si y. V. fl I A TALE O: I lie . ; ,. , lutic'. : . . ,!,... ; . : i fvcr i . II r:' i V.'.'i . COf:?; ! . ... .... til for f-ii- .' r.-u's. As v..- J -. t -i , . 1 1 1 1 ; i rh 1 1 1 .-1 Ci uc s.r.r I,,.: , ii'.r.T f..r a sniil.. from i! "An- yu il.ri n -j; :i!i.: C.'i'i-f iti till? coii.;:i ! t ii i.i t. -a mt a : 'sv;.i 'Ii,:..'" I I. d in'.' 1 of Me I in. "Only .-iiili. i -in;; .,1.1 and iu.ikiir.rn f.-u- i.n.-s "I an mm- a pr.-ul ii im 4c T :i "icis 1 III ! ! I'OIbli ill t !.!..L y.-ar." "I knuw lli-v ar ri i rr c- n f. fi l :tl?e ntul I lliriil. nn.if r.i:it, i m i ( lihl Maine tin :n Imii.t l .sr. iil.-..l .'il :' ;im KT a:i.l wi'ii'l ;:': i-i even my pi. rid tfiii:-i-.i!Mi-n!." vmi, i in -;.iri''. " is, Ii id ali.. it "il .T, 1! oil .41 . I .11 ll.l. t:u- . - ,: arc an ii:;:; 11 lil tl...l.J,. i.aa a . I . fan !.. .( f." " . . i i .:- .- i i.i . i,' a. aid Col. II ly: : .. f ili f .1 I S. . i t if i i i: . i d. t!ii saal 1 1: . "! i . A : - I i!a . I V t'..- .! .! t..;"' r:i'id m t ) ; f i ;' ir . ' Mi" " .. . '. -A ,-. , till' IM U s. ''I'ln' Si l'.l- ( !li:- !'!' on a hH 1 !: . i I'i ; In : :' 1 iy ." i. I 1 .i !c .'. ::'i r: i C '. : . . i . r- I .11 : 1 r If 1 -i 1 a!I : s 1 i 'I- r s 1. a .IV Od.'ork's en., ,'. d i : tii.- idea h-cLired in will join e hail, 'iii'i; with wis '- Us." siia .-.t Sir . r-. ii rn! ; v. 1 i the youn e ple and tni tx. v ' hen the company had gathered, we all started for the lake. Tin; SI. Clair girla were line lookiii-.;. sensible and fall of lite, tieore. tlieir Itrother, was just bud-J li:ir into manlio.f.1, jttid was iirepari.iL,' for , smooth surface of some broad neighborly admission to the bar. Nellie () ltork was stones that lav plentifully around beneath lively brunette, saucy and ready for mis- the shade of spreading oaks. The trees chief. Johnny was the wit of tin part-, were jjorj?eous in tlieir rich Autumn tints, making us laujh at his ori-inal witticisms! and formed a rainbow roof to shelter us. in spite of ourselves. The yoiin- lady who ; The carpet was woven liv dame Nature her was visit in? th. (VKork's w.e; a ftishionar i self, and was jjrreen. sort and velvety. There ble hello and a languid beauty. j were stone seats in abundance, covered When we arrived at t!ie lake we left our j with rns and cushions, to accommodute carriaires in the t-are of the drivers, jzivini; . all. The servants were readv to do honor oruers lor our provisions and imoiernents of pleasure to be brotiht to t he Turk's cottage in alKiut an hour. We entered the yacht, cruised ab..ut a while to e i jov tiie scenery, then lauded at the coiia There we separated into groups as best sidled us, and bewail to ramble over the beautiful grounds. I very much amused to see the way the Colonel and .Johnny 0"I:..rk mama er.'td to train Annie for a c;mt."i.;oii in their walks. I5ut Annie was ready for I mischief, and pnitinv; her arms about Stel la's waist she led the wav to the oi l abbey that had been a rniu so Imiv that the ivy J had mantled its broken walls and made! them an object of lieanty. and the tall yew j iree in irom suai-:i ii irom me sun. "What a delightful this must have j been! Such a quiet retreat from every- I ininKinaicouiu vox or annoy: said An- excused themselves except our party nie, with half serious and half comic ex- from Waverland. Weaccepted the in preion. I vitation gladly, as it was our last visit jusnmnK. saiu .eiue w uorK.