The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 11, 1892, Image 1

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NUMIJFlt 100
IT '
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of all in leaveiiingslrength
Latent U. S. Government food re
port. BUItLIXGTUX K: M ISSUlTIil 1'IVElt It. It.
No. 2
No. 4... .
No. 8
No. 10
No. 12....
No. 20
. .5 : OTj P m
. .10 :. a Ji
.7 ;U in
: 45 a. Hi
..It) :ll :i. i
..8 :M a. II
o. . ..
No. ,...
. T....
. II,
o. 19...
3 :45 a. 111.
r-ft p. m
, ...9 :" ii. Ill
... MS a. m.
... 6 :25 , It) .
f :!." p. in.
... 11 :05 a. in.
No. 34 Accomodation Leaves..
.10.-C5 a. m.
. 4 ;00 p. in.
Trains daily except s
- Attornev Will trive prompt attention
to aft tiUtiuee entrusted to liim. Office in
Union block. Kant Side, riattunouth. Neb.
no. 47 Meet every Wednesday evening
at their h"ll in Farmele Crain block. All vis
itlDK knights are cordially invited to attend
M. N. Grinilh. V. C. ; ti Uovey, K. K. S.
AO, IT. W. No. 14 Meets necond and fourth
Friday venings in the month a i. A. K.
hall in Ko-kwood block, Al. Voudran. M W.
K, 1, brown, ltei-order.
CASS LODiiK. No. 146. 1. O. O. K. meets ev
ery Tuesday niiiht at their hall in Fitzgerald
block. All Odd Fellow are cordially invited
to attend when visiting in the city. Chris Pet
eren. N G. ; s. F. Osborn. Secretary.
TJOYAL AKOANAM fa f"o neil Nrt'1021,
Meet at the K.of I hall in the Paiim-le &
Crate Mock over I'.ei.neU & Tune, vi-iiini;
brethren invited. Hei:ry Ger'ni. liegent ;
Thos V ailing. Secretary,
O. V. W 8. Meets first and third Friday
XV eve.iiii): of ea' b nion h :it;. A H. Had
in Itockwo"k t l' k. Frank Veiinilyea, M, W.
I, E. fcueri. Recorder.
DEGKKE OF HON 'K. meets second and
fourth Tiiursdavs of eaeli n nntli in I.O.
O. F hail in Kifu raid Id ik. .Mrs. K. Boyd,
Lady of Honor ; Belle Vennylea. recorder.
GA. K.Ah-Coiiihie lot No. 45 nie f every
Satur av evoiunu- at 7 : :a) ii lieir Hall in
Kockwood l.'loek All visiting eomral"s sire
cordially invited to e. t with in. Fred ivites.
FO't ; 15. F. Ni'es. 1'os- Ccnimadder.
OKI)"K () THE WOKLIl. Meets at 7:30
everv Vrnnav evening at the ra:id Aimy
hall. A.'F. Groom, president, Thos Walling,
CASh CAM I No. M2 M W. A. ni"els every
second and F' in til Monday i v ninps in
Fitzgerald had. Vi.Mtinz n -iuhtirs welc. me.
P. . Unnsen. V. C. : P. Werteubenrer. W. A..
S. C. Wilde. Clerk.
CATnoi.ic St. 'hurch. :ik. between
Fifth nnl sixth. Father Cauuy, Pastor
Services : V iis at S : ini lo :.tii a. it. Sunday
School at 2 ::. with benedict ion.
Chkiitiax. Corner Locust :ild Fiirhth !
Sei vices ir.oriiing and t-vei -hit. Mder
Gal oway pastor. Suudav Sel-.ool In a. M.
Epis'-opal.-St Luke's church, corner Third
and' Vine. Kev. II 1J. I'.urget-s. par-tor. Ser
vices : 11 a. M. a. d 7 :30 r. i. Sunday School
at 2 :30 i". m.
Gekmax JIkthi'Iiimi. jiner sixth s t and
Granite. liev. Hut. I'astor. Servrces : 11 a. at.
and 7 :;:0 1. M. Sunday School 10 :30 A. M.
