The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 16, 1892, Image 1

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    v -p
y' r5)(fji fx n
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iattsmouth Daily
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder
Tlighcst of all in leaveniii'r strength
Batest U. S. Government food re
port. BUHI.IN1T . Sl MIssitVKi ItlVElt It. it.
N. 2
o 4.
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11 :n.- a. m.
-ir; s for Oiimlia atont two
in , tit .in. I wiil ai-conniii.ilate pas-
MlsSitVltl i:VlVW HA11AVAY
. 31 Aeelno. a'l n I e:iv
.10:5 a m.
. 4 .00 p. HI. aruv
Trains daily -x-i- t i)ii:i
EM(-ll'i ! 1 I 1A 1 oeire
f '.l y- i- ! ' e-djty ev-iiiiiC
tt ilfii h nil 1 urn e '& ( lat: t'lock. A II vin
Itll'K k. i.-hin ; re couila iy v leil lo attend
w.N t:rnhi:.i ; ii : I'Viy.K.i: s.
o I". W No. 8 ' eeis fecund and lourih
1-n.l.iv w i in li'f in- mn :i . i
II l.o. k'"'ll lll I'h.
M "i.dr..ii M W,
r, .r. w i . l.'i ronier.
l; M I'l.KN. IW I O. . I", riei is ev- ;
fry T !! y !: ul Mieii fi.i'l Kiij:eill ;
bli eU. All t : iHi. aie cordial 'V -iivited .
I., ntiei.,1 when i ili' " in Ihe civ. Chris Pet '
eren. N ti. ; V (bom. Secretary.
AM-IV" "o H' il No K2!.
of f iiail ill 111" l;timel &
I'.erne't & In'ig. vi-irtni;
Heiry tlerng. Kegent;
M- e: at I iie K
Cr lWk ever
brethren invited
Tims all iik. St ereiai v.
A 1 ' 1
In irtM-Luf!"k
X Xie'in lirvt ;:inl til!:'' l-rid:iv
. f h i .1. h :1 : Hall
1 k. I'niik emiilyea. V, V.
D. P t ner" '. ICt-eonler.
Di;;U' K dr' i'OV U. i-eets fee n ? and
f.eirtl- 1 i-i-S'l:i s of e:eli ontll in ..
f. I" li I ill i "i'il I'i k. M ' K. Hoy 1.
Lady.-r ilo n r; il!e Yenilea rnciT 'er-
GA K.Mei 'oniliie rt Vo. 4 in" t- every
nir v evi.r.iiiir :-t 7 : .10 in l e'r HhII in
1 i w ol l-'ofk All vN Mi. coiii- Ml -s lire
cordial i vil-vi to e twiinus. r'fd ' ates
l ot ; il. F Ni es. I'o- ( cinniadder.
0 Iii l! - TJ1K "' KI.D. 'eet nt 7:30
everr Vi no .v ex e i-'r :it the Ir i-id At my
hal". . F i:o. in. president. 1 h -s Walling.
seer-tai y.
CS rMI V 3-'3 M W. A. m els every, .ut mid F leth Vond:iv iv idns i'i
Fitze-.a'il h 1 i-inntr n d:hh r wi le.,ine.
J.'. lla'i-eii, V. : r. M'erteulieri-'er. W. A.
. C. v i!de. rk
Cr: I M K I'ALUKiS C M t NO 50-o-'f
of Vet ran". diVln of Nebra ka. I'
S A. in-e viv 'ii-iU. n lit at 7 :3 ' 1 ek
In th ir :tll in ' Un-erd.l t 'k. 1Isoi"mii'
v'sii iin; i iiiit uri- m!i illy mviieii to meet
wi'li t-s .1 .1 . Kiiriz. o;i in i oer ; IJ. A. . C
I iwai.i. 1-t ea :enl .
D- ti. HTl- l;s i K Kl E'' A hud t Proni
t e !,! .p N . 40 ii f-etn the second aim
fourth Th rs-l-'V evti t cs f each ni oilh in
1 o. O. t . h II vk. t. k. Williams, m.
Mr John T: "cc et ry
Ylf.; Ml N'-. !I'I-II N v CI ATioN
- Str.ct. llooms
open fr in 8 :. a lo to p :3( v o e-en on y
Gosi el meet hk every Sunday atterin ou at 4
oV'wk .
PLACES OF WOTCSHIP. l aul's Chinch, ak. between
tilth :iid Sixth. Futlier I'a-ney, Pastor
Si rviee : 'iss sil ; rui in :3o A. M. Sunday
Sclx nl ,-.t 2 Uio. I'L benedictiei..
