The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 29, 1891, Image 3

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,llo Full rrupi:dus of Noi'.'s ! itrtf? fi r
Arilclcn Ir.vo Iwen wrlrlrn trrcii'.j for Hie to'.
. , fi :...'
j.iiic r.i "v . ... .......... T - .. - y
The Marquis of Lori". Ju'ili.i ;..Cii M ; t "r J ,..; .
' nry Clows. - Va.;U Vcr.-r-'cK-.J i. - NV. C..:.-k r.W , .J-! : c
Camilla U,o,
ei ljlO I
yf. UellCe:
IV", ore
- Cvnr. V. field.
-,;.;.-3. t.r-y j
ThD VoJm.-j
X Mas PiuftlnlcJ StrlJ furies
'Article 0 Practical Auvlc
Glimpses cf r.-ty.nlty.
i.nlway Ufa r.rx.l Adventure.
Lsts P:?. F'vs Fou'c'.s 1101:2:7 mrere. 1 'iraseaweeii.y Lorr-nr-ni.
3 (,i .. Dr. l.v:.ia Abbott.
:.;.! Criers.
1 Yercl
7 ...
j.-t f.lrh.i ( f Adventure.
f5:eic!icJ 0? Trr.vcl.
Poni;!.'.r Artie!;...
Clwmlnj Childrea'a I'aftO
T:o i!io:-t Stor!e.
H!:;ts Ci Self-Education.
I!o-;.ic!:ol i Articles.
N.-.'.ursI History Tapers.
Kearly 1000 Illustrations.
ill. itt', 1
Tj Xew fukacrllicra v!io wP rte mt nnH ncaJ ts I'.ln r. f:h hth
nud ndilri-M r. 'J tl.Vj nlil r.otd T!:e fonii:.-.i.'.n i'r-o t3
rutl i'ir i -r. : I Vi-r ' 111' : TmN -r.'or iif ; l-. T ' A V rt
f;:VINC. ClIltiT.r 1,4 ft;.: Yr.lil'M Doulila PolUuy Suml"
- .m' "0.! Tr rf bfavrifsil ri)nn. fprlil.l ' V.'."' V
r;M." (.raJ i'-'m rf.t tw kstv vi. .; 1 . i-".
. Und i"d-a:: ifil'r, or r.KIJltrtd Utter at vjr r V. - J,
8 Tm YOUTU'U COMPANION. ?5-', ir, f.Titi.
Tills Siip
A Full aad Complete lino of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Orcfully Compounded at all Hour.
$17. aiit, 221 nd Mio Ht.p
Plattsmouth "Jebraska
lhe Perkins Iim ben
runoTttloJ from top tc ...
low one of the bent hotoU iu thu ti
ftonrrteni will lm tken by tli wnlc l
I4.B0 and op.
or in met anything in the
HBHAXjID office,
. IF vou wmli to succeed in yaur Lanincda, advertino it and let
the public kiow your prices. Teople liko to trade with tlio mer
chant wli ofTurs them the beat inducctnents. It might help your
trade '.vcsdcrfully. Try it.
As the most important Campaiane for
years i3 Coming upon us every Farmer should
he provided with a good live newspaper that
will keep them posted on all important ques
tions of the day. THE HERALD is purely i
Republican paper and would be glad to pu
your name on our list. Only $1,50 a year.
See our Clubbing list with the leading pa
pers published.
COl Cor Fifth and Vine St.
rl, M r'ropriHtur,
iu m i nun
Vycilifio " ( Ajr street,
tuti d iiii(,-r both tile.-
tin: Hounds ot revelry and
un yl. Jicimriurtli the umiuution wilUin
iU walls will bo con (in wl inuinly to saltfl
by auction. In ita day Almiick'g wiut
the center of fiutliion, entry to which WiW
guarded by a committee of ladim as
closely an evr Cerberns guarded a region
nnt-aoiiiviting, aud who were less easily
satisfied than even the fabled seutinel.
