The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 31, 1891, Image 2

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1 Hi: RSDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1891
' The. insurrection in Mexico ia
jjFOwiny more alatniiug every day,
notwithstanding President Diaihas
iven couuirra better govern
'meivt 'ban it evt't liad before. . "
liiV-iA is wupporUrtiaf Trance in
fier trouble with Uulfjaria, but an
, tlir the other nations ot r.urope are
,i jn;aint France, it is thought, ehe
V -J. 'ill not prtus the ihsue to a point
, o( war:
I. '
Si"i VKKK C'kldP's friends have
taken the trouble to state that he is
ard r tlj in favor of free nilver,thuH
iufi riuing the country that he is os
wrong oat lie money question as he
"a on the 1ari3.
TnE pi inters of the south have
;onclrui-el to grow feoiuething be
titles totton next year as the growth
n( lae! year and this haaoverstocaevi
iherturket and there seems to be
hut Jiti'e demand tor cotton.
Nr.AI,f fl,000,(X) in gold arrived
in tli' country from Europe last
week, but the country has become
io ,ir customed to this thing in the
pant two or thrvs months and the
-upply of money here is o great
fiat no notice is taken of the gold
irrva! now.
COX. KonEKT G. IXGtksoLL is con
itantly robbing the flower garden
of faith for poesies with which to
d' eorte the doctrine of infidelity.
He sent the following telegram to
Walt Whitman, the dyinz poet, on
Christrnns Day:
After the day the night, and after
niirht tht dawn. Yours, with words
ofiove and hope.
What "d.iwn" does Col. Ingersoll
refer to? The doctrine which he
has ben punching for twenty
Teara warrants no belief in any
dawn after the night of death. And
the expression "Yours, with words
of lovefcud hope," is, so far as hope is
concerned, clearly beyond the limit
fo Col. Ingersoll's teaching. Hope
belongs to the Christian, and the
fnlidi-l haw no right whatever to In
dulge in it It is one of the woiuo
not included in the dictionary of in
fidel i ty.--Ci lobe Democrat.
What the country has to say to
these men is simply the direction
spoken of old to Judas. "That thou
d'lest, d- ijuicKly." Let not long
debate and uncertainty prostrate
business throughout the land.
Thi; prospects of trade and indus
try are new exceptionally bright.
A long contest about the silver
question would almo-d inevitably
shake coi fidence and arrest busi
ness. Play the political game
the harm to bunimvs ui brief and
little as pohib!e. Send the bill to
the t ci. ate in u single day; what i.-t
the ue of congressional debate
ibout it The senate ought to be 10 act, on a .p;estion exhaust
ively d''-uetl Inni year and (rii-n
decided, without delay or talk. If
the bill goes to the prrsident at all
he ill not take week- or even da s
to Make up bis mind what to do,
ton gret-s may be sure. The repub
lican part) is exceedingly willing
to meet tli sK-ue belore the people.
All it has to ask is that the indus
tries .lud tru c of the country shall
be barni'.d as little as possible
while tiie queitiou is pending in
congress After that the democrats
will sec bow wise they have been.
New York Tribune.
Secretary Mlaine has once more
demonstrated bis astuteness oi
diplomacy. The Fremh want a
new commercial treaty. As they
nave no be 't sugar to sell, and
their esp '"-' of tea. oflcis und
other articles covered by the re i
procity cbiuse of tlie .Hi Kinhy bill
.ire inlinit'-xi-n d, ll'-'t portion f f the
measure furnishe. no ndesju.ite
b.ifi for a new trc.ity. When tin
i ,i ii,,.... ...
j rciu ii ;o i n 'ii " i "-.
tb-; senate ol France the removal.,
r), brraow.'
x meat
luducts. The agricultural prod
ucts in France have hitherto op
posed any reduction in the duty of
no-rir ultural illUKirtB UltO tlial
country. But . jxd4 farmers of
France are now tuuehuncerned to
enlarge the market forheir wines
and kinded exi6rt8 fo th United
States. So" that it is believed that as
a matter of doitaeatic" policy the
French government will be able to I
receive support for the treaty
which is under negotiation.
