M I LLEl-THOM PSON. Mun im? of r Prommen' Liiir-ohi Oiti-7'-ri i rut a ' W. e! I Known L'idy. The fol low in . d is pa .' r i I ' .i ( '1 1 i- I ;i It, was ta'-a n i'j o. ; t.,: I 't'C I . . l i i I ; n . M . .':' l' Cllil'i.n: .n w.i! be read 'A 1 1 i i 1 errs I: 1 . Hi '.TCJ'e Thompson of ia ilii -ad Mi-s Jeam L:e Mile'-. irk lit to- li.Vn-eamar.y is h t m W:..c..y ; ,l.m ,h. - o. .,f,. ra-.n ..'....., y p rr 5 ff B f A T ' VI fR TT T T" J L.jm . ,:,-,:'... v:- ,o the ;.M;r Vnv .me.Ci.l I'm'.. '!' : . rev , 4 . 1 ? I I j . f ' I Js 1 Si 1 4 i ! V U ! 1 I L' L ? .a r. :-iri. ,-, ; ..i a.-t ii I ! 1 1 . i; i 1 1 1 n. 1 or Mir 1 .1 - I , .., , ; ; ,,;!, 1 1 . i ' ! ! i i ; c I i oi-.-li I. . : . . . . . . . 1 . : , . . I :l : i ! 1 I ' II IO ' V W;1 lio :i o , , ! ' o, .! ' ; I;--:; I Mil .it- 1 1 ' 'i o: ii vh ' i v. ! 1 1 ) (I : Mo -ii ! c TMW I.-VTPST FHOM CHILE. ! n on I n i-nt O vr ' 1 1! I ro: llo ..', ' ' ' '' No III (. . . . out :.. .i , we. J ! li Wt . 1 . 1o I il'.. .. I... 0 u 10. 1 i p. .'- i 01 ( hoi.:' V i .- . . ' si.:;-. .i. l) i; . thiol. . , sp : i ' i thfi- v . W i i '. i I hi ..t.i wliu'l' 1;"'' I I : 1 1 ii!.i(f i i l i i r ;i t i .- ol t in- I ! li- :i . l - i i iii. i i ii;:i i i'y !;ls tifllic iinom i ..).); of i h. i lie lir-ih'.v ':i i.noi o... i. !v V VMJ.'JT o. i j w.tc pri'.i.ii. Amot'.- tin- in-- iiiii.iutT iii whirl" oi:h ln.iUi-r j wliirti v rr t hie .1 y of so'ii.i t .!.-. ' " i a I J.; iMl'rd i' i I'-'' t ;- ;i ii';"--!vr -;1v;t imuk i u.;.ii;- ! i. . t i in:ic". . iiii'l '. 1' ;i!i Miry i,;-- ilic .u-.o' .-.oilis oi vrvrniy of j j 'ir oliir'-: :- :uul ".!;. . w i :: j m:it j wiiii.M .1 ; I m )in ; o 1 1 v i. ''C- HUT i V;i f . .- o i .. ...! i , ; .; A ,.iii :i-k'.-.-. T!i.- : :i vliiu- :.i; 'o;lr-i.io:T Uk-I i.i. i. i !"i-r .s " i c '1' ' : t-r ! I i l :"l ti'.u , i , ; . s o. i. i i i i. j sn . :: ctv-tiif- ! A: .r a vil-li.;. r ; oai pit. i.ltK ,i.i; .. Of- i Hiivl l r.s. ' :i-i i;j'.-'o l t ;: I'a:-!v ! ;. ,,,n) ; '. ; ro.- ( 1 1 . o : , . oi ; 1 1 u : 5 - i. ly !,( I i .l!l!- . ; i i . . . . : . 1 1 i .-him i ri;; . . Jll : ) lie fr I" in . !:": 1 1 i-o-t i - ; 1 1 . i I i . 1 1 l. hi ;t ' ,. .. oil , I : v : :rl i' Mli-y . ! 1 1 i i i u i . ; .-. i i a i i - o : t i ; f X 't 1 . ior ,!. . 1 -f j'o- : it J I 1 I ; 1 1 1 y !(.'.' . t i ' ' : i i ; i - ;i . ol i.- ( .i; ii .1.-, ; . . m . i ir I a :c 1 . K.;.,.,!. j i !)v r ;ri v.. r.' ;:s : ;.!r.vo-'o iioi: i ly ') C!i . ; o. 'i;;,oi . J, ! ,; . ;'.!: iiiMviin'rs ii':;ii!;!i- i.i';: ior Linr n. 