIFIC CO. 1 5 Hoi St.. Ciacinnatl.O
U Ml
Ii yo-i
want to make
Semi us ten
tents anil receive a -am- I
5 a nes's, which will give you Uirue profits
iml (iiiick sales. Steady employ
ment guaranteed. Address
A O-v' JP, Cr 9 '"ortland
:3AnJ Ci LO, aoston, Mi
"ortiancJ at-,
Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyeg
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, 01
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairio Scratches, Soro 17ipp!e3
had Piles. It is cooling axd sootliiag.
Hundreds of case3 Lavo been cured by i
it after all other treatment had failed,
it is put up in 23 end CO cent hoses.
Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only.
bj Fack'i Inraiblt Tufcalur Kar Cwk
Whtoixra bwd. Comfortbl.
fnlhrrsllrrK4irfifl. Sold by P. niMsx.ooly,
SS3 Bru47, Htm r. Writa for Week of proofa I
i llkk
ClPmso, and beauttlics tr.e hair.
Fruinotei luxuriant prowth.
Wgver Pails to Heatore Gray
Hair to it Yontbrul. Color.
J), Tale in liu;e. .V'eu.
e cure f'-r Com.
ur JilicoX ti. CO., J. y.
How Lost! How Regal nodi
lii...J..laalf IITl I k
Or iBU.VsrinTATIOM.'AMfaWnili
Vta Wa.f Wi ' - - '' 1
5? tS -IMPI-SEa 1
tithwiala. 'of caraC MUi IKlH.i
lonaoltatioa ia peraoa T By aaS. Kzpert treat I
jrAani tuu. AdOraaa ur. w. H. Parker, or
Tka Paabad atedicai IaatituW, No. 4BhICDrS
.Bomoo. Haas.-1 . - , f
The Peabody.MtdiciVlMtKute lui lmut iniV
tutor, botnocqnat. IfiraM. J
The Sciaoce of Life, or -lf PreMrration. U m.
treure more Taiiubie than fUiu. Kead it now,
"very c.av ana KKittuis mu, aod mm 10
b STKOSiG . M'dical Keiitw. (Copi rifhtd
HB 19 t UMMt Wiifll
a -i
' ' " Wuhlnf LlttU IndUaa.
We were camped at the Hot Springe
on the Lo Lo trail, made famous in In
dian annals by the escape of Chief Jo
seph and his band of Nez Perces. Just
above us was a large camp of Flathead
who were making their fall hunt. One
morning we were awakened by shouts
and cries. Evidently there was great
excitement somewhere, and we promptly
jumped up. It was just after daylight
and cold clouds of steam were rising
from the big basin shaped pool at tho
foot of the granite wall, from which
Imred a thick stream of boiling water.
The pool was bo large that at the lower
edge the water was almost cold. The
nearer yon approached to the phice
where the water burst from the rock the
better chance you stood of getting boiled.
At the edge, at a iouit where the water
was of a comfortable temierature, stood
two Indians, one on the bank and the
other on a stone in the water. Near by
were a dozen other Indians guarding a
number of little Indian boys and girls
who had nothing on and were howling
and crying.
When we looked out of the tent the
two Indians at the pool had an Indian
boy, one holding him by the feet the
other by the hands, and were gravely
swinging him backward and forward
through the warm water, while he yelled
at every dip. As soon as they had fin
i.hed with him im wassetniton the bank,
and ran to the willow brush near by.
Then the noise redoubled, for each
child in the group guarded by the In
dians feared that it was his turn. They
all tried to escape to the brush, but their
elders pursued and caught them, unti.
the very last one had been put through
the cleansing process. New York Sun.
ltifj l"icll ;uns and Tlntir ICfTfrt.
If you insist on high velocity you have
to add to much additional machinery to
your gun carriage and have to ho greatly
strengthen its construction that yon
destroy its mobility, while even if 3-0U
gain a long range you are still unable tj
make use of your most efficient projec
tile at it. Moreover, since tho remain
ing velocity of its shrapnel is a truer
measure of the value of a gun than its
initial velocity, and the two are by no
means directly proportional, it does not
follow that we benefit as much as we
might expect by submitting to these
disadvantages. Thus, the 12-pouuder
has an initial velocity of over 1 ,700 feet
per second and a remaining velocity at
3.0(H) yards of 863 feet; while the
13-pounder, with an initial velocity of
only 1.5C0 feet, has at the same range a
remaining velocity greater by six feet
per second than that of its rival.
