a iJ s I" Who, Shall tBE President? Is It Harrison? Is it Blaine? IS THERE ANY OTHER flAN YOU WANT FOR PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES? NAME YOUR CHOICE! The Farm Journal has, at large expense, designed and printed a beautiful Counting House Calendar for 1892, containing portraits of the leading FARM 1 une, McKinley, Gorman, Boies, Rusk, anamaaer. inesc portraits are in This space to accaptod wttk graved portraits of either HARRISON, CLEVELAND. BLAINE. HILL. CRISP. WANAMAKER. MddNLEY. OORMAN, RUSK. BOIES. Whichever yoa mmy aslact. themselves beautiful works of art. really splendid pictures, JOURNAL JANUARY las fine as any steel Jengraving, and in I 3 1 Ml T W T F S .......... 1 2 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 lOll 12 1814 16 16 17 18 102021 22 28 24 26 26 27 28 29 80 31 no way an adver ftisetaent. They will by an ornament to 50 CENTS yparlor, or office, This it m miniature of the Calendar. Tk4 size u 5X by tjl inches. wall, or desk, and Tf vou are a Cleveland man von will Calendar; if a BUiue man order a Blaine Calendar; if a Hill man order a HOI Calendar; if a He Kinky man order a McKinlej Calendar, and so on. LET'S HAVE A VOTE! Hie Farm Journal is well known everywhere in the United States as one of ti:e very best Farm papers a perfect gem of a Family pa;er. It i cream, not skim-milk; it is the boiled-down paper; chuck-full of common-sense; bits the nail on the head every time. Everyone who has a horse, or cow, or pig, or chicken, or has a farm big or little, or a irarden patch, oucht to take the Farm Journal. The tp- fact that it has a round million readers bespeaks its wonderful As imiliritv. It is the one taper that guarantees its advertisers to be honest, and LET'S HAVE Tt out rnu nothinir to vote. The Farm lournaltor one year costs noin nr. tli. rreHidfnt' nortrait calendar over the expense of printing1, wrapping; mailing etc., provided that you ubscribe at the Bame time tor ihk iikkald. uur ciuuuing icnus wim -a farm Journal are such that we can WEEKLY IIEKAU - Farm Journal, ; - - , - President's portrait calender, - .23 Tntal. .... $2.25 .iKnftim lint ton nnfa mnrp than our - four subscription to THE HERALD nas ueen paiu up in iun, wc wuik..u rou the Farm Tournal. 1 year, the presidents portrait calendar (your -hioee for nresidenO for 35 cents. Make j.iin 4Vi!a ;d rx unfinl ant pxtraordinarv offer. iqt c .... t j - - Don t forget in oraerrmg caienuar siciiw win- lajruwi oi-u.u :or President, ana wnicn caienaar ' ADDRESS, THE LATTSMUUIII, AOUKiwnA. 1 I r 1 1 I I 1 1 "J I 1 1 1 1 I illalllllllllll Rates Reasonable. Returns Remunerative nil ATTOtlflAI ITI I IITDAI H vn ii iijiiiiii I ri R I i llwll ill r Is a WeeMy JTeitisiilg nicdiqni o qll (seelj t I'eqcli fqnilies ttlogll" out t1! county- in) iT7iT"rr n ir n i BUSINESS MANAGER. 801 Cor Fifth JL A.TTSM OUTH CMtCHcrreirs E6ush. fro TNI !. I. AH tIMUINC. 4.. ia ub tor Mrticiw. iiiiiin Is it Cleveland ? Is it Hill? and Crisp, also Postmaster-Genera. PORTRAIT after the Calendar is done are suitable for framing. They are sold, with or without the Cal- CALENDAR endar, for 25 cents each, to non-subscribers to Farm Journal. 25 CENTS wnt a Cleveland protects its readers against fraud. A VOTE 1 costs you but 10 cents, to merely furnish usual subscription rate: or, if . , V.,, . Ml r ,1 remittance direct to us withoi , yau wain, HEBATiD iru miirirJii id I II I I II inirL-IJ Publicqtioii of and Vine St. NEBRASKA Cou Tfr Diawohd Bhamo TV mItAb. rkUliilPi'l (u i ftiwml ytn f. KM CU MlU tM "Wntrr Car L41r" s lour, r imn Mni 4 v nnCrrnrn V vcung o lv" Oir rM JtoffMtfy rfc Jiuix Safety ( X4 mfMothmr and Child. " MOTHER'S FRIEND " J6 Contrtemit.