The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 30, 1891, Image 2

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' DKiiait ; J
"' . ' ' '
. ..''. T''i
. '
T r, not fu advc..y.. .3 wj
attif. In 4dHncr:
Hiontret, InsilYsnee. '
, 40
snp one year unuivauoe
eopy. pr week, by carrier
copy, per inmitb
John C. Wit son, of Nebraska City,
ha.been interviewed by an Omulia
paper uud is credited with making
the following assertion '. .
" tAH I wn ! " oera bouse, an
p VcCric street ruilway and a new
4 'utillery. Thutyall I am'working
"wor, and Nebraska City wants them.
( am not in polities. I am not eup
"4 portiag.anybody, and I am not out
for congress; my prophecy ih, how
. ever, that Mr. Hryun will not be bis
ewn successor. Anions the proba
hlt wLtiueia," arc Church Howe
Judge Chapman and Judge Pond.
"But I dm not in it as far a poli
tico are concerned. I want, a do
other, an, electric street railway, an
ooera house and other business
The postmaster-general's annual
report, just made public, shows
what thi n.m.l litiiuisl deficit la the
finances of the department is grad
ually but surely disappearing. It
mounted for the last year to
only a little more than fo,030)00,
and that, too, in spite of the fact
that the revenue suffered a loss of
over $l,(XX),0UO owing to the passage
of the anti-lottery bill; and the esti
mates for 1n, which have been
prepared for the information of
congress, show that the service
which, as is clearly indicated by
the report, has been made to im
prove even at a lower cost, will
reach a self-sustaining basis about
July 1, lWI. The increase of the
revenue last year, in spite of the
loss on the transportation of lottery
mail, is only fSJOMO.
With regard to sugar, the efforts of
this d'partment afford much en
courageinent tor a home grown
pugar product. The result of the
work of the experiment station es
tablished in the interest of beet
sugar may be regarded as eminent
ly stisfactory, and with regard to
sorghum. I am happy to be able
tp state that the process known as
the alcohol process, perfected in
the chemical laboratoi of this
department lat year, has, on being
tested in the practical manufacture
(if sugar, nnswered all reasonable
expectations. There seems to be
do reason why we should not, there
fore, look forward with confidence
to the day win u Die one hundred
millions of dollars paid by Ameri
cans to
i.,T,.r-n .,., ,,..,,.....,
or our oii p
Senator Paddock is an indomit
Bl. I-worker Ine of his acts when
congress convened wai to reintro
duce his pure food bill. This is a
bill in the of the entire
(iinii f-:::i!y oi the L'nited States,
and it is a shame and disgrace to
our nation that we have men in
congress who are so base and cor
rupt as to oppose such a bill. Any
man who will deliberately prepare
adulterated and unwholesome food
for sale is nothing short of a mur
derer and deserves to be hung
higher than Hainan. And any
man who will stand in the halls of
congress and Work and vote in the
interest of hii h a "liuii or set of
men and footer such business
should be regarded as infinitely
worse tliDii the men in the business.
Senator Paddock should receive the
heartfelt thanks of the people
throughout the United States for
jiia faithful work. Wymore Re
Governor Thayer and Labor Com-
inifjdioucr Liid len arc actively at
work in securing the proposed
train load of corn to be sent to the
famine sullerers of Kiissln. From
dozens of points in tiie state re
sponses are coining to tile procla
mation of the governor, and Mr
Liidd-n estimates that VJ.Oui.iM)
cf breadstuff will be
bj N'ebrask-ms.' ' Ye-t"rd.i
"thc'idca. that aVUS
ul lrotii a it
a lew wrMir
. , it as t
' dthat-
" nhave
Petersburg at
the naval department
Nebraska and Minna-
the frigate Constella-
the supplies to St.
government expenne
the governor thinks that to be the
preferable way of shipment "I
would like," said .the governor, "to
have the contribution from 4his
country go a free offering the en
tire TT3Y nnd fsnn- in Kttssia in a
ship carrying lue-American colors.
It would make the gift complete
and much more satisfactory to the
givers." Senator Paddock will
join with the governor in the ar
rangement for shipping facilities
and the governor hopes very
shortly to be able to notify the
many people over the slate who
have volunteered contributions
just how and when to make ship'
merits. Lincoln Call.
