The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 25, 1892, Image 2

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A tale or cu.: C '.
"'I P I .. ..' :. i
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Frii.i the lisi:ii.-istn of important na
tional affair we Ii!t'icvl to tlio arranjje
UH'iiU foi- the twin::'. It, ; arranged
fiiat wo wvr.s to iiK-eL ut Ulue IlMe in tha
tvonii!;-: for tlie u"'.tlii)', and from there
to M'.-j ua.- rrii-nl on their way U Liver
P001- . X X I X. FA i:f. WKI.U
Tlie lM-nnlifiil ilrt-am of lif-! How few t!u ir iilt-al! Tin eventful -veniiii
hat h.'fl la-en I lie tlicnn- of conversation
by a l.irjre einlr of friends, uml the one
vent of life to the iiiunriliute actors, hail
arrived. Tin? immense luill ut Ulue Kicle
was filled with friends, vsigrr to witness
he iirirria-e of Colonel Kn d Haynes, of
the United States. to the lM-autifnl Annie
Wren. Wh.-.t a f.ix'inatioii a wedding 1km
for young; and old!
The bridal party were to occupy ft liroad
sIako or dais that had l.cen Ixnutifully
lee orated for the occasion with more taste
and skill than u-iiul ly the nrti.tR- hand
f l.-idy Ifortense. There were flowers,
verywhere. The room seemed a liower of
bloom. A tinie w;ls to he led to the altar
by her aed f;:ther. Sin wore, over a dress
f white satin, a dainty rolie of lace, a veil
f KtiiflNh point, a necklace of line jM-arl
and .1 wreath of orange tlowers. nil white;
and In this .nowy cloud Annie lookeil
lore lovely than ever. Sir Wren, with
bis lop.n w hite U.-ard. rrr.iin.h'd me of my
childSii pictures of t!ie patriarch Moses.
The Colonel was in a fall eveiiimj drc.-s
nit. His eyes Li-spoke a happy future for
my little friend. As they took their places
before the altar I thought that they miht
hallcinre t he li nest t; reek or Parisian t:ist
for perfect ion of form, feature aud ciw
ume. How t-hort the :eremony! How much it
mean a it runs out in the year to come! ,
To some it bring a train of uninterrupted i
joy and confidence; to other pain and dis
Congratulation were offered, mingled
with feelings of sadness; for on the mor- j
ww our party were to separate. "It may i
he for years and it may be for ever," was
the refrain. Yet there was no murmuring
with sighing. We grieved to be separated
from the friend we had loved so long;
but this was a happy closing scene for our
holiday period. Now we must buckle on
lite armor of life and take an active part.
A. happy, joyous time of rest aud recreation
it had been I
A banquet had been prepared for the j
losing. The great dining-room was bril
liantly lighted. Illumination is a necessa
ry accompaniment to joy; mist and shad
ows are not welcome to the happy. The
hall was gay with bird and flowers. The
tuble Hashed and sparkled with glass,
hina, gold and silver. From an ante room
oamo soft strains of music as from some
.olian harp.
Annie, the beautiful bride, wa seated
between her father and her noble young
husband, while Mrs. Haynes sat by Wir
"Wren. My sweet wife wa3 by my side, as
bright a beam of sunshine as of old. The
merry guests were all seated, and quiet
conversation was the rule. The Duke of
Melvorne sat beside his noble Duchess,
still as charming a when we first met her
in the mountains of the far away land of
blue skies and broad prairies. Mr. and
Mrs. LolLard were as jovial as ever, and
many were the jokes we passed on our time
honored guide. Lord Sanders, with Lis
tall, aiivTular, over-dressed wife and showy
tiaugl:L-rs were all conspicuous for the
amount of diamond they wore and for !
their re.-erveil aaJ naughty uemca:ior.
At dessert Sir Wren was called on to
toast the newly married couple.
"Von will not eicipe two sermons one
from the bishop, which you have ji-.nrd,"
he said, bo.ving across the table to Bishop
Bede, "ami now one from me. Listen, my
onuarcn. Adore eaca other. J nappy.
Now is ! he bidding ;iuuof h:pca:id trust;
let not the chilling blight of discordant el
ements blast the tender Mower. The world
lacks ierfume: it lacks the charm of love.