( e f Pain, Horror and Risk. AftralDn-b"iH-or "Slather's Friend" I nufleriMl but llititi aiii, nd Uil uJt experleno. tbat wukDHi af trrward u.um! Id auch rmim -Mil. Ahkik Uaok. Laiou, Mo., Jn. 19th, 189L Sent by exprM. charfiT prepaid, on rncelptof prloe, 91M per bo tun. ik k to Motbara mallad trv SBADFIELOItECVLATOB CO., ATLANTA, GA. BOLD BY AlAs DRUQatSTfl. OUrOKLY. THOROIMHLY, FORCVEJt OURBO elaattOo method thmt caiiaot fall naleaa thm eaa la barond homaa aid. Yon faal Improved the first day. feel a beae fit ever? day J Boon know yourself a klnc amoof men In body, mind an4 heart. Dralna and losaea ended. Krery obeiael to happy married life re moved. Merre force, will. energy, brain power, when failing or lost are res to red by this treat, ment. All am all and weak portions of the body en larged and strength en ed. Victims of abases and excesses, reclaim your manhood ! Sufferers front folly.overwork.nl health, regain your Tlyor! Don't deapalr.even If In the last statrea. Don't be d I shears ened if qoacks have rob bed yoa. Let n show you that medical science and Imslneas honor still exist: here fro hand In hand. Write ftrsir Beok. with explanations proofs, mailed eesUed free. Over JI.OOO reffcrsasts, ESIS HZDICAL CO. , ETTTFALO, IT. 7. DIEFFENBACH'S PROTAGCN CAPSULES, Sore Care for Wrsk Men, as proved by reporUof lead ins phy- aiciana. Blateage in oraenng. Price. SI. dstnlotrae Free. GGG A k&le and aiieedy cure for Oleec. Stricture and ail unnatural discharges. Iriceltt. REEKSPECIFICVt", Wand Nklsi Dlseaaea, Hers nloas si -ee and8yshllltle A.aeetieoa, wrtJa- ont mercury. Price, S. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. 1B Wiaooasia Stsest, MIX WAtrgKE, WIQ, runttenness ;.- tho LIuHor Habit, Positively Cum 3T ABUIDISfERIJO SI. NAIIES' MLOEI SPECIFIC It can ba given In a cup of coffee or tea. or In ar ticles ol ood. without the knowledge of the per on taking it; It is absolutely harmless aul will effect a permanent and apeedy cure, whether tbe patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAIL8, We GUARANTEE a complete cure la every instance. page book FREE. Address In confidence, SciOE SPECIFIC CO.. 1 86 Rae St. CincaMalLfr SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure never fads to give Instant relief in the worst esses, sad esTesss eares where eteere HalL asl nii PKU eT issslisi ee ky BbaL. A Hi i i DR. R. EOHIFrlCANH, SC PsaL BOaa. el Washington, D.C) Springfield. Missoark Chamberlain's Eye and Ointment. A Mrtsin cere for Chxooio Sore Eyee Tetter. Salt Bhenm. Scald Head, Oh Chrooio Sores, Fever Sores, Ecsema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of eases have been cured by It after all other treatment bad failed It la put up in 25 and SO cent boxes. BOiLlttC WATER OR MILK. PPS'S GRATEUL COMFORTING D A Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only. TIP 1 mfflVOrgane. Pianos, $33 up. Catalogue Dim 111 Free. Daniel F, Beany wasningioa N.J. EAF NESS sKaDIOI IKS CURED ky Pack's Isvatbl. Tabsatr Bar fn MB Bresasar, sew lerfc. Wtas far has ef mimtLLt r A It It it IT 8 HAIR BALSAM I Bawl all th. hi humrimat .illi stover Fails to Restore Ovay 1 a a aaa-tauaa t tr Taricer's Oinft-er Tonie. It rau ts worat Cougli, W rak l.uurs. Orbility, ItHligeaioD, Pna,Tsk.inlim.M)c. HINDERCORNS The on sore rare tor Coma. viop alliua. Ee. at Dtuggit, or UISCOX CO., M. Y. How Lost! How Recralnedi KlCTGTCEIF. Or SKXF.PBKSEJtVATION. A new and onlv Gohl Medal PKUX E88AT on MKBVOUI and PHT8ICAI. 1BB1XITT, KBRORS of TOUTH, KXKACSTaUJ TITAUTT, FKK MATTTRK DBCXIIOE, and all DiaXASKS and WKABUfKMaUl afBLaUV. SOtpswas, cloth. tilt; ltf lBvalaable araBtripOona. OaJy $a.aa by stall, dooMa aaaled. Desertrra riosaau ca with adoraaaaaata FREE I how! of toe Press and volaai laaliiinailala of tba cal Coaenltatioa ia person or by Basil. Kxpert treat. TSCBt. INTIOIaVBt.B SECBBCT and CKB TAIj CVBE. Address Ir. W. H. Parker, or The Pea body Medical Ioatitats, No. 4 Balfinch St.. Boston, Mass. The Pea body Med teal Institute has assay imi tators, bat bo equal. Herald. The Beieaee of Life, or 81 f Preservation, Is a treasure more valuable than sold. Read it now, every WEAK and NERVOI s man. aad lears to be STKONO . Mutual ni. (Oop rifhtedj I irXN lillJ U rnUbUnCUseward A.HaseHine& Pra.Solieitois A PREY TO THE VULTURES. The TerrBUe Iteath or an Kncllsh tebJb J ku kCtkst litUU. He was very drunk, Kays the Irish Tiii'ct.U 'mrr out prostrate on the Nulla sward, slippery with fallt-u fir threads; his body .inclined downward. He ap peared unci nscioim; his liead, nestling luxuriously upon a bed of wild scented violets, wan laid Htiflly back; his feet entangled propitiously in a low.prickly bush, while his arms, crossed protect ing over the upper part of his face, almost hid his