The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 29, 1891, Image 2

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.'V - 's
J i
'jl, one year, Id adrance ...
, ol, on y'. no lu adTaoce...,
f ' opy. sii montht. In adiauee
' ie enpy, three mon'tit, In adrsvnee.
toe eop one year In adrance
taeenpy per week, by carrier
Ya oopy, per moal V
.. too
. 40
... 15
... SO
f 4, , .. . i .
: ; Cirrus must either apolor end
tJt-r indemnity or fight the United
- States.
; j, I,-
CRiifP U doing more for the
reDublicari rartv than ever Mills
could have done, which causes the
republicans to greatly rejoice.)
Betwe.N (Chili and Senor Garza,
of Mcxico,.who is at the head of the
revolution" . in that country the
"LVited StatV troops will have their
hand full' th it summer.
Tub Mills men say that Springer,
the new head of the vaya and
means committee, ia "neither a safe
nor an efficient leader." The repub
licans knew this all along, and this
is one of the reasons why he suits
them so well.
The free trade leaders will have to
look out or the south will soon
begin to demand a McKinley bill
for her special benefit 1Y". leading
democratic organ of South Carolina,
the Charleston News and Courier,
favors a protective tariff on cotton.
Mexico's revolutionists are
causing considerable trouble just
now on each side of the Kio Grande,
but most of the trouble goes to the
revolutionists themselves, as the
United States troops and Texas
rangers are after them as well as
the government troops of Mexico.
The record of 18'Jl will in al
probability stand unbeaten for
several years to come in the matter
of wheat shipments to Europe, as
the shipment have been mt'ch
greater than rver before, and they
would have been still greater if
transportation facilHi"" had been
Less than a year ago three Ne
braska congressmen went to Wash
ington to ask congress for an ap
propriation of flXW,0)0 for the re
lief of their destitute constituents.
10-aay inose constituents are
collecting a train load of grain to
be shipped to the starving peas'
ants of Russia. Bee.
Petitions are pouring into the
nattonal capital in steadily increiis
Ing numbers urging congress to
enact h'iniuiiou for the free deiiv.
ery of mail in the country districts
and for one cent letter postage.
Both projects are praiseworthy and
they arc alniort iinauinioordy de
ros?ilid by th people of the nation.
Iowa State Register. '
Thr dUpiitchea this morning
?ook more lik. srur ?:th Chile then
ever. They report that Admirul
Gherardi will take charge of the
naval forces and General Miles
will have charge of the land forces
and that as soon as war is declared
he will leave with 10.000 men from
the regular army for Chili. These
forces are to be taken from the
frontier or western posts and their
places supplied by the enli-iment
of western frontiersmen.
I ...
TllK McKinley bill, now n law,
will rank in importance and in its
beneficial effect upon the country
and in industries next to the
Morrill Tariff bill. It embodies the
doctrine i f Protection to American
Industrie. It ndhere.i to the
principle laid down by Washington,
Madison Mild the fnutiiiera of the
government. It aims to protect
home industries and home inte
rests by laying a tax on all foreign
products brought to this country
to be sold in competition with
American products and admitting
free oftaxorduty all non-competing
article brought here from other
countries which cannot be success
fully produced in 'he United State.
It would be almost impossible to
frame a perfect tariff bill, or one
free from objections, or that would
suit u!l intereits. Taken all in!
all, however, the law juot pa--..(l i
a wine measure, frauwd in the inte
rest of the nboli' people, American
Industrie. mid home m.iiketn,
Secretaiy , War I'maui.
The "Tin-plate (onau..v .
sociiiiiuii," whicli bcriu-t 1 a concern doin. 1 V"R'S9
under iin uH;i, may find ru ni!wrr
to ita inquiry as to win t" er the Mc
Kinley hill has had any e.Tect ttpou(
the price of rooflnjf tin in the
United Plates in the following let
ter: Pf.ik-ia. 11!.. Nov. 1J'.U. - Kditor
V American Koonoini tt. A sdiort
'"'tim: imi we bought fifty boxrs of
jUiufmanfl American tin (tertud
nljtes.. ami are Kcllinir t!.i''ti at $1
per box less, than Weleh plate of
the name grade. It is nn excellent
quality of tin. We rIko.JmiiikIiI a
larg-e supply, m damnum a un
Bheets, in leuffthi of ninety-six
inched;, these we make into eave
troulm and couducturs eiuln leet
in lenirth. We never, have been
abla to buy Wclah BheeU more than
eixty inches loni ana ao not tmnn
that they are made an lonjj an Lauf
tnan'a BheetB are. Yours truly.
