The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 05, 1892, Image 2

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I J . N. HIM .Ih
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rne copy, mm y-;ir. In :idv.un- - ....
)iih copy. n y;ir, imt In ;ul valu e. . ,
ie py, si luontlif. in :uiv:tn-e ..
n :"y, IhriM- month, in advance.
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T II KS I )A Y, JAM A K V a. 1 v.r
Tin ilc-moerat ic papers, especial
ly those of free trade proclivities,
are saying that the suar bounty
"imiisI so." They picture tin
eiiorm i t ies of t he crimes that this
bounty represents. They prate
about the vern men t s taxing
some jieople and paying the money
to others. lint tin- people are not
any more convinceil than they win
hehu'e ill these hysterical denim
ciatious lieiraii. The lact that
simar i free ami at the same 1;in
the American sui;;ir grower not
without protection, is what hothers
the democrats. There are over (X).-
OOO.OOO who like the MeKitiley law
v i ...
Pecause it lias made snnr cheaper
FtTnl the rest like it hecause it has
Yfo't hroken down the p'owiiii in
iiuTJm- real animus of the demo
'eraric a'.tacK is noi me inherent in-
j fist it: l f tl ic hoiinty, nor the
tjiffimti hut the political effect of
-jtthe act I The St. I.ouis Republic re
'ttly'dmitted that the ultimate
effect of it will he to make J.oilisi-
i,iV7,,ji ,'epuhlican sla te, m.-n- do it
lari early -ms ils'.n;. This 'ills its !our-
hOii"sSul'Vfth alarm. It calls upon
'tl'i'1 democratic house to record its
i .'. r to i
tlisapprohat ion of J lie whole scheme
of the McKinlev lili with all its
i e-
I'icayune. :i 1
llli iiTil t IC
plies as folio a s:
The . whole th!iiii
the rejiiihlic
thinks, turn on tiV- suar hoiuitv
It aniMiies LhTii ;idemocrat ic con
yfress will cut oil" that bounty and
the nt"ti-etvd -beet su jar of
Germany ami l'rance loose on our
siig'ar planter, compelling them to
compete tiide-hand.etl with the
pauper labor "of some countries
ami 'The 1"Ulb"sidlzed manufacturers
of others. Hut it so happens for
Loui.-iana a tul ' fori tftei democratic
part' that the Republic's wiltl
.dream ofjrej; tratlc isiiupossible of
realization. i
H he Picavunr is nearer rijjht than
the RepuTblic, w!use talk is of "wiltl
dreams of free .tratjer". whch, the
Picayune says will never be real-
iied.-.The suijar .boiwit' ie not t;o
ifiij to te rcpealetf. Jowa, and Ne
braska will protest as much as
IvOuisiana aaiust the critshiii- of
an mdiidfry which has a bright
future before it. Iowa Keirister. .
.-j Having nolhinyf else to make re
marks upon The Washington 1'ost,
in its ustifd able wty, indulges it
self and" delights the public in a
Iorif dissertation .upon the Cabinet
yfirls. -The wortl .irl' is variously
dcliiH'd by ViLbatrf'Tirst, it is said
that "the origin of the word is not
obvious' ih-ii "i't "is stated that a
mirfrP'riJ'gTtmrTv. onmi ewplclf -
to tentl cliiWrni. a word lft in-Kni'
land b3 tHc h'jna n? in "ancient
l.l'S. th- JeXLCOCiL."LCi' -oJiy.s.