-nere once bto.Kl a grand old cathedral wiih holy men and women reverently kneeling tie fore their sacred shrines; but now tl;e sob-mi eyed owl and web-win-.d bat hold Their nihtiy revelries here and conduct llie ael ii v.'' " see." said Stella, "how nature has cover, d these bro:i aad b wi:v!".'s v. ith tvini'ig vi 1 iali and J '' li iy I root ; ces f : .-;.. lai.:. Colo :. ru;!:-. ; ere'; il ti.f. :.: e a! a- 1 to t : cie vi--.1 a-' . . . I ej old the. ::: 'd i vita b. 1 i i ." r.M. ; cl- 's.i-r Ist.ii lo eeh ) t . 1 U.-iiia X o'er their b a:i'j i:i:a . 1 ! tht if p, i S. f . : tt -raia i'.yers l" (is . a la :'. ... laeir ' :: . -.1 1 a bi o...- i 1 t 1 ! v;w nf t Tim Kits making ut tiiis grand ciealioa of the middle nL"-s. "T';: ,.t:gh all the ruin, from c!; pel wall tofftei vandims ihe'e - : ie vo'ces reach taj downward" fr i:i the rn'- ty p.'.-,.. s iyiag to Us: VoU, Uk, nnist into liu,;:'1 aid Stella, as though echoinjj sjai long forgorten t!io;g':t of h?r childi.ooa. Hack, down the winding stairs we wTit, jfeelicz the soL'inroty of the sacred place in spite of our mirth. No one spoke until we stood Jtonoalh the "Id yew tree, through whose foliage the golden sunshine was dancing iu merry giee upou the broken walls. t "There. J can breathe pga-'n: rT'ihnny O'iiork. "I":n crl id t can be merry in th i -:';. eyeiaimed 'i:i-!;itie j We - K,..,t .e t o " --.! looking down, v. nw tli Vvlonel hut C ,;"V , .... Oil tilt Milf'Mi ti Mll i.u-c (a a fj'M:i.jr MH'lv. j S!i' l.ui'icil, as In helped 1it f a place of .N.i." 'IV. ,'l:l.i 't i. 1 ; "I t ii..r. lit I had i uic bt t he bottom mid it t-f..ii Vi r be i5:l 'T!i.-ti:k A nail s.:t! . t'-ri-;i p: i in r her h.-uiils vs . satit out !;.' c!it. '. :i:v s.if . iimw,"' .-aid Slcll-i. '- !oih-I I la !i'.s' t.triti'.;aniis." f !. 1 ii'i Willi a hew iti-biny; '1 1: I, I OA yo'i f' TlllC i ,i;l.;. I of It t my i.i i ir- .1:1 ii. I a:i wrr I mt uv in rt-'. urn I' . h. .' vc her ..ricy I. . ': . i in-r i.:i.,.' i-y.-s v.. I'd i'Vi' il n. i;ili' las a-s. Col. II.isih-s did not n list Annie nlo.'ii- i.flcr I !iat. "I a.aa.'iaid that if T were not near to Favi' nn oii w.itdd bn-ak your yet," ho siM, as v.' all s: arti-d t o at her uin fro::i t'i" : rue- lives li a! rew so plenti fully hi.-hi-r no in the mountains. We Ha! iier.-.l the 1.; : 1 1 1 from ti;e Irirs iiml were soon initialing the ruminants. We were busy wa'.r.ciH-j oar jaws in a most indus trious, not to say ltidieDais fashion, y did 11 ft try to di-seead by tin; margin of the e;.!.'ira t but took a Ion ''er route. i-i. Wieii had rei.iaiiu'd ' at tliechnpel, as we entered I lie 1-i 1 avenue, we saw him iXxi'i'X b th'.: yaelit ready for a 1 : 1 il' il. We all lia-' I'li.'d on to meet him ther-.' ) 1 r u'lim did not satisfy our tppt t.i.s. .loanay l:ork stalked 011 alone W 1: : vaMiiLC i. unyoae. He had been laid 'aehoiy ever siaee t!e Colo . .! . ii aie from fallin ' li -. .Job ;iay f.' in a..kd Nellio s envious to appease his t ;. : : : x nu v.' sabst aat ial - I I- ' i of 1 he spruce 1 1 r ;i I ' y w'11 was a::d w: l a I tri.