"We cannot love too well. We cannot please
too much. To love and be loved what a
miracle is wrought! Love, woman and a
kiss are a circle; they form our untverse
from the cradle to the grave. Exist brave
ly for each other. Hide your anger; wound
-may heal but the scars remain. Life is
too short in its arrowy Sight for even an
angry word. Love was a child six thous
and years ago, and has a right to a long
white beard though as youthful as ever,"
concluded Sir Wren, stroking his long
beard as he resumed his seat.
Melvorne was called to answer to the
toast. "Civilization."
"My friends, long life to woman. She is
the central feature of civilization. He who
trains a son train a man. He who edu
cate a daughter educates a nation. Civ
ilization has brought the university to tha
poor man's door, in the newsboy's acheL
Civilization has tamed the lightnings and
conquered the elements, but woman is
conquerable only tliron aer l,vo.
Colonel Haynes called ou for
"A welcome wor,i. my friend." said the
Colonel. "I long to tread her fertile soil
once more. Hut I go with a warning. I
must proclaim to ti.e men in that free
land thut they ;;re ivc.ving to the yoke of
mpres.;..i v, ill be too heavy to I have seen t'e- effect of landlordism
on a people lound in slavery to rent. Shall
the beacon light of hope in our glorious
union be darkened by this dreadful cloud
Shall the land of free schools and free
churches be changed to a land of igikirance
a:;1! d'.'.'N-d.itioi;. No. a thousand time,
no! blood of our forefathers cries out
:i''sdnst it. I-t not History repeat itself.
We ni'ist sound the tocsin and rouse our
w&nle from the lethargvof slecD. There
are aliens in America, silently stealing
our land, our heritage and our freedom.
Defeat to alien landlords is to lie my mot
to evermore!"'
"Waverland for Ireland!" was called.
"My friends," I said, "I see in the mists
of vanished ages a living, moving throng.
Their fitful shadows sweep by us in a grand
procession of stately king in golden char
iots; of yellow-haired warriors rushing to
Laltle with shout and war song, for whose
sake king are ready to peril their crowns
and men to offer up their lives. In Ire
land, when England was inhabited by a
jw!M. rovfn? trvosy, peonleJikT wild Tn-
vfeii esia&ii.sriea in an mo tonus or roy
eminent. Thetriid of nil disputes was
net I led by a verdict of twelve men. In
Music, t he harp was used by the Iribh
people, and developed by them into the
modern piano forte. In literature jmd art
t ;..:;. iied; and from In! u-d came the
ai;a:s' h-aileil soldiers ilia, broke, the
yoke ol Km:ii.-;:j s!av ry from the Kaglisa
Kerfs. While Knland was yet in slavery,
t l:e IrS h v. ci e en) ;, : ng free schools, siis-t.:i:e-.S
by endowment. They taught re
l'::i.;:i. i '. !a-:gtt.- f "fid Ar-
... 1 ect to Ki'ig Solomon and
I,1.. : to Ireland i'y the old prophets
. taey .'led iroi'.i ...--syrian cajilixity,
' . . : n ; ii t t o t lie i ie o li-.
; "'! he youtliful ki:.g, Alfred t!. (Ireat,
1 drank depp from the fountain of knowl
edge in Ireland. Literature and art be
came to him a living purpose. He learnet
to play the harp, ami in after year it en
; allied him to charm the Danish king
I while lie was seeking points for attacking
their armies.
"When Alfred wa proclaimed king of
Knglaud ho established a government
founded on the principle learned of the
Irish Parliament. It consisted of one
chamber where nobles, priest, bards and
commons ull met as equals, aud the king
sat in the midst of them as president. At
Oxford he established a school of learnin
arid sent to Ireland for instructors. He
repeated in England the works in, marble
aud stone that he had learned in Ireland,
and had his men build the tiointed roofs
mid arches now called Gothic.