Even the Duke of Wellington who,
according to Lord William Lenox, earned
for hiuelf in his day the title of "The
Beau of the Peninsula," just as in later
tims a gallant admiral earned for him'
self tin distinction of "The Swell of the
Ocean" was denied admission one night
because he had donned black trousers
instead of the knee breeches and silk
stockings which the committee had voted
indispensable for gentlemen. Every
book dealing with fashionable life at the
end of the last century and the begin
ring of this abounds in references to AI
According to legend Mr. Almack was
in reality a Scotchman, who came to
London in the proverbial condition. His
real nama was M'All, but a at that
timo his countrymen were not so ea
teemed south of tbe Tweed aa tbey are
now, he thought to diminish hostility to
his nationality by reversing his patn
nymlo. Almack'a ultimately became
Willis' Rooms, and was for long the
headquarters of social festivals, dances
and charity dinners. These- festal times
are over, and instead of the toastinas-
ter's "Fill your glasses, gentlemen;
Dumpers, if you plttaae," the refrain of
'ts presiding genius will bo "Go, going,
rone!" And thus disappears another
link which joined the end of the wnturj
with what the late Lord Lainitigton
called the "Days of the Dundies." Loa
don Telegraph.
At ir - ' ,
ru'nu ( tier fallow; . .
. win ymwii; iw uiun ( (frnwi,
Nor curaupis lunk, nor tcrofin, oor beUow;
uv riitbiiJK iuuk m nuuieuiu way
He'd UffliV lii pipe and go to smukln,
Till thine oaine round alt rlKlit mmJn,
Willi Jim ittM Uugtiln ud -.kin.
Then thoro ru Joe; with hi ra, yon toe, '
Nothia wm ver itoId Mtuarely.
He'd swear the world was nuir its end
v, .. ,t .. , ,i .
Oorvd men were lust aliout nlaved ouL
Tli dovil's rolirn wm drawing Drer,
Bomuhow imi why he oould not tell
The world wm growln queer and queerer.
, Well, u it happened, Jim wm poor,
Aud. u it OMpueued, Joe Vmu wealtbr!
Jim, b wn rather smallid weak
Joe wura xianUatronRand healthy;
Yet when it caine to sheer content, '
And lhcfct'nlm sDmeue elm's trouble
By tmilin o'ar hit own. why Jim
Cuuui jutt peat Joaepij more thta douhln.
-Browne Perrlman In Ttnkee Blade.
Cor Mala and Filth arrest.
CM tin ctDlttl tV) (
H. Pamela HrMtduLt
f red lordr Vise Prmldrftil
I. M. I'cttrrsoa i Mi'li
r. M. faltnnon, "tt tJa-hlw
. II. Parif.ele. ,t. M Ptttron fi, t tl'irder
. II. Smith. It. B. Windliam. 11. M. It.iin.eT an
M raiLwuon
aMoitntt tolli'ltei. InterMt ailowil on tlmf
li,Hiita ami iiminpt aifntloutivmi to sd hiu-
1 ntiinniea to its care.
nriM lot (Ml y ajfooUl llkb
ITTi If Hi
ad ttaaftutitstal ti i
- fiautti m Maasataatit stfarWUI.
"r Fall to IlMttv ttravj
tUsur Vo ita Toulhul Co tor.
K,tfm Msup A atakr Uuaitf.
I f t.trkcr a liiumur Tuniai. ll rum Ida i.ri C
4-uk lum-a, iHii:, u, gallon, Tbi, Tk in IUm.AjcU.
Liiajnt) nrrtnain r
rfWCt aWi isLla. aV, M MuUUU. Off UittCVA ft CO
llya thoroiiiftl knnwledra of tho natural
lawt wlili'li Kovnrn the oiwrutlont of l Ii' ttlon
and tiulrltluu. slid ly careful api.llnntioii ol
in nit. jiroMrii,. nl wll fc.iM,iiHi i.imnia, Mr,
r.pp hsa pmviiihii nur hreakfiiit tame witn a
lie.iti.'ly nnvuri. I IH'Hniie wlili'li niBy .live
in many heavy nueior lillls. It Is by. he J!!'!i5-
Iniit line or iurii artlritx i,r iiirt Ills! a
.llilthui may lie KM.limllJ hiillt up until atnins
hmikii o mini rtrry leniliMioy to nt.aa.
