The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 03, 1892, Image 4

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rrbe Plattsmoulh nsralt
Wall nawral Hrown & liarretts.
C. M. Graves went up to Omaha
this morning.
II. C. McMaken was in Omaha to
duy on husineris.
Mrs. J. M. Roberts is reported
worse this afternoon.
Chas. Langsloii was an Omaha
passenger this morning.
Geo. Nichols and Philip Th'.eroT
were Omaha visitors today.
The pupils of 1he high school will
give a social at Kockwood ludl this
1. I'.Gass is in Lincoln to-day as
a delude to .he prohibition con
vention. If you want lo see the latest style
of hats, go to JOE the popular One
Price Clothier.
Judge Webster of Lincoln was in
the citv laut night, returning home
thic, morning.
J. V. Eicnberger and Chris Wohl-
farth were passengers for Omaha
this morning.
It is town talk that Hrown & Har
rett's is the only place to find a new
and compute stock ot wan paper.
A. H. Pierrie, master mechanic of
the II. Sc. M. at Wymore was in this
city over night.
II. F. Williams, treasurer of the
Co-operative Land & Lot Co., was in
the city today on business.
Remember JOB is theouly Clothier
that handles Wilson Bros. Furnish
ing Goods, exclusively. If
Judge Chapman will open the
adjourned term of district court for
Otoe county ne::t Monday at Ne
braska City.
Remember the city central com
mittee is called to meet at j 'dgc
Sullivan's office at 8 o'cIjoL. S iv -day
Two attachments were put on the
silverware belonging to S. L. Wick
ersham which was in the possession
of Chief of Police Fry last night.
Capi. Ashley of Beatrice is in i he
city today transacting business In
county court. The captain lived in
this county thirty-two years ago.
Travis Clemmous, a broiher-in-low
of Levi Churchill, of Fairbury,
is in the city visiting i'riends, Mr.
Clemmons is an old time Cass coun
ty man.
Mrs. Joe B-uhl has received a let
ter from the physician slaTug thai
Joe i3 improving rapidly. Mrs.
Bruhl lelt this morning for Lincoln
to tee hrsband.
Two Plattsmouth Younr People
UnltTd Inthe Holy Bonds,
last night occurred one of the
preKiest little weddings that has
happened for tome time. The con
tracting parties were Mr. M. A. Ha!J
and Mlts Grace Wile.
The ceremony uniting these .two
young people occurred last evening
at e'v?t o'c'oc'i at the residence of
C. .;ii i Wiles in the p.eience of a
Ivw invited friend-; besides the rela
tives of the bride and groom.
flr.IIallis a bi ether of Lr. Ha!! of
this ciiy and the b. 'deis the beaul:
i 1 and icouiprt-hed daughter of
C.pia!.i Wiles. Both the bride and
,i-oom are too well known to the
oeonle of Plaitsmoi'ih and Cass
county to ierdan introduction. Mr.
Hall is a trusted employee of the IJ.
& M., running on the road between
Prcilic Junction and Lincoln as
baggagema n.
M.-. M.-s. Ilr'l will leave this
evening i"or Omaha for a short vitsit
aiter which they will return and
make their home at Pac'fic Junc
tion where the groom has fil,ed up
a neat little horns. The HisnALl)
extends congratulations.
Something About Neb. ask.'.'s place
in the Educationr.1 Exhibit.
The educational exhibit at the
world's Iv-'ti- will be gvoupd by
otuteT add yet at the same time so
r .rn: gdl as to e.iable the studious
o . to Tollow the g ades from
Mi a mout eleuieniary to the most at!
vanced stage, by state, or by cross
ing the a -ei'.s to trace the similari
ties in erch rade lh.:cugh ::t.l the
states. Parochial and special school
work will Ie sliowii in tlie same
general syulciu. While each .'.'
