4 V TIMOTHY OLAHK. DEALER IN COAL "WOOD o T K K N S CASIIo YrdM and OIHce 404 Houth Third Street. Telephone 13. FLATTSMOUTH, Nkkkaska. fjn. A. SALISBURY D-K-N-T-I-S-T ;)f.l AND I'OK'CKLAIN CKOWNS. Dr. Steliiway mueMhetie for the palnle ex r:i:ti I teeth. Fine- CSolcl Work a Specialty. ftoekwixxl Ul. k Plattsiiioiith, Neb. AWSON & PKARCE have ki:ci:ivi:d Tlieir I'.tM sr:i f;iiiv rill" l".ti'S :u:tl nulll" j-im a Ii.t i I new f:i-lii- enr --liiipi- hut iii straw a l f.- . 'l in y li ve a lull mh- ii l:ilv Ii-'mI :iinl in or-il.-r I ! 'II sinek out h ive re diict il ih-ir nr w -;iil-r t -- t - to ID :ttil to 75 ce It iritnliieil. MISS SKYI. KS, TK1MMKK. J 1. DLTXX Always lias on lanl a full s tock of FI.OUK and ii;i:i, Corn. I?ran. Shorls Oats and Haled Hay for salt- as low as the lowest and delivered to any jtart of the city- t I'OK.NKK SIXTH AND VINE Plattsiuoutli, - - Nebraska. J ULIUS I'KI'I'lvKHKKG. M ANIKACTL'ICK OF AM IL'IIDLESILE niJD RETR1L DKALEK IN THK CIIOJCKST IIKANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKE.-v's ARTICLES always in stock o Plattsmouth, - - Nebrassa Shorthand AND TYPEWRITING COLLEGE Plattsmouth, Nebraska. o There are thousands of yours ladies, sewing pirls. school tearhers clei"ks. etc who re eking niit rn existeiiee on a salary barely suflicit nt to supply their very day wants. I'.v cumiil. t in" a course in short hn1 anil by finish ij;th y can earn from $40 to $150 per mom ii. si1 ua'ions piiMranteed to competent students Indiilivual instruction, new tvpeiilers. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS Kooiiis over Mayers tre. TVTEAT MARKET! SIXTH STKEET F. II. ELLEN HA UM, Prop. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh Kj?s and Hutter. Wild ame of all kinds kept in their season. Mea SIXTH STKEET GOLD AND PORCELAIN CKOWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. STEINAC3 LOCAL as well as other an estheticsKlven for the painless extraction of teeth. a A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Bod Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. H. A. WATERMAN k SOU PINFL Shingles, Lath, Saah, Doors, Blinds Can supply evcrw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera house. & - M - . UMBER SPECIAL MARKET LETTER, W. G. Tress & Co., Bankers & Commis sion Merchants, Nos. 2 and 4 Sherman Street, Chicago, in their last special mar ket letter say: The revival of speculative interest in Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro visions which was so generally predicted before the advent of the New Year was manifest in securities as soon as the holiday festivities were over, and has since increas ed in intensity under the influence of ad vancing prices, but in grain and provisions the absence of outside interest during the first business days of the year disappointed waiting holders, who at once began dispos ing of their property, causing a general feeling of weakness and a reduction in values. As usual, the interest centered in wheat which declinded until longs who, un.ible to protect their trades, and those who desired to limit their losses, sold out and it lecame evident that the offerings were being steadily absorbed, when a re action began which inspired bulls with renewed courage and enabled them to steadily enhance values and broaden the 'm-irket until the public evinced a disposi tion to again enter the speculative arena; but before an en tin; restoration of confi dence was assured, the tiue.pei ted promul gation ol the Offii iri' Report of the Depart ment of Agriculture at Washington, stating tin. area and yield of the crops of j 1 in measured bushels, blasted the hopes of bulls w ho ai;ain hastened to sell cut, and embolden the bears who at acked the mar ket with vijor, and a courage born of suc cess, resulting in another decline which was rapid enough to bring out long wheat freely on lop orders and exhausted margins. The report, which was responsible for the break, shows the area of wheat to have been 3).,i,)-P,')7 acres, and the yield 611, 7S0.000 bushels; of corn 76,204,515 acres, and the yield 2.