The Plattsraoutii Herald K NOTTS P510S. Publishers fn -v r.- r"r,".'i .y, aii't rt.u'y ev. iy hV;;Ntm.'! .: .:. Plat' lli, .!. ! iMcfr trii i.-.m f tli" II. S. "ih-I vt Ht'oincl rtas r:i - Ofll-H ;; itrv Viu6..u: Fllili n:i- IVtopliuue 38. TKKMH rOK WKICKI-V. bb copy, one year, in advance . .91 tut Yuei eonv. one vear. not In advance J 00 ;ne copy, (tlx monthf. in advance 7fl OitM niiiv. tlireo month, in advance. . . 40 TKKMH FOK DAIL1 Jne cop one yar in advamte $! 00 'Inn nntiv imt week, bv carrier ....... .... 15 ne conv. tur month ........ .. M THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1802. The question arises, have hit? nations any rights that little nations are hound to respect fiulnria refuses to apologize to France and Chili goes on stoning the United States navy. It is reported that there are a million head of cattle being fed and fattened for the spring market in the siate of Kansas. Fanners think they can get more for their jjiain in that way than hauling itlo market. TllE city of Ies Moines is tryin to secure the democratic national convention, hut she will not get it for two good reasons. First, be cause she is a state that will give a plurality of at least 25,000 to the re publican ticket, and second, be cause it is a prohibition state. A Hint has been thrown out that the nickel congress will cut down the appi opriation for Ii cl ans educa tion as a means of retrenchment and reform. This is a sad mistake for the Indian-problem can only be solved by education aud the appre ciation should be doubled instead of cut down. Millions expended in teaching Indian youth the English language and civilized trades and industries do more toward ultimate ly disposing of the Indian ques tion than millions wasted in war fare upon the remnants of the once powerful tribes. The republipau members of the senate committee on sea coast defenses recommend an appropria tiou of $ 100.CCO.000, of which $10,000, 000 is to be available the first year and $9,000,000 a year thereafter. Although it appears to be a perfect ly reasonable measure aud one de manded by the unprotected condi tion of our harbors and seaport towns, the democrats dissent from the report and denounce it as reck lessly extravagent. The democrats have not yet learned that this is a billion dollar country. Omaha Bee. THE DODGING POLICY. The statement of Col. Springer with regard to the course of the democratic party on the silver question may be considered author itative. He occupies the position of leader of the house, and is cer tainly familiar with the views and purposes of those who have con trol of the party's interests. Per sonally, he says, he would make it "a great international question" and settle it upon broad and definite lines. But in matters of legislation, lie hastens to add, experience has taught him that the object, most desirable can not always be ac complished, and it often becomes necessary to take what can be attained at the time. In the present case, he goes on - to dec'are, there is rejlly noth ing attainable, because it is im possible for the two branches of congress and the president to agree upon a silver bill of anj' kind. Therefore, he thinks the subject should be practically ignored dur ing the present congress, lie holds, in other words, that his party is exempted from the duty of as serting its opinions and trying to carry them out by the fact that it controls only one house of congress. The general theory is that a party is bound to do its best under all circumstances, but Col. Springer lias discovered that responsibilitj exists only where there are ample facilities for accomplishing final results. This means, manifestly, that the democratic leaders propose to dodge the silver issue and every other troublesome question that may arise. The house will not at tempt any important legislation, if they can prevent it. They fancy that it will be better to do nothing than to make a mistake; and their excuse will be that it was useless to try to beat a republican senate and a party should not take part in an election where it is certain to be de feated, but should stand back and decline to exercise ils privileges. Tii-it wmlil strike the country as com- iwiiKf :i vcrv Door wav to re mend the principles and objects of a party to popular favor, and the course suggested by Col. Spiinger in the present in-staiK-e i!iut be imilarly regardetl. There is no reason why the house should refuse or neglect to take action upon any subject siwiply be- cause its action may be antagonized by another body. It is independ ent in a sense, and does not have to ask permission to do the work for jvhich it was elected. The responsi bility can not be shifted by that sort of strategy. It is expected that the house will proceed with out reference to anything but the obligation to do all that lies in its power lor the promotion of the gen eral prosperity and welfare. The