The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 17, 1892, Image 4

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The Plattsmoutb Herald
World's Fair Notes.
The Crown I'rince of Italy, ac
cording to Director Iliginhotham,
in greatly interested in the exposi
tion, and says he will visit it.
It is) reported from Argentine
Republic that strong pressure is
being brought upon that govern
ment to increase itu world's fair ap
ropriation from $1(;0,C:J() to $iJi"),Clt.
In the Washington Htate exhibit
will be included a representation of
the methods used by the .Ma kali
Indians in catching Halinou and
other fish. The exhibit will include
boats, lines, hooks, Heine, har
poons, etc.
Members of the farmers' alliance
in Kosciusko county, Indiana, at a
recent meeting in Warsaw, decided
to assess themselves weekly to pro
vide, a fund to defray their ex
penses for a visit lo the world's
fair. About 400 farmers and their
wives will compose the visaing
It is now the intention o have in
the fisheries building a restaurant
devoted as far as possible to the ex
clusive serving of fish. Fish din
ners, and fish, fresh and salt, in
every edible style, will be a popular
feature, it is believed, and wiil give
visitors an excellent opportunity 10
know the merits of fish as food.
The Connecticut members of the
board of lady managers have mi
dertaken to raise by contribution a
fund with which to pay for a tine
bust of Harriet Beecher Stowe.
This will, be their contribution
towards the adornment of the walls
of the woman's building. Copies
of Mrs. Stowe's literary works will
also be contributed.
A despatch states that a silver
smith in Monterey, Mexico, is en
gaged on a work in silver, which
when completed, will be an exact
reproduction of the agricultural
building now being built on the
exposition grounds, Chicago. It
will be eight feet wide, will contain
a quantity of silver valued as
bullion at $10,000, and when finished
it will be valued at $10,C:JD.
A British woman's committee ha
been selected to superintend the
representation of the work of Kng-
lish women at the exposition, and
to co-operate with the board of lady
managers. The board has for its
president Princess Christian, third
daughter of ueeu Victoria, and in
cludes the Marchioness of Salis
bury, Baroness Burdett-Bouts,
Countess of Aberdeen, Lady
Churchill, Lady Agnes Buren, Lady
Brassy, Lady Jeune, Lady Knuts-
ford, Mrs. Fawcett, Mrs. Priestly
Mrs. Forsythe and others.
Robert Mitchell, secretary of the
Polytechnic Institute, is in Chicago,
perfecting arrangements for 2,500 or
3,000 members of the institution vis
iting the exposition. They will be
brought over at the rate of 200 a
week in parties of fifty in charge of
a conductor, and will spend two
days in New York, two in Washing
ton, one at Xiagara Falls, and six in
Chicago. The expense per individ
ual for the round trip will be about
$115. The Polytechnic conducted
similar parties to the Paris exposi
County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Rosan Decker, deceased. Hearing
on petition for appointment of J.
W. Johnson administrator. Objec
tions thereto and hearing on peti
tion for appointment or Philemon
S. Barnes administrator of said es
tate. Prayer of last petition
granted and letters accordingly is
sued. In the matter of the estate of Wil
liam Carljde, deceased. Hearing on
petition for appointment of Robert
Carlyle administrator. Prayer of
petition granted and letters ac
cordingly issued.
In the matter of the estate of
Rosan Decker, deceased. Notice to
creditors to file claims on or before
August 18, 10 a. m.
E. G. Govey & Son vs. Mrs. W. L.
Ward. Suit on account for $52.81.
Answer, February 22. 10 a. ru.
In the matter of the last will and
testament of Frank Stander, de
ceased. Hearing on petition to ad
mit same to probate, set for March
10 a. m.
In the matter of the estate of Wil
liam Carlyle, deceased. Notice to
creditors to file claims on or before
August 18, 10 a. m.
In the matter of the estate of
Christiana Horning, deceased.
Hearing on final settlement, March
8, 10 a. m.
Going to Hastings.
March 15, 1 will move my stock of
hardware to Hastings, Neb., and to
avoid moving will sell any goods
I have at prices never before heard
of. Come early and avoid the rush.
