The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 23, 1892, Image 2

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    Preparing for the .Toarory.
"Como. MIi-hnH, roine, Michael, come quirk.
Iitirry up.
Vnr the ami's in tli heaven a Kit at gulden
Come, ruitto off th reindeer and iKillah the
For miii will the eliiMren ! tn-kel Into lx-d;
And I nniKt lied'i'nx an-! ii uiiil it way
TTu Mil all the Hto. :iins yuotfiie to Cat
liay. Give ixii-l. .if thi' n in'Ii-. r a Uik pailful of out.
Anil Iii-iihIi u tin- Kreiit.-sl of ull fny jrreat
eoats; TlieJi a riii!n of lirlrk) tlirou(d and tlirouxh
quickly ln-iit.
To be ilii'-Mi In tin' sled as a stool for my
f !.."
And Uien did lie Hliout to the jrirls and his
I toy.
"Ojine, hrlnjr ut those bundles of randies and
And lion't mix tho skuU-8 and the toy railroad
Witli U10 fuiwdiiHt-stuffed dolls with headd
made of wax."
Haul t.!x relmhior, led round by tho smllinff
hinsl man.
In a new Met of harness, looked quite spick
and ppan.
And lie )iiletly sbiod, while old f-'anta Claus
Tosoo his rare friftd on tlie sled pocked and
Till the s1h1 was all full Rave a very small bit
Ojt a plare for the jolly old driver to Hit,
Ho looked at the load with the eye of a fox.
Itut he niiHsed no stuffed parrot or jaek-in-the-
Me saw that the cards were tied snugly around
The iHirrelain rooxUT. the red candy hound,
Tle little tin soldiers, the pink Noah's arks.
And, happily, made no unpleasant remarks.
He bade all his children a hurried jrood-by.
And lumped In his seat to make ready to My
lie placed both his feet on the bricks more
than warm.
While he smiled like a child at the thought of
a storm.
Yet. even when he was about to depart.
His wife, with a -tulant sort of a start.
Ran out on the stoop, and among the snow
birds Most hastily uttered these terrible words:
'Keniemiier one errand on which you're dis
patched Bon't forget to have that piece of mummy
cloth matched I"
And when ho was out of her virion almost
"Don't forget those two letters 1 gave you to
It. K. Munkittrick in Harper's Iiazar.
Tho snow had been falling all day
long, and the dark November weather
had changed the streets of Paris todis
lal drains for the melting Hakes.
An omnibus stopped at the head of
Prony street, and from its aristocratic
interior stepped a 13-ycar-old boy with
a moroeco sachel under his arm. He
ran to tho door of an elegant house,
and the next moment was clattering
up the marble steps into, the vestibule.
"Is mother home?" he asked of the
servant, as she helped him oil with his
wet overcoat and leggins.
"No," was the answer. "Her lady
ship has not come in."
"And my sisters?"
"Miss Christine and Miss Yvonne are
in tho reception-room with Diana and
their dolls."
In the reception-room he found
Christine seated before a cheerful lire.
"Oh. how glad I am that you have
got home!" she cried, throwing her
arms about his neck. "We are so
lonely! Father went out after break
fast, and mother about the time you
left for school. Father came back with
some cakes, but he went right out
"I have been thinking of father and
mother all schooltime. Something is
wrong. Have you not noticed, Chris
tine?" "Mother seemed a little put out with
father. But that is nothing new. I
have noticed that this long time."
"Yes." cried little 6-year-old Yvonne.
"I have often seen papa crying when I
caught him in the stud- and put my
kamls over his eyes. Ever since the
lady in red "
"What is that she is chattering
about?" interrupted the boy, with a
superior air.
Yvonne was touched in her feminine
weak siot. "I know it better than
you, for I was with mamma. We were
coming out of the Louvre shops, and I my balloon the one you broke "
"You should say burst," said her
Taking no notice, the child went on
with her story:
Then mamma said to Fermin. 'I am
going to walk across the Palais Royal;
liave the carriage for us before the
Christine and Gaetan looked at each
ther, hardly able to keep from laugh
ing. But Yvonne kept on with her re
flections. "I know what I saw, at any rate.
