) 7 r i; h A Modem Parable. An old Arab about to did railed his three ions to his bedside in order to make known to them bin last wishes "As a legacy, he said, "I bequeath to you the three objects before you an old rup, a saucepan and a stick." And when his sons protested amiinst the paltry value of their patrimony the hick man went on to hay: "in t you make a mistake; these three bequents are more valuable than you think Thus, the rug has the marvelous prop erty of conveying through space, as quick as thought anyone who sits 111 on it and directs it where to tro. The saucepan, like a cornucopia, is filled at a moment's notice with any kind of food its owner may desire. In strik ing the ground with the stick you can produce as many jewels and precious stones as you may. wish for. Divide the three talismans among you." Not being able to agree as to the distribution of the bequests, the three brothers called in the aid of an arbi trator. "I see how It is," said the latter, "each of you would like to have the whole of the paternal heritage fo him self." 1 "Just so!" the three brothers an swered in chorus. "Well, then, this is what I propose. You shall comete for it. The first of you that gets to that tree yonder shall be proclaimed solo heir and may dispose of the three talismans. At a given signal the three started off to run. At the same moment the obliging arbitrator snatched up the .tick aud saucepan, seated himself on the rug and disappeared. The heritage is Cyprus. The three brethren are France, Italy and Uus- tua. Lngland is the arbitrator. DeutscJie Uumlsehnu. Humble but Successful Author. ine men wno make ine most money by their pens are not always known to f.ime. The periodicals that pay the highest priees for fiction and special articles are not those that give the writer a reputation in the. world of let ters. I haVe a friend who makes $10,- O) a year writing stories of adventure for a sensational weekly. He is a poet of no mean abilily, ami w hen he feels that he would like a little applause he Bends a poem to some leading maga zine. Only his most intimate friends know that "I'endragon." of the Youth's Weekly Thrill, is the long-haired, romantic-looking man who listens at the Authors Club to the flattery of those who think that the highest success in life consists in having a joem printed in the Century, Jlarjjer's or Scribncr's. Auother man I know gets sf:2o a thou sand words from a weekly that is read in thonsands of kitchens throughout tho country. He is a highly educated man, but he must earn his living. He makes at least $K.00J a year. He was recently ottered a college prefessorship at a salary of $2.50d. But he could not afford it. These men will never go down to posterity as great novelists, but, to use a vulgar expression, they get there all the same. Pittsburg Leader's N. Y. Letter. Bamboo Cuts Are Painful. A cut inflicted with a blade of grass or a sheet of writing pajer is bad enough, but the most digagreeable wound that can be inflicted on the hu man body is that nide with a strip of bamboo. The outside of the bamboo contains so much silex that it will cut like a knife; in fact, the Chinese and Japanese do make knives of it which are cheap and for a time tolerably ef fective. A cut made with a bamlxo is exceedingly hard to heal and obstinate ulcers are apt to result. Whether the silex poisons the flesh or the bad con sequences are due to the ragged wcund is not certain, but anybody who has cut his linger with a bit of cane or torn his hand on a h'shing-rod will have some idea of the unpleasant ef fects of a cut with a bamboo sliver. HI. Louis (f(Wf-CVy.T. WIT AM) HUMOR. Teacher "What is the feminine of man?" Little ;irl "Iude." Brooklyn. Life. When a man hires a dress suit to go on a tear he inn.it pay the rent. Picayune. Atlas was the tirst leading gentle man. He supirted Karth in her great roll. Puck: Drinking to n friend's health is a bad medicine for yiuir own. Binghauiton Uejmbiirun. Long prayers in church generally make heaven seem a long way off. Hum's Horn. It will require more than nine tailors to make a man of the average dude. 2'exas Sijliug. Cupid is probably depicted as an archer Wcause he is a beau ideal. Washington Star. One of the most difficult tilings to do i to make a dimple of a wrinkle. (lalveslon News. The typewriter is said to be the only woman a man has the right to dictate t:. Boston Journal. There's many a man who would run awav if he did iut have t i.ikc himself .t'otilT- '.'''''"'''""' Journal. -So dark, and yet o light!" as the man said when he looked at his new ton of coal. Ih-aki Magazine. Sometimes