rP L, .Daily Hera d. FIFTH YEAH. PLATTSMOUTH, NEIJUASKA.TIIUItSDAY, JANUARY 21 1892. NUMBER 10.0 src. P Absolutely Pure. - A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leaveiiitigstrcngth Latest U.S. Government food re port. E - BUUUXGT'tX & Missorm I! IV Ell it. it- TIM OFIIAILY l'ASSKXUKK TRAINS GOING EAST GOING WEST Ko. 2 No. I. No. H . Mo 1( No. li No. 20. . .b : l5 I' I" .t 7 ; M i.. S ; . .. K -lit H ..HI it. M No:.. l.r III. II -I. V.I i t :0 it in . . ... ' -IA .. in. . .. - ::'" l. in Ml. ' 1. . . :0.'i i. . ! 11 :i:'i u. HI. I ustn fll'.H fxlia lriiM-s fir ImiihIi;. alH-iii I wo Vlin k f r in. .ii iiii.i wi.l iiffiiiiiiii.Miiit- pas- MISSUL'UI l'Al lt-14- UAILWAY TIM K CAKI). N-. 3Xt ACOI'IIH" U I 11 I f:lf . N'o.:w am v.. 1 rains daily rxi-ept uuiiax .lo.-.v a m. . 4 .INI 1 1, in. StA lihT Sin IK'J IKS K M. ins n- -ill.! :j.iti.iit 1 1 i t No. 47 ! - ' t r.r f -iiny vt iiii'i; HItWirh mi I arn i i it la i: !" k Allvn-ttn-.tr Ki nl Is : re eoidi:i iy i-' i attend !. N. tlr lliil:. . . ; tl i i v. y . K I." - An 1. V No. Hi Met't.s t-fcinnl ami K'lirtn Frulav V ii us In I In In i;l ii a A ' . hall m U'"kv.... i.i. i i,, M V..i iir..u MW, I . I', Im I', lit I'ltllT, I .ss I om;k. i. i it;. !.. h nie.-i -v-ry liit-rd;.)- nij:M at D.t ir lial! ! Ki;ti-ihM Mock. Al! 'M ' i ; an- cerdiil:t vt"l o attend liffi vi- in. ' ii. sh- my lirii-Pet erf ii. N i.;S F. Oi-liom. S--iel;i' y C -.IJOYAl. Mi MVAM-'Vf Cn tiiil N 1021. .1 iJI'-PT ai I lit l. ni ii. ii in in i .'iiii' - lire! hr.-li Invitcil llenrv IllTIIK. lifflfl'l Thou all i nc St-crt'tai v. A r v. H Mr-i. fM nil. I ! . Tiilay e'e-illii--" ! II li''.- - " - ' ill K.M-kwiM-k iln. k. l-iiiiik iiipyi-a. . v . i, P Kiif rsi . Kci-oriitT. 1; i. . ti- .ii 1 f..nrtli 1 ii!irsil:i x of -:ic!i 'ilii in i O i o. F li l in i i i i''l !! k. V. " K. P.. y Ijiily of IIo'K-r ; I'.H'e ViTiny lea. i" I IT lt.Mi-'Vni'i'i' Pont N'o -!" in" I evi-rv '. iir "V evcniiiL' at 7 : .". in ':r ii.-'i in .MT0.1 1 ':. All Vls:lll f.!;.l) s in- g r.lliiiu i-vitfl t' wif. ii Pot Ailjui.i.tt ; i. F. Ni'es. . : im. i : I i ;'tis i in ni.'iil i r. "iftn'Mi of the WHKLI. MfflH a 7 : 30 every Mrnnav eve.itti at the liraiul vuny hall. A. F. Groom, irtideiit. Tli.vs Walling, secretary. CAS- CAMP No. 3.'!2 M W. A. m 'ets every eeo.iil and F -urth Monday t iiirp; in Fitzgerald h 1 Visirinir n-islil) r- welc.-me. P. V.. Haiifen. V. O. : P. Werteiilmnrer. W. A.. 8. C. Wilde. Clerk. f APTAI-' II E PALMER CAMP NO So Sons of Vetran-. division of Nebraska, IT 8. A. meet verv I uefdav mii'.it at 7 -T,o o' -l .ek In thir hall in i itiaerald t oek. - 11 s.-n an 1 vislrin; comrades are cordially invitert to meet with ns J. .1. Kurtz. Commander ; B A. c El wain, let "-'ea-gent. DAUOHTKKS OF KEHEO'A hml of Prom I e Iodze N . 40 Hicet the sec-nd and four.li Thursday evei.iigs of each month in thel'O. O. I-. h II. Mis. T. E. nill.ains, N ' G. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary YOU.Ni; MFN'S 1 IlRlhH"N- snCIATION Waterman blink Main Street. J;ooii8 open fr.-tn 8 i3tt a. in to 9 :3o p it. For rtTen oi:y Oosiel meeting every Sunday atterni-on at 4 o'eiook. PLACKS OF WORSHIP. Catholic St. Paul's Church, ah. between Fifth and Sixth. Father Cavney, Pastor Services : Miss at 1 f.nd 10 :30 A. i. Sunday School at 2 -30. wih benedictioi.. Christian. Corner locust and tiuhth Sts. Services liiorniiiK and tvei.ibR. Kld r A. Galloway pastor. Sunday 8chool lo a. m. Epihcopal. St. Luke's Church, corner 1 hird and Vine. Itev H B. Hurirees. par-tor. Ser vices : II A. M. aud 7 :30P. M. Sunday School at 3 l30 P. M . Gxbmak Mktroi19T. corner Sixth St. and Granite. Rev. Hlrt. Pastor. Services : 11 a. m. and7-30P.it. Sunday School 10 -3o a. m. Pbesbyteki an. Services In r ew church. cor ner Sixth and Granite stf. Kev. J . T. Paird. pastor. Sundav-sci'ool at 9 ;3i ; Preaching at 11 a. m.tid 8 p m. The . K. S. C. E of this ehnrch meet every Sabbath evening at 7 :15 in the bast met. t of the chucrb. All are invited to attend tlieee meetings. First Mftbodist. Sixth St.. betwen Main - aud Pearl, liev. L. F. Britt. I. 11. pastor. Services : It A . m.. 8 :00 p. m Sunda . School -30A. M. Prayer meet it g Wednesday even-lng- . Gfkman Pkksbytkhian. Corner Mam and Ninth. Kev. Wttte. pastor. Services usual hours. Sunday school 9 :30 A. m. Swkkdistt Coiiorfoationau Granite, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Colored Baptist. Mt. Olive. 