If J. Finley Johnson.
mi H t
Wall paper! wall paper! atGering
Jk CO'H. f
Fred Carruth went up to Omaha
this morning.
Go to Gcring Sc Co. for your pre
scription work. tf
A. G. Street it. of Weeping Water
is ii the city to-U.iy.
John Tighe departed this morn
ing lor Weeping Water.
Take your prescriptions to Brown
Ar H;irr.'ltV to be filled. tf
! : Ton. J. M. Patte-S'n attended the
bari'juet al Omaha last evening.
S. II. At wooi I ami W. II. Newell
wen passengers for the metropolis
this morning.
A.N. Sullivan air! A. B. Todd
w -re passengers on No. othio morn
ing lor On.a'ia.
'ickeiis v.-. city of Plattsmouth
wis argued before the supreme
co trt yesterday.
ni..e pound boy made his ap
pea.auco i : the home of George
Warren yesterday afternoon.
T ie finest a. id most complete line
Of wall paper at tiering it Co. tf
J. 10. lo!i;. .las. one of Weeping
W. iter's p: M .i.; attorney, was in
the county seat to day on busiuees.
: Me fum-ml oi i'iios llanrnhan
occurred litis morning atll o'oclock
boaj t he (. atliolic church. The re
in tins were interred in the Catholic
Projcte i Rapid Transit. i
The (schedule '.nni' tor cars on the j
' -..posed elect lie inilway between
Vienna and Hilda l'esth is expected :
to e seventy-live minutes for the,
e aire distance of 150 miles. As :
planned, the road will have two
nain powers stations, with K.O sub
stations, but only three or stoppinii
place. Kach car will be about IX
feet long, fitted with four bogie
trucks, and an electric motor at
each en 1 will receive currents
through contract wheels running
on conducting rails. The ends of
the cars, to ditnishis air resistance,
will be shaped like those of a ship.
Tha Base Ball Meeting.
Pursuant to call a large and en
thusiastic crowd assembled at the
council chamber last evening, for
the purpose of devising ways and
means whereby- Plattsmouth could
supporting a rip-roaring ball , club
this season.
The meeting organized by elect
ing G. F. S. Burton chairman and
C. S. Sherman secretary.
A committee of three was elected
to solicit subscriptions. Follow
ing is the committee. ICd Oliver
Sam Patterson and Wm. Weber.
Two delegates were seclected to
attend the base ball convention to
be held in Lincoln March 1st.
Frank Morgan and T. M. Patterson
were elected delegates.
The Boys Debate.
Patrick Henry Debating club,
L. L. A., held a very interesting
meeting at the home of Tom Chap
man last evening. The club is com
posed of boys between the ages of
thirteen and nineteen, ana now
has a membership of fifteen. Meet
ings are held every other Tuesday
at the homes of the different mem
bers, and an interesting program,
consisting of debates, essays and
declamations, is always rendered.
The principal feature of last night's
program was the debate, ' Resolved,
that foreign immigration should be
further restricted," Tom Mapes
arguing in the affirmative and Joe
Knotts in the negative. Both argu
nients evinced mature deliberation
and showed a thorough familiarity
with the subject. By a vote of the
members, the debate was-decided in
favor of the affirmative. Tom
Chapman rendered some select
reading in a pleasing manner and
Monta Streight favored the club
with a declamation. The next
meeting will be held at the home of
King Wise, Tuesday evenin;
March 1, at 8 o'clock. Visitors are
always welcome.
Completely Surprised.
Monday was the second wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
McCavaghan and about twenty of
their friends and neighbors tock
advantcge of the occasion and gave
them a complete surprise at the
residence of Mrs. Schmidtman on
Ferry, between 2nd and 3rd streets
on Wintersteiu hill. The company
was accorded every liberty neces
sary to assume a pleasant and en
joyable time and they improved
the opportunity well. The hours
between 9 and 12 were whiled away
indulging in music, games, conver
sation and other suitable amuse
ment. At 12 o,clock refreshments
were served of a very high order.
The company broke up about 1.30.
It was the testimony of all that the
geniality and hospitality of Mrs.
Schmidtman is rarely excelled.