-l o h:i I think he 1 1. . t ) -. i.v .ioh.iny'd a.L i . v'if I I -d b-.-k 1 . 1 . ; oi and 1 m: 1 ,-. ; .- .s .11 the j 1 1 ! ; :;; oi' l .. ' ' iii"";i v I 1:1 I t'-ia i l to. wo'a-i 1 VVliu I'Otin ui.:..e ml, us ;i . :a:;. When we fea -h" 1 tan lake s5oro wa found the servants had prepared our lunch lj areadiu. tiie I'jwy w.iiLO Jiaeii ou luo : to the occasion in tidy white aprons, j When the jrut'.sts all jrathered in real artis : tic style, few at a table, we found ourselves , supplied with an abundance of everything that heart could wish. An hour passed hi i joyous conversation. Kvery one was hap j py except poor Johnny. In my heart I ; pitied the poor f low, but it was comical I to see the wrathful looks he cast toward the Colonel. No more witty remarks, but sullen wrath, llie Colonel seemed per fectly oblivious to the frreat danger he wsi is in. Annie could not hide the joyous 11 ht that shone in her merry blue eyes. After lunch, archery and games were en ioved bv the merrv eomnanv. Late in the day, tired but delighted we started for home. At Sir Wren's we were invited to spend the evening and have dinner. But all nere with Colonel Haynes. When the tii,inpr Kl,llndP.1 w ll wmeht n. umner bell sounded we all sought a place of safety for our precious gum. The Colonel laid his chew on the corner of Annie's picture frame saying: "I'll know where to look for this when I come again," looking at Annie as he spoke. She blushed as she led the wav oat to the timing "to. ns iu duty bound. At dinner the conversation was concern- itig tite old ab'uey, the waterfalls, and the delightful time we till had together. "Sir Wren. A link came near having a ; serious fail." sr. id Stella. I ''::!, t..t. l' or:". I thought you -.with! be y;fe with .- i-vmy around yon," ; 'v ' sttakittg hi-; hea l at her. I :- 1 ..i-. i" .! livi-e 1 it-ii sal . aii.i sound ta::':'. !o Colonel llayties." she said, giv 1 t ing liu Coioail a (illicit brignt look. ".Miss Annie, I am glad I was able to r-ave yon," he said to Annie. "And 1 am very glad the day has been so pleasant: it will be something to be remembered when I a.n far from here." "Why. are you going to leave us soon?" asked Sir Wren. If.'-.- .-' to-morrow I expect to start for Loudon, from there to New York, iu a si 'it; thne. i promised my mother that I would spend the holidays at home. I have been away more than a vear." ('II APTKR XXVI. TIIK KVENTFl'L DAT. 111 the moriiin.5 ;it the request of I-uly V'averlattd. the family earriane Wfvs brought to the door. Very eariy the Colo nel atul siie started oti their political cam ra?s?i to secure votes for me. They set off in me best of spirits, c.-ieh wearing a blue rosette. '. !, ir.ive ::ic a p-.-p into a box 'he h.. ! v, i -: . ,' was of s.-ine 11 I. :':: ; he m ..:(;! .:. "' M'avorlan.i cr.'ct cd A-. s... ;i as her car riage was discovered she w.