The Texas rangers ond United
States troops are still hunting
Garza's men and Garza's proposed
invation and restoration of the con
stitution of IS.! now excites less
ridicule than it did in September
when first rjromulirated. IT has
shown himself a capable' leader
and while avoiding pursuit on
both sides of the rives he as in
creased the number of his forces to
such an extent as to excite general
TUB sea serpent has now rcnM:.t-
aLic clci'.cal backing and is likely
to be recognized in the best society,
The bishop of Adelaide of Australia
certifies to the finding of a dead sea
erpent sixty feet long on the
beach. Its head was five feet long
and ,had two holes in the top and it
had a tail like a whale. Lincoln
Journal. .
TlIK N. A G. Taylor Tin Plate Co,
of Philadelphia completed arrangi
ments yesterday for the erection of
an additional factory in that city
which, when completed, will be the
largest establishment of its kind in
the United States.
Are you made miserable by indi
gestion, constipation, dizziness,
loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shi
loh s italizer is a positive cure,
For sale by F. C. Fricke 4 Co.
Height of Cruelty
Nervous women selrlom recive
the sympathy ,. they deserve,
While often thr pictures ot health
they are constantly ailing. To
with hold sympathy from these un
furtuntesis the height of cruelty,
shortneess of breath, fluttering,
pain in side, week and hungry
swells, and finally swelling of
ankles, sppression, choking, amoth
ering and dropsy. Dr. Miles' New
Heart Cure is just the thing for
them. Fr their nervousness, head
ache, weeklies, etc., his Restorative
Nervine is uncquali-d. Fine treatise
on" Heart and Nervous Diseases'
ami marvelous testimonials free,
Sold and fuaranteed by. F. G. Fricke
A Co. .
As well as tne Handsomest an
otni-rs are invited to can on any
, v.. """,,.,,,,,,, , ,. ,.,.,-.. ,.:,.! I,,,,,,..
of Kemp's 1 !.i m. un for the Throat
a::;!J!.utigs, a remedy tht is selli
entirely upon its merits and
guaranteed to relieve and cure all
chronic nud acute coughs, iinthma
broncbitiu and consumption. Larg
bottles 50c and $1.
Soma Fool. )i f'oj,'
allow a con if h to run until it gets
beyond the reach ol medicare.
They say, "Oh, it will wear away,"
but in jjo-t runes it wears Uiem
away. Could they be induced tj
try the sucresful Kemp's Malsaru,
which is i-old on a positive guar
antee to cure, they would see the
excellent ellert after taking the first
does, f'rice 5t) c und J 1. Trail sine
free. At all druggists.
Cu;nteed Cure,
We authorise Obradvertiseddrug
gist to sell Dr. King's New Dis.
covery f r Consumption. Coughs
and Colds, iimiii this condition
Ifyou are aflicted with a cough.
Cold or any lung, Throat, or Chest
trouble, arid will uxtr this remedy as
directed, giving it a lair trial, "and
experience benefit, .you may return
the bottle and have your money
refunded. We could not make this
offer did we not know that Dr
King's New Discovery could relied
on. It never disappoints. Trial
bottles free at F. O. Fricke A Co
Drug Store. Large sue 50c, and
I have been a great sutferer from
catarrh for over ten years; had it
very bad, could hardly breathe.
Some nights I could not sleep and
bad to walk the floor. I purchased
Ely' Cream lialm and am using it
freely, It i working a cure surely.
I have advised several friends to
use it, and with happy results in
every case. It is the medicine
above nil other for cal.irrh, and It
is worth its weight in gold. I thank
(jod I have found a remedy I C!:n
ue with safety and that cloes all
that is l.iiiin il for it. It N curing
in V deafue. J. . perry, Mart
ini d, Ciio ii
. . " made hT..