'I'liryl , ;i ,(! j) , . Hie i ;:n-i i i w ! I I ;.' i ii i ! to l!u-ir i'rifi!:- -M j . . . . . , - :; ; ' , : -, ; - o. i n;v i 1 l ; , .'-cAi:, ; .: v ;. .,:.ft;oa !ias ,,; . v : - . j Krortui' V IT). ' j i.:I.-ii-i' , :.''. !.:M (.". ails j .Vdoii ilioM' f-L-sr.ii weir: ?i .; , nl i : i- rou . I . t ) it : 1 ! -;. . .4i . I.i'oi!: ;.; 1 1. iK'Ufi.n j. ih- i oiiir i I... A U'Aa mlrr. li. I . I4. I : .; and Mrs. C. 1). Mullen : l.i.Htil.i, ; Ml-, and M J. li. I;iliin of Diuaiia : ami Mrs. and Mrs. V. V. M ilhrofl. J ! I T I ft I JOE vol' ':) i.l J.ONG TU 1 1 1 ! 1 j ;! . j . -;'.- ' t ly , in-: .. . . T 1 (' 1 .'( d al: . '. : t -. . .:. . .i. j:- r'..o ;i 11 1 l :...!. . .1 W ..... . . - . J'roiJ.i ;.i . I o . f ! T -: ! . - I Mi . . c : i : Ji'.-' Iloilt .'. . v.. i'j in ail "t wiif.ri; li.; i',ic.-,:i ;i suiiu- inaii-iiiri-iiii'tit of liif H.-airice 1-iopublicau if I'e fiml.-i t- "- tiling s-ntisactor. a t:i: 1 o.- vro:!o-it ii;i ii : lo.'4"li :; rii. i:.v" -r'ii;ia . -1 ol jllv' an.. j'l!il:llll in'i::' ills" i.i in i" laU- of iilfaii s. Tin- p: .-s ol tant.iirc -ind 'a! para pilot l lie wildest Hiorirs 1 1 l:i i i ; i iie iiHimauim. J.a l.'u 1011 rsj.' ally hitler and cads l pe pie, lo!a male a.i 3 fe rn : - . '.,.1 lo. oc iii 1 ; , 1 ;..:! I tit . o.ia.l v . 1,1 . . ! I t . . 1 f !( st v .' 1 : ' - i-m : th.it il' . . . 1. 1 ..-; '.m; - i r aire a o ii.' -i.i;.-. ana . . iir, it . ir Tl o.i..' -i ' .. ial : . :,!! , . ..: . .- -a : : o salot . Van.ee CANDL v. nj. 1:1 i. , !T WILL COST Vol. NOTHING to h;k:---. Hi J il i Louis. I Will (live TIC FUU,0VI(; I'KTZKS Tu iae ,lr . t lu re.-t ues-s, A KICK OVKRCOAT To the seciiul, A TK'ITN K. To the Tu iril. A I''- (' !I CAT, Pin no luninii. j I will be h.e.e to-i:io: row rvi n iiiiT and orde-"-' ior tuni.i '. ai '1 Jloiel i?iiey -. ce:ve p;oi:p. at- I tee 1 ion. i o le ov a .v 01.. J Tl,.' (. :.. V. i la r 1 i 1 ; . o , ! i.ail. : A ? n n r n i t r n n r n P ff r PT )T H Ar t I ' - . v. 00'. j 1 a a II . - a o, a ; I-.. : - p ..- .-.-p. a .-j . re o - ) a - il.fi- t .1 i o : , 1 . 1 1 ; r. it' i a ' ..-.ii 1 1 w 1. o1 1 1 ( . a . 1 - i e ' j . 1- : . .i', !:s ; .-t! i o 1 1 -s. i hi ue pe..!ir jti ih. .-.- e p::- ; io. 1 ; n 1. i.'- em t 1 in- iir.e eo'ou ral t'o;reiioii ;e. I nia.ie i- . in- '.. I .01. WorMa-a. ( ,-ufHo Will bsLi.slv(e.?i ARV 14. 15 a. l.U' i 1 i;-1 1 1 ii t :': e ; I. lie .'-"eolo - I - i d j I i ' n o i - . w ' ' i ' o . 1 ) 1 t . it ll . . j .( " ; ; I o. . at- -iii 11 : v r.-.iir'i unr ntun to .pari 01 He I'i'iiois e.iii.w i-.i n;e i'.: 1 os't "on. '-lie Flale wor.'