Will Smith and Clara Herold of
ficiated in the capacity of "chief
cooks and bottle-washer. The fol
lowing were present: Mr. Adams,
Mr. and Mrs. Lake, Mr. and Mrs.
Steineforth, Mr. and Mrs. Brathold,
Mr. and Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Herold
and daughter, Clara, "Mr. and Mrs.
Pitta. Mr. and Mrs. W. Schmidtman,
Will. D. Smith and Mr. Shepherd, of
Hon. S. M. Klrkpatflck
Following is a shor sketch of the
eventful life of Hon. S. M. Kirkpat
rick, who died yesterday at his
home in Nehawka.
"He came within its precints
when it was but a territory, making
a claim on the 18th day of June
1855, the fust land pre-empted on
section 18, in Liberty precinct, and
was the very first settler in the val
ley of the Weeping Water at this
point. He came here, when around
him was an unbroken waste, before
: the country could boast of but one
j log house and a cabin of suliicient
importance to be designated as a
village, and when the nourishing
: city of Plattsmouth was the. site of
s. few little huts, put up by adven
: turous but impecunious people,
who were struggling to delve from
the soil enough to keep soul and
; body together. Indians still
j roamed over the country, and wild
j animals also. The outlook was
I anything but promising, but the
subject of this sketch was a man
of more than ordinary determin
ation. He had cometostay and wa
n-.. t to be driven from his purpose
by any ordinary circumstances.
He clung steadfastly to his resolu
tion to otitiniie and "grow up with
the country." at a time when white
t-ettler were frequently making a
tampede from the depredation of
the Indians.
' Our subject secured his land be
! fore the government survey had
been completed. It included one
' of the finest mill siies along the
! Weeping Water, which he utilized
i as soon as possible, erecting a saw
mill, from which he began dressing
lumber in September, the same year
ot his arrival. This was the first
mill building erected on the Weep
ing Water, in fact the first mill of
any kind built in the oountry.
At the time of the settlement of
Mr. Kirkpatrick there were only
about 100 voters in the county. He
was readily recognized as a man of
more than ordinary ability and was
soon selected to represent the coun-
tyr in the territorial legislature at
Omaha, being a member of the
senate, and re-elected three limes
by the republicans of his district,
lie was in the constitutional con
vention of 1S71, and 1875, in the lat
ter of which were adopted the ex
isting laws of Nebraska. Prior to
this he had represented the people
of Cass county in the territorial
legislature, and was afterwards
speaker of the house. Since 1S74 he
has withdrawn troni politics, al
though often been solicited to re
turn to the field. During his pub
lic life it was conceded, even by his
enemies, that in this day he was
yne of the most able parliamentar
ians of the state.
The village of Nehawka was
platted on his land and to it he ex
tended his fostering care. He also
owned a farm of 300 acres of finely
improved land.
Mr. Kirkpatrick was born in
Adams county. Ohio, August 31,
1815, and was the fourth child and
second son of his parents, whose
family included five sons and
three daughters. Of this large
family only one brother sur
vives, C. Q., of Lafayette, Indiana.
Mr. Kirkpatrick lived in Ohio until
a lad of. fourteen, where he began
the rudiments of a practical educa
tion. He removed with his parents
to Indiana, and from his youth up
to bid death has been a lover of
books, and by this means added to
li's store of knowledge when he
could no longer attend school. He
always entertained an especial
interest in history, and there were
few men possessing a more com
plete store of information.
Mr. Kirkpatrick was married to
Miss Klizabe'h C. McMillin in Craw
fordsville, Indiana, October 11, 1836.
His first wife died three years
Mr. Kirkpatrick contracted a
second marriage in Thorton, Indi
ana, April 1, 1841, with Miss Eliza
beth Craig. From this union ten
children were born two of
whom are deceased Sarah V., who
died when three 3-ears old, and
Julia F., who died in infancy. The
survivors are as follows: Edwin A.
married Miss Oella Black, daughter
of Dr. John Black of this city; John
M. married Miss Cornelia F. Good
rich; Elizzie H. is the wife of Hon.
Orlando Tefift; Lee C. is residing at
home, while William W. married
Miss Maggie Gaffney, and Mary S.
and Kate L. reside at their home in
Power.for Small Boats.
