The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 29, 1891, Image 1

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    f !
, f
- ' '
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latent U. S. Government fool report
Attorney at-Ia. Will ((1t prompt lftitto
In ill M-.iiiiio titrutel to him. Ornee 10
Union block, tMt Hid". Platumoiith, Nob.
"T. K." Quartette to-night,
S. II. A (wood was In Omnhn to-day,
Orlando Tefft, of Avoca, was in
the city yesterday.
Jesse L. Root w in Florence to
day on legal business.
A. IJ. Todd and Jacob Trllsch
were in Omaha to-day.
Jack Denson was relieved from
police duties laHt night.
S, Waugh and Geo. K. Dovey were
in Omaha to-day on business,
v 'h. K. Barr wan a passenger on
5 thimorning lor Omaha.
.' .' ' V Ku,,n'r ,l ft ,his n,orn
. p Lincoln for a brief visit.
. Rioter of Deeds C. C. Pnrmele
jHi Oiiiaha to-day on business.
yJiev. Bonwrll, of the Colored Dap.
itiHt church, was In Omaha to-day.
l.flixV. rhiningn utwl linn T. M.
Pat im were in the metropolis
A. N. Sullivan and daughter,
Hattie, were Omaha passengers
this morning on the 7:15 train.
W. L. Knotts left till morning on
the 7:15 train for a business trip to
Tlrntriee. Kcarncv. Grand Inland
and Hastings.
I ' Philipa, who has been
visiting with tho family of Kdwin
Davis, left for Lincoln this morning
to uttend school there.
Miss Ethel Rttninicll, who has
been visiting with the family of
C. K. Weeott for the pant week, left
for-her home in Chicago thin
The funeral of Carrie Vans will
occur at the residence of her pa
rents at 2 p. m. Wednesday, Kev.
Itaird of the Presbyterian church
of whirh the deceaned was n mem
ber, will official?. The body will
arrive on the flyrr this i-soning.
A Roaoiutlon Pand Commending the
Pollca for Upholding th Dig
nity of th City.
The city council met in regular
session hiHt evening at the council
chamber. Present, Mayor Richey,
Clerk Fox and Councllmcn Salis
bury, Murphy, Hrowne, Petersen,
Larstn, Gutsche, Minor, Dove, Jones
of the First ward and Jones of the
Second ward.
The minutes of the laHt meeting
were read and approved.
The petition of O'Donohue, re
ferred to thr city engineer, In rela
tion fn opening an alley north of
the Missouri Pacific rnilroad, con
necting Maiden Lane with part of
south half of lot 13, township 1,
range 13, was reported back unfavor
ably by the engineer.
The petition of John Minor and
others praying that south Mntrt
street be opened and which was
placed in the city engineer's hands
to investigate was reported back
favorable. Moved and seconded
that the report be placed on file.
Those voting aye were Salisbury,
Murphy, Petersen, Larsen, Gutsche,
Dove, W. D. Jones and D. M. Jones;
nay, Brown and Minor.
The finance committe 'reported
the following bills.
Wm Tight! boarding prlionrn I 1W M
W. K Tot islary ' "
II A OUypool drying h(e . I 0
Jfumi Hcott, noileman i M
John Dnylr.xame...... .
Jake Swindler, mine
E K Klldnw, misi
John Heaver, tame
M McCool, lame
J II Jone. hauling dogs..
Journal, printing
H J Btrrknl, tlMnal Rao
John Janul, hand work..
P Kildow and brother, laroe..
Sugar Beat
Klranf Ovaraifht.
It is daB"i". wall aa wickol to tlo
wrong in pr. nco of children. An
obacrvant little 1J w In a street car
Uis otht-r day, uml followed evry movo
wnt of the connnctor wiiii tbo gmalmi
A very atont woiiinn boanled the ca,r
n4 Mt (1wn wit to tha amall boy. Wie
- tack a tisket out t! her per e, but when
the eonilnrtor came along h fiunhow
failed to notice h r. lie jianHod and re
pamed b'-r several times, and finally,
with a UMrTotw glance aronud. slie re
placd tlie ticket in her purse.