"JriOil preen pcn-
. dried fruit aim u.,J-v
if berries. 1 he cook con'
; .,49 ti:rc and 75,031 tubs of
Va, anu t" K'telien ana on tne iaui
disappeared from iew the tremenJoij
amount of 250,59 obH, 83,381 firkin
and 87,848 boxes of better. A hoye heap
of crackers must havs been iwallowed
along with the big boxes of
During one year Philaduluhia oon-
Qtnod nearly 8,500,000 bushels of grain,
iDcluding nearly 1,500,000 btuheU of
corn, B77,50tJ bushels of wheat, 88,4:15
bushels of rye, 1,056,300 bushels of bar
ley and 203,600 basneis of nuuU Out iit
these 877,508 bushels of wheat were
manufactured 195,00) barrels of flour,
and from this floor were baked 62,6j0,
640 loaves of bread. Most of the floor
used by the bakers and the good house
wives is shipped from the northwest, al
ready barreled. This manufactured int
bread wonla easily swell the total to
nearly 150,000,0r loaves or their equivi
lent to a crtat xtani in rolls, buna
and bakery.
Philadelphia eat doily an cnormooi
barbecue of S10 calvej, 1,410 sheep, 1,510
ho((s and 7,550 poultry, besides a huge
banquet of at lwt 8,000,000 oyeters,
't,K9 egKS, 8.)8 burrels of apples and I
carloads of potatoes. Philadelphia Rec
ord. W rc k rd bjr a Mlrmf.
A mirage in the Carribean -a was the
cauts; of the total loss of the new Auieri
can b.irkentine Kteadfont, while bound
from Port of Bpain to Philadelphia.
When the Steadfast sighted the lofty
peaks of Bt. Croix the atmosphere as
sumed a peculiar light color, and it be
came impossible to detect the sky from
the IJand, everything assuming a sim
ilar shade and color resembling the cir
rus tratus clouds, hiding the entire lower
portion of the irlvd. The peaks and
morntain appeared to be twenty miles
The tops of the mountains seemed to
be inverted, the tall cocoanuts appearing
to grow from the sky to the earth. The
sugar grinding mills were pouring thoif
smoke downward, and the workmen
working npnlde down. The Steadfut
was kept under easy suit and perfect con
trol. Everything went well until a
grinding sound was heard, and a smlden
tremor went through the ship. The ves
sel cranhed over the reefs and was soon
fast on the rocky shore, where her wreck
still remains. The mirage made tli
ir'acd appear twenty miles away. Bos
ton Transcript.
The Coal it ItalUa Opr.
Talking of money reminds me that
Signor VianeJ says he left the Paris
opera, where he has been conductor fur
me last tour years, because iua salary
was not Urge enough and tlie work too
exacting. lie received f3,4O0 year for
ten tuoD'Juv work, and very hard work
at that. lie comes to America and gets
fS.OOO for seven mouths, ilr. Abbey's
salary list is a formidable one. Miss
Van Zaudt gets 1 1,000 a performance.
Miss Karnes, fKl; Lasalln, the French
baritone, $-"0; iluie. Albani, pM, and
live other singers from ft'W to v-wo.
'rhere Is a chorus of eighty, averaging
(-,'0 a week, or f 1,800, and an orchestra
costing $2,000 a week.
The expenses of giving opera with
such a company cannot fall below f-VOOO
a performance, so that even at five dollars
for a parqnet seat, the price for the
coming season, iir. Aobey may not
make a fortune. The average cost of
the German performances at the Metro
politan last season was t-!,(KK). New
Vwrk Epoch. .
Tbs Wedding Mower.
The flowering of the "Wedding Flow
er," at Kew tiiis year, is an event of more
liino ordinary interest, both to botanists
and borticulturixut. U In the giant not
only of tii getim Iris, but of the whole
s.-.turi! order to which i? Miwiijs.
It is fot nd wild only in a aaisll inland
oil the extt count of Australia, tlionoand
- II - : - - . , , V , V - V : . .
Jt UlUfm UIIH4U, t.U VUMUIMillbWI !,)
other Iris. While all other Irus may be
grown out of duom, ot with a little pro
tection in winter, this one is happy only
when treated to subtropical conditions.
Its value in horticulture is due as much
to its stature and elegance of foliage as
to the size and beauty of its niimerons
The flowers last only one day, but there
are so many of them that Uie flowering
season extends over a long period.
This Ins is known fsr and wide as the
wedhng flower. Loudon Garden,
A Collc PrMldaat't CImm.
Harvard men who attended chapel one
morning last week were very much sur
prised to see President Eliot pursuicgone
of the students as tbs men were leaving
the building. Those In the immediate
vicinity heard a very short but animated
conversntlnn. "Young man," said the
president to the individual in question,
who turned around surprised, "young
man, excuse me, but you have my hat."
