inc ridiibuiuuiu twraw. TUESDAY. FKBRUARY 0, Return Party. A return leap year party in liotior of the young lali('H wan given laHt vn i 11 at tin residence of H. A. Mi K w tin. It wan one if the inont eiijox .ilile events of the season. The following is a list of those present: Alvin ToM, Mahle Young, Henry W. idiii.m, I'lla KiUenbary, Ivl Tntt. May Kikenhary, Frank White, The Council Met Last Evening And Transacted Considerable Business. The council met last night at ll'e council chamber in regular hi a-ion P-esent Mayor Richey, Clerk Fox a ii' I cnuncilmeii Salisbury, Gutsche Minor, Petersen. Murphy, Jones of the find. Jones of the second, I,ar He i. lintwn and Dove. Minuter of the last regular and special meeting were read and af ter considerable argument the min utes, of the special meeting were Mainiuie Sullivan, John Flli-on, Hatlie Mai ley, IM Seibert, Blanche J approved T raver, John Johnson, Virgie Tutt, A lnMilion wns rea,i froiI1 Sam Fscher, Mam 1 koyce, Dan Mc-jdeiM of (m. third ward a-kingfor Callan, Kdith Duv..ell, Roy lcFd- ! a sidewalk aong the south side of wain, Hello Veriniiyea, ueo. Thomas, Hiigcnia Marshall, Klmer JCikeubary, Icach, Art Sul livan, Alice IVt rsen, Tom ju.wi, j .innjf n.i.-i, uies-ireet commissioner was or- Minnie White, ChaM. Hyatt. Minnie ! h..-e), t ; ., criti,li :it tj,e T7ne Seventeenth Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dull Appropri ately Observed' at Their Home near Murray. The .social event of the season wn the celebration of the seven teenth wedding: anniversary of Mr and Mrs. W. K. Dull, at their pleas ant home one mile east of Murray. Seventeen years of happy married life had passed over their heads on F 'bruary 3, 1802. Such a successful veil tiro upon the uncertain sea of j matrimony was felt to be worthy of j j commemoration by their many friend. invita.ions were sent out, several days previous, to a. large circle of friends, and those who held these white-winded messages were anxious for the day to come, and while the sun was shedding- idTOE' S lot 11. block 134 on Pearl street, be 4 .... 'r .i t f .. t .... .. iwren ii-iiui iiuu ivifvciui. i t-r its sinning rays on tne eartn, peo- run- , petitioners granted and sidewmk j pie began to fill the house.bringing Chap- oi.-red milt. with them baskets laden with food, 1:MAMM0TH - WAX - CANDLE: I HI THE COBHER UITIRnaOW. Hales, Gcrlad Kennedy, H. A, Smith. Drew, Hlanche Mclvlwain, Gene List of Jurors. Following is Hn: Imt of jurors drawn by Sheriff Tigheaml District CJerk Dearing for the Marcii term of district court: David Mci'idg. C. K. HIack, A. H. Austin, Isaac Stradley, II. (1. Ilawley. C. R. Troop, I). C. Andrus, John IJehms, G. I). Pearson, A. Andrews G. II. Weid maiiii, Geo. A. Hess, Christ Wohl farth, Andrew Towle, I D. Hennett, A. F. McCrory, Thos Smith, C. L. lJailej', Phil Green, CurtM Moore, A.H.Todd, Frel Herrmann, G. H. Habbitt, and Ii. eiboldt. Corner ol Vine and Fifth streets, al m an all-'y crossing back of fi e Chal.iiu Wright property in tl e wa id. The city council instructed the I city clerk to advertise for bids to 1 cut down II cuttouwnud trees in ; the cemetery and top all on the ou. side tothirty feet. J Tlie cli 'k v;is also iii.-trtieted to file a bill against the county f $'J5 . for building a bridge inside he city limits. The alli-y back of the O'Donolnio property wa- ordered to be opened : and the city pay .fr() to.vard the work. The report of the police jmle t : if. c.!- was referred lo the committee Notice to police. The report showed only Any person owing me on account 1 t vo arn.l?. ,:J b.-.n i,:a.-e iu rini'Mli-il ioe:ill :!iil settle either by cash or note bv March 1st. ! 1 report. ..el t.;a if I l-ivr iv IniixsoT. ! a;uotiii!iii' n '' )' I j j - lected alour witii the reimrt was t :e io!lo ving from 1 he oi ii.-. judg-'. "In submitting the ;boe repo , iacl i id in the ho! idnys a 1 1-' o;e j . y day, I cannot refrain lunn saying that tli. sho.ving thu- presented shows si condition of peace n;d quiet news that probably iloe.- no; exist in any city so large as ours in the state or perhaps in the country." The finance committee reported on the following bills. M Arc e r. unci Mwtfd cn-ii f; 2i'5 Pinttsnmnt' C.hs & Kl'-ntric t.iln 'i any light for Jittmary: 31" &i Peter Mpres.... 