The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 04, 1892, Image 3

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lkttlr iikads
HILL IIKADS, --------
or in met .1113
Qtiqi'qqlGG Sqjisfqct'ioiL
IFyou wish to succeed in
the public know your prices.
chant who offers them 'the best
(rade wonderfully. Try it.
As the most important Campaign for
years is Coming upon us every Farmer should
! .De provided witn a gooa live newspaper ma.
V.ill kfien them Dosted
. r
iiuuo iL nit; ua y jl a j. it
Republican paper and
tyour name on our list.
1 -
See our Clubbing list
-rs rmblished.
BOl Cor Fifth and Vine St.
- A Full and Complete line of
f:Drugs? Medicines,
prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour.
Everything to Furnish Your House.
ivin- uurchased the J. V. Weckbach store room on south
- n-horo 1 -im nnw
.X&lll DUCwb niiviv -- " ' '
r than the cheapest having just put in the largest stocK
Vf new o-oods ever brought to
f all kinds sold
flilvi A .
f I.
1 .
UUXJ 1 A. 1X XJ a
tiling in the
your business, advertise
People like to trade with
it and
inducements. It might help
you 1
on all important crue?-
j. j. j 1. o uuni 1 c
would be glad to put
-f V 1 rx T "
niy i.ou a year.
with the leading pa-
Paints, and Oils.
loc.'iTPd can sen troous encan
the cit y. Gasoline stoves
on the installment plan.
Dewy and fragrant wait tho twilight falling
Ulon the wido awrap of tho Arrive plain.
Uut, fruni the olc;iinlcr co'mmm c:illiu.
No nlnht bird voiced Us immemorial pain
Vet, clear and sweet, harmonious and win
ning Hiir lutermiiiKlintf with melodious bar
The tireless teltix with its violining
Killed all the uumluwu bilence near and far.
And we, who loved the blithe noteof the cricket
Kcbi'le the hearth when autuoia days war
Hearing this homelike sound from mead and
Felt iu our hearts a kinship for the Greek.
Clinton Scollard in Lipplncott's.
ftlad He Had Keen ItlufTed.
It's essentially a story of Chicago.
A ratlier shabby looking man walked
into the oflice and took a chair beside the
big desk.
"I'm a little hard op," he said, "and if
yon could let me have .f 100 for a short
time I think it would tide me over."
The man behind the desk looked at his
caller ami became reminiscent.
"Why, I haven't seen you for years,"
he said. "Let me see! You used to call
down at my farm in the old days when I
was located near Forty-first street."
"Yes," sai'l the caller; "I drove down
there one day with a party of friends and
filled up with some of your cherry
"I remember it perfectly," said the man
behind the desk. "After you had taken
u little of it you wanted to buy the farm."
"And you wanted $2,000 for it," said
the caller.
"And you agreed to take it," added the
man behind the desk.
"I did," admitted the caller, "and you
came to my oflice the next da'."
"Yes, and you swore you wouldn't take
it as a gift."
"And yon declared j-ou had witnesses
to my agreement to buy."
"But you bluffed me off."
"I did," admitted the caller.
"Well," said the man behind the desk,
"I don't mind paying you $200 for bluff
ing me off. The farm has made me rich."
Chicago Tribune.
Men Who Wear Smull IlalH.
1 never saw an earnest worker, or a
man who had real and serious duties to
perform, who wore a hat too small for
ilany great 'lawyers and statesmen,
cranky but shrewd speculators, popular
preachers, and history making generals
and editors wear hats too large for them
sometimes so large that they act as ex
tinguishers and are stopped in their
downward course only by the projection
of the ears; but I never saw one who
wore a hat too small, perched upon the
top of his head, Indeed, I might assert
'is a positive and invariable fact that,
save? in cases of dire necessity, such as
shipwrecks or utter and hopeless poverty,
the man who wears a hat too small for
him is a silly, frivolous, conceited crea
ture, with no serious ideas on any sub
ject, and only the most flippant and shal
low views of life and its obligations.
Even among tramps and vagabonds, the
fellow with the "dinky" derby balanced
npon his mop of unkempt hair, is the
most hopeless wreck among his class;
while there is always a gleam of intelli
gence, a spark of hope, in the tramp
whose hat is too large for him. Kate
Field's Washington.
Never Heard of Him.
