Herald.. FIFTH YE Alt. I LA TTSM O U T 1 1 , NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 1892. NUMBER 108 Plattsmouth .Daily The Official Report of Gen. Hurst, Ohio Food Commissioner, shows ROYAL the purest Baking Powder Every other Baking Powder tested contained impurities from i o.i 8 per cent, to 86,23 per cent, of their entire weight. t'RL.VTV & M ISiiL'Itl IllVElt.It. It. OF HAILV I'ASSENGEK TKAIN3 GOING EAST GOING WEST K. 2 ha. Ho. H Vu. 1 Ho. 12 Ku. w. . .: : It5 P M : I. 7 ; U i, 11: 1 . & i -1 1 -t. i No. O. V .0 a ' !;.. 6 :25 . . : :0ft . 1 1 a. 111 in. 111 -. 19 I usl.i ell'tt extra l-r.s for Unaliii alu.nr two o'clock I r 111 . lii.iinl wiil ii--4Miiiu.iiat pas- MlSStiUlil PACIFIC IIA1LWAY TIME CARD. 3t Account: a'l 11 Ifiivi-H Jio an arnv Trains daily rxn-pt ima .lo.-fi a ni. . A lil) p. m. tiECHET SOCiKTlES K Mi. H IS ti- I Y'il'lA .i'tn llt No. 47 hii-i I- rvr i vi --iljy fVt liliii: 'sttlifirh 11I1 ' srn A ( ia k liii'ik. A II vi" tunic kin-Ms :ir coiilia ly v t-il 10 attend W. S Crlliih.l . ' ; tl I i-vrj.K It - AO it. v Nil M Mmms hfcmifl ami toiirtli KrKlav v ii 111 t lit HK'iil ! a li. A ' hall m l.o. kw I ll eh, M Vt.nlliili Mw. I-, I', brow , lift ortliT. Cs IOJM.F. ?-o. l-w 1 .. K. nu"-is t-v-ry lUfMlsiy nij-M at Hieir hall i- Kitr;.. Olork. AllKilii tfi.imr aii cordial -v vi'f; ro attend nlirn rivitii u tu t!if ':' Clirie Pet ren.N G.;.s F. Ocbom, Seiret:i-y ROY A I. Mi'WAM-'Vi1 f'o lil N 102t. Met at the K, of I hall ill til t'n'lliel. & Cr-'it; block over Keineit & In viMiitiis brethren invited Henry Gt-rng Keiretit ; Thos ailing. creiarv. AO I. h. Meeln tir-t iitxi tli:it -iili eve.iiii!;" it )l nn-li ll ill 11 V li.i In ll'kili Him k. rr:mk Ye-mi ;. . v li, F Kiiero'-. Kt-oonter. DKiiKH K Or I. ON K i ii i fmirtti l MnrmlavH of p-.ie'i O. F Iim'.I in Ki-zit r:il-l t.l i k. Lsidy of lloiii r ; Bello Wiinyli- - ii i aii'l iit'i in ' o. . K. H.y : ft-or it GA l.'.Mi-' oniliie lPt m- t- ev. r-. Jitur y evi.niniT :t 7 : 3" ti 'fir H ' I in Fot'kwo.l l.iock All vi ii t. r -liif-.i.l ;i h corlialH i' Viteil to -t wir us. i- l ' atf. twl Adjni.t.it ; 11. F. Ni e-. i - i nuiiad t-r Rl" O1-1 TIIK . wiiKi.D. Ve.-ts at 7 M nverv N'r 11.1:1V HVfi. ii.lf III tile -r I'nl ' 1IIV halt. . F ;ro.iu, preMdent. Walliim secretary. CAS ('AMI' Vn X12 M W. . in e's every upponrt- and F mill Monday iv i-in- i'i Fit7j:erald ha 1 i'Uf'iiir n i ih'i r v. e. me P.C. Ilannen. V. C : P. Weiteiilieruer. VV. A.. S. C. Wilde. CMt rk CAWM IT K I'AI.MEIi CAM!" N 50 Son" of Yet-Tan". divisi n of ctr;i'ka I' S. A. niee' verv ' iisd-- n -rlit :it 7 ' 1 k In th-ir hall in ''- it lirer.-il.l h ek . 11 s .n vlsltlin; eoinr-ide are coidi:illy v 'ei to meet with ns J. .1 . Kiittz. oiiuii i- iler ; 15. A. i f El wain. l"t -ea gent. DWtillTKISS F KEI'E-'A hu.t of Proin i e I.odre N . 40 et the see rul aim fourth Th"rdav fvn hi,"' 'f each m- nli in the I O. O. i . "li !l Mis. T. E. ' ill ani-, N . G. ; Mr .lohn 'ry Secret -try YOU.ti M i N'S ll Kl - I I' i ' CIA I ! Waterm: n hlmk !ain Street. I oon open fr- in 8 a m to S :3" 'ir, or n en on y Gospel meet, every Smu'ay attenn on at I o'eioek. PLACKS OF TvOKSIIIP. Catholic-St. rani's Cliurch. fL. I'etwen. Fifth and sixth. Ft tier a m y, P::t..r Services : V'iss at : lid M :.'M A M. Mir..:;. J School at 2 ::m. wi'l. )TntiQii..i . Christian. (."ori.er Lcus and hij:lii!i St. Services mi rniiiK ifTl t-vei .hjr- I" --' r A. Gal'oway pastor. Sunday School in . m. Efis'jopal. St Luke's t lunch. oi i er I tiird and Vine. I;ev U B. Ueref!'