The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 09, 1892, Image 4

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Yards anil Ortlce 404 Houth Third Street.
Telephone 13.
Dr. Hleinways an
iitliclic tor the painters ex-
Intctloi' of teeth.
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
Kockwood Itlock rialt.sinoutli. Neb.
Their Kh'1 strnws f;iiwy ritln'if. t 'ih and quills
tiso A lot of ii-w fasti" cne diape hat
in straw awl f- 'I In y h ve :t (nil
1 it- it: lialiv Ii"mI ami in r
dr I .i los" stock out h-ve re
duced tli'-ii j-tr- w t-ail'-r lints to 40 and to
7-t ce til liiniiifil,
J If. f)LTjTN
Always lias on hand a full Mock of
Corn. Kriin. Shorts ();itH and Haled
Ilav for tale as low as the lowest !
and delivered to any part of the
Plattsniouth, - - Nebraska.
always in stock
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
There are thousands of yntieg ladies, sewing
girls. h'-ol tea hers clei ks, etc who ; re ekinn
out en existence on a salary barely sufficient
to supply their very day w.ns.
Bv coii'pW t ini; u course in short hand ami
by finishing th y can earn fiom $40 to $150 per
son th .
si ii fons pmranteed to competent students
Indidivual instruction, new tvpewiitere.
Kooms over Mayers Store.
The best of fresh meat always found
in this market. Also fresh
Eggs and IJutter.
Wild game of all kinds kept in their
-EAT 1 1 .115:
'Tin 4SJrl
Bridge work and fine gold work a
DB. STEINAUS LOCAL as well as other an
estheticsiilven tor the painless extraction of
7 teeth.
a A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald E'&
Lumber Yard
Shingles, Lath, Sash,
Doors, Blinds
Can supply everw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fonrth street
in rear of op6ra house.
Mill nildarrarri Hawthorn la rlarper
Two persons, a man and a woman,
faced each other under a clump of live
oak. Hard by were visible the walls
of an adobe house; crumbling with aire.
The sun wai setting; a slight breeze
stirred in the dark branches of the
trees, which all through the hot Mexi
can day had been motionless. The
woman was dark and small, with large
eyes and a graceful body; the man, a
swarthy vaquero, in serape and som
brero. And you heard him say that?" said
"Yes. senorita. He said, I love you,
I love you!' twice, like that. And then
he kissed her."
Ah. he kissed her! Anything else?"
This!" He handed her a slip of
folded paper. It contained a woman's
name, a few words of passion and a
signature. As the senorita's eyes
perused it they contracted, and she
drew in a long breath. The vaquero
watched her keenly. "I found it in
the arbor after they had gone," said he.
She looked away dreamily. "Thank
you, thank you, Mazeppa,'' she mur
mured. 'It is late. I must go in now.
Adios, Mazeppa!" She turned, and
moving slowly, vanished behind a cor
ner of the adobe house.
The vaquero remained motionless
until she was out of night. Then he
pressed his hands to his lips and flung
tlieiu out towards her with a passion
ate gesture. The next moment lie had
mounted his horse and was gone.
An hour passed. Again the sound
of hoofs. A handsome young suuor,
jiuntily attired, galloped up to the
door of the house and, springiug from
the saddle, hitched his rein over a
large hook projecting from the wall.
'Hula! Maria, little one!" he, called
out in a rich, joyous voice. "Where is
my little Maria?"
The senorita appeared, smiling.
She was in white, with a reboso drawn
around her delicate face. She bore a
two-handled silver cup, curiously
chased. "See," she said. "I have
brought you some wine. Such a long
ride just to see me!" She was boldiug
out the cup towards him. but as he
was about to receive it she drew it
back suddenly. She was pale; her eyes
glittered. "I too am thirsty," she
said. She lifted the cup to her lips
and took a deep draught. "Now you
shall liuish it," she added, hauding it
to him.
He nodded to her laughingly. "To ;
our love!" lie said, and drained it. 1
"But how strangely you look at me, 1
little one! he exclaimed as he set the
cup down and caught his breath.
anything wrong?"
"All is well," she answered. "I
happy. Are you happy?"