expedient of pleading that a repub lican majority in the senate relieves the house of the duty of positive legislation upon difficulty ques tions will not answer the purpose. There are two sides to all current issues, and the democrats will have to take one or the other. Globe Democrat. nemDl Scott Coming to America. A private letter from London brings the information that Clement Scott, the dramatic critic of the London Telegraph, is to visit America this winter. Mr. Scott is one of the. best known nighters in the English capital. He is stout, prray haired, has a Kriy mustache, wears eyeglasses and is rated the best authority on the drama in England. He has many frieids, but an army of en emies. He has made and unmade man; playrights and actors. His dramatic column is still regarded as the standard authority, and his article is nervously awaited after the performance of a new play. His judgment is usually good. He finds a good deal of fault, but is lavish in praise for good work. A nice paragraph from him will some times mean five pounds more a week on the salary of some deserving actor or actress who is little known and not ap preciated, and his condemnation of a new play is usually the end of the ven ture. Taken all in all, he is regarded as eminently fair and just. He has never used his position to injure any one. What he has done has been from con scientious motives. Mr. Scott is a patient student of the drama. He has the best theatrical library in England. He will be warmly welcomed in America, for he has been particularly agreeable to American actors and actresses, and many dinner and receptions will be given in his honor. Foster Coates in New York Mail and Express. A Chinese Governor. Tshang Yao, the governor of the pro vince of Shantung, who died recently, was one of the highest dignitaries of the Celestial empire. He had a highly ad venturous career. Born in lowly posi tion, he was obliged to flee in his youth on account of having murdered the tor mentor of an old man. He became a robber and soon stood at the head of all the brigands who made the province of Hunan unsafe. When, during the re bellion, the chief town of the province was threatened, the governor issued a proclamation in which he promised the hand of his daughter to the man who would save the town from the enemy. At the head of COO bandits, Tshang beat off the attack of the rebels, and led home on the next day, as a reward for his bravery, the almond eyed beauty. Then he made rapid progress. He was not able to read or write, but was of great integrity, and died poor as he was born. He was called by his people, on account of his charity, Tshang, "the blue sky." It is said, however, that he was not always just toward Europeans, and especially the missionaries. London News. A Snake Attacks a Wscon. The following snake story is evolved from a Texas exchange: Thursday even ing last while Judge A. McFarland and his son Guy were drivicg homeward they saw a large snake lying in the road. The judge attempted to kill the snake by crushing it with the wheel of his gig, but instead of "bruising the serpent's head" the judge's wheel passed over its tail. Instantly the snake coiled itself around a spoke, and at very turn of the swiftly revolving wheel made vicious strikes at Guy's face. Guy's only means of escape wa3 a backward tumble from the gig, which he took, falling into a pool of dirty water. Then there was a mad boy ad well as an angry snake. Strange to relate the snake freed itself from the wheel and attacked Guy in the ; pool. A shower of stones from Guy's ; hand finished the snake. A Turtle's Unavoidable Ilelay. During a windstorm in the early days of last June a tree on the farm of Mor timer Hamilton, in Jackson county. Ty I wxrua TiImetti Arn ti tt 1 in 1 It n r u limb struck squarelv across the back of 1 , . - ., , , , .. . a large snapping turtle and forced it i down into the earth. A day or two since the limb was cut away and the snapper, released from its imprisonment, trudged away, apparently uninjured, from its prison, where it had lain im movably fixed without food or water for over four months. Cor. Chicago Trib une. Toe Cultivated Oyster.' When your host places before you oysters that are plump and round and thick and deep and light colored and mantled narrowly by a fringe quite thick to the very edge, then yon may be sure that they have not only lived with few disturbances, but under a high state I of cultivation. Edward L. Wilson in i Scribner's. The volumes of the Magazine be gin with the Numbers for June and Decern tier of each year. When nc time is specified, subscriptions wiP begin with the Number current al the time of receipt of order. Bound i Volumes of Harper's Magazine foi three years uacK, in neatcioin uinu ing will be sent by man, post-paia , on receipt of $;i.00 per volume Cloth cases for binding, 50 ccutr each hy mail post paid. Mr, Wiliam T l'rcie. a Justice oi the Peace, at Kichland, Nebraska, was confined to his bed last winter with a se-ere attack of lumbago; but a thorough application of Chamber- ; jianV lain Balm enabled him to got up and go to work. Nr. Price says: '"The Remedy cannot be recommended too hignly." Let any one troubled with rheumatism neuralgia or lame back give it trial and they will be or the same opinion. 