HilinliFda of aulille mi-hiilli'i srn floiillnx
aMiiuil ua romlv In attark wheievr .hero
link noliit. Wn iiiuv enoaiin nianv a i:.t ill
limit lr kf"iliii imr-xlvc" well with
pure hloo ' ami a priipiirly:ii'iurl'he(l Inline."
Civil .ferylse tix-.sttf. Maliiai !iii;ilv ltb
liolllni; w iii-r o' milk, Kind imly Iu i.ilf-pound
h. Ii uroi iTlei. I.Ui.'ni-.l lluir:
JAMKa KITS IX) . Horn ntl'ilr f'kfinlat
limloii, r.iim mil
How Lost! How Regained !
Of MM.P-rHKNI'.HVATION. A new and only
(Mil PlllK K1HA Y on MritVOI'H Sod
I'llYHU AI. 'Iimil.lTY, r.KKOKH of I
MATHKK Dr-CMNK, and ail ItlHKAHba
and WKAKNr.HHKHof MAM. SUO uaeet, el.ah,
flit) 116 InTtluabla pretcfiptlrmt. Only l.w)
y mail, dim hit setlcL lewriptiT PnMpecu
s .";',.,,', cdcc i send
teatlinmiitia of tli ure lllttl NOW,
t'outiilutlm In ncfaon or hy mall. Kipert treat.
tnrnu JNVIOI.AHI.K Hrthr.ti toil (CH
AIN Cl'KK. Art'lri nr. W. H. rn.Ntiir.or
no. a uuin
An Important Translation.
Of the Tapyrus Ebers, the important
medical manuscript which Oeorge Lbers,
the well known Herman Egyptologist
and novelist, acquired at Lnxsor eight
een or nineteen years ago, only frag
nienta th chapter on diseases of the
eyes, for instance have, with Professor
Hinvhlwrg help, yet been translated.
Eliers shrank from translating the whole,
on the ground that medical knowledge
was rcqnisito for the task. He exprosscd
this opinion when he and Lndwig Stern
edited the manuscript in 1875. A com
plete translation has now been made by
a Berlin medical man, Dr. Ileinrich
Joachim, who learned Egyptian for the
purpose, and has been working at the
translation for several years. Thanks
to his laliors, the oldest medical work in
the world is now accessible to all who
can read German.
Joachim thinks that It -was written at
liitest 1M0 years B. C, but that parts of
it are of Ktill older date. It consists
uminly of recipes, interspersed here and
tliero with proverbs. In some passages
advice as to the examination of patients
is given; in others the f'ognosis indicat
ed by certain symptoms is stated. The
treatise shows that palpation of the ab
dotnen was practiced by the old Egyp
tian physicians. Berlin Cor. London
' Cork ForetU.
Cork growing in Spain and Portugal ts
an extremely precarious business, and it
demands considerable capital. Only the
other day a man in this city waa seeking
partner with $100,000 to put into a cork
forest in Spain, with a leuwof 150 year.
The bark is cut only once in ten years,
but as the forests are rery large the
grower manages to obtain an annual
crop. This year a crop Is just beginning
to come into the American market, the
trie having been barked in July and
Crude cork comes over In great bales
weighing from 173 to 225 pounds each.
The heat to which it is snbjred in
order to flatten out its curves also drives
out most ot the Insects, such as one
would naturally export to find in bark, f
As cork is too light to form a cargo of
itself, the cork carrying vessels also
bring oil, olives, wino and heavy mer
chandise of various aorta. New York
Horn nig Pumpkins.
One man rrgardd m a wonderf. J
achievement the raising of four puuv
kins on one vine, weighing respectively
1 15. 05, 90 and 80 pounds. The biggest
cornstalk reported was 18 feet 8 inches
high. The biggest ear was eight feet
from the ground. Lots of others were
fourteen to fifteen fwt high. One man
thought it of sullicieut importance to
rvtMrt that he had raised a potato vine
fifteen feet long. Reports of second
crop fttraw'borriua have been irequent,
and farmers had some on the Heading
market less than ten days ago. At least
twer.ty fanners reported ttiat they had
recently picked a second crop of rasp
berries. Pennsylvania Cor. St. Louis
Globe Democrat.
