v- The i lattsmoutb r Hsrall' TUKSDAY, KKBR17ARY 10. 181J2 National Convention Delegates Ah the date for holding the repub lican national convention ap proaches interest in the great event naturally increases. The national republican conven tion will meet in Minneapolis on Tuesday, June 7, for the purpose of nominating candidates for presi ilent and vice president. The call issued by the national committee last November states that each Htate will he entitled to four delegates at large and for each representative in congress two delegates. This will give Nebraska sixteen delegates in the convention. The method of selecting these delegates j is also provided for in the class issued bv the committee. Thedelc- irnteH to be selected from each con- gressional district shall be chosen at the conventions called by the' congressional committees in IIiom- congressional districts and the del- , cgates at large from each state tdiall be chosen by state conven tions convened for that partictdar purpose, llie state conventions called for this purpose must be called not less than thirty days prior to the national convention, and not less than twenty days, pub lie notice must be given of these conventions. The republicans of Nebraska are already making the necessary pre paration lor the national conven tion. Four of the six congressional committees have already called their district conventions and the other two will probably come into line very soon. Kach of the six congressional districts will choose two delegates and the state conveu- tion will elect four, making a dele- gation of sixteen. This is a gain of six over the delegation of four years ago. The tate central committee will meet February 20 at the Millard to decide upon the basis of represen tation in the state convention. There is a difference of opinion as to what state vote shall be taken as a basis of representation. Sotneare in favor of taking the vote on Judge Post, others on Mr.' Marple for regent, and others will insist on going back to the vote on Attorney General Hastings in 18' J. In other states the usaere has been to take the vote of president at the last presidential election. The vote for Harrison in 1888 would come nearer indicating the republican senti ment on national issues than the vote for state officers, which has a large amount of personality and local prejudice in it. Sent to the Poor House. Kdward Jensen, a Dane about 40 years old, from Manley this county was last night sent to the poor house, . The unfortunate man has a white swelling on his right leg, and is in such a condition that he is helpless. His friends at Manley made up a purse and sent him to Omaha, but there they refused to accept him and referred him back to this county. He then went to Lincoln but meet with the same re sults. He arrived in this city last evening on the flyer made applica tion anu was taKen to tne poor house. A gang of swindlers have been operating quite extensively among the farmers of Johnson county, of late. Their plans is to sell articles of general merchandise at a very low price taking therefor the note of the buyerl The purchaser looks expectantly for the goods, but they never arrive, and upon investiga tion he finds that the notes have been sold, and the public benefac tor has skipped to parts unknown It is high time that our farmers were learning to purchase goods of home-dealers, and not encourage aS ai a great expense to the citi-1 after perfection in singing and un these sneak-fakes in their nefarious zens of that city, was going fo be J der her no one could fail to make work. Rush &. Pickett's Burlesque Co. The Paris Gaiety Girls' Burlesque company is giving an enjoyable performance at the People's. The nagement was inaugurated last evening under favorable auspices. "The bill abounds in vaudeville features, burlesque ami extrava ganza, varied and amusing. - Mil waukee Evening Wisconsin. Don't fail to see this company at the opera house next Thursday night. Prices, '.i. and 75 cents. Bound for Columbus. The Plattsmouth delegation to the G. A. R- encampment held in J Columbus. Nebraska. IVbruary JStli, 19th ami 20th left this morning- Following are those who went: Assistant OuarterMaster General Streight and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Tartsch, Mr. ami Mrs. 11. C. Mc Maken, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carrigan. 2Ir.and Mrs. M. A. Dixon and Ceo. JCiles. Wall paper! 