Chkisti'. Corner L.tciist and Fiirhth Sts.
sei vie-s ini-rninti sun tvei :np. hour A.
CJal -vay paster Sunday School lo a. M.
Erin- opau St Luke's t liuicliroiiicr Third
mm Yin-. Hev H B. Kurtrepji'aftor. Ser
vices : 11 A. M. a d 7 :30I- m. bunday School
lit 2 :3o P. M.
Gkkman M kthouist. v aruer Sixth St and
Granite. Kev. Hirt. I'aftor. Services : 11 a.m.
and 7 -"50 p. M. !juriay School 10 :30 A. M.
PRFhWYTKRiAN. vervices Id new chorch. cor
ner Sixth and Granite stf. Kev. J . T. Haird,
pastor, sundav-sc ool at 9 ;3 ; l"reacning
t il a ni. '.d 8 D m.
Th' K. E of ihi ehurch meets every
Sabbith evenii sat 7 :15 In the basement of
tiiec- iicrh. All are invited to att. nd theee
fTrst Mthodist. Sixth Pt.. betwen Main
and Pearl. Her. L F. Britt. I. D. pastor.
Services : II A. M. 8 :00 p. m Sunda-. Scdiool
luHiA m. ITaytrtneeti g Wednesday even-
It-K. J
Gkman IRvsbvtkrian. Ooirer Matn and
Ninth. Kev W Ue. pastT. Services usual
hours. Sunday chool 9 A. m.
Swfedism 'I'SdRt cation al. Granite, be
tween Fifth and Sixth.
Colokkd IiAiTisT. Mt. Olive, i'nk. between
lenlh md Eleventh Kev. A. Boewell. pas
tor. Seivi'-es 11 a. m. nd 7 :30 p. m. lTayer
meetine Wednesday evenirg.
Iocm) Men's Chki-tiak Association
J:miiis in f Hientian block. Main street. Gos
re! meeting, for mei, only.everv Sunday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock, hwrnif open week days
from fexjo a. ni . to 9 : 30 p, m.
South Fakk Tabfrnaclk -Kev. J. M.
Yf-vd. i astor. Services: Sunday School,
"ji.m. : I tfiifHi'C. II m. and 8 p. m. ;
raei nieetiru lursi'j.y niuht ; choir prac
tice I riil -v Mtht uelcolne.
Attorney r-Ijw. Will plve prompt Rttenrlon
fo 11 Miti!fis entrupted to hint. Oflice in
CJi.'cti Mick, Lnt Side. Flatuinouth, Neb.
The Plattsmoutb Herald
K NOTTS BROS, Publishers
Published every Thursday, and daily evij
retiing except Sunday.
Homered At tb PlattstnoiitU, Nb. pivt
iilcefir tr:tii!tinisiou throiiirti tli U. 8."
t Hecond clana rateo.
')!Hc corner Vln and Fiftn itret.H
TIe phone 38.
me copy, one year. In advance .... 5i
e copy, one year, not In advance 2 00
ne copy, six month!, in advance 7ft
)ne copy, three mnt!i. In advance. . 40
me cop one y -ar in adv nice "$'5O0
me copy per -eek, by currier is
ne copy, per month -. M
1 lib J eJvii.-t i i 1 1 1 1 o mite Aiuiu 1
three Mexican thieves and the
American residents of Shafter,
t r r s i- i n- i
T. . .. nn -- . . 1 ...... . Ittluil 1
the thieves belonged to an oran-
i.ed baud. The rangers there pro- j
pose to give them a warm reception i
if they should attack the town.
The pfovernment troops and state
rangers are still hunting for Garza
along the Rio Grande river and
and they seem to be about as near
finding him as they were when they
first staried after him. lie seems
to keep the troops of both nations
on the move pretty lively.
It requiees about $400,003,030 to
pay the running expenses of ths
government one year, of this
amount we collect from duties on
imports over $210,000. The policy of
a taritf lor revenue only would
transfer the payment of this im
mense sum from foreigners to the
people of the Untied States and
worse still it would transfer the
farmer's inaket to foreign countries.
The tariff for revenue only knife is
two hedged cutting the heart and
marrow from the trade markets
and industries of our own people.
rr a r I :
ineieauers or me ruinous poncy :
are paiu in casn; tne raniv aiiu -ine
r . . i l . l : .. . 1 1 . . 4 1 ..... 1 ,..wl ...- I
1111IJ Ul I IIUI lin n,ati.i ci.
Iudiania (la.) Herald.