It was indeed true. In the confusion of
leaving theciai"l the student bad picked
up the wrong hut and was making away
with the president's bust tile. Uoston
Gazette. ' .
CUsBtnf a Marhl StaUa.
Coniuiudore Terry's marU statue In
Cleveland, having acquired inch a heavy
coating of smoke and smH .i to render it
Dnsightly, was rurfntly scrubbed, but
with ths efTsct Of making It look worw
thsn evr. The black came off the "high
lights," and the smudge U deepened in
tiiOliado And. tliongii the l.rnvt 11
Sailor n'.'ver del s ne sn tiling l'i I'.s
liey now uu of kv!' "i '-'"'t of
wii:towmC. Oiuoiliu'.! 1'iuje IS'.ur.
' r yXirse jtu-.'
., . i t it is. Trial bottle
f. Vricke & Co. Drug
,'ge eiie 50c. and $1.00
l'he H. A M- w ill seil round trip
tickets on Dec. '4, 25 and HI to sta
tions not over 'SH) miles distant at
rates a follows:
In Nebraska South Dakota and
Wyoming one and one-third fare.
In Colorado and Kausaa one fare.
In selling from a point iii. Kan
Has or Colorado to a point in Ne
braska or vice versa, agents will use
rate of fare and a third for the en
tire distance regardless of rate Hp
plying in the ditlerent stater tf ,
We have aold Ely's Cream Balm
about three years, and have re
commended its use in more than a
hundred special cases of catarrh.
The unanimous answer to our in
quiries is, "It's the best remedy that
I have ever used." Our experience
is, that where parties continued its never fails to cure. J. H.
Montgomery, A Co, Druggists, De
corah, Iowa.
When I began using Kly'a Cream
Halm mv catairh was so bad I had
headache the whole time and dis
charged n large amount of filthy
matter. That hns almost entirely
disappeared and have not had head
ache ecieuce.-J. sommers.stepnney,
Speolmen Caes.
S. H. Clifford, New Castle, WU
was troubled witu neuralgia ane
rheumatism, his stomach was dis
ordered, his liver was affected to as
alarming degree, appetite fell awe)
nod be was terribly reduced in lies
and atrength. Three bottles of
Klectric Hitters cured him.
Kdwurd Shepherd, Harrisburg,
111., had a runuing sore on bis 1
of eiirht vears' standim.'. L
three bottles of Electric Hitters an
seven ' bottles Jlucklen's Arnic
Salve, and his leg is sound and well
lohn Sneaker. Catawba. t) had fiv
large fever sores on his leg, doctor
said he whs incurable. One botth
Klectric Hitters and one box Huck
len's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by F. O. Fricke A C: -
Rernarkabl i Facts.
Heart disease is usually supposed
to be incurable, but when properly
treated a large portion of cases can
be cured. Thus Mrs. KImira Hatch
of F.lkhart, Ind., and Mrs. Mary L.
Haker, of Ovid, Mich., were cured
after suffering '&) years. S. C. I. in
burger, druggist at San Jose, 111.,
says that Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
which cured the former, "worked
wonders for his wife." Levi Iigau
ot Buchanan, Mich., who had heart
disease for '.HI years, says two bottles
rt!H! mm ee like a new man
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold
and guaranteed by F. C. Fricke A
Co. liook of wonderful testimonials
free. 1
Gentlemen would not use "Blush
of Roses" if it was a paint or pow
der, of course not It is clear as
water, no sediment to fill the pores
f the skin. Its mission is to heal
runc nnd purifv the complexion
of every imperfection, and insures
every lady and gentleman a clean
smooth complexion. Sold by O. II
Snyder. Trice 3 cents.
A Cure for ParaWsl.
Frank Cornelius, of I'urcell, Ind.
Tcr, says: "I iuduced Mr. I'inson
whose wife had paralysis in the f.ic
to buy a bottle of Chamberlain
fain Halm. To their great suprise
before the bottle had nil been used
she was a great deal better. He
face had been drawn to one sib
but the I'ain Halm relieved all
pain and soreness, and the mouth
assumed its natund shape." It is
also a certain cure for rheumatism
lame back, sprains swellings and
lameness, ft) cent botties for sale
by F. (i. Fricke A Co., Druggists.