And when we met papa with the lady
in red. mamma drew me away ami
squeezed my wrist so hard she hurt
"What lady in red?" exclaimed Chris
tine. "There, now!" cried Yvonne, "per
haps you'll believe me. And the lady
had an elegant bonnet and a gold veil,
ail a silk parasol, and, and "
But Gaetan jumped up suddenly, ex
claiming: "Don't listen to her "non
sense! Why should not papa walk
with a lady in red if he wants to?
There are plenty of ladies who come
here on mamma's Thursdays, anil she
and pa don't get angry over them."
"Of course not," said Christine.
The hours crept on, the Greek theme
i written and Ovid is in a fair way to
be cpnverted into b.-ui French, when
loneliness proves too much for Gaetan's
philosophy, and he gets up to rejoin his
sister by the tire.
Just then several quick, sharp peals
f the bell were heard, and a young
ami beautiful woman soon made her
ap)earance. The children had hardly
finished a stormy but affectionate
welcome to their mother, when the
door ag:ii:i ; n.'d and their father
came in. lb received the children's
represses in an aii-tracted way, and
turning to the Connies, said, with
some emotion:
"Clotilde, we must arrange our
affairs immediately. Take the child
ren out and conic back here, I beg
of you."
"As you like." she said.
Leftalone. Count Bell fontaine took
the code from the table and ojened it j
at articles 1448 and 144, and read:
"The wife who has obtained a decree
of separation from bed and board as
sii men the free control of her property,
.she must contribute to the expense of
educating the children of the mar
riage. If her husband has no property,
fdiemust bear the whole of this ex
pen e."
He closed the book and leaned on tn
mantel with his back to the tire. I
don't care for the money, but the chil
li ren. None of them are to go with me.
The Judge so ordered, and they are t
t brought to see me cere a xiczitli.
As it 1 were no longer Ihair tainer, be
cause No consideration! Temptation,
passion, weakness never
taken into account, and then in three
years divorce unless Clotilde should
forgive. She'll never do that, for he
has chosen this course."
"Thank you, Clotilde. You have not
kept me waiting. Here are the keys
of ray secretary. You will find cash
and title-deeds all safe."
"And how about yourself? How are
you to live? Though I have been
wronged. I bear your name, and can
not permit you to suffer."
"I thank you, Clotilde, for your com
miseration, but I can not accept ii at
your hands."
"So, having broken your faith, you
wish now to play the magnanimous!"
"Remember that I have been defeat
ed. I am punished enough."
"That is so. But that punishment
weighs upon me too, and more heavily
than you imagine. The sight of my
ruined home, the publicity of all, and
the scandal afloat."
"You were inflexible."
"My dignity was at stake, sir!"
"Say your pride."
"Yes. and my hate. I could not for
give you for giving me a rival."
"A rival! I have told you a hundred
times how it was. You were off in the
country, nursing your mother. You
had all the children, and there I was
alone in Paris for months, with noth
ing to do and bored to death. Then
the opportunity came.
"However, enough of this. I shall
say nothing further than is necessary,
and I hope you will spare me any more
recriminations. But promise me that
you will not try to alienate the child
ren from me. For I am still their
"1 promise."
"Very well. I have only to bid good
bye. You have judged me strictly,
and have given blow for blow. I can't
complain, for the law is on your side
Will you call the children and let me
kiss them before I go?"
The Countess left the room, return
ing presently with the girls.
"Are you going away?" exclaimed
Christine in alarm, clinging to him.
The Count faced about and saw
Yvonne sleeping heavily in her moth
er's arms.
He drew her close to him and gently
kissed her.
"Yes," he answered. "I am going
on a journey, a rather long one, little
girl, but I shall be back soon, and find
you quite grown up."
As the two little girls left the room
Gaeton rushed in. He brushed by the
Countess, gathered up his books and
exercises, and hastily bundled them
into his sachel.
I "Are you not going to kiss me?" ask
r ed his father. "Don't you know that I
am going away?"
"Wait till I get my things," he said.
Then he took the sachel and fasten
ed it on his father's valise by the
"What are you doing. Gaetan?" ask
ed the Countess. "Did I not tell you
that your father was in haste?"
Gaetan straightened himself up and
turned toward nis mother, saying, in a
tone of resolute defiance: "I must cer
tainly take my books, for I am going
with father!"
In vain the Countess held out her
arms to him. He only cried still more
vehemently: "No, no; I do not love
you. I heard you drive papa away."
His father tried in turn to draw him
towards his mother.saying gently: "My
boy, be reasonable; you are causing
j our mother much pain."