"t'ur more tnan two thousand years
Iri land was a free and prosperous nation,
as idiorv and her ruin proclaim. I'irst
the Dane made their descent upon the I
land, capturing many places and driving
Irish scholar into all parts of Europe. Af
terward Knglaud realized that Ireland
was a rich and prosperous hind, with every
nda:it.':,'o of wealth and culture. The
Irish wire a iirave an 1 intelligent peopl
sup-.-rior ' o the Er-jli ;h in cvcryihiu.'j hut
power. Superior ii'im'j?;- huvj c::qr:ered
arid f',r oi ii""-" vd Jru':;i l ii;.3
been made to feel that England is Ut mas
ter and she is a lave.
Then, amid the thunders of the Ameri
can revolution, when the Ilritish Empire
reeled before the blows of the allied forces
of Iymis XVI and Lieorge Washington
when 1'aul .tones, the ankce I'nvateer,
preyed on English commerce and spread
terror along the Scottish coast; when Ire
land was without English troops and the
only military force in all Ireland was the
Irish volunteers, O rattan's parliament wa?
called into existence. Then, like a giant
released from bondage, the country again
advanced, making rapid strides in prog-
ress, until Lord Clare proclaimed
i not a civilized nation on the fac
face of the
globe which has advanced in cultivation,
in agriculture, in manufactures, with the
same rapidity as Ireland!'
"For eighteen years that parliament met
in one of the finest buildings in Europe,
and made the laws to govern the Irish
people. Then, again, the jealousy of Eng
land, through treachery and fraud, de
stroyed the Irish parliament, and Grattan,
who had led the Irish people to freedom,
lived to see her liberties crushed out by the
sword and her parliament destroyed by
gold. But though prostrate and bleeding,
smarting under the sense of outraged dig
nity, through years of eviction, famine,
imprisonment and death, she has again
determined to claim her rights. Another
beam of sunlight has touched the living
picture, and reveals a mighty man, whose
hand is on the key-board of British poli
tics! One who has brought forth a har
mony of class and creed that resounds
throughout the world, astonishing man
kind!" The evening's entertainment was pleas
ant and gay, with music and conversation.
The grand good humor of our hast gave a
tone of cheerfulness to the whole party.
At a late hour the final farewells were said
and the bridal party took leave of their
friends at Blue Ridge.
In the morning Colonel Haynes, his wife
and mother and Sir Wren bade adieu to
Raven's Park, but Stella, Myrtle and my
self formed part of the company as far as
Liverpool. There the last farewells were
spoken while we stood on the deck of the
great steamer that was to be their dwell
ing place for the next few day.
"Well Waverland," Mid Colonel Haynes
as he took my arm for a short stroll on the
deck before parting, "keep me posted a
to the condition and progress of. the work
in the British parliament, and I will send
ou notes of matters in America. We
shall be widely separated, yet I shall feel
that we are co-laborer in the same great
work. You are engaged In a long death
struggle to loosen the fangs of landlordism
from the brightest spot of rich green earth
on the face of the globe! I go to America,
to do what I can, by agitation aud work, to
prevent the same monster from stealing
the inheritance of the freest people in tJie
world! Unlike chattel slavery, landlord
ism is stealthy and deceptive! It charms
as the serpent, and i as cruel as the grave.
It starves anil debauches its victims
to helplessness and revels amid the suffer
ing. "ine curse ot Ireland is this same con
densed villainy! This same cruelty, bru
tality and terror, conceived in lust and per
petuated by force! I have seen it with my
own eye. ord cannot describe it. It
does not recognize manhood, womanhood
or childhood. Its hand is upon every cra
dle in Ireland! Its victims are live mil
lions of people who cannot get away. They
are held down by the bayonet, while the
landlords rob the helpless in the name of
the law!