. Dy C.U9, D. Clark. Preaipent
The new tariff on tin-plate has
been in operation for rather leas
than six months, since July 1, 1801,
to be exact, and here is an liiinoia
firm Helling American made roof-
insr tin fl per box lower than im-
ported goods, and (retting it in
lentrths that the Welh makers
never have put on the market.
Cm of PlgeoDi tot SpMulatloa.
In modern times the pigeon have been
iue4 fur purposes of commerce and npeo
illation n well as war. In 1770 a shrewd
Italian had the winning numbers in the
lotteries thna sent to him, and it is
well known fact that the London branch
of the great Rothschild banking houae
waa able, by meant of carrier iiik'eons, to
receive news of the victory at Waterloo
three days in advance of the govern
merit, and to realize an enormous profit
by baying tip government stock, then
very mnch depressed, and selling again
when the rise came. Denver Repub-
Doinmtic binla become accustomed to
the sea very quickly. The rolling of the
waves swings their cage and thereby
saves them much physical exertion.
Coiurin Jennie Wholly cared of yonr
lore, did you say?
Cousin Tom Wholly.
Conain Laura What killed it this
Cc-aan Tom 1 asked her a simple
question. And when her fauVJess lips
formed the words "I diareuiember,"ni7
Lve became a corpse. Pittabnrg Bul
letin. Handicapped.
"Poor little soul!" said Uncle George
gazing at the baby.
"Why poorT asked the prond father.
"Nature baa given hitu a Mack ye to
start with." fvplied (ieorge. Harr's
Many old soldiers, who contracted
chronic diarrhoea while in the
service, have since been permanent
ly cured of it by Chaunberlain's
Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Rem
edy. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Are you xnasle miserable by indi
gestion, constipation, dizziness,
loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shi
loh's Vitaliier is a positive cure.
For sale by F. G. Fricke 4 Co.
Height of Cruelty
Nervous women seldom recive
the sympathy they deserve.
While often the pictures ot health,
they are constantly ailing. Jo
with hold sympathy from these tin
fortuntes is the height of cruelty.
They have a week hearth, causing
short neess 01 breath, lluttenng,
pain io side, week and hungry
swells, and finally swelling of
ankles, sppression, choking, sinoth-
eriiii-and drops v. Ir. Miles New
HearuCurc is just the thing for
them1 For their nervousness, head-
arJie. 'eekness, ctcM his Restorative
Nervi v'" tine'iiiiiled. Fine treatise
on" i tart and Nervous I linen km"
and i) irvelous testimonials free.
Sold a d fuaranteed by. F. G. Fricke
it Co.
As well as the handsomest and
others are invited to call on miy
druggist and get free a trial bottle
of Kemp's Kaaam fur the Throat
andJI. ungs, a remedy that is selling
entirely upon its merits mid is
guaranteed to relieve and cure nil
i lironie n aeole fri'.lg!:, asthma
bronchitis end consumption. Large
bottles 3))e md fl.
Soma Fooiih)) People
allow a eolith to run until it gets
beyond, the reach of medicine.
They say, '()), it will wear away,"
but in most cases it wears them
away. Could they fie induced t'
try the surcesful Kemp's Balsam,
which in sold on a positive guar
antee to cure, they would see the
excellent elfe.d after taking the tirst
does. Price .V) e and fl. Trail size
free. At all druggists.