One of our highest authorities on field
artillery has, indeed, recorded his opin
ion, that, as regards the efficiency of
shrapnel, we gain notliing by the in
creased muzzle velocity of "the best field
gun in Europe"-at all practical ranges.
Moreover, it is the attempt to squeeze
out the last few extra feet that does all
the harm. Loudon Saturday Review.
Modern Education.
With all its novel modern powers and
practical sense I am forced to admit that
the purely scientific brain iY mis:erably
mechanical: it seems to hm c become a
splendid sort of self directed machine,
an incredible automaton, grinding 011
with its analvsis or constructions. But
for pure sentiment, for all that spon
taneous Greek waywardness of fancy,
for the temjerature of passion and the
subtler thrill of idealirj-, you might as
well look to a wrought iron derrick.
Science found education blundering
peacefully along, cultivating half of the
mind with charming results and letting
the other die or disuse; it worked the
startling miracle of electrifying this
dead half into life and bringing it to
perfect activity, and straightway, satis
fied with this remarkable achievement,
it proceeded to neglect the ideal half
which the classics had made so much of
and caused it to perish. It has substi
tuted a new sort of half man for the old
one. Clarence King in Forum.
Skill in the
It is wonderful what a part the wrist
plays in exercises in which physical skill
and delicacy are required. After a man
learns to play billiards well enough to
be familiar with the cushions and the
English, the important thing to cultivate
is his stroke. It is the hardest thing
about billiard playing to get a good
J stroke, and sometimes the greatest play
j ers "fall down" because they lose con
trol of it. Now, the stroke wholly de
pends on the action of the wrist. Jake
Schaeffer, or any good player.will make
a shot of seven cushions with less ap
parent force than a beginner will exert
in getting three. This is due to the su
perior wrist movement.
It's the same way with violin playing.
The quality and touch all depend on
wrist manipulation. So with curs ing a
baseball. Great pitchers always work a
strong wrist movement on the ball as it
leaves the hand. If they didn't it
wouldn't curve at all. St. Louis Globe
Democrat. Good Story .bout a Saco laivypr,
A Saco lawyer lost his office key and
j with it, on the same bunch, the keys to
his safe and house.
There is a spring lock on his office
door, and he concluded that he must
have left it in his office and have come
,out and locked the door. He accord
ingly borrowed a long ladder and
crawled through "the back window of
his office.
ciNo keys, were' to be seen, and after
cogitating over, the peculiar state of af-
.'iairs he at last let himself out, and there
,ori 'the outside of the lock were hanging
Xp fcrvm. Bangor (Ite.) Commercial. . .
VT1 . 1 a a ara '
highest' Velocity eVef 'given ii a
eanttoa hall m estimated, at a- mil in S.2
second. .Tb . Telocity of,-the earth .at
tfaQ equator, due- to. it rotation on its
axis, is a mile in 3.6 seconds. There-
lore, it a cannon bail were nrel tine
west, and could maintain its initial
, '.. .. . ... , .
Telocity, it Would beat the SU11 111 his ap-
parent journey
parent journey around the earth. New
York Journal.
CliUkweeU Srll ra la FmHm.
It is strangely suggestive of the upn
and downs of life to read that among
the Members of the society of chick
weed sellers in Paris there are a large
number of imms who were formerly
in a much higher condition. It may not
be generally known that the humble
itinerant duckweed seller of Paris
boasts of a syndicate, which, in default
of a hall wherein to transact businebs,
meets in the open air near the fortifica
tions. At a recent meeting the question
had to be decided whether what are
known as "colifichet" men that is to
say, itinerant venders of a species of
light cake for song birds should be ad
mitted into the society, and the votes
were taken in this way those who were
for their admission put a cork in a has
ket, those against it put in an onion,
The corks, on being counted, proving
superior in number to the onions, the
"colifichet" men were proclaimed mem
bers of the society of duckweed sellers.
In connection with the subject it is
mentioned that among tho members of
this very humble corporation are to be
found two doctors, one lawyer, four
chemi.-as. two manufacturers, twenty
nine wine merchants, one process server,
four jewelers, nineteen brokers, eight
grocers, two coppersmiths, four clock
makers and a dozen tradesmen in other
lines. It would be curious to know by
what vici: i 1 tides or reverses of fortune
such a change in the social position of
these people was brought about. A
professional man, or even a tradesman,
must be. indeed, driven to the last ex
tremity to take to selling chickweed at
one sou a hunch to earn his bread.
Loudon fcitau'l.iril.
Fruen Gait Tor I-'iifl.