'ak. between Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Boswell. pas tor. Services 11 a. ni. and 7 -30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Totno Men's Christian Apsociation Kooms in w a term an block. iain sireer. Los pel meeting, for men only, everv Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Kvoms open week days from 8 JO a. m.. to 9 : 30 p.m. South park Tabernacl. Kev. J. M. Wood, Pastor. Services : Sunday School, 0 a.m. : Preaching, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; prayer meeting Tuesday night ; choir prac tice Friday night. All are welcome. ATTORNEY A- N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. will give prompt attention to ail business entrusted to him. Office In Union block, Eaat Side. Plattsmouth, Neb. The Plattsmouth Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Puolishod every Thursday, aud daily every e 'enlng except Sunday. Ilejilstered at the Plattsmouth, Neb. pot otlcnfor traui'iii -ion through tin U. 8. ma.ls a' second cliiss raten. 'Ilhce corner Vine and Fifth street relephoiie an. TKKMrl Klllt WEEKLY. O ie copy, one year. In advance $t V Oie copy, one year, not In ad v. nee. 2 no On iOiy. six monthf, in advance 75 On' C"py, three innntlis. In advance. . 40 TKK.MH FOR IAII. O ie cop one yar in ad v nice $6 00 O m copy per t'k. by carrier IS O ie copy, per month 50 RETALIATION TO BE ENFORCED. The president has shown a com menclable public spirit and prompt ness in taking steps to enforce the retaliatory provision of the IcK"n ley law. Under this section of the act he is directed, a i ter the opening of the present calendar year, to withdraw the favors granted at our custom houses to certain countries unless those countries should afford us suitable conces sions in their markets. We have admitted suar, molas es. coffee, tea and hides free of dut', and, for these favors, we ask for a reason able recognition in the Customs regulations of the exporting countries. Some of those countries have made a practical acknowledg ment of the favors, and others are preparing to do so, but there are still others which have not yet been heard from in the nialier, and which show no inclination to meet the requirements. Wi.h the latter the president now proposes to deal. 'These countries are Ausiro- Ilunga'-y, Spain (for the Philippine Islands). Coliiinoia, Hayti, Nicara gua Honduras and Vetiezi ela. The delinquent countries have been notified by Secretary IJlainel that on the liilh of March, unless they meet us half way in the mat- . e e n ier or concessions, ine lavors win i be withdrawn in their case. The! notification is formal and unequiv-J ocal. There is no room for mis understanding in the matter, and ! the countries concerned know pre cisely how the situation stands. The president's action in this emergency is dictated by con siderations of sound public policy as well as demanded by the law. A failure to resort to it would give of fense to the nations which have met the conditions of'lhe law and ren der them restive under the arrange ment. They would not be able to see the justice or the fairness of re quiring concessions .from them which were not extorted from their competitors. Naturally they would consider the concessions which they paid for dear when their rivals were furnished them for nothing. They would be thus placed at a disadvantage, and would be impelled to seek a release from the compact. Thus the com mercial relations between those countries and ours would be de ranged and disordered, exporters and importers be injured, and the general public ultimately would suffer: To be sure the imposition of duties on the articles made free will also introduce an element of disturbance and uncertainty into the market, which will be disagree able, and, in some degree, hurtful for the time, Some of the countries, however, against which the presi dent proposes to enforce the law will undoubtedly