"I believe Irish landlordism comprises
all the villainies the devil ever invented,
with chattel .slavery thrown in; for when
a chattel slave is sick his master cares for
him he is hi money! When an Irish
tenant is unable to work he is thrown out
upon the roadside with his wife and chil
dren to perish. In short I have come to
feel that this system that confronts us is
legalized piracy! The old Saxon was a
drunken, sensual brute, but he had his
good points; he was not a perfect landlord,
but when the Danes, born sea pirates, and
the Normans, born land pirates, swooped
down on England and mixed with the
Saxon such men as Lord Sanders were cre
ated; cold-blooded, cruel and far-reaching;
with hi friOO.000 per year income from
Lis farms in Illinois. He and his brather
landlords have already larger holdings in
America than they have in Europe. It
makes the blood boil in my veins! Must
we bit idle while these men enact the same
cruelties in America that I have seen In
Ireland. No, we are ready for work. This
S3steui we go forth into the two hemis
pheres to fight! You are led by the great
est men of Europe. Your weapons are
truth and justice! S'our friends have made
a start. Thi hot furnace of perdition will
not yield easily, you will be beaten once,
twice, thrice. "Hint remember the story of
Bruce and the spider; thirteen times are
not too often to try! Follow Gladstone and
Pamell. Keep h firm hand on the dyna- I
janoioras here, nnrt tne monopolies in
I America, and will ruin the cause of liberty
by their impatience if permitted. The
right of persons and property should Ik
maintained. It is a lesson for old and
young, rich and poor. No man has a right
to le -! roy his neighbor's property, or to
infringe on his m-ighlxir's rirhts, either as
lan Words, monopolists or as dynamiters!
i .Justice, rirht and a free ballot are theonly
I w apons that can conquer tyranny in all its
! forms!"
I The signal bell sounded, warning us that
j the parting time had come. With clasped
; hands, fail heart and moist eyes, more ex
pressive than word., we pledged eternal
"Annie," Stella was saying, a we joined
them, "write to me often. Tell me of the
people and place that you see. We have
had such happy times together. I almost
dread to go back to Waverland now that
you are gone."
"Little friend and playmate," I said, A
I bade Annie farewell, "the moors and
mountains will miss the patter of your jm
ny's feet, but you will visit a new country
with a message of love and liberty, learned
from the old home in Ireland. I wish you
G l speed and a happy life."
The final signal sounded; we were
low, red from the great steamer, but
watched our friends until they vanished
from view.
We crossed the channel and visited
Waverland for a few days. In some parts
of Ireland there hail been terrible need,
almost amounting to starvation. In Con
naught there had been less suffering. The
tenants were hopeful. The new ministry
wa agreeable to their wishes.. Mr. I'ar
nell wa their chosen leader, hero and
friend. Though quiet was maintained in
Ireland, there wa an undertone of earn
estness that told of settled determination.
The only safe plan for England is to listen
to reason.
According to an agreement with Sir
Wren, many things not valuable enough
to take with him. yet through association
too dear to be parted with. I had taken to
V.verlaud. Annie's pet pony was one of
'.a, !:.i;i ;s cn!:n.:ilted to i.iy care. The;ners on Sir Wren's e.-'ate were com-ter-ie-:!
id !,iinpy. A way had been pro
vided by which they were to buy the laud
they tilled.
Lady Waverland visited all her oh
friend. Thev were a warm as ever in
their raises of the "swate lady!"
The lit tie school had been moved from
the tenant cottage to a line, large build
ing, erected for the purpose according to
(he direction of Lady Waverland. She also
had endowed it with sufficient funds to
procure the best instructors. Thus all our
tenant' children have the privilege of a
free education.
No wonder that, to the poor oppressed
tenants, such a benefactor is an object of
special love and affection. Her quiet,
healthful influence also had a good effect
on the home life of the people. Now, in
stead of dirt and filth about the cabin3, all
was neat and tidy. The pigs and cows
were in the rear of the building, in some
kind of shelter, and flowers were seen in
the door yards.
Our stay in Waverland was short. It
was early in the year 1SS5. Parliament
was in session, and each Irish member felt
it his duty to fill his place at all times
during the sittings. If Gladstone is beaten
in his plans, there will be an appeal to the
people. In that appeal, one party or the
other will be beaten: but, in any event, the
cause of British liberty will gain by the
agitation. Ireland's causa is becoming
national, and very soon every part of the
rltish Empire must clasp hands in one
universal struggle for British liberty!
With the example of America in view.
anter the struggle with cheerful faith in
t Lie futurel
Shooting an Alligator.