features from the pry ing ray that stealingly poured in through a small gap in a huge fir branch overhead. Once turning un consciously over on his right side he drew' in ..with his heavy, repulsive breathing a breath of the violated flowers, but they, seemingly at vari ance with hi intoxicated sense of fra grance, tent him back again, though uncomplainingly. Many hours passed, leaving the E rostrate man in an increased state of elplessness. An unusnal chill setting in toward evening, quite consistent, however, with the changeful tenor of a November dy, wrapt over him im perceptibly. Then, alone in the dark ening branches, a gathering of those hungry, .weird vultures of the "one hills" drew together in hungry dis course, evidently for a purpose. At about this turn of the evening small Mohammed an shepherd boy was passing on his wav home with his father's flock of coata. Observinflr the vultures, he antagonistically threw up among them a shower of stones from a near brook, and then perceiving tho prostrate sahib, he set oil at a fright ened pace untH, having gained suffi cient time to give him the advantage of a probable chase, he turned about and pelted him. The evening had grown into night. the night into gray morning, when the same shepherd returned with his Hock along the same pathway, trav ersed lv linn backward and forward when no snow blocked the wav. Pass ing the spot where he had left the sahib the night previous, he looked down and lound mm still there a skeleton. The Longest Day. It is quite important, when speaking of the longest day of the year, to say what part of the world we are talking about, as will be seen bv the following list, which tells the length of the long est day in several places. How unfor tunate are the children in Tornea, Finland, where Christmas day is less than three hours in length. At Stock holm, Ssweuen, it is eignteen ana one- half hours in length. At Spitzbergen the longest day is three and one-half months. At London, England, and Bremen, Prussia, the longest day ha sixteen and one-half hours. At Ham burg, in Liermany, and Dantzig, in Prussia, the longest day has seventeen hours. At Wardbury, Norway, the longest day lasts from May 21 to July 22 without interruption. Atbt. Peters burg. Russia, and Tobolsk, Siberia. the longest day is nineteen hours and the shortest live hours. At lornea. Finland, June 21 brings a day nearly twenty-two hours long, and Christmas one less than three hours in length. At New York the longest dav about fifteen hours, and at Montreal. Can ada. it is sixteen hours. Kansas Farmer. White Ante in Central Australia. A traveler in central Australia has discovered that the surface of the country has been greatly changed by w hat may appear at nrst tnougnt a rirlifMilmiis naroncv r.hf white antu On plain anof in thickets their nests are so numerous that it is difficult to drive among (hem. The clay with which the nests are built is, when cemented with resinous matter, as hard as brick, and when the nests fall to pieces they form clay Hats, almost impervious to water and not easily cut up by traflic. QUETrTTrTlNCS IN HORNS. . As Different from Cows' aud Other Ordi nary as from the Fabled Unicorn. . "There are a good many queer thinss to be told about horns, said Osteologist Lucas. "Take the horn of the rhinoceros, for example. It is nothing more than a protuberance composed of agglutinated hair. You cut it iu . two, and, examining iU structure under.' the microscoj?, you find it is made up entirely of little tubes resembling hair tubes. 0 course these are not themselves hairs, but the structure is the same. The horns of the African rhinoceros some times grow to the length of four feet. From them the Dutch Boers make ramrods and other articles. You may remember that the handle of the ax used by Umslopogaas in 'Allan Qua termain was a rhinoceros horn. In old times rhinoceros horns were em ployed for drinking cups by royal per sonages, the notion being that poison put into them would show itself by bubbling. There may have been some truth in the idea, inasmuch as many of the ancient poisons were acids and they would decompose the horny ma terial verj quickly. "Several species of rhinoceroses, now extinct and