The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 20, 1892, Image 2

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: D-K-N-T-I S-T :
Dr. Hteinway.. an:c-itlntie frthe palnl? ex
tnicttiM' n( ttftli.
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
Kockwoori ISlock I'lHttsniuutti. Nb.
F. II. El LENHAUM, Prop.
The best o fresh meat always fouud
in this market. Ais fnsli
Eggn and Butter.
Wild frame of all kinds kept in their
Meat market
Bridge work and fine gold work a
OK. HT KIN A US LOCAL as well an other an
6t!'tn;sKivfii forth" iainlest extrhctitm of
3. A. MAKSHALI,, - Fit.uruid l'V
All persons indebted to the old
firm ot Weidinaim J Jrekenfeld are
requested to call and settle immedi
ately and avoid trouble.
To the Public.
The Y. L. K. K. A. have arranged
with K. II. Thompson, of the Excel
sior Library Jlureau of Chicago, to
add at least 300 volumes to their
library each year for a term of live
years, charging $0.25 for the whole
term, $5 for four years, $3.7o for
three years, $2.50 for two j-eara, $1.50
for one year membership.
We bespeak a cordial reception
for Mr. Thomas or hia representa
tive from every progressive or
public spirited citizen and any
person who is interested in educa
tion and mental culture. To start
with our library will contain over
590 volumes of standard literature,
comprising works of history,
biography, science, religion educa
tion, poetry, fiction, references and
miscellaneous. We will endeavor
to satisfy your literary wants and
trust as in the past you will favor
us with your liberal patronage, tf
Y. L. R. K. A.
By order com.
The "Temple of Fame," to be given
at the opera house next Friday
id naid to be, by those who have
seen it is at other places, the best
thing for home talent ever written.
Seats on sale at J. P. Young; popular
prices, 50, 35 and 25 cent. tf
Subscribe for The IlERALO, only
15 cents a week or 50 cents a month.
Notice to Debtors.
An3r person owing me on account
is requested to call and settle either
ky cash or note by March 1st.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Weidmau & Breken-
eld is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. Mr. Weidman re
tiring and Mr. Brekenfeld continu
ing the business and assumes all
ftidebtedness contracted by said
firm. All persons kuowing them
selves indebted to the firm will
call and settle at theold stand.
C. Brekexkelo.
February 4. 18'J2.
Gentlemen would not ue "Blush
t Koses if it was a paint or pow
m,i. i uui not. ii is ciear as
water, no sediment to till the pores
f the skin. Its mission is to heal.
i f
cieanse ana purity tlie complexion
f every imperfection, and insures
every lady and gentleman a clean,
smooth complexion. Sold by O. 11.
Snyder. Price 75 cents.
Miles Nerve and Liver ills.
Act on a new principle regulat
ing the liver, stomach and bowels
through the nervs. A new discovery
Dr. Miles' Pills ppee lily cure biliou
sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles
constipation. Unequaled for men
women, children, smallest, mildest
surest! 50 doses, 25c. Samples
free at F. G. Fricke A Co's.
Why will you cough when Shi
loh's cure will give immediate re
lief. Price 10 cts.. 50 ct3. and $1
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc
ivi hit wnij u j-;a" a lew
1 iw ivi v ti . ream
W - . w
ji.uiij. auu io so entirely without
solicitation. I have lined it more
or less half a -ear, and have found
it - 111! 1.1 X 1 .!.. ..-.. I 1 .
. .v a-'.-i ji iii 1 1 it uk. i nave
suffered from catarrh of the worst
kind ever since I was a little boy
and I never hoped for cure, but
Cream Balm seems to do even that.
Many of my acquaintances have
used it witu excellnnt results.
Oscar Ostunt, 45 Warren Ave.. Chi
cago, III.
KrniWor Saiil-r, f Mont una.
Know, You linowr.
Witntcd to of the no'.vsj'Mjx r correspond
ents in V:iiIiiiitm air f tin opinion
that Senator Samlcr.:, of Montana, is
an original somebody. One, of the
lieu men ii ileeiiiy iliiressei! with the
M'Hitaiia man's originality, says a
writer in l!i:-l.:n-.-:il Times. It
.Miis ih:ii tin- arrival w:ts de
sirous of inti-rvirwiiii: I In sen:ior,:i!id,
TiiiM lin;- liini :it the Cajiilnl, r.nti'ird
him thai he cp: ci a talk on lim ir
rigation of :iii! lands. Now, Colonel
Sa rulers is :i very plea-tint man to
know when yon know him, I 1 1 1 it ha
pciicd that the correspondent ami he
hal never met before.
