The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 22, 1892, Image 1
T I IV .Daily Flattsmouth .eraldL I'll Til YKAH.. i'LATTSMOUTII, NKIiUASKA. Fill DAY, J AN UAH Y 22 1892. NUMISKll 1 10 1 1 o Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength Latent U. b. (joveriiment loou re port. BURUXOT'IX ft MISSOVIll IllVElt It. II. V TIM' -AHE.y OF DAILY l'ASSENGEK TRAINS GOING EAST (Jo. '-' ; : iifi 1 M. fU. 4. .. I" -i Ko. a . Ho h . ft . " tio. 11 - . i I i. I HO. "-' a. It GOING VEST No I :45 A. Ol. o : ' V "i N o . 9 0". a in I o. ' -ii'tiv. in. ; it t, ni. Vri. l, ...S :llf i. Hi. ... 19 11 :" a. m ushieH-Mxir:. lii-x.s for Omaha ahout two 'clot kfr in .ua and wni accoinin.Miat'i pas- enK-'-. Missob'lil ii nir uaii.h av TIME CAKU No. 3H A CO mo a'i n I eaV-H , . . ai'iV' s..... inicav .lo.-.v; a. m. . 4 .00 p. in. io.:tx Trains daily -xrept KM.I1J! rVll IAV l.imiilht Lodge Ni 47 Mi i-I' tvt-n m li;e-ly evi-nlnti aillfir: mi I ai .v la j: ''"!(. AH vi- v -; I ts ;rr coidi; ly i v teil io .-"teuJ W.N tir flii 1.. . ; ll I fvey , ! , j! ?i. Ao i. v vo M Vcets -rcoiid and ir,;irth Krlilav v ii -in he ii; ;it li ai A . Ii. ball ii : kwi oil li- en, M Vm ilr;iu M V, 1-. I', hr.iw i-. K onler. tAf-S U'btJK . I4i; I i'. K. meets ev ery 1 1 :-i! y i i; I l ;it their h.i!: Kit ZK'eralil block. All .; I t; i' are ci r'.ia!' iivited to attend l.-n iti tr in l!ie city. Chri Pet erneti. N i ; F tinhorn, Se-ietary. II OYAL It' N A M " lii-il No 1021. Cr-i block ever I'.eineil brethren Invited ll-iity Thos ailing. f erei ai v. & UiMh, viiring Jer.r.g. Hener.t ; AO I. . s V" tri i'.nn third "riday e .in- 1 li limn h :.t (i V.. Hall in K kwoi.k h. k. Kr.-i:k Yc-mi ea. i, V. V, V iier.'.. Keeor.ier. IK-' i:tN l: ..eeti ! and 17 f.imrli I tiursila.s of e-ieli until 111 l.O. O. F h i 1 in H -is r.( .1 ll i k. M V. Boyd. Ladyi-f llo . r ; Helle Vertoylea r-eor. er- GA It. Me' I'tiihie I'oft N'o 4" me t- every -tnr v evou;mr ;t 7 : .T in heir Hall in I i ekw.,1.1 I. Uiek All vNiiin.: eninr:id are cordially I vlle-l f etwii litis. d vate. tort Adjniant ; tl. F Ni'e". l'or ("i nimadiler. ORD'-K l1, THE WOULD. Meets at 7:00 everv Mrnn;iv evei rtJ at the (Jr.ind Aimy hall. . F. (Jnvin, president. li -s Walling, secretary. CAMP Vo. 3.T2 M W A. m"ets every mfOnnA anil F 'Uith Monday i t nings in Fltzjieiald h 1 v iMtinit n-iulih r welcome. P.r. Han-en, V. C. ; P. Wertenberter. W. A., 8. C. Wilde. CUrk. CAFt.xI n K HALM Ell CAMP NO 50 s-on ol Vet-' ran, division of Vebraka. V S. A. meet - very tiHd nii'ht at 7 :30 c: ck In th-ir hall in itleerald b oek. II 8-n and Tlsiiinij cotnrside are cordially invi'ert to meet with ns .1 .1 . Kurtz, i oii.m i -der ; B A. vc EI wain, li-t "-ea gent. DXUt.HTFKS OF l'KHE"' 'A hud of Prom I e Iidce N . 40 n. etn the seond and fourth Th' rsdnv eveLi:gs i ( each momh in the I. O. O. . "h II Mis. T. E. Williams, N G. ; lr John I'orr. ecret:iry Yi'U.m; min's iikl.ii n- sociatiox W blm k '.ain Street. Koon'S open fr- m 8 -jui a in to 8 :3" i tr. i or men on'y Gospel meet tit: every Setniay alternoon at 4 O'eios-k . PLACES OK WORSHIP. Catholic st. Taiil's i liurch. ak. between Fifth and Sixth. Father a ney. Fastor Services : S'iss at -iiU Hi uio a. m. Sunday School at 2 -SH. wi'ii hefenictuo.. hkistian. ('ori'er L.wust and Fiirhth Sts. Services mornliiE and i-vet inp. Uder A. Gal oway paMor Sunday Setiool lfl a. m. Bpihvopal. St Luke's t hurch. corner Third and Vin. Kev. H B. Buri;e pa-tor. Ser vices : 11 a. M . a- d 7 :30r. u. Sunday School at 3:30 P. M. fir UMAX Mf.thodikt. t orner Sixth St and Granite. Kev. Hlrt. Factor. Mervtces :11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School 10 0 a. m. Pbfsbvtfbia;. vervices in new church. cor ner Sixth and (Jrantte st. Key. J . T. Baird, pastor. Stindav-sc1 ool at 9 ;30 ; l'reachlng at ii a. ni.nd 8 v m. The . K. s. C K of this church m ers every Sabbath evenitip at 7 :15 in the basement of thechucrh. All are invited to attend tneee meetings. First Mkthodiot. Sixth St.. betwen Main and Pearl. Kev. L F. Brltt. 