The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 23, 1892, Image 1

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    mouth Daily Herald..
F I Fi ll YEAH.
Absolutely Pure.
A rrc.ini of tartar baking powder
flighcst of all in leavening strength
Latest U. S. Government food re
port. BUniAXOTOX & MiSSOUIlI fllVEll It. It.
No. 2 ...
No. 4. .
No. 8 ...
No. 10 ...
No. 12 ...
No. 20
.. .f : 05 V M,
. . lo :. a ii .
..7 ; 44 v, to
. . : 45 a. m
lir :l a. i
. ..8 :30 a. ii
I So l,. ....... :45 a. III.
o t ft :-'! ! hi
No. s y '" 'n
o. 7 ' -IS a. III.
I m. i 6 :rs p.m.
. M. ...fl :0S . m.
o, 19 11 :5a. ni.
rushnell'K extra leaves for Omalia about two
'clock f r- malia ami will aeeuiniiiotlute pas
No. 34 Accoinolat
n leaves..
. .10.-5S a. m.
. 4 ;00 p. in.
No.3H arrive
Trains daily except - uwiay
KMCIIIS OK I'YUlIAS Gauntlet Lodge
. 47 Meet-eveiy ettne-1ay evei-lnn
at Iheir h II li l arineie & t in n block. All vi
Hunt KiiU'btf are eoidia'ly n.v tel to .tteid
W. N. CirIUil:, C 4 . ; ti l".vey. K. K. i.
AO V. V No. K4 Veets recond and lojrtll
Krnlav vei ii'K le mr.utli a' i. A. 1'..
lia.II in Ko kwooil block. M. Yonliiui. M V,
h, I', brown, Ilei-order,
I.OIMiK. No. I Jfi. !..). K. n.e-ts ev
ery Tueediiy tit ;.t their ball in Fityjierald
block. All (Mil l eliowr are coruiallv invited
to attend nen vi-ltii'K in Ihr city. Chris Pet
erveu. N 1. ; S F. Os-bom, Secretary.
IIOVAI. A K0 A NAM 'tHH ('( noil No 1021.
" M et at the K. of I hall in the Parmele &
Cr'iir block over t it I'utlo, vu-irinu
brethren invited Henry Cerrng. Regent ;
Tlios Walling, Secretary.
AO L". ,. ft. Meet first ni third Friday
eve-iiiiK- f e:fh nuu'h at ii A K. II:'1
In Hockuook t lock. trunk Veiiniijea. M. W.
l, V t.uero:e. Keconier.
DK;KKK K HON' l. ii'eets cecli'l and
fourth Thursdays of eacli ontli inl.O.
O. F hall in Ki'zir raid bl -k. Mrs. F. IJoyd.
Lady of Honi.r; belle Verniylea. recorder.
C A H.McConihie 1'oct No. 41 ine' t every
T Situr ay evonniir at 7 : :to m tieir Hall in
bocVwoixl block All vlsitinir comrail s are
r-orJiallv invited to ent with us. Fr d bates.
tol Adjniaiit ; li. F. Niles. fon Ci'tmnadder.
RO"K O" THE WORLD, Meets at 7:30
everv Mcnnav eveninK at the Grand Army
hall. A. F. (iroom, prefident. Tlios Walling,
rASi CAM P No. 3.T2 M. W. A. mets every
mvpnnii and Fourth Mondav H 111 new 111
Fitzgerald ha 1. Visiting neighbors welc.
P.O. 11 an -en. V. C. : 1. Wertenberirer, W
K. v. viide, cierit
Sons of Veteran, division of Nebraska. U
S. A. meet . verv Tueodav nicht at 7 :30 o'clock
In their hall in Kitlirerald b ock. All son an"!
Tisttin comrades are cordially invited to meet
with n J.J. Kurtz, Commander ; B. A. Mc
Klwain. lut Sea-gent.
DUHTEKS OF HEBEO'A butl of Proni
i e Lodge N-.. 40 meets the second and
fourth Thursday evenit jjs of each month in
tbei;o.o. r. h '11. Mis. T. E. Williams, N
G. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary
Waterman Mok Main Street, boon s
open f r in 8 :3ti a in to 9 :30 p n". For men only
Gosjel meeting every Suiiday afternoon at 4
"OVtOck .
