A Hint to tlm ! In. Q, po t of niiiuiiui! Kit'K mu a roug Hint In nil With tli nolso of tl'p t'M iit cm no-prliid intra. fi'l julc" tli:il I tlriiiif ! 1 LenVK iiitiim,i i me. 1-1 the 8 I'.lll(f 'f 1 1 v i t Mii.iln.nl lr--i. And Blrn-ri - . .n- -i! r ii-lmhi r .-, r; tlmjtiico of 11 ! f n i- i-t ! ftflfrfswrM-! n..t t . N i!''iiz ii'm with liiin r t -jtt I iiimI if1- ii, But tin- k.Uv 'iii.. w r- iimi'Ii'im i:i l .lll ! Ml . '. HI:, il II r' "-i i'l. : Wlier- I; ii- .1' ii i l': n :.r it icl;lii:;, lit'. I 1. 1 I . ii:iln n rtiiinv f:w. Alulll.iMi.i r i i Mf:il rua.' U'i Ii in :ibii-- ua n ljill' Ua t I ort I Aw fi'uu im I'.i- ':ir !v-'ii'l!vr, I oi'- tli I'l- ri I .I I . 1 Oilli V 111 II SM !IH .AlHlfcloMM like (I.C !- I hill IIIkI'-H Oil tllO iiiukIimi's unhwi rinif I'lui'knl Anil slnif mi' Mm old Kruii'lHiru, whoso Htorles l ho cliilitron know Who tlo.fH tin:ru hy tho Are and ilroums of the long iiko. Sing pwoot of tlioco tliiiiirn, O, oot, and If you huvo Mill tho lii'uri, o out In l hi' lot and hitch mo tho mule to the foiMiT oarl : And win t mo a Must on tho doer horn till tho mnoke to tin; iniis o ciitIh. Ami e l tiiko a wli.tr .f tho autumn in a roDlrklnz rl.lo with ylrlfc! Frank I,. Similon in Atlnnla Constitution. THE FATE OF RAMON. Ami now Ilainon Medrano was a rained man. The cloud of misfortune had burst uiton him at a time when he thought it wsis about to pass away. It was the fault of those rascally, long tongued Americans, with their peep ing ways and their vile inquinitiveness. For half a score of years he had lived ' in the old Spanish town of Logrono and had lieen the landlord of the Posada Huespedes Oriental. Now ho looked back and saw all of his work swept away. Kvery duro that he had would go, too. for who was there who would come to eat and drink with him when they heard this story? Who would want to sleep in the rooms which were likely to be haunted, or who would even want to stand hi front f a hou-e honeycombed with unknown feoles, like a rabbit's burrow, aud where had been fouud a pair of griu- ing skeleton?.? Oaraiubrt! Why couldn't the for eigners have gone to some other place. r in coming to him at least have tended to their own business? But the dam aire was tloue. There would be no more business for the posada. Alight as well close the door ow. go away ami let the guafxlia ivile have the whole place to them selves, to root and dig about in like hogs in a new pen. And such a fine place to leave, with the walls white washed only a month ago and every thing fixed up so it wa tit for a don and his suite. Why hadn't the Amer icanos stayed away or gone off aud lost themselves in the de.sert? Ramon couldn't forget it. It was a fne night aud the inoou came up arly. The two Americaus had sat ou the balcony until it was quite late. There badu't been much drinking in bbe front room, where he kept the two rows of shiny black bottles, so he had goue to the back room with Dolores, is wife, and Pepe, the boy. I'eue was at his guitar, playing softly, as if he were thinking of the girl down the street to whom his father had prom ised him in marriage. Once in a great while passing wagon wheels reaked outside and broke in upon the low, soft music of the guitar. Kamon was smoking a cigarette, freshly rolled, aud was looking at the picture f the piuk faced Madonna which hung en the wall, uhile bis i'eft foot tapped the tiled door as he unconsciously kept time to the fandango. Ho re membered all of these things so plainly aow. Have the Americans gone to bed yet. t;ii.k jou?'' said Dolores, as she puure-i out a tumblerful of fragrant wine for him. How should I know? I am not j?l a valet t my guests." he had an swered -somcnli.it testily. He was sorry for speaking that way now. and se be;:iu lo wish i.e had answered dif loreuii'. Hut let that pass with the rest. He drank his wine in silence so leep that the gulps he took sounded like the cracking of a mau'a neck. Las onze!'' That was the niht watch going by ryinir out 11 o'clock. Who c:r-il whether it was 11 o'clock or not? He was in a bad mood and there was no ause for it. He looked at the deep blue gown of the Madonna with the pink face aud blew his cigarette smoke spitefully up toward the whitewashed timbers of the ceiling. He heard the hush swinging over the front door the sign of a wine shop rustle uu easily against the outside wall and he knew the wind had sprung up. It scratched against the boards and made him feel shivery, although it was a warm night. The next room was the kitchen with its big fireplace, and he could hear the murmur of the breeze as it came down etweeu the bricks and stirred about among the cold ashes of the hearth. It's a uight for ghosts," said the woman, as the wind blew in stronger gusts. 