28 o ' I i.e work T Clark. cial 9 t A J l.e k. speciiit police fi i World's Kair Notes. The French steamship line, Davie to New York, has agreel to return free all exhibits which it brings to the exposition at regular tariff rates. Ilerr Wermuth, the imperial German world's fair commissioner, has already received nearly 2,000 applications for space from the in tending exhibitors of his country. The California world's fair state commissioners have authorized the formation of a woman's board Kach commissioner will appoint one member of this board Each member is allowed $1,0C0 a year for traveling expenses. The king of Italy has appointed a world's fair commissioner. Italy, it ia believed, will yet formally decide to participate in the exposi tion. It is already assured that its participation, even if only informal, will be of no mean description. Exceptionally fine exhibits in sculpture and painting are prom ised. Georgia, like Texas and South Dakota, is trying to raise a large portion of its needed world's fair fund through the instrumentality of the school pupils and teachers. The Grand Rapids- Mich., furn iture manufacturers will make a united exhition and want half an acre of space, in which to display it. A cablegram states that the French government is about to ask the chamber of deputies for an ap propriation of 3,5CJ,CZ3 francs ($7i J, C:0) for the French exhibit at Chi cago. A bill appropriating fX3.CC3 for the state representation at the ex position is now pending in the Iowa legislature. A preliminary appropriation of $a0,C"3 was made at the fast session. A bill for $3C3, CX is also pending in the New York legislature. It is announced that the imperial band of Fmperor William of Ger many will attend the Exposition, having already obtained per mi 8- which to the poor wayfaring nnm would bring to the surface that envying spirit which lurks in his bosom. There was to be seen a sight that will stamp upon the ni'Miiory a lasting impression. Mr. and Mrs. Dull are well known tli roughout this commutiiy and' ai'e held in high esteem y neigh- ' b rs and friends. Mrs. Hull's m liden name was Miss Mary j iv .iwienoru. rtno is possessed tit a quiet, agreeable way, which endca - s her to all who know her. Through th sunshine and shadow of seven-t- u years these two have "lived and loved." After a social time was spent in p easant conversation, dinner was announced. The refreshments serve"! were of a character hid?- ' c itive that those who had prepared them were aware of the ingredi e Is that compose edibles fit for the most fastidious epicurean. Asa token of esteem, the guests p-oseuiod Mr. and Mrs. Dull with a h iiidsouie china tea set. Also Miss JOE wants you to guess how long tiif: CANDLE WILL It URN, IT W ILL COST YOU NOTHING TO GUESS. 53 1 J JOE r M'lVliUf lit Will Give THE FOLLOWING PRIZES To the first nearest guess, A NICE OVERCOAT To the second, A TRUNK. 1 To the Tnird, A PLUSII CAP, NO MORE GUE83E3 ACCEPTED AFTER FEBRUARY 14 ':;roTlie Gqqdle Will be Lighted Febiqy 1 5 4f. I l ic 2 CO sion to do so. A Great Surprise Is in store for all who use Kemp'f Balsan for the throat and lungs the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on ils merits and that any druggits is au thorized by the progrietor of this wonder. ol remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large Bottles 50c and $1. Mrs. John Briton was yesterday adjudged insane by the insanity commissioners and will be taken to Lincoln as soon as arrangements can be made. Mr. Maldemar gave a eulogy on the historical events connected with Pythian knighthood at the castle hall last evening to an appreciative audience of knights and their friends. Mrs. Mary Dixon aged 56 years died thi9 morning at her home on ..south third street of pneumonia The funeral will occur to-morrow afternoon at two o'clock from the JEpiscopal church. The ladies aid society of the Christain church will give an oys ter supper Thursday night at the residence of E. R. Todd, corner of Seventh street and Washington avenue. Johnny Fii.