(o, 154 000 bushels; and of oats 25,5X1.961 acres, and the yield 73S,- 304,000 bushels, and while showing a yield 01 wheat considerably under the estimate of chronic short sellers the figures were much larger than the trade generally ex pected. With such an exportable surplus as this report indicates, the requirements of I'-urope and the condition of the growing crop lecome factors of the greatest import ance, for on the prospects of our next har vest will depend the freedom with which farmers market the remaining surplus, and 011 the necessities of Kurope must its dis- tosaI depend. 1 he past week has been rather unfavorable for the growing plant but not sufficiently so as to cause increased damage. The Agricultural Department is authority for the statement, that it is in poor condition to withstand severe winter weather without being well protected by snow. The corn market, which naturally re sponas to tne fluctuations in wheat, was less affected than the latter bv the Official Report, although the yield was somewhat larger than previous reports had indicated. The better service rendered by railways in its transportation is apparent in the liberal eastern shipments to meet the steady do mestic and export demands. The scarcity of breadstuffs in Europe which necessitates the substitution of something for unobtaina ble rye, is creating a better demand for our corn, which is proving to foreign consumers its value as a wholesome, nutritious and cheap bread grain. The oat market has attracted more than its customary share of attention, and while affected in a general way by the influences apparent in wheat and corn, was not ad versly influenced by the reported yield which was about thirteen million bushels less than the previous year's crop. The better transportation service resulted in liberal shipments, and the outward move ment promises to be quite liberal for some fime, the demand from the liast, to replen ish depleted stocks being excellent, while large quantities are needed to supply the winter's export requirements. The promise of lighter leceipts of hojis during the remainder of th.. winter, and the belief that the eastern shippers will be active competitors of the packers for the diminished supply, imparted a feeling of confidence in the future of provisions which was not destroyed by the weakness in grain after the issuing of the Government Report. About the only depressing feature noticea ble, which through its influence on general business in the South may necessitate economy in a section where hog product is liberally consumed, was the panicky feeling in cotton, which has carried prices to an abnormally low point. Recent prices for provisions have been relatively lower than the hogs from which they were made, and, packers are credited with having bought liberally before any material advance oc curred. SEC. ELAINE'4 CANOCHILDREN. .Tolly Little !; Mil Are Dear to Happy little McCormack Blaine seems to have been born under a for tunate planet. He is a jolly, rollick ing year-old baby who enjoys life to the utmost. He passed a greater part of the sum mer in a pretty willow carriage among the resinous pines on the hills of Mount Desert. There he kicked up his fat legs, crowed. laughed and grew fatter and more healthy each day. His mamma, who was pretty Anita Mc-Cormick. of Chicago, is a charm ing mamma so pretty and bright and entertainiug and his father is hand some and agreeable, and the baby is the light of their home. He is a hand some child, large and well formed, with his father's big brown eyes and his mother's sweet, expressive mouth. The secretary, his grandfather, is very fond of the little fellow, but he prefers to go where he is when he wants to see him. rather than to have him in the same house. For children's little troubles and naughtiness are an uoyiug to Mr. Blaine. The two little Coppinger bos. Blaine and Connor, live with Mr. and Mrs. Blaine, for their mother died two years ago ami their father is away oil in South America. They are line-looking, bright lads, eight ami ten years old. uud they lill the Blaine mansion with more life aud noise than the sec retary really enjoys, though he is very lenient with them and often spends an hour or more with them. Each lad has a nurse who exercises strict care over him. and who makes it a special point not to allow him lo dis turb his grandfather. Outside the walls of Stan wood. Bar Harbor, where the Blaine family spend six mouths of the year, they are al lowed almost perfect liberty. They roam through the woods, chase squir rels, hunt birds' nests and have jolly times. They love dearly to snatch a ride with