"Si yon want to interview rner" n:iid
the senator.
Tin wdil;-l.e interviewer nodded.
"Would you have any ljeetion to
letting me know whoyou are?" queried
the eojoiiel.
"Here is my eard."
"Thank you, hut even that doesn't
give me the information I am looking
for. Where were you horn? Who
was your father and who was your
mother? Did either of them ever do
anything ealeulated to earn the aj
plause of men? DidJ you receive all
the benefits whieh are supposed to
spring from a common school educa
tion, or was knowledge pumped into
yon from academic and collegiate
sources? Are you bright mentally,
ami do you know how to transfer your
impressions to paper? Have you ac
complished anything that would fairly
ejititle you to a reasonable amount of
The interviewer was dazed.
"I ask you these things," contiuued
the colonel, "because I am very much
in earnest. Why should I be inter
viewed by a man of whose ability, or
lack of ability, I know nothing? I
might talk to you most entertaining
ly; might conversationally outshine his
toric chatterers and promulgate ideas
on which fortunes ami nations might
be npreared; but all this 'would avail
me nothing if you were excuse the
term a chump. I should appear like
a fool. Uut if you are brainy and
keen witted and able to write, it would
not make much difference what I said.
I could be as dull and as prosy as a
Senator no, I won't mention his name
and you would be able to so sketch
my conversation that the world would
admire and say, 'What a statesman!1
' "It doesn't make much difference
w hat the man who is beinjj interview
ed says; the main point is the inter
viewer. That's wh- I insist on know
ing newspaper man before I talk to
him for publication."
A Great Surpriee
Is in store for all who use Keinp'f
Hainan for the throat and lungs the
great guaranteed remedy. Would
you believe that it is sold on its
merits and that any druggits is au
thorized by the pfogrietor of this
wonderful remed' to give you a
sample bottle free? It never fails
to cure acute and chronic coughs.
All drngpis-ts sell Kemp's Bals.uu!
Large Bottles 5(c and $1.
non might be costly. Ooou rivusciceep-ing-
A Journey on the Volga.
Isabel F. Hapgood, the writer of the
graphic paper. Count Tolstoi at Home,
in the Atlantic, contributes to that
magazine a paper called A Journey on
the Volga. Of Kazan she 6ays:
The Tatar quarter alone seemed to
possess the requisite n-3'stery and
"local color." Here whole streets of
tiny shops, ablaze wi.h rainbow-hued
leather goods, were presided over by
taciturn, olive-skinned brothers of the
Turks, who appeared almost handsome
when seen thus in masses, with oppor
tunities for comparison. Hitherto we
had thought of the Tatars only as the
old-clothes dealers, peddlers, horse
butchers and waiters of St. Petersburg
and Moscow. . Here the dignity of the
prosperous merchants, gravely recom
mending their really well-dressed, well
sewed leather ware3, bespoke our ad
miration. The Tatar women, less easily seen,
glided along the uneven pavements
now and then, smoothly, but still in a
manner to permit a glimpse of short,
square feet encased in boots flowered
with gay hues upon a green or rose
colored ground, ad reaching to the
knee. They might have been houris
of beauty, but it was dillicult to class
ify them, veiled as they were, and
screened as to head and shoulders by
striped green kaftans of silk, whose
long sleeves depended from the region
of their ears, and whose collar rested
on the brow. What we could discern
was that their black eye wandered
like the eyes of unveiled women, and
that they were coquettishly conscious
of our glances, though we were of
their own sex.
We found nothing especially striking
among the churches, unless one might
reckon the Tatar mosques in the list;
and,castinr a last glance at Sumbeka's
curious and graceful tower, we hired a
cabman to take us to the river, seven
versts away.
We turned our backs upon Kazan
without regret, in the fervid heat of
that midsuitimer morning. We did
not shake its dust from our feet.