-a rick. "'ry 4.S Tom -ry, sOary Henry 'ctiu te salary Cass county, rourt housr cluck Robt Jnhnoon W'iri:. W m Bisse team wr- Geo Po'sa'l, team woik John Jezna. hai d work .1 A Cum hi ire, haulii'i; daI l The report of the city treasurer was read and referred to the finance committee. An ordinance entitled "An Ordi nance Transferiug certain money from the fund of interest on delin quest taxes to the general fund of the city of Plaitsmouth," was read the second time. On motion the rules were suspended and it was put on its third reading and passe. Minor moved that one thousand dollars be appropriated for the opening up of South Ninth street. The motion was lost. The excavation of south Ninth street was ordered made a long the proposed route; and that the work be paid for out of an available und or when the annual levy was made. The following resolution was in troduced and passed. To His Honor, The Ma or and city council. Gentlemen: In view the fact that the city has no suit- i ' cU iir. signifying that she was not ; forgotten by her many friends of Murray. As the sun was preparing to take : leave of the world and drop out of : sight over the western horizon, the J c mipaiiy began to realize that all ; pleasure is fleeting and that they were demanded elsewhere. So also, : after expressing themselves as ! having fully enjoyed the day, said their adieux and departed for their ; respective homes. Wl.atl Ol'lt Ttmo'a o .1 Anrfl n 45 00 " o onutv uanca 4.-, I may ran saieiy upon i'ir. ana sirs. Dull, that they may be spared to live many years in the midst of their friends and neighbors whom they love, and by whom they are loved; that the "Great Giver of all Gifts," whom they trust, may cause their life bark to glide smoothly over life's sea and eventually anchor it in the "Land of Pure Delight." Those present were: Messrs. and Mesda mes D. J. Pitman, William Morrow,' J. A. Rankin. Henry Creamer, William Gilmore, William Amick, Anderson Root, F. M. Young, Jr., A. M. Holmes, F. M. Young, S-., R. S. Root, Samuel Latta, a. id Mrs. James Walker, Miss Eliza beth Holmes, Thomas Holmes, Mrs. Silas Patterson, Mrs. J. W. Edmunds, Mrs. E. A. Burton, Mrs. Semia Snodgrass, Mrs. William Lough ridge, Mrs. H. L. Oldham and daughter, Mrs. W. J. Hesser and daughter, Mrs. Thomas Rankin, Mrs. J. B. Holmes and daughter and Osborn Latta. M. II. R. Incjcs: your Guess Together with Your Name and it wJlfce Published February 15. AMY M AM CAM GUESS. J O.E Yoti Clotliei cqd Fqirislei. County Court. James M. Patterson et al. vs. of Fitch & Co. et al. Suit on occount and interest. Answer able place for the keeping of its maps, books and valuable paper. , which has cost the city thousands of dollars and should be kept and J Suit on account for $354.80 and inter fr CSS-13 March 7. James M. Millspaugh Patterson et al vs. & Cuddington et al. preserved. Be it RESOLVED, That the mayor ap point a committee of three with powet;to act for the purpose of se curing suitable rooms for the meet ing of tlie city council and also for the use of the police judge with a safe vault for the keeping and preserving all valuable papers, books and maps belonging to the City of Plattsmouth, and such rent al of rooms not to exceed the sum of $15 a month. 'Signed ' J. C. Petersen. The claim of W. C. Showalter for $15.73 was refered to the claims committee. A number of the young ladies interested in the new library were present and asked the council for an appropriation of $400 yearly for the maintainance of a city library. The mayor appointed J. C. Petsrsen. M. B. Murphy, and J. A. Gutsche as a committee to confer with , the young ladies concerning the library. The young ladies and the committee will meet Wednesday night , . . , On motion the council adjourned. The MissouriPacific are at work putting another wire on their new line through this city one wire not bening enough to transsact the c6m pany's increasing buisness. . Over seventy rolls of arrived yesterday. est. Answer March, 7. Ashland Mill & Electric Co. vs. Meldon Sonnichsen et al. Suit on account for $l( .3.62. Answer Feb ruary 20, 10 a. m. Milton . D. Polk vsi. Wm. Neville. Continued... . . In the matter of the estate of Charles II. Sheely deceased. Hear ing on petition, for appointment of John U. Pope administrator. Prayer granted with bond fixed at $1,000,00 same approved and letters issued. Peter Jensen vs. William Wetten kamp. Suit for damages in sum cZ $5.50. Settled. In the matter of the estate of Mary Haines, deceased. Hearing final settlement, March 8, 10 a. m. Frank H. Elleubaum vs. Richard Bilstein. Continued until February 13, 9 a. m. In the matter of the estate of Charles II. Sheeley, deceased. Notice to creditors to file claims on or before August 11, 10 a. m. C. R. Teff t et al vs. Philip Green & Co. Action for forcible deten tion. Default of defendants en tered. Judgment of restitution for plaintiffs. C. R. Tefft et al vs. Philip Green & Co. Suit for balance due for rent in the sum of $210. Default of defend ant entered. - Judgment for j plaintiffs. Mrs. D. C. Morgan is reportcn on the sick list. Frank Carruth and W. D. Jones were in Omaha to-day. John