.i's lair Mis. II--:.' Tep:rd -.var .-;realIy surpri--.-.! !.ri eai 1? tit iicf iiatne, cor:: .." oJ l i'.h er.d I Lai! ."It- rls. Yi"'..-: 1 J-"!. . .1 Miirly- evi ath hi; i ii;.a .", '.a-.- ..iea'i.-' --tl m-ih-bort- !:'!a.;' ; a rpi'. parly. Tli"-v .:v.- a 'u--' :i jeent anl i t ! -! . .i 1 1 1 c - .,.1.; was .-pnt. Jt ell e-.iwiiat . . e 1 ivmi and the i.-h 1.1 1 d .i latr asr.tiii'i:a.. Jiour. F. II. T);oiiij:t orj. a IJurliuy:ton lirakeinaii, uad a yarrow eseape from death aLcti : 4 o'clock yester day luoriiiii;; a?. I. is iiala was pas-s in. thro iT'a " As-.hl.uid. lie wa-; Mtitnlinr 011 top ot a box car and as the trail! v.ef pasmcr aIon he was struck by a coa.' cliidr. kt"0k inr him from the irain :md laili:; upon his head, iie was plcke-5 up and taken to Lincoln. His injuries, while very painfull are not consid ered dan;':rous. Yesterday a man named Totuifif jjate, a swio'iiuiaii at ;:n;'ha, came down l' l'hiii-a;iiUi a::d jiroceedefl to i'ii up (.1 oat' hi. -.key. Iast tlilfi. at abeii! i .'! .;is liikor io tiie i'o.ia;. hr-r;' . hut theft' they rei'u.- ' I to t,ive h.ir betl; he was the' 1 i!.er: :a t - ilverv --.l ilde, v.lii""'' lyl.i on the f'oo1". Thit-. mor.rn ii. was i:;kea by Chiei o' i'o'icj lay i'i Use ci:y bas.r'ie. a Ie -.s -it:,'5-- irtzen When W": .-tis'j'.' .iil. I H'W.'lOIl to bet-icon ' t 1 - jail i-e was so st'll vhaJ. c -uVl a -.. bend a ja:n. He :?3 c b-;.-i ie" r Omaha who is assistaiit y:'r2rr:. This s":er- 110011 he i'i aiile o t v. p. r nl wiil be all ri'iltt i'i a few davs. r:ie H.ji.-i Hr ey. This morning ITe.ir3" IJtrck re plevir.td lil'ty-t.to I.d room sets, two foldincr fiftj'-two hair mattres-es and fiity-two wire mal-tres.-es beionin to the Hotel Kiley. Mr. Hoeck says he has a chattel mtirt-ae for $1. with one years interest at the rate of ten per cent' The sheriff has char-re tu' the furni ture and if note is not secured by to-t::orro a' noon Mr. Bu ck says he will take the furniture tint. On the other h and Thk IIkkalu 'fvi'.-nni-'ii! iti re- ;rd Jo the aool-o'.'-y iii.;l .ht wi ;t I uf the ce- iiiapt! lor Mioisier l'in's recall in a favors- ble ! '? hi. La 1. nitm jirinis a .'eVier froai a Jvii'lishm.iu advis-its-jf the - i" f raace of all diplomatic and co.i:-iT:;.r relations vtith the Uiiiled Sf.ii.