PbkM'.ytfki a n. very ices iu rew church. cor
ner Sixth and Granite sis. Kev. J . T. Haint,
pastor, sunday-sc ool at 9 ;30 ; Preach ins:
at 11 a. m.aMl 8 p. in.
The V . K. S. C. E of this church ni' ets eveiy
Sabbath evenii'K at 7 :1." in the basemen of
thechucrh. All are invited to attend these
FfRST Mkthodist. Sixth St.. betwen Main
and Pearl. Kev. L. F. Britt. 1). 1). p... r.
Services : It A. M., 8 :0i P. 51 Sunda-. sch'xd
9 :) A. M. Praytr ineetii g Wednesday even
inn. Wurman Pkksbvtkkian. Corner Main and
Ninth. Kev. Wttte, pastor. Services usual
hours. Sunday school :o0 a. m.
Swkkdisw Conokfoational. Granite, be
tween. Fifth and Sixth.
Colokkd r.ArnsT.-Mt. Olive, t'ak. between
Tenth and Eleventh, liev. A. P.oswell, pas
tor. Set vices It a. m. and 7 :o0 p. m. l'rayer
meetinir Wednesday evenirg.
Younh Mkx's Ciim-TiAff Association
j;ooms in aterman block. Main street. Gos
pel meeting, for meu only, every Sunday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Hoonis open week day
from z30 a. in., to v : 30 p. m.
Wood. 1 astor, Servio-s : Sunday School,
AO a. in.: i reaching, 11a. in. and 8 p. in.;
pravei meeting Tuesday liJlir ; choir prac
- tice'Fridav night. AH are welcome.
Miles Nerve andlLiver Pills.
Act on a new principle reulat
inff the liver, stomrcli anl bowels
throtifrli the rierva. A new discovery.
Dr. Miles Pills speedily cure biliou
sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles
oonstipation. Unequaled for men
women, children, smallest, tnidest
surest! aO doses, 25c. Samples
free ?t F. G. Fricke Ac Go's.
Many old soldiers, who contracted
chronic diarrhoea while in the
service, have since been permanent
ly cured of it by Chaimberlain's
Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Kem
edy. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Peter Thiemann, deceased. Hear
ing on final settlement, Febrnarj- 1,
2 p. m.
Geo. ICdson vs. Win. Tighe, sheriff.
Motion to (piash service of sum
mons and complaint argued and
In the matter of the estate of
John II. Monroe, deceased. Hearing
on petition f or a ppoi n t n len t of John
A. Monroe administrator, FVbruary
1, at lO a. in.
C II. P.irniele vs. Win. Gilmotir.
Suit on promissory note. Contin
ued till January 11, 10 a. m.
W. P. Sue 11 vs. David Jlite. Suit
on promissory note for Sfl.'iK.tiO.
Default of defendant entered.
Judgment for plaintiff for .fJ14.s:.
W. K. Fox et al vs. Granite State
Provident Association. Default of
defendant entered. Trial to court
and judgment for plaintiffs in the
sum of $254 and interest.
Albert Welton vs. Solomon Ward
et al. Application of defendant for
continuance held insufficient, with
out answer, filed. Default entered
and judgment of reviver in the sum
of $11)0.25, with interest.
In the matter of the last will and
testament of Mary N. Allison, de
ceased. Hearing on petition to ad
mit same to probate, February 1,
1(1 n m
O.' II. Goodwin vs. Richard Bil-
c .. . r j..,-- T-..
swiie. ouii on noie ior -oi.i. je
fault of defendant entered. Judg
ment for plaintiff for $411.10.
John C. Petersen vs. Plattsmouth
Investment Co. Suit on account
for $'J27.1G. Answer, February 1.
Nebraska & Iowa Insurance Co.
vs. W. F. Jones. Suit on promissory
note for $50. Default of defendant
entered. Judgment for plaintiff for
In the matter of the estate of
Chas. S. Allen, deceased. Hearing
on petition for appointment of Jas.
H. Green administrator. Prayer of
petition granted and bond fixed at
In the matter of the estate of
Anson L. Root, deceased. Hearing
on petition for appointment of
Russtll D. Root administrator.
Prayer of petition granted and
bond fixed at $1,000.
