The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 31, 1891, Image 4

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J: M
jtf;r-ira. fane ribbons t'l" nd qtiitlt
' Uit o( lit- I:u-liH"i cmie aliapt- hats
, -Unw ai.d ! I. Tii ii.-te a iui!
hue ill baby h'Knl- Biii 111 or
d"f l.i cW.v nlil slm-k out have re
duivu tlitstr nrsw sailor Male to 40 and to
" 75 ce ti irlmuied,
Itoa rr fllJI StOll of
'flour and feed,
.' ' Corn, Bran, Shorts OatH and Haled
liay fr sale hh low an the lowest
.and delivered tu any part of the
" . . city.
. Plattetuouth, Nebraska.
' f laANlFACTl'KI or AKD
' ' . V always in stock
' Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
The re are thousands of young lad lit. sewine
fftrls. arbool;teaclieri, cleiVs, ric alio r ektnx
vul rfi rkUImii: t,ii a Salary bMciy sumtKrut
to supply their eyrry dy wanta.
Hy nunoli-tiiiir course In abort hani and
by miUlii'igUirj cueun from 140 to SI50 per
hiMiaMnns Fieralleed toenmpetentitudetiu
I nam num insiiuriioB, lit typewriters. -
Kmmii orer Mayers Store.
- F. II. ELLEN HA I'M, Prop.
The bent of freeh meat always found
in thin market. Also fresh
Egga and Butter.
Wild game of all kind kept in their
sea Hon.
Meat xvxizi
Bridge work tnd fine gold work a
DR. flTPIN KV9 LOrALMweil M other an-
aUincKlvei lot Hi louulesseiUaolloD oC
a A, MARSHALL, Fitzgerald Bloc''
Lumber Yard
h. i mum & son
Shingle, Lath, SashJ
Doors, Blind
CiiO supply evurw demand of the city,
Call ami pet ternn. Fourth itreet
in rear of opera bou.
, ....
, ".udoi. tovrta inoved
"."t'oniia, " o liurriod afruin
v Tiine the ii,..' of serera! t liil
ttrcn and is now di a(L Rwcritlv Mrn.
Wash Roberts concluded she would send
some of tht'se preserves to tlito child ren,
and also to (five some to hor friends, the
Oravcscs. Tho preserves ara in fir4
cLiw condition, c exctiilcnfr flavor, and
would no doubt keep tinother quarter of
century. Wash Itolierts has been for
any vuum a Tviniiluf eitizn of H'?eht-
port, wUiln .faek Uay w oniewbero in
the state of Vahingtuu. Fayette (ilo.)
fiavati Slauuhtcrlny Drtir.
Game Warden Taylor came in roeently
from tho lower country, wbvre he hits
been kept busy driving the Indians out
of that section, ilr. Taylor rejHjrta that
the Ltcs have been playing Riut havoe
with the frame, slaughtering wherever
they could. Ho was very indignant
over it, and from his version of the mat
ter he bua k1 reasou to be. lie states
that from the Iron springs divide to Yel
low creek it is impossible to travel
hundred yanls without finding the bod
ies of dw r lying around, and in most
cases nothing but the hides and brains
have been taken, the brains being used
by the Indians in the process of tanning.
On Blue mountain and in the Lilly park
sections the rotting carcasses can be
seen, while on Snake river they are so
thick as to absolutely pouton tho air.
V arden Taylor estimates that since
the deer began to travel down the Utes
:-l between 5,0X) and 6,(X0 of
them, and what makes matters worse
the major portion of them sre does and
fawns, the bucks alwa;. - remaining in
the upper country till later in the fall-
Denver bun.
Tha HlKit Uallwar In Europe.
The Ijiening of a new Alpine railway
the Brienzer Rothhornbalin is an
nounced. It is the highest railway in
the Alps and commands magnificent
views. It is 2,351 meters (7,W6 feet)
high at the summit level, and ascends
meters (5,NX) feet), or sixty-seven
meters (223 feet) higher than the Pilatns
railway. The Journey ocenpies an honr
and half. The gauge is 0.8 meter.
The line is a pure rack and pinion rail
way on the A bt system, and is similar
in construction to the Monte Generoso
The steepest gradient U one in four
ths t is, Ifna tho! tud luajuiuuni Piialus
ascent The railway has Ixten built in a
remarkably short space of time; it was
begun o recently as the 1st of October,
IKK). o fewer than ten tunnels were
bored; numerous streamlets were
bridged and heavy stone dams bad to
be erected. Iron.
Warning Agvlnal Antlpyrlna.