'Mind 3-our business." llamon had said, as he poured out more wine for a mi seif. He did not like the thought f ghosts, for on such nights us this, when the wiud blew, a secret dread came over him. Tho. strings of Pope's guitar were silent now, ami t!ie hoy caressoij the instrument as it lay in his lap. II. s big black eyes had taken on a dreamy look. "Come, mi qiierMo. go to bed." said Dolore-. and obediently he had hung the guitar on the nail under the pict ure, lie went into the little room on the left. It seemed to the woman as if it was almost time for the night watch to come again, but she would not wait to bear the midnight hour shouted out. So away she went to her room, while Ramon, usually Ramon the cheerful but to-night Ramon the gloomy, sat bolt upright in his chair.looking stead ily at the wall and thinking. He roiled a fresh cigarette and refilled his glass. He was alone now and it seemed as if the scratching of the bush outside was louder and more clamor ous. The flickering light of the candle made long shadows. From a murmur like ths breathing of a sleeping child in health the breeze had turned to a growl. It seemed even to menace him. The pink face of the Madonna was menred into the bluo of her rown. x ne coiors sniitea ana" she naa a oine face and a pink gown, while it seemed to him as if the child had slipped from her arms to the ground. Ha! but that is queer," he thought. The ciiraretto burned his fingers, rous ing him. and he knew he had been asleep. There was no reason why ho shouldn't have goue to bed. It mut have been his fate, lie rolled another cigarette; h.) would blow out the liirht and go to bed. He held his cigarette over the llame, took two putfs. and in htead of one caudie on the table there w -r:: two, then three, then a long line of tii-iii, sputtering away logeiher. What qii.er things were h'appcniug this night. U tinon. are you going to sit up all night?" came the shrill voice of Dol ores. He had beeu sleeping. The voice roused him, but it was only for an instant just long enough for him to call her an uncomplimentary name under his breath. Then he was nod ding again. The cigarette fell to the floor aud he dreamed. His dream must have been a bad one. for it made him clutch his chair. lu the midst of it he heard sounds, like voices. He heard a scratching noise, then a fall, us if a loose brick had fallen down the chimney. Wearily he lifted his heavy eyelids." Tho row of candles faded out. uutil there was only one left. He looked half stupid with sleep at the bottle, next at the empty tumbler aud then at the burning cigarette on the floor. He reached over mechanically and picked up the roll of tobacco. With an unsteady hand he poured from the bottle iuto the glass and drank. He pulled at the cigarette un til the lighted end was in a glow. He was dozing again. Twelve o'clock!" cried the night watch, and then Then came the horror. In the kitchen there was a crash. Like a wounded beast he had leaped to his feet with a cry. He snatched the can dle up and ran to the door. He held it high above his head and looked. There, in the big fireplace, lie saw a face. It was grimy with dirt. The cj'es seemed to him to shine supernat urally. Behind was a faint glow. The figure moved forward, as if to struggle out. llamon tried to speak, but his tongue rattied in his mouth. Three times as the figure squirmed forward his lips moved. At the third etfort the sound came. But such a sound it was like the gasp of a dying man. 'Is it you? Have you come back?" The band which clutched the door went up to his face and across his eyes, shutting out what he saw. The voice which came in answer was not Spanish. It was American. "Well, old man." it said, "how long are you going to stand there? Give a fellow a lift, can't j'ou?" The terrified figure at the door was Ramon, the landlord, once more. He pulled himself together aud said in a quavering voice: "Ah, senor. I did not know you. You have met with an accident." He remembered very well how he felt just theu. He would like to have jumped forward and taken hold of the American's neck just as . Well, just as a dog chokes a rat. The more he hatl thought of it the less able he seemed to resist the temptation. The hand which held the candle compress ed itself until the muscles in his arms stood out like ropes and the nails of the other hand sunk into the hard