According to a f-.pecial from Muneie,
ind., which is tho center of the Indiana
natural gas fields, the number of chance
discoveries has just been added to by
one which will be of immense impor
tance in the industrial world. The story
is that a few days ago a service pipe
lino of natural ga had frozen near Mill
Grove. To remedy the stoppage a joint
of tho pipe was detached. It was found
that the joint was filled with ice, and
one of tho workmen pounded the pii
and a cylinder of ice about a foot long
came out. One of tho workmen said
jestingly, "Well, there's some ice which
ought to burn."
Some one then suggested that fire be
applied to the ice. The ice caught fire
and burned like a torch, so thoroughly
was it impregnated with the natural
gas. The burning gas furnished heat to
melt the ice, and as it melted it liberated
the gas, which bunted as fiercely as if it
had been coming out of a pipe.
All present were amazed at the phe
nomenon, and it was at once suggested
that the discover- might prove of im
mense value by rendering it possible to
freeze natural gas into blocks which
could be sent out for use as fuel. It
seems that the congealing had taken
place under a pressure of U00 pounds to
the square inch, and it will require in
vestigation of chemical experts to de- 1
cide whether the gas had been liquefied
by the pressure and then frozen or not.
Capitalists are investigating the dis
covery, and if practical a new industry
will be develoix'd in the natural g:ia
fields. Chicago Inter Ocean.
A Novelty in Sje-tale.
A gentleman well known in the scien
tific world has just invented a pair of
shot proof spectacles. It is not exactly
a compliment to the modern sportsman,
but 1 am bound to say that in view of
the alarming increase of shooting acci
dents in recent years, the invention
must be considered as supplying a seri
ous want. I have it from a friend who
has been going into the question that
these glasses (which are being manu
factured on the Strand) may be relied
upon to withstand almost anything
short of a charge fired point blank, and
they have the advantage of thoroughly
protecting the side of the eye which is
the direction in which the most serious
wounds are generally received. London
Remarkable AVli eel barrow Trip.
Four adventurous persons, three men
and one woman, will leave Seattle goon
for New York with no other means of
conveyance than a wheelbarrow. They
are J. F. Cheatham, John Howard, E.
W. Caston and Hiss Lou Howard. The
men will take turn about at pushing the
wheelbarrow, and only when the wom
an gives out from exhaustion will she
be allowed to ride. Only in case of sick
ness will stops of a longer duration than
twelve hours be made at any place until
Chicago is reached, where it is intended
to remain for three days, and then push
on for New York. It is the intention of
the quartet to cover the distance be
tween Seattle and New York in five
months. San Francisco Call.
A 15oton Man's Hard Luck.
A Boston man died the other day with
out having touched a fortune which he
had long expected and had at last inher- I
ited. The estate, which was a large one j
in New York, was in course of settle- j
ment, something had leen realized al
ready, and a check for several thousand
dollars was sent as a first payment to
the Boston man. It found him in lied
so sick that he could not even write an
indorsement, and he died without hav
ing handled a dollar of the proierty.
Boston Journal.
A Mountain of Ouyx.
It is reported that a mountain of onyi
has been discovered in Mexico about
thirty miles from 1 Paso. It is said to
be of a superior quality, fine graded and
beautifully marked with calico streaks
0 variegated color blended acroe the
fac of ; the ,edge.; iTlnPijnineral, it ia
claimed, wales off in ". large slates, mak
irg it poble to cell it m cheap as eom-
iwm. Kxchaag.
T . ..
A-KaJB4 Clay Faetvr.r.
Jauiee Wsrdaer - haa fonod a bread
mine in the Okanogan country. The
stuff is a clay, which, when baked, is
edible. It will be canned and sent east,
along with boned turkey from the cat
ranch. Washington Pre-Tim).
Costly WMlnff FrMMli for !.
It is a pitifnl item in a Mtory fall of
pathos that several of the presents origi
nally bought as wedding gifts for thr
Prince May tdmuld now lo once morr
o'Jered to the public, their intended
designation lending them a Hpecial charm
to a certain Ihsh of buvers. One feeU
1 auuitionally totielied when one remem-
I hers the delight with which the princess
is said to have received thoo which went
Bent her before her terrible trouble. Vet
in a little shop in tint Strand, well known
to connoisseurs, can lo seen tho cele
brated Tiffany necklace, a riviere of
magnificent diamonds, which was Ixjught
in New York to present to the popular
Another particular treasure is a sap
phire. I wais going to say a priceless
stone, but truth to tell it is priced, and
1 its value is 5,000. It is a perfect stone,
without flaw, of exquisite color, two
inches long and i inches broad. At
present it is set around with lino bril
liants and forms a royal looking brooch.
