The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 08, 1892, Image 1

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aily Herald.
if '
in a
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest U. S. (Jovernment food re
No. 2 6 : 05 P. M
o. i
No. ..
No. 11, .
o, 19
....j AS a. in.
6 :v5 p in
...9 :0r) a. m
... "15a. in.
.... 6 :25 p, ni.
....ft :05 p. m.
... 11 :05 a. m.
No. 4 10 :; n .
No. 8 7; 44 p. m
No. 10 9 : 45 a, m
No. 12 10 :I4 a. 11
No. 20 8 :30 a. n
No. 3M Accomodation I-eaveu..
No. 384 - arrivt-s..
Trains daily except Sunday
. .10.-55 a. m,
. . 4 ;00 p. in.
Attorney at-Law. Will give prompt attention
to all tiUMlncfj enknicteti to biui. Oflice In
Union block. East Side. I'iattemoutb.Neb.
KNIGHTS OK PYTHIAS (iauntlet Lodge
no. 47 Meet every Wednesday evening
at their h'lli in Farmele & Craig block, All vis
King knight9 are cordially invited to attend
If. N. Griffith. C. O. ; tin Dovey, K. K. 8.
AO, V. W. No. 84 Meets second andlourth
Kriday veiings in the month at G. A. K.
bail in ttoi-kwood tilock, M. Vondran, M W,
7t I, Brown, Recorder,
' CASS LODGE. No. 14.I. O. O. F. meets ev-
i .y Tuesday night at their ball in Fitzgerald
k block. All Odd Fellow are cordially invited
o attend wben visiting In the city. Chria Pet
erien, N. G. ; 8. F, 0born, Secretary-
ROYAL ARC A NAM Cm8 Coinoil No 1021,
Meet at the K, of t. hail in the Farmele &
Craig block over Bennett & Tutte, vistring
brethren invited. Henry tiering. Regent;
Thos Walling, Secretary.
r IT W a Monti first and third Friday
eVejings of each month at G. A. R. Hall
rRockwook block- Frank Vermilyea, M, W.
, a. tuersoie, itecoraer.
' EGREE OF HONOR, meet second and
' fourth Thursdays of each month la I. O.
J F hall in Fitzgerald blck. Mm. F. Boyd,
ady of Honor ; Belle Vermylea. recorder.
GA. R.McConihie Pot No. 45 meets every
Satur tay evomug at 7 : 30 in their Hall in
Rock wood Mock All visiting comrades are
cordially invited to : eet with us. Fred Bates.
Post Adjniant ; G. F. Niles. Pose Comraadder.
Ordrk OK TUE WORLD, Meets at 7: SO
every Mcnoav evening at the Grand Army
hall. A. F. Groom, president, Thos Walling,
pASt uami' o. 3xs m. w , a. meets every
X lUUCIAlU UB I. f MIIIUK I I i 11 If 3 TTtWUHjt
f'f. fV
r'f f;. Hunoen, V. C. : P. Wertenbereer, W. A..
8.C. Wilde. Clerk.
Catholic St. Paul's Church, ak. between
Fifth and Sixth. Father Ca'ney, Pastor
. Services : Mnss at S nd W :30 a. m. Sunday
School at 2 :3o, with benediction.
CnnisTi an. Corner Locust and Fiuhth St.
Services morning and tve g. Hiler A.
Gal oway pastor. Sunday rictiool 10 a. m.
" piscoiAi..-t Luke's I hurch. coiner Tnird
arnfVifii-. Rev II B. Burner, paftor. Ser
' vices :il a.m. a'llTOP. M.. Sunday School
i. at 2 :30 F. M.
Grkman Mkthooist. i. jrner sixth St and
Granite. Rev. lint. Factor. Services : 11 A. M.
' and 7 :30 P. M. Snuday School lo :30 A. M.
Pbeskytfki a.v. services in rew church. cor
i ner Sixth and Oramie stf. Rev. J . T. BaiM,
pastor. unda -sc" po1 at 9 ;30 ; Preaching
at 11 a. ni.asd 8 p. in.