But in the middle of his nervous
fury the boy suddenly sank to the
floor and lay at his length upon the
carpet, crying over and over again:
"Papa, papa," as though his heart
would break.
The Count lifted him and placed him
in the great arm-chair, and his mother,
in great agitation, kneeled by his side.
But with a violent movement of his arm
the boy pushed her rudely away.
"Who could have told Gaetan such
siories?" asked the Count.
"Nobody has told me anything," said
Gaetan, through his tears. "They
took us into dinner, but I saw John
packing a valise, and I came back.
The door of the room was open, and I
got behind the screen. And when I
heard mamma scolding you, and found
that she had taken her keys, I made up
my mind not to love her, and to go
away with you."
"My boy, you did very wrong to
listen, and you did not understand
what your mother said. Be quiet,
and believe what I tell you. I have
given her the keys because I am going
"Come, my dear Gaetan. papa is tell
ing the truth. He will return in a few
"Why do you say that mamma? I
heard fattier say he would never re
turn, even to come and see us. Be
sides, Yvonne warned us. She has often
caught papa crying in his study."
"Ah!" said the Countess. "You
wept! Why did j-ou hide that, and let
me think you wrapped in your proud
"Because you would have laughed
at my distress, aud 1 would not give
you the pleasure of seeing my tears."
Botti parents were now kueeling by
the side of t heir boy. and the Countess
was gazing into her husband's eyes as
though she would read his very soul.
"You see very well that I must go
with him." s.iid the boy. "You will
have Christine and Yvonne, and ii is
not fair to Wve him alone."
"So you refuse to stay with me?"
said the Counters.
"Yes. lecaus u are so mean."
"And suppose I give the keys back
to vour father and make him stay
"Oh, niv dear good mamma!"
The ooy passed one arm around nis
mother's neck, his other one being
still around his father's so that he held
them loth in one embrace.
"Then, mamma, as you have made
him cry. kiss him and then I will kiss
you with all my heart."
"Clotilde!" begged the Count, over
come, "for our boy's sake!"
"Yes! And for yours, too," sighed
the Countess, letting her head fall up
on her husband's shoulder.
The Detroit lnard of public works
lias sued a contractor for stealing aud
carting off two avenues.
The Old Comedian's teinlnlseiie of
That Fatal Night In Washington.
A veteran and well-known comedian
recently related a strange sort of story
to a small circle of friends who had
gathered around him in the corridor
of an up-Broadway hotel. The World
will "violate no confidence" in repeat
ing the substance of it, withholding
the name of the narrator.
"I knew the Lincolns and well re
member that night of the 14th of
April when ttie president was hot. I
was the leading comedian of a combi
nation that was playing a burlesque
on 'Aladdin and His Lamp' at one of
the Washington theatres during the
fatal week. Little 'Tad' Lincoln was
a privileged character around the
stage, and every one connected with
it, from manager to call boy, liked
him, and felt lonesome if he missed an
evening. The property man and scene
painter had made for him a miniature
stage in the White House, with a cor
rect small edition of the stock sets of
scenery and properties.
"The president did not try to dis
courage the boy's zeal for the drama,
and if our national history had been
destined to tell of brighter days than
it does for the Lincolns, perhaps 'Tad'
would have been to-day upon our
stage doubtless playing comedy, for
that was his delight. In him the stage
might have had a recruit from the
ranks of genuine heart-and-brain roy
alty. "There was a scene in our burlesque
where a property balloon made an as
cension, and the comic servant my
own character got caught accident
ally in this balloon and carried into
the flies, suddenly becoming loosened
and falling or tumbling headlong upon
the stage. So you see 'athletic come
dians' were not originated at our
"Well, 'Tad' thougtit this act very
amusing, and he furnished much di
version between acts and during waits
for the company and stage hands by
rehearsing it himself tjehind the
"He was on the stage the night his
father was shot, and was watching me
do this very act, when a messenger
rushed upon the 6cene with pallid fae
and trembling with terror. The boy
did not look at him, but was intent up
on the play. The messenger spoke to
him in a frightened whisper, asking
him to follow him instantly, that a
carriage was in waiting to take hint to
his father, who was waiting for him.
"'But father is at the theatre, to see
Miss Keene,' returned 'Tad.' We were
all listening then, for we felt that
something serious had happened. The
scene stopped.