-s. The rejj'ari reaches me that the cabinet :s it'iu'li tlissafis-u'd with the course of J'edro Motl. M.e Chili an jiiinisti-r at Washini-lo.i. His hist tne-.ssa.re. received Kritlay, it is sai l, assureo his. srnvernniet.t that 'he aiTair was cotiiocT to a speedy :i.iclusion. lie has all alontr lerl Pr?..ideiit Monti and his advisers to b"li;ve that Mr. liberie w?;j deir oui; of submitting the wlun1 iii'f.ir to rrrhi .f-al ioi:. As I carded you. thir. st a'ement a ppears irj tiie. : e;t ;. to the uUiairtiuin. Some eie th!as ilr.it Miniver Moult ) b..e:i mlpl al 1- R'c.aard i4. Tr.;ai.. t.il, Juilo "stvr and their deniocra'ic friciul.;. Tiie excuse mat'e for tlemandin.-jr the recall of Nitii.-ie" lCvm is hat it was understood he h:;;l cai!e ? to Sec.Ta-y I!Jaine that thr (.'hioan iriVi-r:;:H'tit had tV'"ii'it'" -on:' a is t-a f he re."u;iet.-s and Mien Lioac; haii u relit. v ei it ior &-."S.(.:.l. The Loatioa I'oiy ieeh .: U: 1 11 -1 ; i nle ex X'fis '.hat its plan ior briiiirintr ari-sa.iS s:,m' od ass f limiied me.ins tn t lie exposition will result ia enabloiy tr L',') i riich j.er- sons to is 1 i C" I i it a .: o . ;: ' a ioaii ex pense oi fome't ii isor li!;e S'12.) tir l.i') each lor ir.e rtaitid Ir': . The colossal statue of lie, wi) ieh w: ' stand rising from I'leha.a atlmi.!'-ii .;i or. h;i;:i : modciod in I'i. ' French, tiie Ne .':i . will be a Jvaiah- ii .. leet hi-h. The M;:o-- i, a:iiioiinse'. ' i 'I lo' ri to l ai.-e the f ..:.: 1.;: to tl;e exposition a of repre;-Oi!t-io ve ;. L . 1; ' o 3 1 . v. i 1 1 ! ' v i .. ' reports on Hit ji t'aere. irmniiar at : Ca' e :f Use jJIfl t wo tons. oli 1 . : 1 -e j t ' T-o-.i 1 and I t . 1 Gujss Together vntl- V' v.r Name and it w II-ik FuUislied February 15. J O E :a Ivepub- -'ar-ij;l ':. of 1 i'f I e i : 1 u ! aaim C. , a.ior. l v iiy-iive a !oa. it is com mi he V ;f -'.-'d Yoiii' Glotlliei- cjrd l.'r i : ii'sliet'. r '-' ils. t A. i;. '.iiC'i)ie- ll-i.iiu- Act Oil a ii i.i i tjic 1 i e. . ;;anat h aatl ooweia ir,tai!li .he n-rvs. A ne a d i eover lr. Mi ie.-' 1'oh; spec lily cure tjiliou siiri s-! aa (Io: i s, 'Jac. baniples free at F. '1. Frieke .v Go's. Win vi!l von cotiiih when Shi ! mh's .-.ire will vive immediate re. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -CT)r ACKFiS of Colorado land for sale or trrde for Jat,f;mouth real 521 V BO(a((. nr fnr mprchiuidise of Htiv kind. This 13 a bargain for s.ies.v bad taste, torpid iiv;-. piles ome one. tj,e land is Al. For further particulars c .11 on or address eons! ipaiion. I'm toialetl lor mm 11 V. JTFRALD, Plattsmouth, Neb. women, children, smallest, mildest ! ... - I i V !;.,- i r ,,f. iv:. 10 cts.. 50 ,-ts. end $1 i :. - m l-r sal. by F. & Fricke Jc Cc liii.ei n f . : O . - h::-; rcea'h'd them. He i;er.