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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1891)
AD! ,1 IS PREPARED 1 . ' WORK, AND DOES IT foil (... . : :' i f A" It TOP ARM BETTER HEADS - -" . BILL HEADS, or in tact anything in the m A rr-lT-TVT A Ti "XT" T TXTn STATIONARY LINE CALL AT THE ElB JALID office, WE CAN SUIT YOU, AS WE Iqqiqqtee - IF yon wish to succeed in yetir lie public kow your priccn. People like to who offers tliem'tlio best inducements. Wo wonderfully. Try it. As the most important Campaigue for 7 is Coming upon us to- ed with a good live newsnaner that ..-a m ' j will kb-p them posted , iuu3 ui uic uajf, 1 1-iin-caixiu is purely a Republican paper and . ')ur nae on o ur list. . . $ Seezur Clubbin g list pers pu blished. jHEH&LB PUBLISHIJQ CO. V 001 Cor Fifth and Vine St. MOUTH WILL KEEP COJfSTANTL? ri. A Full and Complete lino of rugs, Medicines, DRUCGISTS SUNDRIES 'rcscrlptlons Carefully Compounded at all Hours. Everything to Furf..s.iJYour House.. k: AT1 I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODKUN .HOUSE FURNISHING ''EMPORIUM. 1 f ino purchased the J. V. Weckbach store room on south jf rt Btrcfjt where 1 am now located can ficll goods chtjaji (an ti l cheapest having just put m tho largest stock -w K aH J-r urougui iu irnilure f all kinds sold I. INfaP.vpnWnYYV frv-1 . Wa v. i.AVirAX - s, i inc. rwoi live -o . IN NIBD OF STATEMENT! ENVELOPES . SALE BILLS POSTERS Sqtisfqcioq. business, advertiso it and let trade with tho It might help iner- your every Farmer should ' on all important ques would be glad to put Only $1,50 a year. with the leading pa - NEBRASKA V OX HAND Taints, and Oils. AND PURE LIQUORS inc ciiy. vrasoiine Move n the installment plan. . PEARLMAN. - s liit CURE. Sy counterfeit u. There, are few mntorfelt $100 bank billa kliown to in existeuce, and that of the Firet Nf Wial of Boston ia one of the best. IntlOObank bills, at the left is a picture of Commodore Perry and bU mon in a rowboat on Lake Erie just m the commodore ia about to utter the memorable words, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours." In gen uine bills water ia seen to be dripping rrorn Dotn sides of ah oar suspended above the water. In the counterfeit the water drips from only one side of tne oar Made. The bill in question had a arip cn only one side, it is cluimed. al though the bill was so touch worn that it was difficult to determine that point u was tne main point on which Mr. Bchoeninger bases his decision. , A011e generally think the bill Is good aaiiSSS ra Tellers generally think the bill is good sent to Washington for a final decision. Chicago Tribune, A Story of Arieu Hou'iuaa. A curious adventure has haiwoned to M. Arsene Houssaye, the author. Home years ago, while at his country seat in tne department of the Atone, he saved little girl from being hnrned to death in a fire winch occurred on her father's farm. He had forgotten all about the evont till the other day, when a hand some young woman called at his chateau and informed him that tho firemen of tho village where tho conflagration took place Had voteifclnm a modul. "I am the child you rescued from the flames," sho said, "mid have come to thank yon with all my heart for your noma ana generous bravery. Her name is Mllo. Dupro, and she is on the point of geiting married. M. UouKsaye, charmed with her simple waring, Bnu aeiigiited with the meda she handed him, said to her: "So you are going to be married are you? Well. I am glud to hear it, and shall consider it an honor if you will allow me to provide your gown for tho wedding and another gown made of flamu colored gauze to re call to mind the first day I made your pleasant acquaintance." It is needless to say that she accepted thf. offer. Puris tor. St. Louis PostrDispatch. LItdiI In a Crypt Twmil j-rli;lit Yrara. Robert Davidson, who for twenty- eight years lived in tho crypt of the Westminster Presbyterian church at Baltimore, is dead. He was born in Ireland in 1811, and came to America early in life. Homo years before tho war he became sexton of Westminster church. He fitted un a room in a humble way among the graves and toml beneath tho church, and sine 13 he livod there in a hermitliko wav. ne was extremely reticent In regard to bis history, and would noror irive anv explanation as to how he came to choose such a place m a dwelling place. Phila delphia Ledger. ' ' ' Th Cras lot HonalUtb In Berlin. I hoard yesterday that tho Fronch lik ing for liorsofleRh is imitated to such a degree in Berlin as to have become craw). 