Guaranteed Cure,
We authorize our ad vertiscd drug
gist to sell Dr. King's New Ilia
covery for Consumption. Coughs
and Colds, upon this condition,
lfyoii are n flic ted with a cough,
Cold or any Lur.g, Throat, or Chest,
trouble, and will use this remedy as
directed, giving it a fair trial, and
experience benefit, you may.return
the bottle and have your money
refunded. We could not make this
offer did we not know that Dr.
King's New Discovery could relied
on. It never disappoints. Trial
bottles free st F. (1. Fricke A Co
Drug Store. Large aize 5u:
Horns Vn'urln,, st)! IIR l fl (
l.rlr.lo IlKKAl II 1 V
IUurr't M.w'nn mi.l Hfhai.Ii 4
II ir-r' H' Bi d 4
II ir-i Mi'k.y innl I ex ti n 4 m
.m sui ,t,-r Hint 1 1 r h a in 1 i
Wii-ra KuiHi IIkkai.u : r
Th rf' hih ii m i ii. ft no'
i. ;,.,,. h,.,!,,,, I:,i ,, j,,14 i, , , . j in
l-'f OOilll Sll k CM Al. t 1.1
'i This i
r ' ; - nothing a '
Hiirely d. youod, if you j
Cotih, Cold or any trou'
Throat, Ch. ct or Lungs. V
Vlw lliarnverv for ('(UlrtUirv
Coughs and Colds is guarant'4 Id
give relief, or money will be paid
back. Sufferers from La Grippe
found it just the thing and under
ita use had a speedy and perfect re
covery, try a sainpie uome iu.our
expense and learn for yourself just
how good a thing it ia. Trial ottls
free at K. U. rncitc at i. o. wrug
Store, Large sue S)c. ana ?l.'JU
Holiday Fa'aa.
The . A M. will sell round trip
tickets on Dec. 24, and 31 to sta
tions not over 'JW miles distant at
rates aa follows:
In Nebraska South Dakota and
Wyoming one. and one-third fare.
In Colorado and Kansas one fare.
In selling front a point in Kan
s.isor Colorado to a point in Ne
braska or vice versa, agents will use
rate of fare and a third for the en
tire distance regardless of rate ap
plying in the different states" tf
We have sold Ely's Crcara Balm
about three years, and have re
commended its use in more than a
hundred special cases of catarrh.
The unanimous answer to our in
ouiriee is, "It's the best remedy that
I have ever used." Our experience
is, that where parties continued its never fails to cure. I. 11
Montgomery, & Co., Druggists, De-
corah, Iowa.
When I began using Ely's Cream
Balm my catairh was so bad I had
headache the whole time-and dis
charged a large amount of filthy
matter. That has almost entirely
disappeared and have not had head-
ache science.-J. Sommers.Stephiiey,
"Specimen Caea.
S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wit
was troubled with neuralgia and
rheumatism, his stomach was dis
ordered, his liver was affected to as
alarming degree, appetite fell awnj
and he vras terribly reduced in fleas
anil strength. Three bottles o)
Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, liarrisbura
111., had a running sore on his Iru
of eight years' standing. Usee
three bottles of Electric Bitters and
seven bottles Bucklen's Amies
Salve, and his leg is sound and well
lolm Sneaker. Catawba. ( .. had five
large fever sores on his leg, doctort
said he whs incurable. One hottlf
Electric Bitters and one box Buck
len's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by F. G. Fricke Ce.
Remarkabl e Facts.
Heart disease is usually supposed
to be incurable, but when properly
treated a large portion of cases can
le cured. 1 litis ?Irs. hJimra Match
of Elkhart, Ind., mid Mrs. Mary I
Baker, of Ovid, Mich., were cured
after Buffering Z" years. S. C. Lin
burger, druggist at Sa;t Jose, III.
says that Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
which cured the former, "worked
wonders for h's wife. Levi Logan
of Buchanan, Mich., who had heart
disease for '.) years, says two bottles
made him "leel like u new man.
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold
and guaranteed by F. C. Fricke A
Co. Book of wonderful tentiuioiiiola
free. 1
Gentlemen would not use ''Blush
of Roses" if it was a paint or jkh
aer, 01 course nuL it is clear .j
water, no sediment to fiil the pores
i tne sain, its mission is to Heal,
cleanse and purify the complexion
of every imperfection, and insures
every lady and gentleman a clean
smooth complexion. Sold by O. If
Snyder. I'rice ij cents.
