The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 29, 1891, Image 4

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    ' ':45 ft. m.
,.B :;ti p in
..9 vW ft. Bi
. n. m.
.. t -an p, m.
...ft :'" p, in,
. 11 :' . m.
ift feu tea lin-as" . m,
arrives..,. 4;0p. in.
.' ftielffways an;ethrllr for the painless ex
f ; IriK t irn- nl teeth.
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
ttti n..A 111,, lluttanwiK Vh
TjKir sirw'i (uirv rttbeiis. tips qufll
In straw and I I. They tr-v ft lull
hue ol baby h'Hid an. I In r
dertJcioKn oi'i smek out have re
.diuwd tbelf airs ull.T hi to 10 and to
78 ee tatrl in me J,
Always h:in on band a full r.tock of
Corn, Hran, Shorta Oats and Haled
Hay for Hale an low hh the lowret
anddelivered to any part of the
riattsmouth, - Nebrafka.
rm.t. i.iaanr
always, in stock
Plattemouth, Nebraska.
Thcw tn IhAtiunili nf vnniiff A M ajtwlnv
an rift. Mhoellti-achrri, clnki, etc ln rr eking
iiuUb rihlniT nn a aaiar) barely fiifTlcli-nl
to mipnly their every day ranta.
Jiy c..n.(.;n;i a euurw In ibnrt Krvl and
by nniaui"g Uicy caii call Uvm Vw U f ICC ir
hlMja'lont (iiaradteed to enmprtent atudenU
lud'divuai inaULctiun, tt tinmTi.
Kootns over Mayera Hiore.
, " Birrn stweet
The best of frenh meat always found
ia this market AUo fresh
Eggs and Iiutter.
Wild game of all kinds kept in their
Dridgo work and fine gold work a
DB. HTKIXAC8 LOAT, Mw.n as other an
SMIietlexKlreo lortlie palnleMeiUacUoa u(
a A. MARSHALL, - Ktzgcrald Eloch
Lumber Yard
rthinglos, Lath, Haih,
Dooro. niindo
-Cn suppij evcrw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in tew of opera bouse.
.onsVorthy of ' se! V tiff
man 'who sometiunCa cafis at out house
confessed it in a moment of confidence.
All ti yifl hnow to their cost how
easily a p-irty fun U broken, and w b
girl will eauily recall tho fact that she
horiiclf did not break her faa II wj in
the hauls of her escort, or a youth on
dancing dnfy, who wad twirling it while
uttering soft nothing, and snap went a
pearl stick! Now I am told that this ia
alirayv dune on purpose. Aa ttxm aa the
full in broken the young mau in overcome
wytli' rvgrnt.and insist on having it
nicuded or replacing it
Hp msy no'lo either, hot bearricit
cff and calls f-ith it ?h-n ijis repaired,
or to any that he'lost it, of that it wan
stolen from his pucl,et that aanle, even
inn; but (here it in, h door omning to the
future. It forma a flimsy society tie
bat still a ih between him and a girl
he adores, and whom he could not reach
without this little pas'pcrt. It ii worth
a dozen letter of introduction, because
it places the girl under an apparent
uuiiijttmii Mw ton ntal L. L5ut ia-iio 'would
have believed there wi ao much derep
tion la the other sex? Detroit Free
The Poor Walter.
"People are pretty bard on na," said a
waiter in an up town ca.'a the other
night, "considering what we have to go
through with sometimes. I have been
is thia room, and on my feet, hurrying
moat of the time, for nearly fourteen
hour. It' lurd to keep one' temper .
for ouch a stretch aa that, and to be a
lively and quick witted as when one be
gan his day's work. At that table over j
there wbre flume three men are pitting
they kept me standing for ten minutes (
before tbey gave me their orders. They
were just talking, not dicuing what
they wanted to eat, but finishing up
some argument Now if I had gone
way an. I tvuitad tinri) (hey hwl got
through with their talk they would ,
have called me inefficient and negligent; 1
so I stood there, and when I finally got '
their orders and started away a man at
the IK-it tahlo was angry and stopped
me to tell me that I was the worst waiter
be hail ever seen. So yon see how it is."