8everal invitations have boon re ceived by proprietors of Parisian restau rants to a grand banntiot of this meat. announced to tuke place in one of the principal restaurant of Berlin. l) prepared only from horseflesh will be served, and the menu comprises tlie fol lowing: Horso broth, with tapioca; horse tongue, glazed Bnd ornamented; home brams a U Toulouse; roast loin of horse. with cranberrioe: hoi ne head en tortue. with salad. Cor. Philadelphia Timtn, hot the Dummy. James Tobst, a well to do colored man. near Plain City, O., was awakened a few nights ago by tho tmusual barking nnd snarling or tns dog, and goinjr to the door with his shotgun fired at the liiruro oi a man standing near one of several applo trees on which his Thanksgiving turkeys wura rooKtmg. 1 ho figure fell ' 1 I m , iaj niu Kiuuim, bmij lines, cautiously go ing rorwaM, ronud it to bo a dummy raauo wun oki cioines stuirod with straw. in tne meantime thieves hail carried away sovou fat gobblers. Exchuiigo. UlKsIng fur Hurlod Trtuuri. A traditiun exisU alxiut EniiliKh. Ind.. mat uie wrasduttcs barii tiwumim f gold and silver which thev stole fmiii tho early missionaries and other parties in mat noigtiiKirhood, and otraMonallv mo inuumre nunuirs becimie a pln;;n iimvur these fevers is now "on," and ait tho country is underlaid with iron, the divining rods are leading the owners to di;, until some of the fields look like newly plantod graveyftrds.-Philadol- plna Ledger. An Elmlrls Cowoatrhar. An eloctrio device for cieading a track of obstructions Is among tho newest idtia. It consist of a triungular steel folding frame." over which a net is itretchod. This is placed on the front of a locomotive and can be opened ut will, catching-" tlio ohelruction utn it. An additional arrairgemoot is a scoop to drop on the track. The recont tests were very safWactory. Exchange. Killed Two 0-r arlth Ons Charga of Shot W. M. Park, of Foxcroft, shot a buck id a doe wilh one discharge of his gun whilo hunting near that town. He diil not teo Ihs rlo when he fired, hut wiim lie vent fol wai J o i-cure the btuk which Le had hit he win surprised to find a doo hy h' t'lt. His gnn w.n liKided With a lievy elinri'enf buckshot, of them Imil enuirtd Uie doe. ;Mu.)Nvv.s. ' ,bipse. . nd irejnn a furtber and had climlmd on , uiuio-jouk jib was aHiounaeu to b full grown mountain lions not . ... than sixty foot ahead of him. and hev seemed to have seen him firat and were looking straight at him. Mr. Gaskill remembers distinctly that his hair stood on end, if ever a man's did, but he doesn't remember all the minute details or ms return to camp only that he got mere muy pronto. He and his narrnnt took rifles and went after the lions, but they had gone. That night the burros were tied unusually secure, but theii occasional snorts and efforts to break away indicated that the wild animals were arter meat. A blazing fire kept them at a distance. Mr. Oaskill states that the Mexicans and Indians living on that part of tho Iiemusuia ara in mortal dread of Elect ing a lion, as the beauts are in a con stanuy lamiahed condition, and have Doen known to follow men for hours, awamng a ravorable opportunity to pounce upon them. Lower Culifornian, ' v Innnocnt. Abroad. iwo slnall children one a boy and me otner a gin were permitted to ac- company tlieir mother on a shopping tour in the week before Christmas. They espied a life size figure of Santa Claim in one or tho large retail mart in Sixth avenue. Breaking away from parental guiuance, tiiey ran joyfully up to tho figure, exclaiming, "Oh, Mr. Sunt; Lliiiisr "Mr. Santa Claim!" with