The novel feature cf a new elec
tric boat, the idea of a french
engineer, is a sea-water battery.
The zinc and copper plates are
under the boat, and can be raised
or lowered by pulleys, serving as a
kind of keel while at the same time
driving a propeller by means of a
SALESMEN. Energetic men
wanted. Free prepaid outfit One
of our agents has earned orer $20,
000 in five years.
P. O. Box 1371, New York.
Doealt'Pay td.RaTse SpeecTHorses?
Kpitor Hkkald It has been said
by . parties 'With ' little or no experi-
t Met nidi 11 uwc-j iiui 1'OJr - iniov-
. .
speed Horses, ism looKing t tirougn
some noted turf papers I find a list i a ;,.,. y0.r man in nil respects iin
of seventy-one head of ttotting object ionuhlc. All the girls anil ma
horses, that sold at prices from j trons in the country sy mpathized with
$t,C3 up to 150,C:0, or an average of j ln' ,1o'(
a.........! . . ... ..... .!lttlie.h
.T" .fi.vft.- THr 1 1 . : 1 1 1 . mi - iimt hi
$Ut),o4S ner head. Also a list of
seventy-live thoroughbreds, at an
average of $.'U),KK) per head. Now if
those parties who make this cry
had a 3-year-old to sell for $105,000.
I or a 2-year-old for $150,0t.J, what a
I rli'ino- it vi'fkiilfl tti:l-. in tbeir
c iiiulenanees! You would not see
them sittinir around on street
: corners or hear them condemning
i this class of horses, but they would
be attending some of the great sales
i trying lo get another, to sell for
like figures. Now if raising the
speed horse does not pay, figures
surely be.
Hoping this will find room in
yonr valuable paper, I am
Yours Respectfully,
John Clemmons.
- hanse in Firm
Mr. N. G Chilberg, formerly of
K-iiincy, Nebraska, this aliernoon arrangements whereby
he takes charge of J. P. Young's
store, having purchased the stock
from Mr. Young. Mr. Chilberghas
taken possession of the store and
will jut in a larger stock than car
ried by Mr. You tig. Mr. Young will
continue in the management of the
opera house for the present. Mr.
Chilberg's wife and child are vis
iting in Kearney, but will arrive
here as soon as Mr. Chilberg can
obtain a suitable house. The
IIekald welcomes Mr. Chilberg
and family to our midst.
Kllenbaum vs. Bilstein was fret
for trial to-day before Judge
Archer, but it failed to materialize.
The transcript has not been filed
with judge Archer as yet, but may
be before night.
George Mathews a lad of fifteen
yea.-s of age was brought in from
j Klmwood this morning. He was
j brought before Judge Kamsey on
the charge of incorrigibility. The
boy took $25 from his moiher Sun
day and siaried for the west. He
got as far as O'Neal, when he was
st'jppcd and sent home,
Out of the
iF-3 he he had $7.'J0 left. The boy
was brought 111 by ms mot tier wiio
says he is beyond her control. On
account of facts existing! a the case
and upon promise of the boy that
he would do better Judge Ramsey
discharged him and he returned
home with his mother, a better and
wiser boy.
The county commissioners tp-day
bought a ticket for a man as far as
Creston. The fellow is sick and
lives in Ottumwa. He has friends
in Crestou and can go the rest of
the way.
County Clerk Frank Dickson is
busv with an increased making
out the assessors books.
La Crippe.
No healthy person need fear any
dangerous consequences irom an
attack of la grippe if properly
treated. It is much the same as a
severe cold and requires precisely
the-same treatment. Kemam quiet
ly at home and take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy as directed for a se
vere cold and a prompt and com
plete recovery is sure to follow,
This remedy also counteracts any
tendency of la grippe to result in
pneumonia. Among tne many
thousands who have used it during
the epidemics of the past two years
we have yet to learn of a single
case that lias not recovered or that
has resulted in pneumonia. 25 and
50 cent bottles for sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Work was began yesterday on the
new depot at Cedar Creek. The
building will be two stories and the
up stairs will be devoted to a dwel-
ing for the ag-?nt.