"1? I am with you, am I notP"
She put her hand in his. "Let
never be parted any more," she said.
"Come; we'll walk to the hill top and
see the moon rise."
Hand in hand, they sauntered along
the path up the bare hillside. On and
on they walked, slowly. Maria gave a
gasp aud glanced with dilated eyes at
her lover. He smiled faintly and tried
to draw her towards him, but somehow
did not; and still they moved slowly on
their way. The hilltop seemed straugely
far off. Maria pressed forward, grasp
ing her lover's hand. What made the
distance seem so long? Surely it was
but a stroll of ten minutes; ye I it was
as though they had been walkiug an
hour a year mauy years!
Down the hillside path came a horse-
man, ridiug quietly and humming a
love song. lie was close upon the two
figures before he appeared to be aware
of them. They half stopped, as if to
speak to him. The horse shivered and
plunged. The rider stared at the
couple but an instant, then, driving
home his spurs, sprang past them.
"Mother of God!" he faltered, cross
ing himself as he threw a backward
glance up the path, on which nothing
was now visible, "the ghosts! The
little girl who. they say down below,
p lisoned herself and her lover fifty
jears ago!"
Heavy Mud Showers.
A curious phenomenon occurred in
Bimia recently on two successive
nights. This was nothing less than a
duststorm in the midst of a heavy
downpour of rain, or, rather, to speak
more correctly, a shower of mud. A
column of dust seems to have been
carried up into the higher atmosphere
from the plains and to have been
caught aud forced down by the heavy
rain. In the morning, as a result, all
the plants and flowers in Simla were
found to have received a thick coating
of mud. There could be no doubt
that the mud had been rained down,
for it was freely sprinkled on plants
away from the hillside and at a great
height from the ground. Moreover, a
deposit of mud was found in the rain
gauges in various parts of the station.
It is a common thing to see the atmos
phere in the hills during the hot season
thick with dust from the plains, carried
aloft by a strong wind. But the con
junction of rain and dust is au inci
dent of rare occurrence, of which, it is
stated, there is no previous record.
limes of India.
Playing-Card Figures.
Few people know the significance of
the figures in playing cards. Iu olden
times hearts represented "choirmen"
or ecclesiastics, and the early cards of
that suit have a cape, which in form
resembled a heart. The spade was
originally a pikeliead, typifying the
nobility of the soldiery. The artisans
were represented by a stone tile, now
known as a diamond. Farmers were
represented by a trefoil, or clover leaf,
now called a" club. The four kings
were originally David, Alexander,
Csesar and Charlemagne, representing
the four great monarchies. The
queens were Argine, Judith. Esther
and Pallas, representing birth, forti
tude, piety and wisdom. The knaves
were either knights or servants to
Helen Hunt Jackson's body has
been removed from Cheyenne Mount
ain, where it has been buried for six
years, and interred in Evergreen cem
etery at Colorado Springs.
A Story of th War Which Show That
Holdlrrs Were Not All GollaltM.
William W. Slillman of Virginia,
who has northern interests iu numer
ous localities, has been at the Russell
house for several days. says the Detroit
Free i'ress. Toe colonel is a mau with
the memory of a checkered career and
his biography would cover American
history throuirh one of its most event
ful epochs. Before he was 16 years
old he enlisted in the Black Horse cav
alry of Virginia, and was with that
notable command to the finish. Yes
terday the colonel and Maj. Norvell of
this city were doing the war together,
the blue and Ihe gray, talking as am
icably and good-naturedly as though
they had never met in deadlv conflict.
Ever since I've been in Michigan."
said the colonel, "I've been looking
for a man. Just at the time wnen
Gen. MClellan was relieved of the ;
command of the Potomac and (Jen. j
Uiii tisiili) succeeded him I was capl- I
ured. I was placed on parole and re
quired to re, uiit every dav at (Jen.