1 A Co's. wall paper! at tiering tf PERSONAL ILC. Smith went morning on fvo. 5, to Omaha this . C. K. Vescott left this morning for Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. W. N. McLennan went to Omaha this morning on No. 5. Henry Weckbach and Wm. Web er went to Omaha this morning. Joe Klein and A. W. White went to Omaha thin morning on No. 5. W. A. Hoeck. the sloe man, was a passenger for Omaha this morn ing. .Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Vauatta left on No. 5 this morning for York, Ne braska. Mrs. Joe llawksworth departed for her home in McCook this morn ing. It. A. McKlvvain and Steve Buzel were passengers for Omaha this morning. Frank Courscy, superintendent of t le water works, was a passenger "r Omaha this .iiornuig. Oswald Guthman was on the streets the first time to-day since lie hurt his foot some three weeks ago. Mrs. Snodgrass, of Pennsylvania, who has been visiting wi:h her brothers, Anderson and James Root of Murray, deparied for her home this morning. Mrs. Harry Holconib arrived in the city last evening and will here after make her home here. Mr. Holcomb is one of Yardmaster Cas- sidy's most efficient switchmen. To Rent. I WANTED A desirable house of i six or eiirht rooms, in a desirable location. Knquire at this pflice. 2t World's Fair Notes. Regulations for exhibitors in the several departments of the exposi tion have been issued and can be obtained 'jy all intending exhibi tors by applying for them, either in person or by mail. Queen Margaret of Italy has promised to loan her famous col lection of rare laces for exhibition at the fair. Cevlon will conduct a tea house on Midway Plaisance. Iowa, in its exhibit at the exposi tion, will show the various forms in which corn products are useful as food, and also the processes of their preparation. The enormous steel trusses to sustain the roof of the manufac tures buildinsr are about to be erected. These trusses are the largest ever made for architectural purposes, ihey span dos teet ana rse to a height or li teet. tne contract for them calls for about $ieo,c: ) II. Gloster Armstrong, of London, is in Chicago, making application for space upon which to show a re production of the Tower of London, or rather the most interesting por tions of it, such as the "White Tower," "Beaucham'p Tower," rn.ir.ir flraon " "TfoJlni-o1 Ha4a " air- He represents a company willing to expend $250,. "3 in the enterprise. The society for the promotion of physical culture and correct dress has applied for nineteen hundred square teet ot lloor space in the woman's buildiug to make an ex hibit. The exhibition by the socie ty will by means of statuary, photo graphs, pictures, and cases con taining costumes. The applica tion says as the aims of the society are educational it would prefer not oeing ciasseu wmi reiorms or charities. nuon s catarrn remedy a pos- mve cure tatarrh, .Diphtheria and Canker mouth. lor sale by t. . Fricke & Co. Trouble at Weeping Water. The citizens of Weeping Water are greatly stirred up over the rumor mat tne iooie sewintr machine and manufacturing plant that was located there three years moved to another place for the pur pose of raising another bonus The factory lias been closed for some time on a chattel mortgage bid in by the company. Weeping Water people have investsd many nousanus ot dollars in this factory anu win no uouni invest many more before the' will permit its re moval, as the company guaranteed to run the same for twenty years if 1 Ml . 1 . A the citizens would donate thirty acres ot land and erect the build ing, which they did. From present indications and the broad asser tions of many who have invested heavily in the concern, there will be a big suit before the machinery is taken. There is strong hope that a com pa 113' at Lincoln will succeed in purchasing the plant, and if so they agree to resume operations at Weeping Water. Going to Hastings. March I will move 1113- stock of hardware to Hastings. Aeb.. ami to avoid moving will sell an- goods I have at prices never before heard of. Conn earl' and avoid the rush, tf j. Finley Johnson. r f ' T7ATER WORKS SOLD. The Net raska City Water Works Have Been Sold. EXPFKIMKNTHI I I'll SUCCESS OLher Nab aska News of Interest Fox Pleads Guilty A man Takes a Dose cf Morphine At Fremont Sold the Waterworks. Nebraska City, Niiu., Feb. 15. The Nebraska City waterworks, which have been in litigatioti for 8 tine time pas!, were sold under decree of court this morning. Re presentative f eastern capital were present and the biding was spirited. S.a'-tiiig at $07 .CCD, they were iitially kn eked down to K. Kllery