will collect and put up ua own
hiblt, this will be done under tie
general siperv!sio i of the edi'ca
.'i -.ial dcn.' accor-'Ing to ;tie
sy-I 'liial'.c iIan maj.pel oi'i w'ili
a view to coiivcu'ence and prod
a ace, as mi'.cii as possible of ap
p'ruice of rj.-nenesn. Space will
be assigned to states according to
their advancements iu educational
work, and the necessities of ihe
Fo. certain features there is to be
a g-ejrr.l ehib:t irrespective of
states, Oi ig'unllty is desi.ed :jad
it is ea'ni'L'y recomrie? ded 1h;
:li . or'i .rese . In.' by the c!asses
r;lioild 'if le?i. p.s c::ec:;'ed
by ths clas3, no "retouching" to be
done by the teacher, not even vo the
crossing of a ' or the 1o.i olaa
ti;e aim feiwg to s:ow I ev
ery day work, as it really is, r nd not
specially prepared work gotten up
for this par.'ic. lar e: blb:t. Each.
New Appointments.
State Journal Governor Boyd
toek up the ax again yesterday and
used it with considerable force.
Commissioner General Greer of the
Nebraska Columbian commission
was removed and Joseph Garneau,
j .,' appointed to the position with
all the emoluments thereof, which
iiiclud?s a salary of $2,500 a year.
Ho l. II. H. Greer of Keprney was
r ' iointed by Governor Thayer, and
a . served since the organ! al'on
ov i!:e boa d last summer. Mr.
Ga'Mieau is a business man, being
employed by the crrc-cr ' -u&t. He
w.t. recommended by a tpcitberot
t:i deniocrat'c sla.e central com
uilt'ee. Only one othe" removal was
made yesterday in ttie make up of
;he comm'ssion. Samuel Brass of
Jrniata, a member oT the cointnls
s:on, was ousted er M. 11. Weiss,
aj alior :ey of Hebron, will fill the
the vacancy.
Civas up the Chase.
Dr. C. B. Manning yesterday con
cluded to drop the matter of his
appointment as superintendent of
the hospital for the insane, finding
that it would iucur considerable ex
pense and trouble to secure the
necessary certificate as a licensed
physician in this state, having no
diploma to back his petition for
such, and gave up the chase. Gov
ernor Boyd thereupon appointed
to the position Dr. J. W. Bowman,
an old practicioner of Lncolu and
today he assumed charge of the
Atewt Hvtid'l llMHlaf ItynlnN,
There are just now stories flying about
of the Prince of Wales visiting the
"Blums" under a rather comical disguise,
bnt though it is known that the prince,
accompanied by Lord Carrington, mad
himself acquainted with the "seamy
6ide of life, very little art was required
to conceal his identity. Indeed, it is
surprising, though Englishmen are as a
rule familiar, more or less, with the ap
pearance of their future sovereign, how
often his presence in a place where he is
not expected passes without recognition.
Soma years ago the prince, quit in
cognito, traveled down to Folkestona to
meet Princess Louise, who was coming
over from the Continent, and as there
wiis some time to wait before the arrivvj
of tlie eteamer, he strolled about on the
quay and ultimately went out with a
boatman of local fame for a short cruise
iu the channel. When they got safely
back the prince remarked, "Perhaps
you would like to know who I am? i
"I don't know as I cares; it ain't no
odds to me," came the reply.
"Well, I'm the Prince of Wales."
"The Prince of WalesI" ejaculated the
old mariner, giving his customer a play
ful dig in the ribs. "Get along with
yer!" London Cor. Chicago Times.
Hodrtt Clay Jelty of th
Amerlcau lleathra.
ew jmkatm arkkt.
Kreib Beef. Pork. Veal. Mutton. Butter
eKKapt conHUntiy on hand.
Dawson & Fearce
Life of Washington.
Written by the Rev. Ma.- on Locke
Wejms, hielo -jn of the revolu.Ion,
and Wash in r-: ton's ator at Pohicli
church. It conalrs the original
"halchet story.' More iLra i'orty
ed.'onssold during the last fifty
yer... Every father i-x America
ehould have Ms son read this the
first l'fe of Washington. Upon re
ceipt oi one ilollar we will send for
one year the new monthly witty
paper, "Tanslll's Punch" and one
Weom's LITe of Washing-ton," free.