1. D. pastor. Service!" : 11 A. m.. 8 :00 p. M Sunda School loi m. Prayer meetii g Wednesday even Ing. Gfrman I'Kx.fRVTKHiAN. Corner Main and Ninth. Kev Witte, pastor. Services usual hours. Sunday school 9 :30 A. M. 8WREDIKH Comorvgatiokal. Granite, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Colokkd Baptist. Mt. Olive. ok. between Tenth and Eleventh. Ketr. A. Bonwell, pas tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evenitiR. TOU MFS'8 CHRITIAI' AfStCIATI0N Koomsin v aterman block. Main street. Gos pel meeting, for men only, everv Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Boom open week days from 8:30 a. in., to : 30 p.m. South Park Tabkrji aclk Kev. J. M. Wood, 1 astor. Services : Sunday School, 10 a.m.: I Teaching. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; prayer meeting Tuesday night ; choir prac tice r rid .v night All are welcome. TTORNEV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. Will give prompt attention to all busine-s entrusted to him. OfHce in Colon block. Eaet Side. Flattcmoutn, Neb. The Plattsmouth Herald K NOTTS BROS, Publishers Putltliet every Thursday, an J daily every e veiling except Sunday. :C-ni"itered at the Plattsmouth. Neb. pot ollcefor transmission through the I!. 8. mads a, second rate. Office comer Vino and Fifth streets. Telephone 38. TKKMH FOH WKKLV, O ie copy, one year. In advance .... One copy, one y;ir, not In Rdvinw On copy, six inontlif. In advance .. .$1 . 2 00 . 75 10 ?fi 00 . 15 .. 60 O i copy, three months. In advance. TKKMH FOR DAI LI O'le cop one y-ar In adv nice O ie copy per week, by carrier One copy, per niontb WHAT CONSTITUTES A CAUSE FOR WAR? Senators Kyle, of South Dakota, and PefTer, of Kansas, the only two northern representatives of the alliance party in the senate, seem to have very absurd ideas of national honor; also Miss Frances K. Wil lard ajd Lady Henry Somerset. These ladies are calling npon the W.. l.U. an over me unuiijr i 8Cnci petitions of protest against w.jr w;tjj Chili as its being- in- human. Susan B. Anthony, the w-wt rr t . t n n . . ... 4 4n ! leader of the suffrage movement, I has been urged upon to join he j "protest of American womanhood ; against this needless war proposed to be waged hy (33,COO,OOU peojjle against 2,C00,000. Senators Kyle and Peffer also seem to think it depends on the size of the nation whether a nation should defend its citizens and rer- resentatives on foreign soil and af- ford them protection from outrage and murder. According to Mr. Kyle, it would be a national dis grace to go to war with Chili, and adds, "The bare idea of going to war with a country smaller than one of our states, is criminal ludicrous. That sixty million of people the biggest, ricLest and most prosper ous nation on earth should enter tain the idea of a wax with a little country like Chili itsrau absurdity." It is the duty of the government to try in all cases of international difficulty to reach an amicable set tlement, if practicable, irrespective of size or power, but the doctrine that a great nation can not assert its rights in the face of another great nation is preposterous. Did these two senators ever hear of Tripoli, and what the United "tates once did in bringing that little country to time? Do they hold Commodores Decatur and Preble in contempt for forcing the Bey of Tripoli to respect the American flag? That was early in the pres ent century, and the whole civilized world rejoiced and applauded Whether a war be justifiable or not depends upon the merits of the controversy and the thoroughness with which all pacific remedies have been tried. Great Britain, which is really the largest and strongest nation on earth, has often been at war with countries far smaller and weaker than Chili, being censured or commended according to the nature of the con troversy. The real obstacle in the way of an honorably settlement of the pres ent difficulty ia the contempt in which Chili holds the navy of the United States, and the correspond ingly high opinion it entertains of its own ironclads. But all that is foreign to the real merits of the case. The Chilians, like all other semi-barbarous people, treacher ous, brutal and