."'V.'riiiH :V;,u'vVr1 H.R0 PiVHlfN
,Ahei:,vword ,if .."r??13 11? JW
Roman' for I.lioth i;;Hex-";..Tlit)He
Romans must have seen the dudes
tri tivtiiiv with the vision tf the
C'cmvitiir down fnim Ih'e' -fdtT facts
of etj-mology to the warm regions of
t-ocial life it is nccessar- t explain
that the. "Cabinet Xiirl" is, the un
married female adjunct" of the
househould . of a. uiuiil-er td the
President's Cabinet. She may be a
tlaug;hter. an aunt, or a cousin, it
matters' not which, nor how old
nor how young she 1?; in anv case j. ewisuam lo me upper nouse. n
if she comes within the limits"shei said that Mr. Balfour will undertake
T,lrtr. 1 the duties with his new ofiice.,; Doth
a -Cabrnet C.rl. There ;ha c, LorJ Palmetstoa and Gladstone,
been many notable cabinet girls , when they ,cd the house, were queen's
Not to go back into ancient history , reporters. London Tit-Bits.
Miss Harriet Lane, the niece of ; ' '' : : ;
President and mistress' East of tie Mississippi.
of the White House during his time, Ifc repeated rery often that for the
was most notable; so. too. jumping , -f8 Republican convention is to
,, f m:-. vn-l'W.neld"wpst,of the Mississippi river,
the gulf of years, M ,.-,. Nellie ; it nQt thua . TiMinoe
Arthur, the daughter of I resident ' exposition building, , where tha
Arthur; so. aro. was Mrs. Cleve convention will .meet, is not on the west
'.ind. the onlylatIv except the sec- side, but is-on the east side of the river.
''.i.f' f'..l... T".tl .."",,.t ii-.i fi.l .-ftirnt li'ii 'fT-'irtiJVirtW ' e ' ' "I"''
rvcr ioined in wedtockin the White"
" . J t .'. . ..
Wilt til 11,1111 A ,V J .....
House. m none ... ..-.
Cabinet C.W1, " in tin ctriM 'i-itfc
f,.tJio pUra,i.
;:M: Tt :Hl
ou'abiiiut'-.girls, n h'rn"Ms
understood in the official ci:'C-!ls"1u
j WsiKhiri'rton, have, :ml h:ive alwayn
hail, tluir lines ca.-t in pleasant
i ilac M. Thy art liinit-I anil
li:i;mlt ! tit In' Hiirr 1 t!i 1ikK-h of
tin: fuiii'Til leiratit.ns. hut it in
I fib-a.-ant to know that as a jjfrneral
Ihinyf tlu-y have bri-n abb- to rc-sit
their nothiii'MM'ss. The cabinet
tiil, upon tin- whole, is an Auieri-
e.m in ! i !( ion in whieli we ran all
have pri'le.
A i:.i ph siciaii in an oiisiire
Ma.-sachusselts village has made
himself faiiitnis ainon his ellea-
ues b- happening alpn one tlay
just as a man fell out of a carriage
and dislocated his neck. Death fo'
lows ouicklv in sucn cases, as a
rule, but the doctor bail lon- be
lievetl that a dislocated or broken
neck coultl be set if the patient
could be reached before death
ensued from strangulation caused
by pressure upon the spinal cord.
Me therefore took the head of
the patient in his hands, moved it
delicatelv from side to side, and
ave it a strong pull. 1 here was a
sham snap, and sitriis of returninir
animation were at once apparent.
The patient was cared for assidu
ously and althoui; h .a piece ot tie
bone were broken from the casing
ol the spinal cord, he pulled
thro u nil the ordeal and within three
mouths was walking around ap
parently almost as sound as ever.
Only t wo cases o I this nal lire are tin
record and both were partial fail
ures.- Lincoln Journal.
llllC farmers paid oil more mort-
iai'es tinning" IVii than any previ
ous year of the country's history,
and the indications are that
will do still better in '!'.
Heigiit of Cruelty
Nervous women seldom rccive
the s-uipathy thej' deserve
While often the pictures ot health,
they are constantly ailing. To
with hold sympatic from these un-
fortuntes is the height of cruelty.
Ihevhavea week hearth. causiiir
shtirtneess of breath, llutteriiii.
pain 111 side, week and huii'rrv
swells, and liually swcllini of
ankles, spprcssion, chokint?, sniotli-
criii"f and dropsy. Dr. Miles Ncw
Heart Cure is just the Ihiiiof for
them. For their nervousness, head
ache, weekness, etc.. his Restorative
Nervine is uuetpialetl. J-'ine treatise
011" Heart and Nervous Diseases"
and marvelous testimonials free.