Let me say something about the indis-
cr' ninate nseof antipyrine. 1 think it
is , ainons. Its ur-eshonid be restricted
like isndannm and morphine, and nsed
only npon a physician's prescription. Peo
ple ne it carelesly, not knowing that
it is a heart depressant and cumulative
in its action. Many jiersons come to me
and say that they have been using ten
grains every three or four hours, and
without any idea of tho hirm it does. 1
came across two or three deaths hist year
directly due to its nse. Too much cannot
be said about the danger from its indis-
crimirint ne, Interview in Philadel
phia Press.
Mamma's DlarUa.
Little Girl The teacher sars I must
get a dinry, and write in it all j do every
aay. W ill you buy me one, mamma?
Mamma There are plettyof thutacp
stairs in the lower bureau drawer fif
teen or twenty, I think.
Little Girl Hut isn't those ones writ
ten In?
Mamma Only the first pages of each.
Good News.
As Bra as Btnmp Orator.
A rooster was pnt on the block at Ilan
ford the other day and his head was cut
off, but when the plucker reached for
him the ambitions fowl had walked off.
TV. .
maH portion of the base of the skull,
but Jie bird could still hear and feel and
even cry oat Jie lived forsixteen hours
in that condition. Han Francisco Cull.
A New Praclons Stone.
A hitherto unknown etoue baa been
found in the mining dUtrict of Candu
laria, in Nevada. It is of a dark green
color and takes on a very high polUh,
and is chiswd by the sluts giligiKt as
"rariscite." Several beautiful ornamenta
have been prixluced from it, but so far
it has not been found in any consider
ablo quantity. Retail Jeweler.
Twins Mb Time w Ithont a Ship. ,
Mr. John Miscall, who is one of the
bead bakers in James Reed tc Sons'
bakery, Norfolk, Va., lias ltoen taadethe
proud posf.essor of the ninth consecutive
piir of healthy and Mrong twins, a boy
and a (.'ill. Mrs. Miscall has Uivui
given birth to oue child at a time. Cor.
Baltimore American.
T!ilrln la Lucky.
In Chicago a horse car, a red hot stove
and thirteen passengers wero struck by
an engine. The cur wis reduced to
kindling wood and took fire, but not a
passenger wa killed. And yet people
will go rilit on insisting that thirteen
is an unlucky ni.r.i!r. l:.dlnnspo'i!
n- it is
jin all four sides of tho" unite
,h a tliri'e-ip.iirtcr inch space which
. " open all around tho fire, the space
heiV partially letl- d over with a "lip"
that throws the air across tho furnace.
The distribution of this hot air 'equally
Over the fire catches the gase frumi, the
coal before tin y are fonnej into siuoko
and ignites and burns tlviu.
Thus only alout 20 per cent of the
usual amount cf smoke contains no car
bon, is not dirty at all and is white
instead of sooty. Mr. Murphy demon
strates the principle of his device in n
stove, where the results aro more easily
cn, Til nii.tvp i (Uted wii h tbr!!r
clay pi', cm each siJu to conduct the
air. The stove burns any kind of coal
or coke and from none of them can any
nioke lie seen to arise. The stove makes
its own draft from the airshuft The
flame burns inward and close to the
middle of the grate. An examination
of the chimney shows no smoke going
up. New York Telegram.
Tha Laaulug Tower at baragossa.
A committee apjiointed to report on
tho famous Torre Nuova in the Plaza
San Filipe, in the capital of Arafin,
has issued a pessimistic account. It is
feared that this clock tower, a very fine
example of the kind, will have to lie
pulled down. Excessive rains and flissls
have caused a subsidence of the soil and
tho structure is deemed unsafe. The
construction of this torre inclinada was
begun in the Fifteenth century, under
the direction of two Spanish, two Moor
ish and one Jewish architect; it is
octagonal in form, 3iK) feet high, 45 in
diameter, and leans about 10 feet out
of the perpendicular. Stone steps, '.'Co
in numlsiT, lead inside to the top gal'cry.
It has been stated that the leaning of
the tower was due to tho caprice of the
architects, but an old crack in its side
and a careful examination of the founda
tion led to tho conclusion that it was
want of care on the part of the builders.
The Aaragonese spsik of the ancient
crack as an old wound in its side, of
which the Torre Nuova is now dying.
This "old wound" was under treatment
in the ye-T 1S0O, but an unfortunate re
lapse threatens to result In an entire col
lapse. Tablet
Catting- Rich FaaU
Two yonng men near Loe Angeles,
Cab, are rapidly making a fortune slay
ing coyotes. Last April they were not
worth fifty dollars, but now they have
13,700 to their credit in bank and they
are adding about f!50 a week to their
deposit They have fifty traps set, and
with these and their rifles are rapidly
thinning out the coyotes in Los Angeles
and San Bernardino counties. At five
dollars a scalp thero is more money in
bunting coyotes than in growing grain
or fruit, but the business will probably
come to an end when the next legisla
ture meets. The law which was passed
as a joke has proved to be very costly
pastime. ban r rancisco Chronicle.