The population of Plattsmouth
Is about 10,000, add we would say
at least neo-half are troubled with
some effection on the throat and
lungs, as those complaints are, ac
cording to staaistics, more numer
ous than others. We would advise
all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their drug
gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal
sam for the throat and lungs. Trial
size free. LargeBottle 50c- and $1.
Sold by all druggist.
The regular meeting of the M. K.
Aid Society will be held to-morrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Wm
Atwood on Main' between Eighth
and Ninth streets.
Go to the doctor and get a pre
scription; then go to Brown & Bar
rett's and get it nlled. tf
The Hndsomest;Udy In Platttmouih
Remarked to a .friend the other
day that she knew Kemp's Balsan
for the throat and lungs was a su
perior ' remedy, as it stopped her
coucrh instantly when other cough
remedies had no effect whatever. So
to prove this and convince you of
iis merit, any druggist will give you
a sample bottle free. Large size nOc
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale by F. l.
Fricke & Co.
Her Wit IlnVlaml Cli.CIirsTr'tB
that Won Her Hand.
I ,. si i i . t-
A IkjI.1 Kent tick v Colonel was the
... . n ... ;,,,.- w,, ,ovimi
the lovers, ana tne gossips pronounceu
ipmest affajr -in tho, .line ol
- . . . ..
marrying that had .been beard or lor
a long time, but the Colonel was an j
obstinate in:in, With a very red oountc- j
nance, lierce gray eyes and a nose
somewhat mottled and purple
from the Ion;: habit of 'generous pota
tions of Bourbon.
The more he heard of the courtship
the more he swore that he would have
uo such puppy for son-in-law, and the
voting man got into such a state that
he was afraid to see his betrothed ex
cept surreptitiously, and both were
afraid to open tho subject to tjie Col
onel. Happily, when the path of true
lovers does not run smooth, owing .to
the opposition of a cruel parent, the
misery of the situation heightens the !
delight, and so the wretehed, happy
couple went on day by day, as tens of
thousands have done before.
The stolen interview and the sur
reptitious note, and the ugony anil '
fear and the. constant suspense made
the hours glow with remorse, but
anon, the Colonel learned through one j
nf the 'ossiis that, he was likely to be j
a father-in-law without his consent
lie stalked up and down the hall unit-
4. .....1 ..w-. ...1 ! i . i-,.noit liin i r i t
effectTthat this was the first time in
his life that he had ever been opposed,
and, by Jupiter and all the other gods,
it would be the last! Then he sent for
his friend the Major, and the two
worthies discussed whether the pre
sumptuous rascal should be horse
whipped, shot on sight or politely
slaughtered according to the code.
The last method was determined on,
and a challenge delivered to the
enemy, with an explanation of the con
descension that accorded the chival
rous terms, "as a lady's honor was
concerned, sir."
But a woman's quick wit, always
sharper under the inspiration of love
and romance, suggested a rising act
of tragedy. 'Twixt smiles and tears
the maiden implored her lover to obey
her wishes, say ing: "You know, dear,
how obstinate papa is: the only way I
can get anything is to pretend not to
want it, and it was just so with
mamma when she lived. Now, do
you understand?"
In the mean time the Colonel and
the Major prepared to make worms'
meat of the poor lover.
I he proposed fatal morning dawned;
I the gentlemen were promptly on the
irrotiml aim the ceremonies were
i about to proceed as usual, when the
lover's friend approached tho blood-
! tlurgty Coiom4 with great formality-
I an,l said: "Colonel, mv friend has done
you a wrong which he proposes to re
pair without the loss of his life, which
.......1.1 . lw 1.-.
, yo -huv Jt is triic that he has
(ierlineil to marrv her. and"
"lias ueclincu to ' but tne mon
strosity of the thing choked the Col
onel out of utterance.
"Yes; and he desires to offer an
apology and "
"Apology!" shouted the Colonel.
"Hang his apology! to marry
a Kentucky gentleman's daughter! liy
all the infernal gods, we'll see about
that! Major, get me a preacher, sir,
and a church, and all that sort of thing,
mighty quick. There'll be a wedding,
sir, or a funeral in less than half an
hour. Not- a word, gentlemen. I
don't like a puppy for a son-in-law, but
my honor shall be vindicated."
