Plattsmouth Daily &. a r 1 Ob. 'FIFTH YE Alt. PLATTSMOUTH, NK Hit ASK A. TUESDAY. MAKCII 8 1892 NUMBER 150 A cream of tartarbakiug,pdwder Highest of all in leavening strength Latest U. S. Government food-re- wyi-.n .K '- : - . jSKW MEi ew meatmarket: FreahBecf. Pork. Vea. Mutton. Batter an egga kept eonstact.'jr on band. Game of all kinds kept in Seasoa SATISFACTION OABASTEEB SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 6U St and, Lincoln Ave. , . FLATTSMOUTU, - NEBRASKA. EW HARDWARE STORE S. E. HALL & SON Keep all kinds of builders hardware on band and will supply contractor on most fay orable terms : TIN ROOFING Spouting and all kinds of tin work promptly done. Orders from tbe country Solicited 6 Pearl 8t. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. A. C. MAYES COUNTY -SURVEYOR AMD CIVIL ENGINEER All orders left with tbe'coonty clerk will be - pronptly ..attended to- .. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE, Plattsmouth, - Nebraska -' J ULIUS PEPPERBERG. MAXVT ACTUM OF AJTr - " WHDLESALEZflXD RETAIL BULUlXTHI CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS rvLL lihi or TOBACCO AND SMOKER'S ARTICLES always in stock -o Plattsmouth, - - Nebrassa Y. H. CTJSHING, President, J. W. JOHNSON, Vicc-Pretident. -OOOT EOoo- Citizens - .Bcn, PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA Capital Paid in $30,000 F B Gntbman. J W Johnson, 8 GreaseL Henry Kikenbary. M W Morgan, J A Conner. W Wettenkamp, W H Cashing 4 A general banNing business trans acted. Interest allowed on de positee. pIRST ; NATIONAL : BANK OP PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid up capital sso.ono.oo Surplus 10,000.09 rs tbe very best facilities for tbe promp transaction of ligitimate Banking Business Stocks, bonds, gold. government and local se onrltles bought and sold. Deposits received and interest allowed on tbe certificates Drafts drawn, available In any part of the United States and all tbe principal towns ot Europe. OOUCCTI05S MADI AND PKOMPTLY BKltTT Ti. Highest market price paid for County war rants. State ana County bonds. DIRECTORS John Fitzgerald D. Hawksworta 8am Waugh. F. K. White George B Dovey John Fitzgerald. b. Wangb. President CastJe- he il.ithuwnth Qcrnld. COkW'Ki: OK VIMS AND FIFTH 6TS TKI.KrilO.NE 3H. a NOTTS BROS, Publishers Published every Thursday, aud daily every eveniuK except Sunday. . Kejstered at the PlattHinouth, Nebraska fxist jxflice as second cIuhh mail matter for tranHmisitiun thruKh the U. S. mails. - , TEItJtS FCK WEEKLY. Otie year in advance - - - $1 50 One. year not iu advance - - - 2 00 Six months in advance . 75 Three months in advance 40 ,,. TEB3S.lOJMAII.Y.. Oik; year, in advance J -. " - - $8 00 Oaexopy Ane.munUi - - 60 Per week by carrier ----- 15 "T (t is perfectly trueas the pro tectionists' asserts,' that a tariff of customs duties upon" foreign goods' imported into new countries tends to create and maintain certain high rate of wages in the factory indus tries. General Fra'ncis'A. Walker's "Political Economy" advanced course, section 263. ' : " During the first twelve months of thejnew tariff's existence 50.38 percent-' of our import came in free, the average rate of duty on free arid dutiable, the' only honest basis upon ' which to compute it, was about 23 "percent., and the per cap ita amount of duty collected was somewhat less than $3. Does that look like a higher tariff than either of the foregoing. ' A HOT SHOT AT DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS It is probable that Oregon and the northwest generally will like this paraimonious, cheese-paring, humbug-economy congress a good deal less than they liked the billion dollar congress that has been the subject of so much democratic ob jurgation. By the way, there would have been no billion-dollar congress had it not been for the ten-billion-dollar democratic rebel lion. The annual charges on ac count of that rebellion still exceeds two hundred million a year. Port land Oregonian. DEMOCRATIC HARMONY' Senator Hill, at the pearly portals: "Ah, there, Petie, old boy, how d'y?" St. Peter (shocked): "I beg your pardon." Hill: "Excuse me, old fel, I was thinking about your being one of the Albany boys. Can I come in?" St. Peter (unlocking the gate): "Oh I suppose so. Cleveland went in a few moments ago." Hill (startled): "Who? What? Grover Cleveland?" St. Peter! "Yep." Hill: "I guess I ve struck the wrong entrance, Ta, ta, old chappie." 