quarelsome. They are the bullies and swaggerers of South America. They are ignorant and vain, and their successes in conflicts with their neighbors have impressed them with the belief that they can whip the United States. Such a people know little of the usages of enlightened countries in matter of this sort, and care nothing for the considerations which govern diplomates in inter national controversies. They re spect no appeal or demand which is not backed up by force. ANOTHER TIN PLATE ITEM. The Tin Plate Consumers' associ ation, which is an association of im porters and not of consumers, can find another answer to their query, "Has the price of plate advanced in consequence of the tariff?", in the news of the bankruptcy of F. C. Davenport, who, not improbably, was one of their number. Mr. Davenport is an importer of tin plate. He believed in the free trade fiction that we should ha- e "higher prices on account of the tariff." Believing in it, he acted upon it and bought immense qwar. tities of Welsh plate. He expected that the increased duty, which came into effect about seven months ago, would be "added to the price." The j free traders told him that it would, the protectionists told him that it would not. He believed the free traders. To-ilay he wishes that he had not. He has failed in the sum of $2X),0)0 just because the price of tin plate would not advance to the American consumer; $200,000 is a small sum in the vast aggregate of our yearly irade in tin plate, but it has been enough for Mr. Davenport, and too much for his creditors. Inter Ocean. VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE. 1892 True and tried friends are always welcome, consequently "Vick's Floral Guide" is sure of a warm re ception, especially when dressed as daintly as this year. The "Nellie Lewis" Carnation on the front of cover, and "Brilliant Poppies" on the back, are unusually attractive, and the numerous colored plates of flowers and vegetables are certain ly works of art and merit. The first twenty-four pages, printed in riolet ink, described novelties and special ties. Send ten cents to James Vick's Sons, Rochester, N. Y., and procure a copy of this attractive and useful ! catalogue. It costs nothing, as tin ten cents can be deducted from Jtht ie first order. THE democrats decided on the fifteeneh ballot yesterday to hold the national democratic convention ou the 21st of next June at Chicago. Notice. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a spelling social ou next Friday evening the 22nd, in the basement of the church. Ad mission 10 cents. A lunch will be served after spelling. A cordial invitation is extended to all. 4t Est rayed or Stolen. A hornless, white cow with a few red spots on tide anj'body knowing thb whereabouts of such a cow will pltase inform 3t Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi tive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker mouth. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. That Hacking Cough can so quick ly cured by Shiloh's cure. We guarantee it, r-or sale uy jfc,. . Fricke and O II Snyder 1 La Crippe. No healthy person need fear any dangerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quiet ly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a se vere cold and a prompt and com plete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Miles Nerve and Liver Pills. ; Act on a new principle regulat ing the liver, stomach aod bowels through the nervs. A new di scovery Dr. Miles' Pills spee lily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles constipation. Unequaled for men women, children, smallest, mildest surest! 