Sold and fuaranUed by. G. Frieke
.S: Co.
Travelers niav learn a lesson from
M r C. D. Cone, a prom iuen t sttoriu-3"
01 I .irker l.ii.ota. who says: "l
never leave home without taKnur a
ottle of Chamberlaiu's Ctilic CJiol-
cra aad diarrhea Remedy with me
and on many occasions have ran
with it tt) the relict o! some sutterer
and have never knywu it to fail.
For sale by F. it. Frieke oc Co. tlruir-
Getting Hidi l ast.
Two young men near L03 Angeles,
Cal., are rapidly making a fortune slay
ing coyotes. Last April they were not
worth fifty dollars, but now they hava
$3,700 to their ci-edit in bank and thej'
are adding about 150 a week to their
deposit. They have fifty traps set, and
with these and their rifles are rapidly
thinning out the coyotes in Los Angeles
and San Bernardino counties. At five
dollars a scalp there is more money in
hunting coyotes than in growing grain
or fmit, but the business will probably
come to an end when the next legisla
ture meets. The law which was passed
as a joko has proved to bo very costly
pastime. San Francisco Chronicle.
A Hussian Doctor.
A. Russian journ;:l reports an interest
ing case of a philanthropic physician.
Visiting the patients of his districts, the
doctor found that in many instances
their sickness was caused bj- hunger.
To the most needy ho prescribed ' sly
pounds of pure iye flour in doses of two
(..pounds a day." He ordered his patient
to get-tlwMiiedieine at the drug store of
the nearest village, where it would bo
issued free of charge every da v. Tha
?M,t,"1 made arrangements with
dn'l to supply the flour at his
expense, hi this way his patients will
he kept from starvation the whole
' wintiTT - - -
;urj; 7 : 10 1 Ti
..Vt liaiij;e In I.lectrlc I.i-Ikts at Sea.
, ; 'AiehiarUtibe .ciiange is said to ba
, alvnt, to, i jpace in the manner cf
giving the warning light to mariners. In
fcugiand electric lights exierimentall3'
.turned, ivcrtically toward the sky have
givffn.eriraditlinarj- results. The light
of the EddVstohe lighth6use can bo seen
172 miles h a clear night, buta vertical
beam of light of far less power is visible
twice as far and can surmount an ordi
nary fog. -Philadelphia' Ledger.
1 "' -a ";;(
The'post of (ineth's reporter" in par-
liauient is vacant; by the ' elevation of
uuu.ui.ii M-l. rl.lliv l .
J ''!' , ' ' " ' ' ' '. .'.,!' '
dn?.' Louis- recently a Irfrge buildin
"in of tlw bcjtf business Greets of the
cit was torir 'dowii ' simWy because it
-. Wis , tlw;Mht ,r. .'; hoodooed," -which p
.,,tioyr tittit".:p. nrc&itioMull has a-Strwig
uoia on some Dtopie. :: ;:: -.i-nm-.
Tb Hlilraitiniiut of llnrsea.
Doubtless it was the daily spectacle
of the of hurses which stimulated
Henry Bergh to thi great service which
has justly made his name renownel.
But the guilt of the abuse is not coiiiintt
to draymen and teamsters. The igno
ranee and iiulilTe reuce of wealth and
fashion to the treatment of horses am
quite as conspicuous, and for obviom
reasons much mere unpardonable.
The horse, which is one of the inosj
sensitive and delicate of animals, i.'
greatly to be commiserated as he ap
pears in the fashionable drive of Central
park, lie is treated as a part of th,o
fchow of the parade, and he is at the
mercy of the owner, who buys horses
net because ho likes them or knowt
anything about them, but because he
must have an equipage, and he aban
dons them the care of grooms and
coachmen, wiiose sole aim is to produce
a more "swell" effect than their rivals.