Catholic St. Taul's Church, ak. between
Fifth and Sixth. Father Caney, Pastor
Services : Miss at s nd lo :30 a. m. Sunday
School at 2 i3u. with benedict lot..
Christian. Comer Locust and Eighth Sts.
Services morning and tvenlBg. Elder A.
GaPoway pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m.
Episcopal. St. Luke's Church, corner Third
and Vine. Rev. tl B. Burgees, paetor. Ser
Tices : 11 A. m. a-;d 7 JOr.H. Sunday School
at 3 JO F. M.
Sirman Mktbodist. corner Sixth St. and
Granite. Rev. Hlrt. Pastor. Services : 11 A. M.
and 70 p.m. Sunday School 10 JO a.m.
JTBKSBYTEBiAjr. Services in new church. cor
ner Sixth and Granite sts. Kev. J . T. Baird,
pastor. Sunday-set ool at 9 ; 30 ; Preaching
at 11 a. m.aud 8 p. m.
The . K. S. C. E of this church meets eveiy
Sabbath eveninp at 7 :15 in the basement of
the chucrh. All are invited to attend these
First Micthodist. Sixth St.. betwen Main
and Pearl. Kev. L. F. Britt. D. D. pastor.
Services : 11 A. m.. 8 :00 p. m. Sundav School
9 JO a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday even
ing Gfrman 1'k8kytkbian. Corner Main and
Ninth. Kev. Witte, pastor. Services usual
hours. Sunday tchool 9 jo A. m.
tween Fifth and Sixth.
Colorkd Baptist. Mt. Olive. Oak. between
Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Boswell. pas
tor. Services It a. in. and 7 JO p. m. Prayer
meetine Wednesday evening.
Touno Men's Chbistiak association
Rooms in V atermau block. Main street. Gos
pel meeting, for men only, ever? Sunday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Kooms open week days
from 8J0 a. m.. to 9 : 30 p.m.
South Park Taberwacli.-Rev. J. M.
Wood, Pastor. Services : Sunday School.
iOa. m. : Preaching. 11a. m. and 8 p. m. ;
prayer meeting Tuesday night ; choir prac
tice Friday night. All are welcome.
Attorney at-Law. Will glv prompt attention
to all bnelness entrusted to him. Offlco In
Union blok. Eat Side. Piattsm juth. Neb.
The Plattsmouth Herald
KNOTTS BROS, Publishers
Publlshad every Thursday, and dally every
e renlng except Sunday.
liMKirte-red at tlio Plattsmouth. Neb. po-t-o
tlcefor transmislou throunh the IJ. S. ma. Is
a" second class rate.
OtV.ce corner Vine and b tftli streets
fele phone 38.
O ie copy, one year, in advance $1 so
One copy, one year, not In advance .... 9 no
lh) copy, six monthf. in advance . 75
Oart c py, three months. In alvauco . 4.
terms for daii.i
O ie cop ono yar in advance o
O ie copy per week, by carrier 15
One copy, per month -. .50
If the alliance statesmen are sin
cere in their loud cry that the
country ia on the brink of bank
ruptcy and poverty by reason of the
exactions of the "money power,"
why is it that they favor lare ap
propriations for every purpose?
The difliculty with Chili lias
caused the United States to look to
her navy and it has developed that
we have not such a poor one after
all, and also shows us how quick
we could have a navy that could
cope with any nation on the face of
the earth.
It is conceded by all people who
love the American nation and its
free institutions, that D. U. Hill of
New York is a dangerous man. He
would destroy the government if
doing so would advance his own
personal interests. Hill is a man
the American people must never
trust. Give the country Cleveland
a hundred times, but Hill should
be chained. Indianola (la.) Herald.
Lady Somerset, of England,
wants to get up a woman's petition
against war with Chili. How many
such petitions has Ladj- Somerset
sent to the queen of Knglaud when
as the head of the British go"ern
ment sue was about to punish some
of the little kingdoms and princi
palities of the old world for insult
to her subjects or representatives?