take steps to comply with the requirements be- fore the period of grace expires. and all of them are likely to do so ultimately. It is to the interest of all those countries to maintain as good terms with us as are enjoyed by their neighbors, and the action of our authorities will bring them to a realizing sense of this fact. Globe-Democrat. PROSPECTUS OF A M'KINLEY WORSTED INDUSTRY. The following- circular, lately sent to clothing- manufacturers throughout the country, sufficiently explains itself: We present on the opposite sheet a cut of our mill at Bristol, Pa, From this mill, when in England we supplying the trade with the highest standard quality of medium-priced worsted suitings for men's wear. The new tariff legislation ren dered it impossible to manufacture these goods in England, unless a reduction was made in quality and weight. We have therefore trans ferred this plant from liradford, Kngland, to Jiristol, Pa., where it will be operated by the same skill and expert management as abroad. Kvery process of manufacture from the raw material to the fin ished goods will be carried on in this great mill; the same kinds of wool will be used, and we will guarantee these goods to be up to their previous standard of weight, width and quality, without any ad vance in prices over former rates for the same class of goods. It has required all of the past year to transfer this great plant to America, which has made it almost impossible to execute promptly the large orders placed with us for the light-weight season. We thank our friends in the trade for their indulgence, and assure them we are now aide to furnish goods which will compensate them for the inconvenience they have suffered during this change. COUNTRY GILS IN TOWN. If you who read this are. a brown cotmtrj' lass, and should find that your fate leads you to the city, carry with you all that you have learned in the years of child hood and maidenhood on the old farm, writes Maud Howe in a good article on '-Country Maids and Citr Wives" in February The Ladies Home Journal. You will need it all in the feverish city; the memory of sk' and upland, the smell of the J clove", the hum of the bees, the j taste of the new milk, the breath of ; the kiue, the strength which milk ing ami butter-making have given :you, the knowledge of nature's (secrets; which lilac leaves ; out first, .which oak is last stripped of its foliage, where the ground sparrow hides her nest, when the blackberries are fit to make into jam! Hring the simple, healthy habits of early rising, of energetic work, of out-door exercise to your i city home, for you will need them now more than ever befDre. Thev j will help 3 0U in gaining an under i standing of the best things city life can give you, the broader experi ence of men and ideas, the love of art, the appreciation of literattire. No matter low rich 3011 may be come, never be wasteful. IX case of war with Chili Gover nor Boies, of Iowa, offers to furnish 2G,CC3 men equipped and ready to start for the seat of war inside of twentj'-four hours after he receives the news. Remember Friday, the 22nd. The spelling bee at the basement of the Presbyterian church. 4t Notice. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a spelling social on next Friday evening the 22nd, in the basement of the ehnrch. Ad mission 10 cents. A lunch will be served after spelling. A cordial invitation is extended to all. it Money to Loan At the regular meeting of the Lav ington Loan & Building associa tion lhursday, January 21. Henky Geking, Sec'y. D. B. Smith, Pres. 3 Estrayed or Stolen. A hornless, white cow with a few red spots on tide anybody knowing tne wnereaDouts 01 such a cow will please inform 3t Con Coffey. Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker mouth. For sale by F. G. Fricke& Co. That Hacking Cough can so quick ly cured Dy aniion a cure. We guarantee it, For Sale by E. G. Fncke and O II Snyder 1 La Grippe. No healthy person need fear any dangerous consequences irom an attack of la grippe if properly ireaiea. it is mucn me same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quiet ly at nome ana tane Liiatnberlain a Cough Remedy as directed for a se vere cold and a prompt and com plete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Miles Nerve and Liver Pills. Act on a new principle regulat ing the liver, stomach and bowels through the nervs. A new di scovery Dr. Miles' Pills speelily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles constipation. Unequaled for men women, children, smallest, mildest surest! 