Scm le copter of pa er will be sent
free upon application by address-
jag at once, Tanslll's Punch
46, Lrhe street, Chicago.
Robert Geinger, vho has been r.MiS v ill have immedi?te charge
visiting in this city for some time, j of the ir?sl?llatioa and supei rislou
has accepted a position in the gen- j of its educa.-onai e:;hib'i uuder the
eral oflice of the B. Ci M. at Omaha I directio.' a ai. cojirol of the chief ol
and has left tor that point.
Rev. John A. Finch and wife
have rented the S. of V. hall in
Fi'zgev.ld block and will hold a
series of meetings. Every one is
cordially invited to attend.
T. B. Brown lef this morning for
Lincoln where he goes r.s a dele
gate to tlie prohibition state con
vention which is in sesssion there
to-day. His daughter Hattie accom
The Cv thealre corupanj
pasf-ec". ini-oi'jfh th's city from Gl
wood enron :ror Lou'svllle v.'her
thejr will give two performance
Tb's conm iy is made up -nos. 1 o "
Loi.. yville people . ad it is rcpo ttl
that they are making a great suc
cess in their venture.
Tbe c'loru.o class under th di
rection Oir Mrs. Clapp will meei
tonight r.i 7:3e" o'clocl: sqarp f.ttiia
M. E. church or a second reherst.1.
Also those who have signified their
intention of becoming members
of ihe society will save 25 cents
initiation fee by being present to
aid ;a the adoption of a constitution.
j ihe depa,-tnieiil. All applications
for space must be made to Jie di
rector general, vho keeps in his
office complete records of all appl'
cations ior space in every depart
ment of the exposition.
The higher edi'cat'onal in.utilu
ilous, s- ch as colleg?, ir iirsrs'1'e,
:eclialcjt and pro'e sional schools,
desiriug to male siecial "e-.h!b"i8
of their wor' will be asIned sfpce
io d?3",r.s u-ro
to t e d'veio.-
A Good Company Comincr.
The following letter was received
by J. P. Yo :ag: . .
Dear Siu Yours of March 1st
received. The Felii and Eva Vin-
ceal company are flaying here th's
week. They are good satis
faction, so far. They have only
played two ni'-hts. They are rs I
good a compaay as I have had in
my house at the pi ices. We have
had good honsei so far and e-pect j
to do better the rest of Ihn week.
Respect ful iy, 2. C. UCHR.
j Manager Love's ODe.-a house. Fre
mont. . ,
T .s company wf'll be at the Wat
erman all next week.
A Storehonta of Klectrlcltj.
Minnesota, not to be behindhand in
marvels, tells of an electric well which
one of its citizens claims to have been
discovered near Red Wing recently. Ac
cording to the story the drillers had
drilled about 150 feet when they lost
their drill rods and a diamond drill.
The whole business had dropped to no
where in an instant. There was quite a
force of air coming out of the hole, and
the men said there was no use going any
farther, because there wasn't any bot
tom. They concluded to fish for the
rods and drill, but as soon as the rods
were dropped into the hole they begac
to shiver in a queer way.
One of the men took hold of the bar
with a pair of leather gloves, and he was
knocked down. Then Holly well touched
the rope and got a shock, because it was
wet. There seems to be a perfect natu
ral storehouse of electricity. It is gen
erated in some way in that pocket whers
the drills went, and there is enough of
it to execute a whole county at once un
der the New York law. Philadelphia
-u "
A Grand Old Commoner.
Though essentially a modest man, Mr.
Smith had a certain pride of his own.
