Ml-' I 0 HEAD! fS OFFICE IS PUEPAIIED WOttIC, AND DOES IT FOK -o- IF YOU AKK 'KTTER IIKADS - BILL IIKADS, STATKMKNTS ------ I KNVKLOPKS - - - - - SALE HILLS - l'OSTKKS or in lact anything in the STATIONARY LINE- CALL AT EESRALD WE CAN SUIT f jtlciiiiteG Satisfaction- IF you wish to succeed in jour He public know your prices. People like to 'trade with the mer chant who offers them the best inducements. It might help your , trade wonderfully. Try it. As the most important Campaign for 'years is Coming upon us Yr5e provided with a good live newspaper that will keep them posted on all important ques ions of the day. THE HERALD is purely a Republican paper and would be glad to put our name on our list. Only $1,50 a year. See our Clubbing list with the leading pa pers published. TEaixO PUlSLcISlTIQ CO. SOI Cor Fifth PLATTSMOUTH READ! TO DO ONLY FIIiST-CLASS IlEAbONACLE PRICES. IX NEED OF THE OFFICE. YOU, AS WE business, advertise it and let every Farmer should and Vine St. NEBRASKA PronounreH Hople, YeiSnved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. I In rd of Gridnn, S. I ).. we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Inner, cough set in and finally terminated in consump tion, l-iiiir doctors :;;nv me uj giv ing 1 could live lnt a .-hort time. I fjiivc injself up to my Saviour, d--t -1 1 1 1 i 1 1 - 1 if I could not stay with my friends on earth. I would meet niv absent ones above. 1 y hus band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption coughs and colds. I ifave it a trial took in all eight bottles; it hascured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial hottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s dru;; store, regular si.e. aOc. and l.tM). F. G. Fricke Ac Co.. Druggists & Pharmacists, Union Hlock, I'latts inouth, Neb. desire to inform the public, that they are agents, for the most successful preparation that Ja as yet been produced for coughs, colds ami croup. It will loosen and releave a severe cold iu less time than any other treatment. The article referred too is Cha hut Iain's Caugh rcmeby. It is a medi cine hat has won fame and popular ity on it's merits and one that can always he depended upon. It is the only known remedy that will prevent croup. It must be tried to be oppreciated. It is put Up in ." cent and ij-I bottles. WHICH mm QUICKLY, THOROUGHLY, FOREVER CURED nj a. new ponecicu scientific method cnntiot fail unlusn tlio chso In bevond human aiii. Yon feel improved t ho first duy, foci a hene lit verv day : hwoii know yountul'f a kiuK aiuotic mwi ia body, mind ami hiNirU Drains ami Io:-m-3 cixl:I. Kvery obsoicto to hatipy tniirripd life re moved. Nervo force, wili.encrry, brain p'v.e;-, wIi,mi J'ft 1 1 1 i kf ir lost ;tr. restored by this tre:ii nient. All smslliin t wijjii ix:rt ions i( the body :: JuiVRd iwi Rtrerictho'iOLi. Victims of nhnscH nnd cxwe.--, reclnim your innnhood ! SuaVrers from folly .ovcrworlc.tll h::lth, regain your viijor! Don't despair.rvpn if in tln lust titam-'t. i'on't be dislieait oiled if quacks have rob bed you. Let us show you that medical suit-nco timlnfs honor ptlll prist; here no band in hand. Write lor oar Hook, with trzplanatiunn & proofs, Oiailed sealed Tree. Over 32.000 rerrcaces ERIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO. IT. Y. SCH1FFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Naror fails to give instant relief in the worst caw, and m'Strt amrca where otaera fail Trial Pacaac FKIEB DmreUt ar ay MalL. Iddraa DR. R. BOmFTllANK, fit. Paal, aTlaa. 6 I, tii 3 Lluuor Habit, Positively Curet GV AOUIiJtSrCCIJC N. KAiKES' COluEN SPECIFIC Itcsn be givon in a cup of coee or tea. or in ar tictes of 0d. without tlia ktiov. ledge of the V r.on takinK it; it Is absolutely liarmlpf sn. v.-i!. cfl'ect a permanent and pjicedy cure, w heiiirk tbei atiutisa laodcrate (!riiiii'roran alcoi-o!""-wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete cure iu cvsry instance. 