. pat-tor. Ser vices : 11 a. m. a;.d 7 :30P m. Sunday Hclioo? at 2:30 p. x. GERMAN Mkthodist. corner Sixth St and Granite. Rev. Hirt. Factor. Services : 11 A. M. and 7 30P.M. Suuriay School lo :30 a. m. Pbesbytfri as. services in rew chi'rch, cor ner Sixth and Granite ste. Uev. J. T. l:air', pastor. Sundav-sc ool at 9 ;30 ; F reaching at 11 a. m.jd 8 p. m. Th. 11. S. C. E of tb's church nt ets every Sabb ith evening at 7 :15 in the ha.s me' t f thechncrh. All are invited to attend thece meetings. First Mfthodist. Sixth St.. betwen Main and Pearl. Kev. I.. F. Tritt. I. H. n:-tor. Services : 11 A. M.. 8 -.00 P. M Sunda. ScIkmiI 9 UJ0 a. m. Prayer meeti' g W ednesday even in p. Gfrman rRSBVTKKiN. Con.er Main and Ninth. Kev Wttte. pastor. Services usual hours. Sunday -chool 9 :30 A. M. Swffdkh Cos(iRfGATtoNAL. Granite, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Colored Baptist. Mt. Olive. ck. between Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Koswell. pas tor. Set vires 11 a. ni. and 7 :30 p. in. Prayer meetine Wednesday evenii . i YorSli MKN'9 CHRITIA?f AfSIK'IATION Koomsin w aterman block. Main street. Gos pel meeting, for men only, everv Soiiilay af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Kooni" open week days from 830 a. m.. to 9 : 30 p. m. SOUTH PARK TABF.RNACLE. Kev. J. M. Wood, last or. Seivices: Sui day School. 10 A. in. : l'reachinjr. 11 a m. and S p. in.; prayer meeting Tuesday ninht ; choir prac tice Fridav nusbt All are welcome. TTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. Win piv prompt attention to all bueinees entrusted to him. Office In Union block, Eat Side, PiatUmouth, Neb. Tbe Plattsmouth Herald K NOTTS BROS, Publishers Published every Thursday, and daily every e enlng except Sunday. teijlstered at the Plattsmouth, Neb. po-t-o Men for transmission through the U. S. ina.ls a second class rates. Office corner Vine and Fifth streets. Telephone 38. TERMS FOB WEEKLY, O copy, one year, in advance .... ...$150 Oie copy, one year, not In advance a 00 Oi cojy. six monthf. in advance 75 O m c py, three month". In advance. . . 40 TF.RM9 FOR DAIL1 O te cop one yar in adv nce $6 00 O copy per -eek. by carrier 15 O t copy, per montb .- 50 What is the matier with the wajon bridge that was to be built over the Platte? TriE Nebraska 8tae firemen are in seesion at Fremont. They will name the time and place to liold the annual tournament. The defense of San Francisco ia not as s'.ronof as it should be, but if war is declased wwh Chili, she need not fenr an attack as the Chilians will be kept pretty busy around home. The patrons of the street railway of Chicago, want a law passed com pelling the street railway com panies to furnish seats for all senders or else take no pay those who have to stand up. pas from THE New York post office yielded a net revenue of $4,980,411 last year. This is attributable in la-e meas ure to the fact that the post office is one of the thing's in New York that t.unmany doe not control. Globe Democrat. Gkover Cleveland has pone south to hunt alligators in the Florida swamps, and to fish for the southern democratic electoral vote for president and it is hoped he will have lots of sport even if he does not catch the vote. The two surpassing facts with re gard to the federal finances are that the public debt has been re duced $2o9,(C,C:X) during the pres ent administrdtion. and that the people have gained $o(,030,C00 in (he past year by reason of republican tariff reform. Globe-Democrat. TnE war cloud still thickens and it looks now as if Chili would open the ball herself by opposing the passage of the White fleet, under command of Admiral Walker, through the Straits of Magellan. Admiral Walker has 6ix vessels, but no torpedoes, and Chili has sent six vessels to the straits, one of which is the noted torpedo boat that blew up Blanco Encalada. THE JUS r CAUSE OF WAR. The Chicago Times is of the opinion that a war with Chili would cost a great deal of money, that it might extend over much time, and that it would be unprofitable in re sults. As to its first proposition, the Times is quite right. War is a costly undertaking. As to its second proposition, it may' be right; it is for no man to measure exactly the power of an untried foe. As to its third proposition, it is wholly wrong. The one- priceless