-s jri-t-eted with deafening cheers from the crowd. "Long live the noble lady!"' "God bless the swat ledds-!" came from every direction. In the midst of the shouting a shot was heard. We could not tell whence it came. In an instant there seemed to be a fight near where Sir Wren and I were standing. Fonr or five men were struggling with one who was uttering the most profane oaths. While I was trying to discover what it all meant, I heard tiie prisonur say: "I hit the d d Yankee, when 1 meant to kill tie meddling fool of a woman!" Just then some one called to me that I wa needed at my carriage. I could bardly Standi All the strength in my body po'Trrvl to have ilesi-rted me nnl I stood tivailiiiii-j with fear. I5ut it was only for en iastant that J stood paralyzed. As I neared tin: carrl ie I saw my wife safe. . liaf her fae- was white as u liost! She was sitppor! ; 11 jj tli ("olonel's head. lie sec.'ued eiiliri'ly seiiiide-is. His face was ashi'ii while, iiis lips were -oloU''ss, and there was a cold, elaai my s eat upon his brow. Hi eoa !iten:t:iee seemed shrunken and contra. -led. IIi- eyes were partly 1 cl.s.-d ami la -treless. ' "Is lie L'.'id:'" I ar.xioiislv iniiuired. "Xu, I think not, liiit yvt iiim into a j lioii'-e 'is fj'tK l;!y as pu-i-.i fle, s;id niv v. i :'e in tii-rvo:: - Ir; ile was taken into tin.1 lirst hoie-e we coald tind and in a few moments tin' sur . 11 -.!!.'i . il f.. i!i l the ball )i:nh eiiicrcd the tiitisr!--; 'f t he s!iou ! ler, break- iii' tii- y ho 1 !d"r blade and touehiiej: some of I hi sere-it i v-.j nerves of tile spinal col 11:11a, had caused utter prostra! ion by the shock. '1'he surgeon k'p! iidmini-'.eriti' si imiiiauts and ajiplied arliiicial heat to m'd'i'.ain tin normal tetnn.'fature of the body. After what seemed to us a very Jon-; I i'e i !n; pit ient drew a lon breath "farjd fri 'd to turn himself. Then for the li.'st liuitf he opened his yes. He looked around in a ringed, bewildered sort of way until h.v saw me, then i:t a feeble voicu he d: "What is it? where have I been!-'" 'Von have been hurt,'' I said, "and yon lined re-'i;'in quiet. "' "Where is Lady Waverhnid:'"' "Siie is safe a h'":i ," 1 answered, "and you must ken s; I'..r sotai: tviie iie reiiiained qmet and seeaied to be sle:p:u'. Wiiile a few it-; ii.'.d ! :n w:.; eai a X the wounded K in t here had b a-t".! oit-;, a eiot f"irrtil tr.e. T!i' vi'l-dn w.ei in- ! " i.i ,- wir.. ti i:i: .!.:;:: ! p. ,': 1 a i id. Wii-:-. I:, . u :.ia. K. i ! i'ii- !::id so !."'!l 'J oid iy M 1 t 1 i 1 lil.: 1 hi.: i ' ili.i'l 1 1; 1 I I 1: :i . : 'i auf tv'i ! 1 . t IV'. iX. "h.; ,vd :. '.K'-:' S '' ii Wot! hat i d tie 1 h. serve .rev, for He (the s-.tch i: :.( i e 'i ,!" bti we it.-i.l no 1:1 as him:" "It's a sad affair for him as well as for my ;'rie:.d," I said, turning away with a shudder. 1 went baelc into the sick man's room and explained to tiie surgeon everything was ready to take Col. Haynes to Waver land as soon tis he thought proper to try moving his patient. "After a little if we can keep him warm; it will be best to move him before the wound is finally dressed. The wagon was brought to the d'Kir and men lifted the colonel, bed and all, into it. The surgeon took his place beside his pa tient, and we drove home with the great est possible care, followed by an excited crowd, ready to carry wagon, horses aad all in their powerful arms if necessary. At Waverland men took the colonel in their arms and soon he was comfortably resting in his own warm room, lie seemed relieved, knowing that he was in al'amilicr place. The