- Painting La.. '.,
Hn the lace trimming of the dressing
table assumed a questionable tinge? 11
washed, it will still have the "done
over look. Rip it off, thoroughly shape
and brush, then press it a little to flat-
ton. Now stretch it firmly upon a board
cr table, vrith ecTcra! thiclracsra of
newspaper beneath it. Use a half inch
wide bristle brash and pat on paint
made from dye freely. The paper will
absorb the extra moisture. If dyed all
one even tint it is very quick work,
When the lace is nearly dry, preaa it
with a hot iron over a padded board, ai
though it were embroidery.
Any of the thin laces, especially Vuen'
ciennes, can be painted in several dainty
tints, thus bringing out the pattern er
fnetiTely and in a very novel manner,
care being used in selecting harmonious
colors. The small tassel ed fringe which
cornea in cotton for edging curtains and
draperies can be treated in the same
manner with the dyes. Any cotton or
silk goods take and retain them easily,
and they will not overran the outlines
of the donign. But on linen they are a
little apt to "spread." Mrs. M. u. Raw
ey in Good Ilonmikeepisg.
Family Jnrs.
"A pleasant smile and voice at the
morning meal, a neat costume with
knot of becoming ribbon at the throat; a
good dinner tastefully and promptly
served, a song or an agreeable book in
the evening after tea," and a lot ot other
stuSf like the above appears quite regu
larly in the papers aa advice to married
women relative to retaining the love of
their husbands. I call it "stuff" because
I do not believe the results aimed at can
lie brought abont in any such way,
is an attempt to teach a thing which
cannot be taught If the affection ei
ists it is not going to be wiped out by
delayed dinners, waali day attire, sick
headaches and no music or books, and
that is all there is to it, barring an oc
casional row which seta the household
blood moving vigorously and with good
results, Cor. Detroit Free Press.
. 'it ' v .. .V
win- , r ... . '
natid."'" .' '
the K ' , ' '-
Knuikl?! ..'... ' ' ; . .
jllHt wllHt , ' . " .
to cure the., . ' '
tlyripepHiu, , ;
I'eCplcKHIICH, i ' . ..
l),liiv, (lUlllK-HH, 1 - , '
elc.'Mt ni-tH li., ' '.- .
1)0IC Hllll filelt 1). "'' r-
lind 'llHrl lliAkir ' ,-
qurtlcrt tddituoiJala
I'tickf Sc Co"4ti wa . 4. '
tairt n(Vofiiin,1norihii ; ,
o8 (IriigHli , ' ,
Vrondail. ' ' .
T ,r e i ii . i
a. tv. oawyer, i kocucbici
Dromincut dealer iu irt
itifrclitindiHe, and who ruiiH bA,- ;
pcddlinjy wnpfonB, had one of ',,
loreos badly cut and burned Willi ,
lariat, The wound ref lined to heal. .
The horse became, lame ard etiff
nowwithstandinij ireful attention
and the application Of remedies. A
friend handetl Sawyer some ol .
nailer's liarb Wire1 Xinement, the ,.
moet wonderful tliitla: ever aaw to
heal auch wounda. He' applied it
only three times and the nore waa
completed healed. 'Equally RW,vl
tor nil rors, cuts, briinefa, ira"
woundH. For Hale by all drutrir.'st
For lame buck', there ia jiothinr
better than to saturate a ilannel
cloth with Chamberlain's I'aia
Halm and bind it on the affected
parts. Try it and .you will be.aur
prisedat the prompt relief itallords.
The same treatment will citre rhau-
mutism. For salt! by G. Fjicke
& Co.
The volumes of th MacraziiJt be-
pin with the Numbers for June and
December of eiicli yefar.' Vhen no
time is Htiecified, sul)scriptions will
bein with the Number current at
the time of receipt of order, liounsl
Volumes of Harper's Miiaaiiie for
three years back, in neat cloth bind
ing will tie sent by nuul, post-paid,
on receipt of $:i.(X) per volume.
Cloth cases for binding, 50 cent
each by mail post paid.
Mlea Nerve andlLlver Pills.
Act on a new principle regulat
ing the liver, stomrch and bowels
through the nerva. A new discovery.