only found in a fossil state, used to exist which had no horns at all. The name, meaning as it does horned nose,' is rather a misnomer in their case. Several kinds of rhinoc eros in Africa have two horns, one be hind the other, but the extinct rhinoc eros, known as the dyceratherium.liad a pair of horns on its nose side by side. Many of the giant reptiles of long ago hal enormous horns. The great lizard known jus the trieeratops had a big horn over each eye and a little one on its uose. The dinocerasand the tinoc eras, gigantic mam ra els of the tertiary epoch, fad three pairs of prominences on their head? which are believed to have supported horns. However, the material of which horn is composed of quickly decays, being largely comjKised of gelatine and other animal matter, to that these appendages are apt to be found absent w hen the fossil hones of beasts which had them are found. Some fishes have horns, which are actually outgrowths1 of . bone on their heads. " The"" box-fi.sh, which inhabits the warm waters of the, globe a little follow fi or 8 inches lonsr has horns an incn in length, tiiras nave norns aiso sometimes. The horned screamer (which is related to the duck) has a " . . . si a a l single born attacnea u us bkuii. BDrinerinsr from a cartilaginous base and curving upward. It is really i modified feather, though a true horn "Plenty of reptiles have horns. Liz ards are very commonly provided with them. There are chameleons with three horns like the ancient tncera tops. Horned toads have a sort of crest of four horns on the back of their heads. There is a small African snake which has two horns. No horned tor toise now exists, but a fossil specimen was found a while ago on Lord How's Island, in the Southern Pacific, which had four horns on its crest, and resem bles a cross between a horned toad and a snapping turtle. Doubtless you have often heard of human beings with horns. Such appendages in their case are abnormal developments ox bone." Washington Star. TEN DAYS OF HORROR. A Miner, Working; a Claim, la Lost, Under ground, Without Food or LJajhi. A miner by the name of Fraser had a fearful experience about a week ago, in an abandoned gold mine near Georgetown, 'Cal., in which he was working a claim alone. He was saved by a party of friends who had gone in search of him. In telling of his mishap. Mr. Fraser said to a N. Y. Journal correspondent: "At the entrance of the tunnel I lighted my candle and proceeded with out any mishap to the claim, some 4,000 feet from the entrance to the tunnel. I commenced to drill a hole for blasting, but had worked only a short time when I accidentally knock ed down my candle extinguishing it. I then attempted to right it, but the match would not ignite. I tried an other, and another, with the same result, until the entire bunch was ex hausted. "I then knew I was doomed to re main where I was for at least a week before anybody would search for me. I was foreman in the same mine in 185'J, and had worked there more or less ever since, so I was familar with its interior; but to reach an opening 4,000 feet distant through deviating tunnels, over excavations and piles of debris, without a ray of light, I knew was almost hopeless. It was also use less to remain where I was, and I felt I must be moving, so I s't out. "For the first four hundred feet I got along very well, but after traveling, or rather creeping, that distance, I fell into an excavation and lost my bear ings, after which I wandered aimless ly about. "I usually take my lunch into the mine with me, but that morning, not feeling very well, I took nothing. All I had was the piece of candle, and of this I nibbled sparingly occasionally, and felt no evil effects therefrom. "Physically I suffered most from cold and thirst. What I suffered mentally I can not describe. Part of the time it seemed as if I were surrounded by hundreds of candles; then sometimes I could see the sky dotted with stars with occasional clouds floating by. While I knew this was false, yet it seemed so real that I was alarmed lest I was los ing my reason. Altogether, there has never been gold enough taken from the hill to hire me to pass through such an experience again." AT THE MOMENT OF