To supplj- the world's fair build
ings and grounds with water two
plants are being put in, one with a !
capacity of 24,Or ),C Z0 gallons a day, '
and the other of 40,1 JO.CCO gallons, j
Thus CWL J,CC0 gallons a day will be
available. The pumping works
and all of the great machinery
furnishing power to the exposition
will be open to the inspection of
A system for drainage, bclived to
be adequate and perfect, has been
adopted. Perfect sewerage, too, is
planned. All refute from the cafes
and kitchens, and from the labra
tories and closets, of which CHCO
will be constructed at an expense
of some $45O,C0O, will be received by
injectors, and forced by compressed
air through underground pipes in
to four huge tanks, where it will be
treated chemically and rendered
entirely inoffensive. Work upon
these systems is progressing.
Plans adopted for lighting the
buildings and grounds provide for
138,218 electric lamps, of which
6,766 are to be arc lamps of 2,000
candle power each, and 131,452 in
candescent, sixteen candle power
each. The electric lighting will
cost something like $1,500,023 and
will be ten times as extensive as
that employed at the Paris exposi
tion. The light and motive plant
at the exposition, it is estimated
will require 26.C30 horse power, of
which 22,OC0 will be required for the
electric plant.
In an interview the New York
Heiald Senator John G. Carlisle
says: "'The tariff should, I think,
be made the principal issue, and if
the question of silver enters into
the campaign it should be sec
ondary to the tariff. I don't think
the democratic party should take
up the silver question for considera
tion at this time. It certainly
should not put a plank in its
national platform favoring free
coinage. I doubt very much
whether we have anything to gain
from the silver states. They are
naturally republican and will vote
republican in any event. This
has been the result in all past cam
paigns. I do not think the majority
of the business people of the
United States are in favor of further
legislative interference with the
currency at thin time ami sonic of
the propositions suggested are
full of danger to the country.
"The free coinage of the Ameri
can product of silver, as proposed
by some, would certainly be worse
for the people generally in o he
spect. at least, than any' plan yet
adopted, as that would devote all
the difference between the bullion
value and the coinage value of the
metal to the owners of mines and
speculators in mining stock, in
stead of to the government, making
them a present, in fact, from tl.e
people of the United States of a
great - many million dollars every
year. From Feb. US, 1878, the date of
the resumption of the coinaire, of
the silver dollar, to Imu:!0 1801. this
difference amounted to nearly $72.
(XlOCfi, which has pone into the
treasury to the credit of the tax
payers of the country. Of course,
;c x ;
Ji uic l'uiiiiiiiuiii ... v i v ir ii( I it'll
the owner, coma it free of
charge and gives bin, back a
Mamncd dollar jor every 3l crams
of pure silver, the bullion owner
w ill receive a very large si ui over
and above the commercial value of
Iks product in the markets of the
"I believe that every dollar in cir
culation among the masses of the
people should be as good as any
dollar that circulates in financial
circles or forms the basis of our
trade, .domestic or international,
and it seems to me that we had
better let the matter s'and as it i-
now, for the present at least, and
8 e what the future may develop. I
think the principril commercial
nations of the world ought to join
in a momentary conference and fix
an international ratio. If all the
commercial nations were 10 meet
and decide that any quantity of sil
ver should pass and be received as
money at a certain value it would,
of course, be good for that amount
in their trade.
'The capitalist can alwaj'S take
care of his own .interest when
changes occur or are about to occur,
in the relation values of the differ
ent kindsof currency in circulation,
bec;lse lie Cf,n, in anticipation of
such changes, convert his money at
any time into the most valuable
kind of currency and hoard it in
order to realize the premium, while
the laborers and, in fact, the people
generallv have nothing to hoard.
and are compelled to receive from
day to day in payment for
labor and its products ju?t
money as the law makes
tender, whatever it may be,"
For abstracts of title at reason
able rates, go to J. 2-1. Leyda, Un ion
b'ock. tf
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi
itive cuee Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker mouth. For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
That Hacking Cough can so quick
ly cured by Shiloh's cure. We
guarantee it. For Sale by E. G.
Fricke and O II Snyder 1
Wh3rwill you cough when Shi
loh's cure will give immediate re
lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. aud $1.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc
Miles Nerve and Liver Pills.
Act on a new principle regulat
ing the liver, stomach and bowels
through the nervs. A new discovery
Dr. Miles' Pills spee lily cure biliou
sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles
constipation. Uneqttaled for men
women, children, smallest, mildest
surest! 50 doses, 25c. Samples
free at F. G. Fricke & Co's.
Many old soldiers, who contracted
chronic diarrhoea while in the
service, have since been permanent
ly cured of it by Chaimberlain's
Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Rem
edy. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co
Isn't she Beautiful!" Occasionally
one hears this expression, as a lady
with a strikingly lovely complexion
passes along the street. Certainly!
she uses the famous blush of roses
manufactnred by Miss Flora A.