Dank of Cass County vs. Peter
Clarence et al. Suit on promissory
note for $200. Answer, February 1.
Adolph Uukacek vs. Tohn Puca-
cek, Suit on account for $22.50.
Answer, January I'.l, 10 a. m.
Frank II. Klleubaum vs. Richard
Iiilstein. Suit in replevin. Hear
ing, January 15, 10 a. tn.
Ackland Salisbury vs. V. II
Dearing. Action to contest election
Notice to quash service and dismiss
action, overruled.
Geo. Kdson vs. Wm. Tighe. Action
to contest election. Motion to
quash set vice, overruled.
License to wed issued to Mr. Chas.
I. Raker and Miss Kllen L. Bailey,
both of Klmwood. Miss Bailev is
deputy postmistress of thai place.
License to wed issued to Mr. Jas,
Nichols and Miss Mary M. Carrel 1,
both of Rock Bluff precinct.
In the matter of the estate of
Tohn M. Schnellbacher, deceased.
Hearing on petition for appoint
ment of Peter J. Hansen adminis
trator, l'rayer granted with bond
at $2,500.
Whj- will you cough when Shi
loh's cure will give immediate re
lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1
For sale by F G. Fricke & Cc
For the Nebraska Soldiers Re-union
at Nebraska City Jan. 12 to 14
the M. P, Ry., will sell rouiTd trip
tickets Jan 11-12 and 13 good re
turning Jan'y 15 at $1.10. ' tf
A Nebraska Silver Annivertary Orga
nization I- ffected .
A meeting of the joint commit
tees ot the real estate exchange
and board of trade of Lincoln
having in charge the proposed
silver anniversary celebration of
Nebraska held a meeting last
Fridaj' evening. The committees
or::aiii.ed bv i-h-clinir II. M. Htisli-
1 1 1 1 president. A committee wa.4
! appointed to pn- ;u"- an address
I invitiiiL tla' eole of the state to
j participate in the ileiiionst ration ;(
i another committee was appointed!
to secure rates from the railroads
j and still anoiher to look after the
financial part ot tlie programme.
Another meet intT will be held next
Friday evening. This is a matter
in which the people of Nebraska
should take an interest and see that
the celebration proves a success.
Another Boorteggr.
Nebraska City is making quite a
rexutation for illicit dispensers of
spiritous liquors. A short time
ago, Uncle Sam sent a man down
? in this locality ami put the justice
! clamps onto a crooked citizen.
Again the strong arm of the law
has been stretched down the Mis
souri, and another wrong doer has
. had occasion to repent of this ir-
j "j ie?uty
United States
' 1'iiirsiiai nawr
was in the city
looking for lid Johnson, who was
charged with bootlegging. He
secured his man, and the two went
to Omaha yesterday to learn what
the law says shall be done with
such people. Nebraska City Press.
The Turn-Rezirk.
The fourth annual convention of
the Turn-Bezirk convened yester
day morning at the Turner hall,
with John P. Sattler in the chair
and L. Karges as secretary. There
were present twentj'-six delegates,
six from Lincoln, six from Omaha,
three from Fremont, three from
Nebraska City, five from Sioux City,
Iowa, and three from this city. The
headquarters were located here for
another year. The turn-fest will
be held in Sioux City, Iowa, the
coming year. The date will be set
in the near future. The election of
oflicers will be held next Sunday.
Dan MeGinty's rrouble.
This mirth provoking skit under
the management of F. L. & J. A.
Mathara, has been doing phenom
enal business ever since its open
ing August 20. The cast this year
has been strengthened and maii3
new and taking specialities have
been added, so that the attrac
tion is in every respect a better
drawing card than it was last year.
One of the greatest features is
the daily parade of the Dublin
Town Band dressed in their quaint
and handsome comical silk hats,
handsome green cape overcoats
and corduroy leggins. They play
with great vim and spirit, only a
fine repertoire of Irish melodies,
but also all the popular music of
the day and prove a strong draw
in every town tney visit, in tne
evening they double in strings and
give an orchestral performance
which is almost a specialty in it
self. The company numbers sixteen
people and when they step off the
the train the first comment of the
bystanders usualy i3: "That crowd
ain't on the hog train Get onto the
gold," from the circumstance that
each member of the organization
wears a $20 gold piece as a charm.
