The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 30, 1891, Image 4

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; . .'-Trf-T . .. -:
y' pt:lain CK"-v . , .
!h.- tor tns"j, 1.. !,-
', ' 'lioi ol.teelt. .- .
...i' ork. a . iT
,t I
. A V"l7'
i ti'-'t i'sll irnw. fnncj ribbons, tip mid qiillli
5-3 i ?---t ! 3eti put sfeajw hats
" iu utraw ami fe t. 1 hey h vaa lull
imp in hhiit o "m- win m w
tier I cIom ohl Mtok out bve re
tji.'i-d (heir irtw tailor lit to, 40 nod to
78 eerta trimmed,.
' Viways hanon band a full Block of
1 Uorn, Bran, Shorts Oats and Baled
i Hay for Kale as low aa the lowent
' find delivered to any part of the
city. '
1'lattnuiouth, - - Nebraska.
i"'ni nr- nr r n irri DtTTTTfT
always in stock
Plattsmoutb, - Nebraeea
Plattemouth, Nebraska.
TttrcanUioaandsof young ladles, sewing
girls, arhooli teachers cleiks, etc who ere eking
oat f D eilmmre on a salary barely sundent
to supply their every day wants.
Hi completing euur In ihort bsnd and
by Anliafg Lb. y can earn 1mm 140 lo Siss ix-r
hi'ua'lona ri'radteed to enmpHent students
Jndldivusl iimiiariinn, new typewriters.
Koorm over Uayers Store.
The best of fresh meat always found
in thi market. Also livah
Eggs and Butter.
Wild gamp of all kinds kept in their
Otji.u tu POECEI.iiKi CKOWK3
Bridge work and fine gold work a
CH-STKIMAfU L'K'At. j w-ll as other an
sUieticKKlvea tort hi- psiiileMSitracUoo or
a A. MARSHALL, Fitzgerald BlocH
Lumber Yard
11. A. MEEM &
Shingles, Lath, Pash,
Doors, Blind
Can supply everw demand of the city,
Call and gut terms. Fourth t'reet
in rear of opera bouse.
. ;' ' .'. ; .
- . . . '. . a large .-
' ofV , -I ted by a
napercha tutx-l". ' ,ft .'entiniB
ters in length, to a little, ftme tube cov
ered with gutts percha, which extend
somewhat beyond it. The tube is cov
ered outside by a light stuff intruded to
arrest all foreign vi orations. The little
tube penetrates into .the auditory pas
sage and touches the tympanum.
Thanks to this, not a sound, not a breath
is lout on tln patient, and no matter how .
little hoaxing remains to tha-subject he
perceives sounds and noises; thtt is tc
say, vowels and consonants, and finally
he even hears words. The sounds ar
clear, without buzzing, without reso
fiance and with a remarkable intensity,
New York Telegram.
On t Parry's Tauels.
An kuportaut relic of the warof JBH
has jnst Uwn unearthnd at Ferrysb-trj.
It is the lower portion of the bull of the
loop Porcupine, one of the nine sina?.
Teasels built by Commodnre Pnrry nu
Lake Erie, and with which he achieved
bis great victory ofer the British squad
ron, known in American hibtory as
Perry's victory, Perry's nine ves-fels con
sUting of the Lawrence, bis flugxhip, of
twenty guns; the Niagara, tweuty guns
the Caledonia, three guns; schooner
Ariel, four; the Scorpion, two; the Som
niers, of two guns and two swivels; tl:s
sloops Trip, Ttgrtta and Porcupine, out
gnn each.
Tli" Porrnnine was taken to Detroit
where, in 1S10, her tipir works wero re
built and her nauo changed to Caroline. '
Eventually she was brought, to Grand
Ilaven and sailed by Captain Barry AI.l
ler. In the early fifties she was set
adrift in Grand river near the month. '
The current earned her out Into Lake
Michigan, bnt a west wind blew hef
back in a day or two, and she was after
ward refitted and sailed a season or two. !
Finally, about the year 1933. she was al
lowed to sink, head on, at Ferrysburg.
Eer remains will be taken from tile
water and properly rard for. Grand
Rapids Democrat.