palm. He heard another voice. Both Americans were in the fireplace. His grip relaxed and he helped them out the oue who had a stick in his hand and the one who held a candle. They all sat down together over the half empty bottle. There they had told him iu the hard Spanish which they spoke, how, becoming tired of the moonlight, they had gone into the room; how they had looked curiously into the fireplace and how they had accidentally disturbed a slab. Did he not know of the secret corri dor which ran along between the walls from one fireplace to another? they asked. Nor he had answered with some sharpness. "Why should I?" Well, then, they had said, it would be a irooJ thing for him to look around a little, for there were a couple of fel lows up there with no flesh on their bones; two skeletons, who wore smiles on their bone faces, as if they were glad they were dead. The end of it all was that the three went up to the room and into the fire place, along the damp, foul smelling corridor, so heavy with mold that the candle burned dim. Half way they came across the dead, and the land lord, crossing himself piously, had started back in horror. Both skele tons were clothed. One wore the cos tume of a Carlist captain, but the blue jacket was mokly aud the lustre of the brass buttons was hidden by a thick catiug of verdigris. The jaunty red Bisque hat had rolled to oue side and the tapestrings which had held the rope sandals were rotten, and they too had fallen aside. The dress of the other showed he had been nothing more than a Spanish peasant, and a poor one at that. And now he was ruined, was Ramon. No one would stop at his house uow. and he wrung his hands at the thought, apparently, as he backed up against the corridor wall. Would the good, kind American gentleman say nothing about this affair, that he might save the reputation of the house? They had promised readily enough and he had gone down-stairs to the little room to sit and thiuk. He had fixed up the fireplace in the kitchen but he must think. The red sunlight came boldly through the east window and it saw him still thinking. He was ruined. Mechanically he arose and opened the front doors for business. Dolores came out, rubbing her eyes, wondering where be had been and where he had spent the night. Ah, una amigita yolo creo." she re marked, but hepaid no attention to her. Pepe came out yawning. The Amer icans came down and breakfasted. Others came iu to eat. Would those Americans never stop talking. "I'm going to keep that red skull cap," one was saying as they went in to the wine room, which already had its quota of customers. How a story flies. Before the siesta the secret was out. "Pack up." said Ramon to Dolores. "This house has a curse on it now and we will go away." "How could they have come there, think you?" asked the woman, mean ing the skeletons. "How should I know?" he answered. And then they set to work to pack up. Ramon was in a feverish excitement to get away. It seemed to him as if he could not bear the thought of stopping in that house another night. By the time the sun was ready to shine on the other half of the world the laden mules were in front of the door, standing like statues, waiting for the word of the driver. The bush over the door swung carelessly on its string. The stars began to come out. "You're a fool, Ramon, to take us off like this." said Dolores. "The mountains are not pleasant places to sleep ou when one has been used lo a bed." He glared at her, yelled at the mules and the little train had started. They went down the narrow street toward the south, and when they had passed the last gaping villager aud left the last adobe house behind Ramon picked ui) courare. He whistled a gay chan son and drove his heels into the sides of his mule as if to urge him to a faster 2a it. "We will go to the south," he was just saying, when Pepe. who had sharp ears for a boy, exclaimed: "Here comes the guardia civile. We shall have company." "Let them come," returned Ramon recklessly. "Who cares? But may the blessed madonna save us from the brigands." The hoof-beats sounded nearer and nearer, until before long the leader of the rough-looking troop was neck and neck with Ramon's mule. The cap tain reached over and w ith a dexterous touch twisted the rope bridle from Rimon's hand. Not so fast. rood friend. One would think you were going to leave us." and he laughed. "What do 3011 meau?" asked the innkeeper. "Nothing. But the bones of the Carlist captain and of Antonio want company. You must come back." For the seiud time within