Great Britain has a very summary
va)r of dealing with those who in
sult her Hag. Lady Somerset had
an excellent field at home for such
missionary work as she is doing in
America. Inter Ocean.
We feel it our duty to say that the
people of New England, in the
case of Chili or any other nation,
believe that the honor of our flag
should be upheld, no matter at
what cost. If nothing else will sub
due Chili, the only thing left is to
send such a force there as will over
power her at once, and finally. It
will cost far more than it in worth,
both in money and men, but if it
must be done, then thoroughness
should be the word. But iu this
section we do not believe that such
a war is necessary. As the stronger
party, we can afford to go to the lit
termost length of arbitration and
conciliation. It will be no credit to
us to whip Chili, and especially
beneficial to set the example of
making effort in behalf of peace
We want no war with any country,
especially with our sister republics,
and every effort should be made to
avoid it. It will cost, in every way,
far more than it will come to. Let
us have peace! Boston Advertiser.
The democrats have been calling
the Fifty-first congress the "billion
dollar congress." If the democrats
were permitted to have their own
way in the matter of appropriations,
and if there were sufficient money
to be had, the present national
legislature might perhaps be called
the "trillion dollar dongress." It is
said that over a thousand bills
calling for the expenditure of
money by the go ernnient have al
ready been introduced by southern
members or are in their pockets
ready for presentation. They are
for war claims by residents of the
south. Many of these claim , it is
understsood, are based on the most
frivolous sort of devices, and all
call for considerable sums of
money, the amonnts, in some cases,
running up into the millions of
dollars. Doubtless before many
weeks more the demands on the
treasury from this source will be
doubled or tripled. "All sorts of
claims from the southern states are
to be presented this year, with the
confident assurance on the part of
the individuals seeking to be bene-
lited that these claims will be hon
ored. This 140-majority deinocratdfrfw,x Mrnei iv. pi. Try nti
, . . . . p.-rlmeiit Willi 1'nor Succen.
limine in cA)r(. icu io inane iiucqiiHie
recognition of the mMi who elected
it, and not to examine closely into
the merits or demerits of their ap
peals for aid. It is an "economy"
congress, and it is being called up
on to furnish an illustration of the
democratic idea of economy by in
dorsing all democratic private
snaps and letting the national de
mands and interests take care of
As the country has had abundant
opportunities to learn, there is a
good deal of "hypocrisy and cant at
tached to the democratic cry for
economy and reform in the nation
al expenditures. W. S. Holman,
while opposing disbursements for
objects of national utility, favors
and proposes expenditures for the
benefit of his friends and of his
locality'. Democratic statesmen
who vote for large sums to widen
or deepen southern streams which
are not to be found on the ordinary
maps of that region, fight against
projects to improve the great rivers
or harbors of the country and op
pose the adequate extension of the
navy and the strengthening of the
country's defenses. The country
has never seen a more rapacious
and unscrupulous body of legisla
tors in the halls of congress than
Vjie bulk of the democratic members
of the present house of representa
tives. Among them there are
many new men who feel that they
will never be elected again, and are
determined to make full use of the
present opportunity and gain all
that can be had for their friends
and their neighborhood. Many of
the older members of the party, too,
see that democratic preponderance
is threatened, and they are not all
relucant to make hay while the sun
shines. This is a good time for the
republican members to keep their
eyes on the democratic project to
raid the treasury. The republicans
should adopt the Pinckney motto
with the required change of words,
and declare in favor of "millions
for the national intererts, but not a,
cent for private jobbery." Globe
THE Chilians ask the recall of
Minister Egan and ai&o ask for six
weeks more time to say whether
they will make reparation for the
assault on the sailors of the B ilti
more or not. President Harrison
fully approves the course of Mr.
Egan and it is doubtful if he is
recalled, although it is thought he
will come home till the trouble is
La Grippe.
No healthy person need fear any
dangerous consequences from an
attack of la grippe if properly
treated. It is much the same as a
severe cold and requires precisely
the same treatment. Keniain quiet
ly at home and take Chamberlain's
Cough Kerned y as directed for a se
vere cold and a prompt and com
plete recovery is sure to follow.