Le3rda left this morning for Louisville on a business trip. Hon. R. B. Windham was in Omaha to-day on legal business. Miss Marista Cagney was a pas senger on No. 5 this morning for Lincoln. The pay car arrived this morning and made the B. & M. boys happy again. F. S. White, deputy oil inspector was in Omaha to-day on official business. Ex-County Commissioner A. B Todd was a passenirer this morning for Omaha. Will Smith, an employe of the B. & M. shops, went to Lincoln this morning on No. 7. Engine 275 made her first trip on the main line, starting out last night with fifty cars. The Turners will give a masquer ade ball at Rockwood hall Friday evening February 12th. A nine-pound baby arrived at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. A Prince yesterday afternoon. All persons indebted to the old firm of Weidmann & Brekenfeld are requested to call and settle immedi ately and avoid trouble. Mr. Robert Gienger, for several years Mr. Latham's able assistant, but now agent of the B. & M. at Ravenna, came in last evening for a week's visit. Judge Ramsey to-day granted a marriage license to Wm. R. Kluiske and Miss Elizabeth Lan, both of Avoca, also one to Fitz Hohn, and Miss Frederika Allgayer both of Manley. Mr. and Mrs. Lighto 3 little baby will be buried in the cemetery at this place to-morrow. The corps will arrive on the train in the morn ing from Omaha. Mrs. Lighton is a daughter of Andrew McMaken. A. Sensible Man. Would use Kemps Balsam for the throat and lungs. It is curing more cases of coughs, coles, Asthma. Bronchitis, croup and all throat and lung trouble than any oiher medicine, The proprietor has au tbo "i-ed any druggist to give you a sample bottle free to convince you of the merit of this remedy. Large bottteB 50c and $1. Lost A bran new overcoat on Eighth street, wiih a pair of white A. C. MAYES COUNTY -SURVEYOR AND CIVIL ENGINEER All orders left with the county clerk will be I promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska MEAT MARKER - SIXTH STREET - , F. H. ELLENBAUM, Prop. TJLM01HY, CLAltK, - - v DEALER IN COAL WOOD n -o TERMS CASHo Yrde and Office 404 South Third Street. Telephone 13. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. R. A. SALISBURY : D-E-N-T-I-S-T :- The best of fresh meat always found in tins market. Also tresh Eggs and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. SJXTII STREET T MARKET GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS. Dr. Steioways anaesthetic for the palnlen : iracnov oi leein. - Fine Gold Work a Specialty. . Rockwood Block Plattsmouth. Ne. Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and ; Canker mouth. Jor sale by h. G. Fricke & Co. Attention! Attention!! All persons having books in their possession, taken either from the Y. M. C. A. rooms or the Y. L. R. R. A. room, will please return at once to J. P. Young's store. 6 The Factoryville Roller Mills' new process buck wheat flour "takes the cake." There is no better made. Ask your grocer for it. All live grecers keep it, it tney do not they will order it for you. d &wot T. M. WARNE, Union, Neb. All those owing personal and de linquent taxes will please call at treasurer s orace ana settle same. The office will be open pay day eve ning; also two evenings following. liUS A. HYERS, 6 Deputy Tax Collector. Gentlemen would not use "Blush of Roses" if it was a paint or pow- j der, of course not. It is clear as water, no sediment to fill the pores f the skin. Its mission is to heal, cleanse and purity the complexion of every imperfection, and insures ever3r lady ana gentleman a clean, smooth complexion, bold by O. H. Snyder. Price 75 cents. Miles Nerve and Liver "Ills. Act on a new principle regulat ing the liver, stomach and bowels througrh the nervs. A new disco verv ur. miles Jr ms speemy cure biiiou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles constipation. Unequaled for men women, children, smallest, mildest canton flanel gloves in it. Finder I surest! 50 doses, 2oc. Samples! will please leave at this ollice. 6t free at Jt. u. incke & los. GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY.- DR. 8TEINAUS LOCAL as well aa other aa sioeucsgiven lor tne painless extraction of teeth. a A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Block Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. k. WATERMAN & SOU P LUMBER 8hingles, Lath, SashJ Doors, Blind G Can supply everw demand of the citj. Call and get terms. Fourth street ia rear of opera fcoaae.