twenty four hours Ruiiuii fouud he could not speak. He looked at the men with a silent horror in his e3'es, allowed the head of the mule to be turned toward the town, and was ridden back like a sack of meal going to market. The shrill voice of Dolores and the crying of Pepe mingled along the route. In front of the posada was a group of ex cited villagers, aud when the party rode up they greeted Ramon with cries of: "Here he comes, the assassin." "Kill the man who killed Antonio, who never even harmed a cat," and "Ah! the murderer!" Ramon would have fallen from his seat had there not been a guard on either side. He was taken to the jail, while Dolores aud Pepe went inside the louely iun aud the mules were taken to the stable and unpacked. While the guards were taking llamon away Dolores stalked up aud down the vacant rooms and wailed: "Why have they done this? Of what great crime is Ramon guilty?" Her question was answered soonei than she thought, for she had scarcely taken a dozen turns about thf weeping Pepe when Padre Vinci en te, the soon priest, entered. He told her that Ra mon was accused of killing and rob bing the Carlist captain and later of killing Antonio. "They say," he went ou, "that Ra mon strangled Antonio because An tonio knew of the death of the captain. But. perhaps," reassuringly, "it's not true." That night there was a maniac at the jail, a madman who shrieked and cursed aud who at intervals cowered tremblingly in a corner of the cell and begged the good captain, the kind cap tain, not to hurt him. "I did not mean it, Antonio, my friend. I did not mean to choke thee so hard. (Jo back, I tell thee, go back, there! Oh, holy mother, save me from him." Thus he went on all night, and thus, bit by bit, he told with the ring of truth in his frenzy the story of th murders. At one time he seemed to be dragging a body iuto the fireplace of the iuu. "You'll be nice and safe here," he muttered, "and warm, too, for in the winter you'll have plenty of fire. You'll never need money now, Auto nio, and you'll never drink my wine again and tell me to take the dead captain's money for the pay. There 30U are now. Antonio, close by the captain's side. Ah. you rogue, don't steal his red cap. Good night, dear Antonio, good night, and if your friends call I'll tell them you have gone away for your health. Ha! ha! away for "your "health, Antonio, away for your health." Then he changed suddenly and shrieked out: "It was not I! I did not do it! T'vi a poor innkeeper, gentlemen. Yiio aeiis wine. Upon ray soul 1 did not do it. I am ruined, do you hear? Ruined! Piea-e let me go." In the morniug there was a change. Ramon was lying on the stone lloor when the guard came in with the padre. He was mumbliug and was very near the end. Have you anything to say to me, my sou?" came the soft tones of the priest. Ramon sat up and glared at him. He fell back stiffly and his hands clutched at his throat. "Don't. An tonio, good Antonio, don't. Padre, padre, he is strangling me. I cannot breathe. Let go. Antonio, let go, curse you." He "writhed in a last convulsion, there was a hoarse scraping sound. aud the innkeeper was dead. Hot by nat ural causes, but by his own hand. Under his vest those who searched found his keen navaja stuck into his body between the fourth and fifth ribs. X: lr. Herald. ' Over a Back Fem e. Neighbor woman: "Your dog was chasin' our chickens this niornin'. an' I jest want-you to understand that's o-o't to stop risrht now." Mrs. Mild: "I did not .see tue dog out of our 3'ard." Nei"hbor woman: "He wasn't. The chickens was in your yard." Safe and Reusable. "In buying1 a cough medicine for children," ways H. A. Walker, a prominent druggist of Ogden, Utah, "never to he afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There ia no danger from it and re lief is alwa3'H mire to follow. I par ticularly recommend Chamberlain's becau.se I have found it to be safe and reliable. 2.1 and .r0 cent bottles for sale by V. G. Fricke & Co. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tub Bust Sai.vk in the world for Cutt Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter. Cliappt-d Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no py required. It is guaranteed to trive pHtisfaclion. or money ref untied. Price 2o cents per box. For sale by F. O. Fricke Do not confuse the famous Iilush of Koses with the many worthless paints, powders, creams and bleaches which are flooding the market. Get the genuine of your druggist, t). II. Snyder, 75 cents per bottle, and I guarantee it will re move your pimples, freckles, black heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and give you a lovcl3r complexion. 