For a "stylish" effect the horse is robbed
of his natural ornament and defense,
and is checked and trussed and tortured
by a harness which encumbers his na
tural action and forces him into an arti
ficial "gait."
Human knowledge and skill directed
to an auxiliary animal like the horse
should aim to develop his natural apti
tudes. He should be treated as a hu
mane and skillful gardener treats a tree
in our modern landscape gardening, not
as a tree was maltreated by the false
and morbid taste of two centuries ago.
Such remarks do not apply to the lov
ers ot horses who care lor them with
sympathy and intelligence, who compre
hend their practical helplessness and
acknowledge their faithful service. Such
lovers permit in their stahles no "fash
ions" invented by ignorant and inhuman
grooms to produce "stylish action" to
impress similar ignorance and folly.
Harper's Weekly.
The I. illln Ghost.
"The Poplars" is the name of the old
Revolutionary homestead. It is a great,
square, white, stone house built in the
center of a thousand acres. The master
of it was childless. His little boy had
died a week before, and he had gone
away. u.very night a little hgure m
white with a light was seen flitting
from window to window hi the old
library. When the servants, led by the
gardener, assembled at the library door
the light and the figure would disap
pear noiselessly and simultaneously. The
light and figure were never seen in any
other room of the old mansion, and now
it was remembered that the dead heir
had spent more time in the library than
in ny other room in the house.
When t'ne master returned, toward
the hud of autumn, he was informed of
it all. lie hid behind the t.-'.nestrv nitrht
iflt-r night, and one night he was re
warded bv seeintr a little white fiirur
glide in, light a candle, climb up to one
of the highest shelves, take down a rare
old hook and beiriu to pore over it. Ii
was the gardener's son, and he is now
the lord of '"The Poplars." and the no
blest landlord in "the west of England.
New York Herald.
1 Jt'tclier's First Homo.
One room served for entrance into the
house, for parlor, stnd3 and bedroom; the
otiier to the dining and workroom, writes
Mrs. Henrj Ward Beecher in describing
the first home which she and Mr. Beecher
had years ago in the west. The bed
room was so small that I was obliged to
make the bed 0:1 one side first, then go
out on the veranda, raise a window
reach in and make the bed on the other
side. Xot such verj' troublesome work
after all, when one gets accustomed to
it. The little kitchen, partitioned off
from the veranda, was just large enough
to allow a passage between the cooking
table and the stove into the dining room
without burning my dress, and my
table was onljT diviJod from Mr. Beech-
er's study table h ;ho partition.
For nearH- seven -,ears this was our
home a home full of cares and no lux
uries, but a very happj- home for many
reasons the happiest we ever knew, for
we were less separated there. In Brook
lyn, in later years, Mr. Eeecher's public
duties natural!' drew him more away
from the family circle, but in those days
m the west I had him almost entirely to
myself. Ladies' Home Journal.
Tlirillinjj Adventure of a Miner.
John Clarksou tells an interesting
story of how he came near being de
voured bj- a large army of rats in the
Baker coal bank. It was his custom to
cook his meal in the coal bank at din
ner time. One day as he was sitting be
fore a fire boiling his meat he was star
tied to hear the noise made bj- running
rats. The odor of the cooking meat per
meated the bank, attracted the attention
of the rodents and they came tripping
along to the fire at a lively rate.
John says he thought the "old bob"
was after him. In a little while there
mast have been fully 500 rats gathered
about him and his heart was in his
month. lie threw them a piece of the
meat, and while they fought for it he
! 1 X- T 1 1 1 . - .
stoie away. iew iasuon irainoi,.
Set Upon by the Gang.
One of the Italian exhibitors of per
forming birds lost a green parrakeet out
of his cage the other afternoon on Park
street. The bird flew up into an elm
and chattered at the distracted Italian.