Public rumor was always conferring a
peerage upon him, and I suppose that
had he lived he would have accepted
one. But he was proud of his inde
pendent and "self made" position as a I
wealthy commoner. "You see," he said
to me, "I have no aristocratic connec
tions, no family interests; indeed, I
haven't a male relative alive except my
own boy. 1 am completely unprejudiced
and unfettered." He was aware of tha
advantage this gave him. He was rich
and a plebeian, and his colleagues had
confidence in him accordingly as a strong
administrator. Pall Mall Gazette.
Question of Telephone Charges.
A proposal has been made by Dr.
Strecker, of Berlin, which seems to solve
the question of telephone charges. He
proposes to levy a fundamental charge
to meet the expenses for installation,
maintenance and depreciation, in addi
tion to a time charge, to meet the work
ing expenses. Nothing could be fairer
than to charge for the use of the tele
phone according to the duration of con
versation, and Dr. Strecker proposes to
use a clock which goes as long as the con
versation lasts. New York Telegram.
The State Historienl Society was en
riched yesterday by an image of pot
tery supplied to to an idol . oi some
prehistoric race, jrolally 'the mound
1 ' 'ors, says the Topeka Capital. The
idol was found near Aron, Independ-
' ence County, Arkansas, and was dug
from a mound by relic hunters along
' with a number of decayed human
bones, copper arrow heads and broken
domestic utensils. It i.s the property
of (i. W. Hume, of Strasburg, Mo.
The idol is seven iiiehe-4 in height by
tive inches in diameter. It is rudely
constructed, having evidently been
formed by hand, or at best very crude
tools, from common clay, and after
ward hardened by being dried in the
The idol represents a human figure
in a kneeling posture, the arms ex
tending at the side. The features are
rudely formed, yet, notwithstanding
this, are not altogether repulsive, the
nose being gracefully aquiline and the
lips well formed. The ears are miss
ing, but the remnants show that they
were adorned with rings. The body
is "squatty," and might be said to re
semble a toad. At the top of the head
there is a hole which seems to have
served a purpose.probably that of fast
ening a headdress to the figure. The
image would hardly be catalogued with
the works of art, but it is nevertheless
an interesting relic.
The race whose diety was represent
ed by this clumsy bit of clay inhabited
the Mississippi Valley from the great
lakes to the gulf at a time to which the
traditions of man runneth not. Who
they were, where they came from,
what their manner of life was is all a
mystery. True, many mounds, exca
vations and burying grounds of this
lost people have been discovered, but
so far they have given but little of
their history. That they lived and
died before the race of American In
dians existed is proved by the fact that
the traditions of the latter race con
tain no reference to this lost people,
aiinougn ineir mounus anu relics are
mentioned. Many mounds of this kind
are found in Missouri, Illinois, Ken
tucky, Tennessee, Ohio ami Indiana,
anu a lew nave been discovered in
nearly all of the states of the Mississip
pi valley.
Hippophagy in France.
The people of Paris consumed with
in the last year 21,291 horses, 229
donkeys, and 40 mules, the meat weigh
ing, according to returns, 4,615 tons.
At the 180 shops and stalls where such
food is sold the price has varied from
two sous to a franc a pound, the latter
being the price for the best horse
steaks. Only about one third of the
meat is sold fresh and undisguised; the
rest is used in making sausages, 402
horses having been seized and con
demned as unlit for food before being
turned into sausage.
Go lo the doctor and get a pre
scription; then go to Hrown & Bar
retts ana gee n niiea.
Game of all kinds , kept in SeuHon
Cor. (5th St and Lincoln Ave
Keep all kind of builder hardware on tiaud
and will supply contrai-tors uu inuNt lav
orabie terum
and all kinds ot tin work promptly
dune. Order irom tlie country Solicited
616 Pearl Kt.
II. CUblllNC,
J. W. Johnson,
-ooOT H EOoo-
Capital Paid in
maki.'g pollcalio-i
In a lengthy decision
je:"rl. oi
Ie C lll b't"1
q. cC. J'i
o ; i j
: -d .r ed
t ig cope o wc . o
d and s'i. l" lg so. ee r?
i i the ii't' ilioa to i-lce
.; i? " o '. i a g rea t . e: -
o'iinLo an expoi o.',
ca ij ;?1 i jfsi"v"o:i j c .a
List of Led era
Remaining unclaimed in the post
office at Plaitsmonth March 2 for
lie week ending February 21.