the drivers who bring callers to see Mr. Blaine. Occasionally a good-natured driver will give them a turn around the grounds, and they are delighted. At other times they will sit la the carriage aud pretend ther are driving. Sometimes their ancle Jimmy or one of their aunts will take them out in the old-fashioned phaeton which is the family turnout. Like all other boys both are fond of stories, but young Maine Coppinger has an inherited dislike to uewspapr stories. When his nurse begins to re late a marvelous tale he inquires be fore he lets his attention become wholly engaged if she read it from a newspaper. If she did it has do fur ther charm for hiui, no matter how thrilling it may be. Mr. Uoppiuger, these boys' father, has a cousin who in a talented portrait artist. His home is in Ireland, but he l.as been traveling in this country and has made the acquaintance of hi- bright little cousins. . When they re turn to Washington he will paint their portraits. Another little trraiidson. and one who is just now an object, of deep in terest to every one. is little James G. IJiiiuc, third, lie is living wiiu lus mother in Sioux "iiy, far out wet. He is a handsome little frl l -v with a merry di-poi; ion. golden hair and deep blip' eyes. like his mother, bit features and expression decidedly like his i ra in 1 1" :i I her I lin -. For this rea son and because lie beats his grand father's 11 line, tne Iiiaines want li'in. m that he can be brought m in tli it household, but it .seems pathetie to think of taking a three-year-old babv away from his mot ier, who loves him probably more than anyone else in the world. -V. '. Il- r ial. Tallest Trees. The three tallest tree's in tle world are lielieveil to ie a sequoia near Stockton. Cal.. which is il'Jo feet high and twoencalypt in Victoria Australia estimated to be 4;." ami 450, respect ively. ENOUGH FOR ONE DAY. A Alan Who (it .Mr lie It xl I'.. I"ii:;!iiiuti Than For. "I don't see how you cyn eat dough nuts," remarked a man in a Nassau street restaurant, watching a friend in the next chair devour a plateful of those edibles with pie accompaniment. 4,I used to like doughnuts myself." he added reflect ivelj', "but I wouldn't eat them now for a dollar a doughnut." "Why?" inquired the frieud, paus ing on the third doughnut. "Well. I had an experience about three years ago that sickened me of the entire doughnut family. My wife and I were visiting relatives of hers up in Batavia. We were both fond of doughuuts. anil' when we prepared to come away my wife's sister fried up a panful of doughnuts for our especial benelil. So we started off loaded with them. We munched doughnuts all the way from Batavia to Utiea, and by that time we were pretty well tilled up, but there were enough cakes left to stock a picnic. I stepped off the car at Utica to see my own sister, who was living there and had come down to the train to, greet us. She had a four-quart basket with her,, and after the usual remarks she handed over the basket and said: 'Hiram. I happened to think how fond of doughnuts you are. so I went right out and fried up a panful from mother's old recipe, so you would have something to eat on the train.' "I wondered what my wife would say when she saw me appearing with additional doughnuts, but 1 accepted the gift with a grateful air and went back into the car. "What have you there. Hiram?" said my wife, lifting the basket sus piciously. "Doughnuts.' "There is only a peck and a half left in the rack.' she said sarcastically; so you were wise to bring more.' "Mary gavethem tome.' I ventured feebly. "Well, 3-011 better seud them back to Mary or give them to the brake man. As for me,' she added with a dyspeptic sigh, 'I shall not touch an other doughnut for live years. "There wasn't any room in the rack. so 1 sat down aud held that basket of doughnuts for four hours on my lap. We were going to slop at Poughkeep sie and spend the night with ex-Sen ator dibson. 