Telegraphers' stories are unique some
times, and they do not hesitate to. tell
them to one another. It is said that the
operators in New Haven, having always
lived there, seldom hear of anything be
yond the limits of the city and their oper
ating rooms. The fact waa illustrated
recently when an operator in New York
remarked to the man he was working
with in New Haven that Parnell had
just died.
"Who?" was the inquiry.
"Parnell," was the reply.
After a short interval, during which,
it is supposed, the New Haven operator
was in conference with somebody, this
message was sent: "If you mean P. T.
Barnum, we heard that long ago, but no
one knows who Parnell is." Telegraph
New Alloys.
Two new alloys for making boring and
ntting tools have been invented in Eng-
and. The metal equals steel in hardness
md temper, and does not lose its temper
ivhen heated by friction. The alloys con
sist of pig iron, ferro-manganese, chromi
um and tungsten in proper proportions,
melted together in crucibles under stick
charcoal and calcined borax. This com
pound is then remelted with bar iron and
proportions of nickel, copper and alumin
ium are added. It is then cast in sand
molds. New York Times.
Stage, Coach Dreams.
Losses are presaged by a dream of rid
ing in a stage coach. If you run after
one you will be out of employment for a
long season. To see one pass will rid
you or troublesome mends, if you are
in a stage coach and it turns over with
out injuring yon, you will be lucky in
your speculations, but if you dream that
yoa are killed by the fall you must ex
pect misfortunes. New York Herald.
The Matching Habit.
A woman brought a small sugar coated
pill into a South End drugstore the other
evening and wanted a box of pills just
like them, under the impression that
matching pills was as simple a matter as
matching ribbons. Springfield Home
In appearance the ordinary truffle is
about the size of a walnut, with a
rough, ' brown, . warty surface! closely
akin to the potato, which it likewise re
sembles in consistency, though not in
The largest building that ever was
erected was the ' machine gallery at the
Paris exhibition, which was exactly a
quarter of a mile in length, with a span
of 360 feet.
Pope never could compose well with
out first declaming for some time at the
Itop of his voice, and th us rousing his
J nervous system to its fullest activity.
An Iuvltble Conflict rend lag-.
Today, as yesterday, as tomorrow, and
as for a long time to come-, the situation
of France and Germany forms the great
subject of anxiety which is imposed
upon the meditation of all European
statesmen. At no other point is it fore
seen that war can break out. Russia has
great ambitions and Italy has strong de
sires, but Russia is for years doomed
merely to cherish ambitions, for she can
not realize them single handed, and it
does not depend npon her to provoke a
general war, which would be one result
of her combined action with France;
while as for Italy, she will never venture
to jflve the signal of war, for if she did
she would be left to herself and would
be speedily crushed. It could be solely
an the result of a general war that Italy
coald obtain her share, and in the pres
ent F4tte of her alliances she could take
that share only from France, so that a
general war alone could procure it for
her, inasmuch as, if she were left single
handed, she would not be able to over
come France.
Neither Austria nor England dreams
of war. It is therefore still, as tventj
years ago, France and Germany who
could occasion war; because, whatever
may be alleged, whatever may be pro
claimed or whatever may be concealed,
these two nations desire war war, first
l "r its own sake, and next for the rest;
Hi. I if, in order to have done with this
everlasting Franco-German nightmare,
Europe could now promise to fold her
arms, and afterward to intervene merely
as arbiter, war would break out to-morrow
between France and Germany, for
the fatality of war haunts and overrides
both nations. De Iilowitz in Harper'a
J're-evolu tioimry Errors.
Most of the shortcomings of the old
method of historical writing resulted
from the fact that the world was looked
nt from a statical point of view, or as if a
picture of the world were a series of de
tached pictures of things at rest. The
human race and its terrestrial habitat
were tacitly assumed to have been al
ways very much the same as at present.
)ne Tge was treated much like another,
and when comparisons were made it was
after a manner as different from the
modern comparative method as alchemy
was different from chemistry.
As men's studies had not yet been
turned in such a direction as to enable
them to appreciate the immensity of
the results that are wrought by the
cumulative action of minute causes,
they were disposed to attach too much
importance to the catastrophic and mar
velous; and the agency of powerful in
dividuals which upon any sound theory
must be regarded as of great importance
they not only magnified unduly but
rendered it unintelligible when they
Bought to transform human heroes into
It thus appears that the way in whicb !
our forefathers treated history was part
and parcel of the way in which they re
garded the world. Whether in history
or iu the physical sciences, they found
themselves confronted by a seemingly
chaotic mass of facts with which they
could deal only in a vague and groping
manner and in small detached groups.