Jones, Soutlij Bend, Ind. Supplied
O. II. Snyder, price 75c per bottle.
E. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis.,
a prominent dealer in general
merchandise, and who runs several
peddling wagons, had one of hie.
horsas badly cut and burned with w.
lariat, The wound refused to heal.
The' horse became lame and stiff
nowwithstandin careful attention
and the application of remedies. A
friend handed Sawyer some of
Haller's Barb Wire Linement, the
most wonderful thing ever saw to
heal such wounds. lie applied it
only three times and the sore was
completed healed. Equally good
for all sora, cuts, bruses, and
wounds. For sale by all drugfgia
Plllieo llonrv, of Pllissiii.
like the
E'iiieior. iilfi'rts a Ije.iiil.
A i.uii . ilit"i in U miMi ivi 1830,
Pi iifes-or Wiiii.-tuis measured
nearly yi'iieeii loot in lu";ht.
Sixoirielos were, inveiiieil in the year
18-. V-i ' ere mi in -jimhtuI nsu uulil
ticarW U'u Miin tr-' l years Inter.
A Hnsion hii !vvin;r l-mk :i curgoof
ap;t' lioi J inoirn, wuere tie dis
jiuseif nf them l'i 11 -r tiarrel.
Tlie wcnu-n il V n znela use tire
llies for lneirniio jr ideir hair at flight.
lUey Hie iasie.ueil im si k tluea'l.
Tlie mi liual of Mis. liiirnetfs old
EnjrjUii Earl in Lin le !- t Faimiln-i'iv'-
is Mqioo'ei lo lie Eirl Maus-
tiniu ;.
rY dirt has lieen ili-enverrd in ex
caVfiTiii'for i be fiiuiii.niinsil a bnilti
i.i al Helena. iMont. It J $100 of
joul lo lite ion.
T e iiim E'lvrlisli Postmaster General,
Sir James l'Vrunsou. was woinnleil at
t e haute of i u kei'inau, ami wears the
Cl't'iiuaii meilal.
Governor MeKinnoy, of Virtrinia, lias
a if-3eai-oil tan: t-:r who, when re
rovei. ereated iMiiisiernatiou by ahout
mz Hurrah lor M ilione."
Thunder ami liu niii are exceed
hioiy rare on Pieitio coast. A
reiiiiini! I humler Storm lias visited
California Iml twice in twelve years.
Pimi1u in Japan are called bv the
fainiiy nu'iie tirst. tlie individiiil or
w 'al we eali christian name next, and
then the ouiioritic thus. "Smilli Peter
A nineiiinu has been invented by
New Yoi ker wnicli is exneeled to revo-
im inn z t ie niaiiuf iei of lumber.
ll cuts iioards from ios with a kiiil'e,
and there is therefore absolutely no
w nste.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O-ihorne. of
Knoxville. Ten n., who are respective
ly 101 and U2 years oid, wiii soon eme-
iiraie the seventy-second anniversary
of their wedding. T..ey have de-
' A rnmor is current in New York
that Dr. MrGh nn. t e Catholic priest
of New lork who oeeame mm of the I
apostles of the doctrine of Henry
Georre, for which he was unfrocked,
will soou become reconciled to the
The. salvation army folks have ac
cepted the plans of a bij lemple. which
ti ev are iroing to Iniiid in New Yoik
Citv next spring as a lo Airs,
lioota. the wife of the jreneral. who
die. I a year sijro. The precise locution
se.eeied is uol given.
Ilaiiimerfust, Norwav, the norther viliae of Europe, now nas j
electric light, toe power ot winch n
furnished ly streams t int are so rapid
that t hey never fivez . The lights
will h ive to furnish all the lignt there
for the next tun e months.
A ynuti'.r North C irolinan n iniod Riv
recently attempted to kili his father.
When the S I'-riff came with a "arrant
he resisted arrest, and proceeding to
the court house, drove the J nlge off
tlie buncli. dispersed the j'U'.V and
andieuce, and walked away uumolest
ed. The London Fpect'ilor h is recently
shown t .at in England tlie tendency
of population to tiie cities is irresisti
ble, that t be young men and women
nre deserting the arrieuiti!ial regions
and the fanners are uuah e. to net the
l.iiiorer3 needed for cultivating the
Q ieensware" is so called from the
fact t :it when in 176,5 J -i ill Wedg
wood perfected earthen warn fw taole
use the British Q leen was so greatly
pleased she gave it her name aud pat
ronage. Thereafter the word queeu''
was stamped ou all such dishes made
by Wedgwood.