50 doses, 25c. Samples free at F. G. Fricke & (Jo's. A Sensible Man. Would use Kemps Balsam for the throat and lungs. It is curing more cases of coughs, coles, Asthma, Bronchitis, croup and all throat and lung trouble than any oiher medicine, lhe proprietor has au thorized any druggist to give you a sample bottle free to convince you of the merit of this remedy. Large botttes 50c and $1. Isn't she Beautiful!" Occasionally one hears this expression, as a lady with a strikingly lovely complexion passes along the street. Certainly! she uses the famous blush of roses manufactured by Miss Flora A. Jones, South Bend, Iud. Supplied O. H. Snyder, price 75c per bottle. How Try This- It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect re covery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottl free at F. G. Fricke & Co. Drug store, i.arge size ouc. ana ?l.uu I MAN'S V V?N ACES- I A Modern VI w f . liw Tlioin Il!utrtt by th Grmi lrMinilU . "Mrs. Joues has a baby." "The , deuce yon Bay." ' Fact." ' Girl or ! boyP" ' liny." ' Lei's Jiunt up old ! Jonesey ami make liiiu set 'em up." j fco is ushered into the world Baby i Jones, very red and hungry, and very much troubled with iusomuia. The former prows on hi in. and in wearing off the ialter I'-ipit Jones loses his hair and several pounds of lle-di and Mam ma Jones loses some of tier good looks. ray?11 savs Pupa Jones in Uiuut. 1 Di babies pay? Well, I s.muld say they did." Ta?" sajs Mammy Jones: "whv. the wiiole world could uot buy him " And so IS. i by Jones becomes Willie Joues, and with his little primer and immaculate tie marches proudly to school. Thereupon th boys "christen" his new shoes by spilling on them, and the- soil his white tie rolling him over in the sand. And Willie Jones cries ami teacher comforts him by letting hiui sit on the platform and" by calling his tormentors '"bad boys." Aud they grin and look ashamed. But Father Time keeps his Kcythe a swiug. aud to! "Billy" Joues is in the high school. "Billy the kid" he is called now. and he nearly breaks his mother's heart one (lay because she sees him smoking a cigarette aud evidently enjoying it. Billy Jones is also inclined to partake of the fruit of his neighbor's pear tree, said fruit being obtained after dark. Will Jones is a ditlereut boy a few years after his graduation trom the high school. Lite has bttcotue a ques tion of neckties aud fits on clothes. He ushers strangers into seats at the Churcn of the and Beersheba Pil grims. He lead's the german, and one day Deacon Polls is pained lo eo him coming out of a bucket-shop, wi.ere he has taken a tleron wheat. Wiliiim Jones, aged 40,is the cashier of the Hightop National bank. Mr. Jones is knon as one of the best and brainiest business men. Mrs. Jones speaks of him as Mr. Jones,or William, aud Deacon Polls takes his ail vice ou the investment of a few hundred dol lars he has laid by. They talk of run ning him for the legislature, and the Evening iqwisli has boomed him for mayor. The little ones call him papa, and run to. meet hiui at nignt wheu he comes home. At 60. "You know old Bill JonesP lie was telling me the other day how he used to play ball where the post oflice now stands. He's a jolly old fellow, I tell you. Told about help ing to pilch a teacher out of the win dow when he was a boy, about forty or titty years ago." Billy is a jolly old boy. Kept the company in a roar at his daughter's wedding with his queer stories. They 9ay Bill-has laid up quite a little piie in his day. Smooth old boy is Bill. He has accumulated quite a slock of experience, at any rate, aud is always ready with a word of counsel if you ask his advice. Seventv-tive years old todav is "Old Bill Jones." or "Old Billy Jones," as his youuger friends love to call him. There is no term of reproach in familiarity unless it is nsed by the thoughtless or inconsiderate. His old friends have dropped by the wayside, one by one. and old Bill Jones is the last leaf on the tree. It is well ripened by time and frost, and the first breath of winter will detach him gently, and be will fall to his parent earth in sweet peace. "Old Bill Jones!" Ue has done his work well, and he is ready to go. He wonders if he will meet the old boys again and talk over the old days. His mind is much on his youth. He loves to recall the old associations. The old voices are in his cars. He smiles as be sees the children play. "Hello, colonel, whose grave is this you are lillinsr?" William Jones', sir." "What? Old Billy Jones? Well, well. So he has gone. But he lived to a good old age. Let's see. 