mouth Dally Herald.. FIFTJ YKAU. PLATTSMOUTII, N E BR A S K A . M ON DA Y , JANUARY 25 1 892. XUM BEll 112 TO)' IXXS mm Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all iti leavening strength latest U. S. Government food re port. BURLINOTOX & MISSOURI R1VEH R. R. V TIME TABLE. J OF IAILY 1'ASSENGEK TKAIN8 GOING EAST GOING VEST Jo. 2 . Ho. 4. . Vo. 8 ... Mo. 10.. No. 12.. K. 20.. 5 : 05 P. M, Id : JO a it. 7 ;44 p. m ..... S i45 a. ni 10 :I4 a. ii , 8 :30 a. in Not o i No. -,.... o. 7 NO. .. No. U. o, 19 ....3 :45 a. m. ft :f . in ...9 :05 a. in ... a. ni. ... 6 :25 p, m. B :05 p. m. ... 11 :05 a. m. FustmeU's extra leaves for Omaha about two 'clock lr t Miialia and will accommodate pas- j enters. J M ISSO UR I PA VIF1C RAIL VA Y j TIME CARD. i Ko. 3H1 Accomodation Leave.... Ko.3H.'t arrives.... Trains daily except Sunday ..10:55 a. ni, . . 4 ;00 p. in. SECRET SOCIETIES KNIGHTS OK I'YIHIAS Gauntlet Lodge no. 47 Meet every Wednesday evening at their h II in 1'armele & Craig block. All vi Hlu knijrhts are cordially n.vted to attend M. N. Gnllith. C. V. ; ti liovey. K, It. . AO, U. W. No. W Meets eecond and fourth Friday verinus in th tnmth a G. A. 1!. hall in lioi kwood block, Ai. Yoiidrao, M V, F, F, brown, JCecorder, CASS LOIH'.E. No. 146. I.O. O. F. meets ev ery Tueeday nicht at their hall in Fitzuerald block. All Odd Fellowe are cordially invited to attend when visiting in the city. Chris Pet eren. N. G. ; S. F. Oborn, Secretary. ROYAL AltUANAM Crtfc Co-licil No 1021. Meet at the K, of I hall in the Parmele & Craia block over Hennett & Tutte, visiring brethren invited. Henry tiering. Kegeut ; Ttaos Walling, Secretary, AO. IT. W 8. Meeis first and third Kriday eve-iinjrs of each month atG. A. K. Hall In Rockwook block. Frank Vermiiyea, M. W. J, H. Euersole, Hecorder. DEt;KHE OF HON 11. meets second and fourth Thursdays of each r-outh in I.O. O. F hall in Kitzc raid bl ck. Mr. F. Boyd. Lady of Houor ; Belle Vermylea. recorder- GA. K.McConihie 1'owt No. 45 meets every stur ay evoninn at 7 : 30 in heir Hall in Kockwood block All visiting comrads are cordially invited to eetwithus. Fred Bates. Poet Adjniaut ; G. F. Niles. Pom Coniinadder. O' iRU'ROKTIIE WOULD. Meets at 7 : 30 everv Mrnnav evenniK at the Grand Army hall. A. F. Groom, president. Thus Walling, secretary. CASH CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every second and F-uirth Monday ev-nings in Fitzgerald ha'l. Visitinir neighbor!" welcome. P.O. Han-en, V. C. : P. Wertenberirer, W. A., g. C. Wilde. Clerk. pAPTAI H E PALMER CAMP NO 50 Sons of Veterans, division of Nebraska, U 3. A. meet every 'l uesdav iimht at 7 :30 o'clock in their hall in f'itlgerald h ock. Allsonan1 visiting comrades are cordially invited to meet with us J. J. Kurtz, Commander ; B. A. Mc Elwain. 1st !eargent. DAl'OHTEKS OF HEBECCA Bud of Prom 1 e Ix)dge N-. 40 meets the second and fourth Th'irsdav evenings of each month in the TO. O. r . lull. Mrs. T. E. Williams, N t. ; Jlrf. John Cory. Secretary. YOUNG MEN'S HKISTHX SOCIATION Waterman block Main Street. Rooms open from 8 uio a ni to 9 :30 v ro. Kor men only Gospel meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'elock. PLACES OF "WORSHIP. Catholic St. Paul's Church, ak. between Fifth and Sixth. Father Ca'iiey, Pastor Services : 'hss at s mid to :3o A. M. Sunday School at 2 :30. witn benediction. hristia'n. Corner Locust and Eighth Sts. Services morning and tvening. Elder A. Galloway pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m. Episcopal St. Luke's Church, comer Third and Vine. Lev. H B. Burgess, pactor. Ser vices : 11 a. M. and 7 JO p. m. Sunday School at 2 :30 p. M. ttKKMAN Methodist. earner Sixth St. and Granite. Kev. Hlrt. Paetor. Services : 1 1 A. si. and 7:30 P.M. Sunday School 10 :30 A. M. Prf.sbyteri an. Services in new church. cor ner Sixth and Granite sts. Kev. J . T. Baird, pastor, sunday-scrod at 9 ;30 ; Preaching at 11 a. ni.ii-.d 8 p. m. The . R. S. C. E of this church meets every Sabbath evening at 7 :15 in the basement of the chucrh. All are invited to attend these meetings. First Mfthodtst. Sixth St.. betwen Main and Pearl. Rev. L. F. Britt. 