ThU was too nioch for the guiall boy,
who Lad ail the while kept his eye on
bcr, and the next time the conductor
came along he eirlalmwl:
"You didn't fret her money, mOttor. I
doiit aps how ynn miaiied her. Khe'a the
fcittetst lady In the car. Anybrxly could
ioe her."
ThU complimentary allunlon to the
woman' weight mnwd a blush to piny
A'er hT browl fn", and alio quirkly
. 1'trvd a ticket, whilo all tho other
..uwrijigers mmltxL Pittuhurg DininU:ll.
2 50
1 u
2 DO
i so
i M
i oe
is oo
1 Swob&da, aame 6 70
Ben McOlynn. umt T SO
Bout Jnhanon, aame H 60
Jo ralrtteid. aame 11 2S
Go rnlll, laam work U00
Oeo rolMll,ala. 1
f M Blchf y, lumber ITS 66
Jimea Dole, loeelal Dolice 1 00
The following resolution waa read
To the mayor and city council,
WiiEKBAS.The police officers have
tniKle a manly elfort to maintain
order and nublic dicrnity of this
city. Therefore be it
Rkholvkd, By the mayor and cltv
council of the city of Plattainouth
that we do hereby approve of the
action of said police officers nnd
commend their ability and strict
attention to their duty
Signed, L.G. LAKSBN,
J. C. Petekskn',
Com. on Police.
Moved by Larsen that the resolu
tion be adopted. The resolution
was ndopted by a vote of five to four.
Those voting aye were Salisbury,
Larsen, Gutsche, Petersen and Dove
5; voting nay, W. D. Jones, D. M.
Jones, Minor ami Browne 4; Mttr-
i1it not votinif. The resolution
was ordered spread on the minutes,
The cemetery committee sub
milled plana for a tool house and
water cloiiet, the estimate cost being
Mr. Gutsche moved that the cem
etery committee have power to act
nnd to let contract not to exceed
Jfi'.XX). Carried.
On motion of Saliabury, council
Moore has had the
the Parmcle-Koberts
fitted ui nnd will
htw lu-r inillinerv stock moved in
by the 1st of January. tf
eiihl mom in
block nicely
Hietory of the
From the consular reports we
learn that to the son of a German
belongs the credit of the discovery
of sugar in the beet. Not only its
discovery, but the working out of
the problem of the profitable ex
traction of the aweet salt ns the
early chemist called it, is justly
claimed by the sturdy Germans.
It was in the year 1747 that the
beet, as a rival to the sugar cane,
made Ita debut. In that year Dr.
Andreas SigismuiH Marggraf,
professor of chemistry and mem
ber of the Berlin academy of
science, reported tohr Berlin acad
emy the process by which he had
been enable 'ta find sucar in the
beet, exactly like that extracted
from the sugar cane. But Marg
graf did not follow up 1iL dis
covery. This was' left to his pupil,
Franz Carl Achard. In 17'J9 Achard
addressed a petition to King Fred1
erick William III, a treatise on the
preparation of sugar from the beet
root, and prayed that as he had
spent fifteen years, with great dili
gence and cost to himself, in per
fectintr his process, that he be
irranted the exclusive right for ten
i years to produce beet augur, and
i that sufficient land be placed at
his disposal.
After searching examinations the
king granted n loan of f:iT),7C0, with
which Achard started in business
In March, 1802, the fir.t factory
began operations. Other factories
startetl in Kussia, in France and in
Prussia. But the Nanolenn wars
swept over the country and kcr
down the sugar development
In the winter of 180910 Achard i
factory was burned and he was left
heavily in debt. He succeeded,
however, in getting a release from
the king of the first loan of frWJO,
and secured a new loan of $14,280.
With this second loan he started a
school ovy the ashes of his first
factory, for practical instruction in
the beet-root sugar industry. This
school succeeded poorly, and
Achard dictLin 1821 with his cher
ished project still tin prosperous.
Napoleon encouraged theercction
of beet augar factories In France,
but with his downfall they fell.
One only, among all the factories
of France, succeeded in standing
while the others went down around
it Crespel Deliss, the owner of
this one factory, succeeded, and
till about 181H he was the authority
on all matters pertaining to the
beet sugar industry.
In 1837 Fruuce imposed a tax on
beet-root sugar. At that time there
were !Wi factories in France and l.r0
in Germany. Four years later Ger
many imposed a ta on beets them
selves, which system has worked
very satisfactorily.