posses sion of a nation is its honor; this would be maintained, even if the event of war were against us. The man who strives to vindicate the honor of his mother at the peril of his life is honorable, even if he lose liia life in the attempt. He who does not strive to vindicate the honor of his mother is base, though lie should save millions of dollars and his life by his cowardice. "The republic," said Cicero, "is the mother of us all," and this clause of the Roman creed is part of the faith of America. It is to be hoped that there will be no war. Chili has not a foot of land that this republic oovets, has not a dollar of which this country would despoil it, has not a vessel that this nation desires to capture. That Chili may grow rich and popu lous, that it may enjoy a stable government, and that schools and newspapers may multiply within its borders is the wish ol the people of the United States. But since certain seamen of the United Slates have been maimed and have died on account of in juries inllicted by a Chilian mob, of which uniformed officials of that republic were part, apology to this nation and recompense to its maimed citizens and to the families of its slain ones is due. It is a due that can not go unenforced witLout loss of the national honor, and, whether the Times believes it or no, that is held by most Americans to be the thing that must be preserved at all costs and at all hazards. Indeed, the preservation of national honor has come to be considered as almost the only just cause of war. Inter Ocean. RAILWAY EMPLOYES. It is estimated from the most re;ent report of the statistician to the interstate commerce commis sion that the total number of men employed on the railways of the United States during the year end ing June 30, 18S0, was G49,301, being an increase over the number em ployed the previous year of 44,5.")3. This increase is at the rate of 70S new men for each 1C0 miles of new line brought into operation. It raises the average employment on railways in the United States from 439 per hundred miles of line in 1SS9 to 479 men per ICO miles in ltC9, being an increase of twenty men per hundred miles of line. By classes the report shows that em r'nvos of railways were distributed is loliows in 1S90: General oflleers 5.1C0 General offlc- clerks 22,239 Station iren's 25,65 Ot er staiioumeu 06,431 Enginemen 33,351 Firemen 84,634 Conductors 23,513 Other trainmen 61 734 Machinists 27.601 Carpenters 37.936 Other shopmen 80,733 Section Foremen 27,129 Other trackmen 157.036 Switchmen, flagmen and watchmen 37 669 Telegraph operators and dispatchers 18.968 Employees account floating dep't 6,199 All other employees and laborers 83,300 Total 749,301 La Crippe. No healthy person need fear any dangerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quiet ly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a se vere cold and a prompt and com plete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Miles Nerve and Liver ills. Act on a new principle regulat ing the liver, stomach and bowels through the nervs. A new discovery Dr. Miles' Pills speeiily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles constipation. Unequaled for men women, children, smallest, mildest surest! 50 doses, 25c. Samples free at F. G. Fricke & Co'e. CURIOUS WAR INCIDENT. Coa Mm by L.Uttna to LI It! A Story, sad K'tait'U It Out. A few even i do; 9 ago Col. E. A. Dericke entertained at dinner Capt. French, n Philadelphia banker and an officer of the Signal Corps during th war. Among the other guests were some members of the local corps and Col. John S. Mosby. the well-known guerilla chieftain. Capt. French has contributed a number of articles to th Century and other mnr:izines re lating to his escape from Lib by Prison, and at thu dinner-table he narrated an incident which has not yet beeu pub lished. "We were attached to Sherman's army." said Capt. French, "and as we were