mouth Daily Herald.. alts r Firm ye ah. PLATTSMOUTII, NKHRASKA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1892. NUMBER 101 V mm powder Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking- powder Highest of all in leaveninir strength Latest U. S. Government food re port. i . - BURLIXQTOX & MISSOURI UlVEll It. It. V TIMF, TABLE. J OF IAILV PASSIiXGEK TRAINS GOING EAST GOING WEST No. 2 5 : 05 V M, No 1 3 :45 a. m. Nu. 4 10::ia u . No. i, ft :2ft p m No. 8 7 ; 44 p. in Ni. , l :" a. No. 10 9 :4ft a. in m. r -Ift a. in. No. 12 10 :I4 :. li no. i C :?." , in. ho. 20 8:30a. Ii .. .ft :05 p. m. o, 19 11 :05 a. m. JUISSOURI PAVlt'W RAILWAY TIME CAKD. If o. 31 Accomodation leaves., Vo.3Hi - arrives.. Trains dally except Sunday ....10;5ft a. m. .... 4 ;00 p. III. TTORNEV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney Will j;ivv prompt attention to all bufinees entroMed to tiiui. Oilice Id Union block, Eat hide. I'latti-moutli. Neb. SECRET SOCIETIES KIJIOH7J OF PYTHIAS" Cauiitlet Lodge NO. 47 Meet every wednecdjiy evening at their h -II In Pannete & ( rain block. All vi ItlDic knights are cordially mv ted to attend M. N. Gnnith. C. C. ;,',ti Dovey, K. It. S. AO. V. W. No. 4 Meets t-econd and fourth Friday veniujrs in the month ai t. A . It. hall in Kot-kwnod block, AI. Vondran. M W, F, P, Brown, Kecorder, CASS LODGE. No. 14A.I.O. O. F. meets ev ery Tuesday night at their hall tn Fitzgerald block.- AIM Kid Fellows are cordially invited to attend hen visiting In the city. Chris Pet ersen. N. G. ; s. F. Of born. Secretary. ROYAL KUAVAM-riHH Coi ncil No 1021. i M -et at the K, of t hall in t litr Parmele & Crain jblock over1 Bennett & Tutlu, viMring brethren invited Henry Uerriig. liegent ; " Xhos V ailing, Secretary, -""Vf-ixr7. Me'lJ first and ttflid Friday eve-iing of each month at G. A. K. Hall In Rockwook 1 lock. Frank Yerniilyea, M, W. 1), E Kuersole, Kecorder. kEUKKK OF HON K. meets second and ' fourth TimrsilAvs of each r-ontll in I.O. -t O. F hall in Kitzjr -raid bl rk. Mrs. F. Boyd, X i i.i v .f Hell Wrnivlea. recorder- GA K.McConihie Poit No. 45 meets every Situr ay evoninir at 7 : 30 in heir Hall in Rock wood block All vlsitine comrades are cordially invited to eet with us. Fred Hates. Pot Adjniaut ; G. F. Mies. Po; Conimadder. OBI)K OF THE WOKLD, Meets at 7 : SO everv Mr-nnav evening at the Grand Army hall. A.'F. Groom, prefident, Thos Walling, secretary. CASs CAMP No. sst M. W. A. meets every second and Fourth Monday ev nings in Fitzgerald ha 1. Visiting neighbors welcome. P.C Hansen, V. C. : P. Wertenberger, W. A.. S. O. Wilde. Clerk. PLACES OK WORSHIP. Catholic St. Paul's Church, ak. between Fifth and Sixth. Father Carney, Pastor Services : Miss at and 10 :30 A. M. Sunday School at 2 :30. wi'U benediction. Christian. Corner Locust and Eighth Sts. Services morning and tven'Hg. Elder A. Gal'oway pastor. Sunday School 10 A. M. Kpir"opal-St. Luke's Church, corner Tnird and Vine. Kev 11 B. Burgess, pas-tor. Ser vices : it A. M ai d 7 :30P.M. Sunday School at 2 :30 r. M. jKRJSASr Mkthodist. :rner Sixth St and Granite. Kev. Htrt. Paetor. Services : 11 A. M. and 7 :30 r. M. Suuday School 10 :30 A. M. Pbksbytfki an. Services in new church, cor ner Sixth and Granite ste. Rev. J. T. Baird, paitor. Sundav-se' ool at 9 ;30 ; Preaching at 11 a. 8 p. m. The . K. s. C. E of this church meets every Sabbath evening at 7 :15 in the basement of the chucrh. All are invited to attend these meetings. First Mfthodtst. Sixth St.. betwen Main and Pearl. Kev. L. F. Britt. O. U. pastor. Services : 11 A. M 8 :00 p. M. Sunda School 9 uTO a. M. Prayer meetitg Wednesday even ing Gkrman Prksrvtfrian. Corner Main and Ninth. Kev. W'ltte, pastor. Services usual hours. Sunday i-chool 9MA.M. Swfedish Conorfoational. Granite, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Colored Baptist. Mt. Olive, iak. between Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Boswell, pas tor. Services 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p. m. Prayer meetioe Wednesday evening. Youno Mux's Christian Association Booms in aterman block. Main street. Gos pel meeting, for meu only, everv Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Booms open week uays from 8:30 a. m.. to 9 : 30 p.m. SOITB PARK TABKRSACLK.