Looking for Haitian.
"Tie King Snake Story" is the head,
tng under which an Alabama contempo
rary prints the following: "We have been
Informed that about one month ago, in
Morgan connty, while a man and his
wife were sitting ont on the veranda
late in the afternoon, their attention
was attracted by the appearance of a
large king snake on the steps a few feet
avay. They were perfectly quiet, and
the snake crawled np the steps until it
reached the top; then it held its bead
op, as much as to say, 'Can I come inT"
Tbey remained perieiy still, and the
snake took it for granted that the silence
gave consent, so it proceeded to enter
the ball and crawled leisurely along
until it reached a bedroom where the
door stood open. It entered the door,
makirg its way nndT the bed.
"Bere the king snake pounced on a
large rattlesnake that bad coiled itself
arnnnd the bed springs. After a deadly
struggle with this monster rattler the
king snake went out in the yai'd and got
some kind of weed to kill the poisonous
bite. After taking the medicine the
king snake returned to the house and
continued th battle until the rattWiake
was dead. It was five feet in length anJ
bad nine rattles.""
Opening of tlia lJulao Season,
What ho, ye epicurm of Irich birth!
Listen to the gladhome tidings that the
Erhtcropof duhic for the season of Ib'Jl-i
bas arrived and is awaiting yonreagei
purchase. Fresh from the rocks of Ban-
duren and all along the Gal war and'
Sliu'o coast itcouies.
The dulse, or diihxk as the real Hi
bernians call it, is niiusually plentiful !
ind of eitra fine flavor this fall, and
lien ate wed with plenty of tniik an4
butter it will make a dish fit for a king.
A quart of it Uli like a c!mi. aorort
ment of faded morocco leather scraps,
but it is like the proverbial singed rat.
and no one who knows its taste minds
its looks. The stw nr broth it mskes is
genera! Uhio U,T the system, aud espe
cially good fur dyspepsia; but men from
the "ould sod" say further that it en
larges the heart, eurichea the brogue and
enlivens the feet of all whoparVake of it.
New iork Herald.
Aa Iniprotad Shirt.
An idea as old as the bills is gaining
recognition now, aft'-r having failed
persistently. I speak of the idea of the
"coat shirt." This is a garment which
in most respects does not differ from the
ordinary dress shirt It has no clait'i to
novelty in apjiearance when it is worn.
The advantage is in the putting on. Toe
garment di s not go over the hea l, but
is adjusted in the same way as an or
dinal y coat. It is closed lx liind and en
tirely open in front. It is being put
upon the market this year, and its future
looks brighter than ever before. In
swelldom it is not unknown already, but
it has never pained wide popularity.
New York World.
Hi Drlnl Good Ileal of CoflTM.
The United States ranks high among
the co!Tee drinking nations, being sur
psssed by IV'jrium s.ld JJo1i1 alone.
The aversge, consumption of coffee per
inhabitant in this country lust year was
eight and a quarter ponnis, while that
of tea was but one and two-tenths
pounds. Coffin is the national beverage
of the Cuit"d BtaU-s. Chicago Tribunsv
. was refuted t'fe hany.
' k j AIbh'w. As an old woinfn
aoro than haniluome. The pul i
; reiiiainua, aim the rue or the
.'. (iiiickent and luot Liuilx'iit nair
..r ..wi 1 in., . .i tn.Klu tL'ftu nnciir '
so long as life remained. The son must
have had her in his head, as he remem
bered her in her younger dts, when he 1
was sketching the tleMgn of the statue'
of "Liberty Enlightening the World.'
It was her idea that Lilierty should not '
lie en pate de gimuanve, but of a grave
and severe aspect. Lilierty waa tiie bett
of all conditions, nhe uned to say, for
theft; who were wvere njHin themselves,
and the wort-t for the self indulgent.
One never saw a trace of self righteous
harHliiifrS in tiie old lady. Blm was very
indulgent toward the erring; but that
grace, she said, came with the wide ex
iierietire of old age. It was a source of
enjoyment to her to drive to the Iale of
Swans, in the Seine, and look at th re
duced copy which was set up there a fevs
years ago of the famous statue which
now rftaud at the entrance of New York
harbor. One of her tayitiLTi w;w, "Di
not repress badness; crowi1 it out with
good ideas." London Truth.