Anderson for $151, OCX). Mr. Anderson is a well known eastern politician and says exte isive ini proveinents will at once be made in tlie plant. t xpenmentud With Success. Beatrice, Nl-r.., Feb. 15 George Greer, living two miles north of this city, has just produced forty gallons of excellent maple syrup , from a soit maple tree grown on ' his place. The syrup possesses to a marked degree that genuine j maple j maple flavor known only to the tree product. This, is be- lieved. is the largest quantity of maple syrup ever manufactured in Gage county from one farm, ! though smaller quantities have been made in years pasi from maple trees grown in the county. The success of Mr. Greer's experi ment is interesting from the fact that it opens up another possibility lor the wonderful productiveness of Nebraska soil. Preparing for the Contest. Ashland, Ned., Feb. 15. The literary society of the high school is making extensive arrangements for the second oratorical contest with the literary society of the .Wahoo schools to be held in this cit3' Macrh IS. Both schools are working hard and the contest will be close and exci.ing. Professor Rakestraw takes Charge. N'iCRASKA City, Neb., Feb. 15. Professor C. D. Rakestraw took charge of the asylum for the blind this morning, vice Processor Par malee. Mr. Rakestraw wUl make but few changes in instructors at the institution. Plead not Guilty. South Omaha, Neb., Feb. 15 Nathan Fox, the man who mur dered his wife and attempted to fate his own, was arraigned before Judge Davis Saturday and plead not guilty. His attorney made ap plication for leave to take deposi tions of witnesses, which was granted. Fox was then remanded to await trial. Took Morphine. Fremont, Neb., Feb. 15. Billy 'Williams, alias Bill Wilson, took a dose of morphine last night. Wil son had become infatuated with one of the soiled doves of the "bad lands" and the course of their love not running smooth, he sought to emigrate. Sleepness night made miserable by that terrible caugh Shilohs rem edy is the cure for you, by F. G Frick. and O II Snyder. 2 Musical. A very "commendable movement is on foot toward the organization of a city musical society. Our best musicians and singers are interest ed in the project and The Herald would be pleased to note the suc cess of the same. Mrs. S. E. Clapp, the well known and accomplished instructress in vocal culture, of Omaha, has been invited to take charge of a large class of aspirants improvement in the profession. A meeting for organization is called for Thursday evening at the M E, church when the society will be or- ganizated with a charter member- ship of over fifty singers. Patti's Engagement Cancelled From this morning's Omaha Bee, The Herald learns that the en gagement for the appearance of Madame Adelina Patti next Satur- dajr night has been cancelled. Af ter a visit to the Colesiuni the ad vance agent ueoueu tnat it was wholly unsuited for the proposed entertainment, particular!' the act from an opera. Negotiations are pending for the use of the Bo-d.but with no assurance of success. This will be a disappointment to several Plattsmouth people who had in tended to hear her Saturda even ing. SALESMEN. Energetic men wanted. Free prepaid outfit. One of our agents has earned over $20. 000 in five j'ears. P. O. Box 1.T7I. New York. mi" Hi i ' hi i 1 1 'i i pii. tu ii Ji . 1 " i ' Cj -''' Life's. Dread, Destroyer. Caste . a Gloom Over Cass County: ' Only two short weeks ago THE II .EKALi) made mention of. the fact that Hon S. I. K;rkpalrick, one of Cass county's most prominent citi zens, was visiting with friends in this city. Hut now THE IlEKALD is called upon to chronicle an event that casts a gloom over the entire county. Word was brought to the city this morning announcing that the I Ion. S. M. Kirkpatrick had j passed quietly away at his home in Nehi.vka at an early hour this morning. Mr. Kirkpatrick came to Nebraska in 1ST)U; was eleeied a member of the lirst legislature held in Nebraska and was a member of the con tiiiuioiial convention held in 187.1. The deceased was about 77 years old and died from the effects of a cold, superinduced by la gribpe. i he luneral will occur to-morrow from the lesidencein Nehawka, at 1 o'clock. It will pay you to. go to Drown & Barrett's and see those handsome oil paintings by our local artist, Peter K'lingson. They will be sent to Omaha in a few days. County Court. The lilite Works vs. Reed Bros. Co. Suit on account for $155.76. ( Default of defendant and judgment . for plaintiff. F. S. White