Dr. Mues' Pills speedily cure biliou
sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles
5onstipation. Uncqualcd for men
women, children, smallest, midest
surest! 50 doses, 25c. Samples
free at F. G. Fricke & Co'a.
IJitilHBnt) v
Ths f oramoat of our perlodloala.
ulllucb St.,
many Imi-
TtIV f'I'HK. Art, rM
flit I'whvdy Medical luatllute,
Hilton, Maa.
I h. l'Mliody M-dlcal Inatltut
Uiljir.. hnL an aau.l. Herald.
Tm Helena of Ufo, or Sclf ProMrntlon, It I
trraaure mure TalutMe than If, ,10. llrM ll Dow,
WKtKuil DKHVIII H man, and Irarn 10
HOMU MiM'M HtvH. (Copyrighted.;
) t
f Cjinbcrlilii's Ers ftad 3dn
' Olntaaoat.
A cerUdn curs lor Cl-ronle Soto Eye.,
Totxer, Eall JUieura, Scald llead. Old
flrxJo Bores, Fartf Soros, Ecaema,
Tralrie Bcratches, Sore Kipploi
iril.a. ItUeoollnir snd soothing.
rinds of caauabavo been curod by '
.r all othur trculmont bad failod.
j ut cp la S3 aud 00 cent boxoa.
V Cmcm "'fit (MUSH. R'OCnoU ffl'o0 BRAND
J t-lla. MS Ilrka-ftal h- teu. ..- S tVav, h-a t 1,1 ii" -. t ,. Itv 1 -
ylnu" .,. .. ih t. riMv- f,Vr htf L ', i'ata ri ,i iH,..,ri m f h i i
AI, i , Yt f at, ttriad tnrt, 1- I a tt ft t 'tk t-WV - t t u t. f . : I . A' i'
4. ts aist m ' i U ismiii, i- vti.i( 4 . t n un . .
Ii I . Im ti .- . . CM'CHf ti t t . r4 1 ' I ' ' ,
r ! bf tjj LewwtU IX, tn- -it i-1 '
: V
Will Drain the IJike to let the llndy.
Diver Dolph, wlio has been searching
at the bottom of Hutton lake, near Lara
mie, Wy., eight days for the body of M.
B. Dawson, drowned three weeks ago,
has given it up. The otdy thing to do
now is to drain the lake, and this will
be undertaken at once. The estimated
cost is fi.OOO to f 7,000. Aside from hu
mane and family considerations It is
very important to recover the body, aa
17,000 of lifs insurance la involved.
Cor. St. Louis Republic,
Hit Fat Raved Him.
John Burton, a fat man, of Cambridge,
went to the Howard Athenaaum, at Boa-
ton, to see a variety show. As the cur
tain av?nt np he fell over the gallery rail
to the pit, thirty five feet below. II
landed in tho aisle and got up unhurt,
save by a slight cut over the eye. hi,
IIIS Cabbage..
A wagon load of produce recently
bl ought into Dallas consisted of but six
heads of cabbage, the half dozen filling
the wiigon bed. Dallas (Or.) Chronicle.
PoUit, nf the Com put Among Pneblol.
Among the Pueblo Indians six points
of the compass are recognized, and each
has ita color. North is yellow, wast is
blue, south is red, east is white; thenppet
regions are many colored and the lowet
regions are black. All the prey gods are
represented by their images in these six
For example, there is the yellow moun
tain bon of the north, the bine mountain
lion of the west, the red mountain lion
of the sooth and so on. Likewise it ii
with the other beasts, and thru a very
considerable number of deities is formed.
All of them must receive worshipful at
tention lest they got angry and revenge
llroiiinelvta for the neglect Washington
An Apology,
Onoe, in tha house of commons, Mr.
Labonchere referred to the conduct of
some political opponent as being "un
worthy of a pettifogging attorney," and,
being called upon by the spnaker to with
draw tli is unparliamentary expression,
did so, declaring that he was glad of
having an opportunity of retracting it,
"aa it was a great injustice to the attor
ney." San Francisco Argonaut,..
I'rodueta of Meiloo.