A Pari. Candl. Ptory,
"Every traveler who stops at a Paris
lodging honw," laughed a woman the
other day, "has a candle story, and here
is mine: We were served with two
candles every morning, which we never
half uxed tip; these would lie taken out,
however, and fresh ones npjiear in their
places. Knowing that we were being
charged for every candle we determined
at least to enjoy added illumination, and
my htiMhand looked around for a place to
hide 'iiem during the daily doing up of
the apartment. On the top shelf of a
cabinet arrangement in a corner stood a
large Japanese vw, wide and d'p. Up
to this Mr. climbed, to discover that
we had been forestalled, for in Its capa
cious hollow we f.;nnd seventeen can
dles, every one burned down perhaps an
"Some former bxlger bad resented
the candle swindle liki onrselves, and
Lad put bis daily allowance where it
wonld do the proprietor no good. That
night a brilliant illumination of nineteen
candles, each set in its own grease on
the marble top table, gave us something
like light. During our stay we hid and
accumulated candles, so that we bad
always enough to rcid by, azd Trhra tt;
left we deposited our overstock in the
vase for the benefit of some searching
successor." New York Times.
Too Kallf lous of China.
The three great religions of China art
Confucianism, Buddhism and Taouicm.
The bulk of the people are Buddhists
rather than Confucianints, and there are
millions of infidels. The tomb of Con
fucius is at Mecca, for many of the Chi
nese, and they make rHlgrittia?e to It.
Confacianism is more a philosophy than
a religion. It contains many of the bean-
ties which w suppose to be exclusively
the properties of Christisnity. The
golden rule in a negative form was an
nunciated by Confucius, aud as a system
of morality it is beautiful. The Taou.sts
have more etiierntitions than the Con
f ucianist. They began about the same
time as Confucius, their preacher being
one Laoa-Tsze.
The state religion, la oonuection with
which all theM) religions come in, is the
worship of the emperor, who is the son
of heaven and tiie prophet, priest and
king of the IU worship for
them in the temples at Pekin When
the great Temple of Ilenven wa burned
down a shudder ran down the itoo.uou.uoG
spines of the great Chiueee nation. It was
thought that this was a warning from
heaven that the emjieror r.honld be de
posed. Frank O. Carjienter in National
Jlegglng lttan from London.
"Ever since I was abroad," said a well
known New Yorker, "I have been pe.
tered with ail sorts of begging letters.
They are mostly from the managers of
ngiish charitable limtitutiubs of vari
ous denrriptions, though some are from
private individuals. The former ludooe
variety of printed matter illustrating
the purposes and work of the institution.
7 he latter are atiject appeals or appar
ently prof-ssional bgging MW writers,
th Wtlicu Loudou abounds. I was
Ulking with a friend about it aud be
said he had tiie same experience for
abont two years after he had built a flue
house here, a dcription of which and
his wealth got into the local paper. B
was dulnged with begging letters from
ahiei-t every rapital iu Europe and
peelally from London.
"'I 'se people are the worst and most
persistent beggars in the world. Fancy
an American mailing beggin.vl. iu rg. lo
Londoners! I stiptxiee there must be
money in it or they would; 't do it,"
New York Bersld.
The intelligent foreigner is highly
amused at the itidiM-riuiinate way In
which English audiences ti this word
regardless of tiie number and sex of tiie
performers whom they winli to applaud
A tenor Is, of course, liravo; but
prima donna is brava. More than oi
male artirft ran only lie bravi, and if
there are more ladies than one on U
stage, and no man is to le Included in
the applause, they should be bailed as
bravo at leant according to llaMiui
grammar. Notes and Queries.
The art of longevity, all the world
over, is a regular life, temperate in !.!!
things, v-ith abundance of pure air uid
water, and freedom from anxiety, oar,
aud worry.
BllvR IN MIND IniAT .'
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc.
It will
Vlio will uliow you better malice, quality and for less
buy west of Chicago.