New York Tribnne.
RaTlag Kaat.
A yonng literary man of New York,
like moet of bis craft very impeennious,
bas discovered a means by which be
lives respectably imd yet cheaply. As
be is a hard wortur, be values quiet
above all things except money. Conse
quently he always seeks a secluded spot
for bis abode. In winter be lives in tlx
country where board is cheap. At Uie
beginning of the warm weather, when
moat people are leaving town, be takes
up his residence there ia a retired street,
where he is permitted to occupy a room
in a house deserted by its occupants for
the summer at a nominal price. He
finds the town in summer as quiet and
delightful as be does the country in
winter, and urges all his friends who are
no Letter off financially than be is to
imitate his way of living. Yet some
people maintain that literary men do
: not know buw to spend their inoiey
York Epoch,
Tha IbUom Hrllllaacy of Llfhlalnf.
One consequence of the short duratioa
of lightning is an sppir-nt diminutiou
of its brilliancy. It has been proven
that lltfbt cannot produce its full effect
on the eye nnhni it remains at leaat as
long aa one-tenth of a second; but light
ning lasts only the ten-thonandth part
of a second, and it follows from this that
what we see is 100,000 times lee bright
than It really is.
When we recollect that even thus di
miuiehed its brilliancy is such as to
caue teniiorary blindtiers if too closely
watched, we may feel grateful that we
cannot see it in its true vividnees, for
our hninnn powers of vimon would l
tiO weak to bear such a sndden snd
over w h-l tn i n J 1 1 1 mn I n ation . Klw I rto
Tired Oat.
' I t'ooun'ul I wn woiu out wilu my
tramp among the (hop f "lay," said she
in a Twenty-third street ferryboat "uu
til I Uifl a wotnan carrying a baby
wriiiiiiMl in a ahawl, with a xv't'd
child not more than two years old drag
ging at ber skirts, fihe was shopping,
too, for in the bare hand cbvtped around
her heavy burden was clutched a po-ket-botik,
and on her anil bung a satchel,
evidently to bold small purchas. And
wh'-n I saw her tired eyes ami noted the
tension of her frame with the double
drsg upon her, I di-cided my fatigue was
not to be considered. "New York Time.
Tk Ka4 C?moh Pip.
The corncob pipe is the sweetest In the
world; but the only way to have it in
perfection is to make it yourself.
Get a large corncob that has not been
use4 for any other purpose. Break it
into in the middle. Hollow it out with
your jackknife. Hire a small hole at the
hottira of the hollow and then inm-rt a
little reed stem which yon can bny for a
There is yotir corncob pipe the
swe"tit that was ever amok ed. jCincln
nati Enquirer.
Where CnVe Cornea Tram.
Coffee grows between the isothermal
Unej of S!5 d"f. north litndi and 1)0
di-gs. south latitude, and comes to ns
from all parts of the world within those
lines from llrazil, Java, Ceylon, Buma
tra. India, Arabia, AbyKiinia, the Went
Indies, ( '.ii trul America, V'enernela,
(ioUn, i'cni and some of Uie I' ilu!
Islands. We get the lnot,t of It from
Urazil, say an average of over 2o0,0o0,
(KX) fKiiiruls a year for the Jant U'n years.
New York Sun.
Mo Smile for II Im.
He (.irdeiiily Swe-t creature, why
will you not smilii sin my suit?
Khe (coldly)-My smile don't go with
that suit. It's a ready made one, and,
tonldn't have coat more than twelve dol
lar. Pittsburg Bulletin.