Since 1840 the production of raw
sugar in Germany has doubled with
every decade. At that time the tax
was six mills per hundred pounds of
beets, and there was produced over
2l.MmV pounds of stmar. In 1"
the number o' factories was 331, pro
ducing lrr)O0,0U0,0C3 pounds of sugar
ami the tax was increased to l'fc
cents per hundred pounds of bee!,
Xns RUL-ar ia one of Germany a
great agricultural pioducts. Ex.
The Turners' Fair.
Followihg is a list of the presents
drawn at the fair. The holders of
the lucky numbers can obtain the
presents they are entitled to by
calling for them to-night:
1 Kocklnirehttlr .....JJannl
4M stove H Hi-imcKer
427 Hf alilin eap J HafTenueiKer
J9I KatpIS B VVurl
144 Ilnwied spring lamb 8 evernlan
17 KocHIng chair won
5! Trunk M Kulr
376 whatnot L Born
( Box noap Prrd Hanni
W Droning cane " Hrtrt
1.14 shaving at J ElckhoB
170 lldy John Ihoma
51 Hanging lamp Nick Voik
8 Knlvnand loiki John I.uti
IS Ihiih I. RBerg-r
133 Alarm Clock If WliiklPr
07 Marin big ;.WJ KtlngiT
4 tidy -J wean
S27 Auroo ' " "U-elKlit
1M Tidy u Kiy Weill
177 iJiceTldlei H KlclUoh
til Pair boot Mrs M Ocelli
26 Pair Boot! w Htlurr
54 Quilt Prank Knlpp
tl Apron wi'ieiina
519 Hity H L Wlckernlii-m
4U Apron U BaitMilila
272 Tidy Saltier
419 i(y llieo Krauie
471 Apron J Si"-nialli
74 Plrtow. li Kd I.uti
11 i air toweli A Shanlrr
4) Tidy W Zahl
(13 HUnd J Hhaeler
V fack flour J Kloth
170 Apron J B u
106 llotlls wine J Lohnri
M KrkI 0' Bnon
81 Bunny whip MVondran
71 Wanlilioaid J K PollHk
iU Soauboi K Mrlmer
6no Pair hoe Jo brui'krr
(AT Eaiwl J Hwohoda
410 Bottle wins Ja Newell
491 Kaiiel U Met lemyer
277 Churn I'aul Kaner
Tin Apron TP Livingston
17 Drenlng cast H faltr
VA Album mat P Ottrni
s: Ton ol coal II Prahm
lr7 Box Crackan 0 W Truemao
23 Bottle win W Baufmann
6S lottlewlne John Bay r
T Bottle win ..J Kalanhrk
Bit Bottle wine , C 8 Bpencrr
247 Mottle uis winhla Hattlrr
. .. J a rolloca
: :
While we appreciate the large amount of,trade we are flavored with, we
still desire to increse our .
and have completed nrrangement in which we have secured large quaa
titles, at tirst Hands, of the celebrated
at such prices that we propose to give them to our many customers be
lieving that we snail increase our trade, as our customers apprecnite tne
fact that we are spending the money we set aside for advertising purpoa'
es by returning it to them, believing they will appreciate the gilts anl
tell their friends, and thereby increase our trade. . .
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $5 entitles the purchaser ta
either a Koger's hohd bilver Metal Jiutter Knife or Sugar feneii soi
by lewelery at $1.J0.
EVKKY Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to a
set (l) of Koger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $2.0
FIVEKY Cash purchase to the amount of $1!T entitles the purchaser to a
set (()) of koger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at
$:uio . ,
EVF-RY Cash purchaser to the amount of $30 entitles the purchaser to a
set (tl) of Rogers Solid Nickel 1 able spoons or a set ot tsoliu AicKel
Forks, or a set of Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $4.00.