The new tariff in France is
modeled somewhat after the Mc
Kinley . measure, having , one
schedule for those nations willing
to enter into reciprocal relations or
grant concessions, and a higher
one for those who will not French
statesmen are evidently inclined to
inaugurate the same principle of
protection of which Dlaine was the
originator and forerunner. A rep'
reaentative of the French govern
menl is now in this country to com
plete the treaty. Lincoln News.
Holiday fm ea.
TheH. AM. will sell round trip
tickets on Dec. -J4, St and i to sta
tions not over W miles distant at
rates as follows:
In Nebraska South Dakota and
n'vnminir one. and one-third fare.
In Colorado and Kansas one fare.
In sellinir from a point in Kan
sas or Colorado to a point in Ne
braska or vice versa, ageuts will use
rate of fare and a third for the en
tire distance regardless of rate ap
plying in the ditlerent states- tt
We have sold FJy's Cream Halm
about three years, and Have re
commended its use in more man a
hundred special cases of catarrh.
I he unanimous answer to our in
(juiries is, "It's the best remedy that
I have ever used." Our experience
is. that where Darties continued its never fails to cure J. H.
Montgomery, A Co., Druggists, De-
corah. Iowa.
When 1 began using Kly's Cream
Halm mv catairh w as so bad I bud
headache the whole time und dis
charged a large amount of filthy
matter. That has almost entirely
disappeared and have not had head
ache science.-J. Summers, Stephney,
Height of Cruelty
Nervous women seldom recive
the sympathy they deserve.
While often the pictures ot health,
they are constantly ailing. To
with hold sympathy from these tin
fortuntes is the height of cruelty.
They have a week hearth, causing
shortneess of breath, lliittering,
pain in side, week and hungry
swells, and finally swelling of
ankles, oppression, choking, smoth
ering and dropty. ' .'Jr. Miles' New
Ileal I Cure is iust the thing for
iinmi inT !h'ir fieTY'.".!s?!e!!5, head
ache, weekness, etc., his Restorative
Nervine is uncoupled. Fine treatise
on" Heart and liervous Diseases'
and marvelous testimonials free.
Sild and f uaranteed by. F. G. Fricke
Sc Co.
As well as the handsomest and
others are invited to call on any
druggist and get free a trial bottle
of hemps Hisam tor the throat
andJI. ungs, a remedy that is selling
entirely upon its merits ami is
guaranteed to relieve and cure all
chronic and acute coughs, asthma
bronchitis and consumption. Large
bottles 'sic and fl.
Soma Fooiiali Peopla
allow s eolith to run until it gets
beyond the reach of medicine
Ihev say, "Oh, it will wear away,
but in most cases it weurs iliem
away. Could they be induced tj
try the siiccesful Kemp's I1.iIh.iiii,
which is sold tn a positive guar
antee to cure, they vould see tlie
excellent t-lfert after biking the lirst
does. 1'rice 50 C and f I. i rail sue
free. At all druggists.
C uaranteed Cure.
We authorise ouradvertiseddrug-u-ist
to sell Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. Coughs
and Colds, upon this condition.
If you are nflicted with a cough,
Cold or any Lung, Throat, or Chest
trouble, and will use this remedy us
directed, giving it a tair trial, and
experience benefit, you may return
the bottle and have your money
refunded. We could not make this
ofler did -we not know that Dr.
King's New Discovery could relied
on. It never disappoints. Trial
bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co
Drug Store. Large size 50c, and
I have been a great iifferer from
catarrh for over ten years; bad it
very bad, could hardly breathe.
Some nights I could not alei-p .and
had to aulk the floor. I purchased
hly sCrr-nm liiilm and am using it
lre ly, it is working a cure surely.
I have adviwd several friend to
use it, and with happy result in
every cas". It is the medicine
above (ill other for catarrh, and it
Uvyorlh its weight in gold. Ilhank
God 1 ba t iuund a remedy 1 eun
use with nalcty and that does nil
that i claimed for ,t It is curing
i mv ( .-allies.- it . nperry, nan-
ii - - ' ..
l'r' '
. ;-oetter. FOtUnA
.' , dociiled whk-hwij.sliiiir
i we shall ro by a m i
land. When we leave tlw
fr 8' H1, ne train that ia to j
my, on' another steamer I mean a ;
dteamship on rails, or rather an express,
train in the water. We are mainly afraH '
of seasickness, therefore we remain as
long as possible on the ocean. For after
all one travels best on terra firma; there
fore the sea journey ia as good as set-
tied. We travel via Berlin, where yon
may await rue at the station; bnt you
can save yourself the trouble, as we
shall nut touch Berlin under any consid
eration. We shall travel via Stettin.