"'But, my poor boy, Mr. Lincoln
has been shot,' gasped the miserable
"The young fellow glanced around
at us all for a mute instant, to see if
he had heard aright, then dashed off
like lightning, ana in a moment more
the carriage went thundering away to
the president's improvised quarters.
More than one honest tear was shed
on that dismal stage and the heart
aches were genuine and as much for
little 'Tad' as for the great loss to the
"Some one had whispered the news
to our audience aud the performance,
of course, was not finished. A panic
could not have cleared the house "more
"We did not open again for many
weary weeks. Nobody had time or in
clination for the theatre in those high
tension days. Washington was one
great, prolonged tragedy every phase
of its life was dramatic and tense."
The actor was wrought to a tension,
too, in relating his story, and after
some sighs and cigar puffs concluded:
"Yes, I knew John Booth knew him
for years. Warmest-hearted friend
a man ever had, but a fanatic.
"I met him a few days before the
shooting on the street, and we smoked
a cigar together and had a beer. He
was the same genial, hearty fellow
that I had known for vears wished
everybody well, but didn't like those
who crossed him in political opinions.
"My friend was leader of the
orchestra at Ford's. He had been un
der the stage, and, hearing shots,
started upstairs to see what was
wrong. Going upon the stage he
bumped against Booth, who was run
ning away, after his crime. He recog
nized him. and said: 'Hello, John,
what's the matter?" 'Out of my way,
3011.' returned Booth, slashing at
him with an ugly knife, cutting his
coat and vest almost off of him with
the stroke, and inflicting an ugly flesh
cut." X. I". World.
Had Given It Some Thought.
"You see," said the woman who is
given to investigating the cause of
everything in this life, "it is just this
way: Your husband is a tyrant in the
house "
"The worst kind of a tyrant," re
turned the woman who felt that
had a grievance.
"While mine is as quiet and consid
erate as a man can be." continued the
other, "yours orders this done and that
done, and wants to know why in the
world you have not attended to some
trivial matter."
"He just lords it over me and tries to
run the whole house."
"While mine does practically what I
say when he is home."
"I wonder why it is."
"I'm coming to thai. Your husband
has to jump around at some one's bid
ding at the otlice."
"O, yes. lie tias a man over him who
holds him to the strictest kind of ac
countability for everything."
"Your husband has no authority at
"None at all."
"That's the trouble. A man must
have authority somewhere, so yours
exercises his at home."
"But how about yours?"
"O, my husband is the man who
makes your husband jump around at
the office. He has so much trouble
with the clerks there that he's mighty
willing to let mc run things at home.
You'd better get your husband in a
position where he can boss some men
and then he'll let you alone. I've
studied the subject aud I know what
I'm talking about." Chicago Tribune.
. . Takn Up.
TaWon ..n n,v (r,.i OIL. miloa
ftouth of Plattsmouth, Wednesday
Februry 3rd, one yearling heifer calf
and one yearling Bteer calf, both red
marked with tip of left ear cut off
and "V" cut on under side. Party
may have same bj paying for ad
vertisement and proving owner
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Thr Best Salvb in the world for Cute
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, And all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 2"j cents per box.
For sale by F. G. Fricke
January is gone, yet some papers
are still publishing those lists of
marriageable young men.
Do not confuse the famous Blush
of Roses with the many worthless
paints, powders, creams and
bleaches which are flooding the
market. Get the genuine of your
druggist, O. H. Snyder, 75 cents per
bottle, and I guarantee it will re
move your pimples, freckles, black
heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and
give you a lovely complexion. 1
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
and so popular as to need no special
mention. All who have used Klecl
trie Bitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not
exist and it is guaranteed to do al
that is claimed. Klectric Bitters
will cure all diseases of the liver
and kidneys, will remove pimples,
boils, salt rheum and other affec
tions caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
and prevent as well as cure all ma
larial fevers. For cure of headache,
constipation and indigestion try
Klectric Bitters. Kntire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded.
Price 50c and $1 per bottle at F. G.
Fricke & Co's drugstore. 5
Church Howe has $100,000 invest
ed in his Nemaha county stock
farm and has 125 head of trotting
A Fatal MlistaKe.
Physicians make no more fatal
mistake than when they inform pa
tients that nervous heart troubles
come from the stomach and are of
little consequence. Dr. Franklin
Miles, the noted Indiana specialist,
has proven the contrary in his new
book on "Heart Disease" which may
be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co.,
who guarantee and recommend Dr.