such vehemence that tho attention of at least a dozen persons was attracted to tl- m. With all of the sincerity aud enthusi asm that true faith imparts those littlo ones stood before the grizzled ami toy luuen imago aim tola what they wanted "Dear Mr. Santa Clans" to bring them tor vnriHtmas. l ho littlo boy wanted wagon with horses that could trot, and tne girl wanted a dolly that conld open and shnt its eyes and talk. So firm was tlieir belief in the actual prenw of Santa Claus that the little folks in i i .1... .1 . ... n iiibu mat uiey couiu see a twinkle in h s eye and a smile of auht to their neti lions on his lips. It was an incident thut touched the adult observers, one of whom, a white haired old gentleman. murmured. " 'Tina pity that a child's lief in Santa Clans should ever 1, snaken." .New York Times. Old Mvmorlot ltoralted. tfter tho adjournment of the tTniteil Mates court at Danville, Va., recently, there wasa little scene which was not (in the docket. A ono armed old Confederal o had been found guilty of illegal distill ing and was sentenced to one month's imprisonment and a fino of 100. Jink's John Paul, who was also an old Confed erate, ordered the marshal to bring Gar rett Morrison, the one armed veteran, into the courtroom. Presently tha judge and prisoner stood face to face. As he touched the empty sleeve tears came into the eyes of the judgo, who said: "Come back here tomorrow and I will cousider your caso. We old boys are getting scarce, and vou cannot iro to jail. Cor. Itichmond Times. Whon Dmi tha Nlntentb Ccntnry Kndf I have been pretty thoroughly con vinced for years that not ono Demon in five knows when this century will close, but 1 was much surprised to find the statement that but about eight years of mis century remain. This would make lHli'J tho last year of this decade and cen tury. The matter is iinjxirtant enough to correct, anu is very easily mado clear, thorirst century closed with tho last day of tho year 100; tho Second with tho last day of the year 200, anil the Nine teenth century will end with the last day of the year l'JOO, which is nine years from New Year Day, ISUi. J. Ogden Kera iu New lork Sun. A Steam Hliilgii. A Trucked (Cal.) man has in tho conrss of construction a steam sleigh which will, he claims, when perfected, trav erse snow covered fields aud motin tains wilh a speed scarcely loss than thut of a railroad train. It is his iuteutiwn to utilize the coutrivance for tho haul ing of all classes of freight, sawlogs and anything else that requires cheap trans portation. lxcliungo. v line a workman was repairing an outbuilding In Winchester, Hid., a few days ago, he found under one of the sill an eld tin can containing about $5 ,CXi in gold coin, mostly in f J.50 and live dollar pieces. No one knows to whom the treasure belonged. Tho Oakland board of education hav ing deemed that married teachers must go, the question the women are asking each other Is, since no distinction wa mado, what will be the effect of the res olution where the teachers happen to be men? The great treasury vault at Washing ton covers more than a quarter of an acre and Is twelve foet deep Itecently thero was t0,JUO,000 iu siler stored there, an amount that weighed 4,000 tons and would load 178 freight cars. The fishing Industry at Portland. Or . and vicinity la rapidly Increasing. The aoiount of mackerel packed in Port- land alone last season was 1 7,000 barrel , or nmro than 10,000 barrels in excess of tho seiuion before. Ono of tho latest discoveries of the ciontisU l that the (terms of vellow 'ever niaj l conveyed from tropical nxinrnes ui tlio plumage of birds. J ieavi. Frances Stat .tin hoi , jaroness i father's death t speucor In her .a right. Tho ii. heiress was then onlv nine vnamnliv and she was the only young lady who ever made her debut In society already a peeress in her own riiit. Lady Le Desponcer soon bestojj'av her hand, her heart and her .k-wttful place, Mere worth, near Maidstjhe,; a young bar rister, Mr. EveljtojBos'cawen,, who short ly after becamV Lord Falmrftrth'and lived to