Andrews, Mrs Emiline Balinn, Henry
Corser, Mrs Hannah, Deneker, Jas
especially t'.ged to co-op?. a ie wl h
.'he r.i' ho iiles ia the ert'o.t to .naLe
.".! ;:Ii"u;; a most forcible illuwi a-tio-..
Oi oiu iaielleclual p-oi?s.
and it i" lo be Iioned eve. y eiU ca
tlonai institution in Nebraska
from the uiost unpretentious
dislSct school to the state uni
versity, will contribute its m lie to
(he Nebraska educational exhibit.
Special rules and instructions fo
Edward:, Mrs Vina
Godfrey, Miss E
I Huiiier John
Hanson, X P
KrosJcj-. Kate
Tamphew, Melqin
Martin, Jaster
McCu'lack, Jim
Marrison, Mrs Anna
Kore, Nellie
Smith, Salira,
Tilden, W
Frisber, Burton
Goodwin, Seth
ilurd, Mr
Ilcnion, F E
Krecek, John
MilIer,Miss Fanny
McDaniels Mart
Mpneely, John
Parker, Maud i
Koark, L, D
ShaiTer, Maria.
Young, Jap.
Persons calling for any of the
above will please ask for "adver-
H. J. STEriGHT, P. M.
Suoerintendent Noble came in
guidance in preparation col- : f om Weeping W'ater this morning.
lect:o:i of wort, outlining the alms m
aud desires of the commission i,-
supreme court landed down yesiz - J CAf. matter will soon be sent lo all
day it was beld that ballots mtvbed educational institutions, coun'.y
with a lead pencil were vc-'ic1, and
that marlaug with inL- Is directory
only and if other vise regular bal
lotc are vali. The ca;e vhlc.
the iu?sk:on wa: raised i--; eji !l?d
tae ciate ex -el. T.'ag ;ouer vs.
r.u-e"'. The irriito.-and o-?e Ca
sell v : a opposing' caadidates fo
th? office oi ::up"i visor f Tfilrlrr
tow .hlo,-Ia.l" n counly, ynt' ::po
a coiitit each was c e'iicd vrJih
th'ity-two votes. One ballot
in?rked a lead penc'l iasterd
of ink wat; casl In add:iion :b?re:o
for relator. Th respoadents who
were the judges and cler!:s of elec
lion, rejected thesaiI ballot and tlie
relator sought a peremptoty order
from the supreme court requiring
them to meet ajcl count the said
vote in hio iavor, end declare the
result. The court ia its opinion
placed a conslruct:on on th Aus
tralian ballot law, but declined io
o inanriamtis. and fllsmisud
fuperlutend?uts, etc., with a view of
having them Jake hold of the wo.k
in s. 'ch a wry as wiil instt; e for Ne
Lr?.:;ka ":i . in the way of evi ol inlcl' . :tl pogreos. Ilo
sate oi ..:!. r . rr': an make a b .-
A'l those owing personal and de
linquent taxes will please call at
treasurer's office and settle same.
The office will be open pay day eve
ning, also the evening following.
Gus A. Hyers,
Deputy Tax Collector.
Peter Larson and Anna Anderson
both of Greenwood. Cass coc rty,
;er showing in educational worli Sr? Med permission to wed h
Had institutions, and few, if any, as
good, and it wiil be the aim of the
commission, with the help of loose
whose hearts a r.C head3 are in Ihe
wcrt, to put up such an exhibit as
will leave no room for doubting our
devotion to the real foundation of
all that is delightful ia hums., de
velopment. All wishiug r;p?c" .1 i j
formation in regrad 'o the
exhibit should address Com
miac'oner A. J. Sawyer, Lincoln Neb.
