The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 30, 1891, Image 1
v ' . : . H 1 V1 tar U li ill U . . Via"' if. V FTILYEAlt. ...i:siuy,i.. L 1 1.-.... I 1 r i bin eb vei. Establishe Facts: That the Royal Baking Powder is the oldest I and purest baking powder, and the greatest ' i in leavening strength. .Vrhat it is free from every injurious substance. That it makes lighter;' sweeter, more nutritious and healthful food than any otner. The Royal .Baking Powder Company refines its 'own cream of tartar in its own mammoth re finery, and thus insures its unvarying quality. There U used in the manufacture of the Royal Baking Powder more thr.n half of all the cream of tartar consumed in the United State for all purpose!. Thi is required and must be chemically pure, and chemically pure cream of tartar could not be obtained in the markets of this coun try or Europe, which ncceisitated the b"illing of special works, and the employment of special processes. All other baking powders, when analyzed, show traces of lime and sulphuric acid, which arise from the impurities of the materials bought in the market, which their manufacturers use. This" is why the Royal Baking Powder is the only absolutely pure baking powder made. Don't Ruffla u "W-"''. I Chill, lewar I ., Our vneratili"nple Sum " In alow to wralh, but whrn he (tarts Out on (lie walnut ti It takn a coutlunut t'i bold bin I Hfl careful Imw you g"t Hli riamW tip. 'Tli iiIib a lull trip around tlie Horn To got in K'"n r"ltlo (or a kick At you. but If h lliuli rUka tbn trip, IIi'MI Kt lliern I And mark jrou. ( till , Tlie l a bird a larva. touKh, healthy bird That hiti brim known to Ity from WanlilnK'on to Africa And come, back I amp with b tli his talona full Of wool. It woul o t lake him very long to inaka A flyli.K viilt anywhere In Mouth AiB lira.. Ile'a tutrmiaaa If lie'i let alone, kutdoa't 'throw Inn' at III in Or poke him wlib wtih ynur can, tor then llnS dangeroui. llila touch alii (owl atlll rooat Upon the, (lat-ol't tupmoat end. Ilelow him ware the Start and Htrlpei. Wec.llhlin. till I, The American I KnKle, And V u'd belter Mil atlr I film l'p. -Chlenfo Tribune, I. TTORNIT A. N. SULLIVAN, attorney at-Uw. Will rlva prompt attenttoa So all biwlDwa entnufd to him. Offloa In Valoa aiora, r.aei nide, i'iaiUiuuulB, fiob. HOTEL RILEY, RZCRET BOatTllX jlUttTSr PYTIIU". Oauntlet UmIk. io 47 a i-eiarrnrr Wednroilay availing Sirtflr haltA Pamieie CralK hlix-k. All Tia King knlrhta are eotdlaily Invited to attend V. U Hanvliall. 0. 0. ( Ua lKvy, K, K. H. AO, V. W. No. H-Mt aeeond and fourth Vrlitav avrnlnva In the month at t. A K. K. i, morgan. M n, fcalltn R'.-k"t blnrk V, r, brown, Keourder, f -ROYAl. ftCAJUM-C! CoonHI . V' M.t afil.e K.ot F. hall In the P 'flrllirfn Inrfffd. Ht-ary . 1 boi Walling, Hecreturit, Ko 1021. Parmde 4l lulla, -Tlalrlng Harold, Krgeut ; Following la lh Menu for th Yaar'a Dlnnar at tha Hotal Rllay. Navr TERSONAL Jerry Farthing In Ix)uiville toduy. O. II. Snyd.-r hud Liminens) in the metropolis to-day. Trcamirrr-ilfit L. C. Eitkboff in in the city to duy. Win. KiiMinuwMin left on No. 5 this morning for Oniiihu. Clin. Grave", of the Union Evil ger, i in the city ti-iluy. Chan. WickcrMhnm ix in lilnir, Neb., to-day on liiMincHH.' W. J. Koon, the jiliotornplur, was in Oiiiulia I.iMt niK"t. A. II. lute anil Joe Klein were in Oniiihu on I'liwiiicHH today. Rev. Dr. Ilritt wiih n iinHHcngrr on no. 3 lor tlie ttrfct tins mrrin";. II. A. ?Icr.l wiitn mid mother were jiaHHcniTH for Oinulin tlim morn luff. Hon. J. M. PiiMiTKon nud Com niiHHioner A. II. Totbl were in I. in coin to-day. Mrn. Win. Winn left for HillHlioro, kfexaH, tli it morning for a v i m i t with hT dniiKhter. Mlwa Ollie Iloyd Htartitl lor OtxT lin, KniiHait, thin morning on No. I to njiend the