be so Welt known li tjie racing world. : J,-' ' . i - " -. The venerable title of Le Despencer thus became merged in ihe superior though much more modern dignity of viscount talmouth, and there it must remain unless some future Lord Fal mouth shall have daughters only. In that case the viscounty of Falmouth be ing, like the common run of modern IH-erages, transmissible only In the male line, will pass to the nearest male heir. If there are more daughters than one the barony of Le Despencer will fall into abeyance among them, and if there is ouly one she will blossom out us Bar oness Le Despencer, and if she marries will carry away the title into her hus band's family. Loudon Letter. Improper Laheli. It usod to bo jestingly said that the name of Mohammed was invoked for all puriKises, even down to the itinorant fruit seller, whose cry was. "In the name of the prophet-figs." But it appears to be the practice for entornrisinir and pushing British manufacturers to have recourse to the same alliance of piety with profits. British exporters to Mo rocco, it seems, have been accustomed to place Arabio inscriptions on their wares. such aa calicoes, candles, matches, etc. According to the oonsul at Magador, the sultan has lately issued the follow ing warning through the customs ad ministration: ''Having learned that cer tain goods imported, including calicoes, matches, etc., have been imported bear ing in Arabio characters tho names of Mohammed, of Hassan and Ali. and others held sacred by Mosli mon. an1 bearing other writing not suitable to be on such articles, I order you to give notice to tho merchants to advise their corresiiondenU in other countries to dis continue the sending of goods so mark eu. A reasonable time will be allowed ror this notice to reach them. Any such goods imported after due notice has been given will be seized by tho government and treated as contraband. Should the importer be a Moslem, he will be pun uiuou in auuiuon to the forfeiture." Leisure Hour. Larg-a Production of Anthraolta. The year 1891 was remarkable in the anthracite coal trade for its enormou.-. production, which fur exceeds that of any other your. Heretofore 1SS8 has borne the banner for production, or rathor shipments, with a total of 38,140, 718 tons, but the present outlook is that IBM will surpass this by about 2.000.000 tons, or something over 40,000,000 in all, an nnproceuented figure, aud nearly 5,000,000 tons greater than tho shipments OI 1SUU. iiio statistics of shipments of hard coal np to Doc. 5 show that so far in 1HU1 87,50t),5,iS) tons had been shipped, an in crease or 4,u.iy,r'jj over lb'JO for the cor responding period. The shipmouta for Decemlter agreed upon by tho companies are u,.mo,uuu tons, nnd if that full amount wre carried tho total is consider. ably over 40,000,000.-Philadelphia liuo- uru. flrnpi-a All Winter. Fresh graties can bo had all through i mo winter at a trilling expenditure of cure nnd attention. Tho grapes i.iiould be cut when just ripo, wit h several inches of stem on each bunch, and then bj placed In paK-r boxes, with a layer of crumpled newspaper underneath and anot her abo-e them. The bunches should not touch, am. tho grapes should not lie Tiled in tho box. Koep them in a cool, dry room not in tho cellar, tho damp ness there ia sure to spoil them and with cure to prevent their freezing they will be as eatable in February as in OctoVT. Interview in St Louis Globe Democrat Slitjf-fl Million Dollar aa A or. The other day the Southeastern Rail way company was asked no less a sum than t,2,-)0,000 for a small and practi cally useless piece of ground in Bor ruondsey. The land is about sixteen feet In depth, and comprises an area of 4,134 superficial foet, so that the claim is at the rate bf 13.000,000 nn acre. The com- pany, it Is scarcely necessary to add, did not close at the sum Stated. London Tit-BiU. Dlacovory of a Natural Cave. A handsome nntural cave was recent. ly discovered in Lafayetto county, Go, It contains many rooms of most az- quisite crystallised beauty and a yawn ing anyis into which large