Seth P. MoniiY, Press ConiVe.
Drown Sc Barrett were successful
i i securing the 2gency for Nebras
ka of the only house in the U. S.
who make a specialty of." new de
signs of wall paper for citv trade.
Judge Lans: lg of Lincoln, yeLile--
Why will you cough when Shi
loh's cure will give immediate
lie.'. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. aud fl
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc
" , . - I The p-onle of I'latsmonth sliould
-lhc case, line o -ta.o i, wmcu fM ; c;;n at their -loc ::n ' ee the
JciigiSy lo fubll:;L, w
hlngs just oi-l In the wall
Chopped F jSD Ground corn and
o..:; iu any quaut'ty not less than
100 oornds at P. J. Hansen's gro
cery one door north of post oflice.
New Washlnrrton Penn , People
Are not slow about taking hold of
a new thing, if the article has merit.
A few months ago David Byers, of
that place, bought hii first stock of
Chamberlain's Cough remedy. He
has sold it all and ordered more.
He save: "It has given the beet of
satisfaction. I warrautad ?v
ery bottle an" hve iiot had one
come bcl-" 25 . 1a-, JO cent, ejjjj
C.IXIO bottle?) for sale'tiy F. G. Gricke
Sc Co.. rirti'ror-;str. r .
A New fmy to Throw Bice.
A practical joke which the best man at
an autumn wedding perpetrated was to
deliver to the porter of the parlor car in
which he saw them off a sealed telegraph
envelope with instructions to deliver it
at a certain station. The darky duly did
so and the groom broke the seal to have
a small avalanche of rice pour throngb
bis fingers. New York Tiroes.
uoaaramed'i JSlrthday n Loodoa.
Mohammed's birthday has been duly
elebrated in th metropolis of tha Brit
ish empire by the. Anjuman-i-Islam,
London a society consisting of Indian
Mussulman gentlemen residing in Eng
land giving a dinner in honor of the
prophet in the Holborn restaurant.
. large number of Mmsaulmans assisted
at the convivial assembly, at which Mr.
A. Husanally, president of the An-
jirman-i-Islam, was chairman. After
the healths of "the queen-empress.' "the
Prince and Princess of Wales, and thr
rest of the royal family, had been en
thusiastically honored, the chairman
proposed the toast of th evening,
"Health to his imperial majesty Sultan
Abdul -Hamid Khan, commander of the
faithful and guardian of the KaabaP
The toast was received with great cheer
ing. Tha proceeding! were brought to
a close by some recitations from the
Koran. London Telegraph. . . .
La rippo Succes.luHy Treated.
"I have just recovered from a sec
ond attack of the grip this year,"
says Mr. Jas. O. Jones, publisher of
the leader, Mexica 'ieras. wIn the
latter cae I used Chamberlain's
Cough remedy, and I think with
considerable success, only being in
bed a little over i:o days, against
ten days for the first attnek. The
second att. ck, I am rat3fied, would
have been equally as bad as the
fi-st but for the use of thi remedy,
as I had to go to bed in about six
hours after b?inr struck with it.
while in the first case I was able to
atiend to business about two days
before getting down. 59 cent bot
tles for sale bj F. G. Fricke & Co.
F G ultima::. J W Johnnos, B S Grsisal.
lirurr hlkeiibaiy, M Vi Morgan, J
A Cenar. W Wftteukamp, W
II CubliiliK
A general banNing business trans
acted. Interest allowed on de-posites.
Paid up capital
tbe ry beat facilities for tbe proa
transaction of llgltimate
Banking Business '
stocks, bonds, gold, government and local i
sumies bougnt and sold. Deposits received
nd interest allowed on (be certificates
S'"-. """ '""'o u Buy wn oi ios
uuiMsa ouwi sna an rne priocipiu towns ef
BJgbest market price pntd for County War
rants, State ana County bonds.