the farmer who goes into politics ends by wishing he had raised U-ss cain and more corn. Washington Star. The statesman that wants to feather Lis nest has got to take care of the geese that furnish the feathers. Texas SijUngs. Clara "O. I have so much to say to vou." Maude "And I to you. Lt's go to the opera tonight." Lifts Cab tular. "Are anv of the colors discernible to the touch?" asked the sclnl teacher. "I have often felt blue." replied the Niy at the head of the cla. Brooklyn J.if. It is no trouble to increase the mem bership of a church thar oens the door v. ide enough to let a man get in with out having to quit bis meanness. I'ar s Maade "Congratulate me, Clara; I'm engaged." Clara "Well, you've been mighty quick about it. Here it is only the second week of leap year." N. Y. Press. A game of "living whist" was played at Newburyport the other night. A gentleman in each case played the knave, but a lady playd the deuce. Lowell Courier. "i nevah eat mince pie." said Chap pio. "Why not?" asked Hicks. "It makes me dweam of my ancestahs.and. between us, they were all twadesmen." Life's Calendar. Judge (after the jury has acted against his judgment in acquitting a man) "Give this man his liberty but watch your coats and umbrellas." Fliegende Blatter. "It's too bad that Flipkins has been sent to jail for selling liquor. What shall we do for him" "Give him a coming-out party when he is released." Boston Gazette. "Old Skinkins says he is laying up riches in heaven." "Maybe he is, but I don't believe there is much chance of his putting in an appearance to collect them.". Washington Star. "Papa, why does the drum major of a band wear that big thing on his head?" "Because the natural size of his head is not equal to the occasion, my son." Baltimore American. "I couldn't help getting mad. Now, I appeal to you, if you were I wouldn't you be angry?" "I don't know as I would be angry, but if I were you I should be inexpressibly sad." A'. Y. Herald. Sound is said to travel over seven hundred miles an hour, yet we have knowu the sound of a eat yawping on the back fence to remain right in one sjKit for live maddening hours. Boston Courier. "I had to be away from school yester day," said Tommy. "Vou must bring an excuse," said the teacher. "Who from?" "Your father." "He ain't no good at making excuses; ina catches him every time." 'fid-Bits. Mr. Slimpurse (hankering for a suit of clothes on tick) "I aw presume you are acquainted w ith my friend, Mr. Nocash. He has a running ac count here, I believe?" Tailor "Yes. We do the running." N. Y. Weekly. Man in wagon (who has bought an unsound horse from the Quaker) "No, I don't expect you to take him back. I only want you to lend me your hat and coat so that I can sell him to somebody else." Harper's Weekly. Friend "I can't help wondering why a man on your small salary should give his affianced a cluster diamond engagement ring." Mr. Smarttchapp "That's so she won't slip it off and leave it upstairs when the other fellows call." Gooil News. Mrs. Ililliare "You seem to get along nicely on your alimony." Mrs. Grasse "Yes, indeed. I used to so hate asking my husband for pin money. Now, when 1 see anything I like, I can buy it without feeling I'm extra vagrant." Epoch. Lady of House (to Irish servant) "Bridget, this is altogether too much; you have a new follower in the kitchen every week." Bridget "Well, ma'am, ye see, the food in this house is so bad that nobody'll come here for longer than a week!" Tid-Dits. Young Pnppette (interrupting the general in the midst of the latter's peroration) "Pardon me, general, but would you be kind enough to give me the exact date you began telling that story?" The general (glaring) "With pleasure, sir. It was in October, 1860 the same week that your grand father took my measure for a pair of boots." Trutli. Waiter (to customer about to leave the restaurant) "You've forgotten something, haven't you?" Customer "I sness not. I've got my overcoat. cane,and hat. What have I forgotten?" Waiter (extending his hand) "The tip. if you please, sir." Customer "I had a fowl dinner, didn't I?" Waiter "Yes, sir." Customer "Well, ac cording to the new base-ball rules there are to be no more foul tips. Good-day." Texas Sifting. "That is Orpheus," said the young man; "he was a wonderful musician. He was such a forceful player as to move trees and stones." "So?" replied the old gentleman, looking at the statue in a contemplative mood; "not so bad; but yon never heard that cousin of yours plaj She's only a little pun- thing, but thev do sav she s made no less than twenty whole families move, and I guess