-KeV. J. M. Wood. 1 a-stor. Services : Sunuay School, 10a. m. : 1 reaching. 11 . m. and 8 p. m.; grayer meeting Tuesday night; choir prac tice Fridav night. All are welcome. Miles Nerve andlLiver Pills. Act on a new principle regulat ing the liver, stomrcli and bowels through the nervs. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' nils speedily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles Sonstipation. Unequaled for men women, children, smallest, mideet surest! TiO- doses. 25c. Samples free at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Many old soldiers, who contracted chronic diarrhoea while in the service, have since been permanent ly cured of it by Chaimberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Rem edy. For sale by F. G. Fricke A Co. State Firemen Secretary Corcoran, of the Ne braska State Firemen' Association lias issued a circular to the firemen of the state from which the follow ing paragraphs are gleaned: "The annual meeting of this asso ciation will open at Fremont Tues day, Jan. 19, 181)2, at 2 p. m. an 1 con tinue until the work of the meeting is finished. We must rrvive the jrrand old organization at this meeting and arrange for a tourna ment for 1 HJ2. Let every delegate fully canvass his city or town and ascertain if you want the tourna ment in jour city the comiiiff year and if so, come to the meeting able to say what your city can do. The fire department of the city of Fremont have completed arrange ments for a rand reception of the fire boys at this meeting and if you are so fortunate as to be on hand you will never regret it during your whole life. I have been to Fremont myself and I know the way they take care of firemen. Let us all turn out this tiine and fool them. We might be able to eat them out if every man will do his duty and be on hand. Let us all be at Fremont prepared to do good work, locate a tourna ment for 1SJ2 and absorb the hospi tality of our brothers at this (Jueen of all Nebraska cities. Let us hear from you. 7 ho w. R. c. At the last regular meeting of McConihie W. R. C. No. 50 the fol lowing officers were installed: President Mrs. E. C. Streight. S. V. P. Mrs. Lydia Newland. J. V. I'. Mrs. Millie Curtis. Secretary Mrs. Agnes Chapman. Treasurer Mrs. Emma Tiffany. Chaplain Mrs. Mattie Amuck. Conductor Mrs. liettie Holmes. Guard Mrs. Augusta Hates. A. C Mrs. Luella Roberts. A. G Mrs. Mary Miller. Organist Mrs. Kate K. McMaken. Delegate Mrs. Sarah Carrigan. Alternate Mrs. Sarah McElwain. Dan MeGinty's Troubles. Few new plays have, upon their first presentation, received a more gratifying reception than that ac corded to "MeGinty's Troubles" at the Grand by the large audience which assembled at that popular theatre last evening. It is probably enough to say, without entering in to particulars, that the company is a fine one, and in fact above the average of companies of that nature. There are specialties intro duced to vary the monotony of killing and love making, and the audience just went wild with enthu siasm. The villains were hissed, the heroes and heroines applauded, and all were called before the cur tain. "MeGinty's Troubles" played all the week. Stillwater Journal. You will be well entertained by this company at the opera house next Thursday night. Don't miss the parade by the Dublin Town Band. Mr. Will Smith, an employee of the B. & M. tin shops, left this morning for Havlock. Are you made miserable by indi gestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, j ellow skin? Shi loh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Why will you cough when Shi loh's cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc For the Nebraska Soldiers Re-un-;- at Xebraska Citv Tan. 12 to 14 itheM. P. Ry-, will sell round trip tickets Jan 11-14 ana id gooa re turning Jan'y 15 at $1.10. tf 3! M 0 k M COUNCIL CLATTER. The Council Meet But Do Very Little Business. The city council convened in reg ular session lor the first time this year last night at the council cham ber. Present. Mayor Richey, Clerk Fox and Coiiiicilnieii Salisbury, Gutsche, Petersen, W. D. Jones, D. M. Jones, lirmviii' and Dove. Conn c linaii M ii.'r fame in late. Absent, Murphy ai.'l l,.n sen. The ii i i 1 1 1 1 1 .