winter. Mth. II. N. Ix)vcrin of Pacific Junction cntne over laxt evening to uttend tlie"l. K." iJuiirtette. George and Ket Oootlell tf Glen wood, Iowa, wero in the city, the KiieMlH of r, 1'. I.ih and lumily iaht evening. Many old noldiern.whocontrncted chronic diarrhoea while in the service, huve Hince been tiernianeiit ly cured of it by ('liiiimhf rlnin'a Colic, Cholera nud diarrhoea Kein ely. r Male by F. G. Fricke A Co, There wan a very Hfipreciative mullein e at Wiitermnn a opera . Ikiiini litMt eveniiiir to linlcii to the .rorrmance of the "T. K." Uuar ' 11 e. They (javeu very creditable )rtafVtient iind the audience their appreciation by . pully lipplittuliiijf ench piece. ! JiilK''IttnniHey 'iMHited liceiiHt to 'Ji-dto.lay to John W. Eaton mid illy I raw lord liotli, of l nion. Ho you want to know what would '.n.ike your lather, mother, hrother. 1 Hidler mid aweetln art luippy'r It i i i nice pair of mIioch or Kliopera for , i ( hriiilimiH prepent. W. A. Iloeck . Co. have juM recriveil nn elegant no Ih.iV they oder at VKKV I.ow iilt'en for thirty daya only. tf Nolloa lo WaiarCnnaomara. All renin will tie dim Jnt!nry 1 Water rntiHiimera not winding con ilnuance miiHt (five proper notice. u lit I'LATTHMOITH WATbMCO. dyitfrs Blue Polats Kaw Crlrry. ollet. Cream of Oyater. Conanmme (jaanelles. Baked Trout a la Bechamel, Ham Cbampsgne baure. Capon Celery Ureaalnx Prime Loin of Beef au Jua. Young Turkey Bluffed, Cranberry Bauce Chicken Pureed Mormna Toungtiooee with Apple Jelly, fiagrnt Punch. Uuall en Toast Water Crea.ea. fladdl of Vaiilsdn Oaaie Pauce. flweet Bread an Beurrt Nolr. J ark Kabblt, kfuahroom Rauee. Mallard buck Queen Olives Holloa Cream Puffa, Hlirlmo a la Mayonalae, Freata Lobter. Steamed Potatoes. Maahed PoUtoea, Bweet Tolatoes Browned airlnKleaa Heaua. Marrowfat Teat, Apple Pie. Home Made MIdcc Tie. Iinnn MerliiKue Pie. Htramed Kugllab Plum Pudding Hard Bauce. Uraady Bailee' Vanilla Ice Cream. ( Iiarlotte Bust Aiiuel Piwl. U'lJ KliiRera fruitcake. Plum Cake. Uyertake. flgi, Attorted Nuts, Candle and Layer Raisin. Baeana. Otaiige. Apple. Catawba (irape. Cream Che. "'"t Cracker T.. Coffee. Van Ilouten Coeoa, Bailalda Uataugunj Iiideiu tier todt einen iineirer Kruender ties I'latUmoutli I.ieder kranzea ubberufet), hat tier verein beMchlanen: Der faaiilie ties Herrn Michael SchnellbacherfeinKr",H,,,H heiieid in erwcineu tind flieen benhlua derHelben r.ti ueberreicheu I'Afl. (iKKIMI, Wm. Wi hkk, Ctimitle No. S waa delayed thia morning in the upper yurds, by ihe breiiaiiiK of a buck spring on the chtfine, for about nn hour, after which another engine was attached to the train. ff3SaEb3 J13 o V a CO H The End of 1881 To the young the year speed not fan, rtimigli, to the old they are too short. The young; euijiloy the cloning of one year in ambitious planning for the next, the uged muse over the events of the pant and contemplate the mystTie" of future. In the lives of some the year has proved a inemonihle one, while in those of others it ia sug gestive of no special events. The hopes of one have reached fruition, the aspirations of another have fallen short of success, and thus the last days of December brings alike pleasant uud sad memories. What ever the year IH'Jl has brought to us, there is a valuable lesson to be learned. If any undertaking upon which we have entered haa proven unsuccessful, we can now, on look ing back over the ground, see more clearly the cause of: our fail are. No lesson is so forcibly learned as that born of experience. A past failure ofttimes point to a future success, if we but profit by the lesson. No yeur ia wasted which brings to us clear realir.a tion of our individual worth, and its best employment. The experi ences of the old year will make our successes during the new more as sured, for we will have learned