it's no more'n the truth." Boston Transcript. Banjer (to boy) "Take this dress- suit up to Wangle and give him this note, lie will give you a fo bilbwhich you fetch back to me. Boy goes and returns. J Well, did vou get that fo bill?" Boy "No, sir". He said to tell you he couldn't spare it very well to day, sir." Banjer "Then why in thunder didn't you fetch back the suit?" Boy "I couldn't very well.sir. He put it on before he read the note." Clothier and Furnisher. Pete Fowler, although somewhat ad dicted to drink, had considerable liter ary taste. He was a great borrower of books, but , he never returned any, owing more to carelessness than to anything else. His friends had fre quently got him to sign the pledge,bii t he invariably went back on it. He was complaining one day to a friend of his inability to keep his pledge, when the latter said: "I'll tell you. Pete. how you can keep your pledge." ""How can I keep the pledge?" asked Pete, swing ing helplessly to a lani-ost. "Easy enough. The next time yon 1kitow a book put the pledge in it. Then you'll keep it for gid." Texas Sift tugs. Moonshine Whisky. Whisky made by moonshiners seldom becomes a week old. and very often it is drunk warm from the still, having the effect of broken glass on the palate. It is frequently adulterated, tobacco being added to make it bite and rattle weed to make it bead. In' the moon shine districts almost everybody drinks men and women, old and young and the mountain boy on pleasure bent carries a quart bottle of the stuff, a package of snnff. and a six-shooter. THE MUTUAL FRIEND. Srwl rtr la tta Lovs-MaMa t Koatn America. All the love-making in South America must be carried on through a third person. If a youth desires to marry he does not speak of it to the cirl whom he wishes for a wife, but to his own father. The latter, if he approves. goes to the father of the young lady and the two discuss the matter to gether. Each tells the other what he will do for the young folks, and be tween them a contract - is drawn up respecting settlements and all such things. The intending bridegroom is not permitted to see bis nance tor a mo ment oeiore tue weuaing. As soon as that event has taken place there is i wedding breakfast, and usually" with out the formality of a preliminary tour the couple settle down to living, either in an establishment of their own or more often in the house of the parents of the bride or groom. One drawback about marriage in South America, says the Cincinnati Commercial Oasette, is that in taking a girl to wife it is apt to be considered a matter of course that the young man marries her whole family also. He has no occasien for surprise or dis gruntlement, if, together with the bride, fifteen or twenty people come to share bis household and domestic comforts, including all her available relations and their servants. These Latins are a very clannish race, and a father is apt to be willing to adopt a raft of sisters and cousins and aunts, not to mention a mother-in law, rather than have his son or daughter leave the family roof. It is due to the strength of family attach ments among them that hotels in South America are only from strangers from afar; the natives always find hospitable entertainment among the kindred. Primitive Pipes. In England the first pipes used appear to have been made of clay with narrow bowls and contracted mouths. Then, as the habit grew stronger and tobacco became cheaper, something more capacious would be required. These are the pipes winch, under the name of "fairy pipes, are sometimes dug up and preserved as interesting relics of the past. Aubrey, writing about 1680, says: "They (The English peo ple) first had silver pipes, but the ordi nary sort made use of walnut shell and straws. I have heard my grandfather say that one pipe was handed from man to man around the table. With in these twenty-live years 'twas scan dalous for a divine to take tobacco. It was then sold for its wayte in silver. I have heard some of our old yoemen neighbors say that when they went to market they culled out their biggest shillings to lay in the scales against tobacco; now the customers of it are the greatest his majesty hath." It is not generally known that the word cutty, as applied to a species of clay pipe very much used, is a corruption of Kutaich, a city in Asia Minor, where a species of soft white stone is found which is exported to Germany for the manufacture of tobacco pipes. All the Year Round. A Famous Poem. Who is there that has not sung or read or heard "The Old Oaken Buck et" ? Many musical compositions have been set to its lines and it has