1 dull! t want to throw Marv's doughnuts away, so I forced down a cake every now ami t-ien. and when we came near I'otighkeepsie we stuffed most of the doughnuts into my valise, fifteen or sixteen more into my wife's satchel, and at the last moment I crowded the last half-dozen into my coat-tail pockets. Gibson was waiting for us and grabbed the satchels. "It's 50 late, Hiram,' he began, 'that we'll only give 30U a cold bile w hen you get up to the house. I happened to remember how fontl of doughuuts you are, so my wife fried up ' Not doughuuts!' I interrupted, stopping short on the platform, while my doughnut-weighted coat tails hung down like lead plummets. "Fact is, Gibson,' I went on despairingly, 'we couldn't stand it if you said doughuuts again. We've lived on those blasted cakes all day. We're full of dougli nuts and indigestion now. There are two pecks in our satchels and six cakes iu my coat-tail pocket at this moment. if 3011 say "doughnut" we'll sit here in the station all night.' "He looked surprised, and said we must be tired. We were, inside and out. When we reached the house Gibsou hurried in first, aud we didn't see or hear doughnut, but that night I softly opened our bedroom window, and we sprinkled the next yard witu cakes of all sizes and colors, and de signs. The people that .passed that lot in the morning must have, thought a bakery had exploded. wnere uo nicy rct . . The fact that the czar of Russia re cently donated 1,500.000 roubles to the starving Russian peasautry naturally j pruvimes me inquiry wnere me money came from, otill we should recognize that the czar is entitled to as much credit for philanthropy as the money kings of this country" who make mill ions by gouging the public and then earn renown by giving millions to found uublic institutions. Atchison Champion. New York city annually consume about 500,000 bushels of peanuts. - JOE - Tle Oqe Price Glo jliiei PI I II T Ca 1 WATCH FOE THE HAYSEED TOOK IT. A Young Man from Itoton Who Picked Up a Country Guy. Among the passengers on a Phila delphia train coming north the other day were several New York drummers, sas M. Quad. Cue of the latter was a coltish voting man. who prided him self on being a student of human na ture. Where a number of drummers are gathered together there you will hear boasting and bragging and each and every one will put forward his particular specialty as the best joke or trick of the season. I he voting man s specialty was, by and by, duly explain ed. Said be: 'Gentlemen, I have a little scheme which I have named the 'John Henry' scheme. It is worked entirely on the farmer and it furnishes one with a wonderful insight into the character istics of the hornv-hauded sons of toil. Perhaps you didn't know that the farmer is naturally the most suspicious person in existence, albeit he is often- est made the victim of sharpers?" Two or three of the crowd doubted the truth of the assertion, which was just what the coltish 3-ouug man de sired, and he contiuued: "I propose to prove what I have said. I have made a study of the farm er and I know him from head to heel. You all see this watch? It is a bang up timepiece and cost $150. If it had Waterbary works ami a plated case, ami was worth $o I could sell it to a farmer for 10 as easy as rolling oil a log. As it is straight goods it would scare a farmer to death to offer it to hiui for $10." "I think he'd snap it up," observed one of the bovs. "That shows 30U There is probably at iu the coach ahead. are not posted, least one farmer I'll just bet vou an even $10 that I will watch for an X aud he offer him this will take me for a fakir and refuse to invest." After some hesitation the stakes were put up and, followed by two of the party, the oung mail entered a day coach. Almost the first passenger in sight was a middle-aged farmer. He had ou an old straw hat, was without a collar and one of his cowhide boots rested on the other seat as he interest ed himself in a uewspaper. "My friend," began the 3-oung man ashe'smiled a bland anil seductive smile, "I have met with misfortune and am obliged to " "I hain't got no money to give away," interrupted the farmer. 'T don't ask for charity," coutinued the young man. "I have a line watch here which I propose to dispose of for cash to relieve my temporary embar rassment." "Dou t want no watch." "But let nie explain. Here is a watch worth $150. I will sell it for $10. Take it aud look it over." J The farmer hesitated for awhile and then took it, held it to his ear. shook j it once or twice and said: I dou't claim to be the sharpest inan in this world, but I do hate to be taken for a hayseed." "No one takes you ior a havseed. niv dear fellow. 