1 Electric Bitters. This reined- is becoming so well and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used FIecl trie Hitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do al that is claimed. JClectric Hitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidnej-s, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the sj stcm ami prevent as well as cure all ma larial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Ivlectric Hitters. Knt ire satisfaction guaranteed, or nioiiey refunded.- Price rOe and .fl per bottle at F. G. Fricke it Co's drugstore. 5 A Fatal Mistake. Pln sicians make no more fatal mistake than when the inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist, has proven the contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co., who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world, ft cures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Kestorative Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. It Should be in Every House. J. 13. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg', Pa., says he will not be with out Dr. King's New Discovery foi Consumption, Coughs and Colds that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia afte? an attack of "La Grippe," when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good Robert Barber, of Cocksport, Pa. claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than any thing he ever used for I.unp Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 50c and $1.00 A Mystery Explained. The papers contain frequent no tices of rich, pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps and coachmen. The well-known specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usually subject to Head ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im moderate crying orlaughing. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is 110 remedy equal to Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles and a fine book, containing many marvelous cures, free at F. G. Fricke & Co's.. who also sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Jit art Cure, the finest of heart toiiics.Cares fluttering,, short breath, etc. f oug'i Following tho Crip Many person, who have recovered from la grippe are now troubled with a persistent cough. Cham berlain's cough remedy will promptly loosen this cough and relieve the lungs, effecting a per- tunnnt ciirp i ti :i "V-t"V Klwkft timp L'5 and 50 cent bottle for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Startling Facts. The American people are rapidly becomitifr a rase of nervous wrecks and the following suggests, the best remedy: alphouso ilumpfling, of Hutler, Penn. swears that when his son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Nervinir cured him. Mrs. 1. L. Miller of Valprai and. J. D. Taolnr. of Logan sport. Ind each gained 'JO pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A. Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and much aeadach. dizzness. bockach and nervous prostiation by one bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, & Co.. who recomends this uneq nailed remedv. F:iy's Cream Balm is especially adapted as a remeby for catarrh which is aggravated by alkaline dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover, Druggist, Denver. WEAK and UNDEVELOPED COBdltlOBSOf tehomn form snccessf ally treated to develop, etrenirthen. enlarge all weak. Blunted, undeveloped, feeble onrana and part or the body which hae lost or never attained a proper and natural due, due to ill health, aboae. ezcesaea. or unknown canseo. There 1b one method and only one by which this may be accomplished. Increased flow of blood to any part, produced by aim pie apparatus acting automatically, creates new tiasue. tone and vigor by the same natural Jaw as the increase of size and strength of muscle. Don't be prejudiced because little q u o k s pro ' ft 7 siily means to do the same. INVESTIGATE. There's no trap bark of our offers. Our pay will come when the pulilic knows clearly science from fraud. Write us for instructions, full descrip tion, proofs, references, etc. All sent you in plua resled letterwlthoutcostof any kind. EEIB MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, IT.Y. C. MAYES COUNTY -SUKVEYOB 1K1I civil f:nginkkr All orders left with the comity clerk will he promptly attended to. OF1- ICK IX COURT HOUSE, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska PUltKlNS- HOUSE, 217. 