ERE is what the manufacturer says in regard to Solid Silver Met
"1 goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There hag been a grow
ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to tuke
.1. . I I. f .. 1 . - nr.. 1
inu piace oi rtoiiu sii ver aii'i piate ware, vteuave capcnmcuicu
for . ome time to attain this end, and are now able to offer the public our
Koirers' Metal and Rogers' Solid Nickel Silver. We iruarantee this metal
superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi
dence in assuring our customers that this ware is inferior to service on
ly to solid silver, it is a tieautitul white color, is highly polished ana
can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recomend this ware
especially for hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will standi
more hnrd usage ttian any other metal; is very tough and hard; will noia
its color and will outwear any plateware ever manufactured." All our
customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This firm have manufac
tured plated ware since vrtit, ana their name is never put on goods that
are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are
getting some very desirable goods when they fet goods under tneit
brand. Come in early and secure a share of these goods before it ia too
ate. '
119 D,.IT afliia
i Bom win"....'..' j Jonda Wc Qtiatfantcc oil u Ibices fo be vp. Lowest gild
Pair lartl!' hoe Henry Gerlng
471 Fancy eufthion Aug M liolm
SI4 Handkerchief box Uu Hwantou
127 lovbox Mr Kaufman
6K Paltillppen ....J ColTman
2'2 Smoking let frrf Hurrinanu
47S 8Hk cap Burger
2U Fair blanket ..LYmg
7 Iron kettle t
604 Havana elgar W Wodlra
r; Set hnne ihoea BO War!
wiiv will von couch when Shi-
li.ii'Mi nre will irive immediate re
l..-f. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and fl.
For sale by F. G. r-ricac It Cc
i .4
nmh.r la Amarlmta lluiary.
v .... . .
A lul t noUhle November in our dio
N tory wm that oiio In 17M, the flmt inf
y .1 ,....l 1, n.M, l.6t tlw
HI VI1M II ? utw nri, MMwi.t......
thirtivn coliuilxs u n pTixl of niotin
iiiif, on account of the K"intf Into
(T'-et f tho haW tainp act It In
crml the burden of bixation tiln
thr-o who had no voles in their own kov-
emuient and arouwid them to inch a
rnanijf injiwl ico that ten yearn labir they
robnll'll and the war of the Herniation
wu V' On the first day of Norsm
Uir, tlKtn-furo, Uie chnrch bulla wnre anl
emnly U!11, fla floatM at half mant
and biMlnnaa wu evory where u
pcmlrd. Ail over the land atmh mm aa
frnmui'l A'lama, Patrick Henry, Jainea
Olla and John Ailamaililrevl pBtrlutio
tvhii to thrnnn of tlieir ooiintry
m. n and fired their liearU with thonichU
of a nloHoiia inJeptnleneo. Kirk Wun
n In Ilarpur'i Yuou; People.
California Letter,
The ("!!'.ii iKtier ! from a former Platla-
mnuth cltlen.
Milton, Cal., Dec. 21, lsid
ElUTOK 1 1 IlkALD: i oil will no
doubt think that I urn something
of a tourist, I did'nt come out here
for my health but to look at the
countrv. I have been all over the
southern part of the state since
ciiiun here. This place is twenty
live miles east of Stockton, it is
rough country and I am just sixty
miles from the Calaveras big trees
I am running a big ranch of 300
... . .. . .
acres. We are planting w neat aim
bai ley and plowing; we put in forty
acres of wheat the past week, it
nice and warm here and this is the
first time I ever plowed in the win
ter time. The lowest the thermom
. etorhas been was thirty degrer
nbove gero, nnd have only had
Ml IL' ht frost. It has ulso rained
some in the last few days. I sup
f mm I he folks at rliittsmouth are
having lots of snow nnd cold weath
er now.
I see by This IIkhai.ii that you
have n big court house, so bully for
that and I wish you and your
renders all a merry Christmas.
I send money order of $1.50 for
Tim Hkkai.I) and change the (
dress to the above named town.
Yours truly,
Milton, Cah W. F. FOX.
No. 5 was one hour late this morn
We will sell lamps for net cost for
the next thirty days. M. R Murphy
Sl Co. "
ItOoea to Lincoln.
Lincoln has scored another vie
tory over her competitors in finally
securing the location of the West
ern Normal Institute. Saturday
night the papers forming the con
Bolidalion of the Western Normal
College of Shennadoah, Iowa, and
the Lincoln normal school were
signed, as well as those guarantee
ing to the new corporation AiO acres
of land as an endowninent. This
l.iixl is adjacent to the site where
the Lincoln Normal is mow in
nroeess of erection and has been
donated by property owners inter
ested, The articles of agreement
specify that the buildings now
under construction are to be Com
pit ted at an estimate cost of $KX),.