1. D. pastor. Services : 11 A. M.. 8 :00 P. M. Suuday School 9 :30 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing Gfrman Prksbytkrian. Corner Main and Ninth. Kev. Witte, pastor. Services usual hours. Suuday school 9 :30 a. i. SwEEDisn Conc.rfoationau Granite, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Colokf.d Baptist. Mt- Olive. ak. between Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Boswell. pas tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. ni. lTayer meetinir Weduesday evenitg. Tocno Mkn's Christian Association Rooms in atennan blwk. Main street. Gos pel meeting, for meu only, every Sunday af ternoou at 4 o'clock. Rooms open week days from 8:30 a. in., to : 30 p.m. norm Park Tabkrnaclk Kev. .T. M. Vat)d. I'astor. Services: Sunday School, 10 a. in.: Ireachirg. 11 a. n. and 8 p. in.; prayer meeting Tuesday night ; choir prac tice Friday night. All are welcome. . j . TTORNEV A- N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. Will give pr irpt attention to all business entnu-ted to hipi. Oftice id U&Iob tlock. East Side. Plattemoutb, Neb. The Plattsmouth Herald K NOTTS BROS, Publishers Published every Thursday, and dally every e renlng except Hun day. KeKl.stered at the Plattsmoutli. Neb. po't o tlcefor trmsniUioii through th V. 8. ma. Is ar necond class rat pp. Ottlce corner Vine and Kiftli streets Telephone 38. TKKMS FOB W- M - . - V1 , , ,)y,"oiie year, in.. One copy, six inonttif. lit a.. One C'py. three mouth. In nilvance. . . ' 10 TRRMH FOR DAIL. One cop one year In advmee $ti 00 O le copy per week, by carrier 15 Oue copy, per niontb 50 Garza must be a very valuable m in, as the government of Mexico has offered $400,000 for his body. Minister Egan will not be re called from Chili only as a declara tion of war, as our government en dorses the course and action of Mr. Kgan- The steamship Ohio has been turned over to the United States and taken to Charleston navy jrard near Boston, where she will be fitted up to carry troops in case of war with Chili. Miss Edwards, a beautiful girl of fifteen, has mounted the pulpit in the Tennessee mountains and is conducting revivals in a way that exactly suits the mountaineers. The boy preacher will have to go now. American free traders attribute the downward tendency of wool prices in this country to the McKin ley bill. English free traders at tribute the fall in Australian wool to the same cause. American Economist. If the conflict with Chili should be in progress next June the demo cratic national convention in Chi cago may declare it a failure and urge the government to surrender to the enemy, as the democratic convention held in the same town in 1804 did. THE dispatches report that the Indiana, Illinois and Connemaugh, three more of the large steamships of the International Navigation company, v ill be chartered by the United States government as soon as they touch an American port and sent to Boston to be fitted out as transports. PROSPERITY IN PARALLEL. We are indebted to the Manu facturers' Record of Baltimore for the following deadly parallel directed at the calamitytites: DFCEMBEH, 1890. A great panic affect ina t!i. wh e world. DK.CF.3f BER. 1891. 1 he pa n i c has passed. B:ks and bankers enthusiastic over the Big bank and blink ers failing. outsook Distrust everywhere, Confidence every where. Iron production and Furnaces (.oin out ot blast. oinumption steadily increasing Six hundred thous and tuns of steel No demand for steel rails. rails already ordered for 18J. Smallest graia crops Largest era in crops tor many years. ever raised. xceeding t lie viel .f iso by 1,300.000.000 bushels. Railroads fighting Railroads taxed to heir utmost to handle tor the little business offering. their business with au unprecedented de- in am fcr cars. Exports of bread stuffs veiy small. New failures every day. Stocks declining dividends passed. The he viest irraln exports ever kuown. New enterprises every day. Stocks advancine dividends declared I wl in in n v ...... u t ! j (rate lucreasea. Capitalist! afraid to Capitalists seeking iue uii uuuuuruce gooa investments. in anyiiung. The outlook for the immediate future dis mal beyond descrip tion. The outlook proin isr s a year of phenom enal activity and pros perity iB ia!2. Now, we do not attribute all this prosperity to the advent of the McKinley tariff, however much it might delight the free trader to j have us do so. We use the showing ! with quite a different purpose. It I 1"uyc( me imcr groundlessness ot the direful prophecies of woe and disaster made and repeated by the enemies of protection during the last two or three years. They said that the people would be ground down b3" excessive taxation, their substance absorbed by the iniqui tous McKinley bill, and prosperity uiiknown if it