5t, Peter: "By. by, Davy. Turn to the left at the foot of the cliff." The report comes from Detroit that at the factory, where they are making the dynamite cartridges for use in the pulumatic guns on board the torpedo ship Vesuvius they are making a sub-marine torpedo boat which is expected to revolutionize marine warfare. The dynamite cartridge will contain 100 pounds of the explosive and is so constructed that it can remain under a ' vessel's bottom any time up to half an hour at the operator's discretion. The cartridge is made of magnetized iron which will cling to a vessel tenaciouly. The boat is fifty feet long, ten feet beam and ten feet depth of hold. Compart ments filled with, water submerge the boat so nothing but the top of the smokestack and the upper line of the pilot house -re visible. It is thought the boat can sink any craft afloat. The place of construction is kept a secret, as are the names of the capitalists backing the scheme. A Significant comment on'Mr. Blaine's letter of withdrawal is found in a late issue of the Brus sel L' Independence Beige. After discussing the significance of Mr. Blaine's letter, it says: In any case, however, we in Europe must behold without sor row every occurrence likely to en feeble the republican party and increase the chances of the demo crats at the approaching election. If the candidacy of ex-President Cleveland, who is frankly for free trade, does not eeem able to obtain a sufficent number of votes, being U t. oermined by that r. Hill, governor of New York, at least it is certain that the democratic nominee, whoever he may be, will have for a platform the policy of a revision, more or less radical, of the ultra-protectionist tariff enacted by the present administration of the United States. Every incident which intensifies the dissensions of the republican Jparty and dimin ishes the probablity of the control of affairs by that party for a new term of four years must assist . in strengthening in the United States the cause of free trade, which is to day more than ever nesessary to us. The withdrawal of Mr. Blaine ap pears to be such an incident. MAKING SOLDIERS OF RED MEN. Order is said to be "the first law of heaven," ''cleanliness is akin to godliness," and "industry is the mother of virtue." Acting on these maxium, in 18C0, a practical republican secretary of war conceived the idea that the true way to make an Indian into a good citizen is to first make a soldier of him, thus teaching him to be clean, orderly, ' and industri ous. To do ordinary work, to obey or dinary laws and regulations, to an Indian seems degradation worthy only of a squaw. But he is by in stinct and habit a soldier, and the work of a soldier is, he thinks, manly. Taught to care for his horse, his arms, his uniform, his quarters, to be prompt, orderly, and obedient as a soldier wh) can doubt that the Indian has made a long stride toward civilization and citizenship? Many companies, of the hitherto untamable red men have already been enlisted and are doing good sevrice, and the good work is still progressing. I feel it my duty to say a few words in regard to Ely's: Cream Balm, and I do so entirely without solicitation. I nave used it more or less half a year, and have, found it to be most admirable. I have suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for ctife, but Cream Balm seems to do' even thaU Jlany of my "acquaintances -have used it witu excellnnt results. Oscar Ostum, 45 Warren Ave., Chi cago, 111. The Handsomest Lady In Plattsmouth Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsan for the throat and lungs was a su perior ? remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit, any druggist will give you a sample bottle free. Large size 50c and$L Go to Gering & Co for your wall paper they have an immense stock to select from, and you cannot fail to find what you want. tf Take Ralreria for your blood, liv er and kidneys. It cures Nervous and general debility, Rheumatism suppressed or painful periods, dys pepsia, indigestion, billious attacks skin eruptions,, urinary complaints, and the worst blood disorders known. It is the best tonic on earth for the debilitated. Price $1 at O. II. Snyder and Brown & Barrett. LaCrippe. No healthy person need fear any dangerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quiet ly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a se vere cold and a prompt and com plete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale tby F. G. Fricke & Co. ta Grippe Successfully Treated. "I have just recovered from a sec ond attack of the grip this year," says Mr. Jas. O. Jones, publisher of the leader, Mexica Texas. "'In the latter case" I used Chamberlain's Cough remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days, against ten days for the first attnek. The second attack, I am ratsfied, would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being struck with it, while in the first case I was able to atiend to business about two days before getting down. 59 cent bot tles for sale by F. G. Fricke &- Co. Irene'for the complexion, most useful toilet made, is highly medi cated and perfumed. Removes pimples; makes the skin clear and velvety. 50 cents at Brown & Bar rets and O. H. Snyder. Why will you cough when Shi loh's cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1 For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co ... MISSING LINKS. t William Hanks, of Los Oros, N. M.t hiLs three wuil-Ueiineil tongues. Van Duck, the Wagnerian tenor, is only 3) years old. He was once a "journalist. The elder Lord Lytton was a notable dandy in his day, fond of clothing him self in costly attire. Ruf us Hatch used to playant hems on the organ before he became a New Yorker and a millionaire. The family of General U. S. Grant have received $4 14,856. 5f8 in royalties on the General's autobiography. , The Sultan' has prohibited Turkish women from, wearing French'costumea in Hie streets of Constantinople. Pietor Mascagni, the composer of the new popular opera, "Cavalleria Kusticana," was born at Livorno in 1863. . The late Governor Hovey was a poet of no small merit, but he would never allow any of his productions to be pub lished. Ex-Senator Hereford, of West Vir ginia, was one of the earliest emi grants to California during the gold fever days. King Oscar, of . Sweden, is reputed to be the most accomplishtd royal per sonage in Europe. ' lie is a playwright as well as poet. The French Minister, M. Patenotre, is, at the age of 40, a tall, dark, distinguished-looking man and a gour met into the bargain. Dr. Charles C. Abbott has ' founds a cave of slate in New Jersey, in which were discovered vestiges of the life of pre-Columbian man. Professor F. Nicholls Crouch, the composer of the music for "Kathleen Mavourneen," now lives in Baltimore at an advanced age. Although Horace Greeley died nine teen years ago, letters to his address are received every now and then at the N. Y. Tribune office. Dr. Storrs, who has been a popular Brooklyn pastor for forty-five years, is styled the most brilliant pulpit rhetor ician of modern times. Scott Leighton, the Boston artist, has purchased a fine property on Bible Hill, Claremont, N. II., and is spend ing $20,000 in improvements. 4 Herbert Spencer, the philosopher, lives very quietly near Regent's Park, London, happy in the companionship of a few old friends and his books. Dr. Leslie. Keeley, the reformer of , drrmksrd,- - tall and rather' large man of benevolent appearance. His hair and mustache are snowy white. It is only a few years ago that F. T. Dubois, now Senator from Idaho, with a salary of $5,000 a year, was trying hard to get a $1,200 clerkship in Wash ington. William II. loves homely fare. He insists on having on his . table every Thursday a dish of mashed peas, smoked beef and sauerkraut to be eat en together. Madame Tateno, wife of the Japan ese Minister in Washington, can talk English well enough to go shopping; and, like her American sisters, she greatly enjoys that pursuit. Rosa Bonheur has at last completed the painting on which she has been at work for three years, and has refused an offer of $60,000 for it. There are ten life-size horses in the picture. One of the surviving officers of Kane's pioneer Arctic expedition, Cap tain J. Wall Wilson, has long been a resident of New York. He is a lively and well-preserved old irentleman. Few Union Generals are held in higher esteem by the people of the South than General Galusha Penney packer, for whom the Tennesseeans especially have a warm