I used Kly'a Cream Ilalm for dry
catarrli. It jiroved a cure.- H. F. ?,
Xfiai ll,iiver.
Kly'a Crciim Uilm ii esiieciully
uibipted us a renieby for cut.irrli
wbicli is aggravated by alknliue
duet and dry winds. W. A. Hover,
Imtggist, Irnvrr.
Iciin rei-oiiiuiend Kly's Creuui Hal
to all sullerers from dry catarrh
from personal experience. Michuel
Iferr, I'liiinnaciht. Denver.
Kly'a Cream Ilalm bus cured
many castes of catarrh. It is In con
stant demand. Geo. W. Hoot
riiariiiacif l, Cheyenne, Wy.
The laws of health are taught in
the schools; but not in a way to be
of much practical benefit und uru
never illustrated by livingexiiiiiplcs
which in many cases might eunily
be done. If some scholars, who
had just contracted a cold, was
brought (efore the school, so that
all could hear the dry, loud cough
Bud know its significance; see the
thin white coating on the tongue
and latter, as the cold developed,
see tlie proluse watery fxpeclorn
tion find thin watery discharge,
from the nose, not one of tl.eoi
would ever f irget what lbe iVM
symptoms of n cold were. The
scholar should then be given
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free
ly, that all mlht see that even a
severe cold could lc cured in utis
or two dnj'S. or nt leest gresily rrtiti
gated, wfieii properly trewti-d as
SOOII US tin; (il el f, llll"llli ,,; p( ,4 r
This rcrnerlv i- 1 . r it's
cure of ioil;, e,lds iirnl ref-np.
It ii made 4.-pi;ce- illy Jor tli--se
di suse an 1 i-- t ( r c o i ri prinii t und
llli.el tl !l.l ', in Ii, ine V il ' i 11 I'jt
the tmrpos r.-l celt I .it'e for
bv I' fi. I'n.-k- i o . dm
Vice I'reVmt
). II Psnnel
PK'tsron. Pril (lordm
H Smllh
l B. V
Wlotlbmn, II. H. lUm.ey and
M I'iUtcnuu
aaenunt uniicilrJ. inivinsl allowed on timr
Iru.Hlt" and iirnimit Hitatl()U(lvao U all tins-
tnas ectruited to Its ears.
s'-, '', r kv f , ;ir rr (' '! 'T j
217. Sid, 42f and 823 Jfain 8t,'-'
Plattsmouth Nebraska
H. M BOSS, Propriotor,
lbe Perkins' has been thoroiiifhl)
renoyated from top, tc 'ottru aai
oow one of the bint hoUds in the UU-
Boarders will be taken bjr tlie week t
(.50 and up.
Hf SfaSllDlnitn CURED
hj l'ck'tlkvaitl IsbaUr lur Im
itwii.iirwmiiwiwiwi, fc.ijr. si .1.1. rncc
8a i arwOal, lrk. , W K ta. .
1,1 II Lk
v-a ' Ii.rr ts im T.nuirm on.,r.
1 -i i it, W'V ir
si - - r & .l .. - .. l ti,.
- i -r :. Ol-V-fr 1 u lo. It r,t;. , ir.a .,,,! l.t'i,
A'rtk I.i l.'...;ri.r.ll.4U.ll4a,'llllDtlllM.dUiU.
pns Cocoa
"llya lliorouiih knowli-di" of t'i riKliiriU
lai wlileh Kovem the ftrHr:tllon ef dli'i'Htioti
nnl leiliiiloii. and (' a 4.,n ful ai !lr!i!ioii of
the flue pre(i.-illH of well aei-r.ei 1'ioa Mr.
Kn Iiiih provided our lireaMaM l:itile Kith a
ilWiran-ijr H .me J kekfie alilrli limy .ivo
u many heavy dialer' Id 1, ll l l'v;i!if Judla
hm u of turli artirlp of ill,- tie I a reu-'llilli-'ll
limy lie k''Jlu ,lly ImlK up until tlnli(
eilollL'h to reiM eery l mli-m y lo dl-:nt
llundied of mihile irnii,iii- am II -allot
Mhiimd u reads to aOiirk wlirev-r heie a
k uitbt. vie IT. T eti-niM- ar,v a fatal
halt by keeplnuoiirlvea aril .r'lft-d lth
ptirv blool and a proimrly IMMirinlied frame. "
Civil Servlrn l,ieie. Mu lonl nlmp'y with
Soillnir wa'er err milk, HoM only lu balf-pnuud
iin, hy rroeerles, lalM'Hd lluir:
JAMKifclTS IX) ..llomironalMf ChunM
London, Kucland
How Lot!