- i the last meeting were read a: 1 approved. Com in u a ica i ion troin the chief of the lire department was read and referred to t i t - lire and water com mittee. On motion oi Browne the judic ary coumiun e, in connection with the 1 j i - and water committee, were instructed to draft an ordinance to establish a paid lire department and report at the next meeting. Councilman Browne recpiested the m-i3r to appoint Councilman Gutsche to act with the two com mittees, as he had served several 3'ears in tin department at tiales bttrg, Illinois, an-i that his servic s would be valuable in drafting the ordinance. The repie.-t was granted. A communication front the secre tary of the lire department was read, notifying the mayor and council of the officers elected by the fire department. The council laid the communication on the table and the officers-elect of the department will not be confirmed until afterthe committees report on a paid department, if at all. The report of the city marshal showed that fines collected for the last month were $7.50. Referred to the police committee. The report of the cil3' treasurer was read anil referred to the finance committee. Following is the report of the finance committee: J K De .H n, sal $ 45 00 J;icfb stul team work 3 oo Oriu Kinnis"ii. same 6 80 .John .Ti-n-'a, same ... 3 on Gfi I'aica!l same 6 "ft Wm Bi-li. l, same 3 0" K l'l Johnson, hand wi.ik 0 7ft Jo FaiihVld, "ame ... 4 fto John J- una, s ime 6 75 Ge- IVisi.ll, str-et com -. 9 (hi J Swindler. Availing street 1 Lyman Kildow s ine 2 2" B-n McGlytin. same 1 fto S W Goodwin, same 2 2" Plaits & Eiec'i l-'t Co 21 50 J II Jours, hauling dead dog 1 00 Wm ole. hand wo k 3 no C H Pete-sen, buildi; g tool Ii use VA 00 Platts Water ' o, I' yd rant rental 1262 50 E II Cm nnii ham. loreinan ho -k &l'dr 2ft 00 I. Kildow, foreman No 3 host- tart 25 00 J C Searles. special i oiice 6 to J Coleman, filing saw 7ft Tom Fry, salary 45 oo Henry McGuire. salary 45 oo John Fitzpaulek. salary 45 (K) Timothy Clark. cal 4 00 The claims of Henry McGuireand George Poisall as foremen of the Third and Fourth ward hose companies were referred to the claims committee, as the finance committee did not seem to think a city official could hold two situa tions and draw two salaries from the city. On account of the sickness of Mr. Murphy, chairman of the special committee to report on the open ing of the alley back of M. O'Dono hoe's lots at the end of Maiden lane the committee was given further time. Mr. Gutsche moved that if there was not an ordinance in force com pelling propert' owners to keep the snow off the sidewalks in front of their property that the judiciary committee be instructed to draft one. An ordinance was read transfer ring $1,201 from the interest and indebtedness fund to the general fund and was laid over to the next meeting. On motion of Gutsche the council adjourned. A new Chief Executive. Columbus, Jan. 11. William Mc Kinle3', Jr., was inaugurated as governor of Ohio j-esterday, with a most imposing pageant', in num ber unexplained in the state's his tory. Notwithstanding the'severity of the weather the city was crowded with people from all parts of Ohio and large delegations from neigh boring states. The legislature, supreme court, state officers and members of the press assembled in the state house and thence pro ceeded by Governor Campbell and Governor-elect McKinley, marched to the rotunda of the capitol. where a stand had been erected for the ceremonies. After the intro ductory speech by Governor Camp bell, the chief juetice administered the oath of ffice to Major McKinley. ihour late this morning. Councilman W. 1. Jones left this morning for Lincoln. Dr. Britt and wife were passen gers for Omaha this morning. City Attorney C. S. Polk was in Omaha to)lay on legal business. Mrs. A. E. Dean of Omaha