wound was properly dressed and the surgeon pronounced his pi.tieut out of immediate danger. "I low are you now:-" I asked after a lit tle rest. "Hetter. does Annie know of this?" "Yes. Stella has sent word to her and she will soon be here," I answered. "But you can see no one to-night," said the surgeon, with decision. "I would like a message sent to my mother. She will look for me home soon," iie said. "Doctor," I said, turning to the surgeon, "will you write the message?" lie assented and I handed him the nec cessary writing materials. After he had written it he read it to the colonel. Mrs. A. I. llAVXKS, New York, 1:. s. a. is-j. f Your son was accidentally hue; to-day while riding out in his cat-nag". S u not fatally. It will delay his return home at ' l':V:?l'lil. "i "r :ni lstsiS-e i r . h !l".. )" " ;u '( t: .','' il--' I-: ::.. S. tJ. ii::! ;.'.-., S.irgeoiu '. ho .7 atrit.i'n that wil". i- the In-..; t'.a! she s'loul.i V. h i; A ,. ii., 1 I l.l'l J '., 11. t"s let 1V..VL' tile tlle 'M'lrv f.r i. h me." s ' P T , r.t.l. . -1- . . 1 1 1 : : 1 . !.'i!i,i'rn' ii.-nided V iieil-t?" 1 ii.-nided tier ti'e nies;fj;e. I tiiottur'it that .vonM lj the best way to answer lier qnestion. I called a servant, and tiie mes-s-ijie was sent with lijilumug speed away to ir'-ieve a mother's heart. "Dariinir io you know that hall was aimed at you?" I aked. ns I led my wife to a sofa. She sfniddered hut made no an swer. "I heard the fellow swearing because he missed his aim." I said. "Can that he true?" she asked. "I won der if it was the man who swore so fear fully when I offered him a rosette, s;iyins he would not wear the colors of any fol lower of Parru -11 in the country. He told me I had better not be meddling with poli ties, but that I had better stay at home and mind my own business. Did he have a shook of sharpy red hair aoout his head and faee?" "That rieserili.-s the man wh:. '-; hanuiii.1; from a ttve near whci-.- '.' . - p- .'.-. 1 :..iii.'." ; '-:i; !. !:iidi;i: I'? : : t l v.r 1 V , . 'iit : i ::. y e;::'i v;f ii a )';'( t !'. : i : t:i ry ;i:.v and fall of s. S1 Wii.t row asked it' she miirLt see the colonel. I told her of the surgeon's order and said I would deliver any message she wished. "Then tell him 1 am here and that I will come to him as soon as I have permission." The colonel had been listening and wait ing for a word from Annie. As I opened the door his eager eyes asked the question before his lips could utter the words. "Yes. she s here." I said, going to his side, "and will come to you as soon as the surgeon will permit. " "May I see her just a moment, doctor? I'll b? "quiet." "Not till morning." said the surgeon; ''I'm not going to risk anything now, so "ml viiur mossnfo." ANKOFC A SSC( ) I T XT Y Cor viaiu aii't Kiltn tn-'' fald ni capital Hurplus I'! fsiili-et rr.-M.lent 1! 8 ltanisey Vie. J. i . r.tii son . M. Puttf rs-ai. DIKBCTOK it t'.ir. ele. .I.M ;':itter:in. Fred t;..r.i. H smitti K. Ii. '.V ir tllriiii. H. S. Uhiii-.-v ii' M.l'iilt." u 'Miiiit soil.- e ' I:: it-sT .,!':--. '-.t :' ' -iliil pruiimr ail. 1 ilk'IVi'U to id l:- iifss cut ru at ts rare. , ' x f T : 21' lil'.i, iu t --'' M .in Plattsmouth cbmffka ProrHi I bt Perkins his tin i iteil from top lo.V one of til " best t -i' fiefs will !' tt!v ti..r)0 ami up. be'n th.ri t-.: led in th. the v -t.lM , T, 3 j r a t; J ,' .'