The . R. C. E of tbi" church meets every
Sabbath evening at 7 :15 in the basenient of
the chucrh. All are invited to attend these
First JIfthodist. Sixth St.. betwen Main
and Pearl. Pev. L. F. Britt. 1. D. nator.
' Services : 11 A. M.. 8 :00 P. M Sunday School
:30 a.-m. Prayer meetiig Y ednesday even
ing.. Gfkman Pks-sbvtkkian. Corner Main and
Ninth. Rev W'ltte. pastor. Services usual
hours. Sunday chH)l 90A.h.
wkedisw CriNORPGATiONAU Granite, be
tweeu Fifth and Sixth.
Colored Baptist. Mt. Olive. I'ak. between
Tenth biul Eleventh. Rev. A. Roswell, pas-
tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. prayer
Tjeetinir Wednesday evenig.
Tiit MFN'n (Hkl-TlAf AssoriATTOr
pel meeting, for men only, everv Sunday af-
I' K'rnMn at 4 o'clock. Rooms open week days
twntn a-'n a ni t 30 o. III.
j:noni.t in areniian uiih-k. riaui sireev.
South Park Tahf.kxaclk. Rev. J. M.
Wood. 1 astor. Seivi'.s: Surclay School,
iOa. m.: I reaching. 11 a ni. acd 8 p. m. ;
vrayer meeting luesoay nigin : cnoir prac-
All are welcome.
Millinery and dressmaking at
Tucker Sister--.
'"01 block.
Notice to vvt. , . -mers.
All rents will be due January 1.
3rater consumers not wis liinj con
tfTiuance must cive proper notice.
Why will you couqrh when Shi
loh's cure will Rive immediate re
iiVf. Price 10 cteu 50 cts. and $1.
Kor sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc
The new court house clock ar
rived this morning via the C. B. &
O. instead of the Rock Island, as
stated in last night's Journal.
The pay car will be here to-morrow
J. G. Kichey was a passenger this
morning or Omaha.
L,ew Moore was an Omaha pas
senger this morning.
Dr. A. Shipman was a passenger
on No. H for Omaha to-day.
Frank Koon, the photographer,
was in the metropolis to-day.
Mrs. J. M. I-yda returned .home
last evening from Weeping Water.
Miss Lizzie Miller left this morn
ing for a virit with friends in Lin
coln. Dave Sampson, of Kock IJIuITh
was a pleasant caller at THE IlEK
ALD oflice to-day.
J. L. Ileckwith, foreman of the
roundhouse, at Pacific Junction, is
in the city to-day.
J. L. Kivett, superintendent of
depot buildings, is in the city today
on company business.
A very pleasant surprise was ten
dered Miss Fannie Richey Wednes
day evening by her young friends.
H. A. Gillispie, one of the pros
perous farmers of Plattsmouth pre
cinct, made The HERALD a pleasant
call yesterday.
Rev. J. T. Baird received word
last evening that his brother's little
eon was dead, and he took No. 5
this morning for Omaha.
The regular monthly business
meeting of the Epworth League
will be held this evening at the
home of Miss Anna Coleman.
A party of five Swedes arrived in
this city last evening, enroute to
Chicago. They had walked all the
way from Buffalo, South Dakota,
carrying their packs on their
shoulders, and started this morning
on their way to Chicago.
Judge Ramsey tells a good one
on Bro. Sherman, of the Journal.
Mr. Ramsey went into the Journal
oflice with some work he wanted
done, when Mr. Sherman looked up
from the manuscript of one of his
leading editorials, and, turning
around, said: "Why, how do you
do, Mr. Snyder? Oh! I beg pardon,
Judge. Since you have had your
whiskers cropped you really look
more like Druggist Snyder than
The Burglar.
In these trying times of farcical
comedy, melodramatic sensational
ism and various other forms of
stage presentations it is a refresh
ing relief to witness a play wherein
the sentiment is calculated to ab
sorb wholesome human interest.