Professor John Fiske in Popular Scienc
"Oclooa Boiled In Molasses."
George Washington, while attending
a swell reception at Newport, noticed
that the daughter of hi3 host. Miss
Ellery, was suffering from a severe sore
throat and could not speak above . a
whisper: General Washington, observ
ing this embarrassment of his youthf ul
hostess, said to her:
"Miss Ellery, you seem to be suffering
very much; what is the matter?"
Miss Ellery told him the cause of her
trouble, upon which the general said to
"I suffer very frequently from a sore
throat and take a remedy which I find
very useful, and which I would recom
mend to j'ou were I not sure you would
not take it."
"But I am sure," replied Miss Ellery,
that I would take any remedy that
General Washington would propose."
"Well, then," said the general, "it is
this onions boiled in molasses. It has
cured me often."
Miss Ellery took the remedy and, of
course, was cured. Exchange.
Some Rare Old China Pitchers.
The naval battles and heroes of the
tvar of 1S12 furnished many subjects for
use in decorating pitchers, and some
bear inscriptions far from flattering to
English vanity. With the portraits of
Perry are the words of his famous dis
patch, "We have met the enemy and
they are ours." With Lawrence, his
dying words, "Don't give up the ship."
With the likeness of Decatur, who cap
tured the Macedonian, "Free Trade,
Sailors' Rights."
Then quickly met oar nation's eyes
The noblest sight in nature.
A first class frigate aa a prize
Brought back by brave Decatur.
With Commodore Bainbride, of the
Constitution (Old Ironsides), are his
words, "Avast, boys, she's struck." The
old ballad says:
On Brazil's coast she ruled the roast
When Bainbridge was her captain
Neat hammocks gave, made of the wave.
Dead Britons to be wrapped in.
Alice Morse Earle in Scribner's
Queen Mary's Lapdog.
Mary Queen of Scots had a favorite
lapdog, which is said to have been present
at the execution of its poor mistress in
Fothenngay castle. After, the royal
lady had been beheaded the faithful
creature refused to leave her dead body
and had to be carried out of the hall by
force. At that period lapdogs were the
pets of men as well as of women. Dr.
Boleyn, a relation of the unhappy Queen
Anne Boleyn, owned one "which," as it
is written,, "he doted on." Anne once
asked him to grant her one wish and in
return he should have whatever he might
desire. Knowing his affection for the
dog, she begged it of him and of course
the doctor had nothing to do but to give
it to her. "And now, madam " he 6aid,
"you promised to grant my request."
I will," quoth the quen. "Then,
pray you, givt me my dog again. Exchange.
Earing jail breaking.
An Almost Superhuman Display of
tenuity i:xer'ined by a Convict to Orl
Out of Priaon Working a Few Mlnulff
at a Time for Over Two Veuri.
A pection of iron bar was cut from the
cell door of Dave Paddock by that n
doubtable knight of the dark lantern
and "jimmy" on the occasion of his sen
sational escape from Joliet. For ovi r
two years Paddock has schemed an 1
worked to effect his purjx8e. Ilewm
sent up from Hock Island on an eight
year term, and was placed at work vi
one of the shoeshops, where durit
eyery minute of the working hours in
the shop he was constantly under t; .i
watchful eye of his keeper. There w.-is
not the least chance to plan an escape
from the shop. But, not daunted at
this, he determined to find some meana
of getting out of his cell at night.
To fully appreciate the difficulty c:f
cutting out of a cell it must be reim-iu-bered
that three times every hour during
the night, at irregular intervals, a guard
wearing padded slippers called "hii.-.i
shoes" by the convicts makes his rounds,
peering into each cell to make sure that
all are secure and in bed. Paddock (irst
appropriated a couple of thin bladed shoe
knives from his shop, aud, concealing
them from the guard, took them to hi.i
cell, where, by using one as a file, h
converted the other into a fine steel saw.
Then by slow degrees he collected a large
amount of shoe thread from the saire
shop, with which he braided the rope.
All this required months of stealthful
work, but in the course of time he had a
slender, strong rope, fully fifty feet iti
length. This he kept carefully hidden in
the mattress of his bed.