BtirnsMe's headquarters. Gen. Fitz- '
pitriclv being ihe chief provost inar
lial. I i ad plenty of confederate j
money, but it was away below par as
compared with gold and green bucks,
and .1 found trouble in dealing '.satis- ;
faclorily with te Yankee sutlers. I ;
was young and disposed to lie dressy, j
I wanted '.igh top boots, a red necktie 1
ami such a hat as became a dashing ;
cavalryman. One day a Michigan j
lieutenant approached me and sunt:
Johnnie, I'm sorry for you; your
money is considerably depreciated and
you want to make some purchases.
Of course our business is to kill each
other, out you re our prisoner ami l
feel like helping you out. I won't
offer you money as a gift, but here's a
$10 note on a .Michigan bank and 1 II
give it to you for $20 in confederate
currency. Why, I shook the fellow's
hand and was tickled half to death.
took him to mv house, which was not
far awav. had him for diuner, intro
duced him to mv sister, and declared
that I had found one generous, whol
souled Yankee. We had music and a
good time generally. I was fairly in
love with the Michigan lieutenant.
Well, sir. as soon as we had parted
hastened to the antler. I ordered the
boots with patent-leather adornments,
as became a cavalryman. I picked
out a jewel of a hat and a ravishing
necktie. When it came to settling 1
presented the $10 biil on a Michigan
bank, and I thought the sutler was go
ing to fall in a faint. Ine bill was tiie
rankest kind of a counterfeit. Day
after day I laid for that lieutenant, and
if ever we had met there would have
been an able-bodied scrap. But I
never set eyes on him from that day to
this. I think I should know him yet.
and if ever we meet there will be a
settlement of some kind. I was only
a boy, you know, aud he conlidenced
Tall Girls.
It is the fashion for girls to be tall.
This is much more than saying that
tall girls are the fashion. It means
not only that the tall girl has come in,
but that girls are tall, and are becom
ing tall, because it is the fashion, and
because there is a demand for that sort
of girl. There is no hint of stoutness,
indeed the willowy pattern is prefer
red, but neither is leanness suggested,
the women of the period have got hold
of the poet's idea, "tall aud most di
vinely fair," and are living up to it.
Perhaps this change in fashion is more
noticeable in England and on the Con
tinent than in America, but that may
be because there is less room for
change in America, our girls being al
ways of an aspiring turn. Very marked
the phenomenon is in Europe this
year; on the street, at any concert or
reception, the number of tall girls is so
large as to occasion remark, especially
among the young girls just coming in
to the conspicuousuess of womanhood.
The tendency of the new generation is
towards unusual height and gracious
slimness. The situation would be em
oarrassing to thousands of men who
have been too busy to think about
growing upward, were it not for the
fact that the tall girl, wl must be
looked up to. is almost invariably be
nignant, and bears her height with a
sweet timidity that disarms fear. Be
sides, the tall girl has now come on in
such force that confidence is infused
into the growing army, and there is a
sense of support in this survival of the
tallest that is very encouraging to the
young. Charles Dudley Warner,
Harper's Magazine.
A Story About Dore.
Gustave Dore's invention as
pears by Mr. Jerrold's biography.
not confined to his wonderful book
illustrations. One day in Verona bis
friend Dalloz was taking a photo
graphic view of the picturesque
streets of that ancient city while Dore
was endeavoring to keep off the crowd
of idle spectators. It was a difficult
task; the more the artist gesticulated
and threatened the greater the throng
became. Suddenly Dore was struck
with an idea. "Wait a minute," he
exclaimed, "and I'll disperse them."
Thereupon he took off his coat and
threw it upon the ground, and then
putting on a pitiful expression he went
round, cap in hand to beg for a few
soldi. As he advanced the crowd fell
back and melted away, and D.illzo ob
tained his negative London News.
Bedroom Carpets.
There is an excellent way of laying
bedroom carpets, in houses where rugs
are not the rule. Fasten small strong
hooks in the baseboard, close to the
floor, and on the edge of the carpet
sew corresponding rings. Slip the
rings over the hooks and the carpet is
securely laid. Of course a few tacks
must be put where the carpet crosses a
doorway, but these are quickly re
moved. By this method, which is em
ployed in the sleeping-rooms of many
hotels, a carpet may frequently be
taken up, thoroughly shaken and re
placed, without much more labor than
would be required to sweep it while on
the floor. Good Housekeeping.