what shoals to avoid in the sea of life. If our bnrk hnve just ground over rocky reefs with but slight injury, let us feel thankful tint we were not entirely wrecked. To be successful, the truth has been taught that the best success is that which is born with modefty and a h inutile exterior. It is a poor suc cess that brings with it an outward self-consciousness of our talents on gilts. I he most ndinircii and beloved men nud women lire those who combine prosperity with modesty. And thus to all the year can be fruitful of good results, if we but t kIi.k t from 3ur individual experiences only that, which wiil be the mont proiilnble (or us to reiiiein her. llien we whall lie the better prepared to enter upon the new jearwitli wisdom, zeal and energy. IluMian Relief Fund. Cass county as uhiiiiI, is at the front ngain, with one of the most I liberal donations to the Kussiaii Kelief I-ii ml, and it will be made i n u way that will receive the npprov al of till those interested. A. It, Todd, Aaron Ixler and Jacob Trit..c!, county conimfsioners called on Governor Thayer yester day and announced that Cnss cnun ty would give (UK) bushels of corn It will be bouirht und paid for ut once by private parties r, in) v. ill afterwards by reimbursed by the county commissioners, out of the county general fund. The corn will cost 5-1X1. It is claimed by the com uiissiiinors that by using county funds the exnse will be less than 1 mill for each inhabitant, a die apt plan than that of receiving and handling ! small ' contributions of corn olfered by fanners or others It is their Idea also that the cost of the MirchiiHC will be borne by the people generally instead 01 allow ing only B few to make the dona lions as would be the cast: other wine. County Court. in me matter of the estate o. Christian Schildmeier deceased. ' lition of Amelia Schildmeier widow of deceased, filed for ap pointment of Henry Uornemeier administrator. Hearing, January 12th, IW,at 10 o'clock a. in. In the matter of the estate of Joseph JI. Austin, deceased. Peti tion EUina Austin and J. G. Austin filed for appointment of Almond 11. Austin administrator. Hearing January i:ith, 1HV, at 10 o'clock a. in. C. R. Teft ft al vs. Phil Green et al. Suit on account for ft.M0.85 and interesL Answer January 4th, W.!l. James Fil.gerald vs. Tliomas E. Murpby.' Suit on account for $100. Hearing, Dec, 31, at 10 o'clock a. m. Albter Watson, assignee vs. Solo- ma ii Ward et al. Action to revive judgment. The state of Nebraska vs. John Winter. Compliant for petty lar ceny. Trial to court. Foundguilty and sentenced to days in jail. iTst 10 days on bread and water, and to pay costs of prosecution. In the matter of the estate of Charles S. Allen, deceased. Hear ing en petition for npointinent of James If. Green administrator, l'raytr granted and bond fixed ut $M00. In Ihe matter of the estate of Charles S. Allen, decend, Notice to creditors to file claims on or before June :W, at 10 o'clock a. m. In the mutter of the guardianship of William Soencer, insane. Hear ing on petition for appointment of Elizabeth Spencer guardian. Prayer of petition granted and bond Gxed ut 11,3. Taylor Hros. vs. J. M. Ileardsley. Suit on account. Trial to court, argued and plaintiff to file briefs by January 4, 1HV2, and defendant to file brief by January 11, 1802. 