A Cure forParalvals.
Frank Cornelius, of Purcell, Ind
Ter., says: "I Induced Mr. Pinson
whose wife had paralysis in the face
to huy a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. To their great euprise
before the bottle had all been used
she was a great deal better. Her
lace had been drawn to one side
but the Pain Balm relieved all
pain and soreness, and the mouth
asf-uiued ita natural shape." It is
also a certain cure for rheumatism
lame back, sprains swellings and
lameness. .V) cent butties for sale
by r. G. Fricke A Co., Druggists.
I used Ely's Cream Balm for dry
catarrh. It proved a cure-I!. F. M.
Weeks, Denver.
Ely's Cream B.ilm is especially
adapted as a remedy for catarrh
which is aggravated by alkaline
duct and dry winds.-W. A. Hover,
Druggist, Denver.
lean recommend Ely's Cream Bui
to all sufferers from dry catarrh
fumi personal experience. Michael
Ilerr, Pharmacist, Denver.
Ely's Cream Balm, has cured
many cases of catarrh. It is in con
stint demand. Geo. V. Hoot
Pharmacist, Cheyenne, Wy.
The laws of health are taught in
the schools; but not in a way to be
of much practical benefit and are
never illustrated by living examples
which in many cases might easily
be done. If some scholars, who
had just contracted a cold, was
brought m-fore the school, so that
all could hear the dry, loud couyh
and know its significance; sec the
thin white coating on the tongue
and latter, as the cold developed,
see the profuse watery expectora
tion and thin watery discharge
from the nose, not one of them
would ever forget what the first
symptoms of a cold were. The
scholar should then be given
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free
ly, that all might see that even a
severe cold could be cured in one
or two days or at least greatly miti
gated, when properly treated as
soon as the first symptoms appear.
This remedy ia famous fr ( ,
cures of cough, colds and croup.
It is made estieccially for-tlime
disease am! is (lie most prompt and
mott reliable medicine known for
he imriiose. .Kl rent I.mI,.
1 by F, G. Fricke A Co . .In. ! t.
' e.
-Id it
'it he.
j and
;ng it
k, .. ...l.. j. ,.. - t V I.. i..
uce it, and with hupily results in
every case. It is tlV- medicine
above all other tor cuttirrh, and it
is worth its weijlit in gold. I thank
God 1 have found a remedy I can
use with safety and that does nil
that is claimed for it. It is curing
my deafness. II. W. Sperry, Hart
ford. Conn.
CATiiour.-ft. Paul' rhurrh. as. li-twa
Fifth and sixth, rnlhi-r t amer, ranior
Service.: VnMat S aud in tan a. M. Hunday
heliool at 2 :M, IUl btmtsllcllou.
CnaiKTiAN. Corner Locust and KlxMh tits.
Srrvlcii inoriiiliK ana tuning, r.mrr a.
ialWiay pastor. Hunday Hchool 10 A. H.
Erisor-Au-Bt. Luke's Church, eomsr Third
and Vina. Kv. H If. urir. pir. iv-r-Tlrin:
II A.M. audtOr. n. Hundayttchool
attiaor. m.
GaaMAN MsTBonisT. Comer Btith Rt. and
omiiil. h.lllrt. rwtor. nnrlrt : 11 A. M.
and j m r. a.
rarssYTtRiA. HenrlreulB nnw chiirch.eor
act Sixth and liraniUi iU. lit-r. J i.imira,
liaxUir. Kuudav-Kbuul at I ;3D ; rraclilug
at II a. m.fji Ip m,
Tlia . IL H. C. K nt tbls rhtirch mt evtry
Hablialk cnlnK al 7 :IA In the tnuuHiivnt l
thechucrh. All are ln lied to attend loete
Fihst MrraonisT. lxth ft., ttan Main
and frail. Ut. l.. v. ami. n. i. paur.
herlci : Jl A. M..S :00 T. M Hunda Hrhisi)
J0A M. Prayer meelli g W ednnaday eren
Ing. Usrmas PaitssvTSBiAH. Corner Mala and
Ninth. Key. W Hie, paM'ir. Servlcf u'iai
liouni. Hund.-iy hclnioi M A. M.