50 doses, 25c. Samples free at F. G. Fricke & Co's. With Am bora. The dee, ioul In the violins plead strong, Pleml fining and piuHioiii'U-ly ; Schumann's teu-8 Thrilled In their hearts, and Ambera's and mi no I How the soft pulwing of tlio harmony H rough!, in our lieurU and drew our bands to cilierl Her IukIk-a drooprd: a faint fl.imo on her cli ek ... 1 Glowed like h tr. pic s MI, nt . ' ' A ilii'tliond flickered b ' Aiui'iitf H e 1 links u1 E . Tun oil-towartl 1 . ' lovo I . ' Wire kii tlnir wl , (. - And sung 10 11s m - 'J , t - I'm m-uiest vioiin afl.Tve iFiCtivt A iie n i'i npl, an alio and ii seemed A j 1 Hi lling spirit 8traed a lit tit- Bpaco ,Fr in ih- gieal harmony, yet culling to It, And c iniMnir i enr and 'conn any it. ..lonely, i weet v-ico wandeiing in the air. And m I en the HoihI of L-liuuiiiiin'ii eoul was SliM 1 said. "ly darling Ambera, in the wor'd Tin-retire two prricct thing, no more than I wo And lliey urn wntiui n's love and music's joy!" Tims Mo so 1 ('-1111, in the I'lifinopiilitiin. THE TYPEWRITER. Charles U. Iiii.ih. ruler and potentate of tiie UiirUliin; firm of Bush, Merrill & Co., had advertised for a tiew type writer, aud Mrs. Charles IS. Buah. supreme ruler and potentate of the aforementioned ruler and potentate, was 011 lenter hooks accordiuly. Now, there is something rather ple beiau and vu' ar about jealousy, even at the best, but jealousy promiscuously indulged iu, and without respect of persons, is taut pis, as the French say. But if Mrs. Bush held absolute aud despotic sway under her own roof tree there were other places where she felt that the potent voice of her authority must of necessity be dumb, and such a place was the tlourishinsr warehouse of Bush, Merrill & Co. If Bush, Merrill & Co. thought best to employ a temale typewriter Mrs. Bush found that she iiiut "possess her soul in patience," even though it cost her a pang. If this female typewriter should turn out to be young and pretty. Mrs. Bush saw the necessity of still submitting to the inevitable, with at least outward com posure, though it cost her another paug evu more intense than the former. There was ouly oue bright spot in Mrs. Bush's somber thoughts that morning, aud that was that she was momentarily expecting the arrival of a favorite niece of hers, Miss Janet Wells, who was coming in response to an oft repeated and cordial invitation to make her a visit. Miss Wells had been educated abroad and had lived for the last ten years of her life in Dresden, and so it had come to pass that Mrs. Bush had not set eyes on her niece since her marriage with the sen ior member of Bush, Merrill & Co. When at lust the cab had rumbled up to the front door and her aunt had piloted Janet to her room, where the outer coating of soot and grime at tendant ou the long railroad journey was duly removed from that young lady's fair exterior, Mrs. Bush felt that the responsibilities connected with her position of hostess had been accom plished and. throwing her arms about Janet's neck, her overburdened heart found expression in a. torrent of hys terical sobs. "Dear, dear auutie, what is the mat ter?" exclaimed the surprised girl, meanwhile drawing Mrs. Bush down upon the lounge beside her and placing a protecting and comforting arm about the weeping matron's waist. And then Mrs. Bush told her all. 