! V. v J. .1 . . I; Mint , J-i.Cs. .::ori, i'::'ii, 1 at..- in tiiiic.V'iL-t.-.. Tnc fn,lv snri' cure inr Corns. .-O, or lilsCOX b CO., i.'. . CSjtamDerlain'3 Eyo and 3da Ointment. A certain euro for Chronic Soto Eyes Tetter, Salt Hhsum, Scald Head, Oi Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Hippies tad Piles. It i3 cooling and soothing. Hundreds of eases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed It is put up in 23 and CO cent boxes. GRATIS UL COMFORT IN G 5. r ti n : ti BREAKFAST "l',y a tliolDiih knowlediie of tiie natural laws whieli govern the oe: ntior s .f iligesr:an a':d nutrition, aii.l i'V : careful an;.h;ition of t lie tine ii-'"''t ie-' "f w "II selected 'Vfoa. Mr. Ktjs Iihs jtiiivide.' our break last table with a i!tlicately tl-'vored beve-ae which ititiy s-ive us niiiuy havy Joft(r'bi!ls. It is by. the jn-'io-inus use of sueh article" of diet tie t a ci.n situti"ii may be siradually built up until stronst enouL'h to resist eveiv "tf'iuieucy To disease. Hundred of subtl-- eladies are fleatiu ti around us ready to attacK whercv er here is a week point. V e may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure bloo ! and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Madosi simnlv with boiling water or milk. Sold op ly in halt-pound tins, bv uroreries. labelled thlir: .TAMEs EPPS & DO., Jlomu-onathic Chemist London. England How Lost! How Regained ! Or SKIfF-rurSKHVATTON. A new and only (.nld.Mcd.'ilI'IilZK KSSAY ou EitVOltS and I'IIYSICAIj DEDIHTy, KltltOKS of VOUTII,KXITAl"STKl VITALITY, l'RE iUATlTJIK DIXXINK, find aii DISEASES and WKAKNESSIiS of TvIAN. SOO paex, cloth, pilt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00 Ly mail, double sealed. Descriptive Prospect us with endorsements f-y r" r" I crwn of the PreiiB and voluntary hHl f I testimonials of the cured. S Ilfil rxOWt ConsultatiOTi in person or hy mail. Erperttreat n nt. IWIOLABLi: SECKKCV 'id CEI1 T.VIN Ol'KK. Address Pr. W. ?l. Herker. or The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bulliuch St., The Peabody Medical Institute has many imi tators, but. no equal. ferald. The Science of Life, or Belf-Preicrvation, i a treasure more valuable than srold. Head it now, every WEAK and NEKVOtS man, and leurn to be STRONG . Jfedicul Ueeiew. (Copyrighted-' CMCHESTER'S ENCUV. THE ORIGINAL. ANI 61HUIHE. L.U.. Etfl Oriti'ir.t f"T Otic A II pU iu pr.svr'--,r,i t t,. '-.- JO.IMs. r-i!5K-'U.S. -.."7-. . ,1 ii B A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No r:";,:cine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang L:::imext. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. DKAI-KIt l.l- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCER 3 GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. l';itrmi:i!je of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth. IKST : XATIOXAI. : HANK it if -PLATTSMOUTH. NK1JKASKA F 'nut up cap tal S 11 pi us .,(11 . ... Hl.tKHMI' rs the vr ti::i: -t facilities for thu nm. 1 t ii.ii of li(.dt iniate " ti nar. ? Ha i;o'.d. !'"" riai"' it HI' 'vil t 11 : 1 li ' .'il-4i lb'- I 1 ; io- ;.i -.t'i' a : ;o 11, .'