Next he began sawing the bars on hit
door a little at a time. Night after night
ne watched for the passing of the guard,
and as soon as that official was beyond
hearing distance he would cut a little
and then fill up the space with black
wax, which he had also obtained from
the shoeshop, so that the prying eyes of
the guard could not discover by daylight
that the door had been tampered with.
When the bar had been cut through he
carefully wedged it back into place with
small iron staples and bits of lead.
He could now get outside of his cell,
but the hardest work was j-et to be done.
His cell was located high up on th
third tier, some sixty feet away from
the tower door through which he hoped
to make his way. Watching his chance,
when the night guard was on the op
posite side of the block of cells, he re
moved the bar from his door, crawled
through the opening, and with all the
agility of a cat climbed down the railing
from tier to tier, ran across the corridor
to the tower door, and, with a piece of
shoemaker's wax, took an impression of
the lock, regaining his cell before the
guard appeared on that side of the cell
house. By careful working he made a key out
of lead pipe that a plumber had dropped
near his workbench in the shop. Sev
eral trips from his cell to the tower door
were made during the next few weekt
before his key would fit, and then it
took him some time to get togethe:
enough material to make a "dummy" to
put in his bed to prevent his absence
being discovered before he could get be
yond reach. On the very day that he
intended to make his escape, while re
turning from the shop to his cell, he
slipped upon an icy stairway and badly
sprained his ankle. This almost dis
couraged him. His months of anxious
toil had come to naught. His scheme
would surely be discovered. After three
weeks in the prison hospital he was sent
back to work, and wrhen he reached his
cell that evening was overjoyed to find
that his rope, key and "dummy" were
still safely concealed in the mattress,
and everything as he had left it.
Another week elapsed before his ankle
would permit his making the attempt.
The night came, however, and along
about midnight he was safe inside the
tower. A single iron bar still stood le
tween him tind freedom, and it would
take long hours of hard work to cut
through it. Just as daylight began to
break the bar gave way. The rope now
came into good use, and with its aid he
slipped down upon the prison lawn and
hurried away to the wood3 that line the
bluffs east of the prison. Here he found
a thicket or underbrush where he lay
hid all that day, and when darkness
came again he got away.
His absence was not discovered from
prison until the guard went to unlock
his cell in the morning. This was with
out doubt the cleverest escape that had
taken place at Joliet, and stamped Pad
dock as a genius. Extraordinary efforts
were made for his recapture. Large
rewards were offered, and his descrip
tion was cast broadcast. A year later it
was discovered that Paddock had a mis
tress in Chicago. A watch was set on
her house for several weeks, and sure
enough one night Paddock put in an ap
pearance. Captain Simon O'Donnell, of
the police department, had the place
surrounded and the daring convict was
again in the toils. : He was taken back
to his old quarters at the prison, where
he finally completed his sentence, not,
however, until he had tried several other
schemes for escape, but he was too
closely watched to ever again succeed.
Joliet (Uls.) Letter.
Use, for an Old Fashioned Caster., ,
If you happen to have among the fam
ily silver an old. fashioned caster, don't
frown at it uncompromisingly and won
der if it "can't be melted . np into some
thing useful." Take it down from ita
out of the way nook and unscrew the
long handle which holds the cruet frame.
This will leave when taken out as hand
some a table jardiniere for ferns and
flowers as your soul can desire, with the
trifling addition of a tin basin, which
any tinsmith will fit inside. New York
A National E vent.
The holding of the World Knir
iu ;i city nciirtcly fifty yearn old
will li ji rt'inai kaldtr cvrnt, hut
whether it will really hrnclit this
nation a much as the litcovrry of
the Restorative Nervine hy lr.
Fnmkliu Milcw is!ouhtful. ThiH in
jiiHt what the American people neel
to cure their ext ensive iici'Vou.-iienH,
dyspepsia, headache, li..inesrt,
slccplessiies, neuralgia, nervous Ie
hility. dullness, confusion of mind,
etc. It acts like a charm. Trial
hottle and line hook on "Ncrvcim
and Heart Diseases," with unr
(iialel testimonials free at 1". G
f'ricke A Co. Jt is warranted to run
tain no opium, morphine or danger
out) drills. 1
IC. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis.,
a prominent dealer iu j;eneial
merchandise, and who runs several
peddl hit; wayons, had one of hit,
hors.vs hadly cut and hill neil with .
lariat. The wound refused to heal.