50 cent bottles for sale b b. G. Fricke & Co. Druggist" Bucklen's Arnica Salve. . Thk Best Salve in the world for CuU Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, und posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to tnve stitisiaeiion, oi money refunded. Price 2 cents per box For sale by F. O. Fricke Do not confuse the famous Blush of Roses with the many worthless paints, powders, creams and bleaches which are Hooding the market, uet trie genuine ot your druggist, O. II. Snyder, 75 cents per bottle, and l guarantee it will r move your pimples, freckles, blac ! heads, moth, tan and sunburn, an give you a lovelj- complexion. 1 Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well and so popular as to need nospecial mention. All who have tised IClecl trie Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do al that is claimed. Klectric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples boils, salt rheum and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the sj'stem anu prevent as wen as cure all ma larial fevers. For cure of headache. -constipation and indigestion try Electric liitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per bottle at F. G Fricke & Co's drugstore. 5 A Fatal Mistake. Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when thejr inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist, uas proven trie contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co., who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of aii3" iieart remedy in the world. It cures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, tluttering, ptm or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. It Should be In Every House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be with out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of "La Grippe," wher. various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good Robert Barber, of Cocksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than any thing he ever used for Lung Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 50c and $1.00. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets bejrond the reach of medicine. They say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the succesful Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guar antee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first does. Price 50 c and $1. Trail size free. At all druggists. A Mystery Explained. The papers contain frequent no tices of rich, pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps and coachmen. The well-known specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usually subject to nead ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im moderate crying or laughing. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is no remedy equal to Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles nnd a fine book, containing many marvelous cures, free at F. GTFricke & Co's., who also sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures tluttering.short breath, etc. As well as the handsomest and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Basam for the Throat andJLungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all chronic and acute coughs, asthma br?"chl and consumption. Large bottles 50c and $1. . Startling Facts. The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks and the following suggests, the best remedy: alphouso Humpfling, of Butler, Penn, swears that when his son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L. Miller of Valprai and. J.D. Taolnr, of Logansport, Ind each gained 20 pounds if an taking it. Mrs. H. A. Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and much aeadach, dizzness, bockach and nervous prostiation by one bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke. & nv-r who recomends this unequailed ' remedy. ;ANK OF CASSCOUNTY Cor Main and Filth Mn-et. H'.d up capital J" (nrplutt w OFFICERS 11 rHrn' KresMenl B t Ramsey Vice President M. rttltt-IMMi HnlK'li ' M. Patterson. Ast '.ichte DIRECTORS H. Pan .el. .1. M. l';ittrson. FrfA liorder ., H. Smith It. H. Virlliini. It. H. Kam-ey and r. m . raitfi sou k GENERAL iJANXlNC BUSINESS 7RANSATED Accounts soli.-.ter:. Interest allowed on tlm lepnsit and promt atn-ntioiiicivHii to all tus nettH ttiitnuted to its care. PJKUKIKS- HOUSE, 817. 