TISKirla'a lliia I'alaea Ijit Wl' s
Bom tha Ireary ITaata of Statal Rncia
'After Room tmtrraa4 latrlui
' Woman Who Tlalta4 It
The Scob-h ni', as I saw them in
July, are already fading in tuy memory
into a soft harmonious mingling mif rus
set and gren, for the heather was not
yet purple; but the sun caught the spray
of a mountain rivulet tumh!ing on its
rx:ky w;iy, or ttirred more vivid the in
teune green of tlvwe patches of Terdure
in th? midst of the br-rn of the heather,
which we think seem to nt:Kttirnl when
artinU who paint in the highlands trans
fer thein to cat van. These high lights
stay by one when the hills and all the
ordinary feature of that charming Scot
laud lie-It into tuudlmtmwtof memories,
One of theae summer's high light was
a vkit to the queen's private apartments
at Wiuiluor. I don't kuow what red tape
ftuo loiig waiting and diplomatic refer
enre it took to get the permit, I only
know that the thoughtful American girl
who remembered me and made me one
of the four who were to invade the
sacred precincts con fe-rred much pleunire
on me, and even though we were all so
disappointed in what we saw, it was hu
man, was it not, to be delighted to go
where few enter?
We looked upon the herd of common
ers who 6Ied by us in the wake of the
cicerone, who every hour takes thrones
of sightseers through the main part of
Windsor caetle. Their bands were red
with Baedekers, but we loftily ignored
guidebooks for one day.
There were but three high lights thvre
to rememlier. One was General Gor
don's Bible, before which 1 could hare
knelt, for it was the well worn book of a
Soldier who took it into the U-nted field
aa hie cuiiimli!oii.
There is no mistaking a book that bas
leen read, the very way it lies open, the
invisible marks of reverential fingers,
the color of tae p ip-r which the o-n air
It disturbed me to see it In ahideotH
little glass ca-ket all ornamentation and
filigree. Very line in its way, 1 aiippme,
and taking many pounds out of the
hero's siit-r's pocket, who gave it to the
queen, but o inappropriate to the sim
ple life of that heroic soul, that martyr
to the mistakes of bis country.
The second high light in the qneen's
own domicile was th iew from th
state drawing room window ot the
avenue stretching mile and miles away.
It was sunny and bright, for some far
back Englieh sovereign or his wise gar
dener had, perhaps, evidently believed
that with all bis possessions there was
nothing quita cqaal to the God given one
of sunshine, and so there was a wide
strip of the greenest turf in the world on
either side of the drive. There were no
parterres, do fountains or statues, sim
ply this broad ojen p)ee, where ber
majesty could walk or drive for miles,
hidden by the forest tr on either sids
from tha staring eyes of the public.
The third high light in those drearily
magnificent palace corridors was tha life
size modeling of the queen and the prince
consort, made since bis death. Tbs
marble was scarcely pure enough to
represent as perfect an ideal of wifely
love aa any sculptor Is ever likely to
give. The queen's fi turned toward
her husband reveals the ntimsit devotion,
lb nemt U-teler entreaty, as she leant
against him imploring him not to leave
her. Whoever has not understood wifely
ad'jratioa before tnuxt go away from
this exquisite exemplification of it with
anew knowledge of what Its pavibilltie
are. I do lint even know if it Is good
modeling I only know that, Intract
able, cold and iuexprevilve as marble
la anniaMnd tn lie, it speaks in the face
and attitude of the queen as bo paintiug
I r-tiiemlier to have seen.
I wish I could feel audi genuine ad
miration of tha prince, but bo is so Eng
liih, .o handsome, so far away. His
h--l U ,r.;to from hU w;fn, and
m she clings n him be coldly points to
distant lands.
There was nothing el In the gor
geous r-eiiu that stays by me. There
emed to me miles of corridors, draw
ing rooms, little and big; (lining rooms
and boudoirs, all glitter and glow. The
usual gill and ormolu, marble ami onyx,
glues of satiu and rich stuff , the dazzle
of luminous glu-s, pervaded the entire
suite of apartments. We kept looking
for some room where there might be a
trace of homeliness.
We longed to see a workbasket, even
if her majesty d's-an't do neillework,
and a sitting room where there might lie
an ordinary writing desk, a lkcae
with some well thumbed volumes or a
chair an American rs king chair even,
In which a loving woman bail rocked
ber babie to sleep.