41 page book FREE. Adiirefaln cinfi'lcrice, ii.DEl VEC'FIC OO. 1 ib Raw SL, CincMtnatLO Drs.BETTS&BETTS PHYSICIAKS, SUBEEOSS and SPECIALISTS, 1409 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Office honra from 9 a. m. to S p. m. Sunday from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Specialists in Chronic, Merrona, Skin and Blood Diseases. Conmltation at office or by mail free Medicines sent by mail or express, securely p&cked, free from observation. Guarantees to eare qniekly, safely and permanently. The most widely and favorably known epeeial ista in the United Btatea. Their long experience, remarkable skill and universal success in the treatment and cure of Nervous, Chronic and But. pical Disease?, entitle these eminent physicians to the foil confidence of the afflicted everywhere They fruarantee: A CERTAIN AHD POSITIVE CURE for the awfnl p II sets of early vice and the numerous ovils tfcat follow in iU train. PRIVATE, BLOOD AKD 8KIK DISEASES speedily, completely and permanently cured. KERVOUS DEBILITY AKD EEXTJAL DI5 OBDERS yield readily to their akiilfui treat ment. PILES, EISTULA AKD EFCTAL ULCERS raarauteed cured without pain or detention from business. HYDROCELE AND VARICOCELE pernva DoiiUy and saccessfnlly cured in every case. SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA, GLEET. Sperma torrhoea. Seminal Weakness. Lost Manhood, Nifcht Kmis6ions, Decayed i-'acultied. Female Weakness and all delicate disorders peculiar to either sex positively cured, as well as all func tional disorders that result from youthful follies or the excess of mature years. CfpirtftirO Gnamteed peroranently cured, Oil iUtUI C removal complete, without cnt- home by patieat without a moments pain of aaaujiujj TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN AQllPO PuPO The a,rfnl effects of early OUIC uUl C vice which brines organic weakness. destrorinK both mind and body, with all its dreaded ills, permanently cured. nPC P? aJtQ Address those who have itnpBr Ul UCU9 eU themselves by improper m dnlpence and solitsry habits, which rnia both mind and body, onnttint; them for budtnesa, study or marriage. MARRIED MES, or those entering on that happy life, aware of physical debility, quickly assisted. CfSond 6 cents postaoe for celebrated works on Chronic, .Nervoas and Delicate Diseases. Thousands cured. ri7A friendly letter or call may save you future aafferins and shame, and add (rolden years to h fe. CSSo letter answered unless accompanied by 4 eents ia stamps. Address, cr call 00 DRS. BETTS & BETTS, 1409 Douglas St., OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. ML mm WE A EC AKD GHDEVBLSPED ronflitlonSof tbe liniiian furm hui- :-h uiiy titm 4 ! i'-v-1. !. cf rAr.i-Thi'ii. nianrt ail ptak. atnjitrrt. lit (i-vl.iH)(l, Il-cjJv VKHim n ti. I iMrti ot tlie.bonjr T.liirh lirtVM JiiMt er tvi ot.ihjri aVI1' Tintural size, due to ill Leulili, iibUB.. eiri -f.e. r unknown cuii.;n. 'I'ln'r Is one meilioil fiu-l only one, y wbicti tins nwiy ln ju'coiiii'li"!""!. Jncreaneil flow f klMH t any part, priHlncMl ly i-lnilenpDnrMtim i linit aiitouinlicully, creates iiew tinxiiiMono and vlyor tiy tlm name luittinil Iux 111 the Increase of nlw fiiuj ht reiiL'lh of luiiwle. lhm'i lie reJulloe bee mso litt le quuikn jrfM. hv o:My means to 1 tlio nntuo. I N V KSTKi TK, 'i'hrrr'n no Irnp bark of nnr 0H1 r. Our ay will come when tlio p'll.lio knows clearly 8 len e from frau1. Write us lor hist ruction, full oVmtip tlon, proofs, references, etc. All sent you iu pluan f eleti letter wi' boia coxt of on kind. ZBIE MEDICAL C3., BUFFALO, IT. Y. Safe and Re lable. "In buyincf a couh iiKMliciti'.r for children," cays II. A. Walker, a prominent Iruit of Option, Utah, "never to le afraid to buy Chamberlain's Ctm;h Remedy. There is no danger from it and re lief is always sure to follow. I iar7 ticularly recoil 1 mend Chamber la in'n because I have found it to be safe and reliable. and fiO cent bottles for Bale by 1', (1, Fricke. & Co. BucklciVa Arnica Salve. The Uest Salve ia the wtr!d for Cute Bruises, Sores, Ul ;-rs, Snlt Iliu uiu. Fever Sores, Tetter, C'h:i; ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, arid nil Skin 'ii nations, nnd posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. lf is ifti tr.ititced ti yivi- sutistuciion, 01 Money rt:fndel. I'ri. e 2" eeuts per box !r sale bv F. Q. Do not confuse the famous Hlush of Roses with the many worthless jiaints, jowders, creams aud bleaclies which are tlootlinof the market. (iet the genuine ot your druo-L;ist, ). II. Snyder, 7." cents per bottle, and I guarantee it will re move your pimples, freckles, black heads, moth, tan and t-unbiirn, and ,ive yon a lovely complexion. 1 Electr:c Bitters. This remedy is becoming ko well and st, jj) as to need no special mention. All who have used Klecl trie IJitters 'siiiy; the same sonjjf of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do al that is claimed. Klectric IJitters will cure all tliseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and of her affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and preveift as well as cure all ma larial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Klectric Bitters. Entire satisfaction fiuaranteed, or money refunded. Trice 50c and $1 per bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. 