When I say Stettin 1 mean Danzig.
Whafi the good of us going to Danzig?
Naturally we ahall go direct from Co-
peuhagen pershipto Konigtiberg. There-
fore an revoir the day after tomorrow in
Berlin. We leave hero in a week; where
we shall go it quite still undecided."
A Marti DMayad Wadding.
Miss Florence F,. Howell, of Decatnr,
and George Vandyke, of Louisville,
married at midnight, had Bn eventful
exjierieuce. Twico had tlie winiamg ttuy
been fixed, but it was postponed. Ihe
third titna they came near missing it
again. George expected his wedding
suit from Louisville by express. It did
not come, although the couple waited
until the hist train was in before start
ing on their journey in the mud, five
wiles distant to the home of the bride,
where the wedding guests had assem
bled to witness the marriage. At 7
o'clock Vandyke procured his license,
and as he was coming out of the offiee
he fell headlong twelve feet into tlia
cellar of the new court bouso. Later ho
surted with the bride ai.d four friends
for the Howell place, when the single
tree broke, the horses kicked themselves
loose and ran away, leaving the party in
the mud. Another vehicle was secured
and the jonrney resumed. The pHrty
arrived at 11 o'clock to find some of the
gneKts getting ready to go home. Tlie
wedding feast was cold, but the wedding
took place at midiught Docatur tor,
Chicago Tribune.
A Klrel Chimney.
In order to economize space and
weight, steel is being usexl for tho con
Btructioti, at the Chicago exhibition, of
, chimney whkh, when completed, will
lie L'."0 fi-et high. The steel varii-s in
thickness from 5-33 inch at top to
inch at the bottom. The lower part
of the chimney is lined with fire brick
8 inches deep, finned to fit thu shell
compactly all round. Above this hollow
tile is used.
The weight of a brick chimney of this
size would be almost 7'XI tons, while in
steel it will weigh, including the lining,
little less than i.K tons. The outside
diameter of the chimney is 9 feet
inches, whereas had It been construe'.!
of brick it would bo 18 feet 6 inches, a
great saving of space being thus effected.
Why Ha Cara Away Onnhnn.
"We have a shoemaker in our town,'
says a Uueix-c man, "whom business in
selling overshoes has been ruined by
hustling rublsT honso, and who, this
winter, to K(,t even, had a great ojiening
sale, at which he gave to every purchaser
of shoes a pairof rublier overshoes, upon
the soles of which was his advertisement
revers-d so that at every step th wearers
take through the snow they leave his
advertisement neaily priutcd in their
traeks. The effect U magical and power
ful. You can scarcely look at tho snow
any place in CiieW without seeing foot
prints with this innn's name glaring
boldly from them. New York Tribune.
A Thrra Lc(id blrar.
A monster three legged ts-r was re
cently discovered on the headwaters of
the Cheyenne, river, in Wyoming. It t
7 years old, and weighs clou on 2J
pounds, and has horns that will niejt'uru
six b--t from tip to tip. Tlie hind 1
are perfect, bnt in front there i only
one leg, located in the centre of tuu body
on the part of the body between where
the front linii are on un oriiinarv steer
and is alsmt the size of two ordinary
Icl's. The U wild, and when dis-
mavericks aiid skipped out for a Iiiding
place. Omaha Boa.
Slnfulax Caplar of Swan.
John Ji.rdun hro ilit a lar(9 white
swun to rcnill' tou the other day, and
t Hi. a nnoer atury as to how be K"t it.
While near his hotusi, ou Lut
creek, he saw aomo eaxlei chaaiii); tlie
swan in the air alsjve him. Tho unfor
tunate bird, in its anxiety to escape, flew
diroctly over the young tnan'a head, and
with a quick spring he managed tu seize
and bring it down, the disnppiintoil
fairies iiying anfrruy away. roruand
Looklnf fur fllrda nod Knond m paar.