A llusslao Doctor.
A Russian journal reports an interest-
ir.g case or a philanthropic physician.
Visiting tho patients of his districts, the
doctor found that in many instances
their sickness was canned by hunger.
To the mit ueedy he prescriled "six
pounds of pure rye flour in doses of two
K)unds a day." He ordered bis patient
to get the medicine at the drug store of
tho nearest village, where it would lie
Wued free of charge every day. The
good doctor male arrangements with
the druggist to supply tho flour at his
expense. In this way his patients will
be kept from starvation the whole
A Change In Mrrlrle Ughta at So a.
A remark ihio change is said to lie
about to take place in the manner of
giving the warning light to mariners1. In
England tin-trie lights cxjierimeiitally
tamed vertically toward tho sky have
given extraordinary results. Tho light
of the Eddystone lighthouse can be seen
17! i miles on a clear night, but a vertical
beam of light of far less power Is visible
twice a far and can surmount an ordi
nary fog, Philadelphia Ledger.
Tba Quasia'a Reporter
The post cf "qaccs'a reporter" ia par
liament is vacant by the elevation of
Lord Lewishain to the tipper house. It
is said that Mr. Balfour will undertake
the dnliea with his new office. Both
Lord Palmen,tun and Mr. GUelstuue,
when they led the house, were queen's
reporters Lunduu Tit-Bila.
Kul of tha Mississippi.
It is repeated very often that for the
first time a Republican convention It to
be held "west of the Mississippi river."
It is not thus in this case. The M;nne
apolis exposition building, where the
convention will meet, is not on the wost
side, but is on the east ante of the river.
Lancaster Examiner.
In St Louis recently a lar-e buildiwt
in ono of the lost business streets of the
city was torn down siiiij !y Whuhs it
was thought to 1 "hoodooed,'' which
shows that superstition still has a strong
bold on some iieople.
A yeung man lost an eye the other
night iu Chicago by a jab from a needle
like weapon that projecteJ from the hat
of a Kung woman who was accuUniUliy
thrown against him.
Joseph Hanson, who died recently iii
Cincinnati leaving an tsUta aimumtin.ij
to Jl,00!l,ijoot was the large,! holder ot
United States bonds iu that city.
" to a 1,1 -
9 l .irs. Fr J
V . V
The One
--Dr. A. Shiftman ia on the nick list
Fred Murphy, the Cedar Creek
merchant, in in the city to-day on
Mrs. James Mrashck, living; at the
south end of Happy Hollow, died
lant even in (j from typhoid fever.
The deceased leaves a hueliiind mid
five children, the oldest ctl which is
only nine yenr old. The funeral
will he held to-morrow at 10 o'clock
from the house.
Why will you coug,h when Shi.
lull's cure will (rive immediate re.
lief. Price 10 cts., .To ctn. mid jd
For mile by F. G. Fricke A Cc
Julius Enjjlcke, who tins been con.
uected with the clothing; lioupe of
C. E. Wescoit for the past live years,
fevered bis connections with the
firm today. Mr. Ennleke iulends
to start in buninesH for himself ns
soon as he can find u suitable loca
tion. The be t wishes of TllE
1 1 m ill be with him wherever
he may cast his lot.
Are you made tiiiweriiblc by indi
trestioii, constipntioii, diyjuess
loss of iiipctile, yellow skin'; Shi-
lolia italier is a positive cure.
hor pale by r. tt. rricke 1 o.
TO E3"VE!K,12-
Price Clothier in Fact,
Jsoms: " How ia It. Kate, that tou slwajrs
arrin ft ' caleh on 'to thvlast iww UiiiiiT llo
what I may, you always area, to get ahead
of me."
Kate: " I don't know i I certainly do not
Smite any en rtsui In that dlrm isio."
Jennie: Well, duruitf llw liut luw tannins,
(or axaaipla, you bava taken up palming,
i -a . v
'J IM. aJI I V A .
iTi ,' a I-s
vv:v,a;l,ii::i .avu
without mnr tm.'hr t you Mime li.tln nwuo
wh. n Vlitut IjilHrkf) rtil her t'lMtrt vltwt
f iulI'ii,y, mi.) torUihU art- hII inirtv-
Totl Mil. tlf 'V'HHttlf Imuh- Utilt . tn fit' h W
liifi cluli iiist'U itiutHktu in ntiyihir lu .tHil:
Von iuri.1 to up mi nil Hit Inn ! ' fHOi..' mi.
liii'iw ju-i hut Id (1 uiMif-r etii nn iiiiiritifii-n;
you -nf-rti.ifi Hut il ullv ; mn in ln Init
III tilth Voii Imvf iui rowti tu h-Hltli,uwiuir,
Vni' t ii rti, Is )inr h ti du ulluici'ii-n
WlMMf ilo you Ki t All of yiiur iuf nrumtiou
from m I 'oh iitiH- uiit-ol lUv H) uk3 1
f ou ihmt ffo to th nly.M
Kaik: "vvnv. J.iiio.-. oit will trmk m
tii'ti. I h:ivi iriiijr i uv oiiitfof litf-irinulion.