Althongh the soil of Mexico and its
tropical location are both favorable to
agriculture, the lack of energy o! its
working population, combined with the
lack of a sufficient water supply, neu
tralizes its proograpliicnl location, and
the production of corn, beans, coffee,
sugar and other kinds of products are
bandy sufficient to snpply the home de
mand. New York Times.
tending the Future.
Apples are in mnch favor in Ilallow
een testa. A maiden may find ortt at
Inaxt the first letter of the name of bur
future husband by peeling a pippin, tak
ing the paring by one end in her fingers,
swinging it three times over her head
and then letting it drop. The paring
will surely fall in the shajx) of the initial
of bis name. New York Herald.
Professor Kohlbranch, who has been
making some enriouo kipcr'me.nta with
lightning, finds that the amount of elec
tricity in an ordinary fladh so small that
it would require thirty-eeven flashes to
ketrp a common Incandescent lamp burn'
ing one honr.
To our neighbors across the Rio Grande
November is aa dear a month aa July is
to us, for on ita sixth day, in 1813, the
Mexicans proclaimed tbeir independence
of the crown ot Spain, and formed the
second greatest republic of the western
Among the Egyptians coffee was a
favorite, drink, but was allowed only
twice a week, in campaigns especially
asscmljud for the purpose, the grwateet
solemnity being observed on such occa
sions. A mixture of powdered aluminium
and chloride of potash will give a bril
liant flash light. It gives no smoke, and
is thus far better th.--r inagncHitun for
photographic purposes.
Illustrates trots
will N Mat 1st
St aowm aimolo.' wnis. j
Tm Fcmrw I. the tnntt tnatroct rret ,
the Hint timely, th lreeit tn j
, the hre1ym-rt ef ths TrritwSj
The three great gjoups of sub
jects out of the romins prnr will be
impartially nsd instructively dis
cussed by the ablest writers;
J. Political subjects growin out ol
the presidential campaigne.
l- Financial disturbance
here and abroad.
III. 'Theological unrest
with all the social- questions sug
gested by these groups of great top
There is no other way whereby
one may get the ripest information
about the great problems of the
time within so narrow n coinpiiss
or for so small n sum- shart sudie
of great subjects by more than hurt
tired of the foremost men and wntn
enof the world; because there is
onlv ene American periodical for
which all the great leaders of opin
ion and of thought write, and that
is The Foktm.
The December number for exam
ple contains: Degredation by Pension-
The Protest of Loyal Volun
teers, by lieutenant Allen R. Koote
Founderer of the Society of liyel
Volunteers; The Meaning of the
Democratic Victory in Massachu
setts, by Gov. Win. E. Russell;
French feeling toward Germany;
AnotSer Conflict ntiout Ilsncc- a
raine lueaitable, by Caminille Pel
letnn, member of the French Cham
berof Deputies; Mmuld tne Silver
Law of MR) be rrpcaled? by Jacob
II. Sell i tT one of the most successful
and in New York; In Modern Kdu
cation a Failure'r by Fredrick Har
rison, the great English essayists!
Unregulated Competition self-destructive,
by Aldaee F. Walker,
Chairman of the Western Traffic
Association: Women's Clubs, the
Volume and the Vnlud of their
Work, by Alice H. Rhine; A Day
With Lord Tennison, by Sir Wil
liam Arnold. And five other artu
There are now in progress discus
sions of ouryension systenij Prison
Management; The Training of
Teochers; The Ixitiieliuma Lottery
The next Step in' the Tariff Agita
tion; Are Motlern Educational Mat
ters a failure?
Boc n copy. $5 a year.
THE FORUM, Union .Square, X. Y-
r sanhoot),
. fl!J;.'l'lnaJoKUVOUBIiliBll.ITy,
l - i 1 I i , waktM. of Body u4 Mini, lilwle
CulklU-tkiJr mnIiMM in Old nr Yoanr,
tllbMWIUM.I klV,.l,ll-vliiNi,m.. riMTHIII'tir
AInm,!.!.!, . .1.111.. Mliaa '.H4Tkh1.Si..l. fa,...,.
a i..r, i,- u rin i-u.i.i. wn,. n,
ll-.rr'pllt. S-k, mhI pwl, .ll-.,wUIfn.
Udi... tR mtOIOAL CO., BUFFALO. H, T.