21t, 221 and 223 iMaiu fit.. Plattsmouth - Nebraska B. U B0NS. Proprietor, lhe Perkins has been thoroughly renovated from top tc tow one of the best hotels in th-. nfcat' Joarders will be taken by the week at and up. 100D BAR CONNECTED ST JF?i 1 WgNESSaHKADSwiSESCURED Jj iS p i i " "'ri lv ivcli's Invrsihlrlnhular l-.ur t'usti- das &.aef'&i2r !. whi-r- cirifH...i..-. I ii.'u.-.fulwt.riii Irmichf SoM ly F. Jy , CD L C I'ruaitiaj, N'ew lor. Write lor LuoU prixjl.l IlLU 2 MtiRi riAlfiftM I ' 'i CTeajisej ami h'aiiijl.c-s tr: hair. I lu';.imit c'.'wjii. I , .. .cf ,JJ ixvee fails ti ii-,ta,ie t my 2 : "V Hair to its Youthful Color. I -j! Cures r(n i;tn-h k hair t:,..iii" ' "y? .yt-.u.wiaUmut rui.";ins j Vat la 1 . "15 - 4 . - r-.-.. 5 -i i r s tiir...?" i'oiiic. ii :..! me mi loiiii, Iai J)v:i!j:y, I'ldigcKion, i'ainr.'Wc i:i time.OUct!.. i i i)ai tiCOfJ' fi-"r5. The only sure cure for Coma. r-.p atl :iii. lie. ui JL'jutciista, or LllsCOX II CO., N. Y. CoamDerlain's Eye and Skin Ointment, A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, OL Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore ITipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment bad failed, It is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. GRATEUL COMFORTING BRKAKFAST "By a thorough knowledtro of th natural laws wliii'li govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and ly a careful application of the fine prnpertinx of well selected Cocoa. Mr. Kpps iins provided our breatcfast table with a delicately flavored beverage winch may; save ns many heavy doctor' bills. Jt is bv.the judic ious use of such article of diet Uvt a con stitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtl -eladies are floating around ns ready to attacn wherever ;liere is a week point. Ve may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping oureelvea well forrified with pure bloo-i aud a properly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Madosi simply with boiling water or milk. Hold only in half-pound tins, bv irroceries. labelled thur: .TAMEs EPPS & DO., Homoeonathic Chemist Jvonaon. England How Lost! How Regained ! KN017 THYSELF. Or SELF-PRESERVATION. A new and only Gold Medal PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY, ERRORS of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of fit AN. 300 pages, cloth. ilt; 126 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00 y mail, double sealed. Descriptive Prospect us wun endorsements iFREE! of the Press and testimonials of the Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat ment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER TAIN CURE. Address Dr. W. H. Parker, or The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Buliinch St.. Boston, Mass. - - The feabodv Medical institute Has many imi tators, bnt no equal. fferald. The Science of Life, or Self-Preservation, is a treasure more valuable than gold. Read It now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to be 8TBOSU . Medtcai Jtevtew. (uopyngnieav CHiCHESTEfca English. 2i Tldtes. vii Oruc.-ut tor (,iKr, TH t OPICK'IL ND CfXIUKT. ,-i ti-ms wnled with M'i rihiica. Takn yfi All r.ilXv in pa-'viuci toxc, p-nfc nr:upcr. an dAoccruut coan-crf.-lt. Al J.-i.'.u. of fTiA FJy iu r-.r i-un.r'Uii, hUKt4M-t and "Iteiief ir LaJl.," u Utter. 1-r rrivra Mull . lO.IUI rf!-no-.ip:. Titer. r w.di;A!:iaii'M Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mvstakc Liniment. .Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggist and dealers have it. DKiLtll IN- STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth FIRST : NATIONAL : BANK r OK rLATTSMOUTfl. NEBKASKA iaid un capital jso.Oim. Surplus' rs the very beet facilities for the pronip transaction of ligitiinate Banking Business dtoeks. bonds, gold, government and local illities bought rtlid sold. lli posit.s lecel.' uid interest, allowed on the' Jrafts drawn, available lu aii p;u-l of tl. 'l.ue.i Matee and all the principal t.w:i c 'uro;e. !OILF.CTIOS MADE AND l'ROMPTLY KKM I'r- TF.1. lighest market price p.-.l.l for Couhty war rants. State, aim County bonds. JMliKCTOIiS John Fitzgerald I. Hawk-'worth 8am YYaiUjh, K. K. White (Jeorge. E. Iovey loan Fitzgerald. - Wmigh. President. d.- ' pg-EW HARDWARE STORE S. E. HALL & SON iCeep all kinds of builders hardware on hand and will eupply contractors on most fav orablo tera.s i TI3ST ROOFING Spouting and all kinds of tin work promptly done. Orders from th3 country Solicited 610 lJearl St. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. TUK CIIIZKNS HANK. i PLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA Japital stock paid in ?S " Authorized Capita), 3100,000 . OFFIOEK8 W. H CuefaiDg, J. W Johnson President. Vlce-Prdin.; w. h. cusflrna. calmer. DIRJEOTOKS Guthman. J W Johnson. E S Greuscl, nenry r.ikenoary. ai w morgan, j A Connor. W Wettenkamp, W II Cushikg TRABSACTSM SENEGAL BAHIINff BOSlNES nes rertlflaatps of deposits bearing iurft Kuvs .