stonos have been thrown with no , reverberating sounds borne back to the ear by which IU depths might be gauged. Exchange. "Smaller Flaa to lllta 'Era." In view of tho expocted visitation of gnushoppors in some parts of tho state next year, the state board of horticulture has arranged for a supply of parasite! from New South Vnlen, to bo ready for distribution in March. San Francisco Call. laiW, . -. f,, '. , - The ho... y'Lx ' ' norwithntanlrnr care iirt. ' ' ' and"th.e application tJ . ',i ' friend; ".bunded SawyiiAut, Hallr'aBarb Wife LineimI;f;.' most wonderful thing ever lieal euch wounds, lie applied i only three times and the Bore Wan completed healed. Equally irood for all sore, cuts. briiHftH. and wounds. For, sale by all drugjriat For lame back there ih nnihinr better than to saturate a ilannel " cloth with Clianilx-rlain'a Pqi , Halm and bind it ou the affected S f parts.. Try it nnd you will be auri r prised at the prompt relief itnffoMls 1 -The name treatment will cure rhau- ' mntimn.;. r-or sale by V. G. Krick et 10. - The volume of the be gin with the Numbers for lu-ie and December of each .year. When no time is specified, mi'lmrripliuiiB will begin with the Number curren'. at the time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Hurler's Magazine for three years bnck, in neat cloth bind, ing will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3.00 per -volume. Cloth cases for binding, 50'ccnta each by mail post paid. vilos Nerve and.'Llver P. Act on a new principle reflating- the liver, stomrch and bowfla through the nervs. A new discovi ry . Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure bilion snesa bad taste, torpid liver, piku 5onstipation. Unequnled for mn women, children, smnllest, lri'-st surest! 50 doses, ic. Sampj free ut F. G. Fricke & Go's. The foremost of our periodicals." COKMANDISO IVIET GBEAT CENTRE Of THOUGHT AM ' ACTI0JI IS THJ! "WORLD. AMmpl.copyaltl llluttrtU4prots tut will b ssnt (m isidw ainolo. . Tfft rosrif tho mwit tnntmc'lrw, th mint ttmi'lT. the laiywi- , ths hsmlsomwrt of thw rrvtw The three great guoups of sub jects out of the comma pear will b impartially asd instructs ely din ciiHHed by the ablest writers; I. Pol i I ica I subjects growin out of the grt'Hidential cHmpaigne. il- Financial disturbance here und abroad. III. Theological unrest- with till the social questions sug gested by these groups of grout top ICS. There is no other way whereby one may get the ripest information about the great problems of the time within so narrow a compass or for so small a sum - sbnrl siiwlieii of great subjects by more than him itred of the foremost men and wom enof the world; bemuse there ia only cue American periodical for winch all the great leaders of oi.ii,. n and of thought write, nod iih,i is Thk J'okl'M. The December llliniber for exnni. pie centains: Degredation by pen sion The Protest of Loviil,,. leers, by lieutenant Allen R. Koolc J'ouudcrer of the Soeietv of livol Volunteers: The Me;uimir ,,f n, Democrntic Victory in Massachu setts, by flow Wm. K. Kiiuo, ii- French feel in ur toward C A notSer Conflict about Ilsnce- I-o-' raine lneAitable, by Cnmmille Pel letnn, member of the French ('hum-' berof Deputies; Should tne Silver .awot lNHi be reoealedV l.v l .,f.l. II. Schiff one of the most sin ceaif u nnd in New York; In Modern Kiln. cation n Failure? by Fredr-k Har rison, the gn nt English savista I nreguhited Competition self-In structive, bv AUbice r U'..iir... Chairman of the y rn Trnflic Association: Women' Clubs, tne Volume nnd the t .id of thit Work, by Alice II. Khine; A Dny ' With Lord Tennison. l.v sir liam Arnold. And five mh,.r ,.. cles. There are now in progrens dicu sions of our yennion system; Prison Management; The Training of Teochcrs; The Louisinnna Lotterr The next Step in the Tariff Agita tion; Are Modern Educational Mut ters n failure? 50c a copy. $5 a year. TDK FOKTM, (Jnion Square, N. Y- EonrinonLY! Ii7n i NKRV0UB IIKU1J.1TTT I'"" ' Body and H.nd. F.ifMta 1,5,77!," ""'n Old or 1 rl tl-r.lll.. Una. -llfc..." . " 1 " wriiv j i. , v HE