Ittit it tu iitrpr.Mti, how it n o t k, wtititM. f
Vi-ry v-i'l"!!! sjiitir f nn iiiunr h w hut w linl
tin- iit'il ft-w t)it. Ii'nur tnu loll Uif- ntmiicf,
On tli .jl'J't. 5. a it 'J fstij htt;.i.(Hi
Ami it pfnmt irtiii.iiin it In to ui ml. for it
rt'ttllv Linn-hi tint mi'lintf ti' h'ie
hoit- ii'-M : Imtn-r 1ihvim-ii up iiuiwiiini
tdut lie hut Ijikrit fur )Hr, 11 ti mi mi Una
ou ftv inorv (' I ln-tUT liilurri'hi i..j tn
tin' pmIiJ'-sU of tlto ilnv ; it ml iiM-ihir M)t
that It u taut thut ttitikm her tux-h Imiixtja
hoiiM'kii-iM-r. lti fiu t, wit all Burt' tttu it la
thfoniy nmWf rAMit.T luHtrniiif iui'li'.lii.
- m ... f.- .... -,,,, - - . , , - 11 , ,
anI fiti' I tdrtt oni- u nil lor im n. ni.otiif-r n.1
for woiiHMi, bim! miftlHT for tliiNlit-n only,
WhltH thin 01 m ti II v-rf one of u a w
oulv ni to tdkc m lfmtoii'l of h'ThI. atit
that I whi-rti tho economy vnu- In, for tt la
only U.iii a nir. I'trlmm t-.ii think I am
to Ihv iiti In tny frnl-v; Iml I wit) it you
oont, or, UMi-r mill, tn-ijcl liircrtti t 1hi -nt.
Ii-Imt, W. JiMinhiifN lx uion't, S J-utt 14th
Hin. t, Smw Vork, for a anifioln oopv, ami I
tin 1 1 alwttya oi.l'1-r that I kinva iIoiia you
a If nut frtvor ; ami may In yoii will IwM'iitt.iif
U out, aa iu any wtn linvft th rt'ptjlntluu tf
uiir Uhj U-t iiifoiiiii family In twit. If
thai I- ao, it la iiuurtt'a aUillff MuaAiu
Uuit d Ita
A fiiieral oiler-only ifli.Of) for
ntuj DrniorcKt Faintly Maaziac.
tySrnd your mibnc:ritloii to thin
('", Sclenllflo American
Agency tor)
far lrf'irmlmi anil free ffsriitn-ie srrlle to
Ml A iii.ti hmiAiiasT. MW Youa.
f) it tmrMMi tt lei,nn peteflls In Am-rlna.
rer fsa tSn iwil I,? as Is hritiiiflil iMidwe
Ui imbue by a wide f itwi ties ut obatiia la Uie
'ricutiic weriran
I jiirost Urmlstion nt any srtentISc pspe In tba
9"tui. ri',nl,,lly lilrt-tiawl No li ill!tf-nl
mm ,h 1 im iOi, ,ui 11. weskiT, aa.on a
II .p sti n. iOis. Ad lrw Ml X 4 CO,
i aUxuitu, U llcedwar. hs lurk.
r- I I!
V ''lit
1 -
" 1 'Y-
: .:,
-v -4
V A .1-4 A V A sWV 4
Th Leading
a-. J 4 ' - a
Constantly keeps on hand cverythln N
you need to furnish jour house. I
a." "
m.- - a mm
in r
For AU hinson, St. Joseph, I-nvei
worth, Kansas City, St Lou's,
and all points north, east
aouth or west. Tick
eta sold nnd lm-
(fiijie Checked 1
to my
a. j
St a tee orl
Canada, hi
Call'iit Depot or address
G. P. A. St. Ixtiiis. Mc
4 I
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
II. D. At'GAK. ArI., Plaljhmouti'. I
Telephone, 77t ,
WAnt1-u artlve, nllat.U msn-sal t
to n moiitlilv. lih ieripr o rr-pi
In an on serilnn a r-M ,ii,n Ne-
House. llrlcri-D'-rs. MAS L r Al ItkaS.' t
boSL4fi,hew Vols. "