Two OldtowD hunters down in Maine
hal an odd experience. They were after
partriilgn. Very sndde-uly, however, a
Uiey were walking in the woods, a
urtled dr sprang from tha bu.hs
and made tremendous bound, going
over ono hunter's bead. lis hail no time
to Uiko ahothei U-ap before ho fell a U
tim, ypririt'lielJ Lcpubhcao. '
Can (.hi TUB !
Mr. Samuel Jliukman, of Le-t.mrf,
Vs., while httiitingon the lnjika '.f ti t
Potoiuac shot a i'iirrel, whien Ml into
the waUir. whsre it was find by a
black bum.' llickinaii w4l in and
lifted b"th mpv.rrel iiini fell ch ar ont of
the water lf-ir the bans let go ami
made its escape. New Vork Post
c lj nae and Team fta, ' -"
how good n thing it i . .. rial Vottlt
free at F. G. Fricke k.V Co. Drug
Sstere, Large size Site, mid lfl.00
Spsclmen Caes,
S. II. Clifford, New Castle, VTit
was troubled with neuralgia au
rheumatism, his stomach was dis
ordered, his liver wus atlected to aa
alarming degree, appetite fell awol
and he was terribly reduced in fleak
and strength. Three bottles o)
Fllectric Hitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Hamsbura
111., had a running sore on his
of eight yearB standing. Tj
three bottles of Electric Hitteia a u)
seven bottles Huckleu'e Arni'i
iSalve, and his leg is sound and well
lohn Speaker, Catawba, U., had nv
large fever aores on his leg, doctor
said he whs incurable. One botth
Filectric Hitters and one box Huck
len's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke A Ce.
Remarkabl" Facta.
Heart disease is usually supposed
to be incurable, but when properly
treated a large portion ot cases can
be cured. Thus Mrs. Klmira Hatch,
of F.lkhart, Ind., and Mrs. Mary L.
Haker, of Ovid. Mich., were cured
after suffering W yeurs. S. C. Lin-
burirer. druirtrist at an lose, hi
siivs that Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
which cured the former, "worked
wonders for his wife. Levi Imuran
of Iluchanan, Mich., who had heart
disease for :) years, says two bottles
made him "leel like a new tuutt.
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold
and lruarantecd by F. G. Fricke A
Co. Hook of wonderful testimonials
free. 1
A Cure for Paralvsls.
Frank Cornelius, of I'tircell, Ind.
Ter, says: "I induced Mr. J'inson,
whose wife had paralysis in the face
to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Halm. To their great suprlse
before the bottle had all been used
she was a great denl better. Hei
l I .1 I....... lrr...... ... ,,lllt l,,,l,k
but the l'diii Halm relieveil all
nain and soreness, and the month
assumed its natural shape. It is
also a certain cure for rheumatism
lame back, sprains swellings and
lameness. .7) cent bodies for Sale
by F. G. Fricke A Co., Drugging.
I iiMfit Klv's Cn-siii li.ilin for dry
catarrh. It proved a cure. H. F. M.
Weeks, Denver.
Kly's Cream Halm is especially
adapted as a remeby for catarrh
which is aggravated by alkaline
dust and dry wimls. W. A. Hover,
Druggist, Denver,
lean recommend Ely'sCream Hal
to all sufferers from lry catarrh
from personal experience. Michae-
Hcrr, I'harmacist, ienver.
Y.'n Cream Halm has cured
many cases of catarrh. It is in con
stant demand. Geo. W. Hoot
I'harmacist, Cheyenne, Wy.
The lawB of health are taught in
the schools; but not in a way to be
of much practical benefit und are
never illustrated by livingexamples
which in many cases might easily
be done. If some scholars, wdio
bad iust contracted a cold, was
brougn 1 iefore the school, so that
ah could hear the dry, loud Cough
and know its significance; see the
thin white contmg on V"' tongue
and latter, as the cold developed,
sec the profuse watery expectora
tion and thin watery discharge
from the nose, not one of them
would ever forget what the first
symptoms of a cold were. The
scholar should then be given
Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy free
i.. .i.... ...... .1.... u,i.. ..