Pretty sure thing; charm too. The
Journal wishes you success boys.
Chicago Dramatic Journal.
The above very funny play will
appear at the Waterman next
Thttrsdaj night January 14. Tickets
now on sale at J. P. Young's. Price
50 cents.
An Afflicted Family.
There is sadness in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Breiner of Klm
wood. Last Thursday morning
their little four-j car-old child was
sitting in a chair by the stove.
when it accidentally pulled a wash-
boiler of boiling clothes and water
over it, scalding it frightful-. The
little one died Saturda3' morning,
and then, to add more affliction to
the grief-stricken parents, their
two-year-old babe lell from a chair
the day the other child died and
broke its collar bone and fractured
its shoulder blade. Six months ago
they buried their eight-year-old
child and three months ago the
only team of horses Mr. Breiner
owned got on the railroad track
and were killed.
Read Joe's new advertisement in
to-days paper.
No Decision.
THE IlEKALO has it from good
authority that the decision in the
Boyd-Thayer case will not be hand
ed down for some time. .
District Court. .-
In the matter of the Plattsmouth
"Street Railway Co. vs. Sprague
Klectric Railway and Moter Co.
Judge Chapman rendered the following-
decision: We, the court.
Miml the issues in favor of the de
fendant, Sprague Klectric Railway
fk Motor Co. That said defendant
lias complied with the former order
this court and did place the
street railway in condition for
operation on July 4. lS'.ll, and on
that day turned said road over to
the Plattsmouth Street Railway Co.
and that said street railway com
pany is not entitled on its cross
bill and answer. We, the court,
find against the Sprague Klectric
Co., defendant, ttopn its demand for
reimbursement for expenses in
placing said street railway in
operating condition. We, the
court, modify our former decree
ordering sale of street railway pro
perty subject to Plattsmouth Gas &
lilectric Light Co. We, the court,
find there is due the Sprague Ivlec
Co. from the defendant street rail
way company the sum of $ , with
interest from July 4, 1S91. Saleof
said road ordered unless the street
car company pay said judgment,
together with the liens of other
creditors adjudicated in this action
within sixty days from this date,
exceptions to all parties.
In the case of Stull vs. Omaha
Southern Railway, sustained a
motion for rehearing.
Winch vs. Winch is being argued
as we go to press.
The city council will meet in reg
ular session to-night.
II. J. Becker and son were passen
gers for Omaha this morning.
Rev. H. B. Burgess, Jas. I'ettee
and Lew Moore were passengers
for Omaha thi9 morning on No. 5.
M. M. Beal, of South Park, reports
tne arrival of a good sized boy at
his residence and that he will vote
the republican ticket.
The village board of ISaglc has
been requested by fifteen free
holders to grant one C. C. Price a
license to run a saloon in the vil
lage. W. J. Hesser, of the Picnic
Gardens, left this morning for Lin
coln to attend the Horticultural
convention which convenes there
Tha ladies of the Christian
church will give a Geographical
social to-night at the residence of
Stephen Buzzell, on Main street.
Everybody- invited.
Those who were fortunate enough
to witness the play at the opera
house Saturday night pronounce it
a good attraction. The plaj' as a
whole was "iry good.
Miss Kuitiia Adams is now behind
the counter as assistant cashier in
the Bank of Fagle. This may be
considered an indication of pros
perity and increase of business.
The ladies of the M. K. church
will give a social at the home of
Mrs. Drew, on Vine street, between
Fourth and Fifth streets, to-morrow
evening. Refreshments served.
Everybody invited.
The county commissioners
secured transportation for Mrs.