The oars were stopped, resting in
the water; the skiff half turned, drift-
ng- in the sluirish tide: the Ions: beam
of the lantern, with its oval disk of dim
ig-ht resting far out on the surface,
swept slowly around over the waters
ookmj; for the two lost lights. len
minutes or more thus passed, aud sr.d-
lenly the two lost sparks iWeamod
back in a new direction. A gentle,
noiseiess push on the port oar headed
the skiff toward them ajjain. "Donee
uient!" whispered Paul. His associate,
still more g-entl guided the boat to
the left, till onlj' one light shoue from
the obscure object in the water. This
showed tiiat he had got ou its side, as
was desired, because a forward 6hot
always glances. Cautiousl' tiie sileut
oarsman agaiu turned his craft to the
right. Paul raised his long rifle ready
to tire. The disk of the lantern on the
water, contracting gradually, grew
proportionately more brilliant. As it
contracted the solitary light shining
back on the water from its center be
came larger aud brighter, till at last
the eye of the great saurian glittered
as if he had the Koh-i-noor" itself in
his bead. Slowly, silently, nearer the
boat moved, till within ten yards of
the reptile. The glow of the lantern
Hashed along the barrel of the rifle for
a few seconds; then came the ringing
report. The light ou the water in
stantly went out. and the glow of the
lantern, now shining in a circle only a
few feet in diameter over the place
where it disappeared, showed only a
lew loamy buouies ana little
pools. Thirty seconds passed i: silence;
then an immense dark form bounded
from the depths below above the sur
face of the water, and. rolling over on
its back, showed the broad, yellow
white belly of an enormous alligator.
The shuddering reptile remained other
wise motionless for a few minutes;
then, spasmodically stretching and
stiffening its ugly legs and feet, and
leaping naif its length in the air. fell
back again, beating the water with its
tail in blows sounding as loud as the
report of the weapon which had slain
him. "Moi tue li," muttered Paul
in an accent of quiet triumph. His
associate, after a few exclamations of
more voluble admiration, rolled
another cigarette, and quietly turned
his boat off in search of other game. In
a few bour3 of this huntincr five alliga
tors were shot. Andrew Wilkinson, in
the Cznturii.
Care of Teeth by Africans.
Africau savages have the best teeth
in the world, and one reason for this is
that they take such excellent care
of them, cleaning them several times
a day. For this purpose they use a
short piece of wood, which becomes
softened by rubbing in the mouth.
Thu- I he v.'.' -agj ot a toothbrush is:
'As I remember my teeth constantly.
Cur Main 1 1 1 VI a
t'aid up capit il
surplUH '
a if
J It I'iinieie
It rt Kamsey
J. M. l'alteiMin
1 M. I'atleisoii,
freslite!! :
Vi.'f 1 re-,ileii:
I Jisliei
A-St ;i-tlle
). H. Tan ele. .1.
V. H Smith It. 15
r. M. 1'attei-on
M. l'at'erson.
ii.illiain, H.
Kreit li r
H. liari-ey
t( I
Account solicited. Interest a!lnwet or, ttim
n-positi and prompt Mtent loimiven to ll ini
uess enirintetl to its care.
Perkins- ironstf,
217 21!), 221 and 2l- Main St.,
1 he Perkins has
renovated from top
aow oce of the best
tC .VOlioiu miu '
.- A
hotels in the state
iiourilers will
M.50 and up.
le taken by the week at
3il?21 ft i-5NESSKEAB
IXZ naf;MM I"'-- Wlftpua
oTnlmlar Y..r Cuh-
pe,s heartl. Comfortable.
Urutdwa, 2ivw York, Wi.te i-jg book oi ptoA& 1 illLlm
.- t ." 'T "n ' mrir'es ond ?i :;iit:::-:s t;;r. hair.
. v .t lUver Fails to B ostore Gray
,." V"2-S Hair to its youthful Color.
NJ'a"- Cures frK'p tii-r3(f8 6c hnir iallmg.
j; ' frt-.mM H lift j m?y't9
" . --- - -j- r- T" Trr- 1 - - t
f .inker's Gin?cr Tome, ii cuivs the wrsi Om'h,
. ta j-.tit 's. jjfiniiry, indigestion, luKe iu ume.ouew.
W?r3fRCOHNS. The only sure cure for Ccrr.s.
all iu;ti. Xjv, at Jjrugists, or JUlCO-S. St CO., IS. Y.