5 A Fatal Mistake. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when they inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist, has proven the contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co., who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart remedy in the world. It cures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder. irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, uropsy, etc. His Kestorative Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. It Should be in Every House. J. U. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be with out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds that it cur.'d his wife who waf threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of "Iy,i Grippe.' when various other remedies and several phy sicians had done her no good ivobert Harber, of Cocksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than any thing lie ever used for I. tine Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke A Co's drugstore. L,arge bottle, 50c and. 1.00. A Mystery Explained. The papers contain frequent no tices of rich, pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps and coachmen. The well-known specialist. Dr. Franklin Miles, saya all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usually subject to nead ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im moderate crying or laughing. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is no remedy equal to Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles and a fine book, containing many marvelous cures, free at F. G. FricKe & Co's., who also sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures tluttering.'short breath, etc. Cough Following the Grip Many person, who have recovered from la grippe are now troubled with a persistent cough. Cham berlain's cough remedy will promptly loosen this cough and relieve the lungs, effecting a per manent cure in a ver3' short time. 25 and 50 cent bottle for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Startling Facts. The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks and the followtng suggests, the best remedy: alphouso Humpfling, of Butler, Penn, swears that when his sou was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L,. Miller of Valprai and. J. D. Taolnr, of Logansport, Ind each gained 20 pounds if an taking it. Mrs. H. A. Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and much aeadach, dizzness, bockach and nervous prostiation by one bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, & Co., who recomends this unequailed remedy. Kly's Cream Balm is especially adapted as a remeby for catarrh which is aggravated by alkaline dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover, Druggist, Denver. 1 HE WA! I-'OOOOOEO. t , -. 1 How a Itlliiitom " l'liiiiff 'plilnn'a Iff t MrKnly Jt ilorlfle linn I n oinrMi. ! L'Ht Thurxthiv four irenl l"iin n ."sit i :tli(Ut a i;ll. iu :l ryi l;iin lintel in tlii IjrilV. s;ivi Ho" l'i.fl iil pin 1 'I'niis. i'lie pohli'vil 'li-eiii -n in .vhieli liiev weru eiiiT;i'''l was I r nig ti t l' an abrupt ciosu by a remark from 01m ol tlm pa it v. IIlo!' he sai'l. ' II is ilritikin a leinona'hv Why, B hadn't tie waiter ma'le :i 111 kf ? Didn't oil order link y ? ' Mr. B slowly shook his l ead, look u ti:i;tl pull at his Mraus and thi n aside the empty tumbler. "It's all right," he said. "I asked for lemonade." .Surely vim have not iriven XiV whisky?'" 'I've rjuil drinkinr. if that's what you mean,"' B confessed,. somewhat reluctantly. Unparalleled astonishment was de picted on the faces of his three com panions as they leaned forward. "Well, why iu time did you do that?" cried the first speaker. "What in th worhl has happened. B ? Is the world corning to au end, or are you do in it on a bet?" 