.II TI V KIM 1 I- 1 ;. i. i.'.- 1. .id ,'st rat.ts, si 1- r .1 :iia l'ot:ity !" 1.:. . iiii'::toi:.- .fMm F'tZ'.'io-a'.d . H-iwk--.t.rth Saei WiUiKli. r- - v' Ceorue K. Ouvey oiia Filuerrdrl. S. Waiti. Prenident t.'i-- "NT EW HARDWARE STO R E S. K. HALL, & SON Keep all kinds of builder hardware on hand and will supply contractors ou most fav orable tertus TIUXT ROOFING s poutint; and all hitnls 01 tin work promrtly done. Orders fo iii tiiu country Solicited ail St. PLATTSMOUTH, N t: - JHB CIirZKXS HANK. PLATTSMOUTH - NESKASRA jHpltal stork paid in " Authorized Capital, SIOO.OOO orriCKKS Cuelttiri:, J. W I 1 W. H Preijideut. ViCf-Prrs' '' v W. H. CUSHUSQ. Cti'-laier. DtRKPTOPS F R Gnthman. J W Johnson. E 8 Ureusel. Henrv Kiknbarv. M W Morgan. .) A Connor. W Wettenkyinp, NV II Cu.shikf; TRANSACTS A GENERAL BA"NKC5 BUSiNES tts 1 . -r tri:; mit ii,; : r C. MAYKS c o cxrv -S V 11 V E Y OR AM) CIVIL KNG INKER All orders left with the county clerk Trill h promptly P.ttended to. OFFICE IX COCKT HOUSE. f'l.ittsniouth, - - Nebraska Pt3 CROSS -"Th.- ob!j "nf. ftarc, nr.d rt'ivLU Vi.l T.-r ?:!. V ,":k. - . ..tjfiT r.,,i frTlrf: i-.K. A. L.- ,:. tf. .r rrvS 3 SWie....T'.r !,.!; - IC5I ' ' J . .i fc?'.-." 3 l2 Diamond Brand a Pronounwl Hrpfle, Yd Suved, From fi h-MiT writ. cm liy ?Irn. Ada K. Jlurd of r.rofon, S. I..voouolr: "Wits taken with a had cold, which settled on niv lniiH, coiih net in and finally tcVininatcd in consump tion. Four doctors jiivc nu up say iniX I could live hut a short time. 1 Vtivc myself up to my Saviour, lr termired if 1 could 'not stay with m y friends on e;irth. 1 would meet ittv ali-ctii mil': ahovc. .My Iiuh hiind u us ;i i vised to et Dr. Kiiiiv'a .New Discovery for consuinptiou one lis and eidds. I ave it a trial too i i ei r'u' hollies; it liascured me and ihaiiK (jod I am now a well :md ii.'tirlv woman." Trial hot lie In eat 1". J. Fi Icke A: t'o.'s druff store, i ee ulnr si.c, r(lc. and liX'. F. (J. Frieke Ac Co.. Dru-jrists A Phiiruiiicists, Union IJIock, J'latts miitith. eh. desire p inlorill thff puhlic, that' tliej' are agents, for the most successful preparation that Juris vet l.een jiroduced for coughs, colds and croup. Jt will loosen and releave a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. The article referred too is Cha iner Iain's (hiiih rcmel-. It is a medi cine that has won fame and popular ity on it's merits undone that can iilwiiys hi depended upon It the only known remedy th it will prevent croup. It nnist lie tried to he oppreciatcd. It is put up in HO cent and fl hottles. C.L'JSKLY. THOnOUGKLY. FOREVER CURED .Vi'.N h:ient;llc met In h:lent;Ilc metliixt tli:-' V-- ' C.llillol, Iflil Ullll'HH l.l C'jise H Im'voikI lnin:jiri .e i. o.i ii-oi iiiii..v. !i 1 tic Iti it :n y, lei a ticne li.. i-vi'i-y O.-iy : hi, on Uii'.wr i:-.:"i i.i t'.'V-iv, ui'iul ; i i . u;. rl.-lil!,,! . " il i. V,i y ' 1 ; j.'i.-rri"il ! i- i !. i ,'l .3, :..r;y, er. ' r.- I I,,- t '..i-! t ' :.L i'.. :i , i : '.'. - . -'IC t r..- of t )' tlU'' V 'll- 1 ' . ., v f-XlL--. ..:-"-.! una rl..-iTfl!'v.iut. i tin. of .-iIkisoh rn.i ('.i:"-...':., :,'.