"The Burglar" in such a play, and
those patrons who keep a mental
record of the most successful of
metropolitan dramatic offerings
need not be more forcibly impressed
with the pleasures to be derived
from the forthcoming preformance
of the charming play in question.
Go and see it next Saturday night,
at the Opera House.
A High Five Party.
A. B. Todd gave a high five party
last evening at his home on Chi
cago avenue to a small party of his
friends, among whom were the fol
lowing; J. Tritsch, S. W. Dutton.A.
N. Sullivan, County Clerk Frank
Dickson, Deputy County Clerk Bird
Critchfield, A. B. Dickson, J. M. Pat
terson. W. S. Jones, Mayor Richey,
J. W. Johnson, Louis Foltz, Dave
Miller, Judge Newell, R- W. Hyers
and Ed Todd.
A pleasant evening was spent,
after which refreshments were
Secretary C rou rise Sees n Change in
Russian Political Affiliation
As one Result.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 7 Spec
ial. Assistant Secretary Crounse,
of the treasury department, who
took a great interest in the discus
sion of the Russian relief resolu
tion in the house yesterday predicts
that the defeat of that measure will
have a decided effect on democratic
prospects this fall.
"There are great many Russian
settlers in .Nebraska," said Mr.
Crouuse, "aiid -T think Hhar Bryan's
speech will have the effect of trans
ferring thousands of these people
from the democratic to the republi
can column in Claj- county alone,
and in other countries of the state
where UFb Russian settlers are
thickest'the effect will be fully as
marked." Mr. Crouuse thinks that
Mr. Bryan's little speech will proty
ably! i)e used as a republican cam
paign document with results which
can't be otherwise than detrimental
to democratic interests. ' -
Senator Manderson, in comment
ing upon Mr. Byran'a speech, Slid
this afternoon: The member from
the First asks what right congress
has to provide for the. tarrying of
grain to a foreign land when no
authoritjr existed last year to aid the
distressed citizens of Nebraska.
think that Mr. Bryan must have for
gotten the fact that Nebraska never
asked congress to aid her people in
their distress. Nebraska," con
tinued the senator, "is not a pauper
state and we require no assistance
from the general government to
help us out because we had one
year of bad crops. Bryan's point
was not well taken."
Lost in the Darkness.
Last Thursday evening, as all will
remember was cold, dark 'wet and
cheerless night; after the wind and
rain came a slight frost, just
enough to "chill to the marrow, ai
who venturned out in it. That
evening, an old man named Wm
Bennett, who has a temporary resi
dence with the family of Geo. Mc-
Adie, left town just after dark; he
must have followed the main road
to the northwestern corner of the
old fair grounds, thinking that he
had reached the proper place to
turn north to his home. He went
north and completely lost his bear
ings, putting in the entire night
among the rocks and hills in the
field of Deacon Beach. His pecu
liar cries for assistance was heard
by numerous people, some mistak
ing it for that of a wild annimal
other going out to trace it up, but
all failing to find him. The next
morning, the first of the New Year
he managed to reach the door of
Mr. Beach, falling in sheer exhaus
tion on arriving there,
most piteous sight to
behold, his bent form, ragged
clothing, bleeding wounds from
contact with barb wire and rocks
without vest or overcoat and spech
less from cold. But a little time
longer in that condition would
have settled his earthly career. He
fell into good hands, Mr. and Mrs
B. getting him into a warm bed and
filling his inward cavity with hot
milk, which, after putting him into
untold agony for a while, finally
brought him out in pretty good
shape. In the afternoon he was re
moved to Mr. McAdie's where he
will take time to fully recuperate
from the effects of that horrible
night, that came so near being a
death watch to v ' Weeping
Water Eagle. -
Royal Acaranun.
Cass camp No. 1021 Royal Arca
num's new officers are as follows:
Past Regent Henry Herold.
Regent II. R. Gering.
Vice Regent W. K. Fox.
Orator B. S. Ramsey. S
C Secretary Thorn Walling.
Treasurer Fred Ebinger.
Collector Wm. Holly.
Trustee Claus Brekenfeld.
Guide Geo. Poisall.