I, 111)11 un lllllll f-i t 111,11 i i.
severe cold could be cured in one
or two days, orat least grcatlyinili
filled, when properly treated as
coon us the lirst symptom appear
llns remedy Is lamoun lor it
cures of cough, colds mid crouj
It is ma le cspcccially lor tin
disease' and is the most prompt and
most reliable ttmlicine known for
the purpose. 51) cent buttle for sale
by I-. G. Fricke A Co., druggist
Tho Edtlre Stock of
Celyng'ng (o A. r.ack w.'!' -j fA
rcgar llcsi of cost tD -frt
jsfy lnoRgecs
riniiip eeaus
scHirr MAIN'S Aithma Cur rj
tiff, IWW V i,UM rrlwaf m Ilk ' 1
if f mm-; tl- wkrm mlkmm fmlL f
X H Trt' faHaaTW t Ill tX IWriaM a ty MatC. H
. 1 tM I IK : KiC'ilKr" , 'i x Iltrt M
i ' (
J, H. I'aniield. .11 M Putterwin, Knd (lonW
H. SMiltii K. f . Wlnilliam. B. H. lUinrey anil
r. M I'Sllnlvm.J
AMvmniii untlpitod. (ntrrnst allowed oo tlrnt
IrniMlt and nrnmiit suutlonilvoo tu all bu-
ttieaf ulruiU)d lo lu ear.
: . 'i I '
817. 219, 221 and 223 Main fit,
Plattsmouth Fewrai-.a
H. M B0N3, Proprietor.
Ihe Perkins ba been thoruughlj
reiiovsted from top tc AS an.
aow one of tho best hotels in tho stute
doardoM will be taken by the week at
11.50 and up.
IT 1) & ffa 1,1.1'
Ltil tntifk Vi l. H tin Iwi. Milk
rM..i-.i..,.i,itMTitM(ui. ftoib. r. Hi.Mt,r.iv,rnrr
BiJ tfUni, irk. wiih I a 1 1 rtusi.inLC
-V A- - - at -, LawhU.l'aa V M h
t'ripTum.4 ft tuiu:imit rr.,wfJi.
r . a-. Iasvr rII to Hr-atiy-a Cru
)-, 'Y t ,"'f 9 " l'Oi') Color.
-A " ? i' , Car., .p tl a l.W l,.(.
r m .iinHr T.'iu. It tit. id. ,,l (.
4k Un t l ,tj-. iu.gawk lt 1laMi"Sa
HI K ) E RCORNS. Tba i.lTwaicnOinn
u-. 4.. lit., ut. i HniitM, ur uiKVi a eu, h. v.
"lljra thnrnuub knnwli-dir ot tli" natural
tawA alitrh ifuv.-rii tlie oiM-citloi .f illL't-itlen
.ind iiulniloii. and hy a i-.n-lul :i lintni el
lllr- llll" rir.Mrt-rll.M nt l-ll trlei'tr i'eiia. Mr,
Kpfm Uh provlilfd our hrakfa-il tnliln altli
rl.-lli-u-ei II 'no-d hl-vi-t ;ine wlllrll Uiliy V
m niHiiy lirnvr tH-lir' liUK Ii in hrttlir judia
Ion ue el iin-U arll'-le or iili-l Hi 1 cn limy he KiaduallT hullt up indll str.ihn
iMiniai In riHl pnery ti tnli'iiry li nni'ar.
llundo-d- .( miMI IndHdici ar II .nun K
KMiind u r-d v in arturk Kii-h'Vi r tn-rc i a
r.k fHiliit, iVa muy eti-.-ipn inuiiy a
Mh(i l.v kc'-iilini'iiri"- ell fortified nli
nurn til'Kil anil a prurly ri"url.ln-'l fraiun."
Civil 4rvirff liactle, Majiml KlMifMy with
Im.iIiiih walfr or imlK. H-.ld imljr Id biiir-poutKl
tin, t r'-TI. Hitwllail tliuri
JAMKs KITS a 1)0.. JiulDii-iierithlr Ch..mlit
Loudon. Kiifiland
How Lost I How Refined
mi mm.