feeling of ad miration. Sir John Lubbock, banker, scientist, essayist member of Parliament and possessor of no end of honorable de grees and titles, is a profoundly re ligious man and devotes one dav in the week to work for his fellow ' creatures. The late Sir George Bissen Airy re ceived his appointment as Astronomer Royal in 1835, no doubt largely as the result of the improvements which he made in methods of calculation while Plumian Professor at the Cambridge Observatory. On attaininghis tenth birthday the young Crown Prince of Germany will receive his first commission as lieu tenant in the army. - His name will be entered on the list of officers of the first company of the First Regiment of Foot Guards. Dr. Loreteus S. Metcalf says that Henry Ward Beecher frequently de layed the preparation of his sermon until the Saturday morning preceding the day for its delivery, and some times later than that he had no settled idea to what he would speak about the ; next day. "Squire" Charles Walter, a Wash ington Justice of the Peace, is very proud of a warrant in his possession dated April 10, 1866, charging General Grant with fast driving. It is indorsed, "Fined $5; paid." Below in the Gen eral's handwriting are the words; "I will appeal at 4 p. m. U- S. Grant." No appeal however, was taken. Karl Hirsch, the new editor of Tor waerts, the organ of the German Social Democrats, is by no means to be num bered among the proletarians whose interests he defends. By fortunate speculation in stocks, he long since made sufficefit" money to enable him to live from his income" without work. VTO W IS YOUl The Weekly Home Magazine Toledo Blade Harpers Magazine Harper's Bazar -Harper's Weekly $1 85 - 2 45 400 - 4 80 4 80 o 01 Tmn Stkbbt. Everything to Furnish Tour House. ' AT I. PEARLMAN'S -GREAT .HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having purchaRed the J. V. "Weckbach store room on soutk Main street where I am now located can sell goods cheap er than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline store and furniture fall kinds sold en the installment plan. I. PEARLMAA. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Dings, Medicines, Faints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour. FOR SALE OR EXCHMGA. O Of") ACRES of Colorado land for sale or trade for Plattsmouth real estate or for merchandise of any kind. This is a bargain for some one; the land is Al. For further particulars call ot or address THE HERALD, Plattsmouth, Neb. S J f 1 V 1 1 THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY BROTHERS. M Warren lt IT. 1DIJSTN Always has on band a full stock of FLOUR AND FEED, Corn, Bran, Shorts Oats and Baled Hay for sale as low as the lowest and delivered to any part of the city. CORNER SIXTH AND TINE Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska MEAT MARKET SIXTH STREET F. H. ELLENBATJM, Prop. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh Eggs and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. Meat 8IXTH 6TREE1 MARKET A. Great Surpriee Is in store for all who use Kemp'f Balsan for the throat and lungs the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggits is au thorized by the progrietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large Bottles 50c and $1. " Ex-Governor Furnas writes: Send me one dozen Rail Road Pain Cure with bill, it cures more aching ills than any other preparation I have used or known. 25c and 50c at O. II. Snyder and Brown & Barrett. Crj&JsTCK. . OiT" Iowa State Register Western Rural -The Forum Globe-Democrat -Inter Ocean 3M sit ; 8 ... me t Subscribe MOOERK- Complete line of 1 ; J S- Nnr York. Price 60 ett R. A. SALISBURY : D-E-N-T-I-S-T :- GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS. Or. Steinways anapstbtic for tbe palaleM ex traction of teeth. . Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Rock wood Block Plattsmontm, Neb. -9Eiijsrs ioitse. 217, 219, 221, AM 223 yAIN PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. ST. F. R. GUTHMA1T2T. PROP- Rates $4-50 per week andup. tit GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. 8TEINAC3 LOCAL as well as other aa estbeticsgiYen for the painless extraction teeth. C. A MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald BJcA Subscribe for The Hekalu, only 15 cets a week or 50 cents a month.