Warden Rasmus Hansen.
Chaplain Philip Kraus.
Sentry J. M. Swoboda.
The work of grading the ap
proaches on the new M. P. bridge
commenced to-day, over the Platte
river near Oreapolis. As soon as
the grading is done work on the
bridge will be begun.
In the police court this morning
testimony was taken in the case of
Crosby vs. Richey. The case was
continued until the fifteenth of this
For some reason the arc lights
were not burning last night.
- j Obituary.
THE HERALD this morning re
ceived a copy of the New Era, pub
lished at Perris, California, which
contained the following:
"After p brief illness of one week
Frances S. Wise, wife of Parker L.
Wise, died in the sixtieth year of
her age, of pneumonia, superin
duced by the grippe, at her home in
Perris, December US, IKyl.
"Mrs. Wise was born iu Madison
county', Ohio, but in childhood witn
her parents moved to Indiana and
there lived until lontr utter lier
marriage. Then she inovtu with
her husband and family to
Nebraska where she remained for
the space of twenty years. Here
she became a devout and consistent
member of the First Presby trun
church in Plattsmouth. One y ear
ago last August she, with her hus
band, ,vho has been an invalid for,
seven years, came to this town, ami
since then has endeared herself to
many of jjts inhabitants, for none
knew her but to love her. Notwith
standing the fact that Mrs. Wise
was cared for by skilful physicians
and loving friends, yet did she con
tinue to sink rapidly under the
disease until she died last Monday
at 7:30 p. m., iu the presence of
her husband and two sons, Taylor
and Will, whom she leaves to
mourn her loss. All three are well
knowu and highly respected resi
dents of this town. How tenderly
and patiently sister Wise has cared
for her invalid husband these last
seven years and especially during
his recent sickness from which he
is just recovering, we may not be
able to tell, but God knows and we
believe that he will one day say un
to her, 'Inasmuch as you did it un-
J to thp least of these my brethren
1 you did it unto me.
"The funeral services held in the
nome of the deceased December 30
at 2p.m. was largely 'attended, and
was in charge of trie. Rev. Geo.' H
Rogers, whose subject then was
Jesus Wept.' The hymns then sung
were 'Abide With Me,' and 'Come
unto Me When Shadows Darkly
Gather.' The pall bearers were
Messrs. Plimpton, Witt, Colby and
Brockman. A large number of the
family's sympathizing friends ac
companied the remains to the Per
ris cemetery, where the last rites of
burial were performed, and where
the deceased was laid in sure and
certain hope of a blessed resurec
tlon. "May the comfort and consolation
of divine grace so rest upon the
wide circle of sorrowing friends,
and especially upon her mourning
husband and two sons and their
families, that in this hour of their
bereavement they may resignedly
say, 'Thy will be done,' and look
forward in Christian hope to a
blessed reunion
" 'On the happy golden shore ,
Where the faithful part no more.'"
"Mrs. Mary Ellen Anderson, the
mother of Mrs. James Patterson, Jr.,
died at the residence of her
daughter, on Sunday, Decetuber 27,
at 5 o'clock p. in.
"Mrs. Anderson was born in New
Jersey, 1830, and was married to
Benjamin Anderson in August.
1854. Four children were born to
them, two of whom survive. Her
husband died in August, 18M). Her
mother still lives in Toulon, 111.,
aged eighty-two years; also four
brothers and one sister survive her.
"The deceased during a year's
residence with her daughter greatly
endeared herself to the people of
Perris. She was a Christian lady
in the fullest sense and interested
herself in all benevolent and
Christian work. The daughter and
family here have the heartfelt sym
pathy of all in their great sorrow.
"Services were held at the Con
gregational church. In accordance
with her wish the remains were
sent east to Chariton, Iowa, to be
laid by the side of her husband."
L. L. A. Debating Society.
The L- L. A. debating society held
second meeting at the home of
Gerald Drew last evening. Several
new members were enrolled, the
society now having a membership
of thirteen. The following officers
were elected: Gerald Drew, presi
dent; Tom Chapman, vice-president;
Charles Rhode, recording secretary;
Roy Kirkpatrick, corresponding
secretary; Joseph Knotts, treasurer.