3ILVERWA Jin While we tipprcciut tjie large amount of trade we are favored with. w--. . Btill desire to increse our CASH TEADEi and have completed arrangement in which we have secured large quaa titles, at first hands, of the celebrated - at such prices that we propose ir give them toon many rust-Vjj;ers he- ' j i lieving that we shnll increase our trade, as our customers appreciata'Uf . fact that we are spending the money we set aside for advertising nurpo '. I es by returning it to them, believing they will appreciate the gilt and ) tell their friends, and thereby increase our trade. - " o , EVEHY Cash purchase to the amount of $5 entitles the purchaser t either a Koger's Solid Silver Metal IJutter Knife or Sugar Shell jo14 by Jewelery atfl.00. EVEKY Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to a set (fl) of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers al $2.0 EVEKY Cash purchase to the amount of $25 entitles the purchaser to a set (H) of Koger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $.100 EVEKY Cash purchaser to the amount of $30 entitles the purchaser fo a set (0) of Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid Nickel Forks, or a set ol Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $4.00. o- ERE is what the manufacturer says in regard to Solid Silver Met al goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There has been a grow intr demand for vears for a crade of Snoons and Forks to take the place of Solid silver and plate Ware. We have experimented for some time to attain this end, and are now able to offer the public our Rogers' Metal and Rogers' Solid Nickel Silver. We guarantee this metal superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi dence in assuring our customers that this ware is inferior to service on ly to solid silver. It is a beautiful white color, is highly polished and can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recomend this ware especially for hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will slanat more hard usage than any other metal; is very tough and hard; will hold its color nnd will outwear any tla,eware ever manufactured." All our ctiHtomers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This firm have manufac tured plated ware since and their name is never put on goods thai are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are getting some very desirable goods when they get goods under then brand. Come in early and secure a share of these goods before it is too ate. Ackland Salisbury, contestant, ts- Wc Qqatfailtee Oil PtfiCGS io bo ilG IlOesf arid W. II. Dearing, contcstee. Motion to quash service of summons and complaint and to dismiss action argued and submitted. II, D. Travis vs. A. V. Durell et al. Action on supersedeas bond for $470. Judgment for plaintiff for $1S3.50, and against Doom Bros, for costs of intervention. E. L. Lewis vs. W. S. Ward. Suit in attachment. Motion to discharge attachment and dismiss action sua- lined without prejudice to another action. bpeclel Meatlnj. There will be a special meetlngof Cass Cnmp No. IIX!, M. Vf. A., ut their hall in Fitgerald block this evening, December 30, at H o'clock for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. Jksmk L. Root, V. C, J. II. llaldeinan, of Weeping Water, is in the city to-day on legal business. FRED HERRMANN. D0JNFT FOlQET ' The funeral of the bite Carrie Vass occurred this afternoon at 21 o'clock and the remains were in terred in Oak Hill cemetery. License to wed was issued to-day to Win. T. iMsiier of ueorgciown, Colo., ami Miss Lizzie Folden Murray. THAT I AM GIVING UNHEARD OF BARGAINS In the best grades of WATCHES - CLOCKS : JEWELRY ol AND SILVEDWAHE C. W. B. M. Regular monthly meeting of the C. W. H. M. of the Christian church will be held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Twiss, Saturday, Januuiy '. Ol.lVR E. llovi), Sec'y. Llat of Latter Reniainingunclaiined in the post- office ut Plattsmouth December 30 for the week ending December 21; Hiim,,lri) M t Hf It, Vlaa Alms K nklln, Frank Lit Kov. W II hlickrl, Mi M.iui Wing, Mri Clara IVrsona calling for any of ihe above will please ask for "adver tised" letters. II. J. Stkkioht, P. M. CALL AND UK CONVINCED UK FORK PURCHASING. WILL