became a law. To prove that the exact opposite of these conditions prevails is the use we make of the Record's Compar ison. American Economist Senator I'kkkek's bill authoriz ing the secretary of the treasury to loan the farmers of Indiana $100, C00.000 n real estate mortgages has been reported back from the com mittee on agriculture, with the rec ommeudation that it be rejected on the ground that congress has no authority in the matter. This will 8 ive Mr. I'effer the trouble of intro ducing several other bills of the same character that he has in pro cess incubation. Globe Demo cm' " SPECIAL MARKET LETTER. W. G. Tress & Co., Hankers & Commi sion Merchants, Nos. 2 and 4 Sherm.ta Street, Chicago, in their last special m:ii ket letter say: 1 he environments of the wheat market have undergone no material change during the past week, but there baa been more than the usual interest mani fested in the course of values which have fluctuated with rapidity accompanied with occasional exhibitions of excitement. As j the true relations of supply to demand be comes better understood, the market finds friends in what is termed the invester class of traders, who buy moderately on all sharp declines when so called professionals are undecided as to what course to pursue. The absorbing of offerings by this class of dealers, who do not sell out every time the market shows signs of weakening, has con tributed largely to the numerous reactions from the depressions occasioned by heavy short selling, and is of more real value as a sustaining influence than anj other purely speculative factor. The situation abroad has encouraged the bear pany to put out liberal lines of short heat, for in endeavor ing to provide for future necessities loreign ers have succeeded in securing more than is requisite for immediate wants, and the surplus renders them for the moment somrwhat independent. Their require ments for the remainder of the cereal year will be so great, however, that even a mod erate decrease in the movement from ex porting countries will soon deplete their stocks and compel a renewal of purchases in American markets. Heerbohm, a recog nized English authority, estimates that the United States and Canada will have to be depended upon to furnish during the re mainder of the season 144,000,000 bushels and expresses doubt as to their ability so to do. His doubts are shared by many observant dealers in America, who believe that the remaining exportable surplus is much less than the probable requirements. Our visible stocks have beun decreasing, and with even the present volume of ex ports, will rapidly diminish if receipts do not materially increase, of which there are at present no indications, notwithstanding the reports of a general improvement in country roads. Farmers seem unwilling to accept cur rent prices or have marketed a greater proportion of their grain than they have received credit for. So difficult has it become to obtain good miliing wheat in some sections of the winter wheat territcry, that many mills have ceased grinding, and No. 2 red winter in our market is selling at May prices. The growing crop having been well protected by snow during the recent cold weather, sustained no new damage by freezing, but from the Pacific Coast come complaints of insufficient rain fall and retarded seeding, which is now five weeks late. The surplus remaining west of the Rocky Mountains is reported as small, and the western seaboard markets cannot much longer add, except in sma'l quantities, to the on passage supplies. The corn market exhibits none of the signs of animation which characterized it during Novemler and December, and has quite generally been forsaken by specula tors, for wheat and provisions. There is, however, an active business in the cash property for shipment to eastern and sea board markets, the movement south of us being quite free. Producers are evidently unwilling to accept present prices, fcr more favorable weather for shelling and bettei roads for transportation to interior stations fails to materially increase receipts. Dullness has been the chief characteris tic of the oat market, although there have been occasional spells of speculative ac tivity. As in corn, the major portion ot the business has been confined to purchase and sales for eastern shipment, the demand being excellent and the outward movement quite large. The fluctuations have been occasioned more by the sympathetic influ ence of