-r irnde J '. ' , . . . ,. I I . oma s"lmi ;i s a ileaicnt. , na. ne thd 1 . , , . ;-s I e'i'ed yt v as iiat j .:, a- ei e.' Pji-.-ira hatl '.;i.ea i.i.- taai- j t:.o- . .f -ei- ii'ii ai a.vi 111 - f;o not be C-'. The ;n a :..- of j i-. ;e- aas or ieri'tl Jud r.' or Criine-? lt ; t at Va'oT-.t.so to Jroa all nth - work For .ibsii-.icts o!" 'it'.e a', reason a- r;.-s -o io I. M. I.evda. U a ion lot-.. " If i i J t X ' ' I v t:!,,.n- v.a -orv m:. .h,- H,.- - N't i I h5:iaiin ! , ". 1 : irh 1 a o; erty. DEALER IX r : COAL "WOOD o TERMS C A S f J o Vrde ana OlU'- 4iM : oufli "ih iti Street. Telephone 13. Plattsmouth, 2vEUfIA - ' A . o -It . e I I ' ; o I 1 101 1 1 e .- a- H' ;. a' .' i ," " i i 1 1 The i ; process buck v '.a , . I I' I I. . ' I in.l I' 1 - ,w, 1 and -o rrov-eded at tmce .0 c m- ; yni: rncvr U)V L e:al VviA)S, . ! ii- ::i;tl i'il;a liliici.-t '-iven to (jfiice i T.-'ct ice. K"K'K llLl'I i" Xeb. Li.t of L-e'-ev Remaiiiin-unclai uetl in tla post- tdlice at IMatt-nit.u ; ;i Lmuarv 21. coult! not h-::rn much. "ily for the v.eek er.din.i: J.,mia:y Ld: the company had lo-d U irpl.e!!. Cha- f:it!i.rt., J elude he :a!of the men in the II;; I : more 'a.-., Ji'tb.ve Fosier pror:aes that he will finish the casec by Friday. I hcarl hat tiie purchase of the cru'sT now in the Armstrong yard has '.-eon ejected by the Chilian coveniment. Tlipri ia l:ilr In-ninrhl rf (r.i-Kir. ' havnir ar:se:t between Ch!F .'.nil Ar;e.:;:'ie on the oucstioii of tlellmi a .'on. The Chili members of the commission .-ays thai Argen tine 'vnnts ports on tiie Pacale siJe of the Patagonia territory, whit h i is doubtful if Chili will Lrr.oit. keep il. if they 00 order it for you. Specie: THOS POLLOCK R V MYERS lr fublic & Atislr:-.t'tt-r bciiciior H-a Estate, Loan and Insurance Agentfl If 3 011 have real estate to sell or exchange f ..an I i:s tlescription, price and terms. OF Abstracts of Ii': - furnished atreafl raiab'e lates. $HX( O to loan r.t T1 ptrcent and 110 ccuimissions, on geod farm . et urilv. I-! it iir ---t-. -;t fy-l. n, SALISBURY : D-E-N T-1-S-T OOLb A.NJ) PO&t fcLAI.N CHOW Si 0. K!-i;.iiS ..aa'SC-ilV ft--' ItitS Ii 111. -. ' tracii' i- 1 Fine Gold Work a Specialty. ; '.:kw:- rJivick Z ' '.ttsir-cuU . P I.. AWSON PFARCE iiAVJi RECEIVEU '.v-:. -j r V'.ot.. a,-; : r .:'i.U r .. v'r ve".v h, :o:.e h-.t e V : r. . ti-Hw a-il !a ;. I b 3. fiav i r :'.: I'df 0; t-.-e ---;.nd '.n it-r t.'' Cioit: Oi:i HiC:. Zul tri r1 iuoetl tt.tir rir- .i f..:!o.- -o 0 v to -.5 s :rii..i-:el. MISS. SKTI KS, TRIMMF I- . v : i ii - 1 Ki 1 1 . . 