78 years S months.1 the t?totie says, don't it? That's doing pretty well in these times. Jones was a good old fellow, though. I remember hearing my father tell how Jones let him have $5,000 once to tide him over a crisis and he never took a bit of security. He and father were great friends once. How long ago? Oh. that must have been twenty or twenty-five years back. Father's been dead eighteen years. Well, good luck to him wbere ever he is. Good-day." Minneapolis Journal. Southern Localisms. I have a swap for you," said a smiling southern woman to a northern acquaintance, and then to the latter's fiuzzled understanding the meaning of oca i ism was unfolded. To give one a swap is to retail something compli mentary received from a third person. The term is so used, apparently, be cause one retailing pretty speeches ex pects a like return; so a swap is really an exchange of compliments obtained at third band. Another equivalent is a "tell," and the women who learns that a friend has a tell for her expecU a compliment. -V. Y. Sun. Kbioeatonea. Years are the poorest possible meas ure of a person's age. In the case of bad temper and dys pepsia it is an open question as to which is cause and which effect. When a man begins his remarks with the phrase, "there's no use talk nS" you may as well settle yourself down to listen to a long argument. When a blackberry is green it is red; it is different with a newspaper. Happiness and whiskers are two things that money cannot buy. Ind iamtpolit Xtm. fUR ANNUAL INVENTORY SALEO We invoice Februarj- 1st and we find ourselves overstocked on some' line of goods which ajust be reduced REGARDLESS OF COST. In order to run them off in a hurry we have not taken the coat of good into consideration, but we have put the knife in dep for we arc deter mined to carry over us little as possible. DRESS GOODS. 30 inch wool plaid former price fMIc now H:ict. Ho" inch camel hair plaid goat 4Xr regular (iTic goods. 40 inch home spun now 4S cents re duced from (55 ccnls. 40 inch habit cloth flaunt Is regular GOct now 42 cents. 30 inch dress llannell a few odd pieces left they go at 25, regular 35 cent goods. UNDERWEAR. We have too man Ladies swiss rib bed vests and pants in Ualbrig gan and Natural goods that re tail everywhere at fx) and (55 cts We will let them on t at at 4oe each or 75 a suit. Ladies scarlet vests and pants reg tilar $1.00 quality now 75c. Childrens underwear at 20 percent (I i.-con nt. Ladies and childrens wool hose a drive at 25c. COMFORTS and BLANKETS, DISC O Lllgocds rnirhi'd in. d-5 as va FRED HERRMANN. "NTO.W IS YOU J rpi r X T The Weekly -AUNT ID- Home Magazine Toledo Blade Harpers Magazine Harper's Bazar Harper's Weekly $1 85 - 2 45 4 00 - 4 80 4 80 o is tile $1 501 VlNB Strebt. Everything to Furnish four House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S (iREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having purchased the J. V. Weekbach store room on soutk Main street where I am now located can sell goods cheap er than the cheapest having junt put in .e. argest stock of new goods ever brought to the cit;' . Uasoline stove andfurniUre of all kinds sold on the installment plan. I. I'EARLMAN. F Q Fffl22K Go WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Pull and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour? CLOAKS. Our $12 plush sactics reduced ! $10.00 Our $20 plush saciitu-s reduced t $10.50. Our $15 plush sacque reduced $:r.oo. Our $20 plush coats reduced ( $1(3.50, Our $30 plush coats reduced t $23.50. Our $40 plush coats reduced ( $: io.oo. CLOTH NEW MARKETS. Newmarkets that sold from $15 t $20 -Your choice at $10. Newmarkets that sold from $10 1 $15 Your choice for $7.50. Newmarkets that sold from $7.50 t $10 -Your choice for $5.00. Ladies Cloth Coat and cape at 2 percent discount. Childrens and Misses Cloaks at half price. FUR S7 F U R S Fur Capes at half price. Muffs at 20 per cent discount. U NT. plain, figures and wo exdvartiso, T, CUftCK. 1 1 pwio: Iowa State Register Western Kural -The Forum Globe-Democrat -Inter Ocean - 3 0 2 88 5 5f -8 It 3tf HjG o Subscribe t I V