It took forty men three months to
make the drawings of the Eiffel tower.
How an Irish Priest Dirt the Courting mm
Well aa the Marrying-.
Tve been thinking. Pat, that you
ought to get married."
"Is it nutf'iod your riverence saysP
Sure.wherc w uld I see a girl to speak
while I am looking after the sheep all
my time."
If that's all the difficulty in your
way I think I can find a wife for you.
There's Biddy Flanagan, in service
with Mrs. Dash, as nice and modest a
girl as ever you laid eyes on; slip away
down and see her and tell her I sent
"Wouldn't next wool season be time
enough, your riverence?"
"Wool season, indeed! Do you know
what you are talking about. Bat? 1
it a girl like Biddy Flanagan that you
will leave till next wool season? Why.
man alive, she is just as likely to be
snapped up from under your very nose
while you're loitering down the street
to see her."
"May be your riverence knows best,"
is the rejoinder, and awav goes my
brave Pat to make the acquaintance of
Miss Biddy.
When he gets to Mrs. Dash's door
his perplexities begin, and ihe hesitat
ing knock with which he announces his
arrival indicates pretty fairly the con
dition of his mind.
Tue door is opened by a girl whose
looks and bearing fully juslify the
clerical encomium passed upon I it,
says the Irish I'imcs. The bas'ifnl
wooer gives an approving glance, but
his words don't keep pae- with his ad
miration, and it is some little time be
fore he gets out what he has to say.
Biddy does not hurry him. but waits
his pleasure patiently. Most likely she
has heard before of visits of the kind
paid to other girls, and she is all atten
tion. At last Pat linds his speech and
uses it in this wise:
"Are you Biddy Flanagan?"
"Ye." is the reply.
"Then." says the enamored swain,
going bravely to the heart of the mat
ter at once. "I am Pat Mulligan from
one side of Chivilcoy.aud Father Faney
seut me down to marry you."
"Get away with you! Aren't you
ashamed of yourself, tnat I take from
the look of you to be an honest boy,
coming here to make a fool of a poor
girl that has plenty' to do without
thinking of marrying?"'
That is what Biddy says to him. but
she does not shut the door in his face,
nor does he go awav, and. after a long
chat, somehow or other they arrive
at an understanding, ihe result is
that Biddv. with considerable heighten
ed color iu I er comelv cheeks, seeks
au interview with her mi.stress. whom
she informs, with much hesitation and
circumlocution, that there s lieen a
boy 'speaking" to her. The mistress.
however, uot being Irish - born, is
somewhat puzzled by the expression.
and Biddy has to explain more fully
her meaning, to the effect that she
wants to be allowed to go and see the
priest with the 6aid bov. Her mistress'
objections to the shortness of the notice
are soon overcome bv Biddy's tears
aud good looks, aud off the bride-elect
trius lightly, and soon altcrward re
turn to fetch away tier things, tor she
js now Mrs. Pat Muiiigan.
The Child Knew.
When Mrs. Palmer was Alice Free
man aud was 1'resideut ot ellesley.
goes the story7 told in Hide Awake, she
gave a children's party once a year.
A little giri of 4 years, who had at
tended a fete at the college, overheard
her mamma say that ihe President
was going to be married. S ie burst
into tears.tiirew herseli upon the floor,
and said, "O. mamma, I shall never
go to a party there again. Her mam
ma said. "JUy dear, iMiss J-i ceman is
not going far away; you will see her
again; dou t cry. With a new out
burst of grief the cnild sigued. ' O, it.
is not the nearness nor the fat ness it
is the never-again-the-sameness."
Had Studied Race-Track Crowds.
"Greatest scheme in the world!" he
exclaimed, as he suddenly roused him
self from a few moments' deep thought.
and there s a whole government sub-
treasury iu it.
"In what?"
Tve iust thought of it." continued
the man without noticing the question.
"I'll just get a coupie of pieces of glass
about a foot long and two or three
inches wide; and then I'll fix them
about an eighth of an inch apart, start
half a dozen flies in from one end, and
the one that gets out the other eud first
"Wins what?"