When dust is ankle-deep that is not
very feasible. It rose in clouds, as we
met the long .lines of Tatar carters,
transporting Hour and other merchan
dise to and frojn the wharves across
the "dam" which connects the town,
in summer low water, with Mother
Volga. In spring floods Matushka
Volga threatens- to wash awav the
very walls of tin Kremlin,
present path is ur.i ler water.
and our
Kdison Has a' "Jtlval in Maine.
not h
bnt a
w hile
now She Ilalned Fund for Her Salt tad
Exhorted Her Lawyer.
"My first case," said a well-known
Harlem lawyer to a N. Y. Commercial
Advertiser man, "was a very unique
one. An Irish family of the name of
Murphy, living up on the rocks in one
of the fast disappearing remnants of
Shanty-town, were fraudulently evicted
from their tumbledown cabin by a
rascally landlord. Tint practical head
of the household was the wife, and she
determined to light the matter out.
For three weeks the M urphys, children,
f uriiit ure and ail, lived in the back
yard of l!x ir former home with
in -j -.vcu t!i"'in :n i heaven
lliinsy t :)! inaii: of old .sluets,
?.'rs. M.K'phy tramped around
lookin" f r a lawver who would
their ease for nothing.
"One day she charged into my ofliee
and told me her story with the stereo
typed exactness that comes from fre
quent repetition. The case seemed to
be a worthy one, and as I wasn't over
burdened with work 1 agreed to take it
free of charge and reinstate the Mur
phvs in their dilapidated homestead.
She wanted to get out a free summons
against the landlord and waive several
other small but necessary expenses,
but I told her it would he more politic
to pay these, as the total would not
amount to $5.
"'Foive dollars!' she cried; 'divil a
cint have the Murphys seen since me
husband losht his job wan month ago,
and the lasht blissed thing thim pawn
brokers '11 take they've got already.'
When I offered to loan her the money
she went into such a rage that I
apologized abjectly. 'lie the powers!'
she exclaimed, after pacing the floor
for about ten minutes, '1 forgot wan
thing! Wait, misther, an' I'll be back
in an hour!'
"She kept her word, and just as I
was closing up shop for the day she
reappeared with her hands lull of silver,
which she poured upon my desk. 'Mrs.
Murphy,' 1 queried, 'where did you get
this? I thought your last valuable had
been pawned?' 'Yis.' she replied, with
a gleam of triumph in the gray eye,
'ivirything excipf the goat. I tuk
auld Nanny, whofe milk me childer
lms lived upon, over to the Kenneys,
and they lint me $4.97 on her. There's
the money, young man, and now, be
the luv of hivin, go in and bate Mc
Carty!' "1 take pleasure in stating that Mc
Carty was 'baten'."
The Secret of His Success.
"MUad reading!" he said. "Why, it's
the simplest thing in th world. I've
followed it as a business now for five
years, and I don't recall that I have
made a failure."
"You can read any one's mind?"
asked the caller.
"Well, no; not exactly that," replied
the long-haired professor; "but I can
make any one think that I can do it,
and that's just as good from a business
point of view."
"Make them think so!"
"Certainly. I wouldn't like to have
my system generally known, but 1
don't mind giving you an insight into
it. You see, I put a man in a low arm
chair so that he can't get up easily and
then I make some passes before his
eyes and lix his mind on some certain
thing; it makes no difference what.
Then I pass my hand back and forth
slowly across his forehead and finally
let it rest in one place for a moment or
"I don't see what joodall that does."
"Of course not. Is either does he. So
I swipe him."
"Hit him?"
"Slap his face and tell him to stop
that. Then I hit him again and tell him
that I won't stand that from any man."
"What's that for?"
"What's it for? Hang it, man!
What would you be thinking if I were
going through all that foolishacss with
Taken Up.
Taken up at my farm 2V miles
aouth of Plattsmouth, Wednesday
Februry 3rd, one yearlingheifer caff
and one yearling steer calf, both red
marked with tip of left ear cut off
and "V" cut on under side. Party
may have same by paying for ad
vertisement and proving owner
Buck ten's Am ca Salve.
Thk Hkst Sai.vk in the world for Cuts
K.uises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, ('hupped Hands, Chilhlftins,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures IMch. or no pay required.
It i- gu'iointeed to tii'e t-iitis'aclion, or
inouev refunded. Prii e 2" cent p--r box.
Kor.s'tle by F. (3. Krick-
January is gone, yet some papers
are still publishing those lists of
marriageable young men.