The horse heeame lame and still
iiowwithstandin.! careful attention
and the application of remedies. A
friend handed Sawyer some of
Haller's J 5ai h Wire l.iuement, the
most wonderful tiling ever saw to
heal .-uch wounds. lie applied it
only three times and tin sore wan
completed healed. Ivpially jood
for all sors, cuts, hruses, and
wounds. For sale hy all drujiat
The volumes of the Magazine he
;in with the Numhers for June and
Deccinhcr of each year. When no
lime is specified, su hscript ions will
hein with the Nuuiher current at
the time of receipt of order. Hound
Volumes of Harper's Magazine for
three 3 ears hack, in neat cloth hintl
in will he sent hy 1 n; i I, post - pa id,
on receipt of .f.'t.M) per volume.
Cloth cases for hindin, HI) cent."
each hy mail post paid.
iles Nervo and tLlver Pills.
Act 011 a new principle- rculat-in-
the liver, stomrch and howels
through the nervs. A new discovery.
Dr. Miles' I'ills speedily cure hilioii
sness had taste, torpid liver, piles
aonstipat ion. I !ncpialcd for men
women, children, smallest, inidcst
surest! HO doses, J."c. Samples
free at K G. p'ricke & Co's.
'The foremost of our periodicals."
' t
yi&Shiri hS A sample conv will
IShistraicd prospec
tus wilt be sent I01
2 S ronlt
The Fom-M is tlio mort instructive
the most timely, thn lnrg""t ami
the handsomest, of thw rvfwn.
The three rcat groups of sub
jects out of the coming' year will be
impartial' and instructively dis
cussed by the ablet' t writers;
I. Political subjects growiu out of
the tp-esidential campaign.
II- Financial disturbance
here and abroad.
III. Theologicai unrest
with all the social questions sug
gested by these groups of great top
There is no other way whereby
one may get the ripest information
about the great problems of the
time within so narrow a compass
or for so small a sum short studies
of great subjects by more than linn
dred of the foremost men and wom
en of the world; because there is
only one American periodical for
w hich all the great leaders of opin
ion and of thought write, and that
is The Fokuji.
The December number for exam
ple contains: Degredation by Pen
sion The Protest of Loyal Volun
teers, by lieutenant Allen K. Koote
Founderer of the Society of Loj-el
Volunteers; The Cleaning of the
Democratic VictorA- in Massachu
setts, by Gov. Win. K. Russell;
French feeling toward Germany;
.Another Conflict about Jlsace- J.o
raine Inevitable, by Cammille Pel
letan, member of the French Cham
ber of Deputies; Should the Silver
Law of 1S!X) be repealed? by Jacob
H. Schiff one of the most successful
and in New York; Is Modern Kdu
cation a Failure? b' Fredrick Har
rison, the great Knglish essayists
Unregulated Competition self-destructive,
by Aldace F. Walker,
Chairman of the Western Traffic
Association: Women's Clubs, the
Volume and the Valud of their
Work, by Alice II. Rhine; A Day
With Lord Tennison. by Sir Wil
liam Arnold. And five other arti
cles. f There are now in progress discus
sions of our pension system; Prison
Management; The Training of
Teachers; The Louisianna Lottery
The next Step in the Tariff Agita
tion; Are Modern Educational Mat
ters a failure?
50c a copy. $0 a year.
THE FORUM, Union Square, X. Y
fay bujt blnk van pl ! 1tii
aa Tieoaaui la all 1
nffarlsc from MIlVOTTi DE
BILITY. Imi r rtlUac BUa
Boo, rkraical Einum, ifaatal
Worry, BtBBtod DaTlomat, or
Mtm4 to PRFECT BZALTR aaa.
u Brld aad rawer of BaUoms.
claim by year of practice bjr ,
exclusive mpthoiii a uniform
Inir all maaaaaa, Weakaaaaaa and
AAletloaa of M aa. Testimonials
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5 yz
If H 11 I I "
fllltt HrW BO ft bT rr.Ba!
UUH HtH DUUp paid. fora fimltod tim-. Sit
It whil 70a caa. Fan Bzplaaatloaa for EOK B TKEaT
KEBT. Toa caa b FULLY EUIOEES aa Taaaaaada
tta baaa by aa. Read our taatimoalal . Ad dr.aa at oac