"The race, man the race! I'll give
them all a fair start and color them so
you can tell one from the other, and.
say! there'll be a mint of money in it."
"But if they run off at the sides? '
"Disqualify them! That's the regu
lar way. The whole thing won't cost
auythiug. and Great Scott! we can
buy a whole city a month after it's
"I don't see anything in it!"
"You don't! Ever been to a race
Seen the men there?"
"Well, my idea is to sell pools on
the flies. There'll be just as much ex
citement, and the expenses will be less
than at any other track in the city
O. I've studied the subject." Chicajo
A Jtemarkable River.
On the African shore, near the Gulf
of Aden, and connecting the Lake of
Assal with the main ocean, may be
found one of the most wonderful riv
ers in the world, mis curiosity aoes
not flow to, but from the ocean towards
inland. The surface of Lake Assal
itself is nearly 700 feet beJow the tide
and it is fed by this paradoxical river.
which is about twenty-two nines iu
length. It is highly probable that the
whole basin which the lagoon partly
fills was once an arm of the sea which
became separated therefrom by the
duning of loose said. The inflowiug
river has a limited volume, being full
est, of course, at high tide, and has
.filled the basin to such aa extent that
evaporation and supply exactly bal
Bibleal Biblea?
J. P. Young having received a
large invoice of bibles, in the Ktiff
lish and German language, from
the American Bible Society of
New York, for the Cass County
Hible Depository. Persons wunt
iff ffood, cheap bibles will please
call at J, P. Young's.
Memorial Day.
At the meeting of No. 48 A. O. U.
W. last evciiinga committee of three
was appointed to confer with the
other A .O. U. W. lodges to make
preparations for observing A. O. U.
V. Memorial Day. January IS has
been set apart by the supreme
lodge as the day; it is in commem
oration of the death of John Up
church, founder of the order. The
ceremonies will be public.
Buried in a Mine.
A special dispatch to the Eincoln
Journal from McAllister, I. T., says:
East night there was an explosion
in a mine and as a result over lit 0
men now lie dead and about forty
are fotally hurt and many badly
burned. At 5:10 p. in. mine No. 11
exploded. At the time '.i7A) men
were iu the shaft; most of them
were waiting for the cage to take
them out, and the foot of the shaft
is one mass ot dead bodies.
The explosion was caused
by the tiring- of a shot
wuen gas was in tue mine. ine
search by the rescuing party still
continued. One disheartening fact
connected with the search is that so
far not one live ' miner has been
found. The bodies so lar recovered
were found burned, charred and
marred almost beyond recognition
Church Services.
First M. E. church, South Sixth
street between, Main and Pearl. Dr
L. F. Dritt, pastor. Sunday school
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11a. m.
by the pastor. Subject, for the
morning, "Christian Constancy,"
for the evening "The Power of
Choosing." Epworth League will
meet at 6:30 p. m. in the gallery of
the church. All are invited to these
Otis Doveyr, of the 13. & M. agent s
office, is on the sick list to-day.
Gentlemen would not use "Plush
of Roses" if it was a paint or pow
der, ol course not. it is clear as
water, no sediment to fill the pores
of the skin. Its mission is to heal,
cleanse and purify the complexion
of every imperfection, and insures
every lady and gentleman a clean,
smooth complexion. Sold byO. II.
Snyder. Price 75 cents.
Miles Nerve andlLiver fills.
Act on a new Trinciple regulat
ing the liver, stomrcli and bowels
through the nervs. A new discovery.
Dr. Allies Pills speedily cure biliou
sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles
constipation. Lncquaied lor men
women, children, smallest, midest
surest! M
free at F. G.
"c. Samples
Fricke & Co's.
Office honrs from 9 a. m.
to S p. rn. Brindaj
from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
Specialists in Chronic. Nervous. Skin and Blood
Consultation at office or by mail free.
Medicines Bent by mail or express, secarefy
packed, free from observation. Guarantees to
cure quickly, safely and permanently.
The most widely and favorably known spfwial
ists in the United States. Their long experience,
remarkable skill and universal success in the
treatment and core of Nervons, Chronic and Bar.
srical Disease, entitle thefte eminent bhysicians
to the fnll confidence of the afflicted everywhere.