marching toward Gettysburg I was detailed to reconimiter with another man. We passed a farm-house, but afterwards returned to t"e place to as. for a drink of water. The house tvi's -within tli? Union line, and a group of officers was standing in front, liefore we had an opportunity of speak ing a woman informed u tiat our din ner was ready, aud although we were considerably surprised at this, we had no objection in those days to eat a din ner which was obviously designed for some one else. "As we left the house a man in civilian dress ordered me to throw up my hands and surrender. As I was within Union lines my first thought was that some soldier was plaviug a practical joke upon me, and I careless ly ignored it. but when the man em phasized his order by pointing at) ugly looking gun close to my head, I con sidered it wise to obey. The upshot of that adventure was my confinement in Libby Prison. I don't know who my emptor was. but the occurrence was on the 16th of Capt. French was interrupted by Col. Mosby'. "You are mistaken as to the date,""said the latter, "it was on the 17tn. and. by the way. you probab ly do not know that you were almost a dead man that day. Wiien I pointed the gun at you 1 was wiggling the trig ger, but somehow it did uol work smoothly and your surrender prevented its discharge." Were you my captor?" asked Capt. French in surprise. "I heard after ward that he was one of Mosby's men." "I was the man." was Col. Mosby's grim reply. bun Francisco Call. HIS APPETITE. Th Voracity of tlmt Growinj Boy After School Hours. What an appetite he has! How hun gry he is always! How the cookies vanish aud the gingerbread disappears before his determined onslaught! He is rll noise and impulse, and warts and .freckles! His hands are dirty; his linger nails rimmed with black; he has stuck a "cud of gum" to the shelf in the pantry to clear the way for the edibles, and his trousers are torn at the knees and he smells of fish bait and peppermint candy; but he is your boy. and you love him. The house is turned upside down immediately. He wants a string for his kite. lie wants some lead. He wants a bigirer fish hook. He wants his ball mended. He wants money for Jim to pay him the boot on the jack knife he has swapped. He wants to go fishing w ith Tom aud Jack. He crams his mouth full of bread and butter, and with the jelly running out of the corners he makes his wants known. . "Ma. can't I have a bicycle? I want one. Whore's pa? Who's been here with a carriage? Where's my box of worms? I wish I had a pistol or a shot-gun. Jim's got one. Say, ma. teacher says I've been late twice, and it's only just opce. Jim's beeu late a dozen times, and never got marked. I did ten examples to-day. I wish 1 had a new slate. Oil, ma. the circus is coming next month! Can't J go every day? I wish I was a circu- or a menagerie! Wouldn't I have jolly old times! Going to school is auful slow! "Tom's dog bit Mike Lane. They think he's got the hydrophobia. It was in the leg. and he had two white ears and a white tail, and he'd sit up like like well, like anything. I should like to have a dog! Say, ma, ain't there any custard? Tom has mince pie all the year round at his house! Oh, say. ma, can't I have three kittens? Mike's mother's cat has got live, and they'll give me three! Mike said so! Ain't they real good? Hallo! there come the boys! They've all got their poles! Where's my line? Don't let Minnie eat up all the cake! 1 shall want some when I get back! You won't let her, will you, ma?'' And with a whoop and a hurrah he dashes out of the house and leaves a track of mnd behind him and a gen erally disordered room for you to clean up. N. Y. Weekly. Sir Robert Ball, the astronomer royal for Ireland, asserted a short time ago that 50.000.000 years ago the moon was a part of this earth, and predicted that iu 50.000 000 years hence the moon would be twice the distance from us it is now. Oysters in