The door were cb a-d on the queen's
snd prince consort's bedroom, but In
geiiioui inquiries caused the old house-ki-i'jx-r
to give up their secret. There
was no difference. Tin y lived In there
in staVi, and I began to think my child
Utl iiK-a that kings and queens slept In
their crown was not far wrong. Eliza
beth B. Cter in New Yotk bun.
ChanM for lteC
Mrs. Do Fahlon-I Mrs. Do Btyle at
S-rvant No, mum.
"Will she lie back sion, do yon thittlT'
"No, muni; she'll lie away all day, I'm
tblnkin, Ysi e I've givm ber notice,
i' ei"'a out ter bud a gurrel g'xl
Itiongh ter lill tny place. Yes Bilgbt
come in an ret-t y"rsi-lf. Tliere's none o'
th' family home to talk ye to death."
New York Weekly.
A flllable (w,
Jndgv What is the charge against
thia man?
Policeman tin atolea street car horse.
Judge 1 will decide tomorrow whether
to "end bim to a lunatio asyluta or the
p-iorouie, Good News.
"Who will bhow you
JOB Hac OrLl3r On.o Erico, .
L I - .
Only juat arnaa tha way Uiera'a aa ancient
church Inwer Tr.
Old and (loom?, hluh au4 lottalf to behnliL
1 t.era ar vtaea abuut im lionr, aani iitmf Uall
rrua ti llr,
WhlU tha ahattai-ud pane let In lb WUiUr'
Ia tli tower t her hftoc a bell, though It
- Maia aa If a spell
rtJ Imwu laid n-D lie rusty, brazen tunirue;
With It hanefnta rottltii down, and Willi lT
overKrim n,
In and ailaat It remaJn wher Drat twaa
Manf yeaea liar paaanj and gtiaa alusa Ita
went ami allrery ton
Called ilia Vlllatfvr U meet In prala and
pra er,
Or gar warning In tli nla-lit of U Brnnd
In bUmla-bt,
Aa It rv Uia loud alarm on t'i air.
Often. Un. ha that old ball tullad Ui aol'ino
fuurral knitll
O'er terse t'.!i-r!aj In the chafliyaM laid ui
Or the Jotona wedding bell pealing forth that
all la w.ll
As tha naw mada bride and groom tha portals
paaaed. .
And that couple, where ar they, who wera
onre ail Millie and irayr
Hand In band along lile'a path they alnwly
In old am they paed away, but their dill-
dren'a ehlldren plsy
Ruuiet tli eiM wh-r I'-)' la cUUdbood too
bad played.
Illh atnne the ilwpy Vnrn, lb tbnrrh tower
at I II looks down,
Grara and solemn, im the ablftlrig si-ena below-.
And the tele of human life, with II oeaaelw
lull and atrltn,
WaU hlii m toe tfvneratlona otn and go. ,
'. M. UcUyman la Arkaiiaaw Travalur. ,
And II Kept al Work.
Dr. Hatty Tuke, the eminent Edin
burgh pyschologiat, had a laughable eg-je-rience
the other day. A Hootch la
borer was engagivl In the groands of the
dis-tor'g asjlutn, near Kdlnbnrgh, and
bal received Injunctions to pay no at
ten tion whatever i the remarks of the
patients who noticed bim. Home little
time after Dr. Tuke, looking- at the
prognwsof the work, mildly nggeted
an alteration. Tin workman dug stolid
ly on and lieViT lifted big bead. The
d'K-tor r ily-d bis voire; the man dug en
ergetically. The doctor thratenl,
stormed an 1 finally thundered out, "Do
you know who I xin'f
The son of the soil straightened bl
biu-k, looked at bim for a minute, and
shaking Ida head sorrowfully, en U'me-I,
"Puir delwriotis cratur, I'm sorry for
yi-r' snd went on calmly with liis wjrk.
London Tlt-Uits.
Klwtrli-ry In Aran 1lng.