TOE Has OrLl3r Ono .Frico,
Catholic ht. Paul's Chnrrh. sk. betweea
Kill!) and Hlitll. Kalhrr l alliry, ranter
Hrnrlre: Mm at I fetid 10 :30 a. M. Huhdsy
Hchool at 2 M, nti iKiiedletion,.
Chitiaw, Tomer l.oeut and Elehtb 8ts.
Servires morning and evening. KlUt-r A.
i:osy pastor. Bundsy Brnool 10 A.M.
KriscorAL. Ht. Luke's Crunch, eorner Third
snd Vine. Hey. II H Hume... ptnr. Ker
yires II A. M. smI I ir. M. buudsy tkbool
at l jo r. m.
lisRMAX Mstiiiikist. t rnr SUth Ft ar.d
(,riill. Her. Illrt. I'Mtur. h-rvire : II A. M.
and I M v. m. oeuilay hchuol 10 -3 A. a.
PHKSHVTKMIAJI.-Servlieii Is new rhnrrh.f r-
ner Hlilti snd tlrstote t. IU-v. J I .IUir.l,
ti"!"r. Mimls-"'i-il at s : : Prescblns
st II s. m.siid p in.
1h. K. H. C. K of thl einirch meets rry
HiiiiIikIIi evenlne si T .15 In Hie die" inrnl el
the chiierh. Ail sre Invlled lo attend llir.e
Pikst MrTitoiMnT. Hlxth Ht., betsen Main
snd rVsrl. Key. I. K. Hlllt. 1). II. n.i-ler.
snvlre. : l A. M.. S :(i0 r. M hiiiulst ni liMl
t .30 A. at. ITayrrnst-rtUs Vtednesday even
ing. ilniMAS pRrmiVTSKiAM Corner Main snd
Ninth, Key V itte, piiiter. services uietal
hnurs. humiai erlmul t .M A. M.
SwpriiH oM.HnTlo.HAU iirsnlte, he-
loeen rum and Mini.
Cointri) niTtT. Mt (lllve, t'sk, tx-tween
Irnlli anil r.lrvrntli, Kev. A. Hnell. pas
tur. heivlemlls m. snd T J) p. m. 1'tayrr
liiretlns Weonruluy evening.
Vocno Mss's rnai-Ti AKnoriATUiv
KfHilll. Ill stertlihll liliH-k, Mhlll tle-t. (iilH-
x-l inert lug, Inr met, enly.evrrv Himil iy sf
teniiHin si 4 o'cI'M-k. Kihuh. ern week dsyt
Irotn S 30 a. Dl , to : 3 p. m.
WiMid, I anliir. herviee. ; Sunrisy Hi Ii'hiI,
HI. in.: Ir'-nrhliu. a. ni. and S p. in. ;
H n,eUiijr 1-ti!:.jr nl'ltl ; chi.-Sr prae
hcr'rlU. iiiijht. All are ic'itne.
SAY E "Y" OU ' Iwl
pny you to come fifty miles to trade
Jtwmi: " How Is It, Kftts, tint you always
seem to ' cattrb on ' ti the laitl new thing 1 fK
what I may, you slways seem to gel ahead
of m."
Kate: "Idontknnwt I eertalnlv do not
aukeany eiertem In Uist dire. tu.n.1'
Jsssis: " Well, during Uie laat few nnnths,
fur sxample. you bays Ukeo up paluiiug.
withmrt sny traj-hiT : you same to the rescue
Wlieo MlM t,ulary (lewrtlil her llelnarti clajal
So uiiileuly, anil roriainir we sre all improv
ing In trace uri l-r y-nir iimnieli'in; I ui-urd
ma telling Tommy Knuiea tint evening bow
n. eiioi iim Im uiImIsh.-w In .iy;iig ti-lillj
ml ne.fn to ti up on .11 the hiiet ' fn'ls.' sua
now Jut m 'iul to do uii'ler all i'in-uiii-t4iiiia;
you riiti-rtiitii heaoiilnllv ; stnl In the IsaI
Uiodlo .,u li.iva .iiiprovi .!itii hi-n:th.owtnr.