wheat, than by any outside news of a bullish or bearish tenor. Provisions have maintained their usual independence, being but slightly affecied by the rise and fall of grain. There has for some time been a speculative element operating for an advance, which has suc ceeded in profitably working the market up from several sharp declines. The task has been rendered comparatively safe and easy because of the attitude of the packers, who, having large quantities of manufact ured product in their houses, are not averse to an advance, and willingly afford sup port when it is most reeded. Until they finally dispose of their property it will take unexpectedly large supplies of hogs to prevent a recovery from any serious breaks in the market. La Crlppe. No healthy person need fear any dangerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Kemain quiet ly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a se vere cold and a prompt and com plete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. Among the mati3' thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia. 25 and M) cent bottles for sale by V. G. Ericke fc Co. That IlackingCough can so quick ly cured by "Shiloh'e cure. We guarantee it. For Sale by E. G. Fricke and O H Snyder 1 THE MILLIONAIRE'S HARD DAYS. 'Bonaoit" Mrkr Saw the Tim When lie Had Nothing to When John W. Mackay worked as a poor placer miner he was always care ful to put by enourh. when he could, tuput him in a position to seize an oj port unity when it offered; or. Bavin"; that, to have something laid away for a rainy day. But prudence can't put virrin rold in the jround. and Mr. Mackav's claim on the Feather petered out. He worked at it for months, and pan as he might the color rot fainter and fainter. He sat in his lonely cabin one rainy nirht, supperlesa, readme by his last tallow candle a work on mineralogy, which he had borrowed from a lordly and surprised engineer. Above the noise of the storm came a knock on the door. Andy Hepworth. keeper of the All S )ula saloon at Thompson's liar, sta kv.ed in. His staler was caused by several things. One of them was a lot of his own whisky, which was tinder his skin; the others were two sides of bacon and a sack of flour, which weighted his shoulders and hands. John," he said, "you never spent a dollar over my bar or any other bar at the camp, and that shows your good sense. But the bojs tell nie you're in hard luck, and I know a man when I see oue. Here's something to keep you fioiuj;." And he tiirew on the rousrli floor the sack of flour and two sides of bacou. He retained the whisky. It was a good many years later, when Mackay had become a rich man. that he aeain met Hepworth, gone in health, crushed in spirit, lounging among the crowd of hopeless ones wno hang like Hies about the bun; hole of the stock market, sugarless for them. Hullo, Andy!' cried John, delight ed. "You don't mean to say you remem ber me?" said the broken man. Remember you!" laughed the millionaire. "You bet I do. and that flour and bacon, too. Broke?'' Flat." Til carry you a hundred of Con. Virginia." '(iood enough, John. You've res cued me from hell. When shall I sell?" Wnen I tell you." But he wouldn't sell when he was told, and Mackay had to pay the loss. This happened three times. Then the millionaire put his arm through Hepworth's and took him up to his office one day. "Andy," he said, seriously, "has whisky got you, or can you let it alone?" Yes. I can." "Honest Injun?" "Straight." "AU right. There's no use trying to help you in stocks. You're a gamb ler, and when the fever gets hold of you you won't listen to me or anybody else. All Souls was a lirst-rate saloon, and you knew how to run it. That's your forte. I'll send Dick Dey out to find a good plac, and you put your self be dnd the bar. Come back in two days 3:80 p. ni." At the hour appointed Mr. Dey and Hepworth were there. 