vs. Mrs. M. S. Ward. Suit on account for $17.53. Answer, February 10, 10 a. in. j Francis McCourt vs. John Rob i bins et al. Suit on account for j $o4.35. Answer, February 15, 10 a. m. j J. M. Carter vs. B. A. Gibson. '. Suit in injunction. Restraining order granted. Kdward A. Sackett vs. Walter A. Cole et al. Suit on judgment for $430.38. Answer, March 7. Storj' & Her vs. Gus Nordville et al; suit on note for $402. Answer March 7. Amos G. Street vs.Reed Bros &Co. suit for work and labor in the sum of $539.16. Set for trial Feb. 17th at 10 a m. In the matter of he estate of James M. Wiles deceased. Hearing on peiition for appointment of Themas L. Wiles administrator Marsh 7 at 10 a. m. In the ma'tter of the guardianship of Lydia M. Austin, minor child of Joseph H. Austin deceased. Peti tion for appoinment of Elviu M. Austin guardian. Julius Pepperberg vs Michael S. Ryan; suit on account for $233.65 Answer march 7th. The State of Nebraska vs. George T. Dufiield; complained for larceny of a watch. Trial to court, found guilty and sentenced to State In dustrial school for juvenille of fenses. A. C. Bead vs. E. L. Reed et al; ac tion in injunction. Restraining order granted. Milton D. Polk vs Wm. Neville suit on account. Trial to court, ar gued and submitted. Selwain Kinkaed vs Singer Manu Licturintr Co.: suit on attachment Hearing Feb 21th at 2 p. m. Go to Gering & Co. for your pre scription work. tt Take your prescriptions to Brown & Barrett s to be tilled. tr Remember the base ball meeting at the council chamber to-night. The finest and most complete line of wall pjiper at Gering & Co. tf John Hanrahan will arrive from Cheyenne to-night to attend the funeral of his brother. A marriage license was issued to day to two prominent young pcoj pie of Union, Mr. f. S. Pittman and Miss Maggie Eikeubary. Benj. Elson will remove his stock of clothing from his present loca tion to the Wettenka tnp block, form erly occupied by the racket store; r Mr.' Hubert Janda and Miss Mary Dohat, two prominent young' peo ple living in Bohemian town, were married this morning at the Catho lic church. ; G. W. O'Neal of Pacific Junction lost a purse containing $50 in gold while changing cars in Omaha yesterday at the corner of Four teenth and Douglas streets. Sheriff Tighe left this morning for Lincoln with Mrs. John Briton who had recently been judged in sane by the insanity board, The sheriff's wife accompanied them. Judge Crites of Chadron was the guast of Judge Ramsey over night and departed on the 2 o'clock freight for Omaha to attend the banquet to be tendered Governor Bod to-night. The readers of The Herald will at once recognize in Joe Bruhl, a well known railroad emploj-ee, who has held good positions in various lines of road work, has bjr his exem plary conduct and meritorious ser vice worked up to, and deserved the promotion, fiom switchman to fire man, waich occurrcl l.iet week Joe is said to be the happiest man living. Base ball meeting tolrtJihtil Z Your presence Is requeued at ihev meeting ot trie council chamber tills even'.iig at S o'ciock. . W. A. Cleghorn, a prominent bus'ness man of Louisville, was in the c.:y to-day. . .;. ' . '; c Go to the doctor andf get . a pre scription; then go to 'Brown & Bar rel's and get it tilled, tf' - The funeral of Tom Hanrahan, who died yesterday of lung fever, will occur to-morrow at 10 o'clock from the Ca.'holic church. FYiends of the family are cordially invited. All are invited to attend he leap 3-ear dancing pariy at Rockwood hall February 29, under the aus pices cf SJ. Agnes Guild. Dance tickets, $1; oysiers, 50 cents; admis sion, to those not holding dance tickets, 25 cents. Tickets on sale at Gering's d'-ug store. Kismet. It was on an elect ric car. hound from IIar anl square l l!u.iuii. lie was a buseeptthle Harvard student, tdie as pretty a irl as yon could wish to see. lie wore an innr aculate white scarf and was ami cd like a lily of the field.' She had brown eyes that extended hack to her soul, and she knew how to use them. She left the car at the central gate of the Common, and he sighed and watched her through the ear win dow until she was out of sight. An hour later he was strolling through West street viewing the shop pers with a critical eye. Suddenly, from the mysterious interior of a dry goods store, a bundle in her h nid, her cheeks Hushed with the ardor of the chase, she came forth, fairer than be fore. And underneath the immacu late scarf he felt a joyous commotion. At 1 o'clock he was at the Adams House, and, as