Meetings will probably be held
once every two weeks at the homes
of the different members. This is a
most commendable move on the
part of these young men, as nothing
s more instructive than a good
debating society.
K S(iniqlqloi foi
While we appreciate the large amount of trade we art
still desire to increase otir
and have completed arrangement in which we have M-curi-d large
tilies, at first hands, of the celebrated
at such prices that we propose to give them to our man' customers
lieving that we shall increase our trade, as our customers appreciate
fact that we are spending the money ve set aside for advertising purp
es by returning it to them, believing they will appreciate the gifls and
tell their friends, and thereby increase our trade.
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $5 entitles the purchaser t
either a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Butter Knife or Sugar Shell sold
by Jewelery at $1.00.
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to
set (0) of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $2.0
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $25 entitles the purchaser to
set (() of Roger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, Hold by Jewelers at
EVERY Cash purchaser to the amount of $30 entitles the purchaser to a
set (0)f Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid Nickel
Forks, or a set oi Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $1.(X.
O w
ERE is what the manufacturer says in regard to Solicl Silver Met
Tgif7 l goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There has been a grow
nijjvl inff demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take
GUlRi the place of Solid silver and plate ware. We have experimented
for some time to attain this end, and are now able to offer the public our
Rogers' Metal and Rogers' Solid Nickel Silver. We guarantee this metal
superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi
dence i.i assuring our customers that this ware is inferior to service on
ly to solid silver. It is a beautiful white color, is highly polished and
can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recommend this ware
especially for hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will stand
more hard usage than any other metal; is very tough and hard; will hold
its color and will outwear any plateware ever manufactured." All our
customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This firm have manufac
tured plated ware since 1SG5, and their name is never put on goods that
are not of a high gratle, so our customer can rest assured that they arr
getting some very desirable goods when they get goods under thei
brand. Come in early and secure a share of these goods before it is tow
We Qtitfqqtee ot V vices o be Icoesf
Irivifc Gouijoejitioii.
41 5 Main Street,
T Of") ACRES of Colora lo land for sale or trade for Plattsmouth real-t:-'-
estate or for merchandise of any kind. This is a bargain for
some one; the land is Al. For further particulars call on or address
THE HERALD, Plattsmouth, Neb.
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed in the post
office at Plattsmouth January 6,
for the week ending December 30:
Btrry, Mis Maggie I
i arnes. Mary
Gernnarat- Krance E
Harrington, John V
Kopp, -Mrs John
Koib. Mrs Klla
Lilyvall, J P
Laudeeu. Axel
IMorlun . J H.
K; thbun, R
Kadrtlie. AduiD
Renson, k
Frizzel. Sam
Hens'-ll, w ni
Hempen. Henrv
Jennings J. W. & Co
l.andie irsLousia 1-red
M'Gliliin, i:oda Miss
J'ln Jon. H K
iie er, Junius
8 iih, W. I)
Sprites. Miss Maria
Syboulh. S
Snider, M-it
Tou-ev. J F
Vanirhn. .1 S
Walker, Bert
Whi-.J. Oliver
Young. Mre Edna
Persons calling tor any of tne
above will please ask for "adver
tised" letters.
H. J. Streight, P. M.
The cold wave flag was put jnp
this morning and indications point
to the thermometer falling about
30 degrees by to-morrow morning.
Mike Jones, a poor unfortuuate.
was taken to the poor farm to-day
by order of the county com
missioners. Tn the nunreme rrourt vesf irda I
j j
tne case ot r lattsmouth vs. Henry
Doecu was uenieu a ren earing".
Cqsl'j Ti'qtie (o
favored with, we
In the best grades of
Q 'iWWs. fM!-
Plattsmouth, Neb
The Leading
Constantly keeps on Land everytbia
you need to furnish your house.
Piatts mout - Neb
TT-. r .
oncv-io oi tine ai reason-
auie rates, go to J. M. Leyda, Union