-ind sells' exchange, county and flttv A. C. MAYES COUNTY -SURVEYOR AND CIVIL ENGINEER All orders left with the county clerk will b promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE, Plattsmouth, Nebraska Red Cross Diamond Brand tnolwK JHamand Ur-td in tirA and mrollic TS. UmCi- Dr.. nl.tll.U. 1U 'or I.-J. other bind. BttvM autttiivsUms cr.i iaiii-tMna. GHIChCHTCR CHUICH! VO., JI.ini.jilwii.jt, t'.-;;... .s-i-via. a. 1 V Pronoun'e1 Hople", Yet Sved. From a letter written by Nth. Ada E. Jlunl of Croton, S. IX.wemiote: "Wan taken with a bad cold, which nettled n my Iiiiih, conh wet in and finally terminated in consump tion. Four dot-torn ave me up May ing I could live but a nhort time. I jravc myself up to my Saviour, de termined if I could not Htay with my friends on earth. I would meet my absent ones above. My hu baiid was advised to tfet Dr. Kintf'rt New Discovery for consumption coughs and colds. I jave it a trial took in all eiht bottles; it ban cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottle free at F. (i. Fricke A Co.'h drutf Htore, regular si.e. fc. and !fl.(M. MORTGAGE SALE. Th o Entire Stock of GROCER IIS, FLOUR AND QUEENSWARE Delongiiig to A. Bach will o fold regardless ol'eot to r.;tt-it-f'v inortraj.'ci'-a PHILLIP KiiAUS FOI? MOk'Tt.AtJKS QUICKLY. THOROUGHLY, FOREVER CURED 1 uj a now iiorieitea tcinntitlc iiictiMid tliab L-Hiiriot full unieHH the case in beynnd human Bid. You feel Improved t ho fli-Ht, day, feel n bene- f It every day soon k now yourself a kiim among men In body, mind and heart. Drains and lodges ended. Every obHiocIo) to happy nmrrled life ro- nuivud Nnran fr.rta ill, energy, brainpower, whnu tailinir luntara rentored by tbia treat rient. All nmalland wealc portions of the body en Ja.ri.'9d and fitreDntbened. Victims of nbuHes and excesses, reclaim your manhood ! Sufferers from folly.overwork.lll health, regain your viKor! Don't despair.even if in the last Ht.-iKKH. Uon'tbodisheart oni'd if quacks have rot bed you. Ixtussbowyou that medical nciencuund iMisIneps honor Ptill erltt; hero ro hand in band. "Write lor our Hook with explanations A proofs, mailed sealed free. Over ii.OOO rel'errnce. ERI3 IgEPICAL CO. . BUFFALO, IT. 7. HAVE YOU SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Merer fails to rive instant relief in the wont ossoa. ana ImU cures whrro others rail. Trial Pneags HiKE f Dnmbu er ky Malk. U(w DB. H. SOHIPFMANN, Bt. raol, Drs.BETTS&BETTS PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS 2nd SPECIALISTS'. 1409 DOUGLAS ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA.. OfSee honrs from 9 a. m. from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. to I p. m. Bandoy Specialists in Chronic, Nervous, Bkin and Blood Diseases. Y?T Consultation at office or by mail frea. Medicines sect by mail or express, secoreS packed, free from observation. Guarantees to oore quickly, safely and permanently. The most widely and favorably known run rial ista in the United States. Their long experience, remarkable skill and universal success in the treatment and core of Nervous, Chronic and Box. (rical Diseases, entitle these eminent physicians to the full confidence of the afflicted everywhere. They guarantee: A CZBTAIV AKD POSITIVE CURE for the awful effects of early vice and the nomeroos evils that follow in its train. PBIVATE, BLOOD AXD tETY DISEASES speedily, completely and permanently oared. KEEV0TJ8 DEBILITY AKD SEXUAL DIS ORDERS yield readily to their akliifoi treuu ment. FILES, FI8TULA AKD RECTAL ULCERS guaranteed eared without peln or deeeoespn from baeiness. HYDROCELE AKD VARICOCELE swjo nently and sacceenfally eared in every ease. SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, Spent torrhcea. Seminal Weakness. Lost Uanbood. Night Emissions, Decayed Facuitiea, Femaa? Weakness and all delicate disorders peculiar be either sex positively cared, as well as all fnncv . tional disorders that result from yooihf uJ follies or the excess of mature years. O rfpflfD OaaraDteed permAnpntly evjKQfi. Oil IL lu I C removal complete, withoat eat ting, emetic or dilatation. Core effected at home by patient withoat a laotneiits psio t annoyanee. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN AQllPA Pllto The awfol ffTects of ear -OUIC UUIC vice whioh brines orouw weakness, rlestroyiag both mind and body, with all its dreaded ilia, permaneeUy eared. Hfe - D orf O Addiees those who have ksBssjr. U19. DCllO d themselves by improper woigsnce ana soiitarv naotts. wiucn rain botb mind and body, a&fitung tnssn lor stady or macnasjs. MABRIKD MBS. ot those eaterina on bevry sLis, aware of phyeieal debility, ejoiokty assmetea. g8sd cense poKsfi tnr eelebrated warb no Cttroeie, Met voue sod Delicate Diseases, Thonsanes rosed. WA friendly letter otsmS may save yoa fntare sasTering and shame, and add golden years to rife. EfNo letter answered onlera aeoompanied by 4 cent is stasnae. Address, er cell oo DBS. BETTS & BETTS, 1409 Douglas St., OMAHA - - NEBRASKA.