Eight years ago II. II. Bowles, of
Cherry field. Me., planted in his gardon
a smaii flowering shrub. Near the
shru grew a greengage, .,n,i a cherry
tree. In 1890 the shrub put forth
cherry blossoms, but bore no fruit. In
1891 it produced luscious fruit of the
greengage variety.
A sportsman in Wilbur. Oregon, has
trained two eagles to catch geese. He
weights their bodies so that they can
not fly after they have captured the
game. He follows them on horseback
and takes the geese from their claws.
Ooce they caught four geese at one
time one in each claw.
The birth of a little girl to Mrs. A.
N. Fase, of Kansas City, Kas., brings
out a peculiar facL The mother is 16
years old. Her mother, Mrs. M.
Spangler. is at the house, a grand
mother at S3, and Mrs. G. M. Redman,
of St. Louis, is also there. She is the
child's great grandmother, aged 52
By placing two iron bars at seven or
eight yards distance from each other
aud putting them in communication
on one side by an insulated copper
wire and on the other side with a tele
phone, it is said that a storm can be
predicted twelve hours ahead through
a certain dead sound heard in the re
ceiver. Dr. Rafael Nnnez, now President of
the Republic of Colombia, was a law
yer in Cartagena when chosen Presi
dent in 1884. Since then he has been
practically banished and recalled, dis
graced and restored to honor and oflice
and now seems more dictatorial than
ever in the discharge of the duties of
In Sweden rye flour costs exactly
twice as much now as it did three
vearsago. and 12.472 mora paupers
were supported by the public there in
1889 than in 1887. . ...,v.t -., , ?
While we appreciate the large amount of trade we are favored with, vre
still desire to increase our
and have completed arrangement in
i tines, at nrst nanus, oi uie ccienrateu
I ::: OERS SOLID '; I; K L 7 L';;H JLATEWAE":.::::"-:::
' at such prices that we propoKC to give them to our many customers be
lieving that we t-haH'increase our trade. our custiHiiers appreciate the
; fact that we are spending the money ve set aside for advertising purport
! es by returning it to them, believing they will appreciate the gifts and
! tell their friends, and thereby increase our trade.
EVERY Cash purchase to tlie amount of.1?") entitles the purchaser to
eilht r a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Butter Knifeor Sugar Shell sold
by Jewdery at $1 (K)
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to a
set (0) of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jcwcleis at $2.0
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $25 entitles the purchaser to a
set (0) of Roger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold b Jewelers at
EVERY Cash purchaser lo the amount of $:!() entitles the purchaser to a
set (0)of Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid Nickel
Forks, or a set of Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $4.00.
ERE is what the manufacturer says in regard to Solid Silver Met
al goods and Solid Nickel Silverw, ire: "There hal been a grow
ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to lake
the place of Solid silver and plate ware. We have experimented
, 'i--
! for
ome time to attain this end. and
Kogers .Metal and Koirer.- olii Nickel Silver. Ue ii;ii init.-c tlii fnl
superior to an v Nickel Silver i uauu fact u red and have the greatest confi
dence in assuring our customers that this ware is inferior to service on
ly to solid silvi r. It is a beautiful white color, is h ig hly polished and
can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recommend this ware
especially for bole's, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will stand
more bard usage than any other metal; is very tough anil hard; will hold
i jjs color
I custome
nui win outwear any plaleware ever manufactured." All our
s know Rocrers' ware bv reputation. This firm have iii;iniif:n--
tureil plated ware since 1H;,, atui their name is never put on goods that
are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are
getting some very desirable goods when they get goods uiuler theit
brand. Come in early and secure a share of these goods before it is to
1 ate.
Wo Q-qq i'qi-oc oti,i Pvioos a Do
rhe Weekly SQ
Home Magazine
Toledo Blade
Harpers Magazine
Harper s B:.zar
Harper's Weekly
$1 S5
- 2 -I.-,
4 00
- 4 80
4 80
5)1 Vixu Street.
bvorytiimg to
Having purchased the J. V. AVeckbach store room on south
Main street where Tarn now located can sell goods cheap
er than the cheapest having just put in the largest btock
of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stores
and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan.
F Q. FqiQfiE & qo
' A Full and Complete line of
Drugs? Xtledicinss, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour?.
which we have secured large quaa-
are now able to offer the tiublie our
1 nn1-4
Iowa State Register
Western Rural -The
Globe-Democrat -Inter
- 3 00
2 85
5 50
-8 10
3 25
rPirz jo Subscribe
Fumitth Your House.