Do not confuse the famous Blush
of Koses with the many worthless
paints, powders, creams and
bleaches which are Hooding the
market. Get the genuine of your
druggist, O. II. Snyder, 75 cents per
bottle, and I guarantee it will re
move your pimples, freckles, black
heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and
give you a lovely complexion. 1
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
and so popular as to need no special
mention. All who have used Klecl
trie Bitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not
exist and it is guaranteed to do al
that is claimed. Klectric Bitters
will cure all diseases of the liver
and kidneys, will remove pimples,
boils, salt rheum ami other affec
tions caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
and prevent as well as cure all ma
larial fevers. For cure of headache,
constipation ami indigestion try
Klectric Bitters. lCntire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded.
Price 50c and $1 per bottle at F. G.
Fricke St Co's drugstore. 5
Church Howe has $100,000 invest
ed in his Nemaha county stock
farm and has 125 head of trotting
"That you were a scoundrelly fraud,
a confidence man, or an inspired
"Precisely. Same with my victim.
That's why he's satislied when he gets
the second swipe that I have read his
thoughts. It's no trick at all when
you know how to do it." Chicago
Human Nature in a Street Car.
A man in Cari boa. Aroostook county,
Maine, claims that he has discovered
an electrical power m Xhe earth by the
means of which he is-s-Me, using'elec
trical instruments which have been in
vented bv himself, to transmit sounds
for any distance. This is done imply
by connecting wires with tihe earth at
different points and making use of tie
positive and negative electrical ur
rents in the earth. If this system car.
be properly utilized and devtdoned it
will do awav with the use of all bat- f ''Genuine Mocha?" 4'Just imported,
teries. The' Caribou man ha? his sts-I mum." "Import it yourself?" "Oh,
tern working over a distance of about t ve., mum
n uiiiK in .luccessitil onernlmk. If .ll
A Euclid avenue motor was the
other diy the scene of much mortifica
tion to a too hasty girl, considerable
rage on the part of a peppery j'oung
man, and great amusement for every
body else. It was a crowded car and
the youth was hanging on to a strap
and standing just in front of the girl
toward whom was his back. Several
men just in front of him and to his side
pushed him in a very uncomfortable
way back against the girl till the back
of his leg rubbed against her knee.
Then the car's motion enhanced the
rubbing. The girl was disposed to
take it as an insult, and as th-. : :;'i
bing became more pronounced t-lm
grew angrier. At length she deter
mined upon action, and drawing out
her hat pin prodded him in the leg.
Just then the car gave a big lurch and
the pin went way in.
"Wow!" yelled the young man.
"What in h and d n." Then
turning and seeing the girl, whose
pretty face did not molify him, "What
do you mean by that, madam?"
"You were altogether too near me,
sir." said the girl.
"Pshaw," said the injured one. "You
might have been 80 years old for all I
IJut perhaps the girl would not hrfve
cried if he hadn't added, just as the
car stopped. Yon're too fresh."
Cleveland tlain Dealer. . -
All Questions Cheerfully; Answered.
Housekeeper: "Have you any Mocha
coffee?" Small dealer:" "Yes, mum."
It Should be in Every House.
T. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burtr. Pa., savs he will not be with
out Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
that it cured his wife who was
threatened with Pneumonia after
an attack of 'La Grippe," when
various other remedies and severaJ
ohvsicians had done her no good
Robert Barber, of Cocksport, Pa..
claims Dr. King's New Discovery
has done him more good than any
thing he ever used for lAxng
Trouble. Nothinir like it. lry it
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke A
Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 50c.
and $1.00.
Thearirl's industrial school build
ing at Geneva is well along toward
completion, ana is saia to oe aumir-
ably arrangek tor its purpose.
A Mystery Explained.
" The papers contain frequent no
tices of rich, prett3' and educated
girls eloping with negroes, tramps
and coachmen. The well-known
specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says
all such girls are more or less hys
terical, nervous, very impulsive, un
balanced; usually subject to nead-
ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im
moderate crying or laughing. These
show a weak, nervous system for
which there is no remedy equal to
Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles
and a fine book, containing many
marvelous cures, free at F. G.FricKe
& Co's., who also sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart
Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures
flutteringshort breath, etc.