The other day a would be purchaser
brought his wife to see the present hr
proposed to make, but she would have
nothing to say to the jewel. "No, thank
you," site exclaimed; "I should fuel like
a church window if 1 won that." So
tho treasured heirloom of an old noble
Russian family is still in the market.
London Cor. 1'hiladclphia Telegraph.
Neneiit Mudtt T ItiirKhiry.
The other day a gentleman in a north
era suburb found a stranger aseendiug
his staircase, who, without be I raying
sriy emotion, said he had come about
tho repairs. "Oh, yes," replied tlieowu
3r, "but 1 am in a hurry to keep an en
gagement just now. Come, out with in.
:md I'll tell you what 1 want done.'
Ti.o two walked out together, the house
holder talking about wuierpipes anJ
tunics, ami the stranger answering with
a glibness that showed considerable ex
perience, until 1 hey came to a policn
uiau, when the former a, oneo gave tho
pretended plumber into his cusiody for
Li ing in his house v.'i'.h unlawful in
tent. Upon him were; found the usual in
struments of the burglar's bu-dn-.-s, and
when taken to the police station he wa.
soon identified as an expert crib cracker,
who was already wanted on several
charges of housebreaking and burglary.
People will do well to view with suspi
cion men who come to their dwelling
to do repairs which have never Ijocii or
dered. Philadel ph ia Telegni ph .
Telephone for I nn lit ISaltle.
Particulars of the behavior of tho lielU
telephone system in tho French autumn
maneuvers have now bien published.
.Magneto telephones were used, as no
delicate microphone or battery is es
quired with them. The transmitter was
held in the hand and tho receiver wan
affixed to the "kepi." Combined re
ceivers and transmitters were also cm
ployed. A bare bimetallic wire U.'i mil
limeters in diameter was unrolled front
a drum and laid out of harm's way 011
hedges, branches, walls and in trenches.
A line twenty-three kilometers long
was thus laid, with the addition of ten
posts, in five hours; speech was good,
and the whole was taken up again in an
hour. During a sham fight a cavalry
division passed over a long lino without,
interrupting the communication. A
bayonet stuck in tho ground made a
good earth circuit, so did tho body of a
cavalry horse if tho wire was attached
to the bridle. London Globe.
Ku-sshin Jieipliiie.
Much comment has been excited by a
recent occurrence at Wilna, in western
Russia. The men of one of the batteries
of an artillery regiment stationed at
Wilna mutinously refused to salute oie
of their officers when he came among
them. lie summoned them more- than
once to pay him the due sign of respect,
but the soldiers paid no attention. The
officer, enraged at this behavior, at
length drew his revolver and shot two
noncommissioned officers, one after the
other. He was taking aim at a third
when the soldiers, in fear of their lives,
at length gave the proper salute. The
incident is being hotly discussed in mili
tary circles, some ofTicers maintaining
that their confrere was justified in his
act, while others condemn his extreme
conduct. London Times.
A Strange Exploaiou.
Seth Williams and Morris McClelland
met death in a mysterious explosion at
Cave City, Ky. They were digging a
cistern and had reached a flat rock eight
feet down. Williams struck the rock
with a sledge hammer, causing a terri
ble explosion, which buried McClelland
beneath flying bowlders and killed hira,
and threw Williams into a tree fifty
yards away. McClelland lived just long
enough to tell what had happened. Sev
eral persons have closely examined the
scene of the explosion, but discovered
nothing beyond bluish vapor with a sul
phurous smell issuing from between two
large rocks. Exchange.
An Kngineer In Ilare Luck.
By the death of Patrick Costello, in
Detroit, Tom Costello, of Wichita, an
engineer 011 the Atchison road, will get
00,iOO. Patrick, the elder brother, left
Ireland forty-five years ago for Austra
lia, and ten years later Tom came t
America. About 1S0.3 Patrick wrote to
his family that he was rich and that ho
was leaving Australia for America, and
they never heard from him again. He
had lived in Detroit, it seems, for many
years, but no one knew much alxmt him..
Kansas Citv Times.
At the recent term of the aupreme ju
cicial court of Franklin connry, Me., no
indictmentswere found, and the mem
bers of the grand jury whn dismissed
presented - to Judge - Emery '-a; pair of
white kid gloves vt an emblem of the
parity of the eovnfcy moral.
A'coasting party in Guilford. Me., re
cently consisted of Onnan Cimpher, aged
five years; bis mother, his grandfather
and his great-grandmother, aged ninety
four. The party coasted down the long
tills for au hour and then enjoyed a
rtv backwoods breakfast.