yoi: l.-lf me, tii your .h);i uiciilluieeien-iM-a.
vi'liere ilo you t all ol your Iul i .riiuit M ti
from In tiiia I . I l - - ont-of tho way pUu.o lot
you neer iro to tne"
Kais: "Wl,r, Jiunie, you will make rus
yam. I hnveoiiiy one .xim-kI luforiiiHtion,
but it In aur.r:Miiu; h'.w H lui-ls ail WHiila. f
tit) i'l nu hinr ol niiyihiiiv new hut what
the net i lew il )( t.rn g me lull liilorinailon
on th" J HvU HmiH-f Nol ViK.inel
Aiel a ifl tifliioire n Is lo in ( I. I r It
T'ul'.Y furuivhi Hi" reielllig for II r whole
h,,iiM'lioii : tatner ea. imcn tip hi. uin.ii.oNf he litis tft.n 1"i yeiim, h. lie mhi tins
nun gliw mere snd l- tt'-r hiloiinHtioii on
tho ili).'' of the (I t ; sml mother myi
liuil It im I lit Hint make. In r iu. Ii a (uliioii) Iiih i. r. Iu tun. wn all si-reo tlml it is
Uieouir nmly rAMii.v luamtjne i.iii.oiikiI,
a. we hmvti ai-nt for .tllillS of Slf il tlHm,
ami tliel ihuioooia all lor uieti. another sli
for womi. snd auotuor for elillilren only,
while tiu one nuilt eery eeo of u; so us
only nwl Pi Hike one Innteml of several, and
tliwt hi whera toe eciln'ii.r eonuw in, lor K Is
only t-Ml s year, perhaps you think I sta
ti lavirn in my irana.t "'l I e l you us
intra, or. Iiel(.-i piiii. -,el ei. Wit Ui tl.t: .:.ll-ll-lier,
W. J.-urit-ia Ih-mon-.t. I' I'jwt lob
Htr-. New York, for a wui:-lo oopv, snd I
Sliall alwaa t.oi.lT that I have done you
a great favis-i and may lieyou will Imeuttiiig
ut not, a. yirti my we have '.lie mputatlou of
being lh l". Infortiied family In town. If
tliat he so, II k Dviuoital lawuy kagsrine
Uial duos If
A liberal ofler-only f.'i.OlJ for
and Demorest l-'iiinily MiigMnine.
OTSeiid your subscription to this
oil ice.
s a Scientific. Americas
Agency for)
eavt sra.
C ffy COVRICMTa( eta.
toi Infnrmatino and frea Handbook wrlla M
Ml st A ai t t liiioi. 1 1. N l'il.
Oirtaot enw) ro imini. paUnit. In S rn-noa .
Erorr vw a tatn imii iij u a iinMi.iii i.r,4
th. pie by s nrtln flvao If, ill ouaia Ul los
Scientific acrirau
lrraat otmilatlns of any wn-nt S' paper In lh
Wrflo r I .ri'iiillv IH'i.trau I hit litioll.if.-iil
Biao .S01114 b. villiout IU Warmr. Sl.Ull s
Ixmri l Ji .is moMiit. AudrMM JurNM A CO
'ULUUIlb, A ttruadwaii, h furk.
at Jobbers Prices
money than yon can
i '.1 r
The Leading
Constantly keeps on band everytbln
you need to furnish your bouse.
ltt5mut - Neb
wYi - Tr. i art
waiT i.iiiiiiit v
f e -
For Atchlnaon, St. Joseph, Iaven
worth, Kansas City, St Louis,
and all points north, cast
aouth or west. Tick
ets stdd and bng
frnge checked
to any
States or
Canada. For
Cull nt Depot or address
II, C.,
O. I. A. St Louis, Mo.
J. C. I'lllLUITI,
A. 0. P. A. Oiling.
If. D. Apqak. Agt, riattainoyh.
Telcplionc, 77.
WAl'ted-Alt active, Mlahls nisa-s-to
t' e-eiilhiy. wllb inere, to t
In kit own .acilou a reH,n.ii.i,
a-ilsry Its
w Vmk
Unix. Pefelencea,
boi to, New lurk.