MilesF unequalled new Heart Cure,
which has the L largest sale of any
heart remedy in the world. It cures
nervous and organic heart disease,
short breath, fluttering, pain or ten
derness in the side, arm or shoulder,
irregular pulse, fainting, smother
ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative
Nervine cures headache, fits, etc.
It Should be In Every House.
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burg. Pa., says he will not be with
out Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
that it cured his wife who was
threatened with Pneumonia after
an attack of "La Grippe," when
various other remedies and several
phj'sicians had done her no good
Robert Barber, of Cocksport, Pa.r
claims Dr. King's New Discovery
has done him more good than any
thing he ever used for Lung
Trouble. Nothing like it. Trv it
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke A
Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 50c.
and $1.00.
The girl's industrial school build
ing at Geneva is well along toward
completion, and is said to be admir
ably arrangek for its purpose.
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent no
tices of rich, pretty and educated
girls eloping with negroes, tramps
and coachmen. The well-known
specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says
all such girls are more or less hys
terical, nervous, verjr impulsive, un
balanced; usually subject to nead
ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im
moderate crying or laughing. These
show a weak, nervous system for
which there is no remedy equal to
Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles
and a fine book, containing many
marvelous cures, free at F. G. FricKe
& Co's., who also sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart
Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Curee
fluttering,"short breath, etc.
Cough Following the Crip
Many person, who have recovered
from la grippe are now troubled
with a persistent cough. Cham
berlain's cough remedy will
promptly loosen this cough and
relieve the lungs, effecting a per
manent cure in a very short time.
25 and 50 cent bottle for sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
The principal of the Ulysses
schools has been arrested on the
charge of unmetcifully beating his
Startling Facts.
The American people are rapidly
becoming a rase of nervous wrecks
and the followtng suggests, the
best remedy: alphouso Humpfling,
of Butler, Penn, swears that when
his son was spechless from st. Vitus
Dance Dr Miles great Restorative
Nervinp- cured him. Mrs. I. L.
Miller of Valprai and. J. D. Taolnr,
of Loganeport, Ind each gained 20
pounds if an taking it. Mrs. H. A.
Gardner, of Vastulr Indivas cured
of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and
much aeadach, dizzness, bockach
and nervous prostiation by one
bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of
Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, &
Co., who recomends this unequailed
Ely's Cream Balm is especially
adapted as a renieby for catarrh
which is aggravated by alkaline
dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover
jjrujjgiat, Denver.
Your next week's washing
ivlll look whiter, will be cle&nar and will
be dene with Itu I&bor if
i& used. The clothes will smell sweeic-Efld
will lajt longer. 3ANTA CLAUS SOAP is
pure, it cleans but doee not Injure t-he-fabric
It does rjot roughen or chap the-hands.
M l ions uot
A Regular Scimitar
That Sweeps all before it.
These will almost
very productive, high quality .and sugar flavor. Has great staying qualities. Vines 3Hto
4 ft. high. In season follows TLittle Gem " and before the "Champion of England." We
have thoroughly tested It, and confidently recommend it as the best ever introduced.
Price by mail, per packet, 15 cents j pint, 75 cents.
which contains several colored plates of Flowm and Vegetables. 1,000 Illustrations.
Over ICO pages 8 x iojf inches. Instructions how to plant and care for gardea.
inscriptions 01 over 20 new Novelties, vick's f loras umue w"
receipt of addrsas and 10 cents, which may be deducted from first order. .
JAMES VlCK's SONS, Rochester, N.Y.
Ik T
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its nse is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an affective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
" generations. 1
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
For Atchinson.St, Joseph, Leave
. worth, Kansas City, St. Louis,
and all points north, east
south or west. Tick
eta sold and bag
gage checked
t o a n y t
States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or addres?
G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo.
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
II. D. ArAK. Agt.. Plattsmouth.
Telephone, 77.
rd and onire 44 South Third Strrrt.
Telephone 13.
Plattsmouth. - Nebraska.
it. Jo YpjU.f
malt In vour mouth. The "Charmer- to
The Leading
Constantly keeps on hand e very thi
yon need to furnish your house.
Plattsmouth - Neb
Lumber Yard
rihingles, Lath, Saa,J
Doors, Blindo
Can supply everw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
ia rear f pra kaiM.