"Seenj-ore, seenj-ore, climba ze tree," he
cried. But no one in the big crowd vol
unteered to "climba ze tree." It was
the English sparrow that finally settled
the business both for the parrakeet and
the Italian. -A solitary English sparrow
spied the green bird, and set up a loud
"cheep." In three minutes' time fifty
sparrows were inobbing the parrakeet.
He took wing with the noisy pack in hot
.pursuit. Boston News.
A Happy Family.
i;:A' happy family dwells in an engine
house in Madison. Ind., and the antics
of the members afford amusement to the
fire company. The familj is composed
'ofa'codn, a cat, a pair of rabbits, two
whi'te'mice and a shepherd dog. They
ntfcmfji -'the same apartment, sport to-
fr7!i the same vessel.
1 ansee uiat.e.
8t-rtllng Facts.
The Am-people are rapidly
bet-ouTin a rase of nervous wreckH
ami the following suggests, the
best remedy: alphouso i I u mpf 1 ing-,
of IJutler, 1 Vim, swears that when
his son was spechless from st. Vitus
Dance Dr Miles jjTcat Restorative
Nerving" cured him. Mrs. J. I,.
Miller of Valprai and. J. D. Taolnr.
of Logan sport, Ind each gfaincd 20
pounds if an taking; it. Mrs. II. A.
(lartlner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 tt) HO convulsions easy and
much aeatlach, diz.tiess, boekach
and nervous prostiation by one
bottle. Trial bottle ami line hock of
Nervous cures free at F. . I'Vicke, .t
Co., who recouiciitls this unequalled
remedy. 4
As well as the handsomest and
others are invited to call on any
druggist and g"et free a trial bottle
of Kemp's Hasam for the Throat
and'I. uiigs, a remedy that is selling
entirely upon 'its merits and is
guaranteed to relieve ami cure all
chronic and acute coughs, asthma
bronchitis and consumption. Large
bottles ."0e and .fl.
Pronouneerl H&peles-s, Yet P. v-i .
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada
K. 1 1 11 rd of (j rot 011, S. I)., we 1 1 in te:
"Was taken with a bad cohl, which
settled on 1113' Iuiilts, cou;h set in
and finally terminated in consump
tion. Four doctors rave me up sa3'
injjf I could live but a short time. I
irave iii3'sel f up to 1113- Saviour, de
termined if 1 could not sta3' with
1113' friends on earth, I would meet
1113' absent ones .above. My hus
band was advised to gt-1 Dr. Kind's
New Discovci'3' for consumption
conirhs and colds. I ;ivc it a trial
took in all eih i bo 1 1 les; i t has eti red
me and thank (Iol I am now a well
and hearty woman." Trial bottles
free at F. (1. Frieke V Co.'s drug
store, reg'ulwr size, T0c. and Jfl.l,).
Some Fooiili People
allow a cough to run until it gets
bt'3'ontl the reach of metlicim
They say, "Oh, it will wear away,
but in most cases it wears Ihcm
away. Could thc3' be induced I j
tr3' the succesful Kemp's Balsam,
winch is sold on a positive iuar
aniee 10 cure, tiu'3' wouiu see tne
excellent clfcct after taking- the first
thies. Price. Oc and if I. frail si.c
free. xt all druyfjrists.
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent no
tices of rich, pretty and educated
girls eloping with negroes, tramps
and coachmen. Hie well-known
specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, sa3'S
all such girls arc more or less I13 S-
tcrical, nervous, very impulsive, un
balanced; usually subject to nead-:
acne, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im
moderate ci'3 ing or la ugh in o-. These
show a weak, nervous system for
which there is no reined equal to
Kestorativc Aervme. 1 rial bottles
and a fine hook, containing many
marvelous cures, free at F. G. Frieke
iV Co's.. who also sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart
Cure, the finest of heart tonics. Cures
lluttering,hort breath, etc.