in duty hound, made a cursory examination of the ladies' (lin ing room. He had inspected scarcely half the tables when his heart stopped, and his eye was riveted. Just under neath a mirror she sat, divested of her wraps, and nothing short of ravishing. "It is fate," said he, and stared at her until there was danger of the head waiter calling the police. At 4 o'clock he was hurrying up Tremont street in the overture of a threatening rain storm, hound for i'ark square. In front of the Tremont Theatre lie thought of his immaculate scarf and line raiment, and sought shelter in a doorway. Another moment and the world around him grew misty. She stood beside him. her skirts in hand and de spair in her face, without mackintosh or umbrella to shield her from the rain. He glanced at her a moment, rolled up his $12 trousers and departed on a run. A few doors down the street was a furnishing store. He dashed into it. "Give me an umbrella, quick," he said. "Here is one," said the clerk, "t.SO, genuine natural wood and " "Hang the wood," said he. He dived into his pocket. A $2 bill, two ones ami 15 cents in c hange. "Call it $4.45. It's all I've got." "All right," said the clerk. He threw down the money and rushed back to the doorway. She was gone. Then he raised his umbrella and'start ed to walk to Cambridge. Boston Herald. The Lawyer's Ghost, A lawyer and a bishop (perhaps the bishop should come first) were talk ing, and this was the manner of their talk: "I have become thoroughly con vinced," said the lawyer, "of the exist ence of nocturnal apparitions, for I have seen one!" "Dear me!" exclaimed the bishop. "I am very curious. Relate the story." "I will, my lord. I will," said the lawyer. "It was between the hours of eleven and twelve. I had gone to bed, and was just falling into my lirst com fortable sleep, when I was wakened by a strange creaking noise. It sound ed as if some one was walking up stairs! Tle steps sounded nearer and nearer, slmver and slower; solemn and they halted at "my door. I drew the J sheet over my head, and lay there 1 trembling, not daring to move. "Something," continued the lawyer, "entered my room, and I threw the sheet over my face. I felt rather than saw a faint yellow glimmering light. I could not move at first, but I presently managed to gain a little courage. I drew the sheet cautiously down from my face, and looked!" "Well!" cried the bishop, excitedlj'. "In the center of the room," said the lawyer, slowly, "stood a tall old man. He seemed gaunt and worn with age or hunger, and his long gray beard hung half wav down his breast. He was dressed in a queer loose cloak with broad leather ' a cane, and he wore a band about his waist. In one hand he held a peculiarly shaped lantern, from which flowed the yellow light, making strange ghostly shadows on the wall behind him. In the other hand he held a staff, the look of which was un pleasant. He stood still in the middle of the floor, looking at me. Presently I said, 'Whence art thou? What dost thou require?''" And what did he sav?" cried the bishop, lixing his eyes upon the odd expression of the lawyer's face. "He said" replie'd the lawver. speaking in a hoarse whisper -"he said: '1 beg yer pardon, sur. I'm the watchman of the street, sur; an' I thought 'twould be best for me, sur, to come up an1 tell yer that yer front door stood open! If ye do be" lavin' it that way, sur, it's bad luck ye'U have before the mornin'!"" Harper's Young People. Old IViisionors at Detroit. One widow of a revolutionary soldier and seventeen survivors of the" war of 112 draw pensions at the Detroit oilice. V fiUYlMpq HfrT. f) OdIJ van !! ) It vi InV tnMUirfery store on Sixth avenue, . nays ',M. Quad in the N. X. Worir "l'ly i'ii vw, Iitindn-ds of Lata anl ljnnctn in plain sight, but Msho 'stood and looked around sho gently In uulreflr I)o' you keep millinery here" . The you rig lady Lwho advanced could have, deceived Iht by replying that it' was a cooper-shop or a hard ware storpbut she diduX and I gave her a long: cre-rtiti mark for her hon esty. She placed chair before the glass, : motioned her caller to 1 sit down, and began to open the 'ease.". The lirst hat brought out had a pale green complexion and 'was frotu Paris hadnt gotten over being seasick yet.' No go. Tlie lady tried it on and stuck up her nose at herself iu the glass. t The' second hat was'a coy'and'bash ful affair and for five minutes the lady tried to make" herself t hink it carried her back to her girlhood. ' No use. The third hatJwas as black