'BA 1 1 .l wop -. j ;.-a 1 Aay-roand .nt- jj . : .-. .- o fresh tei'Xo i' Kaii: . '( .rani ep in their Ji . FA-:TlKEOK V " O -.- r -;-; ." - .: ,,-7 'lEZP.IL n c la.hiK. iu ruriiiin the hotil and thiit th;- his! six wei-lt?- tin liotcl had bet n nitire th..n payuiif expenses and that busiiess is pick ing uj rifjht ahuii; anl th.a: at the jresent rate of increase in business the hotel would be a pnyimr in--ti-tut ion. Tin: Iliav ia nnderst;uni that the Jiotel compiiny is oinj to let the Jiotel lrtp. let I toeck take thelnrni llire and thru o into court. I usefl Ml-s 'reaiii Iliilm for dry IVeckf, len r. E'nm. Sl!::s droves, Mj-s Emiiiii fteorge, w m K Itiill. I'oM Kles. Bill L tifiion AVm t'l.-ivt 00I. A 1 1 h Klu r. Hurry i itiill, A K lie el. It I' .TotlDStOII, 11 J King. Oliver Moneyprnny Jacob W CWetl, Miss Magcie Philby, E C IVlcri'n. Win Svlttlor. Mr- Ada Smitfi, H I Mr Koliinson. itr Marian McSorley. K R Teinjile Florence 21 Persons calling for any of the above will please ask for "adver tised" letters. II. J. Streic.ht, p. M. t . 1 if 1' xi 1 ....,tit, tiuti 111 c?niiiiiitm ct 1 ,-atarrh. It pro.-d a cur-. -H. I , M.j TllH.,.r sisfer-' i siw r,i ut - - - - j " v. a v vVfw.a G!ovs i ni 1 I OLLOCK A- IIYKKvS I'LATTSMUUTll - Nl.B. onice un.'.er Casa Couuty Ua.i k. M'd tt; ii j TO SIIIPPKKS. J. , ! Hutter, Mjifts, Cheese, ild Gamr;, ivi ill isS. ' P.uittry, Meat, Apples, Potatoes , Green and Dried Fruite, Vegetables , . 1 tjif- tt;' I-ictf. Tal'ow THIS WEEK AT j Sheep Pelts, Furs, Skins, Tobacco, j Grain, Flour; Hay, Beeswax, Feath ers, Ginsinjr, Isroomcorn, and Hops. M. K. H A L L A R D Gen. f iii. iMerchuni a 1 Shipper. St. Ix)uis, Mo. THE.FHIR." 217 Market Street WAVTFI)-j;?nt, yne Rcxuainted with Fwia. era and Shippers. r.vr iiivAxib or - -1 . . . i a k .r S -'4wK I : s K TU. LIS ..i:t . O i.S .1 li' t . .d 1. ;":ts att?::toitt!. Xebras. -i J 1 r.f ...wavs lias nil i'.mti a :u;i FLO Ik AND FEED Cotl. Ittarj v Oa .. ad T-va d 1-1 fa V ior S? : fe .OW U- ,J.:e 'a. 3:-t and delivered to ary pari of hti e.ty. CORNER SIXTH AM IX E Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. A.vlJ E iy. !' iih ovt r l.'ayen Gentlemei Toulfi -.'o' ..se ' Z, . nsk of Roses ' if it was u pniut o. jow uer, of course no;. I. - clear as water, no sediment to f?il '.he poree cl the skin. Its mission 'is to neal, cieansrj and purify thr complexion of every imperfection ;nd injures eveayiadyand freutlt.-uau a cla, tmooth complexiou Sold by O. II! Snyder. I'rice 73 cent.