4 'Here," said Mr. Mackar, drawing a check. "There's $10,090. Andy. Dick struck an Al place on Market street. You can buy it ami have something left to stand a run of barasca, if need be. Keep the bottle for other folks and you'll be all right. If you doa't but I hope you will for your own nake. And don't you ever forget. Andy, that flour ami bacon will always be a draft at sight for a grub stake." I'm happy to say that new All Souls is a success, that Andy is as temperate as a parson, and that he's done the manlv thinir and nai l back everv cent of the $10,000 out of less virtuous men's pockets. If you don't believe it. ask Dick Dey. San I'raiicisco News LtUtr. None do so little for the verv poor of New York as its very rich. Efficient workers among the poor are at present generally drawn from the poor them selves, or from the middle and pro fessional class. No one need wonder at this. Effectual charity work and the requirements of modern society do not easily consort. A very small pro portion of those who possess enormous wealth in the city subscribe liberally t its various charities: comparatively few can be counted on for a ready support in any properly conducted and hopeful philanthropic movement; and fewer still are found willing to fulfill the more difficult, the more necessary duty of gaining personal knowledge of the needs and wrongs of the poor through personal study of their situatiou.and friendly intercourse with themselves. I say. such attention, such knowledge, are not likely to be given by the very rich. To win fortune to-day implies a singleness of purpose, a concentration of all the faculties of the man to the doing of one thing. The very rich man must be a very busy man if he would make large sums or keep large sums of money. The difficulties pre senting themselves to his ambition are like tough wood, that nothing but the keen edge of an axe can deal with, and to be sharp means almost of necessity to be narrow. Great riches are apt, as One we reverence taught long ago. to ossifv the soul, and make the attain ment and development of an ideal or truly sympathetic life always difficult, sometimes wellnigh impossible. I say, therefore, we expect too much from our very rich meu and women when we call upon them to lead the crusade against poverty and vice. Certainly if we have expectation of their doing so, we in New York have been disappoint ed. Dr. W. 8. Rjiinsford. in Harper's Weekly. QUR ANNUAL INVENTORY SALEO We invoice February 1st anil we find ourselves overstocked on nouir line of goods which muit be reduced REGARDLESS OF COST. In order to run them off in a liurrv we have not taken the ro.t of good into consideration, but we have put tin-knife in deep for we are deter mined to carry over as little as possible. DRESS GOODS. 30 inch wool plaid former price f0e now M3ct. 36 inch camel hair plaid go at 4Sc regular t5c goods. 40 inch home spun now 48 cents re duced from (i5 cents. 40 inch habit cloth Haunt Is regular bOct now 42 cents. 36 inch dress flaimell a few odd pieces left they go at 25, regular 35 cent goods. UNDERWEAR. We have too many- Tadies swiss rib bed vests and pants in IJalbrig gan and Natural goods that re tail everywhere at 50 and 65 cts We will let them out at at 40c each or 75 a suit. Ladies scarlet vests and pants reg ularifl.OO quality now 75c. Childrens underwear at 20 percent discount. Ladies and childrens wool hose a drive at 25c. COMFORTS and BLANKETS, iU 20 Percent, DISCOUNT All gocds marlsad in do as we FRED HERRMANN. J r-i-n C -X T The Weekly Home Magazine Toledo Blade Harpers Magazine Harper's Uazar Harper'a Weekly $1 S5 - 2 45 4 00 - 4 80 4 80 o til 501 Vinb Street. Everything to Furnish Your House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODKKN' HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having purchased the J. V. Weckbach store room on south Main street where lam now located ' can sell goods cheap er than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stoves and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan . I. PEABLMAN. F Q F2I22E 3. Go WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAM) A Full and Drugs? Medicines, DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Com pounded at all iloure. CLOAKS. Our $12 plush sacqucs reduced t $10.(10 Our $20 plush H.ieqiies reduced t $I0.5O. Our $15 sncqucai reduced t $:c.oo. Our $20 plush coats reduced tm $10.50, Our $30 plush coats reduced ( $23.50. Our $40 plush coats reducsd t $.30.(10. CLOTH NEW MARKETS. Newmarkets that sold from $15 ! $20 Your choice at $10. Newmarkets that sold from $10 t $15 Your choice for $7.50. Newmarkets that sold from $7.50 t $10 Your choice for $5.00. Ladies Cloth Coat and cape at 2t percent discount. Childrens and M isses Cloaks at half price. FURS, FURS. Fur Capes at half price. Muffs at 20 per cent discount. plain figures and wo advertise, ii FokIKOS 3 Iowa State Kegister Western Rural -The Forum Globe-Democrat -Inter Ocean 3 0 2 86 5 50 8 9 3 2S e irqe o Sqloscialoe , Complete lire of Paints, and Oils.