Coueh Following the Grip
Many person, who have recovered
from la grippe are now trouDiea
with a persistent coutrh. Cham
berlain's couirh remedy will
promptly loosen this cough and
relieve the lungs, effecting a per
manent cure in a very short time.
25 and 50 cent bottle for sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
A Fatal Mistake.
Physicians make no more fatal
mistake than when thev inform pa
tients that nervous heart troubles
come from the stomach and are of
littlf pnnspniienrp. Dr. Kranklin
Miles, the noted Indiana specialist,
has proven the contrary in his new
book on "Heart Disease" which may
be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co.,
who guarantee and recommend Dr.
Miles? unequalled new Heart Cure,
1 , i !. 1 C -.
Wilicri lias me laicsi suic ui
licnrt remedv in the world. It cures
nervous and organic heart disease,
snort Dreatn. uuttering, pain or ten
derness in the side, arm or shoulder,
irregular pulse, fainting, smother-
insr. dropsy, etc. nis jxestorative
Nervine cures headache, fits, etc.
01 P
ZT-Jif lk-ji t, ri fi
RAPID Cleansing Power has noequal.
it is invaluable. in kitchen & laundry
Sold by all Grocers-
A Regular Scimitar
That Sweeps ll before it 1
... ..... .. I ii :
(mE3 Tku uulll .Imnct mc! in umi wimith I n R tnarmer i
very productive, men quality anc sugar Tiavor. nas great staying quamiiss. ' ''
4 ft. high. In season follows " Little Com " and bsfore the "Champion of England." We
have thoroughly tested it, and confidently recommend it as the best ever introduced.
Price by mail, per packet, 15 cents ) pint, 75 cents.
which contains several colored plates of Flowers and Vegetables. 1,000 Illustrations.
Over 100 pages 8 x ioj inches. Instructions how to plant and care for garde.
Descriptions of over 20 New Novelties. Vick's Floral Guide mailed o
receipt of address and 10 cents, which may be deducted from first order. , .
James Vick's Sons, Rochester, N.Y J
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Tanner, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effectirc
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
M '.0CtSif5fcuS
aif:rt -
.'-.-- rrSwv.
The Leaning
iJ p IS; 3
that is claimed for this new discovery
in realized it will cause a revolution in
eWtric-al .science, and jKuvera here
tofore unknown. ;u,,i thurefori- useless.
vi!l t t now ion. L-y t-otiy
?l!:louijl". .
I send 1113' orders direct to
) .sultan, mum. -itumpn: now
much .have you on hand?" "About
unus. mum. iou nave, enr
ndsr I read in the paper
Tiornmj 1 11:11 not over iiity
in ?!"ehu re-aches this
laUy." "Yes, mum. that's
true. I liad uou ie;i jx.unus leu over
ln.t year," A
t-ixtv pa
Ni.ty it.
tms verv x
pounds of i,
country au:t
The principal of the Ulysses
schools has been arrested on the
charge of unmetcifully beating his
Startling Facts.
The American people are rapidly
becoming a rase of nervous wrecks
and the followtng suggests, the
best reined)': alphouso Ilumpfling-,
of Butler, Penn, swears that when
his son was spechless from st. Vitus
Dance Dr Miles great Restorative
Nerving: cured him. Mrs. J. L.
Miller of Valprai and. J. D. Taolnr,
of Logansport, Ind each gained 20
pounds if an taking it. Mrs. H. A.
Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and
much aeadach, diizness, bockach.
and nervous prostiation by one
bottle. Trial bottle ana nne uoen 01 A T TTT-rn
Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, & (JA J t W kJK-J LJ
Co., who recoraends this unequanea
For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven-
, worth, Kansas City, St Lotus,
and all points north, east
south or west. Tick
et sold and bag
gage checked
to any
States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
H, C. TovxsExr,
G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo.
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
H. D. APGAR. Agt., Plattsmouth.
Telephone, 1 4.
Constantly keeps on hand everythiu
you need to furnish your house, j
Lumber Yard
H. A. MEBM &
Ely's Cream Balm is especial'
adapted as a remeby for catarrh
which is aggravated by alkaline
dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover
Druggist, Denver.
rd and onie; 404 South Tlrnl Str. t.
Telephone IS.
hingle, Lath, Suh,
Doors. Blind
Cnn supply demand of the city.
Call and get terma. Fourth street
is rear of epra koM.