DEATH. Some Terrible Pictures of the Last Strug gle ia Doomed Pompeii. Some years ago, in a small street, the workmen employed in the excava tions at PompeU discovered an empty space of an unusual form, in wnicn were some skeletons, says the N. Y. News. Before disturbing them they called Signor Florelli, who was fortun ately at hand. A singularly happy thought struck him. He had the empty space filled with liquid plaster of Pans and repeated the process in the case of some other openings which presented a similar appearance. As soon as the plaster was hardened the surrounding ashes were removed antl displayed the perfect casts of four hu man bodies. All four are now in the museum there, and a more singular and affect ing sight is perhaps not to be seen in the whole world. The plaster was hardened around the ashes so perfectly in shape of what may be termed the mold formed by the fallen ashes round the living bodies that the whole aspect of the dying frame is preserved, even to the minutest details, except that here and there the bones of the skele ton within are partially uucovered Egyptian mummies are bare, black and hideous, and arranged in an arti licial posture for their burial, while in the exhumed Pompeiians we see hu man beings in the very act of dying. One of them is the body of a woman. close to whom were found a large number of coins, two silver vases, some keys aud some jewels, which she was carrying with her when the fall ing ashes arrested her night, it is easy to trace her head-dress and the material of ner clothing, and on one of her fingers are two silver rings. Her hands were so clasped in agony that the nail had pierced the flesh. With the exception of her legs the whole body is swollen and contracted. It is plain that she strove violently in her dying struggle. Her attitude is that of the last agonv and not that of death. Behind her lay another woman and a girl evidently of humble rank. I he elder of the two, possiblv the mother, has an iron ring on one of her fingers. Ihe signs of a dying struggle are evident, but the death seems to have been easier than in the case of the victim last described. Close to her lies the giri, almost a child in age. The details of her dress are preserved with a startling faithfulness. One can see the material and stitching of her frock, the unmended rents in her long sleeves, her dress over her head, to ward off the torrent of ashes, and fall ing headlong on her face had rested her bead on one of her arms, and so died apparently without a struggle. J he fourth bodv is that of a large and powerful man who had sat down to die with his arms and legs straight and fixed. His dress is completely preserved, his trousers are close, his sandals are laced to the feet, with nails id their sole. On one finger is an iron ring; bis mouth H open, and i shows that ne had lost aome of hia teeth; his nose and cheeks are strongly marked; the eyes and hair have disap peared, but the mustache remains. The whole sight is tragic to the last degree. After the lapse of eighteen centuries the terrible death seems to be enacting itself before us with all iU appalling sufferings. The llejueara of 1'arla. A clever Frenchman has just been taking the statistics of the charities of Paris, which are immense in volume, and he finds that three-fourths of the colossal sum which they represent is absorbed by professional beggars. He gives a ver amusing account of thw devices which they adopt for getting this enormous sum, and for living in idleness upon it, and his conclusion is that the whole system of almsgiving must be reformed. If something is not done soon he thinks that the deserving poor will be entirely crowded out by the fakirs. There are well-known men dicants in Paris who have plied the trade until they have become rich, and who are yet undisturbed by the police. NAKED FIJIANS. Isle Where the Natives Retain Their Primitive Simplicity. Though missionaries have been laboring for years on the Fiji Islands, and the large Eu roean settlement at Suwa has served to spread civilized customs, yet there is one of the islands, never visited by travellers, where the natives still retain their pristine sim plicity. On this island, Lambesse, an English