is visit ing with the family of II. J. Streight. S. Mayer, of the firm of Mayer & Morgan, is in the city today Mrs. J. M. Patterson wasi pass enger on No. o this morning for Omaha. I. N. Hunter of Weeping Water was in the city last night returning home this morning. IJ. C. Kerr, of F, G. Fricke's drug store, is confined to his room with an attack of the grippe. A ver3- prominent j-outig man of this city has already received six invitations to the leap year party Friday evening. Judge Ramsey to-diy issued a marriage license to Henry Riech man and Mrs, Amelia Scliildmeier both of this couut3'. The celebrated murder trial has at last come to a. close and Dr. Graves has been sentenced to hang within the two weeks begining January 31. The young -ladies having the leap 3 ear part3r in charge met last eve ning, h'laborate preparations are being made and the party is now an assured success. T. Wi.'mot Eckert, the silver voiced lenorof "A Turkish Bath," will execute several operatic select ions at the Waterman opera house on Monday evening. Senator Paddock 3-esterday se cured from the secretar3' of agricul ture the necessar3' authority for the establishment of a meat inspection service at the Nebraska City pack ing house. Marie Heath, the principal come dienne and star of "A Turkish Bath," is a clever actress, a fine singer and a graceful dancer. Her role in the comedy admits of ever3r opportunity to show her versatility. A wreck occurred in the B. & M. yards at Lincoln last night. An engine backing in from the round house came in contact with one going out. Both engines were more or less damaged, but no one was hurt. Last night was the coldest night this winter the thermometers rang ing from from 20 to 28 degrees be low zero in this CH3-. AtGrant, Ne braska, it was 31 degrees below and at Lake Side, Nebraska, 36 degrees below. J. N. Summers is confined to his bed with a severe attack of the grippe, which will keep bim in the house for several days. Mr. Sum mers received a telegram to-da3r stating that his father, living in Illinois was l3Ting at the point of dea Ih. W C Showalter Caned. After the close of the evening session of the district court latt night there was a very pleasant surprise to W. C. Showalter, who has for the past twelve 3'ears faith fully performed the duties incum bent upon him as clerk of the district court. S. P. Vanatta, in a brief but appropriate speech, pre sented Mr. Showalter with an ele irant gold headed cane as a small token of the esteem in which he is held by the Cass county bar. Mr. Showalter has the best wishes of the people of Cass county, whom he has so long faith Tully served, what ever vocation he may follow. A. O. U. W. No ice All members of Plattsmouth Lodge No. 8, German ia No. 81 and Trio No. 84, A. O. U. W., desiring to participate in the funeral of the late brother, Fred Ridall, will meet at the lodge rooms Wednesday at 1 o'clock p. m. M. A. VORXDRAfl, M. W. Trio Lodge No. 84. The Geographical social last eve ning at the residence of S. Buzzell drew a large crowd and a general good time was had by those pres ent. The young men were all put in one room and the jroung ladies in another. The gentlemen were all given a county foe twenty-five cents, and the young ladies all had a card with the name of the county seat upon it. The boys then had to guess the name of the county eeat of the county they represented and if they failed were fined five cents. It is reported that only one out of the whole number had the right aiswer. 