'There is no bet about it." ' Sointi oue beeu talking prohibition. to you?" "Nopfi." "Signed the pledge?" "Nope." The man ravo it up. "Come," he said, "tell us all about it. Perhaps it will help Billy here." For reply the abstainer reached into his waistcoat pocket and pulled out a small newspaper cutting. He passed il over to his three companions. It read: Li'uor llubit Cured! Dr. S "s preparation is inf.illiable. Never fails. May be taken iu coffee without tasting. Wives and mothers slum Id try it on wayward husbands and sons. For sale by all druirists. There was a moment's silence, and then B whispered in gloomy tones: "I I can't be sure, of course, but I'oi afraid my wife is on to me. I found that paper on her dressing table this morning, and considering the amount off colTee whiea I get at every meal, I guess I must be hoodooed. Anyway, I bring me another lemon ade, Jimtiiv, and see what the rest will have." On the strength of this confession the rest were not slow iu ordering a bottle of extra dry. and the confessee did not care to protest. What The Tots Say. Marian was in a room with her mother, where she saw upon the wall the illuminated text: "What is Home without a Mother?" Spelling it out she said: "Mamma, why don't they put the answer to that conundrum up there?" "'What is the answer?" asked her mother. "Au orphan, of course." answered Marion with great satis faction. "I guessed it easy." Freddy was sent by his mother on an errand. In a few minutes he returned, his face pallid with fear. "Why. Fred dy!" said mamma, "what made j'ou como back so soon?" With a forced smile Fred answered: "There's a dog on the sidewalk. The beau-ti-ful-est. great, big black dog you ever saw. I thought I would come back and tell you to let nurse go with me and take Sister Nellie, so she could see the dog. too." . Mabel was sitting on the floor play ing with her doll when her aunt called to her: "Mabel, put down your doll and come and shell these peas." "Oh. auotie! ' answered Mabel, "you make me do everything, and won't let me do any thiug!" Upon Benny's return from his first day at school his mother asked him if he had learned anything new at school. "Yes'm," he replied confidently, "I learned the difference between a hori- ticuiar and a perpizontal line." I'hiladd ihi'i Titiv.a. Overheard at a Keception. 4 'Will you hear uie?" said a man to a "irk "Probably," she replied, "but I can't promise to listen." A fellow said to a pretty woman: "Can I see vou home?" "You may try," she smilingly mur mured; 4 'that's" my husband coming up-stairs." Sometimes the feminine sarcasm was bestowed on a member of the same sex. A girl said to another: "Do you think he likes me?" "I heard him say he found you very amusing." was the reply. Another dialogue began with: "I am engaged to Bob Grant." "I am so glad." the companion girl exclaimed. "I was so afraid he would never get over his affair with me." In oue iustance an exchange of con fidences began with: "Marie, I quar reled with George and I told him never to call again." But he will," the other said, sooth ingly. I know, but we are going to move to-morrow and I forgot to give him the Dew number." A matrou was shielding her daughter in a quiet nook, so that she might hastily tie her gaiter." Kate." the mother whispered, "be careful; there is a man over there who can see you." Kate demurely responded: "Oh, pshaw, mamma, he doesn't know I know he's there." Philadelphia Press. Xo Tronble for Him. "Do you think you shall always be as fond of me as now?" asked Kid R. Lee of his voung bride. "I'll try." "Try. There will be no effort needed to keep my affection for you un changed." Oh. of course. That is where yon have the advantage. People of your age are always very set in their ways." Indianapolis Journal. A New Haven man has worn the same coat for thirty-five years. Sarlhquake3 to the number of 533 have occurred iu China ia the last nine and one-half years, an average of about one a week. HE OBJ-CTED TO IT. Tin man Hml Ilia O n lln on lha Sul J -rt Swf- llolal liilf. He was an elderly gentleman with a Mieawber-like appearance. J I" stood look i hit at a number of men engaged in hoisting a heavy safe into the lifth story of a larf building on Chestnut street last Saturday afternoon, says the Philadelphia frr.s.i. After gazing fill" some time at the tackle that was being arranged, he ac costed the man who was diiecliug the work and said: "Will you let tin' speak to you a minute, voung man?'' "In a few minutes, I'm busy now." replied the rigger. But it is important that I should Hpeak to you at once," persisted the old fellow. -Very well." exclaimed the other, impatiently. "Hold on. Dan. Now, then, what is il?" Do you think it is safe to attempt to lower that sitfe tip your way?" in quired the "crank." hesitatingly. Certainly! I know my business." "That's all very well, young man; but I'm a leetle bit older'u you an' know more about this world'n you do." "Yes; all right!" shouted the rigger. Go ahead. Dan." 