company has just secured IX, 000 acres of land, which is being cleared for a sugar plantation. Lainbesse lies back of Suwa, and to reach it a ship has to sail through a very difficult pass of the great sea reef. The schooner Corsair, which took a load of lumber from here to the sugar company, ban just returned, and Capt. William ( 'olby (ells some interesting stories of these ..... " 1'ijians. "We found them," said lie, ''going around just as Adam and Eve did stark naked. So far as we could see, neither sex felt the slightest shame. Our vessel was a great curiosity, and as she lay in the harbor hundreds of them came swimming and clambered all over the deck ami rigging.- They would always come in a party of a dozen or more, and they would make a great splashing in order to scare away the sharks. These monsters will attack one man, but they are fright ened away by the noise of many. Most of the men have but one wife, though the chiefs sometimes ha ve in ore. The women are chaste. When they swarmed up the side of the vessel the sailors were much amused, but if any one attempted the slightest liberty with a woman she would jump over the rail and swim ashore. "One day the Queen and a dozen of her court ladies swam out to us. She differed from them only in that she wore about her waist a girdle with a small apron woven of some sort of fibre. I offered her a pound of tobac co for it, and without the slightest hesitation she took it off and gave it to me. "The natives are very fond of tobac co, and pay in that form is about the only thing that will induce them to work. There is no need of clothing, and if they open their mouths food will fall in. At first I was very con scientious about giving full pounds of tobacco, but when my supply ran short I began giving two plugs for a pound. I was surprised that no objection was made to the short weight until I found that the missionaries give only one plu: for a pound. ?The missionaries have not produced any deep effect, though the natives are very pious and go to church several times a day. Church dues are collect ed, not in "money, but in produce, ami the church is known in the native tongue by the material in which the revenues are paid. Thus, the English Church is the cocoanut meat church; the Presbyterians have the cocoanut oil church, and the Catholics the dried shell fish church." 67. l.onix (Jfobc JJemocrat. PAP PRICE WAS PIQUED. Had Lincoln Not lavorrd the Klulrs Oeueral Would Have llrrn Loyal. rlio "General Sterling Price would never have gone into the Confederacy if Lin coln had offered him a Federal com mand." Judge Charles I). Drake said this, and said it with a great deal of positiveness, according to the St. Louis (JloberDemocrat. "Sterling Price," he continued, "was at heart a Union man. He presided at a strong Union meeting where I made a speech the year before the war." "Why didn't Lincoln secure Price?" was asked. "Because," replied Judge Drake, "he had bad advisers regarding Missouri affairs at the beginning of the war. He appointed Bates a member of his Cabinet, expecting to strengthen tho Administration in Missouri. The President thought that Bates was a strong man when he wasn't. He was only an ordinary lawyer." "How did Lincoln happen to make such a mistake, Judge V "He listened to the Blairs. I suj pose. He ignored tlx? real Republican element in Missouri." Judge Drake is living in Washing ton. After the stirring times in Missouri he was apjoiiited Chief Justice of the Court of Claims here.and served till long after the retiring age. He has retired, but, is the most vigor ous man past eighty to be seen at the national capital. He has recently completed his recollections of the war period in Missouri, but when he is asked if he intends to publi-li them he says: "I may: some time." Much of the historical matter relat ing to the lat year of the war irr Missouri is now being arranged for publication at the War Department. There is nothing just like it anywhere else in the war records. "Only tho men who lived through it have an ap preciation of what the war was in Missouri," Judge Drake says. "It was terrible." And any one jwrusing the volumes about to appear will re-echo-the Judge's words, "It was terrible."