Monday and children to Harris,
Mo. She alleges that her husband
has failed to support her. She
goes to Missouri to live with rela
tives. The Hekald received a letter
from G. L. Austin, formerly with
Fred Herrmann but now of the gov
ernment printing office at Washing
ton, D. C, ordering The Herald
sent to him. He further says that
he will behere this fall to help elect
the great and only James G. Blaine,
and also that everything at Wash
ington is Blaine. Grant is positive
that Blaine will be the party nom
inee. Everybody is aware of the fact
that this is leap year, but it was
impressed upon the mind of the
county judge at Council Bluffs the
other day when a charming young
lady stepped into his office and
blushingly asked that a marriage
license be granted her. The groom
is a Milwaukee travelingman. The
request was granted. It is one of
two instances recorded where a
marriage license has been asked
for by a lady desiring to commit
3--S.fiiiiiilq(oF o GcisJj Ticdc o
r .-
While we appreciate the lari;e amount of trade we are favored with, we
still desire to increase our
--: O-A-Sh: trade -
and have completed arrangement in which we have secured large quan
tities, at tirst hands, of t he celebrated
.:::::::v::::::Rl!GERS" SOL l D ' Vl ! K L i L V K R P L A f E VI A E - - - ' - - -
at such prices that we propose to give them to our ninny customers bi
lieving that we .-hall inert ase our trade, as our customers appreciate the
fact that we are spending the money we set aside for advertising purpos
es by returning it to them, believing they will appreciate the gifts and
tell their friends, ami thereby increase our trade.
ICVICRY Cash purchase to the amount of $5 entitles the purchaser
either a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Butter Knifeor Sugar Shell s
by Jewelery at $1.(X).
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to a
set (() of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $2.0
ICVFIRY Cash purchase to the amount of $25 entitles the purchaser to a
set (ti) of Roger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at
JCVl-.RY Cash purchaser to the amount of $:'.() entitles the purchaser to w
set !) of Rogers' Solid Nickel fable spoons or a set of Solid Nickel
Forks, or a set ot Tripplc plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $1.00.
ERE is what the manufacturer
al goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There has been a grow
ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons anil Forks to take
esTirA t,ie place of Solid silver and
for some time to attain this end, and are now able to offer the public our
Rogers' Metal and Rogers' Solid Nickel Silver. We guarantee this metal
superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi
dence i.i assuring our customers that this ware is inferior to .service on
ly to solid silver. It is a beautiful white color, is highly polished and.
can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recommend this ware
especially for hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will stand
more hard usage than any other metal; is very tough and hard; will hold
its color and will outwear any plateware ever manufactured." All our
customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This firm have manufac
tured plated ware since 1S5, and their name is never put on goods that
are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are
getting some very desirable goods when they get goods under Iheit
brand. Come in early and secure a share of these goods before it is lo
Wo Qtiqiqqtec oxl Prices a bo TioAvVisf qqol
IHVijc GoiiiDoji jioii.
call and he convinced be
fore purc ii a s i n g. v i e l b k
plf:ased to show you through
my stock, wiiivther you wish
to buy or not.
415 Main Street,
QQH ACRES of Colora lo land for sale or trade for Plattsmouth real-c--"1
estate or for merchandise of any kind. This is a bargain for
some one; the land is Al. For furthervparticulars call on or address
THE HERALD, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Negotiations were entered into
Saturday between Dr. Wainwright,
representing the Keeley bichloride
of gold institute at Blair, and the
city of Beatrice. Ten thousand dol
lars was subscribed for the estab
lishment of the institution. The
stockholders met and elected of
ficers and a board of directors. The
Beatrice institute will be estab
lished at once.
Thursday January 7, was the
thirty-first anniversay of the wed
ding of Mr. and Mrs. John Ho mes
and a large number of their friends
gathered at their home south of
town. After partaking of a sump
tuous repast the guest departed
leaving, hower, several very useful
presents and good wishes, that they
might see many returns of these
milestone in their journey through
Notice to Water Consumer.
All rents will be due January 1.
Water consumers not wishing con
tinuance must give proper notice.
it Plattsmouth Water Co.
says in regard to Solid Silver Met
plate ware. We have experimented
In the best grades of
ly-a j0 Lii 'A k II
Plattsmouth, Neb.
The Leading
furniture; dealer.
Constantly keeps on hand everytbin
you need to furnish your house.
Plaits mom - Neb
For abstracts of t!tl a ,
able rates, co to T. M. Tjv,i- it...-
block. tf