BwrriiH ( (.miukhiionau Cranlte, be-
taeen t Ifth and ttlitn.
CollKKIl lUFTIST.-Mt. Olive, Ciik, between
lenili and Kieeiilh. . A. luwaeii, m
tir. Herviren II a ni. and 7 :M p. la. l'la)rr
niretluu Wednesday evculi.n.
llonina In alernmu blm k.MHlu Hired, (in.
i-l liieelina. fur men only, eferv Hunday af
ternoon al 4 o'clock. Kooina open week day!
fiom .: a. in., to : an p. ra.
V-wid, ranior. Servient humlay Bcliool,
jna. m. : rreaciiiuK, 1 1 a. m. ami s p. in.
prayer metUix luextay nielli ; choir prac
Ilea Knday night. All are welcunie.
ao. 47. Meet erery Wednesday eenlng
at their hall In rarmeie a t raiK uiock, aa trie
tuna knurhta are eoiduily-aitited to aiteud
C. C. Hariihall. C 0. ; t tl Uoeey, K. K. 8.
A O. IT. W... MU fimt and tl.lrd Friday
ejliim ot each month at 1 A. K. Hall
In fWkwi-.k block. Frank Vennlljea, M, W
U, U. Currwile, lleoordrr.
A O, U. W. Ko. S4 Meets ond and lourtb
Knrtae eenlnif In the monlh at 11. A H
hall in Horkwool block, K.J. MorKan, M W,
r, r, brown, He order.
IIOVAb AH'jAXAM-r. Council Vo lo.'l.
iv Meet at Hie V. hall III the Pannele A
Cralx block over iter.nelt A "1 o It a, vinilnn
brethren Invited Henry llcrold, lU-Keulj
I hot H alllliK, Hecreurrv,
CASS UltX'.K. No. 1. I. O. O. F. meets ear
errTueedarnliitital their ball In Fluverald
block. All odd freilow are irdialiy inviied
uia'iena wre n vimiii.k in i:ie cuy. cory
n. u. a. w.imag-., nrcrmary
Oapltal stock paid la .... (. a Ot
Authorized Capital, f I00.0OO.
pTldot. Vke-Pr!'!!"!
W. H. CUHHISO. Cfbler.
DiaacToaa -
rank Carrtith J. A. Connor, F. K. Oothmani
t. W.JohDMm. Henry BMk, Jobs O'Krnfe
W. D. Mem am, Wra. WeUneamp, W.
B. CuahlDf.
suss eertlAcAiMi of duolta bearliin tnteraat
liuvs and sella exchange, eounly and
euy ii. inn
All orders left with the county clerk will be
promptly ailendetl U.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
41.111 1M-
stapleIand fancy
Patronage of tke Public Solicited,
North Sixth Street, Plattamouth
Paid up capital
Bur plus
,. 10,000. Wl
n the very bt fadllttra (or the promp
traneactloo of llnlllmale
Hanking Business
a,nlr. V.i I a anM .. vTi mailt f.hA local U.
run lie botaiht and ao:d. iJeinniu recelv
Mia ,u-,.-i, aa..w-.. --m ..... ... -
Drafia drawn, available. In any part f tbt
...A a.. ..... H..bhb.I nrt Oial rairt I rti-ftN-l
I'nnen buium ana an in priticii'-u w-m u
Blxbest market price ptd for County Wai-
raiili, Biiiie ana ouuty ovu i.
John Fltvirald D. Hawk.worth
Sua Wc F. F. Wtil'.e
lieorxs E. Covey
lohn FllXKrald. a. WaiiKh.
rrwldenl la. itZ
Keep all kind ot builders hardware on hand
and mil eupply contractora on moat lav
oraule terms '
and all kind nl tin ork prom-'tly
dine. Order Inun the country Solicited
U Pearl Ht.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain rclieTer.