tbe Thames. Oysters do not appear to thrive in the Thames. Out of 600.000 laid on flats in the lower reaches of the river in 1SS7, no fewer than 30 per cent died. In the following year the same number of oysters were placed on tbe beds, and the mortality increased to 85 per cent. Matters were still worse in 1889. when 400,000 ovsters were laid down to fatten. and nearly half of them died. SILVERWARE GIVEN AWAY K SiiYihoi ov Cqsl'i Ti'qdc to While we appreciate the large amount of trade we arc favored with, we still desire to increase our CASH and have completed arrangement in titieH, at first hands, ""ROGERS ...SOLID MflEL MLVJR FUTEW APE--- at such prices that we propose to give them to our many customers be lieving that we shall increase our Irade, as our customers appreciate the fact that we are spending the money v c set aside for advertising iiurpos es by returning it to them, believing they will appreciate the gilln ausl tell their friends, and thereby increase our trade. o KVKRY Cash purchase lo the amount of $5 entitles the purchaser t either a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Butler Knife or Sugar Shell nold by Jewelery at $1.00. KVKRY Cash purchase lo the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to set (0) of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $2.0 KVKRY Cash purchase to the amount of $25 entitles the purchaser to a set (0) of Roger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $3.00 KVKRY Cash purchaser to the amour. t of $30 entitles the purchaser to set (0) of Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid Nickel Forks, or a set ol Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $4.00. KRK is what the manufacturer says in regard lo Solid Silver Met al goods and Solid Nickel Silverw, ire: "There ha j been a grow ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take the place of Solid silver and plate ware. We have experimented 1 for some time to attain this end, and are now able to offer the public our Rogers' Metal and Rogers' Sol id Nickel Silver. We guarantee this metal superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi dence in assuring our customer that thin ware ih inferior to HerviVe on ly to solid silver. It is a beautiful white color, is highly polished alio! can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recommend this ware especially for bote's, restaurants and hoarding houses, as it will stand more hard usage than any other metal; is very lough and hard; will hold, its color and will outwear any platcwnrc ever manufactured." All our customers know Rogers' ware by- reputation. This firm have manufac tured plated ware since isr", ami their n.-iiiie is ik cr put mi goods that are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are getting some very desirable goods when they get goods under their brand. Come in early and secure a share of these goods before it is to ate. Wc Ctiqiqqec oii,i Prices t he InQu& iid FRED HERRMANN. AJ"OW IS YOUT The Week J y c -A. 1ST ID Home Magazine Toledo Iilade Harpers Magazine Harper's Bazar Harper's Weekly $1 S5 - 2 45 4 00 - 4 SO 4 80 501 Vine Stkeet. Everything lo Furnish four Housu. I. PEARLMAN'S -GREAT HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM Flaving purchaed the J. V. Weckbach store room on Poiith Main street where Tarn now located can hull goods cheap er than the cheapest having ju-t put in the largest stock of new goods ever brought lo the city. Gasoline stove and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan. I I'EAHLMAA. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and DrugSj Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carcfuily Compounded at all Hours. TRADE; which we have secured large quai of the celebrated o-- Gl-UljGK. Iowa State Register Western Rural -The Forum (ilohe-Democrat -Inter Ocean 3 00 2 8.1 5 5(1 -8 id 3 25 e 27irrio (o Stjbsctfibe -AT- MODERN- Complete line of