1 No. 5 was ov SILVERWARE GIVEN AWAY & SiiTiulq(oi foi Cqsl'i Ti'ridc o Wide-iVw'ql'je Pei'soqs. While we appreciate the large amount of trade we are favored with, we still desire to increase our CASH and have completed arrangement in titles, at lirst hands, ""BEGERS SOLID VlCK!L at such prices that we propose to give them to our iiiiiny customers be lieving that we shall increase our trade, as our customers appreciate the fact that we are spending the money ve set aside for advertising purpos es by returning it to them, believing they will appreciate the gifts and tell their friends, and thereby increase our trade. : KVKK'Y Cash purchase to the amount of $5 entitles the purchaser t either a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Butter Knife or Sugar Shell hoII by Jewelery at if 1.00. ICVIRY Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to set (0) of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $2.0 ISVFIRY Cash purchase to the amount of $25 entitles the purchaser to a set (G) of Roger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $3.0O EVERY Cash purchaser to the amount of $30 entitles the purchaser to m set ((i)of Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid Nickel Forks, or a set ol Tripple plated Knives, sold l3' Jewelers at $1.(J). o ERE is what the manufacturer nj? al goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There has been a grow- ing tleiiiand for 3'ears for a fa-i tne piace 01 ooikj silver anu IT 11. 1 . rr...... for some time to attain this end, and are now able to offer the public our Rogers' Metal and Rogers' Solid Nickel Silver. We guarantee this metal superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi dence in assuring our customers that this ware is inferior to service 011 ly to solid silver. It is a beautiful while color, is highly polished and can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recommend this ware especially for hotels, restaurants and boarditig houses, as it will stand more hard usage than an3' other metal; is very tough and hard; will hold its color and will outwear any plateware ever manufactured." All our customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This firm have manufac tured plated ware since 1K5, and their name is never put on goods that are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are getting some very desirable goods when they jret goods under iheii brand. Come in early and secure a share of these goods before it is to late. Wc CTtiqiqqtcc otji Ibices u bo JcoAvest isd Iiic Goiiipc-jijioii. FRED HERRMANN. DOJS, T FOlQET SILVERWARE CALL AND BE CONVINCED BE FORE PURCHASING. WILL UK PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THROUGH MY STOCK, WHETHER YOU WISH TO BUY OR NOT. 1B. A. M'ELWAIN 415 Main Street, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. OC)rj ACRES of Colora io land for sale or trade for Plattsmouth real--s-J estate or for merchandise of any kind. This is a bargain for some one; the land is Al. For further particulars call on or address THE HERALD, Plattsmouth, Neb. At the M. E. Church. Following is the programme for the entertainment at the Methodist church under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. society on Thursday evening, January 14. Admission, 10 cents; all are invited: Opening eoug "We Shall Stand Before the King" Prayer Pastor White Kibbon Vibrations Mesdames Ca-i pbell and Johnson and Messrs Dickson and Brown. Recitation Olfra Martin Solo -Mi ther Knows" Mr. Mies Kcitation Miss Margaret Davt Song "Broken Pinion" Missep Tutt and Traverand Messrs McK wain and Jaciutte. Recitation Carrol Leonard 80I0 Mrs. James Herold Recitation Will Coolidee Song "When We Girls Vote"' Misses Tntt, Bates and Traver and Messrs. smith. McElwain aijd Jacquette. S'maDthy an-1 Joiah Mnsrer Guild and little Mis Dutton Song "Good Night"... Christian Church Choir The ice men have began their harvest. H. C. McMaken will com mence putting up ice to-morrow for the B. &. M. F. S. White has com menced laying in his supply and George Poisall has the contract for putting up the ice for the Elkhorn saloon. The ice is about ten inches thick. TRADE which we have secured large iuan. of the celebrated SiLVLR KmUtt- sa3's in regard to Solid Silver Met grade of Spoons and Forks to take ... .... . plate ware. We have experimented THAT I AM GIVING UNHEARD OF BARGAINS In the best grades of WATCHES - CLOCKS - JEWELRY Plattsmouth, Neb HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER 'AND UNDERTAKER Constantly keeps on band everythia you need to furnish your house. CORNKR SIXTH AND MAIN 8TKEET Plattsmout - Neb For abstracts of title at reason able rates, go to J. M. Ley da, Union block. tf