been translated into many languages; it has gone the rounds of the civilized world lot more than two generations. And how many know the name of the au thor? He was Samuel Woodworth and was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Mass., Jan. 13, 1785. He came to Boston and chose the profes sion of printer, binding himself to-Benjamin Kussel, then editor of the Col umbian Sentinel, with whom he re mained until 1806, and while serving his apprenticeship he contributed poe try to the different periodicals then published in Boston, under the signa ture of "Seline." The only poem of his which has survived is the "Old Oaken Bucket," which he wrote while editing the Mirror in New York with George P. Morris. New England Mag azine. In Ireland only one shamrock is known. It is an indigenous species of clover, which trails along the ground among the grass in meadows. The trefoilleaves are not more than one fourth the size of t he smallest clover in America, and are pure green in color, without any of the brown shading of white and pink clovers. A Stoic's Solitary Wish. A dear old lady who spends her sum mers in Mackinac with her daughter, and who used to visit the white house when Andrew Jackson was president, is one of the most charroingr of racon teurs, says the Detroit Free Frtss. Among the amusing incidents she tells of her early days is this, which oc curred at a dinner given at the house of Gov. Floyd of Virginia, her native state, where she ana her father were guests: On this occasion the governor wa dining a select party, among whom were some French stoics who had recently arrived in the country, and whose heads, as became stoics, were as bald as a billiard-ball. When the dinner was in progress a servant brought in the old Virginia batter pudding, which is only in perfection when served hot. It was hot this time. When he attempted to pass it over the head of one of the guests a careless waiter "joggled his elbow and the pudding collapsed on the shining bald pate of the stoic. Being a stoic he could make no outcry, but sat bolt upright while the agitated servant scraped off the unlucky pudding. The sufferer made but one sotto voce re mark, but it was distinctly audible to the whole table. Said he: "I-v-i-s-h-I-v-a-s-h-i-n-h-a-l-e!" A Domfstic Picture. With a desire of giving her husband a true picture of herself, a woman in Atchison. Kan., had her photograph taken as she appeared at daily'' house work in her kitchen dress, with a baby on one arm and broom and dust pan'io the other. Taken! Up. . Taken tip at mf farm 2 mile outh of Plattsmouth, Wednesday Februry 3rd, one yearling heifer calf and one yearling eteer calf, both red marked with tip of left ear cut off aud "V" cut on under side. Party may have same by paying for ad vertisement and proving owner ship. Bbx P. Horning. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappe'd Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by P. G. Fricke . The Flrt tttep. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can t sleep, can't trunk, can t do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonaer wnat ana you. x ou should heed the warning, you are taking-the first step into nervous nroatration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to it normal, healthy condition. Surprising results fol low the use ot this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative, Your appe tite returns, good digestion is re stored, and the liver and kidneys re sume healthy action. Try a bottle Price 50c. at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. 6 Do not confuse the famous Blush of Rosea with the many worthless paints, powders, creams and bleaches whicli are Hooding tne market. Get the genuine of your druggist, O. II. Snyder, 75 cents per bottle, and 1 guarantee it will re move your pimples, freckles, black heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and give you a lovely complexion. 1 Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wis was trouuieu witn neuralgia ana rheumatism, -his stomach was dis ordered, his liver was affected to au alarming degree, appetite fell awaj and lie was terribly reduced in flesfc and strength. Three bottles oi Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisbure 111., had a running sore on . his lee of eight years' standing. Usee three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven bottles Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well John Speaker, Catawba, O., had fivt . r , 1 , 1 large iever sores on nis leg, uociort said he whs incurable. One bottl Electric Bitters and one box Buck len's Arnica Salve cured him entire ly. Sold by F..G. Fricke & C. A Fatal Mistake. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when they inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist, has proven the contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co., who eruarantee and recommend Dr. Miles unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world. It cures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative iNervine cures neaaacne, nts, etc AMttleUlrlaExperiencetn a LigUt house. Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed with a daughter, four years. Last April she taken down with measles, followed with dreadful Cough and turned into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere" handtui oi bones . Then she tried Dr, King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King.s New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle tree at r. G. lrickey urugstore. A Mystery Explained. nThe papers contain frequent no tices of rich, pretty ana educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps and coachmen. The well-known specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usually subject to nead- ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im moderate crying; orlauerhine;. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is no remedy equal to . . ? , ... .Restorative nervine. xriai uotueo and a fine book, containing many marvelous cures, free at F. G. Fricke & Co's., who also sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures flutteringjjshort breath, etc. Cough Following the Crip Many person, who have recovered from la grippe are now troubled wilh a persistent cough. Cham berlain's cough remedy will promptly loosen this cough and relieve the lungs, effecting a per manent cure in a very short time. 23 and 50 cent bottle for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Startling Facts- The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks and the following suggests, the best remedy: alphoueo Humpfling, of Butler, Penn, swears that when his son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L. Miller of Yalprai and. J. D. Taolnr, of Logan sport, Ind each gained 20 pounds if an taking it. Mrs. H. A. Gardner, of Vastulr Indwas cured of 40 to 30 convulsions easy and much aeadach, dizzness. bockach and nervous prostiation by one be-ttle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, & Co., who rtcomends this tinequailed remedv. ' -Ely's Cream Balm is especially adapted as a remeby for catarrh which is aggravated by alkaline Dust and dry winds. W. A Hover ruggist, De-iver. They wash their clothes MADE ONLY BY NKfAIRBANKStCQ CHICAGO. A Regular Scimitar That Sweeps &ll before it MS4 '" These will atmott very productive, high quality and sugar flavor. Has great staying qualities. Vines 3K to 4 ft. high. In season follows " Little Gem " and before the'Champion of England." We have thoroughly tested it, and confidently recommend it as the best ever introduced. Prioe by mail, per packet, 15 cents J pint, 75 cents. GIVEN FREE, IF DESIRED, WITH ABOVE, VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE 1892, which contains several colored plates of Flowers and Vegetables. 1,000 Illustrations. Over loo pages 8 x ioj inches. Instructions how to plant and care for garden. Descriptions of over 20 New Novelties. Tick's Floral Guide mailed oa receipt of address and 10 cents, which may be deducted from first order. . James Vick's Sons, Rochester, N.YJ M exican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an ffective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers havd it. For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leavea worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points nr-th, east south or west. Tick . ets sold and bag gage checked t o a n y point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or addre?? H. C. Tovxsext, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. Phillippt. A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgak. Agt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. TIMOTHY CLARK. KALKK IX COAL WOOD oTKRMS CASH r a4 Mc 4M Suth Third Street. TlehB 13. FLATTSMT; Xkbrask WITH malt In vonr mnnth. Tha "Charmer" it HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Constantly keep on hand everythin you neod to furnish your house. CO JIN IK SIXTH AN MAIN STBEET Plattsmouth Neb Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. U. A. WaTEEIIAH & Shingles, Lath, Saah, PI LUMBER Doors, Blinds tan supply everw deaa4 f the city. Call aaL gtt term. Furth gtreet is rsar f jra hM. , ( t t