John Fitzgerald D. Hawk'wortb
oam waugn. if. k. wmte
(ieorge . Dovev
fohn Fitzgerald. 8. Waugh.
President cM
A bright, intelligent boy to work
in postofiice. Enquire of the post
master tl
Wanted A girl to do general
housework. Good wage-:. "
23-tf Mrs. W. J. IIessek.
A complete Hue of Wilson Bio?.
Furnishing Goods at U" 'S the
One Price Clothier. tf
Lav Th Stood the Twi
These who witnesseed the solemnhdng
of the nuptials in which Miss Mary E.
Flynn and James A. Polk were made
life partners at Newport, DeL, the other
day, recalled a frightful accident which
befell the couple one dark evening three
years ago. The young lovers were ran
Into by a fast express on the Philadel
phia, Wilmington and Baltimore rail
road, and hurled bleedinr and uncon- ' in?
a few
always in stock
1 ieel it my duty to say
words in regard lo Ely's
Balm, and I do so entirely "thout
solicitation. I have used it more
or less half a year, and hf - e found
it to be most admirable. I have
suffered from catarrh ot the worst
kind ever since I was a little boy i
and I never hoped for cure, but
Cream Balm seems to do even that.
Many of ray acquaintances have
used it witu excellnnt results.
Oscar Ostum, 45 Warren Ave., Chi
cago, 111.
New swring goods arriving every
day at JOE'S your clothier. tf
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
All persons indebted to the old
firm Weidmann & Brekenfeld are
requested to call and settle immedi
ately and tvoid trouble.
- Not a few 6lyle3 but the fr 'l line
of the E. &. W, at Joe's tleC -e Pice
Clothier in fact. -1 :
scions to the ground. The horse was cut
to pieces and the vehicle wrecked. The
bride elect was hurt more seriously than
tbe groom, .d her life was despaired of.
She recovei-oa somewhat, bnt is a crip
ple for life. This frightful calamity did
not cool the ardor of the lovers, and the
anniTersary of the accident which near
ly killed both w'i celebrated by a Car
riage. Cor.- Baltimore JLntericaa. -
Tbe rapidity Ox' its l.-'-- o
C3s is mar Felons. - P. ."JoC
Cougb Cure i " lfsllibje for .-hcop-
iuj totiii, i.uup, uiv iw..ia
cough and all lung troubles. Uee
no other. It cures la grippe. 25c &
50c at O. H. Snyder . and Brown
& Barett.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth.
' After coolly throwing a sleeper's wood
en leg out of the window, a Massachu
setts burglar proceeded to plunder the
room. ' When the movable valuables had
been gathered for transportation the
burslar left -a -cote for the eriDDle. stat
ing' wlMieTuV artificial leg could be
omJ --
A Remarkable Cure of. Rheuma-
Mecerc. tO and Slnruan, ol
Alexander, T;xa3, write u.j regard
ing a reinaI:uble for rheuma
tism there, as follows: "The wLe'o
Mr. Wm-y-Pmitt, :the o?tmaf5ter
here, has" been bed-riddn with
rheumatism for rrvral years;. She
coarld srrtt notnin'r v.o o.o lier an
iod. . we sola ncr - a . Dome
All orders left with the county cleric will be
promptly attended to.
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska
--asT f -rn- w-i -a i
Liiamuen. ij b raiu om auu wie opportunity to call on their
was completely cur-d by its usi j - ead -ct a bo' 12 of It mp
Wer-fci-auyone to her lo v -fy . . m forihShro: a .dl' - .
thij p'atem'ii;
50 cert bottle,-; for
The population ofPlattsmoulh
Is about 10)00, add we would say
at least Tneo-half are troubled with
Eome effection on the throat and
Irngs, as those complaints are, ac
corcing to staaistics, more "punier-
aiis ' 7 1 s. n Vi pra Wurrt,l1. arlvlaA
j all our readers not to .neglect' the
i BjI-Tr-i.1
e ree. Lr.r--Fot'Ie .'fi. .nd .SI.
uilce Post