Iu use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, tiie
Stock Raiw:r, and Ly every one requiring aa effective
No other application compare! with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustano
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
Everything to Furnish Your House
! ( -
Having ' the J. V. "Week bach store room olou'
Main ptrcct where I am now locatetl can hell goods chcaj
er than the cheapest having just put m the largest stock;
of new goods ever brought to the city, Gasoline btove
und furniture f all kindi Bold n the installment phin,
i Y- AAVvv .TPTVTfA VT l. f la-i,
f ii i-ii i r i a, iTii i rmh
-iBI.T Lluri UEIIrl. U Warrea r, -r Tor. r;Ve to rU L. lJCi
A I'ul'L bAll FA
JrW. "How is It, Kate. tin.. .
ae,-int.i,cteh..iri'itll"lBUi"S ., .
wimt lluaj-, you always wvui tu y
0,k i I don't know : I eerinlnlj V
n,,Vuc r.T CT.-rtl..n In that rtiwnoii.
(or axauuilo, you le ti.keu up pal
w )"
wlthmtt any t.ichcr ! you came to thev
bun Mm lalarxn ilemtrleu ner ih iwiu.
so uuaeiily, auu loriHiiuj 'y ""J"" .
Ins In irrace under yi.ur In-truetlon; I heai
you tollins 'J'uinmy Kames Uu.1 evenln bo
bi club uwlu iui.takrt In yl-jrirr -you
mm Pi l up on all the Meet fids, and
know I'M w hal to do under all clrotinistaacee !
you enUTUin lieiiiiiiiuuy; aim '" " "
monm you nave nn'nive,iii m i.-o,
Tntlfmo,Piyoiir plivsicalculiun-enir, i
wnere oo yni mk aa o "-
from in this little, ouKif the way plaoui
you never no lo tho city." I
KATC: "nor, jeiinin. you win nin. ,
. . , i . nl lr.firf-.nar . "
Tain. 1 IlllVfl 1111 ' 'lia- .rui.T
(Hit It Is surprlaing h"W Itmeciaaii wania. -,
very seliloru hear (if anytlilnf new but wlu
lheneitfewda)st.rln me full Informstloi
on the subject M-tit'cr h" Hairaine
Ami a gnmi liwonai. ii a o u ail, I"r -
yMillr fnnniihea the readlns fer the Whnl
boiuttbitld : lather baastren up bit rnaiaJne
that he has taken tor yeanv a be ui) Uils
one Rivea more and betur luliirmaiion on
the sulJe:ts or uie unyi aim ui"w,., "
that il is that that makes her such s fainous
binuekeer. In fa:t, we all axree that It la
Ihaonly n-ally sahii.t mairaiine pulilnhcl,
as we have snt for aampUwof all of them,
and Bud that one la all for men. another ail
fur women, and another Mr cminreu "oiy,
.1.11.11.,....,. all I, al u.r nilO Of Utl SO
only need bitskuone Inntiwd of several, and
thai Hi where Hie economy romn to. utii
only $J.u) a year. Perhai you think I am
too lavlah in my iralie; but I HI let you see
cum, or. bettiT mill, m-nd IflceriU to the pun.
lUher, W. Jeiniitim peinor.l, IA hart It! 6
ltn't. New York, for a sample copv. aiid I
Shull nlwavs eonaider that I have done you
ir rent favor; and may lie you will tie cuttinr
us out. an vou wiy we hav the reiHitiitlou "f
beuiK the bout Informed family In town. If
that t w, It Is ptunoroal's Fauuly Mays sine
Uiat does It - -
A liberal ofler-only $.')00 for
and Demorest Family Magazine,
fysend your subscription to, this
Sdentlfle Amerleai
Agency for)
RlClr'A w '
bock r" i
For Infnrmallon arid fr Ttunilbock
M 1)1 m .til hiHiani, a
A Its St at e,l
tig pktwnU in A
n IrtM ol otwgaV
0'4et bnreu fur MnirtliS
Kvcrr latent takn wt
th pubuti by a taLiuoa mitu
rxentifit amtiH
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