This remedy also counteracts any
tendency of la grippe to result in
pneumonia. Among the many
thousands who have used it during
the epidemics of the past two years
v.e have yet to learn of a single
case that has not recovered or that
has resulted in pneumonia. 25 and
50 cent bottles for sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Miles Nerve and Liver Pills.
Act on a new principle regulat
ing the liver, stomach and bowels
through the nervs. A new discovery
Dr. Miles' Pills spee lily cure biliou
sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles
constipation. Unequaled for men
women, children, smallest, mildest
surest! 50 doses, 25c. Samples
free at F. G. Fricke & Co's.
A Sensible Man.
Would use Kemps Balsam for the
throat and lungs. It is curing more
cases of coughs, coles, Asthma,
Bronchitis, croup and all throat
and lung trouble than any oiher
medicine, The proprietor has au
thorized any druggist to give you a
sample bottle free to convince you
of the merit of this remedy. Large
botttes 50c and $1.
Now Try This-
It will cost you nothing and will
6urely do you good, if you have a
Cough, Cold or any trouble with
Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to
give relief, or money will be paid
back. Sufferers from La Grippe
found it just the thing and under
its use had a speedy and perfect re
covery. Try a sample bottle at our
expense and learn for yourself just
how good a thing it is. Trial bottle
free at F. G. Fricke & Co. Drusr
Store, Large size 50c. and $1.00
That Hacking Cough can so quick
ly cured by Shiloh's cure. We
guarantee it, For Sale by E. G.
Fricke and O H Snyder 1
i When the train pulled into the way
station the youtiir woman was standing
on the platform surroumleil by several
other young women. who were all talk
ing at once, says the Bramlon Iiuck
S'iw. The yminir man stood a short
distance away, hoMinjra it'ig valise.
ilnp on there Maria!'' he cried out.
'Don't Ue all lay about it."
Every girl in the crowd, with the
exeeption of the one ail dressed, ex
claimed. "Oli!"' mid looked as thou;li
sometliiiig.dreadful had happened. Site
. . Hop on yourself if you want to.
I'm eoniiiio;."
The other girls said "Old ' :i:iin. and
the youiiir man got on tho traiu. Then
he called out again:
Can't you get a move on you.
Maria? You'll talk the :irm on" some
Til come when I get teady, Jacob!'
she returned.
Tiien she hastily kissed the girl9
good-by and boarded the train, while
they retired to a corner of the station
anil held a whispered coufereuee over
sometning that seemed to trouble
them. -
Flop down there!" he said, as they
came to a double seat. '"You don't
mind riding backward, and it bothers
Sue sat down and he put a big valise
on the seat beside her, and then settled
himself comfortably on the other seat,
while t he old lady two seats behind ex
claimed. "Well. I never!" and some
one muttered 'The brute!"
For fifteen minutes after the train
started he pretended to be reading a
newspaper and she was looking out of
the window. But every minute or
two he gl.meed at her over the top of
his paper and her gaze frequently rest
ed on his face.
And she seemed to be proud of him.
Suddenly she turned toward him
with the exclamation:
' Jacob, do you need every paper in
this ear?"
lie threw her over one he had in his
I wonder you didn't think of it be
fore." she said.
"You're able to speak if you want
anything!" he returned. "You ve got a
There were more comments from
various portions of the car, anil every
eye was fixed on him or the youug wo
man who was looking shyly over the
top of her paper. He threw his down.
"Maria." he said, "they've sized us
up! Wj can't fool 'em. and there ?s
no use trying."
"Perhaps we overdid it. Jacob"
"Perhaps we did," he said; "but this
is better anyway."
Then he kicked the paper into the
aisle, and they carried on a whispering
conversation for ninety miles.
On the Judge's Side.
A story is told of a well-known Judge
who is noted for his fondness for con
veying to jurors in his charges to them
his own opinions with regard to the
merits of the case. In one case he
had dooe so with great plainness, but
to hia amazement the jury remained
out for hours without coming to an
agreement. The Judge inquired of the
ollicer what was the matter, and learn
ed from him that one juror was hold
ing out against the other eleven. He
sent for the jury at once, and, stating
to the jurors that he had plainly inti
mated how the c?se ought to be de
cided, said he understood that one
juror wiw standing out against the
ot'ier eleven. He proceeded to rebuke
the juror sharply. The obstinate
juror was a nervous little man. and as
boon as the Judge was done he said:
'Your Honor! may I say a wordP"
"Yes. sir." .said the indignant Judge:
"what have you to say?'