Or Sf.l,r-rKr-KIH ATTOM. A nw ind only
OoidMRiaJPiiJ.i'': KMATonSKRVOI SaoS
MAT I UK nil I INF., and a.) llhKAh1
and WUIMtU of MAS. tuepfra,cliili,
am; 16 iDva,uabia pmcr,punna. Oi y
by Bail, 4jnnri SBaiad. lnxcrlpdve 1'ioih1.
u wuli ondoriaaKnts m ff I criin
f th. If... and voluntary WW U I. I "u
miimoslaia of tho cana. I llSaWi fiUH,
louu.:ilon In ien or hy rnnl. Kirt lrel
mrnu IN V lilLAlil.K SK4 KKCV ai,4 ( I B
TAIN ( ll. .!!;" IT. W. If I'irk-r. or
'I no i'Mtmy ninjitw AuiiiuU, ..w. 4 St..
lioatoo, Mm.
'! n i'mily Vdlnl Inituu baa many imi
Utora, but no vual. AruJ.
'I b. ntlaua ul Ufa, or Srlf Irwrvtloa, la a
lriir m.ira valua-lv than irnld. Inait ll mv,
rtvrr U l tK and M IIXM S man, and k.rnto
h STKOXi M'Jit'U Aiiuk. (i '.,,) rllnvJ.',
CnicffV(n t(M,;vM.
i im, y
1 1
i ait ajUia ' ' iia'- (
VI -J nt m 'It mm
4. tS 4
lf.i. .t
if !..
U. 11. rsriuvs
r- '1 (innlerV
I. M. fatter I n
T. M. rsilfrJyn
How ReK'iwvl
TV fl
Linimeni?. (
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
h lopg-teatrd pain reliefer. '
It use i almcst universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
fuck r.air, knd bjr eter one requiring an effective i
linimenr , ( , f
'o ot! cr .ipplicd nn comparet with it in efficacy.
TLk v.oll Vii.iwn remedy hut stood" the test o( years, ali.V)st
j;i ;ier.",:;'i;;:.
Ko mr-Jii i; e tlnst i complete without a bottle of Mvstako
' -' anae f r its use almost every day.
Ati dr-'iU aad dolcis have it.
f Si V :
1'atronnge of tke Public S .
North Sixth Street, Plattsmout,?
eald un capital M,nf,ft
rs th
, ytry bt fartlttlxa f'T tbs promp
iraotacuuti ui iiaiiimaui
Hanking Business'
Hto'k , bon ill. old. fdvcrnmotit and lwl
;urltic bonKlit and aolil. IimIU recli
tint unert bIIowi-iI en the wrtlflcat
,ra(u drawn, avrtlUI'le In any part ol tlx
"lined Stain slid all ll principal town Ol
ooixwrrioNS ads avu ruOMrrLr bit-
Illflient mnrlcM p'i'i pH for CiMinty War
rant!, rtlat ana ( buuda.
John FlUt(rald . . b. Hawkwortb
Shiii WHUgl. r r K. K. WUIle
- (iooras K. Ouvey
obu pU;nn.ld t Hi WiiKh.
KeP M kln.U of bulMrn hardwara on hund
and vlli iupp!y rontiaepHi us nioat lav
uralde ler i
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ROOFING tr ... .
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CIS P art "t.
in-: cnrzKN.s hank.
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Oipllal ilofk paid In
Authorized Capital, 1100,000.
rrMtdiint. V lex-President
W. It I'imillfll. CeMsr.
inaairroa '
rank ( arruib J. A. C":iror, V. B. (lutbinaop
I W. Jobnaon, 1'crin R'neli,.inli O'Umtt
W. II. M Train . Wu. Wnlsnrainp, W.
'' H. rtsOi'H. '
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i'uvaaud rl tirnarrr". roimty and
a:tv i4
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attended lu.
Hlatlemoulh, Nrbraska'
frrocnoss TDnncna B'fio A
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