Good Looks,
uoou iooks are more than -iiiL
tleep. tleqending upon a healthy
condition of all the vital organs
If the Liver be inactive' 3011 have
a Bilious Look, if your stomach
be affected 3011 have a Dspeptic
Look and if hour Kidneys be effected
3ov will have a Pinched Look. Se
curs good health and you will have
good looks, Fvlectric Bitters is the
great alterctive and Tonic act
directH' on those vital organs
Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils and
gives a good complexion. Sold at
F. G. Frieke & Co's Drugstore, 50c
per bottle:
I used Fvfy's Cream Balm for dr3
catarrli. It proved a cure. IS. t. M.
Weeks, Denver.
El3''s Cream Balm is especiall3'
adapted as a remeby for catarrli
which is aggrtivated by alkaline
dust and dry winds. Wr. A. Hover,
Druggist, Denver.
lean recommend El's Cream Hal
to all sufferers from dry catarrh
from personal experience. Michael
Herr, Pharmacist, Denver.
Ll's Cream Halm has cured i
man' cases of catarrli. It is in con
stant demand. Geo. W. Hoot
Pharmacist, Cheyenne, W3.
Are j'Oti made miserable by indi
gestion, constipation, dizziness,
loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shi-
loirs Vitalizer is a positive cure.
For sale by F. G. Frieke & Co.
Th e Entire Stock of
Boloiifrintr to A. Bach will be sold
regardless of cost to sat
isfj mortgagees
Never fails to (rive instant relief in the worst
caaea, and elferta cures where other full.
Trial raekwra FKEE f Dnil.ta or kv HalL,
Homo Maeazlne ami IIkkai.u $1 n
1 oU(li) libuU mnl llKloilt 2 4-
ll.trpcr'H Man7. hp rtint IImiai n 4 v
lhirp r'.i :tnl IIkii.i ... in
llai p r'- Wfck ly anil ikkai.h 4 h
Iowa statu K'Hister and IImcai.i, i 0
Wi-slrrn Itural ami Hkiiai.ii
'I lie Koruni and IIkkai.ii t, r.u
tilolic Pcinocrat and Hkkai.O '.'in
lutfr Pcfan ami Hkiiai.ii 2
Cor Main ami Fifth stn-m.
)ilil 111, capital vi Dm
lurpluii 25 oof
0. 11. Tarnt lo I'resiiltMil
frfd ;orler Vice rrfsnleid
1. M. ratti'ion 4'a.shcii
I M. raUtTson, AhsI ('anlilt
J. 11. I'anvelp. .1.
1, It smith It. 1!
r. M . raltcison
M. ratterson, Frn llordci
. iiKin.tni. is. s. liaiiiey ai
u'Countt solie tck. 1-i'ercst allowed ori tiiio
leposjtH and prompt aitcid 'oiiifivcii to all lni
'ness entrtuUni to its c:tre.
217. 2l!, 221 and 2-':i Mniu St.,
Plattsmouth - JVebraska
H. M B0NS. Proprietor.
'I he Perkins htiP hi;en thorough!;
renovated from top tc u. n. '
aow one of t!u: Ik'sI hotels in the tat
lio-irders will he
takee liv the week !
f 1.50 and up.
300D BAH
M- I.'!.nl:ir l.iir I .t .h-
ilroatlwuy, cl Vrk. WnU' t..r L.,k ul prulvl llCC
Prollliill a laxi:.T:u:t pniwill.
. Hcvct Fiiils to Jti-iftoro Gray
Curs Bralj) li,an s ,v heir laiuiij
nml ,l.'lf( I )ni'"1
i'i'.rkcr'S (tllUier Tonifi. Jt crrrs t fit; V.tirsl 4'.iiL'h.
WffV Jjuug, JMtilitv. I'ltlitrc-stion, I'aiii. 'i'uke in time. .Mf eld.
W;i5ctli?CQ2vlfcJ. T,e onv sun nitrfor r.irr:-
bUi. uUi'Cl:u 10c at iru'ryiitj!, or JI1.SCOX St CO., Si. Y.