OHO, arid furnish and ctpiip the same
nt a cont of ilii.lxi1; a dinning
hall and power house are to be
erected at a cost of $10,000 each, and
the pay of six of the faculty be
guaranteed up to September, 13
lS'.r'. All buildings are to be complet
ed by September 1, Wl.
Iqfic Con; petition.
In the best grades of
415 Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Neb
DlEO Sunday evening Dec. 27 at Pur-
res, California, ot pneumouiu,
Mrs. P. L. Wise, ngeSH.
Mrs. Wise was born in La Grange
Ind., and afterwards moved to
Nebraska, and lived in our midst
for a number of years.
J. M. Patterson also received word
from Parres, Cal., that Mrs Ander
son, mother of Mrs. J. M. Patterson
Jr. died Sunday evening December
'il of pneumonia. And that ?ir. ani
Mrs V. H. Miller were both confined
to their bed.
A Plattsmouth lawyer went hunt
ing and secured a black crow,
which he brought home and
jokingly told a new domestic lie
would like prepared for breakfast
The next morning ho was surprised
on going ta the table to find the
crow "done brown." Alvo Ad vocnte.
What Plattsmouth lawyer can this
Judya Archar't Caurt.
Timothy Keagun vs. John Holmes
milt on account. Keiran sued
Holmes for $112.00 for labor. Judge
Archer has It under advisement
and will render his decision on the
Don't forget the "T. K." Quartette
this evening at the opera house.
The contest case of Salisbury vs.
Derring was argued before Judge
Ramsey yesterday and t.iken under
The ' T. K.'s" will appear at , the
opera house to-night assisted by
Prof. Koe, pianist. Don t fail to
hear them In a well selected pro
gram. Prices, 25 and 50 cents.
Mr. C. W. Kennedy and wife
wishes to thank the friends and
citizens for their kindness and as
sistance during the late illness and
death of their sifter, Mrs, L. U.
Ladies who use cosmetics or pow
ders to cover lit) or hiile a bad com
plexion, tlo not know that . II.
Snvdercau furnish them with Hlueh
cf Rosea, which is clear ns water
nitrifies the skin, and positvely rc
moves black head atld all skin di
seases takes the shiny look from
the face and w hitens it soon as p
Buoklon'a Arnloa Salva
Tim Ukht Sai.vb in the world for Cut
Bru'moa, Sores, Ulcors, Salt Hlicura, Fevor
Borea, Tetter, Chapped Hanila, Chilblain,
Corns and all Skin Ernptionx, and posi
tively curei Tili. or no pay rcciuirod.
It il guaranteed to kWo satihfacllon, or
money refunded. Price 25 ceuta per box.
For Mle by F. O. Fricke
Pure buckwheat
Heisd'a mill.
flour fur sale M
For abstracts of title nt reason
able rates, go to J. M. U-yda, Union
block. "
Cull on the Tucker Sisters in the-
Sherwood block for bargains in :
Winter Hats. ti
Miss Elsie Moore will move her
millinery stock this week into the
enst room of Partnele Ac Roberts
block. tf
Will you suffer
and Liver Complaint? SliiloliW V'it-
alizer is guaranteed to cure you, 1
with Dyspepsia
The Missouri Pacific will sell tick
cts on December 21, 25 31 nnd Janu
ary 1, good to return January t at
one and one-third f.ire for round
trip within two hundred miles of
Lost Hctween Gold street and
Sotth Park nnd Eighth nnd Tenth
streets, Saturday morning, a cream
silk mulller with initial "A" in the
corner. Finder will phase lcnvtTut
this office or nt 701 South Tenth st.
A son of M. M. D. Pusser, a
merchant of (iibraltar, N. C, was so
badly afflicted with rheumatism for
a year or more, ns to be unable to
work or go to school . .'3;t father
concluded to try Chaiiiherlaiu'a
Pain Halm on the boy. It soon
cured him and he has since walked
one and a half miles to school and
back every school day. 50 cent bot
tle for sale by F. G. Fricke At Co.,