210, 221 and 2:1 Main St., Plattsmouth - Nebraska H. M EONS, Proprietor. Ihe Perkins has been thoroughly renovated from top to lottui mid now one of tho best hotels in the ntate Boarders will be taken by the week at $4.50 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Soro Eyes Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ok Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Soro ITipplcs and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of caseahavo been cured by it after all other treatment had failed. It is put up in 25 and C3 cent boxes. fSntPTS Fk jrvs ness head ss3:: CU S& fjl g 'VTI Aki ly ' loilo W.ulr Ear o:.ti. tilSZ? bl St' &IJ ln. Whuprn bKir.l. OiafiTlnlilr. -u -i t-ssf' -Wit-i .2 ti m...Ittf m. SoM l,y I.'. Ili.tux.niiiy , r "TC &53 llroadwpy, New Yore. Wnta lor bouk. of roo':&rnilL KAir? BALSAM iCIcncsea and bf.ntififfl tr.e hair. V I Promotes a lnxu, irtnt Erruwth. ifcT J .-'- J. Alio w - oiwi J KJ i uy rSrJ Hair to its Yotithful Color. 3 j-. . ..! .1 : 1. a. -1 . mi -f.l- AOr.nnd t iat Pmgfrifta l :-c lirker 8 Ginger Tonic. Jt cur s ttic wt t?n, Weak l.unjn, Dcbilirv, ItiiI igeition, Pain, Take in time. JH-t. KINDER CORNS. The only ure cine for Com,, blops all puiu. lie at lrut;ists, or lllaCOX Ic CO., N. Y. GRATKUL COMFORTING I IN IJR K A K FAST "By a thoroneli knowlil'7f of 111" natural laws which govern the opeiations f diireston ami nutrition, and by a careful atn limiion of the fine vroperi iux of well sHenN'ri fiv.-oa. Mr. Epps has prjvile1 our breakfast table with a delicately flavored beverage wliicii in.iy wave us many uavy doctor' bills. It is by.the'juclic Ious use of ouch articles of diet ilr-t a con fitution may be gradually built up until stronir enough to "resist. eve; v tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle ei-ut!e are float in around us ready to attacK w!ieieer here is a week point, We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves -well forrified with pureblooi and a properly'nourlshed frame." Civil Service Gazette. Madosi sininly with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half-pound tins, by irroceriPS. labelled tbuf: JAMEs EPFS & DO., Homoeopathic Chemist l-tmuon. EuKlaijd How Lost! How Regained ! KHOV THYSELF. Or SELF-PKESEKV ATION. A new and only Gold Medal PltlZK ESSAY on SEKVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY, ERRORS of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 300 pages, cloth. gut; 1-25 invaluable prescriptions. Only tl.00 by mail, double sealed. Descriptive Prospect- cs witn endorsements 2 FREE! now! of the Press and vomntarj testimonials of the cured Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat ment, INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER TAIN CURE. Address Dr. W. Ii. Parker, or The Peabody Mdicl Institute, No. 4 Bulnnch St., Boston, Mane. The Peabody Medical Inntitute baa many imi tate ra, but no equal. lleraldL. Th Science of Life, or 6elf-Preervation, 1 a treasure more valuable than gold. Read it now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to b STRONG . Jftdieal Hevino. (Copyrighted-,' EPS eHtCHEZTEITS FueU&H. THt CPIGUVAL AND r.r(,MiKt. liOGOi s s bete icVM vttfc Mne TiT3. ai a.hrr I'H1 ...i-v. Ail in ibwirl bossff. i:ik wfrir. ay.- '.nmsrv. a- i" ;.-r -.. , tiatjUf-u, . i- r V Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mvstakc Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND- (JNDERTAKR. ConstHutly keeps on Land cvcrytliin you ncil to furuih your house. CORNER BIXTU AND MAIN STHEKT Plattsmouth - Neb Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. u. a. waterman k PiK! ii .UMBER ! 31iititf!;a, Litii, . Goers, & inds '.iu su;);ly cvrw 1mhuk1 i the city. r?a'l trwl fret terms. Fourth fttrot in r;ur of oj't:ri house. For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Loui8, and all points north, east south or west. Tick ets f-old and batf a;e checked t o a n y point in the United Sta tes or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATKS AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address II", C. Towx.send, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. I'liiLLirri. A. G. P. A. Omaha. II. I). Ai'dAK. At., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. PAVE you tei SCHirFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Nerar fail to privo infttaot relief in ttaa wont aaea. and Iforta rarea wkcre otkara fail. Trial rtMs rKEK r DronlHa ar fcr BUIL, 14drw DH. K. POHIPPMANH, Bt. TnUWhm. RtD CflOZI DIAMOND BRAftD -i , r ; -.1 .v- - r- I 1U. ' -V 7