as a pirate's heart, ' with a good deal of open work lying around loose on top. Perfect circulation of winter atmos phere guaranteed. Didn't charge for the hat, but for the open work. I'rice for tile open work, f:i5. No sale. "I want something tasty," said the lady as she looked at her teeth in the glass. The girl brought a big blue felt, which would have mado a nice cover for a salt barrel. Ruled off the track at once. "Haven't you something to match my complexion P" She had. She brought out a hat trimmed with leather-colored ribbons. It was a per fect match, but the lady wan only seven minutet deciding that her hus band wouldn't like her in that hat. Then she tried a little black hat on her left ear. Seemed at first to have hit the mark, but soon grew despond ent. Next came a hat which covered both ears. Thought for awhile that it might do, but linely concluded that it would not. Sat down with a sigh. Arranged her bangs and examined a pimple on her chin, and then tried on a sort of Continental cocked hat. Instinctively winked at herself in the giddy. irll iu Then she tried on something sedate and dignified something very bocom incr to the mother of seven children. As she hadn't but live she went back on the hat. At the fourteenth hat the lauy look ed hopeful. At the seventeeth she had seemingly lost all hope. At the twenty-fifth" she chirked up a little, but after laying aside the twenty-ninth she donned her own, examined her eyes and teeth and the end of her nose in the glass, aiid went out with the remark that she'd call again. "What was her object?" I asked of the proprietor. "Nothing; women never have any object!" he quietly re plied. Grasshopper's Legs in Ilia Lye. Dr. Baldwin say: "One day a rail road engineer came into my office in great pain. He 1 had a bandage wver his right eye. 'tarn suffering fright fully. doctor,1 he said, 'with my eye. There is something in it. I was run ning my engine at a high rate of speed, with my head out of the cab window, looking down the track to see that there was no obstruction. I passed through a lot of grasshoppers, and one of them struck me in the eye.1 I ex amined the man's eye, and, sure enough, the legs of the hopper had penetrated the poor fellow's eye and were giving him great pain. The eaw-like legs had almost completely filled up the eye. I plaeed him under the iiuliiejice of ether and began the operation of extracting the grasshop pers legs. After a tedious job I suc ceeilea in removing the impediment, and the man got well without his sight being aCected." (Jlobc - Demo crat. Modern AV!tcbei;;ft in Salem. During a recent rainstorm in Salem. Mass., electricity played some queer pranks at Porter's market, .-ays the Portland Tritni:rift. On the roof of the building is a eot!ic-iihe. During the storm a towel blew from this line and lodged upon an e!ectric-lightiiig wire below. IJeinir wet, it wound around the wire and the electr P:issed th"2 ' lt " 'J"'" icity into I the ground, where it came in contact I with the water-pipes leading into the building. It ran along the pipes and the first ! thing it encountered in the basement .....c .. 1.... 1.. -.1 . 1. :i nas a yri ui net idii n nil 11 n n mill ing on the stove. The lard was illu minated and the young man in charge thought it must be burning.. lie started to remove it from the stovr and received a shock that sent him against the basement walls. Pale with fright, he rushed upstairs, where a fellow-workman, noting his pallor, reached for the water-faucet to get a glass of water. No sooner had ne to'1000! the faucet than lie had oc- casion to picK nimseii up rrom a far corner of the room. For a few moments everything seemed turned into an electric bat tery. The nails in the wall became red, electricity flew from the water pipes and flashed around the bands oil the water-pail.. At length some one found the cause of the trouble and the towel was re moved. Unaccountable Delay? In the daj'S when the stage was still the prevailing mode of travel iu the West, a traveller one day grew in censed at the slow progress made by the vehicle in which he was a passen- fer. Remonstrating with the stage river, he said: "What's the matter with the team this trip? We're going, a- slow y.-j 4 iew r-ngianu prayer-meenng. 1 was over this route ten years ago, and we went fast enough then." Ve do 8eem to be git tin' a leet! less hump on nurse's than we did then, fur a fae", pard." sajl the driver; "but the why of it beats me. These here's the ulentirnl hrwo we lied then." Harper Mwpiziuc.