UK PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THROUGH MY STOCK, WHETHER YOU WISH TO HUY OR NOT. xlB. A. M'ELWAIN 415 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb A son of Mr. M. D. Pusser, a merchant of Gibraltar, N. C, wns so badly afflicted with rheumatism for a year or more, as to be unable to work or go to school. His father concluded to try Chamberlain's Pain Italm on the boy. It soon cured him anil he has since walked one and a half miles to school nnd back every school day. f0 cent bot tle for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggist. A warrant has been issued for the nrrest of Ed Wiley on the charge of assault nnd battery. The complaint was made by Lottn A. Allien, wife of Mirund M. Alden. It seems that Wiley nnd Alden came to blows and the result was that Alden Is confiened to his home. Mirand M. Alden and Ed Wiley arc brothers-in-law. Miss Elsie Moore hns had the, east room in the Parniele -Roberts block nicely fitted up and will have her millinery stock moved in by the 1st of January. tf Why will you cough when Shi. loh s cure will give immediate re. lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1. For sale by F. G. Fricke Sc Cc We will sell lamps for net cost for the next thirty days. M. H. Murphy & Co. tf . Ladies who use cosmetics or pow ders to cover tin or hide b bad com plexion, do not know that . H. Snyder can furnish them with Mush of Roses, which is clear ns wnter tiurifies the skin, and positvely re . . . . . i r . .i ; moves macK neaos aim an skiii tu seases tukes the shiny look from the face and w hitens it soon ns np pled. Bucklen'a Arnica Salvs. Tim IIkht Salve in thu world for Cuts Bruises, Bores, Uleors, SuHUlieum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Clwped IisntU, Cliilhlnins, Corns, ami all Skin Eruptions, and pohk tively euros Piles, or no pat required. It Is guaranteed to clvo sfttiHiaclion, or money rcfumltxl. Price 21 cunts per hoi. For isle bj F. O. Pricks Judge Archer's court wns occupi ed yesterday afternoon by the cele brated Jones case. Thecusti occupied nearly all the afternoon, nnd at the t ! 1 At. conclusion uuge Arcner lounu iuc- j(Jjfe Samwl Chapman of (lercnuani wun uuiy nn iiuiiu and fined him $10 and costs, amount iniv in all to $24.:). An appeal was laken and the case will be tried nt the net term of the district court. Pure buckwheat IIciscl'B iniii. flour for sale at If For nbstrncts of title nt rean'in- able rates, go to J. M. Leydn, Uniom block. . tf Cull on the Tucker Sisters in Ihe- Sherwood block for bargains in Winter Hats. tf Miss Elsie Moore will move her millinery stock this week into the east room of Parmele A Roberts block. tf Will you suffer with Dyspepsia mid Liver Complaint? Shifoh's Vit alizcr is guaranteed to cure you. 2 The Missouri Pncific will sell tick ets on December 24, 25 31 und Janu ary 1, good to return January 4 al one and one-third faro for round trip within two hundred miles of Plattsmouth. Lost Met ween Gold street ami South Park and Eighth nnd Tenth streets, Saturday morning, a cream silk muffier with initial "A" iu the corner. Finder will please leave nt this office or nt 701 South Tenth st. Fred P. Rose, of Weeping Wnter, is in the city to-day on business. the Second district nnd Judge William Keysor of the Fourth district made final preparations yesterday to dis pense justice in their respective districts by filing an official oath with the secretary of state. Lincoln Journal. Chamborlain'a Eye cud Ekia Ointment A certain euro for Chronlo Sow Eye, Tottor, Salt IUiotim, Scold Iload, Old Chronlo Bores, Fevor Soros, Ecacma, Itch, Prlrlo Scratchoi, Soro Nlpplci and Piles. It U cooling and toothiuz. Uundrodsofcaaetbavoboea cured by H'aftor all ollior tnmtmont bad faiiod, 111 put op ia S3 and 00 coat luiu.