Of course the Colonel had his way,
but if he ever ihids out the hoax he
will burst a blood vessel or fall dead
of apoplexy. Cincinnati Counncrcial
Not in tne Bible.
Not long ago I was riding along a
mountain trail (it shouldn't be digni
lied with the name of road) in Carter
county, east Tennessee, says a writer
in the Philadelphia when an old
fallow darted out from the door of a
low cabin, jumped the rail fence in
front, and came tearing down toward
me as if a marshal had b;;eii in close
pursuit. "Hello, stranger, stay cr
minute!" he yelled, gesticulating wild
ly with his right hand, but never
breaking his gait. I drew rein. lift
cam? up. pulling and Plowing, wilu
his eyes quivering with wild excite- j
incut. "Say, mister (pant, pant), is
it so?" "Is what so?" I returned. I
"Whv, han't ye hearn?" "Heard I
what?" was my astonished rejoinder.
"I guess if ye an't hearn it ean't be
so," and a hopeful light dawned in his
anxious eyes. "I don't know what
you're inquiring about, I'm sure," I
spoke. "What is it you want to
know?" "Jz it so or iz it not now, no
fooling iz it or iz it not so that Gin
eral Jackson is dead?" "I think he
is," I replied, with as much solemnity
as 1 could muster.
"Wall, it's awful 1
ter think uv, a'nt it?" spoke the old J
fellow, gloomily. "Yes, it's bad." 1
"Are you shore, though, it iz so?" "I
read it." "What did ve read it in?
Ther Bible?" "No." "Oh, well, I'd
hafter read it in the Bible thet the ole
gineral hed pegged out 'fore I'd her
lieve it. That ar report's jis' been put
out ter keep us ole fellers from votin'
fer him so's they cud git our votes fer
some other d d feller fer preser-
dint. Good-by, stranger." And the
old man returned toward the house.
well satisfied that Jackson reigned.and
as a consequence tne government at
Washington still lived.
Moving a Big Rock.
One of the biggest rocks ever moved
in the course of railroad construction
in this country was recently excavated
on the line of the Mexican Southern by
CoL Camar. The Lower Californian
sayg the giant bewlder was 120 feet in
height and measured 1,000 cubic
meters. Six dynamite cartridges were
placed under the rock after the men
had excavated as much earth as possi
ble, and were fired one after another.
At the sixth explosion the hig fellow
rolled over out. of theway.
tu vw if A fyl&Af'nFl iWw
' ' York Xctifaa.
Seeing NnUieM 'Henry frisk about
mi the.sTujje f'W nights ago remind
ed men tu obscure admirer of herH
whs, is buried in the Virginia mount
ains, savs .Ji'in Merry in tho- N. nY.
World. His has -never told his lovo"
and probably never will, but it is none
the l-sA for all' .hat.
; More than a year a'g; 'I found niy-m-U,
just as darkness was falling, at tho
door of a cabin in the heart of ths
mountains. My horse was. tired and
bo was I. Titey b.ok mo in and kept .
me over night.' I needn't tell you how J
I slept witu the Lou or'rwulv'e members
of Lh mouaUwieer'rt family, aud how
we all washed in the bume tin basin iu
the. morning. .That's another utory.
But 1 do want to tell you of the work
of art which hung on the log walls. It
wad a poster, representing Nellie Mc
Ilenry. It was old. and stained and
time worn, but it was the shrine at
which the oldest 8011 of tho house wor
"Shep ain't study-in1 about marry
in'," said his mother to mo next morn
ing, "littt he does 'low that ef ho met
that gal he'd think a heap o' Iter, lie's
a ra'l fool 'bout thet, V won't hev it S
tuck down, nohow. He 'lows tome
day 't he'll go out in the worl' tuh lin'
So if a tall, raw-boned mountaineer
with flowing locks and a determined
look penetrates Nellie's seelusion some
1 day she may know that it's her Vir-
' rri at 1 1 1 s I'D t Muit in I lm 1 r 1 ' ftuli tf r'
her." For I told him where she could
be seen.