1 suuuiv oner to sell vou my f 150 watch for $10." "Oh, that's it, eh? Wall I uess I'll i i! if N CHA1TCE OP AD iaKe Ui ' He dropped the watch into his pock et, fished up a $10 bill and contiuued: "Half the wheels may bo gone when I come to examine it, but a feller must take some chance in this world." Then the coltish 3'oung man turned red and white and blue, and he smiled and stuttered and stammered, and his olauu smiles laueu away as lie ex plained that it was all a joke. The other wouldn't have it that way, how ever, and he finally closed the argu ment b3- spitting 011 his hands and ris ing up to light the whole crowd. He kept the watch, and the voung man from Boston will have an armful of sorrow to hug for a vear to come. He doesn't know that one of the New Yorkers, having heard of the trick and expecting he would work it, had that farmer posted half an hour in ad vance. If he did it would break his 30uug and confiding heart. A Blue Grass 3Iystery. The inhabitants of Clover Bottom. Ky.. were greatly excited. Col. Andy Billiugs. one of the noted citizens of that growing settlement, had been found dead in his bed. The colonel, al ways good natured and jolly, had not a known euemy in the state. Besides, there were no marks of violence any where upon ins bod v. Ihe case was a genuine mystery. A coroner's jury was summoned. Evidence was introduced, to show that the colonel had retired the evening be fore in the best of health and spirits. The jury then retired to the room in which the colonel had slept to make a thorough examination. Nothing was found until, on turning down the bed coverings. Col. Anderson Roarer dis covered a bottle. "It's pizen!" he ejaculated. "That tells the tale, gentlemen." said Col. Chi ton, the foreman, "poor Andy committed suicide." "Hold on, sun." exclaimed Roarer, "this bottle, suh. says gin." "What!" yelled the entire jury rush ing en masse upon the colonel. "Gentlemen colonels! remember your position. criel the foreman. "Col. Roarer, give me the bottle, sua! Col. Clayton took the bottle into his hands and examined it critically, then. drawing the cork, he placed the vial to his lips. He took but one swallow and then turned white. His hand trembled and the bottle fell to the door with a crash. "Gentleman," he whisuered. in a horrilied tone, "what a terrible mis take! IT IS WATER!" "I told 3011 it was pizen," remarked Roarer. "Yes, gentlemen," remarked Col. Clayton, "it is a terrible mistake. Col. Andy was misled by that label. He died from the consequences of such a great shock." Ve rd i c t accordingly. PU iladrfph in Press. The wettest place in the world is at Cherra Ponjee, in the Khasi hills ot Assam. Tne fall of rain for a single month has ranged from 100 to 200 inches. A petrified elephant has been earthed near Jasper, Fla. un- f F E P3 I WIDOW. HEST WEEK.' For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louie, and all points north, east south or west. Tick ets sold and bag--g;age checked to any point in the United S t a tes or Canada. For I V KO T? M ATK1V A ? Tn IJAYl-e' AND KOUTES i Call at Depot or address II, C. TOWXSEXD, G. I'. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. Phillu'Pi, A. G. I. A. Omaha. H. D. Apgak. A jrt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. JJ Anted An active. reliable man salary 57fl to Sno monthly. with increase, to reireK.nt ' tn kic own faction a responsible New York I . T Box 158. New YorH. Scientific American Agency forf) . . .. CAVEATS, --4 TRADE MARK8, .sfDESICN PATENTS fT COPYRICHTS, etc. For Information and trw. TTandbook write to ........ . j... . .. -m. .....-.-p- V.li' Oldest bureau Tor seeurine patontg in Amr-nc. Kvery Patent taken out tiy ni l rrouKht before tbe public by notice fc-iven free of charge in Uio Scientific American T.arirt rirmlafinn of tnT nrientiflC MDAT In thA world. Splendidly t Hunt rated. No intPtlifftrnt man should be without it. Weekly, .'t.O( a V ear; Lj0 six month. Addrens MINN &t luiiLlbUEKj 3bl Broadway. New York. rThaTnbarlnjn'a Eva anri Rrf Ointment A certain enre for Chronic Sore Eyet Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, OK 11 74M jjuca V. rVT' Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczemaki Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore NippCft 1 and Flies. It is cooling and soothinpV' Hundreds of cases have been mred 1 'I it after all other treatment bad fail It Is put up in 25 and CO cent boxes, I 1