They guarantee:
awful effects of early vice and the anmerooa evils
that follow in its train.
speedily, completely and permanently cored.
ORDERS yield readily to their skillful treat
(raaranteed cored without pain or dtfteobon
from business.
nentiy and 6uccesfally cared in every case.
torrhcea. Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood,
Night Emissions, Decayed .Faculties, Female
Weakness and all delicate disorders peculiar to
either sex positively cured, as well as all fo na
tional disorders that resnlt from yoathfnl follies
or the excess of mature years.
Guaranteed permanently cwL
removal complete, without oat-
ting, cauetie or dilatation. Cnre effected at
home by patient without a moments pain or
AOiinn Piipp The awfnl effects of early
OUIC UUI C vice which brings organic
weakiipes, destroying both mind and body, with
aU its dreaded ills, permanently cured.
nQ E?pffs Address those who have hsHrtr
Lfl o. DCUo ed themselves by improper in
dulgence and solitf-ry habits, which ruin both
mind and Ixxly, ua at ting them for business,
tody or mairiage.
MAKRIED MEN, or .ihoee entering on that
happy lilo, aware of physical debility, qcicklj
5r?8end 8 cento postage for celebrated works
on Chronic, Nervons and Delicate Diseases,
Thousands cored. I"tTA friendly letter or cell
may save yon f ature suffering and shame, atui
add golden years to life. t5?No letter answered
unless accompanied by 4 cente in stamps.
Address, er call on
1409 Douglas St.,
Marry old soldiers, who contracted
chronic diarrhoea while in the
Benrice, have since been permanent
ly cured of it by Chnimberlnin'n
Colic, Cholera ami diarrhoea Rem
edy. For sale by F. G. Fricke Sc Co.
Do you want to know what would,!'
mane your lamer, moiiier, urouifi
. r a . .- at. .... t
sister and sweetheart happy? If iaj
a nice nair of shoes or slippers for
a Christmas present. W. A. Hoecksl
& Co. have just received an elegant j
line that thev offer at VERY LOW',
prices for thirty days only. tf
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a posi-44
itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria anc.
Canker mouth. For sale by F. G
Fricke & Co.
Chamberlain's Eyo and San
A certain euro for Chronic Soto Eyo?
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ok
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie- Scratches, Soro Kipplca
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
it after all other treatment bad failod,
it Is put up in 25 and CO cent Loses.
A PUP u la it FAMILY.
3r.yir.: "IIomt it it, Knto, Unit you alwnya
Weill to 'catch on 'to tlieiuKt new LIiiiik? hu
what I may, you always seem to tret ahead
of inn."
Kate: " I don't know: I eertnlnlvdo not
njuke Hiiy exertion in thut direct inn.'
J UN MK : Well, tluriiiif tlm hint lew months,
for example, you liutu Uiki u up uiiitiiif.
without any teHolicr ; you enme to the rescue
when Miss Lnfariro deserted her I lelsarte clans
Bo suddenly, ami certainly we are nil improv
ing in trrace under your uist ruction ; I heard
roil tclliiiK Tommy Kumes lust evening how
his club made mistnkes in lyiiiir Liisehali:
you seem to lie up on nil the latest fads,' ana
know jutst w hut to do under all circiiriiHliiiice ;
you entertain beautifully; mid in the lust
month you have improved no in health, owinir,
yoi; tell me. to your physical cultureexercise.
Where Jo yon wet all of your information
from in this little out-of-tho way place' for
you never tfo to the city."
Katk: ' VV'liy, Jennie, you will make me
Vain. I have only one source of in formal ion,
but it is surprising how it meets all wants. I
very seldom hear of anything new but what
the next lew days brhur me lull information
on the subject. Mukic? No! MuKUzjxicI
And a (jrcat treasure it is. to us nil. lor it
really furnishes the. reiulinff for the whole
household: fat her has uri ven lipids ninirazine
that he has taken lor years, as lie wijs this
one (rives more ami better information on
the subjects of the day; and mother pays
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