Site AnkiMl Tor w Sl rii, and
It Wan Clvn
I stood alone looking at the uncon
scious face before me, which was dis
tinctly visible, though the light was
heavily shaded to keep the glare from
the dying eyes, writes Sarah A. Under
wood in the Arena. All her life my
friend had been a Chmtian believer,
with an unwavering faith in a. life be
yond this, and for her sake a bitter
grief came up.n me, because, so far as
1 could see, there were no grounds for
that belief,. 1 thought 1 could more
casly let her go out into the unknown
if I could but feel that her hope would
be realized, and I put into words this
I pleaded that if there were any of
her own departed ones present at this
supreme moment could they not, and
would they not, give me some least
.sign that such was the fact, and I
would be content? .Slowly over the
dying one's face spread a mellow,
radiant mist I know of 110 other way
to describe it. In a few moments it
covered the dying face as with a veil,
ami spread in a circle of about a foot
beyond, over the pillow, the straugo
yellowish-white light all the more dis
tinct from the partial darkness of tne
Then from the center of this, im
mediately over the hidden face, ap
peared an apparently living face, with
smiling eyes which looked directly in
to mine, gazing at rn with a look so
full of comforting assurance that I
could scarcely feel frightened. But it
was so real and strange that I wondered
if 1 were temporarily crazed, and as it
disappeared I called a Watcher from
another room, and went into th'e open
air for a few moments to recover my
self under the midnight stars.
When I was sure of myself I return
ed, and took my plaee again alone.
Then I akcd that, if that appearance
were real an 1 not a hallucination,
would it he made onee more manifest
to me: and again the phenomenon was
repi-1. land t!i kind smiling face
! .. ' . ;.. s 1 ' .'a ' - i:';'., yet won
Itecdly Quite Men-Aru.
It was in the New York Central
depot. A well-div-v-d lady with her
J..Utlc Lord l'aimt'.T- . ton approached
lh-3 door l"a ding to an oitfg liv.g train.
Both were laden with bundle.-?. A
railroa 1 olu.-ial iod iv the door.
"Open the ( ):r or I'll p:i:ieh your
he'.d," ee.i::ji. d J'ai! :j Li 'i ray in a very
sv.'ag.:r oi.-... a.'i-l the oi'i a.':iu.:d
b- t!:e .-dvt-.;r-i! i's an !.. i!.', coi:-s--)iei
to beeome d )i !:. '; - f r the
oi-rvi- ion and eo::::!i 1.
j Tim mother t-nowed that she. wus
1 angry as sh.- swept thro'tgii .tin. door,
I and as it clo.-'ed s:i...-.l I-'aii.ii'-ro'
tiit; hhoill ders a;id shook hi:;l se
el v.
"Aren't you a-diaiTK:d of yourself,"
she asked, "lo be so imp oiile to ti.
gentleman ?"
"Sho, mamma. " replied Fauntleroy,
"I was only jest foolin'. I wouldn't,
'a' punched him!" Strnruse Journal.
Mark Twain's lirother.
Mark Twain has a brother living in
Keokuk, Iowa, who is absent-minded
enough for Mark to "put in a book."
It is related that he drank violet ink
for blackberry cordial and took an al
lopathic dose of ammonia instead of
his cough medicine; but his latest
absent-minded adventure occurred
last summer when his wife had gone
to a Sunday school picnic.
Mrs. Clemens instructed her hus
band that he would find his lunch
nicely prepared in the refrigerator.
On her way home she inquired of Mr.
Clemens as to his bachelorhood and
how he had enjoyed his lunch.
Well," said Mr. Clemens, "I didn't
think the salad you spoke of was espe-,
cially good, but I ate it."
Mrs. Clemens discovered that he
had "eaten it," indeed, that is, the
yeast put to raise for the next day's
baking, while the salad remained un
touched. Chinese Tea Culture.
It is estimated that l.K).0J0,000 of
the Chinese people are engaged in the
culture, preparation, sale, carriage
and exportation of tea. and theirtnl
terests are adrer.?:v aiTeeted by the
rialry in of.wr n: utries.
The snail has the greatest number
of teeth. It has been proved to posses
30,000 in its month, which without a
glass looks very innocent.
1 "
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