The electric current has bum utilized
since 1h"J at the small arms factory at
Kt. Etieune for at;nea!lg the Ui wirw
of which tha baiuni'.r spruits of tho rille,
10 pattern, ar Inada. Tlioso springs
am mauufaitured t-f sU'l wire, 7
millimeters thick, rut In lengths of 8.20
meters; the wire is rolled spirally, and a
current of twenty I hree aiiije-r'ai Is
passed through It. Ileatin la rapidly
efT'wted; when it I Jud -U sulllcient the
c'rcuit is cIishhI, and the hammer spring
Is dionped Into a water tank.
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc. at Jobbers Prices
will pay you to conic fifty miles to trade with
better make", quality and for Ichb money than you can j
buy west ot Chicago.
jno man can anneal twenty spring
In three minutes, equivalent to about
2,400 par day. Eloctrio annealing being
clean In operation and cheap wl'l no
demtit soon be appiirsi in uuiunruua naa
analagotis to the on indicated. Boston
The Doctor Vfi a Cnilaat,
A case like that in which the old Lin
coln county doctor smaahed a bean pot
that bad fallen down over a man's bead
like a hangman's cap and charged a fee
of two dollars for It came up in Ells
worth ' the other day. A schoolgirl's
finger became inextricably caught in a
knot bole and everybody was excitod.
Instead of sending for a carpenter they
got a physician, who coolly performed a
neat job with a chinel and a bit, without
shedding a drop of blood, while scbool
uia'aius and pupils wondered at tha re
sources of modern medical science.
Lewiatou Journal.
A Hint o Keonomy.
The) lesson which the woi king people
ef W.T vtitry need to learn la not so
much how to get money as bow to svs
It or sjs-nd it wisely. Most people can
isanago tha first part of home finance,
but it takes a clever person, Indeed, to
make a proiier use of the money when it
Is earned. Dr. Johnson once said that
"without economy none can be rich; and
with It few ran lie poor." And, though
bis statement cannot be accepted as be
ing alMiIutely correct, there Is still a
graiu of truth in It Hall's Journal. deeded.
Tapa (reading) A new kind of cash
register ha been invented which lo
ol the. fingers of those who meddle
with It
hmall Hon What's a cash register?
Mamma (quietly) It's a contrivance
for putting iu sugar bowl. Good
Const of carbon are now being used In
castings. They are mad similar to cleo-
trie arc carbons, but aru softer and more
Ik irons. They are said to be very dura
ble, do not lose, strength or slinpe, and
tint w 'k from them finishes np better
than tnat from sand molds.
Tha lroVt.riiliii,,il i,f Jaotin fr,.ta a itrrrm
- ' -"1 fv ft"
projKirtion of its revenue from the rail
road and telegraph cimpauiiai thai it
owns and operates. The qilmtioll (if
p.iidic taiation is always under s rious
I I . : t .1 . -i . -
vMiK..;er ii ion dj me swiieami'u auu econ
omists of Japan.
The reiuiin that the iswtmarkg on let
ters U-ome more dim in winter, aa no
ticed y many people, is that the old
weather harden thu Ink ud on the
stamping pads, and the marking stams
bein,; of iron, become clillle.L
Tho (texture having tho greatest uum-
ber of diatinct eye ia the chiton, a spe
chs of mollusk, in the shell of which has
biven found as many as 11,000 separate
and distinct eytt
Tho Landing
rmjMTTTTrr.' m
V W VlfV aV V0kf
Constantly kee on hsnd
you need to furnish your
" e V
For Atchinson, St, Josep:
worth, KaiiMiis City, 8
nnd all lointanortli
aoiith or west. Ti
ets sold nnd lui
i moki nnu ii;'
;ae cbeckioj
to an j
poiut f
I' ii I led
State or
C'liniiibi. For
AND route:
Cnll'iit Depot or ml
II, C. Townkend,
O. I'. A. St. JS.ii
J.C. Piiii.i.ii'i l,
A. O. V. A. (
II. D. Atoak. Ak., I'lutt
Tib phone, 77.
WAMed An srllve, r IUl,la n
In n inmillily. llh lin'ii ii
ln hn nii Mciion s renn
llmiie, -lieferf-nera, Maairai
fcos 1J. hew loik,
I If I