"Well, what I wanted to say is, I am
the onlv fellow that's ou your side."
Tic Comic.
Cows Wearing Bine Spectacles.
Deacon Green says he has never hap
pened to meet with one of this special
breed of Bostonian cows, but he has
placed upon my pulpit an extract from
a letter, which he thinks is well worth
reading to you, my beloved:
During tho past year thousands of
cows in Russia have been seen wearing
blue spectacles! Yes, blue glass was
obtained from Vienna, Paris and Lon
don for the purpose, because Vienna
alone could not supply the quantity
It must have been a funny sight.
But it was not funny to the cows.
They, poor things, had suffered so
much from the bliuding effect of light
upon the snow that their eyes became
diseased, and, to help them, the exper
iment of making them wear blue spec
tacles was tried, and with good re
sults. I am told.
So you see some kinds of animals
are kindly cared for in that far land of
the Czar. St. Nicholas.
Was a Vassar Girl.
Old lady No use talkin.' I used to
say this higher edication of gals was all
folderol; but I see I was wrong. There's
my granddarter. for instance. She's
ju-t a wonder.
Friend I understand she graduated
witn high honors.
Old lady Yes. graduated from
Vassar, and she kin do what neither
her mother nor me could ever hope to
do if our lives depended on it.
Friend Indeed! And what is that?
Old lady She kin tell the time a
train is goin' to sbart by lookin' at &
railway guide. Rdigio-Philosophieal
We invoice February 1st and we find ourselves overstocked on some
line of goods which must be reduced
In order to run them off in a hurry we have not taken the coat "of goods
into consideration, but we have put tlx-knife in deep for we are deter
mined to carry over as little as possible.
36 inch wool plaid former price
50c now .'Met.
30 inch camel hair plaid go at 4Se
regular bac goodH.
40 inch home spun now 48 cents re
duced from 05 cents.
40 inch habit cloth llannels regular
OOct now 4U cents.
30 inch dress flannel! a few odd
pieces left they go at 25, regular
35 cent goods.
We have too many Ladies swiss rib
bed vests and pants in Balbrig
gan and Natural goods that re
tail everywhere at 50 and05cts
We will let them out at at 40c
each or 75 a suit.
Ladies scarlet vests and pants reg
ular$l.(K) quality now 75c.
Childrens underwear at 20 percent
d it-count.
Ladies and childrens wool hose a
drive at 25c.
At 20 Percent,
Allgocds marked in
do as wo
Mow" is Youi'i ctiajCK.
J x
The Weekly
Home Magazine
Toledo Blade
Harpers Magazine
Harper's Bs.zar
Harper's Weekly
$1 85
- 2 45
4 00
- 4 80
4 80
501 Vixe Street.
Everything to Furnish Your House.
Having purchased the J. V. "Weckbach store room on soutk
Main street where lam now located ' can sell goods cheap
er than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock
of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline storfi
and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan
F Q C2
A fall and
Drugs, Medifcines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour?.
Our.fl2 plush sacques reduced te
Our $20 plush sacques reduced Is
Our $15 plush sacqticu reduced ts
$.'..".( K).
Our $20 plush coats reduced fs
Our $: plush coats reduced
Our $40 plush coats reduced ts
Newmarkets that sold from $15 ts
$20 - Your choice at $10.
Newmarkets that sold from $10 ts
$15 Your choice for $7.50.
Newmarkets that sold from $7.50 to
$10 Your choice for $5.00.
Ladies Cloth Coat and cape at 2f
percent discount.
Childrens ami Misses Cloaks at half
Fur Capes at half price.
Muffs at 20 per cent discount.
plain fltaros and wo
Iowa State Register
Western Rural -The
Globe-Democrat -Inter
- 30
5 5
-8 It
3 2s
e Tiiie fo Subscribe
Complete line of