-! ui;i in;: ittK.o.l ! smlfrn'r 1 r ia 1. lty.ovi rworlt.i.'l in Mil .ti, r'';4;.iri j'linr ni'nr! Ihn'L (i"K;:iir,-vcn if In tho hist, htnt'cf. lion't bo dihliourt eii.iit if 411.11'kn liave rols bed ynu. I.'tU8llowya that medical ttci.Tico nu.i t iiMlnoos honor nt ill rrlct; Iiero iro IianJ In band. "IVrile Cor our Jlook with explanation! &, luititud sealed free. Over "i.OUO refereucci, Er.I3 KESICAL CO. , BUFFALO , N. Y. 1 ' -I HAVE H (S5 YOU II SCHIFFIVIj ANN'S Asthma Cure Never fails to Rive iriKtnnt relief in the wvrxt Trial rmefcwra F Drs.BETTS&BETTS PHYSICIAKS, imim and SPECJAUSTS, 1409 DOUCVAG ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Ofllco Lonrs fr,m 9 a. m. to ij. tt. Siiiday from 10 a. 111. to 1 p. m. 8rxciiilist9 in Chronic, Nervous, Skin ami Blood Diseases. C'f" Consnltition ct oT'co or by mail free. Mediciai! sent by mail or fcjcpr.H, Fecnr.'ly prn'kr,.i. frni f.-tiiTi ot rvat ir,n. ( t u;a Liit..-o to euro tmickly. F'.'.tv.'iy ai;'l pirninn(iiil !y. Tl;e mmf, w iiicly istn in tin L"ii"-"i : vavrr- Ti . ki'..'f-.Tn hi cciril- K'TfR-H in tl.o rmnrkafle f .i'A .. ii.r-T t treat ii'.-ui atid ca -. Kinl Dt'a. Sar "'"t jibynician t.;.-i t vcrj whoro. t- the f'til c'lJifi';.-: lliey Ruarautee: A CZRTAIK AND FCSITIVE CUES for the awfnl elfects of cariy vice ami tlionamoroosevUe that follow in 1U1 txain. PP.IVATE, 3L00D AND SKIN DISEASES ppeiMJily, conipt' ' ard jierniauently cured. nervous r : r.ny akd sexual dis orders yiekl i.aijy to their uniiifol treat meiik PILES, FISTULA Af't) T :T.".L TJLCEE3 imaranteml earod witiiouL , or tlotentioa from basitiesa. HYDROCELE A!7D VARICOCELE pwroia tiently and sacceaefully cared in every cane. SYPHIL'S, GONORRHfEA, GhEET, Hpnrma torrhoea. Seminal Weakness. Manhood, Night Kmiaffiofu;, Decayed i'arnltie8, Kcmala Weakness ami all delicate disorders iecoliar to eiUteroex positively cured, as well a9 all func tional diftordors that resnlt from yonthfol foliiev or the excess of matore years. QfrlrflirA G permanently eared, wll lOiUI C removal complete, without cat tine, crrastie or dilatation. Cure effected at home by patient without a momenta pain or annoynuce. TO YOOTJG AND fIDDLE-AGZO MCN AC; .iff- fsifi "'10 awfnl r"Vrs of early t jt C vice which r, i. ,-.-s f,r(fatiic woakrifJ. .! f royin bh rn 'IU. i-i Ui .... ol;, with ail us (liv id ... Ore. iiln, iitnii: l'.- roT. :::n tr,t;, nsiii't study or ii. hajr-T )i'- f'T II,: . '! 'hnvv-'tr 1 i Ti: .-..v., a(d r;.:,;--' oi t: 'C "i.:ckjy 1 I.i.' ,. - j.i . . . .-. 'r :'y l.-;,r ,r .; t :ir-ri t-f,p.'r,p, at..! .V ...r anf t :-d s i-'i r '...:ri : r TO j if .... : r- f w' . t4C9 Dou; !as St., OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. ft t. & Jo rJ Ji . - v v a cureM wbero vttim lull. 9 Jilil-: t DrarnUto or bj IL I PCKIPI- rN.'-I. Rt. rent. Sflna. I iilenness !H Joi VP ft fu tha Uouht Hab.t, Positively CureT .vKTLj'-:-;-: sr. haikes oaiou specific It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea. or in ar ticles of ood. without the knowledge of the per on taking it; it i aunolutely hariulebb and wili effect a )Mrmaneot and speedy cure, whether thepatientUa moderate drinkeror an alcoholia wreck. T NEVES FAIL8. We GUARANTEE a complete cure In evsi y instance. 4,1 paee booi FREE. Addrein ccnndmcr. UtJi SPtdfrC CO., 1 88 Bact SU CiaotaMtLOk x COMhu'J j.nn.