G K A T K V I COM F( ) R T I N G
l!v a t'loroii-'h knowli'dw of Hie n'oral
laws whir l itmc rn (he imi" ;n it' s of ii ;." st:on
and initrit ion. and hv t rairf.i! :.!;; Ii ,'.t:-i;i of
the finr proiirrtiof! of well .sHeeted Coroa. Mr.
Kpps tins provide.) our ln I a -if tahlc with a
(ielica'civ fi 'Voir.l hcvcrai,-,.- wiiirli may .- ivr
ns many heavy doctor lulls. If i !v.lh" judie
ious use of xncti artlelf of ii"t Met a -
-1 r (it i 1 1 may lr yi .dually imil' 111. until stronu'
entiimli to resist ev. : - i -fenry to disease,
HutiilredH cf su!:i- . i. .lies 'are float i n ii
around us read v to arratK wh"r- er here is a
vet-k point. We niav esrane inanv a fatal
shaft by keeping ourselven weil lorrified with
pure blool and a lironeriv nourished frmne."
Civil Service Gazette. simol v with
hoilinj' water or milk. Sold imlv in iialf-ooniKi
tirifi, by eroreries. labelled thur:
.1 AMEs Kfl'S DO., Iloniu oriatlifr Chemist
.London. r.UKland
How Lost Z How Regained !
Or SELF.PRESERVATION. A new and only
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cilt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00
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or the Press and voluntai
testimonials of the cuj
Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat
TAIN ri'liK. ArirlreBB lr. W If
The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bullinuh St.,
Boston, Man.
I he 1 eabodv Medical Institute has manv imi
tators, but no equal. erald.
1 ne (science 01 lile, or tjelf lreservation. 19 a
treasure more valuuble than t'old. Kead it now,
every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to
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nr.; i'apff.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
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This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
Ail druggists and dealers have it.
l'alronage tf the Public Solicited.
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North Sixth Str eet, Plattsmouth.
I'-iid ii) capilal
S'll plUH
.f.Kl.dl 10,00
. 10,IHK).0U
rs the vry bi-t f:tcllltli"t for tli proinp
tniiiraction til liK'liiiiate
iSanking' JBusinoss"
Stock, linndM, irolil. liovi-rni'ieiit imd local hb
:11m if l)Oii;;lit Mid siilil. DfpoHits rei'itlveil
.llil UlttTi'Nt ullout'll i lllf WltlllCKl!'
irafts drawn, ;iv:iilal'le In any part ol the
fnitt'd Slate- mid all the rii"iial l-wni of
Uiiihi-st iiif.rliet l'l-i- for Coiinty
rants, KtaJ Hiiit t'oimly hondu.
John Kltzi;ra!d I. IlawkHwortll
.Sam Wauxli. K. K. White
Uetire V- Dovey
lohn Kitzirt-rahl. . WaiiKh.
1'reHidf nt ' Cael tet.
Keen all kinds of Imilili-ri hardwarn 01 hand
auu wui rnppiy I'onii ai.'loiM ou inohi lav
orahle tfi-rs
and Kinds of tin v.orU j roni'dly
iii'doiH Ir in Urn toiiniry Solicited.
;.ll St.
l'LA'll MWOU i U, NKH.
jBpltal stock paid In 50- 0 0
Authorized Capital, ICO.OOO.
.'KANK CAU.'tl.-Tn. .OS. A, CwN'Mt!,
President. Vica-PrMtdent
KraaK ('arruth J. A. Connor, F. K. tiutbmariD
). W. John?on, Jlenry luck, John O'Ksefe
W. I). M'-rri;im. V.'rn. Wetencariip, W. .
If. CuRliinp.
iues certiflcates of deptlts bfiariiu: Interest
Buys jind sflle "xrli;u;,re. county and
C ) V N r V - S IT It V K Villi
AU orders left with the county clerk will be
promptly attended to.
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska
Th- only SHfc, Pcrr, an1 r&UtW P!iJ fr.r rJ. VVv
OHIC-it'STCH CnCUlCSI. Co., .:'iJ,n qsare