Of tiKLM'IIPKI'.HViTIO.I. AnmandoJ
(KMdMntalHtlllK fSSAT on MKHVOI S an
viH Tii.i.iniuiiu viTAMTv, rnr,
MATt'KK PKf lNK. and all MSP.ASKN
ai.d WKAKNKSSKSof MAN. IOUama,eiiSh.
r.)tj 1 IIiT!uaiia prtrritUncia. Only 1.U
by Diail, duah arabnL laKfUT flXMpacU
u aula andoriamanta pnrPI Rrun
of lha i'ma and nu.uniar
iMtimnniait of tha rand.
-y i nut i unw
C.m'i;iAtifiii in nrrtm or I'T rn!l,
Kzrt Irnu-
ITH-nt. bt.CMt-.CY aiid C Klt-
tl.. I'aally MvdloalliKUtuia, Be.
iriiv uv Arl.trM iir. W . Ii. l'.rkv.
1 lia Vn'xiAy Mrdleal IrulltnM baa many lull
Ut'Ta, nwi no eiiiai. iirruM.
Tha Hcianoa of Ufa, or Hlf I'raarmllon, la
Imnn mora valoal-lt. t,n r.ld. Hw lr aow,
w t.H ai.d M- II Ol H man, and It-am la
ba STltOMl iffiinai htiuv. (( oiyr1lilcW
ii. x nnitiov
I red ( '
j. M. I'athinntiV ,
. M. l'..ll.T-M)n.I,
I rTfi.E(
AC- . 1
VMS cimwMiL iRO aCNUIMC. T. alT (K arA -l r. rui fc ml a
. .. . . ....
IT t. ..,.,) lu ..-iiU,m. laiaaaakaaklaa. f'Km ' ca.J .a.-.
4-. I. ...u.. MjaaA"fl "'I tf rn 1.. , - ,-. lo,., . , t.ra !'.
4.i niwi.. Caicnutcii Cniaioi ri .'. ... , .rt,
M mil l.ol li-ratM. fUowi -'4 U1A. I'A.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-mated pain relicTer.
Iu cse is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
, SUK-k Raifcer, and by every one requirinj art effettiva.
Iir.i;iiCr.t , ,
Vo othrr apr-'p ation' compare! with it in efficacy. .
Tikis weii k'Xi rciacdy has stood th test of years, almost,
f,tiierti0n4 .." -
Ko medicine hest ia complete without a bottle of Mvstako
Occasions erive for it use almost every day.
All drugjiiits and dealers have it.
atronage of tke Public Solicite
North Sixth Street, Plfittamouth
Said up capital ...
,. 1U.0U0.C
n the rr bst fapintlt f"' the promp
tranuMtlon ot llMltlmate
Banking Business
boitlf "H ffflVfffirnant and local ae
iiirltli-a brniKht and wild. HeponlU "7" ""2,
mi mierrat alUmed od Hie eTtincatta
iirafta drawn, avallaWs In any part l the
(Hilled HUlt and all the principal wwna ui
rllKbnat markM prion paid fur I numy war-
ranU, nui ana uum j u..uu..
John Fltwarald J). Hk.orUl
Hani WauKh. . P. W''1"
iieorKe K. boYHy
I'rwldeut C.l"or,
Keep all klndi of hull1ni hntrara on hand
aiid w) anpply .iMitraotnra ou moal fav
spoutlnir IS
lid "I Un "iirk wLl'1' Jt -.
Iniin tin cum,'.: - IS y
and nil kin
dune. Onlitra
611 d arl Ht.
JanilaJ aUwkiiald In J. ... VH
Authorned Capital, 1100,000.
PrMldsuL Vlce-Pretldenl
W. II. (MiWIUNQ. Oeahler.
rai Carruth J. A. Connor. K. K. (luthinaap
f. W. Jnhnan, Hnrf Bck,.lnlin 0"Kafe
V. I). M-rham, Wot. Walancamp, W.
H. fluhlnc.
Itiieacartinrfea of ileM-ll hairing Intereai
lliivaaiid Mlui cituaiiKx. miiiuy and
riiif , .. i(
'civil lngi.nkkr " ,
All erdort l-f with lha fnuiity clfrk will te
fkuinptly attended to.
, ' 4a4''tKI.N COt'tn IKJLHB,
I'iiittsnioii'dl, - NebrnHkil
" 1 1 uuo c,.
... U.-.4 fefrl Umi B.M.
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