'She will be beautiful, Janet!" ex claimed Mrs. Bush. "The other was pretty, but not pretty enough; so she was discharged. There will be no mistake made this time the new one will be beautiful, I tell you!'' But then," remonstrated the girl, ' Uuele John may never give her a thought outside of a business way." ''Outside of a business wav!" re peated her aunt; "that's just it! Every thing he does will be dictated purely by the requirements of his business. He can flirt with her all day long in his private office, and still it will be set down to a pressure of correspond ence. Oh. I'd give almost anything if I could watch him just for one dav and see what really goes on in that inner office when the" door is closed!" You can!" said Janet after a mo ment's silence,during which a brilliant scheme had been gradually formulat ing in her active brain. "Am I pretty enough for a typewriter, auntie?" "What do you mean. Janet?11 said her aunt, staring in blank amazement. "I mean auntie," said the girl, as she rose to her feet and began putting on her jaunty little traveling hat, "that I intend to apply for the position of typewriter to the firm of Bush, Mer rill & Co." "Never. Janet! I will not let yon!" "But you cannot help yourself, auntie, dear,"' said Janet, with a de cided little toss of her pretty head. "I am going to do it! You will never be happy until' you know the truth in some way. Uncle John will not know me, as tie has never seen me. and if he hires me I can tell you faithfully what goes on in that inner office. "The only question is whether I can get the position or not." "No fear of that." said Mrs. Bush, with a little shrug of her shoulders as her eyes rested on the exquisitely pro portioned figure and the aristocratic face of her niece. "You'll be hired fast enough. But can you run the typewriter. Janet?" " "I ought to be able to." answered Janet with a smile of assurance, "since I've done all father's amanuensis work with it for the last six years. I'm an expert, auntie!" "Then you'll suit, said Mrs. Bush with a half sigh. "But what shall we tell John when he meets yon here and tincia it nntP" . continued on Third Page. flUR ANNUAL INVENTORY 3ALEtx We invoice February 1st and we find ourselves overstocked 011 some lines of gooels which wuit be reduced : il 1 ' v ii vc in .1 e a "T"bR"ETS5J GOODS. 36 jnch wool plaid former pric 50c now 33c t. 30 inch camel hair plaid-goat regular 0.c goods. 40 inch home spun now 48 cents u - duced from 0." cents. 40 inch habit cloth flaiiiu Is regular GOet now 42 cents. 30 inch dress flannel 1-a few o. Id jMci.cs it-n wiey go at o, regular 35 cent goods. UNDERWEAR. We have too many Ladies swiss rib bed vests and pants in M.ilhrig gan and Natural goods that re tail everywhere at 50 and cis We will let them out at al 4c each or 75a suit. Ladies srarlet vests and pants reg ular $1.00 quality now 75c. Childretis underwear at 20 percent discount. Ladies and childrens wool hose a drive at 25c. COMFORTS and BLANKETS, At 20 Percent, D SCO 111 goods aiarhwd in do as W3 FRED HERRMANN. ATOVV IS YOUr, J x The Weekly tso Home Magazine Toledo Blade Harpers Magazine Harper's Bazar Harper's Weekly ?1 85 - 2 45 400 - 4 8 4 80 501 Vine Street. Everything to Furnish Your Uou.se. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having purchased the J. V. "Weckbach store room on south Main street where lam now located can sell goods cheap er than the cheapest having ju-t put in the largest stock of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline store and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan. 1. i'EARLMAN. F Q F2I25 G2 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Fall and Drugs, Medicines, DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours. t of goods are deter- lie I nite ' h. j 0(ir.12 j n v ucH rediioel"t I lt).(X) Our $20 plu.-di sacqiics reduced t ! .flii.fdi. ' Our $1.1 plush Hacques reduced to .;."i iH). i Our 20 plu-ih coals reduced te .fl)..iO, (),,r...,.vl') I''"-"'' coats reduced t ! -3.-'n. j U)H. 1 rt',Uce1 t CLOTH NEW MARKETS. Newmarkets that sold from $15 te $20 Your choice at $10. Newmarkets that sold from $10 to $15 Your choice for f 7.50. Newmarkets that sold from $7.50 to $10 Your choice for $5.00. Ladies Cloth Coat and cape at 29 percent discount. Childrens and Misses Cloaks at half price. FURS, FURS. F ur Cap-s at half price. Mu.Tsat 20 per cent discount. UNT. plain fog-arcs and wo advert: .0, Gli;lNGirt. Iowa State Register Western Rural -The Forum Globe-Democrat -Inter Ocean - 3 0 28S 5 5t -8 ! 32S Complete Use of Faints, and Oils. AND PURE LIQUORS . "l.'IVC