'But hold on. young man. 1 have a better way. lf you will let me show yon " Stand back there, please." "Yes. But I'm afraid you will let that thing drop au' hurt somebody." "No da nirer." "Now just wait. If you will just throw that rope over what-you-call-it an' then bring it through thethiug-um-bob I think " "I think y ou are a d d old crank!" "What ! Voung man " "Stand back, old fossil!'' shouted the rigger, "or we'll drop the axmaravcl ous. as you would call it, 011 your head." " "Vou impudent j oung rascal! You should know belter than to address a man old enough to be your father iu that manner. Will you try my way?" "No! That settles it,oM stiek-iu-tho mud. (Jet out of the way?" "Hum! Fiddlesticks! Young men these days know too much for their breeches anyhow. All right! All right! You folks had better git far back. That wild, impudent boy will let that thing drop as sure as guns are made of iron. If he would only try my way he might save life and labor. But I've warned him." And he retired to the rear to awnit developments. What JIih Cargo Was. One of the best stories Joe Jefferson tells of his early barn, storming days, says the Albany Ai'ius, was of the time when the company, under the management of Sol Smith got stranded in a little Mississippi town, and didn't have enough money to reach the next stand where it was to play. Luckily it was in the summer time, aud the river was full of II at boats plying to and fro with produce and live" stock. It was a case of going the whole hog or none. So Sol Smith, who was an eloquent old actor, finally prevailed on the skipper, who was going down the river with a load of hogs, to give the actors free transportation. It may be imagined that the trip was not enjoy ably spent in such unsavory company, but actors were not as particular in those days as they are now. One evening the passed a palatial fiteamer, the deck li'led with elegantly dressed southern iadie.s and gentlemen. T he captain 'tailed the skipper of the flatboat: "Wha! boat is that?'' "The Marv Ann Jenk in of Uinitnierpsort." "And what kind of a cargo have you got 011 board?" i. not inii'-h of a one only hogs ami actors." The roar of laughter that went up from li;e deck of that steamboat at this announcement must have made tin- engineer think The Ufii-wliiiii ;irl. The whistling girl does not corn- monlv come to a bad end. Quite as often as any other girl she learns to whistle a cradle song, low and sweet and charming, to the young voter in the cradle. She is a girl of spirit, of independence of character, of dash and flavor; and as to lips. why. you must have some sort of presentable lips to whistle; thin ones will uot. The whis thug girl does not come to a bad end at all (if marriage is still considered a good ocupatiou). except a cloud may be thrown upon her exuberant young life by this rascally proverb. Even if she walks the lonely road of life, she has this advantage, that she can whistle to keep her courage up. But in a larger sense, one that this practical age cau understand, it is not true that the whistling girl comes to a bad end. Whistling pays. It has brought her money; it has blown her name about the listening world. Scarcely has a non-whistling woman been more fa mous. She has set aside the adage. She has done so much toward the emaucipaption of her sex from the prejudice created by an ill-natured proverb which never had root in fact. But has the whistling woman come to stay? Is it well for women to whis tle? Are the majority of women like ly to be whistlers? These are serious questions, not to be taken up in a light manner at the end of a grave paper. Will woman ever learn to throw a stone? There it is. The future is in scrutable. We only know that where as they did not whistle with approval, now they do do; the prejudice of gen erations gradually melt3 away. And woman's destiuy is not linked with that of the hen, nor to be controlled by a proverb perhaps not by any thing. Harper's Migazine. Moonshine Whisky. Whisky made by moonshiners seldom becomes a week old. and very often it is drunk warm from the still, having the effect of broken glass on the palate. It is frequently adulterated, tobacco being added to make it bite and rattle weed to make it bead. In the moon shine districts almost everybody drink men and women, old aud young and the mountain boy on pleasure bent carries a quart bottle of the stuff. Re package of snuff, aud a six-shooter. 0