ChainDerlain's Eye and Skin
A certain enre for Chronic Sora Eyes
Tetter, Salt Kheum, Scald Head, 01
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples
and Piles. It ia cooling suad soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
it after all other treatment had failed,
it is put up in 25 and 50 cent hoses.
"Rya Thornucli knowledge of tne natural
laws which govern the operations of diarestion
and nutrition. anl by a careful application of
the fine properties cf well selected f'oeoa. Mr.
Kpps has provided our breakfast table with a
delicately lHvored beverage which may pave
us many heavy doctor' bills. ltisby;the judic
ious use of such articles of diet tli-'t a c;m
eitutinn may be gradually built np until strong
enough to resist every tendency to disease.
Hundreds of subtle n eladies are floating
around us ready to attack wherever i here is a
week point. We may escape many a fatal
shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with
pure bloo and a properly'nourislied frame."
Civil Service Gazette. Madosi simply with
boiling water or mi'k. Sold only in half-pound
tinx. by groceries, labelled thuf:
JAMEs EPFS & DO., Homoeopathic Chemist
London. England
How Lost ! Kow Regained !
Or SKLiF-PliESEKVATTON. A new and only
and "WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 pages, cloth,
crilt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00
by mail, donble sealed. Descriptive Prospect
us with endorsements pnpr crwn
of the Prew and yoluntary tUtt I
teeUmonials of the cured. I llkla I NUW.
Conaaltation in person or by mail. Expert treat
TAIN CURE. Addreno lr. W. H. Purker. or
The Paabody Medical Institute, No. 4 BulGnch St.,
Boston, Mass.
Tha f aabody Medioal Institute Has many imi
tators, but no equal. flerald.
ins Bcience of Life, or tteir-rrsssrvation, is a
treasure more valuable than eold. Iiead it now.
evsry WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to
bs STRONG . Mdial Heme. (Copyrighted
fry 4v in nnp tv-r .; ':tr:,
cvim fsr.w jt f .mtn
Epos Cocoa
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer; the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
NTo medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
. Liniment.
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
DKAl Kit IN-
Patronage mf the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth.
t'aid up capital
Sai pluf
rs the very bet facilities for tbe promp
transaction of ltgitlmate
Banking Business
Stocks, bonds, gold, government and local ce-
-urities bought :'.na sold, ueposus reeiv
ind interest allowed on the certifies'
i)rfts drawn, available in any part of !!
Jelted Mater and all the principal tiwun o
Highest market p-lce pid for County War
rants, State hub County bonds.
John Fitzgerald li. Hawkfwortb
Sam Waugh. V. K. White
fieorge E. Dovey
loan Fitzgerald. 8. Waugh.
President fa-1-'
Keep all kinds of builders hardware on hand
and will supply contractors on most lav
orable terrns
and all kinds ot tin work promptly
done. Orders from the country Solicited
CIS Pearl St.
3ftpHal stock paid in
Authorized Capital, StOO.OOO
W. H Cuehine. W i i
President. Vlce-rre-i(f.n'
W. H. CUSHIKa. Cahler.
F R Outhman. J W Johnson. E S Greusel, i
neorv KiKeiiu y, si w 5iorgan. j
A Connor. Vf "We.tenkamp, W
H Custiikg
-:i-s cf t"s ol deposits bearinu interexi
:;;:t -cj11h exc.iarge. county aiil
All orders left with the county clerk will be
promptly attended to.
Plattsmouth. - - Nebraska
rh only fKTe, TH-tt, rA rtlMe m.l frr ni. VvJ?
4iv.-' W- t'm- re'.uw MhlJ,
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For Atchinson, St. JoHepli, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, St. Ixmis,
and all points north, east
Houtli or west. Tick
ets sold and bn
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States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
II, C. Towxsiixi),
G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo.
J. C. Pnir.i.ii'i'i,
A. G. 1. A. Omaha.
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Telephone, 77.
The Leading
Constantly keeps on band everythin
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ep -k DDOTanmu nocture
rriuihiiun uHrwfcM
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.lTice. 81. Ctiiloioe Free.
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